i missed covid-18 shit
whens corvid-20 i wanna turn into a crow
im waiting for covid-69 heh heh
that was pretty epic bro
dont joke about this shit
im not joking i have 2 weeks of supplies bro
holdin out for covid-420 whose with me
Quote from: antmaster5000 on February 28, 2020, 01:28:24 PMdont joke about this shit
bro they got this shit in portland now bro
stay safe portland bros get you a big gatorade
some dude in washington just died from it
outrun them on your bike!
Finally, a population control measure
Is it immoral to stock up on essential oils and healing gemstones to sell at an incredible markup when there's an inevitable shortage during the pandemic
The trick is you start selling counterfeits
brb stocking up on canola corona oil
people are legit freaking out in seattle
i'm in mexico until friday eve lol but semi worried about the state of things when i get back
genuine thymeworries:
i'm supposed to go to new york in late may so i hope i don't get quarantined or smth
also i'm immunosuppressed because of my colitis treatment so i'm more likely to get it lol
also i hope my parents don't get it
"oh it's just the elderly who die from it" do these people not have parents or grandparents smh
yeah i'm really scared for my grandpa. he's 88 and in good health and lives alone in a large house (that he's looking to sell soon). they're advising everyone over 60 to isolate themselves and i am pretty sure my grandpa feels isolated already. going to make an effort to call him more frequently
also my company just sent out an email saying that they're okay with people working from home but it will be up to the individual's discretion. don't really want to be remote every day but also not super keen on being alone with my manager in the office. should be an interesting couple weeks
Well since he lives alone hopefully that will keep him safe.
Most of the fatalities have been at nursing homes
Quote from: antmaster5000 on March 05, 2020, 03:35:05 PMyeah i'm really scared for my grandpa. he's 88 and in good health and lives alone in a large house (that he's looking to sell soon). they're advising everyone over 60 to isolate themselves and i am pretty sure my grandpa feels isolated already. going to make an effort to call him more frequently
yeah shit just hit Colorado yesterday and my grandmother is the only person in my life that i'm legitimately worried about; shes in an ole' folks place in Colorado Springs. sucks cuz my parents (and probably her tbh) are deff the 'oh its just a cold what about the regular flu LoL" types so idk if they are going to take the possibilities seriously sillydood;
also they just confirmed 3 cases in Montgomery county md yesterday which means it is absolutely here in dc lol. which isnt at all surprising considering the amount of national and international people moving through this city every day.
Everything's getting cancelled... Anyone know if the Boyah Awards will still be happening this year?
lol the case in dc was from a pastor at a church a mile down the street from me. they're asking 550 parishioners to quarantine im fuckeeddddd
You'll be fine. Im like 99.8% sure
i mean i know ill be fine in the grand scheme of things because i am young and healthy, but i would not be shocked at this point if i end up getting it. the bus i ride everyday, twice a day, has a stop right outside that church lol
the pastor got it through community spread via an unknown source himself, so its already making its rounds nearby
Hm yeah sounds pretty likely. Hopefully your work will be understanding or you have lots of PTO saved up. Hopefully most employers will be understanding as this goes around since there should be zero chances taken on sick employees coming to work but this is America so who knows.
yeah i have like 3 weeks of sick leave plus like another 3 weeks of personal and vacay. and i can work remotely too so it shouldnt be a huge deal. we'll seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Fuck this country
hope this wuhan shit fucks up pittsburgh
how's the corona shit been for everyone?
man im about to just stock on toilet paper and paper towels. someone bought all the hand sanitizer, masks keep on being depleted, and gloves are now starting to go.
nobody i know irl is actually concerned for now, and i wasn't concerned much until the supplies started getting sold out. tbh it's mostly been asians that have been buying things out at my place and asking about the restocking.
for fucks sake
so my wife started a new job today as a volunteer manager today, and one of the volunteers comes in and he just got back from South Korea 5 days ago and he says he doesn't have any symptoms but he wants to know if he can still volunteer; he said his wife is quarantining herself but he thought she was overreacting.
like one you can be asymptomatic and still be contagious for UP TO FOURTEEN DAYS but more importantly COULD YOU NOT HAVE JUST CALLED AND ASKED THIS????
