i am a god
hurry up with my damn croissant
Good thing Kratos' wife wasn't black eh.
Would be an awkward way to refer to the son
but yeah i'm like 3 hours in i think, game is real fun though seems real SONYGAMEâ,,˘ to me. Having a good time, but it's not like a FUCKING LIFECHANGING ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE like i've seen thrown around out there, but also i think i've barely even gotten into the game at this point lol. just saw the world serpent for the first time lol
Yeah same I've barely gotten to play so far but it's not the amazing masterpiece right off the bat.
I assume the story is gonna be killer though
Quote from: C.Mongler on April 23, 2018, 08:06:09 AM
but yeah i'm like 3 hours in i think, game is real fun though seems real SONYGAMEâ,,˘ to me. Having a good time, but it's not like a FUCKING LIFECHANGING ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE like i've seen thrown around out there, but also i think i've barely even gotten into the game at this point lol. just saw the world serpent for the first time lol
i never saw or heard anyone say LIFECHANGING ONCE IN A LIFETIME about this, pretty much that its a must play, and a great reinvention of the series, ie RE4 to RE1-3
i always frequent ResetERA where the SonyFanning over this game is kind of fucking insufferable lol, as much as I do like it so far. there were also a couple minority reviews that were like IT'S A REINVENTION OF GAMING; FULL-STOP EVERY GAMER MUST PLAY THIS that i also found goofy
also holy fuck could the fonts be any smaller, how did they think this was okay lol. even with that patch its still fucking tiny as shiiiiiiiit
fonts are too smal in almost every game now.
fucking stop that devs
Lul farsighters
so did they fix kratos' awful character or is he the The Same But This Time With Boy
Quote from: Nyerp on April 24, 2018, 12:20:37 PM
so did they fix kratos’ awful character or is he the The Same But This Time With Boy
I like to think of him as Beast from Beauty and the Beast in this game
He's a dick but trying to mellow
Quote from: Nyerp on April 24, 2018, 12:20:37 PM
so did they fix kratos’ awful character or is he the The Same But This Time With Boy
he's actually a character now.
Quote from: YPargh on April 24, 2018, 12:50:45 PM
Quote from: Nyerp on April 24, 2018, 12:20:37 PM
so did they fix kratos’ awful character or is he the The Same But This Time With Boy
I like to think of him as Beast from Beauty and the Beast in this game
He's a dick but trying to mellow
this is a good analogy
yeah i think YPR nails it. he's definitely still kind of a detached jackass but when push comes to shove he's like IM THE DADDY THATS MY BOY GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!
i figure there's probably a character arc where he has actual feelings at some point
but maybe not idk lol
man i keep forgetting how the combat works every time i turn the game off lol i need like 10 minutes of getting used to it again everytime i sit down to play fak
he has feelings, you can tell. he just doesnt know how to express them properly cuz he spent 6 or so games yelling constantly
anyone beat this shit yet? i just did but i did like no side quests lol anything worth doing or is it all boring ass shit
Quote from: C.Mongler on May 19, 2018, 11:00:00 PM
anyone beat this shit yet? i just did but i did like no side quests lol anything worth doing or is it all boring ass shit
i felt like it was worth doing, especially the valkyrie stuff
finished the game on friday
7/10 at best
Quote from: Big Goop on May 20, 2018, 12:45:53 AM
Quote from: C.Mongler on May 19, 2018, 11:00:00 PM
anyone beat this shit yet? i just did but i did like no side quests lol anything worth doing or is it all boring ass shit
i felt like it was worth doing, especially the valkyrie stuff
yeah valkyries seemed kinda cool, i might do some today and go from there
Quote from: Commander Fuckass on May 20, 2018, 05:10:01 AM
finished the game on friday
7/10 at best
i thought it was like, a solid 8.5/10. it was good, but why was there like only 3 bosses (with variations) in the whole game lol come on man i wanna kick some god ass
I'm doing all the side stuff I can find but tbh it's getting a little tedious. Also yeah I dunno why most of the bosses are the same troll or ancient it's kinda silly for a supposed 10/10 game.
Still like it so far tho
Quote from: YPargh on May 22, 2018, 07:02:43 AM
I'm doing all the side stuff I can find but tbh it's getting a little tedious. Also yeah I dunno why most of the bosses are the same troll or ancient it's kinda silly for a supposed 10/10 game.
Still like it so far tho
well, perhaps those that gave it a 10 didnt have a problem with the boss variety.
