Which of these major affronts to customer confidence will you be wasting hundreds on next?
Option 1: Xbox 1.5
votes: 1
Option 2: PS4K
votes: 3
Option 3: NX
votes: 7
Option 4: iPhone 7
votes: 2
Conference schedule:
Sunday June 12:
Bethesda: 7PM PDT / 10PM EDT
Monday June 13:
Microsoft: 9:30AM PDT / 12:30PM EDT
PC Event: 12PM PDT / 3PM EDT
Ubisoft: 1PM PDT / 4PM EDT
Tuesday June 14:
Nintendo: 9:00AM PDT/12:00PM EDT
Sony: TBA (likely the 13th)
post your predictions and reactions here !!
e3 boyahstream will be hosted on https://rabb.it/, the chatroom llink will be posted in the hours before each conference
TBH I'll buy the PS4K as long as it doesn't only come in black and Sony restores the capacitive buttons
i'm still praying to god that neither the xbox 1.5 nor ps"""4k""" (read: 2.5k) will prove to be real
would be great if the nx turned out to be a hoax too actually
-the last guardian will either get delayed or not be mentioned at all
and even if it does make an appearance, we'll all be silently underwhelmed by gameplay demonstrations while pretending we're still enthused about it[/spoiler]
ha ha e3
I'll almost certainly buy the PS4K within a couple months after it releases, but only because I held off buying a PS4. If I already had a PS4 I probably wouldn't bother.
I'll probably buy NX at launch.
I never have and never plan to ever buy any Xbox system.
You forgot to add PSVR to that list. That's basically like a new console too and it even fits your description of "major affronts to customer confidence" and "wasting hundreds on".
psvr will prove to be a huge waste of money, sure, but i'm not sure about it being an affront to consumer confidence per se
it'll just be another overpriced, underutilized accessory, but it won't fundamentally screw over a generation of gamers the way the introduction of incredibly premature (in nintendo's case) or irreconcilably userbase-shattering (in ms/sony's case) mid-gen home consoles will
prolly the iphone 7 and later the ps4k eventually
i just want a new nintendo handheld
idc about consoles at this point tbh
Quote from: the MIB the on May 14, 2016, 01:07:13 AM
i just want a new nintendo handheld
idc about consoles at this point tbh
get ready for the nintendo version of the ngage coming soon
only zelda
lol typical tecbait title
also people still give a fuck about e3????
e3 is the comedy event of the year
The last E3 I cared about was 2006 or 2007
I think that was the year they all anounced they were downscaling E3 and it became boring
I guess they went back in 2009 but at that point I didn't care anymore
Quote from: the MIB the on May 14, 2016, 01:07:13 AM
i just want a new nintendo handheld
idc about consoles at this point tbh
just get a gameboy micro happydood;
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on May 14, 2016, 02:10:18 AM
Quote from: the MIB the on May 14, 2016, 01:07:13 AM
i just want a new nintendo handheld
idc about consoles at this point tbh
get ready for the nintendo version of the ngage coming soon
i want a 4ds shaped like a minimalist controller
Quote from: antmaster5000 on May 14, 2016, 09:03:11 PM
Quote from: the MIB the on May 14, 2016, 01:07:13 AM
i just want a new nintendo handheld
idc about consoles at this point tbh
just get a gameboy micro happydood;
although i LOVE the gb micro i rather would stick w/ my gbasp
Quote from: the MIB the on May 14, 2016, 10:33:11 PM
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on May 14, 2016, 02:10:18 AM
Quote from: the MIB the on May 14, 2016, 01:07:13 AM
i just want a new nintendo handheld
idc about consoles at this point tbh
get ready for the nintendo version of the ngage coming soon
i want a 4ds shaped like a minimalist controller
Quote from: antmaster5000 on May 14, 2016, 09:03:11 PM
Quote from: the MIB the on May 14, 2016, 01:07:13 AM
i just want a new nintendo handheld
idc about consoles at this point tbh
just get a gameboy micro happydood;
although i LOVE the gb micro i rather would stick w/ my gbasp
that's fair the micro isn't as comfortable as i wish it was
get a flashcart and play obscure gba titles w/ me boi
my biggest regret in life was not buying a gba micro for 40 bucks when i saw it on sale at bestbuy like 7 years ago
Did Nintendo even mention Zelda last year? I give up on that one.