Jesus Christ America is screwed lol
Hopefully this dude, and by extension my wife, and by extension me, are fine, but still what the fuck lmao
lmao rup
despite all of the talk of it, I still don't know how severe (as in how it affects your health) it is
all i know is that it's basically a boomer purge lmao
a fascinating but terrifying read!
I've pretty much lost all concern that I had for it (personally at least). The low death rate in South Korea (where they're testing everyone) makes me feel better. If anything I'm loving how quiet my commute is. I take the same bike route and on occasion bus route as all Seattle Microsoft employees and it is like 20% of the people as it once waa
Also my office has never been better with 75% of people working from home. I might be enjoying this all too much
Quote from: C.Mongler on March 10, 2020, 09:06:35 PMa fascinating but terrifying read!
Quote from: Thyme on March 09, 2020, 06:00:16 PMngl i'm dooming pretty hard right now
though - and i'm not saying he's wrong - it's been pointed out that the guy who wrote this is not much of an authority?
Quote from: Thyme on March 11, 2020, 08:27:52 AMthough - and i'm not saying he's wrong - it's been pointed out that the guy who wrote this is not much of an authority?
fair, though i've seen some virologists and epidemiologists quote his article and say he's more of less in the right frame of mind. plus he's got a few engineering degrees, hopefully he can math n graph decently lol. basically action needs to be taken to control the spread, or it will overwhelm the healthcare system which will in turn make the death rate drastically higher.
Quote from: antmaster5000 on March 11, 2020, 07:36:18 AMI've pretty much lost all concern that I had for it (personally at least). The low death rate in South Korea (where they're testing everyone) makes me feel better. If anything I'm loving how quiet my commute is. I take the same bike route and on occasion bus route as all Seattle Microsoft employees and it is like 20% of the people as it once waa
idk why SK's situation is making you feel better when the US's situation is basically the polar opposite lol. SK took drastic, novel approach using technology to make its citizens aware of the scope and impact and to test and isolate as many people as possible. the us is still testing only a few hundred (compared to thousands in SK) of people a day. check the article i posted, it breaks down why letting it go unchecked will likely lead to a much higher death rate.
of course being young you yourself may be fine, but that doesnt mean you couldnt accidentally spread it to older or vulnerable folks in your life who will not be fine.
idk! sillydood;
Quote from: antmaster5000 on March 11, 2020, 07:55:15 AMAlso my office has never been better with 75% of people working from home. I might be enjoying this all too much
Thanos was right!
i think its a viral marketing campagn for the new doom
rip and tear through my lungs
Well they cancelled the rest of the NBA season
NCAA tournament still scheduled to be played but without spectators
Sigh, all major conferences cancel their basketball tournaments
Really dunno if that's necessary since they already banned crowds. Seems like an overreaction for optics sake.
