Choose your top 4 most valued boards.
Option 1: Serious Discussion
votes: 7
Option 2: Video Game Discussion
votes: 7
Option 3: The Arts Discussion
votes: 7
Option 4: Anime Discussion
votes: 2
Option 5: Foods, snacks
votes: 5
Option 6: Tech Board
votes: 5
Option 7: Sports Board
votes: 2
Option 8: IRL Land
votes: 10
Option 9: Paranormal, Sleep, Dreams
votes: 1
POLL: Choose your 4 most posted in / most valued / most would care if it was merged with something. I left out the lobby, anonymous, market for obvious reasons. Note this is NOT to decide which boards get moved or deleted or specifically to decide this thread.
I'm trying to figure out how we can increase the number of active boards on boyah. since serious discussion is basically obsolete, and since the content of irl land is 50% 'serious discussion' anyway, I propose we combine them into one hidden board to host discussion of all sorts of 'real life' topics including 'serious discussion'.
the name would probably still be IRL Land unless someone has a better idea, but it would replace serious discussion as 2nd board.
also itt any other board ideas, none of which are likely to be acted upon.
the serious discussion board has always generally inactive. who gives a fuck? the sports board is even worse but we don't see that being removed.
I honestly don't see how the two are related, but I never go to srs discussion anyway so whatever man.
oh and don't forget the dead sleep, tech, and market boards lol!!!!!!
seriously if we're doing board culling then serious discussion should be near the bottom of your list
Merge Sleep and Dreams with IRL.
I think that if we merged irl with srs then it would diminish any serious discussion.
also make me a board.
Quote from: N o t S i d on November 20, 2011, 09:33:27 PM
Merge Sleep and Dreams with IRL.
I think that if we merged irl with srs then it would diminish any serious discussion.
also make me a board.
I didn't even realise sleep and dreams had their own board, but I agree they would be better off combined.
Quote from: Nyerp on November 20, 2011, 09:32:55 PM
oh and don't forget the dead sleep, tech, and market boards lol!!!!!!
seriously if we're doing board culling then serious discussion should be near the bottom of your list
well, I wasn't really going by least active, just least useful. it seems like we have a lot more 'serious' discussion elsewhere on boyah, and the discussions in serious discussion the board have been terrible lately.
Quote from: N o t S i d on November 20, 2011, 09:33:27 PM
Merge Sleep and Dreams with IRL.
I think that if we merged irl with srs then it would diminish any serious discussion.
also make me a board.
Maybe merge sleep and dreams in addition, if anything. Idk how I feel about that one, though sleep and dreams is pretty useless.
but maybe this is a bad idea I'm not sure
Quote from: Yui on November 20, 2011, 09:37:56 PM
this is a better idea
I'm for it, but the point is to increase activity, not just get rid of a board myface;
I think combining Serious Discussion and IRL Land with a little repurposing of its theme would perhaps create a board to hold a wider variety of topics that people could post, all related to personal lives/hot debate topics/drugs and shit/whatever, instead of making a "serious" distinction, which obviously isn't really giving anyone great ideas for posts.
Quote from: N o t S i d on November 20, 2011, 09:33:27 PM
Merge Sleep and Dreams with IRL.
lol didn't it start out this way
what if we moved boards around instead of merged them
like how you put old food near the fron so it will get eaten
maybe if we put inactive boards near the top then they will get eaten.
Quote from: N o t S i d on November 20, 2011, 09:45:25 PM
what if we moved boards around instead of merged them
like how you put old food near the fron so it will get eaten
maybe if we put inactive boards near the top then they will get eaten.
That is half the plan, I want to combine 1 or 2 boards with less defined purposes (serious and sleep/dreams too I guess) into IRL Land, then make it the 2nd board so we are more inspired to use it
I wouldn't merge serious with irl, that would make a bit too broad of a topic.
anime board sure has hit it off nicely...
I think you should go through all the pinned threads in every board as well.
hey so uh since we're taking suggestions i suggest you give me the ability to post in locked threads
Quote from: Hiroglyph on November 20, 2011, 10:34:11 PM
I wouldn't merge serious with irl, that would make a bit too broad of a topic.
anime board sure has hit it off nicely...
I think you should go through all the pinned threads in every board as well.
broad topic = only board that draws significant posts. second most active (real) boards are arts and video games, which are also nice and broad. other than completely off-topic, what is broader than 'real life'? it can be like a slightly more focused and serious throwdown showdown.
a worthy suggestion.
Quote from: ポ--,,ルの" on November 20, 2011, 10:44:38 PM
hey so uh since we're taking suggestions i suggest you give me the ability to post in locked threads
I think IRL and srs should be merged, especially since srs became hidden recently. Make it a semi-srs, aka no spam but things don't need to be super sers. Also I think I would be more likely to post IRL stuff there because right now if you post something in srs or IRL it doesn't really get seen so no one does it.
i think most people go to IRL for the pocture thread
all opinions on this issue will be valued.
