I feel so goddamn lazy when I'm not at work.
Sometimes I'm too lazy to get a sandwich. I'm fucking hungry.
u needz a woman
Quote from: Bert Schnick on February 02, 2012, 04:06:42 PM
u needz a woman
The last one I had moved up north to go to Northern Arizona University. I was pretty bummed.
I'm lazy all the time.
you know you can't be lazy cnotedood;
lazy day is never for me
whatver bout arzona
the more i sleep the less lazy i am. people don't seem to understand it. if i get more than 10 hours of sleep i have so much energy and spunk that i don't even know what to do. before i started school and shit i's go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 8am, ride my bike 10 miles to work (20 miles round trip) every other day and on days i didn't ride my bike i'd go and lift weights. i cooked all my own food, ate totally healthy, read 5 books in 3 months, and went on walks with my dog a few times a week! also, my job was to lift boxes and move them all day. it was phsically demanding. well, not for me but thats because i was in the best shape of my life. the other people i worked with struggled through the day.
however, since i started school now i'm getting less than 8 hours of sleep everynight and lifted twice in 3 months because i'm too exhausted to put myself through strenuous physical activity, except for running and pushups/pullups, i eat a lot of fast food because i'm too tired to cook, i've only read 4 chapters of the two towers, even though i started it in the summer, and if i have to go to the store i drive instead of riding my bike. i wish i had more time to do things i like doing. like sleeping, exercising, reading, and eating healthy.