Sucks, but all it takes is one or two asymptomatic infected players to infect half the team, coaches, and staff. Given that celebrities and politicians are starting to be diagnosed, it's feeling more and more like this shit is already everywhere sillydood;
president of brazil might have it
president of brazil's aide definitely has it
they were at mar-a-lago last weekend chillin with trump
At least some good could come of this
Looks like my blank march madness bracket finally wins
my office is going full remote on monday yeeehawww
Damn I'm jealous
the job i'm about to start will force me into contact with people, but thankfully not a crazy amount of them
bad timing lol
A school like 20 minutes away from me closed down until further notice because a teacher was confirmed to have it LMAO
Quote from: C.Mongler on March 12, 2020, 05:00:54 PMmy office is going full remote on monday yeeehawww
my office is basically there. wondering how long we'll keep it up for
only 9 cases in minnesota so far. one in critical condition, the other eight are self-quarantining
working from home today and continuing to realize that i cannot be trusted to work from home lol
i think if my role was more "project" based i would be more productive but it is way too easy to not work and to have nobody notice that i'm not working akudood;
Yeah having a to do list makes it a lot easier. I loved the few weeks I was able to do it. I'd have all my work done by the end of Monday-Tuesday and the rest of the week I'd really only have to wiggle my mouse periodically
i think i am going to start working from home now and i'm not excited :(
Why not
Sounds like a dream
Quote from: YPrrrr on March 14, 2020, 12:22:30 PMWhy not
Sounds like a dream
i cannot be trusted to work from home
seriously i get so much more work done at work and i like hanging with my coworkers. i like working from home like one day a week but more than that i start to get weird
my gf said that she's going to force me to bike an hour per day if i work from home since she knows ill get too weird for her
Quote from: antmaster5000 on March 14, 2020, 12:32:36 PMQuote from: YPrrrr on March 14, 2020, 12:22:30 PMWhy not
Sounds like a dream
i cannot be trusted to work from home
seriously i get so much more work done at work and i like hanging with my coworkers. i like working from home like one day a week but more than that i start to get weird
my gf said that she's going to force me to bike an hour per day if i work from home since she knows ill get too weird for her
I feel this heavy
You got this man. Just keep up with your to-do lists every day and make yourself accountable
we can always have a boyah boys web hangout if we feel lonely sillydood;
Quote from: Mando Pandango on March 14, 2020, 01:27:23 PMQuote from: antmaster5000 on March 14, 2020, 12:32:36 PMQuote from: YPrrrr on March 14, 2020, 12:22:30 PMWhy not
Sounds like a dream
i cannot be trusted to work from home
seriously i get so much more work done at work and i like hanging with my coworkers. i like working from home like one day a week but more than that i start to get weird
my gf said that she's going to force me to bike an hour per day if i work from home since she knows ill get too weird for her
I feel this heavy
You got this man. Just keep up with your to-do lists every day and make yourself accountable
yeah that is super true. to-do lists are so useful and i do think i'd get better at if i was working from home every day. also there are days where i go into the office and do not get much done lol
Quote from: C.Mongler on March 14, 2020, 01:53:22 PMwe can always have a boyah boys web hangout if we feel lonely sillydood;
i'm down. i should prob just hop on the discord when i work from home
I've been isolating pretty hard for the past few days. Cancelled some plans with a friend this afternoon who's moving away soon, which is a huge bummer since it'd be my last chance to see him. But I think I'm doing the right thing.
Quote from: SloppyJimbo on March 14, 2020, 02:08:11 PMI've been isolating pretty hard for the past few days. Cancelled some plans with a friend this afternoon who's moving away soon, which is a huge bummer since it'd be my last chance to see him. But I think I'm doing the right thing.
damn srry bud. yeah its weird. i had a show i really was looking forward to on thurs; it was still on but it was some punk shit. sweaty screaming dudes moshin' up against one another. if one person with covid showed up im sure the whole venue would be fucked so i decided i wasnt go do it, especially since i had work the next day and am supposed to see my parents this weekend
DC has been weird. it was quieter thurs and fri when emergencies were declared, and while it was certainly quieter than a normal saturday people are still definitely out and about. kids playin at the jungle gym. people eatin' in resturants. dudes playin pickup soccer at the park. idk. i want to think its fine especially with half the workforce being remote and schools closing now, but i fear people still aint being as socially precatious as they should be idk
Yeah, people are not taking this seriously enough. Delayed symptoms make this so hard. It will look a lot different in one week, and what looks ok now really isn't.
my fiancé got laid off lol when we just signed a lease some weeks ago
nyc will do something about it perhaps
I have already come to believe I have the virus already and I'm already an asymptomatic carrier cos I'm near the United Nations and brush shoulders so I refuse contact with my family for the time being
chlorine-something and zinc supplements are my defenses for the time being
I thought of intentionally getting on prep, that gay antiviral drug for gays to not get infected with HIV, since this virus is literal aids in the air.