I agree though, and I hope that gets fixed in the inevitable sequel
ok i've finally caught up, having played 5 of the previous games, including the 2 psp entries which i'd never seen before and NOT including ascension which i remember watching someone else play when it came out and it being lame and skippable
lemme just say before i play this that they've got a LOT of fucking work to do if they want to give kratos a """redemption arc""" lmao
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QELIDxxipdA (NSFW) (this is what AAA game devs think gamersTM want to see - and they're right)
yeah, i don't think they're gonna be able to competently pull it off
I haven't played it yet but I imagine they basically just act like it's a different version of kratos (though with the same overall history)
lmao i forgot about that scene thanks for the reminder
They do it fine.
Just play the game
i mean they literally just ignore it/downplay it to shit for the most part lol
They did what they meant to
thank you for this hearty debate *shakes hand*
No, thank you
wow everyone is so polite here
Wow, haven't heard THAT one before!
the first hour of this game fucking ruled
press x to BOYY
think i'm almost at the end and i've been enjoying this game a lot
although niflheim is hot fucking trash
ill probably boot it up again sometime this week to play with my PRO and see if i notice any COOL ENHANCEMENTS goodjob;
beat the game. that sequel hook tho
i hope that if god of war 2 5 9 comes out they ditch the armor crafting/upgrading bullshit because i couldn't give less of a fuck about flipping through menus trying desperately to increase my level to 7 in an action game
also please tone down the walk'n'talk segments and cinematic moments that feel like they're replacing gameplay (second stranger "fight")
otherwise, great game!
yeah i didn't mind the armor/upgrade stuff, but it needed to be toned down a bit IMO. i eventually just kind of started to ignore it because it was overwhelming, but also just wasn't very intuitive menu-wise. like you had to go like 4 menus deep to change some shit, so i literally forgot some upgrades were there sometimes lol.
i hope the next one has some real ass boss fights tho. like for a god-hatin' game you fight a minuscule amount of gods lol. i wanted at least a couple more fights on the scale of the dragon one.
also this game looks hella dank running at 60 FPS on pro, i'm semi tempted to do a second run NG+ lmao
Quote from: C.Mongler on August 31, 2018, 06:04:54 AMi hope the next one has some real ass boss fights tho. like for a god-hatin' game you fight a minuscule amount of gods lol. i wanted at least a couple more fights on the scale of the dragon one.
uh, who needs gods when we have TEN AMAZING TROLL BOSS FIGHTS?
red troll
blue troll
grassy troll
two troll
But guys you can fight 10 Valkyries who are barely different!
at least the valkyries are more fun to fight
hopefully the inevitable DLC expansion will let you fight THE GUY YOU SEE AT THE END n shit (assuming that wasnt just hard sequel tease lol)
wow spoilers!
also yes that is def. a sequel tease, they wouldn't put something that important in a dlc
lol good point, i edited my post of spoilers (mostly) but MAN WE NEED SPOILER TAGS
and anyway, idk what the inevitable expansion DLC would be then besides FLAAAASHBAAAAAACK, which seems kinda weird since MOMMA isnt an actual character and basically only serves as a plot prop
to me the sequel would be GOING TO A TEASED DISTANT LAND, so the DLC would wrap up the norse shit for the most part, but that's just my take
man we need spoiler tags lol
i don't think the game is going to get dlc at all tbh...And That's A Good Thing!
just seems par for the course for ModernSony
The Last of Us
Uncharted 4
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Infamous: Second Son
They all got them spicy expansion DLCs (some of them even as standalones)
uncharted: lost legacy was basically a full game, i wouldn't count it as a dlc
anyway the game's director said there's no dlc planned soooooo
I mean it started as straight dlc and grew into something different. I agree it's not in the traditional sense, but its not quite exactly removed from it either. Idk
and Cory can say whatever he wants but MommySony is writing the checks cmongler;
Also the Atreus TWIST was one of the dumbest narrative choices I've ever seen lol Cory better figuratively suck me off for that one in the sequel
by "twist" do you mean that section of the game where atreus starts acting like an asshole and basically has a personality shift until he suddenly reverts back to normal and it's never explained or brought up again
oh neat, quasi spoiler tags
naw i didnt meant that part but that part is also fuckin' dumb
i mean when the reveal atreus = loki, as if that means anything in the context of the game or as if he shares almost any qualities with the mythological loki as a character. it's just some dumb left-field SICK REFERENCE BRO twist that means absolutely nothing lol. hopefully they do something around that in the next game, but we'll see i guess lol
oh yeah. i really hope that they weren't trying to handwave his weird character shift with "well he's loki so of course he's a dick sometimes lol!" because you're right, it doesn't match atreus' actual established character and would be really shitty writing
Man if Kratos kills Atreus thats gonna be sick
beat the final valkyrie, took like an hour. she had like 15 different attacks, but only 1 or 2 of them are the ones that kept killing me. so frustrating. OH WELL I DID IT