What constitutes "serious discussion" on Boyah? You might as well merge it.
Quote from: applesauce link=topic=57169.msg1140990#m bassir;sg1140990 date=1321867520
I think IRL and srs should be merged, especially since srs became hidden recently. Make it a semi-srs, aka no spam but things don't need to be super sers. Also I think I would be more likely to post IRL stuff there because right now if you post something in srs or IRL it doesn't really get seen so no one does it.
i don't know that combining two inactive boards wil make people more likely to post there but anyway...
I like them separate. We've had a semi_serious board before and it didn't get much use
we have a fred durst board?
The JMV has approved this. If anyone is seriously opposed, speak now
The tentative plan is to combine
SERIOUS Discussion
IRL Land
Sleep & Dreams
Into a single board called Offline Discussion or just IRL Land.
Quote from: bluebirdofhappiness on November 21, 2011, 10:39:59 AM
What constitutes "serious discussion" on Boyah? You might as well merge it.
Quote from: silvertone on November 21, 2011, 01:54:57 PM
we have a fred durst board?
Thank you for your comments
Can we name this board The Real World: Boyah y/n
The Real Housewives of Boyah
Quote from: Hiroglyph on November 21, 2011, 05:11:21 PM
Can we name this board The Real World: Boyah y/n
no, then we would have to include our token gays
Quote from: ポ--,,ルの" on November 21, 2011, 05:13:22 PM
The Real Housewives of Boyah
there are no real women on the internet
k for realz can more Boyagers weigh in on this, even if you don't care or don't use any of the boards, say so
i already did weigh in on it wariodood;
Quote from: Nyerp on November 21, 2011, 07:05:59 PM
i already did weigh in on it wariodood;
it was appreciated.
I am looking for maybe a Tec or a Thyme or David or Tyler (generally boyagers who start with T)
fucking skylink sword :'(
i kind of agree with nyerp/notsid/hiro
serious discussion is inactive but i think merging it with irl discussion would be akin to deleting altogether it lol
Quote from: Tectrika on November 21, 2011, 08:53:49 PM
serious discussion is inactive but i think merging it with irl discussion would be akin to deleting altogether it lol
That would actually be a good thing though as "serious discussion" as implemented on Boyah is a misnomer.
I would be in favour of keeping the board if we actually enforced the rules as written for that board more strictly.
Quote from: Tectrika on November 21, 2011, 08:53:49 PM
i kind of agree with nyerp/notsid/hiro
serious discussion is inactive but i think merging it with irl discussion would be akin to deleting altogether it lol
but couldn't we get the same posts that serious discussion gets (all 26 per month) by altering IRL Land's purpose/description a little to include 'serious discussion' in addition to other offline topics? maybe?
also as an aside, I aligned the bottom of the shy guy's feet with the bottom edge of my browser window, and it looks like he's
walking across the bottom of my browser
Quote from: bluebirdofhappiness on November 21, 2011, 08:55:52 PM
That would actually be a good thing though as "serious discussion" as implemented on Boyah is a misnomer.
I would be in favour of keeping the board if we actually enforced the rules as written for that board more strictly.
I deleted a couple posts in the serious board today hocuspocus;
Probably should have deleted Nyerp's but it wasn't worth it
Quote from: vziard on November 21, 2011, 09:00:02 PM
but couldn't we get the same posts that serious discussion gets (all 26 per month) by altering IRL Land's purpose/description a little to include 'serious discussion' in addition to other offline topics? maybe?
also as an aside, I aligned the bottom of the shy guy's feet with the bottom edge of my browser window, and it looks like he's walking across the bottom of my browser
How are we going to differentiate serious threads in that board from more light hearted ones confuseddood;
Quote from: NPR on November 21, 2011, 09:16:12 PM
I deleted a couple posts in the serious board today hocuspocus;
Probably should have deleted Nyerp's but it wasn't worth itHow are we going to differentiate serious threads in that board from more light hearted ones confuseddood;
We don't have to, that's the point. Many of us post 'serious' replies intended for 'serious' discussion all over the forum, so the board's theme seems a little obsolete... it's basically just politics/religion/morality and other traditionally argument worthy topics, which imo is kind of a stupid distinction to make for a board's discussion theme.
If we combined it into an all-encompassing
Offline Discussion board, we could encourage 'serious' (or just semi-serious, not asking for anything) discussion of all things 'real life', including serious debate topics.
For example, some threads from IRL Land:
same sex cuddling
what drugs have you tried (experiences)?
things about your looks that you hate
Although these aren't really for argumentative discussion (which shouldn't be the point of 'serious discussion' anyway), why can't they be labeled alongside Serious Discussion topics as slightly more 'serious' than things we post in the Throwdown Showdown, and invite suitably semi-serious discussion?
Again, the idea isn't just to drop/consolidate boards, it's to reform a few vaguely-purposed boards into a more clear and useful theme: Offline Discussion.
Ye? Wouldn't it be fun? Another board that might actually get new discussions every day?
