Until then, we shall make our guesses for what we think those 2 bits of info will be! I'll give 500 luts to whoever is closest.
My guess is $200, out in December.
$250, April 2011.
$170, March
$199.99, out in May 2011 OR Fall 2011
$250 USD May 3rd 2011
$299.99 US Dollars
Japan-November 2010
North America-March 2011
Europe-October 2011
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 28, 2010, 07:30:19 PM
$299.99 US Dollars
Japan-November 2010
North America-March 2011
Europe-October 2011
good lord what is wrong with you
Japan: January
NA: February
Europe: March
Quote from: Hïro on September 28, 2010, 07:37:05 PM
good lord what is wrong with you
Being realistic. That's what it's called.
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 28, 2010, 07:59:49 PM
lol realism is pessimism now sillydood;
no but you know it's not going to cost $300 baddood;
I really hope the 3DS doesn't cost more than the Wii. It just seems like a seriously bad idea. Remember the backlash over the price of the PSPgo ($250)? No way it will be in the 200s. DSI XL is only $170, with the Wii at $200 even.
Probably will release in Japan This holiday season, around December or late November.
NA, probably early/late spring, around May. I do not think it'll be a Summer release. Nor will they wait until Winter/Fall to release in the US.
Gay 2011
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 28, 2010, 08:11:09 PM
I really hope the 3DS doesn't cost more than the Wii. It just seems like a seriously bad idea. Remember the backlash over the price of the PSPgo ($250)? No way it will be in the 200s. DSI XL is only $170, with the Wii at $200 even.
Probably will release in Japan This holiday season, around December or late November.
NA, probably early/late spring, around May. I do not think it'll be a Summer release. Nor will they wait until Winter/Fall to release in the US.
The DSi XL is also a lot cheaper to make. I do agree about the backlash though, I'm sure Nintendo saw what happened with the PSPgo. Also, both the DS and Wii came out in the US before they did in Japan, so I don't see why we can't get it around November if Japan does too. It could be out in spring though.
PSPGo was a remodel of a PSP
charging more for a remodel than the original system did at launch was dumb and it's obvious why that caused backlash.
you even just said that the 3ds isn't a remodel so it's not the same issue
can't wait for the disappointment! n_n
Quote from: Nyerp on September 28, 2010, 09:05:50 PM
can't wait for the disappointment! n_n
I will laugh. girl;
so where are the live blogs and stuff
Quote from: Nyerp on September 28, 2010, 10:12:10 PM
so where are the live blogs and stuff
Quote from: Nyerp on September 28, 2010, 09:05:50 PM
can't wait for the disappointment! n_n
same here sillydood;
in other news, wii remote plus myface;
inb4 me86 is right smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on September 28, 2010, 10:25:09 PM
in other news, wii remote plus myface;
I knew it would happen girl;
I'll be getting one in black, and will then have 4 wiimotes.
this is going to cost soooooooooooooo fucking much
3d remakes? it'll probably be half assed, but a gb/gba vc sounds good to me
smithicide; smithicide; smithicide; smithicide; smithicide;
March is correct, but the Wii originally cost 25,000 Yen too, and it wasn't $300. I'm guessing $250.
so i am most right
Quote from: RTF on September 28, 2010, 11:02:34 PM
so i am most right
I think we should wait until they actually announce a solid US date/price. hocuspocus;
i like how hiro argues with me86, thinking that there's no way me86 could be correct, and then when he turns out to be right, hiro's like "oh well actually we should wait until a solid us price is announced"
Quote from: Hïro on September 28, 2010, 11:00:34 PM
March is correct, but the Wii originally cost 25,000 Yen too, and it wasn't $300. I'm guessing $250.
Back in 2006 ¥25,000 was ~$215 because the a dollar was worth between ¥115-120, now a dollar is about ¥83. maps;
I didn't mention this earlier because I honestly forgot how much the Wii was at launch in yen. So, really, you should expect the 3DS to be balls expensive in the US too. [This also explains why Nintendo didn't mention the price for us, they don't want to have a six month period in which negative press can build over the 3DS' price]
Hehe, it's not as bad as I thought.
And it'll download GB and GBA, as well as "classic" games VC style bia the 3DS shop channel.
Quote from: 鉄腕アãÆ'ˆãÆ' on September 29, 2010, 05:28:11 AM
Hehe, it's not as bad as I thought.
And it'll download GB and GBA, as well as "classic" games VC style bia the 3DS shop channel.
this is the best news that came from this giggle;
$300, nah I'll pass, or wait for a price drop.
Quote from: Lain on September 29, 2010, 01:46:07 AM
i like how hiro argues with me86, thinking that there's no way me86 could be correct, and then when he turns out to be right, hiro's like "oh well actually we should wait until a solid us price is announced"
He's not right, prices for stuff like this almost never translate directly.
Wasn't Dragon Quest IX something like $70 at launch in Japan? baddood;
I said it was entirely possible for a spring launch, and he was right on that. But it won't cost $300.
the dsi xl was $220 in nippon but $190 in north america
still, i'd be surprised it actually did end up being 'only' $250 here sillydood;
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 08:42:31 AM
He's not right, prices for stuff like this almost never translate directly.