also like thinking of anarchists weaponizing and politicizing their sickness and infect as much people as possible to facilitate working from home
so you can live in cheap state with your employers office in New York
you can live in a world without commute
world where you can pick your own localized community
a nice real home free from cultural homogeneity
all bars and restaurant dine-ins are closed for two weeks starting tomorrow night in IL and OH
im assuming ppl can still order online?
rip income though
i have off tomorrow so im going to stock up on mcflurries
all bars restaurants and cafes just closed in seattle
takeout is still okay thank god
So are the hourly employees just not going to get paid? That's so bad
my entire job situation is up in the air rn. like my boss assured me we're still gonna do training, but no actual canvassing is allowed until the company says otherwise.
this could be bad. i NEED to have some paystub action going on asap because i also have to start looking for a new place to live asap! i'm supposed to be moved out of this place on may 2! if i still haven't found a place to move into by then, i dunno what i'm gonna do lmfao, i dont wanna get stuck at a fucking extended stay again for a while
saddood; saddood; saddood;
in a sane world this situation would call for some sort of housing payment freeze
im not confident we live in a sane world tho SocksDood;
Quote from: Samus Aran on March 16, 2020, 11:55:12 AMmy entire job situation is up in the air rn. like my boss assured me we're still gonna do training, but no actual canvassing is allowed until the company says otherwise.
this could be bad. i NEED to have some paystub action going on asap because i also have to start looking for a new place to live asap! i'm supposed to be moved out of this place on may 2! if i still haven't found a place to move into by then, i dunno what i'm gonna do lmfao, i dont wanna get stuck at a fucking extended stay again for a while
saddood; saddood; saddood;
jesus that fucking sucks. talk about awful timing
ok so after some clarification from my boss (because this is really a constantly changing event), it seems that basically, most of my "training" is going to be remote and kind of up to me. he'll send some stuff my way, we'll talk about it when we need to, might be able to grab a little bit of office time to convene on stuff, but it's mostly remote and he's basically just like "we're going to just pay you for twenty hours this week even if you memorize this script in 20 minutes"
so one way or another i'll still have the hours and the pay even if i'm barely doing anything lol
but as far as actual canvassing goes, we're out of commission until at least early april. i REALLY hope things are under control by then so i can start some actual work.
if i had found this job just two weeks earlier this would have gone much smoother >.<
but we'll make it work
ok so my manager is like 66y/o and he goes on surgeries and vacations equal to like 3-4 months overall
and it's actually disgusting how much he takes advantage of us young guys- he thinks it's righteous considering all the work he's done to get to where he's at- which i think is complete nonsense
so yeah now he's gonna be gone for a month bc of this stint, and we're going to be taking in more hours unfortunately.
sad for my friend bc he has to take the brunt of this all...
not that im mad at him for leaving atm bc he is in that age range, but lol i just want a competent young manager that can actually do shit and not complain about physical issues in a department where it's all heavy shit lol, he sits down for the most part
sucks so badly man, we're carrying this guy's career, and not like he's doing anything illegal. but jesus man.
although i am in sales for a completely different department, i've had to go to the grocery sections because of all this stress and it's not like they're paying me more on avg either
boyah HELP
IL will be in lockdown starting tomorrow
We'll have to start carrying badges or identification while we drive because police are stopping people.
a lot of people at my work just got laid off, im taking 20% pay cut. this shit is so stressful
We're getting a $2/hr raise but only until mid April. Then what? We're still dealing with the potentially sick people coming in shopping.
Quote from: The Hand That Fisted Everyone on March 25, 2020, 06:27:05 PMa lot of people at my work just got laid off, im taking 20% pay cut. this shit is so stressful
But you are getting to keep your job, right? It's not a temporary thing?
