So, since I spent the entirety of last summer watching TV shows I hadn't seen, I thought I might as well spend this one playing video games I haven't played/finished/want to replay.
So some things I definitely need to do:
Replace my PS3's HDD as I pretty much won't be able to play anything that isn't on it already if I want to play it.
Find a cheap used PSP/hope for Vita sale [do Viter TVs play PSP games? eyedeekay]
Some things that would be nice:
Super cheap used Xbox 360 to play some games that I might want for that losermobile
Games that are definitely on my list to be completed in some order
The Last of Us' DLC
Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Resident Evil 4
Halo 4*
I'd say I'd give Metroid Prime another go, but since Nintendo hates producing good games in good quantities, it's unlikely unless I went with the GC version of the first two.
I'd also be willing to play one [1] LoZ game, but you twats would have to make it worth my while.
My vidya game list so far:
Final Fantasy X/X-2
The Witcher 3
Arkham Knight
Final Fantasy Type-0
And I think Vita TVs do play PSP games
yeah. though i think i'd still prefer a vita if i can find one at a decent price.
as my tv only has two hdmi inputs and i'd rather avoid the clutter of having a splitter smithicide;
probs valkyria chronicles
my summertime is one week awdood;
i'd like to get into another roguelike
i've been getting mad at nethack lately, especially after i am balls deep in an 8 hour run and accidently put an unidentified wand in my bag of holding and then the bag explodes and i lose all the shit i had gathered and identified
rage like no other comes from that game
brogue and dungeon crawl: stone soup both look great (and better than nethack)
nethack is cool and all but hardcore roguelike players seem to think that it one of those genre defining but horrible games lol
well, summer (starting june) is probably going to be pretty hectic for me, what with moving and finding a new job and stuff
but there are definitely games i'll be trying to play through/finish.
persona 1
ace attorney 5
god of war iii
valkyria chronicles ii
tales of xillia 2
star wars dark forces
doom 2
viewtiful joe 2
smt devil survivor
kirby's epic yarn
mgs peace walker
cave story+
punch-out!! (nes)
those are probably all the most important ones, for now
still mad about ToX2 not installing smgdh
that would have been my summer game tbh
Quote from: on May 10, 2015, 08:32:26 PM
still mad about ToX2 not installing smgdh
that would have been my summer game tbh
i'm sorry :(
I really want to finish:
Kingdom Hearts 2
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Shadows of Mordor? Maybe?
Platinum Jojo ASB
Pikmin 3
Zelda Wind Waker HD
Borderlands Pre-Sequel
FFXIV 3.0 main story
wtf i wanted to play ocarina of time but it's not even on wii u virtual console what the fucc nintendo????
Quote from: Nyerp on May 11, 2015, 09:17:31 AM
wtf i wanted to play ocarina of time but it's not even on wii u virtual console what the fucc nintendo????
anyway im thinking of playing:
jojo asb
metal gear rising
fallout new vegas?????
tfw no ps4 or pc smithicide;
cum over and i'll let u play w/ my pc
Quote from: Nyerp on May 11, 2015, 09:17:31 AM
wtf i wanted to play ocarina of time but it's not even on wii u virtual console what the fucc nintendo????
you could always pay $200 for a physical copy of the 3ds """remake"""
also i just started infamous 1
my list thus far:
-castlevania: sotn
-paper mario 64
i dont even know....
right now its just Star Ocean tlh
and fatal frame 3
Quote from: Tectron on May 12, 2015, 12:02:24 PM
my list thus far:
-castlevania: sotn
-paper mario 64
Quote from: Tectron on May 12, 2015, 12:02:24 PM
my list thus far:
-castlevania: sotn
-paper mario 64
tec play klonoa 2 via emulator soon!
yes, that too
and then play amnesia this fall
i suppose i can't escape it forever scareddood;
Quote from: steal on June 01, 2015, 12:54:51 AM
i just bought splatoon impulsively and i'm not regretting it yet
also want to finish xenoblade chronicles
the last of us
donkey kong countrty returns
that's about it tho lol but idk if i'll even be able to manage that, i have a lot of things that i should probably prioritize over video games this summer
Splatoon is better than I thought it would be
I want Splatoon but I can't be spending much money right now :(
Quote from: Sakura Kinomoto on May 10, 2015, 08:27:52 PM
persona 1
ace attorney 5
god of war iii
valkyria chronicles ii
tales of xillia 2
star wars dark forces
doom 2
viewtiful joe 2
smt devil survivor
kirby's epic yarn
mgs peace walker
cave story+
punch-out!! (nes)
mass effect 3
final fantasy tactics
bioshock 2
finished the two that are crossed out, added the bottom three
Oh my god Kaz finish Mass Effect 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: David on June 02, 2015, 07:47:53 AM
Oh my god Kaz finish Mass Effect 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Sakura Kinomoto on June 01, 2015, 06:13:11 PM
ace attorney 5
god of war
kirby's epic yarn
mgs peace walker
mass effect
bioshock 2
these are all also on my list
also ffvii, paper mario, and fallout 3
shovel knight looks like something tec would enjoy befuddlement
oh i'm certain it is, i've had my eyes on it since it first launched
i'm just waiting for it to drop to <$5 lol
Finished God of War III