Wasn't Dragon Quest IX something like $70 at launch in Japan? baddood;
I said it was entirely possible for a spring launch, and he was right on that. But it won't cost $300.
~$230 in Japan
$250 in the United States
~$130 in Japan
$150 in the United States
~$215 in Japan
$250 in the United States
PlayStation 3:
~$465 20 GB in Japan
~$558 60 GB in Japan
$499 20 GB
$599 60 GB
You are right that the prices don't translate directly, they tend to be more expensive here. goonish
Obviously if you were to do the currency exchange
now it would skew the results in favour of the US. Companies usually use an average of the exchange rate [which is still about ¥88 per dollar] which puts the price at about $285.
You can call me pessimistic all you want, but it's the truth. And the currency market won't change in six months at all unless Japan were to revalue its currency [hint: Japan has known about its currency gaining strength since September 2008 and hasn't done anything to correct it yet, I don't suspect they will at all].
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 29, 2010, 08:56:10 AM
~$230 in Japan
$250 in the United States
~$130 in Japan
$150 in the United States
~$215 in Japan
$250 in the United States
PlayStation 3:
~$465 20 GB in Japan
~$558 60 GB in Japan
$499 20 GB
$599 60 GB
You are right that the prices don't translate directly, they tend to be more expensive here. goonish
Obviously if you were to do the currency exchange now it would skew the results in favour of the US. Companies usually use an average of the exchange rate [which is still about Ã,Â¥88 per dollar] which puts the price at about $285.
You can call me pessimistic all you want, but it's the truth. And the currency market won't change in six months at all unless Japan were to revalue its currency [hint: Japan has known about its currency gaining strength since September 2008 and hasn't done anything to correct it yet, I don't suspect they will at all].
You can already see with Tec's example that it's beginning to go the other way now. Also keep in mind that the Japanese gaming market is quite different from the US game market.
I stay $250 and I stand by it.
i'm going to laugh if you're wrong hiro
either way both are too expensive
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 09:19:28 AM
You can already see with Tec's example that it's beginning to go the other way now. Also keep in mind that the Japanese gaming market is quite different from the US game market.
I stay $250 and I stand by it.
I say that you're going to be sorely disappointed when the final price for the US is announced. If it was going to be $250, they would have had no problem announcing it at their event. They side-stepped the issue because they know they're going to have to break the cost barrier for a major handheld set by Sony with the PSP. girl;
When are those prices from? Did you take the launch price and convert it to the CURRENT exchange rate? Because its been flibbidy flobbidy in the past few years.
I stand by 249.99 as well. I don't think Nintendo has the balls to release a handheld that is more expensive than their current home console's launch price.
I can't wait to see its sales vs. the PS3's. AWESOME
The conversions were using the old average exchange rate between the dollar and yen between 2004-2006 of ¥115-120 per fuck dollar. befuddlement
man i want some fuck dollars
Quote from: Lain on September 29, 2010, 09:20:58 AM
i'm going to laugh if you're wrong hiro
either way both are too expensive
permission to laugh at me granted if such a situation occurs
but i agree, $250 is just stupid, but at the very end of what I'd even maybe consider buying.
might get one at $250 (definitely won't at $300), but I'd really prefer to wait for a price drop after a year or the eventual remodel that will be far better, cheaper, and probably out by Fall 2012.
Quote from: Ted on September 29, 2010, 09:25:13 AM
I can't wait to see its sales vs. the PS3's. AWESOME
Of course they'll be better because it's not $600 and the DS is insanely popular, but the price is definitely going to prevent it from selling very well.
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 11:27:12 AM
permission to laugh at me granted if such a situation occurs
but i agree, $250 is just stupid, but at the very end of what I'd even maybe consider buying.
I might get fuck at $250 (definitely won't at $300), but I'd really prefer to wait for a price drop after a year or the eventual remodel that will be far better, cheaper, and probably out by Fall 2012.
Of course they'll be better because it's not $600 and the DS is insanely popular, but the price is definitely going to prevent it from selling very well.
Quote from: Ted on September 29, 2010, 11:32:57 AM
That's a home console baddood;
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 11:37:20 AM
That's a home console baddood;
I think he was just pointing out that it's not $600 anymore. maps;
Quote from: Thyme on September 29, 2010, 11:40:35 AM
I think he was just pointing out that it's not $600 anymore. maps;
oh yeah lol
but yeah the original price point still hurt sales a lot baddood;
In japan, the 3ds is for retail 26 february 2011. Price is approx. Ã,Â¥25,000 I don't know about the U.S. sorry ~_~
Quote from: IKANAIDE on September 29, 2010, 11:45:25 AM
In japan, the 3ds is for retail 26 february 2011. Price is approx. Ã,Â¥25,000 I don't know about the U.S. sorry ~_~
Are you going to buy on
e? Is Ã,Â¥25,000 too expensive?
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 11:48:19 AM
Are you going to buy one? Is Ã,Â¥25,000 too expensive?