Quote from: 6M69I69B9 on March 20, 2020, 03:20:43 PMguys
IL will be in lockdown starting tomorrow
minnesota governor just announced a full shutdown earlier today
Quote from: ClassicTyler on March 25, 2020, 06:03:08 PMWe'll have to start carrying badges or identification while we drive because police are stopping people.
same. because now i once again work at my previous grocery store job and i heard about these badges today lol
have to work this shit ass job temporarily because my actual job is on hold due to being non-essential cry;
Quote from: ClassicTyler on March 25, 2020, 06:30:44 PMWe're getting a $2/hr raise but only until mid April. Then what? We're still dealing with the potentially sick people coming in shopping.
Quote from: The Hand That Fisted Everyone on March 25, 2020, 06:27:05 PMa lot of people at my work just got laid off, im taking 20% pay cut. this shit is so stressful
But you are getting to keep your job, right? It's not a temporary thing?
so many restaurants and out of business places have been trying to renovate their spaces so ive been seeing some decent traffic for general construction lol
they don't mind if we leave for 2weeks, but it'll all be unpaid.
cases in IL have tripled it seems from a week or so ago.
tbh i just wanna join in this collective internet sleepover-like phenomenon and just continue with my own studies & hobbies lol
Quote from: The Hand That Fisted Everyone on March 25, 2020, 06:27:05 PMa lot of people at my work just got laid off, im taking 20% pay cut. this shit is so stressful
tfw sorry to read coreyboy
Quote from: Samus Aran on March 25, 2020, 07:00:02 PMQuote from: 6M69I69B9 on March 20, 2020, 03:20:43 PMguys
IL will be in lockdown starting tomorrow
minnesota governor just announced a full shutdown earlier today
Quote from: ClassicTyler on March 25, 2020, 06:03:08 PMWe'll have to start carrying badges or identification while we drive because police are stopping people.
same. because now i once again work at my previous grocery store job and i heard about these badges today lol
have to work this shit ass job temporarily because my actual job is on hold due to being non-essential cry;
yeah we started getting the hall passes the day of the shut down announcement here too
at the very least you got some good footing on income that's guaranteed unlike your previous scenario
business is good for me in these trying times brothers
Quote from: tommy_no_ice on March 26, 2020, 02:26:53 AMbusiness is good for me in these trying times brothers
good time for a hit of meth
the business of chilling out
Quote from: Samus Aran on March 26, 2020, 10:30:31 PMthe business of chilling out
gettin ice cold up in this b LOL
i still work but I only get like 20 hours a week now lmao
on the plus side the worst child we had got kicked out and there's only been like 10 children in my class each day, but also my coworker is quarantined because she had a potential exposure so and she was far better at actually keeping the kids under control
then again if she were working i'd probably get even less hours
I've been unemployed since March 10th maybe
I can't collect unemployment cos it's not capable of handling so many calls all at once and my claims aren't being processed because of it
my job still sends me checks every week
fiancé stopped receiving checks a week ago
his unease bothers me
says I treat life too carelessly and his mood is down from financial insecurity and tells me I have to change cos I'm engaged now
personally I think it's a waste to be nervous when you have all this free time infront of you
don't care much about finances cos I'd simply not pay rent and save myself 1,500$
I'd risk the landlord trying to reach small claims court during a pandemic
is he going to evict me? lol
Quote from: ?????? on March 30, 2020, 02:46:07 AMpersonally I think it's a waste to be nervous when you have all this free time infront of you
don't care much about finances cos I'd simply not pay rent and save myself 1,500$
I'd risk the landlord trying to reach small claims court during a pandemic
is he going to evict me? lol
Can they evict you right now? They banned evictions in Seattle a few weeks ago
Yeah they suspended evictions for 90 days starting March 16th in New York state
hope you guys are doing fine atm
seeing bunch of pics of ppl lining up at markets on twatter and i haven't seen shit like that at all since like two weeks ago
right now where i live there's plenty of food and ppl staying pretty calm. just out of tp, paper towels, batteries (literally one guy bought all of them), and cleaning products. any food that was previously bought out have mostly been restocked, water bottles back (for now)
so when i look at these pics im just kinda concerned lol...