Quote from: C.Mongler on May 15, 2016, 06:06:44 AM
my biggest regret in life was not buying a gba micro for 40 bucks when i saw it on sale at bestbuy like 7 years ago
i dont know how you sleep at night
if i saw that today i'd buy 4
Quote from: antmaster5000 on May 15, 2016, 09:02:01 AM
Quote from: C.Mongler on May 15, 2016, 06:06:44 AM
my biggest regret in life was not buying a gba micro for 40 bucks when i saw it on sale at bestbuy like 7 years ago
i dont know how you sleep at night
if i saw that today i'd buy 4
i was like 17, that was my life savings at that point
does anyone want the next xbox one revision
looks like it'll have an extender box that streams from the main console
i dont even want any iteration of the xbox one
perhaps the last guardian will be playable :)
Only zelda matters
i dont see a valid argument to buy any console over a good pc tbh
unless you're a hardcore nintendo fan maybe but then you've got bigger things to argue about
same but im too lazy to build one even though i know easy it is these days
i'm primarily into console exclusive games but i think they'll eventually be ported to pc n_u
thats what i'm getting at, console exclusives are becoming less and less of a thing. especially for MSoft, xbox literally only has halo at this point, and it's HIGHLY suggested/rumored Halo 6 will be on PC as well, as well as Gears 4, since they're trying to push the dumbass windows store. PS4's got a handful of sclusies, so XBone is only filling the niche of people who are too affluent to buy/build a PC and/or have other affluent buds who only play one XBone.
well isn't xbone just a glorified highly limited windows 10 pc too
tfw sega bought atlus because sega's brand name is tarnished beyond repair in america
idk how sega stays remotely relevant
rock of ages 2 FUK YEA
i still buy sonic games because they're hilariously awful, so i'm part of the problem
Quote from: C.Mongler on June 03, 2016, 08:37:43 AM
i still buy sonic games because they're hilariously awful, so i'm part of the problem
i was actually gonna say mention this.
All sega has ro do is make a sonic game. Doesn't matter how good, bad, or even finished.
People will buy it, either out of blind fanaticism, or morbid curiosity, and then it will still have defenders.
Quote from: squirrelfriend on June 03, 2016, 02:18:27 AM
tfw sega bought atlus because sega's brand name is tarnished beyond repair in america
yay project diva x and KOF XIV!
Quote from: antmaster5000 on May 26, 2016, 08:36:07 PM
i dont see a valid argument to buy any console over a good pc tbh
unless you're a hardcore nintendo fan maybe but then you've got bigger things to argue about
I don't think there's really any reason anymore, other than maybe portable systems
[I] remastered skyrim
Quote from: squirrelfriend on May 27, 2016, 07:26:25 AM
same but im too lazy to build one even though i know easy it is these days
easy is putting it lightly. you really don't have to know anything and it only takes a matter of a few hours at most (well aside from os setup and whatnot)
i built my own and i can certify that i'm still mostly computer-dumb, it taught me very little that i actually remembered after the job was done
yeah if you can do like a 1000 piece lego set, you're probably ready to build a PC honestly
Quote from: ÂÌ...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì... on June 08, 2016, 07:54:05 PM
Quote from: antmaster5000 on May 26, 2016, 08:36:07 PM
i dont see a valid argument to buy any console over a good pc tbh
unless you're a hardcore nintendo fan maybe but then you've got bigger things to argue about
I don't think there's really any reason anymore, other than maybe portable systems
yeah really and even then it is becoming harder to justify portable systems
i mean i played rogue legacy while i took my morning shit this morning, what bigger justification could i possibly need
Quote from: ÂÌ...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì... on June 08, 2016, 07:56:57 PM
[I] remastered skyrim
great excuse to port skyrim's robust mod ecosystem onto consoles and inevitably start charging for them
Quote from: Tectron on June 11, 2016, 05:51:46 PM
Quote from: ÂÌ...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì...Ì... on June 08, 2016, 07:56:57 PM
[I] remastered skyrim
great excuse to port skyrim's robust mod ecosystem onto consoles and inevitably start charging for them
I didn't even think about that.
four people will buy the nx here? lord jesus help me
new sony portable when? sillydood;
Quote from: C.Mongler on June 10, 2016, 06:11:24 AM
i mean i played rogue legacy while i took my morning shit this morning, what bigger justification could i possibly need
damn i miss my vita now ;-;
i'll be hosting e3 boyahchat like usual if anyone's interested
at the behest of felt we'll be using https://rabb.it/ unless there are any objections (or unless it proves to be even less reliable than livestream)
i'll post the chat room link tomorrow, i'll be streaming both ea's and bethesda's conferences regardless of whether anyone actually shows up lol
also there's no need to make an account, just click "chat now", input a nickname, and then select "messages only"
when is this happening
ea's is at 1pm pacific, 4pm eastern
bethesda's is at 7pm pacific, 10pm eastern
i wake up just in time for ea's conference so i'll join for both
Um lol???