I will buy one. 25000yen is not bad, also Japan LOVE the Nintendo ^_^
Quote from: IKANAIDE on September 29, 2010, 11:54:25 AM
I will buy fuck. 25000yen is not bad, also Japan LOVE the Nintendo ^_^
25000 yen in us dollars is too expensive. I love Nintendo too, but that's just too much money.
What if it was 35000 yen?
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 11:57:38 AM
25000 yen in us dollars is too expensive. I love Nintendo too, but that's just too much money.
What if it was 35000 yen?
If 35000?!! That's 10000 more! I wouldn't buy in release~
Quote from: IKANAIDE on September 29, 2010, 11:59:51 AM
If 35000?!! That's 10000 more! I wouldn't buy in release~
What about 30000yen?
Is 250 really that big of a difference from 300? I think ME##'s prediction was pretty realistic
Quote from: YPR on September 29, 2010, 12:05:09 PM
Is 250 really that big of a difference from 300? I think ME##'s prediction was pretty realistic
50 is quite a difference actually. Not huge, but it makes a good bit of difference to me.
300 for a DS is too expensive for American moms, while 250 is pushing it.
Quote from: YPR on September 29, 2010, 12:05:09 PM
Is 250 really that big of a difference from 300? I think ME##'s prediction was pretty realistic
At the very
least it'll be $280 at launch. Oh, and I wouldn't expect anything in the box except for the console and a charger.
>mfw "It will be released in Japan on February 26th, 2011 for 25,000 yen ($299 USD). "
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 12:04:13 PM
What about 30000yen?
I would think about purchase, but being honest I can get a nice guitar with the money instead ^_^ But if I have 25000 yen just laying around (haha) then I would... I mean 5000 yen makes a lot of different.
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 29, 2010, 11:50:16 AM
Somebody jealous I see, haha ^_^
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 29, 2010, 12:08:56 PM
At the very least it'll be $280 at launch. Oh, and I wouldn't expect anything in the box except for the console and a charger.
Like I said, the prices never translate that close.
Also that's what it would usually come with, is that a bad thing? They already said it comes with a few little games built-in.
Also they keep showing that docking station. It probably won't come with it, but they sure like to show it.
Quote from: IKANAIDE on September 29, 2010, 12:10:26 PM
I would think about purchase, but being honest I can get a nice guitar with the money instead ^_^
Wow, guitars are pretty cheap in Japan!
I'm pretty sure Me86 just demonstrated that 'prices never translate that close' usually means a higher price in terms of USD.
Quote from: Khadafi on September 29, 2010, 12:13:58 PM
I'm pretty sure Me86 just demonstrated that 'prices never translate that close' usually means a higher price in terms of USD.
Not recently, now that the yen has been growing stronger. The DSi was cheaper in the US.
We can argue about this for days but the fact is we won't know until they tell us.
Quote from: IKANAIDE on September 29, 2010, 12:10:26 PM
Somebody jealous I see, haha ^_^
I am jealous indeed. saddood;
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 12:12:06 PM
Like I said, the prices never translate that close.
They're not going to charge that much less than it is in Japan. You do realise this yes?
Yes, hur, the DSi is cheaper here than it is there, but the DS is a six-year-old system and it's just pure profit for them. In Japan, all that has to be done to increase DS sales is release a new colour and everybody goes out to buy a new one. That really is not the case in the US.
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 12:15:21 PM
Not recently, now that the yen has been growing stronger. The DSi was cheaper in the US.
We can argue about this for days but the fact is we won't know until they tell us.
you had no problem arguing when me86 quoted 299.99 before the price announcement and saying he wasn't being realistic but pessimistic.
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 29, 2010, 12:16:16 PM
They're not going to charge that much less than it is in Japan. You do realise this yes?
Yes, hur, the DSi is cheaper here than it is there, but the DS is a six-year-old system and it's just pure profit for them. In Japan, all that has to be done to increase DS sales is release a new colour and everybody goes out to buy a new fuck. That really is not the case in the US.
You yourself just said that in Japan they're more willing to buy them akudood;
We'll see.
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 12:19:51 PM
You yourself just said that in Japan they're more willing to buy them akudood;
We'll see.
There's a difference though. At both ~$220 and $170 they're making money on the DSi, the price difference has little matter there. But for a
brand new system with a harder to produce screen, they're not going to price it that much differently in the US and Japan.
Nintendo never sells consoles at loss. Me86's point was that the DS is a six year old system thus Nintendo can still largely profit on selling the DSi slightly cheaper here.
they've already long ago broken even on research costs and whatnot.
i really think you are not considering the cost or time it takes to develop a new console hiro
it would explain why you dont see me86's point or what i was saying about the 3ds being announced so soon after the launch of the dsi.
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 29, 2010, 12:16:16 PM
Yes, hur, the DSi is cheaper here than it is there, but the DS is a six-year-old system and it's just pure profit for them. In Japan, all that has to be done to increase DS sales is release a new colour and everybody goes out to buy a new fuck. That really is not the case in the US.