rent suspension aka as soon as this is over u getting hit with a bill for 3 months rent lol
shoulda bot prpoerty
Quote from: The Hand That Fisted Everyone on March 30, 2020, 10:58:52 PMrent suspension aka as soon as this is over u getting hit with a bill for 3 months rent lol
p much lol
haven't gone to work so far this week, who knows about the rest of the week
not sure what's going to happen then awdood;
GF is quitting her job. She was really stressing about her employers not caring about social distancing, and after drilling into the "who are essential employees" list, it called out that she wasn't essential and should stay home ("private childcare is essential only if the parents are essential employees"). so she was like okay the government is telling me to stay home. Then her employers were like "well.. we consider ourselves to be essential employees (amazon + microsoft employees lol) so you still need to come in.
thankfully they agreed to lay her off so she can get the unemployment benefits, but it is still a huge shame. she had a really good relationship with them prior to all of this (for almost 3 years and two of their children) and if anything this has just exposed their entitlement.
wow fuck them
So my boss called me about an hour ago and told me that since things are only getting worse at work, I have two options:
-Work 2 or 3 days a week and make very little money
-get furloughed starting money which gives me a full pay for this week, and then i'm eligible for full unemployment benefits
so looks like I'm gonna be off for a while, going to try to make use of this time to work on my creative skills and look into moving out of arizona once things calm down a bit
death s go up and the blessings come down that's what I'm saying brother go get it
so everyone at work that didnt get laid off got kept around as either full time at 80% of their salary or part time.
except me, thanks to portland's 15$/hr minimum wage they can't cut my salary to 80% cause I'd be making less than minimum wage lol. i should be grateful i still have a job but finding out about my wage today just pissed me off more for some reason lol.
becoming increasingly worried that we're all gonna die of starvation, not covid, boys madood;
my store has been able to consistently have toilet paper for a couple days now. however, eggs are still pretty rare, only certain soups are available (no ramen lol), and rice seems to be a bit rare too
My store has been trying to find a balance. Since we have our own brand (H-E-B/Central Market/Mi Tienda/Hill Country Fare) it's a bit easier for us but the national brands are having a hard time keeping up so we tend to sell out of our own brands quickly too.
If we finally catch up on canned goods, it's frozen we're out of. If we catch up on frozen food, we'r back to canned food shortages. Then dairy. No more toilet paper/paper towels one day. Then plenty. It's a very odd balance game.
I havent seen TP since this started lol. I gave up on paper towels and bought a shitload of rags that i'll just wash now. If i don't find some TP in the next two weeks looks like i gotta put my butthole under the tub faucet everyday sillydood;
Everything is mostly stocked back now at my stores, except for cleaning supplies, gloves, and masks. Tp and paper towels still sell out, but much slower than before.
I just broke out my N95 mask yesterdat with nitrile gloves, and I gave a friend a mask since he's the one most likely to get fucked with hours if anything gets worse, it was a spare anyway, anybody that goes out in my household for work already has a mask. Then we just looked at prices on eBay and elsewhere for the same mask, lmao $80-$100 each mask.
Two weeks ago we had two shipments of...7-8 2-sets of masks. I bought 3 sets and they all went out within the hour after being stocked at around 9AM. So glad I was there when it was fresh off the truck, should have bought more though. Though lmao the guys that bought it, mostly bought it for work-related purposes rather than the COVID-19 panic. We haven't had a shipment of them ever since lmao.
Anyway, I'm sick of working with DIY'ers for the dumbest shit. Why can't they just stay home? I understand the contractors trying to hold on to any jobs since money may be more tight around these times, but still. I think traffic is slightly slowing down, but we are still getting business like nothing happened at times. Lol, I'm expecting half the food joints around here with new looks, considering they have all the opportunity to renovate and that a good portion of people here have been buying here for that very reason.