So who's posting the transcripts?
well neither of today's conferences was at all remarkable
just a few romour confirmations, rehashes, and new trailers for last year's reveals
honestly, i'll be happy if sony's conference gives me more info (and hopefully release date) for gravity rush 2
the only new info we'll be getting is that it's now vr compatible
Quote from: Tectron on June 12, 2016, 09:52:44 PM
the only new info we'll be getting is that it's now vr compatible
And finally, Fallout Shelter on PC
msoft's was alright, but they also removed any need for me to ever get an xbox 1 now that gears 4, horizon 3, scalebound, and sea of theives are now all PC lol
tho now i gotta get windows 10 aw man
also all dem rainbow flags
if i had a dollar 4 every time...
i'd have like 10 bucks?
Oh boy....
dead rising 4
Quote from: squirrelfriend on June 13, 2016, 11:26:46 AM
also all dem rainbow flags
i knew gaming was gay as fuck
consoles are dead
Good to know that Kojima was still able to use Norman reedus
the most nothing e3 ever
most e3 conferences, even when bad, are at least bad enough to be discussion-worthy
these are just really boring lol
at least sony's was a tad better
also, zelda u will save e3
Sony was best by far, but still dull, yes
guess i'm buying the iphone 7 this year and the apple watch *yawn*
Quote from: Tectron on June 11, 2016, 08:56:50 PM
at the behest of felt we'll be using https://rabb.it/ unless there are any objections (or unless it proves to be even less reliable than livestream)
well here's my objection, and it is less reliable than livestream
hiro always fashionably late
i had few complaints tbh
i'm sorry hiro :(
try to see if you can get it working for tomorrow if you're free to watch nintendo's stream
just use chrime
i am free and i can try chrome but honestly even without the stream not functioning i thought the thing was awful. chat functionality was stupid and the page layout was garbage
send me your portfolio and i'll reconsider how awful it is
yeah the stream itself was kinda choppy tbh, but i think that was on yer end with the youtube stream felt ole' bean; when i watched it in another tab it was a-okay for me
yeah it wasn't from my computer; it was from their server
idk original livestream would lag more tbh
it worked reasonably well
my original plan was like to do a simple text chat but every1 rejected the slack and discord because lol shills
but we could syndicate the twitch stream on twitch
Quote from: ÊœiroÒˆ on June 13, 2016, 08:26:19 PM
but honestly even without the stream not functioning i thought the thing was awful. chat functionality was stupid and the page layout was garbage
i don't completely disagree but i feel like those are mostly superficial issues lol
if you can get it working, please do join
the emoji being rendered as images made me cry ^^^^
why don't we just do google hangout chat or something and all watch the stream directly from the source or wherever we want
Quote from: ÊœiroÒˆ on June 13, 2016, 09:10:08 PM
why don't we just do google hangout chat or something and all watch the stream directly from the source or wherever we want
because google
well here you guys go
Quote from: ÊœiroÒˆ on June 13, 2016, 09:31:45 PM
well here you guys go
where's the release date?
i really hope the crash re-imagining doesn't end up sucking
i also really hope the bizarre new direction god of war is going in doesn't end up sucking
if they want this game to sell, they can't NOT show it at their show, and then post it on youtube with no fanfare
Quote from: Sakura Kinomoto on June 13, 2016, 09:39:40 PM
i really hope the crash re-imagining doesn't end up sucking
i also really hope the bizarre new direction god of war is going in doesn't end up sucking
hopefully the crash remake is at least on par with the ratchet one
all that pandering apparently created an influx of new gamers
man, look at that e3-related stuff
I don't know if this is actually an E3 reveal, but it's something I just found out about: Dragon Quest Builders.
It seems to be a very Minecraft-ish game and a Dragon Quest spinoff. It released in Japan in January and recently got a localization trailer.