I don't like how nintendo is so cares about profit. They haven't release any good new game in a long time because of releasing of 3rd party games saddood; It makes many people sad.
So ME86 hit the nail on the head
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 29, 2010, 12:08:56 PM
At the very least it'll be $280 at launch. Oh, and I wouldn't expect anything in the box except for the console and a charger.
um didn't they say it'll come with 2 SD cards or something
also i assume that the people who are arguing that it'll be priced high won't be buying it, correct?
Quote from: Nyerp on September 29, 2010, 02:54:54 PM
um didn't they say it'll come with 2 SD cards or something
also i assume that the people who are arguing that it'll be priced high won't be buying it, correct?
It comes with a 2GB SD card.
Quote from: Hïro on September 29, 2010, 03:11:19 PM
It comes with a 2GB SD card.
that's 2 1GB SD cards in one! :O
I will not be buying one until it's cheaper, no.
Well I think that 25000 is confirmed in japan so I don't have to worry about cost :P
Quote from: Cookie on September 29, 2010, 07:37:21 AM
$300, nah I'll pass, or wait for a price drop.
it'll be $200 by late 2012, most likely. 3d technology is going to advance quickly.
i hope it advances right of the nearest cliff
how likely is it that nintendo will keep its retarded online system
Quote from: Khadafi on September 29, 2010, 04:46:28 PM
how likely is it that nintendo will keep its retarded online system
Very, very likeable. Nintendo take a lot of "pride" in their online system, when they really shouldn't. Typing out a 24 (i think it's that long anyway.) digit code per game is fucking retarded.
I think this pretty much confirms that Nintendo will not be selling the 3DS for a loss in the US. If they were, that number would probably be much lower. goodjob;
Quote from: Thyme on September 29, 2010, 04:44:22 PM
Quote from: Khadafi on September 29, 2010, 04:46:28 PM
how likely is it that nintendo will keep its retarded online system
Japanese companies don't change until it starts affecting profits. So, not likely.
Quote from: Volvagia on September 29, 2010, 04:51:10 PM
Very, very likeable. Nintendo take a lot of "pride" in their online system, when they really shouldn't. Typing out a 24 (i think it's that long anyway.) digit code per game is fucking retarded.
I think it'll have some similarities, but they will definitely make improvements. Nintendo's not proud of their online system, Iwata himself has said that he knows there's problems with it and that they're looking into ways to fix it.
Maybe this time it'll be one system-wide friend code wariodood;
Also, players will receive invites from friends to play online. Say if you were playing Street Fighter or Mario Kart, you'd get an invitation. It's been done on other consoles, but it's a start.
A little note about this foreign exchange stuff: Japanese DS games vary in price more than US ones, but the most popular ones (like Pokemon) generally seem to have retail price of 4800 Yen at launch; about $55~60, in contrast to the $35 that US stores charge.
I don't think Nintendo feels much of a need to announce the US launch price at a Japanese press conference, where they're not even giving the exact US release date. They'll probably announce our price the same time as our exact release date.
most game I see are about 3000 yen. But then I don't buy release game often but I will assume they can't be more than about 4000. I have never buyed game which was 4800 before because that would be mega-expensive 0_~
Quote from: IKANAIDE on September 30, 2010, 08:18:23 AM
most game I see are about 3000 yen. But then I don't buy release game often but I will assume they can't be more than about 4000. I have never buyed game which was 4800 before because that would be mega-expensive 0_~
How coincidental, 4800 yen is about 57 dollars here, and our games IN AMERICA generally go for $60 USD, which no one gives a flibbity flop about
Quote from: C Mongler on September 30, 2010, 10:06:42 AM
How coincidental, 4800 yen is about 57 dollars here, and our games IN AMERICA generally go for $60 USD, which no fuck gives a flibbity flop about
I think he was talking about DS games but i am not entirely sure.
Quote from: Khadafi on September 30, 2010, 10:23:58 AM
I think he was talking about DS games but i am not entirely sure.
I'm pretty sure too.
Like when Final Fantasy XIII was released in Japan, it was Ã,Â¥8,800 [or about there] for just the standard edition. goonish
Price is fucking ridiculous. I will not pay $300 for this unless I suddenly get rich.
I still want it really badly though
So apparently it comes with that dock:
I've heard it'll come with immediate buyer's remorse too.
Tomorrow is the day. giggle;
I hope it's $300. :3
I'm actually really excited. giggle;
Tomorrow is the day....
Does anybody know the starting time? confuseddood;
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 18, 2011, 03:00:42 PM
Does anybody know the starting time? confuseddood;
QuoteAll the updates here, live!
On January 19th, at 9am EST / 2pm GMT / 3pm CET, Nintendo is hosting two conferences: one in New York, one in Amsterdam, at which the company will announce the release plans for its Nintendo 3DS console.
Nintendo Life's Jonathan Wahlgren is our man in New York and James Newton will be attending the Amsterdam conference, and they'll be bringing you updates throughout the day letting you know all the 3DS details you need, including:
* When the console will launch in North America and Europe;
* How much you can expect to pay;
* The games available at launch;
* The exact contents of the box;
* and much much more.