I'm gonna go on a temporary two-week leave if shit gets worse though. But I'm going to give it more time before I resort to doing that. My managers have been really understanding at the very least.
Lmao also we just hit the 10K mark in IL.
Quote from: C.Mongler on April 04, 2020, 09:57:46 AMI havent seen TP since this started lol. I gave up on paper towels and bought a shitload of rags that i'll just wash now. If i don't find some TP in the next two weeks looks like i gotta put my butthole under the tub faucet everyday sillydood;
I had to fathom buying a 24pk (it's equivalent to 96 rolls!!!) for $25 but did it anyway bc of its scarcity
Quote from: The Hand That Fisted Everyone on April 03, 2020, 05:35:23 PMso everyone at work that didnt get laid off got kept around as either full time at 80% of their salary or part time.
except me, thanks to portland's 15$/hr minimum wage they can't cut my salary to 80% cause I'd be making less than minimum wage lol. i should be grateful i still have a job but finding out about my wage today just pissed me off more for some reason lol.
wow that is some horse shit
Quote from: C.Mongler on April 04, 2020, 09:57:46 AMI havent seen TP since this started lol. I gave up on paper towels and bought a shitload of rags that i'll just wash now. If i don't find some TP in the next two weeks looks like i gotta put my butthole under the tub faucet everyday sillydood;
try costco
Quote from: Travis on April 05, 2020, 12:52:09 PMQuote from: C.Mongler on April 04, 2020, 09:57:46 AMI havent seen TP since this started lol. I gave up on paper towels and bought a shitload of rags that i'll just wash now. If i don't find some TP in the next two weeks looks like i gotta put my butthole under the tub faucet everyday sillydood;
try costco
u couldnt pay me to go to my local costcos right now lol
maybe if i get bored and drive to a rural-ish VA/MD one lol
lol hell ya costco.com had some tp in stock im good for another month or two of shits baby
i took a handful of nitrile gloves from work on my last day, and happened to have bought a 10-pack of n65 masks on clearance like a year ago so i have that stuff i guess
also there were like 10 packs of tp at target the other day so I got one, haven't had any tp for like 2 weeks
I have had a bunch of those cool black gloves for auto work you can get at a NAPA or Advance Auto Parts or what have you
No mask but I make do with a couple bandannas. I wish I could get wipes though, or paper towels
my cousin-in-law dropped off like 10 n95 masks and a bunch of gloves yesterday. not entirely convinced he's not hoarding them to sell like a dickhead (absolutely something he would do) but happy to have a few i guess??
Quote from: C.Mongler on April 10, 2020, 06:44:04 AMmy cousin-in-law dropped off like 10 n95 masks and a bunch of gloves yesterday. not entirely convinced he's not hoarding them to sell like a dickhead (absolutely something he would do) but happy to have a few i guess??
if he gives me one i will put in a good word
ironically i ordered a few kn95 masks the day prior and have no clue what to do with those now lol
im just usin a homemade cloth mask
I would pay good money to see Mongler put his butthole under a tub faucet.
goodjob; awdood;
But for real, I've been exhausted from work lately so I called out today.
It's no fun being the chosen one, and your essential one needed a day off...
dam IL sux
we're at 83k, didn't think we'd have this momentum with covid until I saw that we started beating out other states except for the top two
kinda consistent considering ive been helping a bunch of ppl with their remodels recently
Quote from: 6M69I69B9 on May 12, 2020, 08:02:33 PMdam IL sux
we're at 83k, didn't think we'd have this momentum with covid until I saw that we started beating out other states except for the top two
kinda consistent considering ive been helping a bunch of ppl with their remodels recently
Well you do have Chicago. Largest cities are going to get nailed
well yeah lol, i just thought it'd be a bit lower, i thought cali would surpass us a big number, idk. not that this sort of speculation matters.
anyway IL's officially at 100,000+!!
can't believe another extension hasnt been considered here lol
jesus. how tf is IL so much higher than PA's