I had a fight with my sister a few moments ago, she's like 27-years-old, and fuck, man...we just don't get along. I think she tries too hard to try to get along with me- we misinterpret everything we both say so much, that even if we explain it, we would still be mad at each other. She knows that I've had such HUGE hatred against her, and she thinks that I have no reasons to back why I hate her and thinks I'm doing it for some other reason- she underestimates me, RIGHT. FUCKING. THERE. She controls things like fuck, she's so fucking judgmental- too many experiences. She's too protective of shit, she gets offended easily, little tolerance, knows almost no boundaries, etc.. Even our interests clash together- as she offers things a lot that I wouldn't really like, and I'd offer things that she wouldn't like. We've fought so fucking much, and I think she desperately wants me to be in her life- but I laugh at it so much, because even when we're both at some "casual" mood, there will be a fucking brawl. I laugh at it so fucking much, because she won't accept that we just don't get along. Hell, I fucking try to get along with her a few times, but...nope.
Last words to her before she left: "If you don't like how I did it, then fuck you."
I feel bad about it, but...damn, we just don't fucking get along.
You're the weirdo with the ridiculous long hair, right? Yeah, it's probably your fault. Maybe one day when (or if) you grow into a normal human being, you'll be able to actually have functioning relationships with your own family members, and--who knows?--maybe even other people too if you get lucky.
Quote from: Slim on May 28, 2012, 04:05:10 PM
You're the weirdo with the ridiculous long hair, right? Yeah, it's probably your fault. Maybe one day when (or if) you grow into a normal human being, you'll be able to actually have functioning relationships with your own family members, and--who knows?--maybe even other people too if you get lucky.
using assumptions and then blame me and suggest things because you think said assumptions are true
lol okay
I used to hate my sisters very much but then I just didn't care about them anymore.
Quote from: Original_MIB on May 28, 2012, 04:47:23 PM
using assumptions and then blame me and suggest things because you think said assumptions are true
lol okay
None of us know all the details and history surrounding the relationships in your personal life. All we can do is make assumptions based on what we've seen from you on this site. How the hell else would we respond to this topic? :\
this testimony
humans are slaughtered for money
the mentally challenged
Reading about silly deaths
example: microwaved baby from a couple years ago
Quote from: CM Wrench on May 29, 2012, 06:11:04 AM
Reading about silly deaths
example: microwaved baby from a couple years ago