To keep up with the updates, simply keep this page open â€" it will refresh automatically as new updates come in, or you can follow Nintendo Life on Twitter.
Updates will load here automatically, no need to refresh the page.
Thank you, Tyler. hocuspocus;
Looks like I'll have to be waking up early. baddood;
i can't wait giggle;
it will be exciting indeed. giggle;
It's mostly talk, but my friend who is the manager at Gamestop said his Nintendo rep guy came in...
He said the 3DS would be $250, but he also thinks Nintendo is bundling something in with it because handhelds over $200 generally don't we should be seeing something good.
At least that's what the Nintendo rep said.
3.5h battery life xD
ITT we talk about what nintendo is going to announce for the 3DS tomorrow and the price
the event starts at 9:00AM
there's like a huge thread for this already
i'll just check what's up in the morning before class
told you guys bassir;
also, how am i going to get a 3ds and go to coachella myface;
Quote from: Presea on January 19, 2011, 12:10:10 PM
Oh please.
Games, prices, details - all inside!
Nintendo of America just confirmed its new 3DS console will launch on March 27 for $249.99, available in Cosmo Black or Aqua Blue.
The following games will accompany the console on or near (before the end of June) launch:
* Animal Crossing (Nintendo)
* Kid Icarus Uprising (Nintendo)
* Mario Kart 3DS (Nintendo)
* nintendogs + cats (Nintendo)
* PaperMario (Nintendo)
* PilotWings Resort (Nintendo)
* StarFox 64 3D (Nintendo)
* Steel Diver (Nintendo)
* Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo)
Third Party Games:
* Super Street Fighter® IV 3D Edition (Capcom)
* Resident Evil®: The Mercenaries 3D (Capcom)
* Madden NFL Football (EA)
* The Simsâ,,¢ 3 (EA)
* Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D (Konami)
* LEGO® Star Wars® III: The Clone Warsâ,,¢ (LucasArts)
* Ridge Racer® 3D (Namco)
* Dual Pen Sportsâ,,¢ (Namco)
* Super Monkey Ballâ,,¢ 3D (SEGA)
* Thorâ,,¢: God of Thunder (SEGA)
* CRUSHâ,,¢ 3D (SEGA)
* BUST-A-MOVEâ,,¢ UNIVERSE (Square Enix)
* Samurai Warriors® Chronicles (Tecmo)
* Dead or Alive® Dimensions (Tecmo)
* Asphaltâ,,¢ 3D (Ubisoft)
* Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Shadow Wars (Ubisoft)
* Combat of Giantsâ,,¢: Dinosaurs 3D (Ubisoft)
* Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® 3D (Ubisoft)
* Rayman® 3D (Ubisoft)
* Rabbids® Travel in Time (Ubisoft)
* Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked (Atlus)
Here's what your dollars will get you inside the box:
* Nintendo 3DS system
* Nintendo 3DS charging cradle
* Nintendo 3DS AC adapter
* Nintendo 3DS stylus
* SD Memory Card (2GB)
* 6 AR Card(s) (view the cards using the outer cameras to play supported AR games)
* Quick-Start Guide
* Operations Manual (including warranty)
ALSO, they have a live feed of both NY and Amsterdam events:
Quote from: Presea on January 19, 2011, 12:15:31 PM
i'm a penny pincher :|
But you'll go and order an anime figure?
Kaz you so silly. <3
Quote from: Tyler on January 19, 2011, 12:16:31 PM
But you'll go and order an anime figure?
Kaz you so silly. <3
i know, i'm a weird kind of penny pincher, because i'll still buy expensive shit all the time. i just whine about the price a lot before buying it.
Exactly. You're going to buy it regardless. Now shut up and enjoy the updates I bring. <3
no news on Mega Man Legends 3? :'(
Not yet, but trust me. I'll make sure you're the first one to know Kazzikens. <3
Also, those poor Europeans getting the shaft. goowan
wot is the yuropean price LOL
Quote from: Panty on January 19, 2011, 12:33:13 PM
wot is the yuropean price LOL
Nintendo of Europe doesn't have a price yet, that's the thing...retailers have posted ridiculous prices...goowan
i want to know the launch games, otherwise i would preorder right noww
They don't have an exact list yet. The list above is between launch and E3 of this year.
Quote from: Tyler on January 19, 2011, 01:18:12 PM
They don't have an exact list yet. The list above is between launch and E3 of this year.
yeah i know, which looks swell, but i dont want to buy it on launch and be stuck with just some shitty puzzle game until june
Simply don't get it, then.
Resident Evil Mercanaries yes;
Quote from: Tyler on January 19, 2011, 12:11:54 PM
Oh please.