Even though I haven't cared about Minecraft for a long time, I feel like this might actually be interesting. It seems to fix the major things that make Minecraft feel boring to me; it has actual objectives and a decent amount of focus on single-player content
Quote from: ÊœiroÒˆ on June 13, 2016, 09:31:45 PM
well here you guys go
it's too bad they didn't decide to show Gravity Rush during their press conference
I'm more interested in this game than everything that they did show combined.
idk i thought that trailer was pretty uninteresting, just looks like gravity rush
Quote from: squirrelfriend on June 13, 2016, 09:24:48 PM
Quote from: ÊœiroÒˆ on June 13, 2016, 09:10:08 PM
why don't we just do google hangout chat or something and all watch the stream directly from the source or wherever we want
because google
felt would rather us all suffer than give in to his google benefactors
also i dont mind discord lol
Quote from: ÊœiroÒˆ on June 13, 2016, 11:42:44 PM
idk i thought that trailer was pretty uninteresting, just looks like gravity rush
exactly. And gravity rush was awesome
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Coming soon....
well i'm 25 minute late because my power went out but if anyone still cares:
nintendo conference streaming now
god this pokemon shit needs to end i'm about to just catch highlights later lol
pokemon looks fucking great
i mean it looked like fucking pokemon lol
well yeah but it actually looks like a solid evolution to me, having the realistic proportions is fucking nice and it looks a lot more polished and the extra info in battle is great
i just wish i could be excited about a pokemon game again
i gave up on Y after like 5 hours because it felt like the same game i had played the year before and the year before that AND the year before that, just with minor quality of life tweaks and some new faces/models/animations
i didn't really see anything to be excited about, as a casual fan. i don't know what changes I would need to see to get on board, but certainly didn't see anything from the 40 minutes they showed today.
yeah the new generation doesn't look that better
I wish they released another title like pokemon stadium because i don't really like the sterile battle environments you are warped to lol
yeah i'd be content with a stadium-like. pokemon games typical have stories catered to complete fucking morons, so might as well just scrap that shit and keep the actual fun part of the game heh heh
i'm not opposed to that either, but i'm also a big fan of pokemon anyway so i'll always enjoy the next main entry in the series
Quote from: squirrelfriend on June 14, 2016, 02:23:35 PM
yeah the new generation doesn't look that better
I wish they released another title like pokemon stadium because i don't really like the sterile battle environments you are warped to lol
uh did you watch the gameplay today, the battle environment look a lot better than stadium, they even have trainers present throughout now too
as someone who isn't a hardcore fan of this series anymore though, that's an entirely negligible addition lol; 'the battles are just like the show!!' isn't really a selling point for me anymore because the battles have been close enough to the show since the late DS pokemons
yeah i can't stand the jaggies
make them learn more than four moves
also why did they add a screen for stat lowering moves
are they going to actually matter this gen
Nintendo has a new IP on 3DS: Ever Oasis
yay monster hunter knockoff *yawn*
Quote from: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/06/e3_2016_brandwatch_declares_the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_as_the_winner_of_e3(http://i.imgur.com/gl55Bag.png) (https://www.brandwatch.com/2016/06/react-e3-2016-social-data-live-blog/)
Quote from: Tectron on June 15, 2016, 10:50:03 PM
[spoiler]Quote from: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/06/e3_2016_brandwatch_declares_the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_as_the_winner_of_e3(http://i.imgur.com/gl55Bag.png) (https://www.brandwatch.com/2016/06/react-e3-2016-social-data-live-blog/)
Zelda might be the single most talked-about game on that list, but Nintendo still has way less talk than the Sony stuff combined.
also it's amazing how different that list is from the final number of sales those games will see
the fuck was there to say about battlefront?
That sounds like a good reason to plop down another 300-400 (whatever it costs)
Especially on an xbone
pokemon has less hype than an upscale of a ps title
Quote from: Snowy on June 16, 2016, 01:15:57 PM
Quote from: Loto on June 16, 2016, 07:29:00 AM
That sounds like a good reason to plop down another 300-400 (whatever it costs)
Especially on an xbone
hey I play mine lol. It's worth it to me.
just becuase it doens't make sense for you to buy one, doesn't mean it isn't for anyone else.
no, it doesn't make sense to me. But just because it doesn't make sense to me doesn't mean you can't buy another one.
yeah feyd we are living in a free market economy (really a mixed one but shh)
i would want the xbone but all the games i want are coming to the ps4 anyhow except that zoo tycoon game (but i heard it sucked anyhow)
and maybe so i could eventually play tales of vesperia through backwards compatibility i guess but that'll be ported probs to other platforms
Quote from: squirrelfriend on June 16, 2016, 01:52:47 PM
yeah feyd we are living in a free market economy (really a mixed one but shh)
i would want the xbone but all the games i want are coming to the ps4 anyhow except that zoo tycoon game (but i heard it sucked anyhow)
and maybe so i could eventually play tales of vesperia through backwards compatibility i guess but that'll be ported probs to other platforms
I got an bone. Got it for Fallout, rock band 4 (cause all my dlc was on 360), ori,rare replay and sunset overdrive.