ALSO, they have a live feed of both NY and Amsterdam events:
i wish they'd just tell us exactly what software will be available on day one instead of giving vague answers like "sometime between march and june" befuddlement
Anyway, I'm not not interested in a single one of those third-party titles and two of the three games I am interested in are remakes. :|
i'll wait until there's more interesting software :'(
i'll probs wait until paper mario comes out to buy one lol
I can't remember, but they didn't mention the MGS 3 remake at all, did they? :( :(
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 19, 2011, 03:36:49 PM
I can't remember, but they didn't mention the MGS 3 remake at all, did they? :( :(
I don't think so. :'(
Quote from: Pam on January 19, 2011, 03:56:32 PM
I don't think so. :'(
if that were a launch title, it would be very tempting to start saving up to get one n_u
What's gonna happen when you guys can't get one and I'm all alone? :(
Quote from: Tyler on January 19, 2011, 03:58:15 PM
What's gonna happen when you guys can't get one and I'm all alone? :(
you could share it with me cry;
Keeping my money for the PSP2. spam;
keeping it for other stuff than handhelds[/spoiler]
Quote from: Thyme on January 19, 2011, 04:01:42 PM
Keeping my money for the PSP2. spam;
I was really close to returning your birthday present. goowan
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 19, 2011, 04:02:34 PM
but ;_;
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 19, 2011, 03:58:01 PM
if that were a launch title, it would be very tempting to start saving up to get one n_u
Me too. myface;
>mfw i'm going to end up spending $250 on it anyway once mgs3 comes out
Quote from: Tyler on January 19, 2011, 04:03:29 PM
I was really close to returning your birthday present. goowan
Quote from: Pam on January 19, 2011, 04:04:01 PM
Me too. myface;
>mfw i'm going to end up spending $250 on it anyway once mgs3 comes out
I'm going to wait for the updated one. 3.5h of battery life is not enough for me :(
like you could even stand a 3d game for that long baddood;
Quote from: Panty on January 19, 2011, 04:35:29 PM
like you could even stand a 3d game for that long baddood;
im a hardcure gamr
I have a feeling that if I ever do buy one, that 3D slider will be down just about all the time. girl;
You're so lame David. girl;
Quote from: Tyler on January 19, 2011, 04:41:31 PM
You're so lame David. girl;
but but i'll use the 3d for dead or alive.
is that better? n_u
They've already said there's a lack of boob jiggle. It's because Samus is in the game.
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 19, 2011, 04:39:26 PM
I have a feeling that if I ever do buy one, that 3D slider will be down just about all the time. girl;
Same. girl;
Both of you are lame. girl;
Quote from: Tyler on January 19, 2011, 04:43:36 PM
They've already said there's a lack of boob jiggle. It's because Samus is in the game.
god mann samus and her concrete bobs :(
Is this actually a new system or just a new version of the DS that will support 3D gaming?
Quote from: YPR on January 19, 2011, 05:22:57 PM
Is this actually a new system or just a new version of the DS that will support 3D gaming?
It's a new system, but it's backward compatible with DS games. hocuspocus;
Quote from: YPR on January 19, 2011, 05:22:57 PM
Is this actually a new system or just a new version of the DS that will support 3D gaming?
It's the first 8th generation console. cry;
Quote from: Pam on January 19, 2011, 05:26:06 PM
It's the first 8th generation console. cry;
and if the rumours hold true, we'll be hearing about the psp's successor soon
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 19, 2011, 05:29:24 PM
and if the rumours hold true, we'll be hearing about the psp's successor soon
neither do i :'(
Hm... then I might consider it, but the only thing exciting me is a Kingdom Hearts game which as of now is Japan exclusive.
Quote from: YPR on January 19, 2011, 05:30:21 PM
Hm... then I might consider it, but the only thing exciting me is a Kingdom Hearts game which as of now is Japan exclusive.
I hope it gets a less retarded subtitle when it comes here. n_u
Quote from: Pam on January 19, 2011, 05:30:06 PM
neither do i :'(
let's sabotage nintendo and sony y/y :'(
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 19, 2011, 05:31:50 PM
I hope it gets a less retarded subtitle when it comes here. n_u
let's sabotage nintendo and sony y/y :'(
we'll delay their r&d departments by making them all nauseous with their own 3d products y/n
Quote from: Pam on January 19, 2011, 05:34:15 PM
we'll delay their r&d departments by making them all nauseous with their own 3d products y/n
Quote from: YPR on January 19, 2011, 05:30:21 PM
the only thing exciting me is a Kingdom Hearts game
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 19, 2011, 05:31:50 PM
I hope it gets a less retarded subtitle when it comes here. n_u
Yeah seriously, the triple D title is pushing it a bit n_u
Quote from: Panty on January 19, 2011, 05:38:00 PM
Don't judge me baddood;
But really I would pass on everything else, I would just want KH because I've beaten everything else in the series
Oh god. I just saw the European prices. We got really lucky. myface;
23 games in three months and yet not a single one looks remotely interesting befuddlement
Quote from: Tyler on January 19, 2011, 04:51:48 PM
Both of you are lame. girl;
3D gaming is poopoo. girl;
i am interested in devil survivor: overclocked, having never played devil survivor
i am interested in RE Mercenaries, because hey, it's RE
and i am mildly interested in Bust-a-Move Universe simply because i enjoy Bust-a-Move and, i dunno, as long as it's mostly still the same formula, it'd be fun. but it's not the kind of game i would pay a lot for.
guys what is more important
college books + vacation money or 3DS
Quote from: Wrench on January 19, 2011, 09:59:38 PM
guys what is more important
college books + vacation money or 3DS
college books are probably more interesting than the majority of the launch titles goowan
Quote from: Pam on January 19, 2011, 11:09:06 PM
college books are probably more interesting than the majority of the launch titles goowan
Quote from: Kefka on January 19, 2011, 11:37:00 PM
good god smithicide;
Quote from: Pam on January 19, 2011, 11:48:41 PM
good god smithicide;
don't you want a virtual pet in order to ignore your real pets? sillydood;
You guys really are weird.
Can't wait. giggle;
I hope you can still throw snakes at the guards. baddood;
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 20, 2011, 01:41:58 AM
don't you want a virtual pet in order to ignore your real pets? sillydood;
i'll take a virtual waifu as well and help our population to age cjlubdoods;
Quote from: Pam on January 20, 2011, 01:49:35 AM
i'll take a virtual waifu as well and help our population to age cjlubdoods;
the 3ds version of feel the magic should allow you to raise a virtual famiry with your waifu giggle;
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 20, 2011, 01:48:20 AM
Can't wait. giggle;
I hope you can still throw snakes at the guards. baddood;
looks amazing :(
Quote from: Snowy620 on January 20, 2011, 08:46:06 AM
Oh wow, launch titles don't suck as much as I thought they might.
OOT 3D is what sold me.
uh yeah we've known about that since e3
Omg with the gameboy/gameboy color/gba store Aaron can finally play FFVI bassir;
Quote from: Kefka on January 20, 2011, 12:06:19 PM
Omg with the gameboy/gameboy color/gba store Aaron can finally play FFVI bassir;
i want super mario land omg cry;
Quote from: Kefka on January 20, 2011, 12:06:19 PM
Omg with the gameboy/gameboy color/gba store Aaron can finally play FFVI bassir;
i really doubt they would put remakes or ports on there
Quote from: Kefka on January 20, 2011, 12:06:19 PM
Omg with the gameboy/gameboy color/gba store Aaron can finally play FFVI bassir;
i don't think they ever said anything about gba games baddood;
Quote from: Admin on January 20, 2011, 03:39:05 PM
i don't think they ever said anything about gba games baddood;
aaron lied to me then baddood;
Quote from: Admin on January 20, 2011, 03:39:05 PM
i don't think they ever said anything about gba games baddood;
well i'm sure they'll add gba games later on right??? >.<
Quote from: Panty on January 20, 2011, 04:47:42 PM
well i'm sure they'll add gba games later on right??? >.<
I don't see why Nintendo wouldn't.
So Ocarina of Time 3D is just a graphical and input update. Not a single shred of new content. smithicide;
the 3ds just keeps getting more and more disappointing :'(
On second thought, this completely makes up for it. :|
i love sf64 giggle;
i want details on that metal gear solid 3 title
also omg i want an metal gear acid game too. [spoiler]more bobs in better 3d giggle;[/spoiler]
Quote from: Pam on January 20, 2011, 08:32:30 PM
So Ocarina of Time 3D is just a graphical and input update. Not a single shred of new content. smithicide;
the 3ds just keeps getting more and more disappointing :'(
I see this as a good thing. I would be whining and complaining if they changed a bunch of stuff. I like my original OOT.
Also I might be getting one if I can sell my PSP. We'll see....
Oh and does anyone know if it plays music and videos? Does the Dsi?
Quote from: Cookie on January 20, 2011, 08:41:02 PM
Oh and does anyone know if it plays music and videos? Does the Dsi?
yes, both do.
Well I'm excited.
I am too. sillydood;
Ocarina of Time comes out on June 2, and all "launch window" games are $40 except for two (that nobody cares about) at $50. goowan
welp, i'm not getting a 3ds until june 2nd then n_u
-Paper Mario 3DS
-Star Fox 3DS
-Resident Evil
Probably the reasons why i want a 3DS akudood;
I have it paid off. Even if there aren't any great games at launch, I'm not going to risk having to wait when the system is sold out.
I'll get Pilot Wings, Nintendogs and whatnot. I can wait until June.
I hope the $50 price tag for some games doesn't stick. saddood;
Nintendo's games will be $39.99, so I'm not too concerned as I primarily buy first party games.
If a 3rd party game is good, I don't mind paying full price.
That's good. baddood;
[spoiler]Though, I remember when first party Xbox 360 games were $50 :([/spoiler]
They've gone up to $60. sillydood;
that's the point
i hope nintendo doesn't do the same myface;
GCN games were $50. The 3DS looks to be just a little more powerful than the GCN.