It works fine, but it if ever breaks, then I'll get the s
Quote from: Snowy on June 16, 2016, 02:15:48 PM
Quote from: Loto on June 16, 2016, 01:46:47 PM
Quote from: Snowy on June 16, 2016, 01:15:57 PM
Quote from: Loto on June 16, 2016, 07:29:00 AM
That sounds like a good reason to plop down another 300-400 (whatever it costs)
Especially on an xbone
hey I play mine lol. It's worth it to me.
just becuase it doens't make sense for you to buy one, doesn't mean it isn't for anyone else.
no, it doesn't make sense to me. But just because it doesn't make sense to me doesn't mean you can't buy another one.
I'm selling my hideous halo 5 one for a slim, not once did I feel like you were saying that I couldn't get one myself.
selling an old one for a newer one makes sense
how much do u want 4 it snow and can i have halo 5 w/ it
Quote from: Snowy on June 16, 2016, 03:46:02 PM
Quote from: David on June 16, 2016, 03:31:37 PM
how much do u want 4 it snow and can i have halo 5 w/ it
$200 and it was a digital copy lol
ugh whhhhy digital copies are such a bugbear :(
Quote from: Snowy on June 16, 2016, 03:51:06 PM
Quote from: David on June 16, 2016, 03:49:51 PM
Quote from: Snowy on June 16, 2016, 03:46:02 PM
Quote from: David on June 16, 2016, 03:31:37 PM
how much do u want 4 it snow and can i have halo 5 w/ it
$200 and it was a digital copy lol
ugh whhhhy digital copies are such a bugbear :(
Even if you bought the limited edition at the store it gave you a download code instead of a disc. awdood;
what the fuck;
Yeah I remember that. They even offered a physical disc copy if you wanted it. You had to give up your code though.
Can that whole thing be an emote? (Just Reggie and the xbox?)
is that reggie with the revolution
Quote from: Sakura Kinomoto on June 13, 2016, 09:39:40 PM
i also really hope the bizarre new direction god of war is going in doesn't end up sucking
i love how defensive the director gets when keighley asks if you play as kratos
"yep, the entire game *w
ry smile*"
as if this wasn't enough of a tlou knockoff already, you can fully expect to play as kratos' son for part of it too
a game that has roots in ripping off another game is reinventing itself by ripping off another game???? weird!!!!!
Quote from: C.Mongler on June 20, 2016, 06:24:28 AM
a game that has roots in ripping off another game is reinventing itself by ripping off another game???? weird!!!!!
that is actually pretty true.
God of War 1 was pretty much called a ninja gaiden/devil may cry rip-off.
but they did it well.
let's see if they rip-off TLOU well
considering that this is scea santa monica we're talking about, i have faith that it'll be at least pretty good.
Quote from: Loto on June 20, 2016, 08:36:45 AM
Quote from: C.Mongler on June 20, 2016, 06:24:28 AM
a game that has roots in ripping off another game is reinventing itself by ripping off another game???? weird!!!!!
that is actually pretty true.
God of War 1 was pretty much called a ninja gaiden/devil may cry rip-off.
but they did it well.
let's see if they rip-off TLOU well
yeah i didn't mean to say it was a bad thing, God of War is probably my favorite action kill-em-all game because i love gratuitous violence and i'm also too impatient to git guud at the more technical ones of the genre
i have faith it at worst it will be decent
though i also got more souls-lite vibes from E3 than TLOU; only TLOU i connected was literally the camera angle, and i guess the motif now that it's been mentioned.
Quote from: Tectron on June 19, 2016, 12:50:22 PM
who is this
Also did we really need GoW 4?
That's what people said about ascension...
the 20th fuckin gow prequel
they can delete the like 4 GoW prequels and give me what's been presented as GoW4, yes
looks tight imo 5thgrade;