If the price rises, I don't see this as a problem.
n64 games went up to $80 and the DS is more powerful than the N64 but the maximum price for DS games is $40 :|
Yet you still bought it. n_u
Hey You, Pikachu! was the worst $80 I've ever spent. sillydood;
I've never spent more than $10 on an N64 game. spam;
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 23, 2011, 02:03:29 AM
Hey You, Pikachu! was the worst $80 I've ever spent. sillydood;
DKC2 was the best 80$ I've ever spent. 5thgrade;
used FFVII was the best $100 i've ever spent smithicide;
they should make a hey you, squirtle game for the 3ds goowan
Quote from: Panty on January 23, 2011, 02:11:59 AM
used FFVII was the best $100 i've ever spent smithicide;
jesus christ
smithicide; smithidice;
Quote from: Thyme on January 23, 2011, 02:13:52 AM
jesus christ smithicide; smithidice;
lol n_u
wait maybe it was new i forgot
but still smithicide;
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 23, 2011, 02:13:22 AM
they should make a hey you, squirtle game for the 3ds goowan
i would but the 3ds on launch day for this goowan
Quote from: Pam on January 23, 2011, 02:17:15 AM
i would but the 3ds on launch day for this goowan
i would too.
squirtle is the best pokémon ever. giggle;
i don't think i've ever spent more than $60 on any video game befuddlement
Quote from: Pam on January 23, 2011, 02:19:43 AM
i don't think i've ever spent more than $60 on any video game befuddlement
Only very special games will get that much spent on them. baddood;
I'll have a very hard time paying the money to get Uncharted 3's collector's edition :(
Quote from: Hurluberlu on January 23, 2011, 02:22:08 AM
Only very special games will get that much spent on them. baddood;
I'll have a very hard time paying the money to get Uncharted 3's collector's edition :(
me too smithicide;
Quote from: Pam on January 22, 2011, 10:02:44 PM
Ocarina of Time comes out on June 2, and all "launch window" games are $40 except for two (that nobody cares about) at $50. goowan
are you f'ing kidding me?
ranch will never get a 3DS at this rate :'(
Quote from: steal on January 23, 2011, 07:43:40 AM
... where the fuck were you shopping? I got a shrink wrapped, brand new copy of that game at the flea market for 10 dollars a few years ago. doodthing;, it was the cheapest one they had n_n
also, like i was going to go search flea markets for a single game? yeah, no
Quote from: steal on January 23, 2011, 07:43:40 AM
... where the fuck were you shopping? I got a shrink wrapped, brand new copy of that game at the flea market for 10 dollars a few years ago. doodthing;
you don't know? ffvii is an expensive game just about everywhere. you were lucky. mine was $60.
also this was before those faggots put it on psn :|
I'll admit at first I was a tad worried about the PSP2 when it came to sales but now that I've seen Sony's funeral handheld, I have no doubt that once again Nintendo will dominate this market. sillydood;
Both handhelds will struggle with sales after the post-launch hype is exhausted. Partially due to price and secondly due to lack of games.
Just look back to any of the recent launches, there's always one decent game that comes out at launch and then there's months of ports and rehashes until developers start really developing for it.
The way I see it:
Yes, they're both over priced. The 3DS is practically a handheld Wii plus more features than the Wii had. It should be priced more than $250 here, but Nintendo knew that it needed a reasonable price. With what the PSP2 has to offer, there's no way it'll be under a $399 price tag. It's practically a PS3 to go.
That, and the fanbase is larger for Nintendo. goowan
Quote from: Tyler on January 28, 2011, 02:44:49 AM
The way I see it:
Yes, they're both over priced. The 3DS is practically a handheld Wii plus more features than the Wii had. It should be priced more than $250 here, but Nintendo knew that it needed a reasonable price. With what the PSP2 has to offer, there's no way it'll be under a $399 price tag. It's practically a PS3 to go.
That, and the fanbase is larger for Nintendo. goowan
I there's no way it will cost 399. I'm saying either 299 or 350.
You're fucking retarded to think it will be only $299-$350 goowan
Nintendo may have a larger install base for the DS, but how much of it is made up of people with the ability to buy it on their own? huhdoodame;
And Sony could have one terrible card up its sleeve that it doesn't want to mention yet: [spoiler]Having wireless carries willing to sell it at a subsidy so they can charge consumers who buy it absurd data rates. It may seem crazy, but it could be a potentially large market for companies brave enough to take Sony up on its offer of a 3G-capable handheld. [/spoiler]
Does it really matter though? Most parents will buy it for their children.
And while the price of the PSP2 hasn't been announced, I can tell you parents will go for Nintendo because it's cheaper.
Quote from: Tyler on January 28, 2011, 02:50:24 AM
You're fucking retarded to think it will be only $299-$350 goowan
I believe everyone also said there's no way the 3ds would cost anything under 300 goowan
I said $250, fool. goowan
Please tell me how a system that compares to the PS3 will be under $399. goowan
Parents are such pushovers. The most I had spent for a console was the $125 for my PS3 as a belated birthday present. confuseddood;
Quote from: Tyler on January 28, 2011, 03:02:56 AM
I said $250, fool. goowan
Please tell me how a system that compares to the PS3 will be under $399. goowan
It isn't really as powerful as a PS3, it just looks like early 360 graphics, and can't pull nearly the same amount of polygons. It is still really powerful though.
I just looked at the specs on it, and I'm sticking by $350.