Quote from: NPR on November 21, 2011, 09:16:12 PM
I deleted a couple posts in the serious board today hocuspocus;
Probably should have deleted Nyerp's but it wasn't worth it
It would be nice if it created actual answers instead of "What do you hate about your looks" "Everything 5thgrade; "
Quote from: NPR on November 21, 2011, 09:36:21 PM
It would be nice if it created actual answers instead of "What do you hate about your looks" "Everything 5thgrade; "
Yeah, that's why I think it'd be cool to turn IRL Land into 'semi-serious discussion' with Serious Discussion and Sleep/Dreams topics dumped into it. It would be a board to talk about real life like real life (because that's fun, right?), instead of this stupid board no one uses where the only idea is to post clichéd "serious" topics.
Eh, most boards are essentially redundant anyway (except anon) considering all things that get posted in this board here, or just in the chat thread. Though some of the probably have generated posts or topics that wouldn't have been made otherwise without the "theme" of the board to spark the idea.
Quote from: Space Left Intentionally Blank on November 21, 2011, 10:55:05 PM
Eh, most boards are essentially redundant anyway (except anon) considering all things that get posted in this board here, or just in the chat thread. Though some of the probably have generated posts or topics that wouldn't have been made otherwise without the "theme" of the board to spark the idea.
So you approve? appeasement;
Quote from: vziard on November 21, 2011, 11:40:46 PM
So you approve? appeasement;
Well it's fine either way for me, merged or not, but I don't think what I think should have any affect on this at all. Not that it would anyway.
Quote from: Space Left Intentionally Blank on November 22, 2011, 12:02:24 AM
Well it's fine either way for me, merged or not, but I don't think what I think should have any affect on this at all. Not that it would anyway.
we are a community, the opinion of those who haven't posted in the boards but possibly would is most valuable wrench;
Quote from: vziard on November 22, 2011, 12:03:43 AM
we are a community, the opinion of those who haven't posted in the boards but possibly would is most valuable wrench;
You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship.
Quote from: ポ--,,ルの" on November 22, 2011, 12:26:27 AM
You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship.
more like a sextatorship :'(
Quote from: ポ--,,ルの" on November 22, 2011, 12:26:27 AM
You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship.
A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes...
Oh there you go, bringing class into it again.
. . . . . . . Final Thoughts . . . . . . .
no comment
final thoughts
keep srs, merge dreams and irl
Quote from: ポ--,,ルの" on November 23, 2011, 02:40:23 AM
final thoughts
keep srs, merge dreams and irl
i agree with this
But that's pointless myface;
put up a poll asking boyagers what five core boards they would like to keep
I feel like serious discussion needs to stay as its own thing though. It may not get a lot of posts but I feel like it needs to be there to discuss things that are... serious.
I also see zero correlation between srs and IRL.
but, couldn't srs discussion be implemented as a child forum under IRL board?
Quote from: ポ--,,ルの" on November 23, 2011, 02:46:49 AM
I feel like serious discussion needs to stay as its own thing though. It may not get a lot of posts but I feel like it needs to be there to discuss things that are... serious.
I also see zero correlation between sr s and IRL.
Quote from: vziard on November 21, 2011, 09:34:39 PM
We don't have to, that's the point. Many of us post 'serious' replies intended for 'serious' discussion all over the forum, so the board's theme seems a little obsolete... it's basically just politics/religion/morality and other traditionally argument worthy topics, which imo is kind of a stupid distinction to make for a board's discussion theme.
If we combined it into an all-encompassing Offline Discussion board, we could encourage 'serious' (or just semi-serious, not asking for anything) discussion of all things 'real life', including serious debate topics.
For example, some threads from IRL Land:
same sex cuddling
what drugs have you tried (experiences)?
things about your looks that you hate
Although these aren't really for argumentative discussion (which shouldn't be the point of 'serious discussion' anyway), why can't they be labeled alongside Serious Discussion topics as slightly more 'serious' than things we post in the Throwdown Showdown, and invite suitably semi-serious discussion?
Again, the idea isn't just to drop/consolidate boards, it's to reform a few vaguely-purposed boards into a more clear and useful theme: Offline Discussion.
Ye? Wouldn't it be fun? Another board that might actually get new discussions every day?
Yeah, that's why I think it'd be cool to turn IRL Land into 'semi-serious discussion' with Serious Discussion and Sleep/Dreams topics dumped into it. It would be a board to talk about real life like real life (because that's fun, right?), instead of this stupid board no one uses where the only idea is to post clichéd "serious" topics.
Does this only make sense to me? saddood;
Quote from: bluebirdofhappiness on November 23, 2011, 02:47:40 AM
but, couldn't srs discussion be implemented as a child forum under IRL board?
This is viable, but I'd prefer to merge them all, because again what's really the point of that? The idea is to spur new activity, not just make the board structure more efficient.
remind me how this would spur activity again because i'm honestly not following
Quote from: ポ--,,ルの" on November 23, 2011, 02:54:42 AM
remind me how this would spur activity again because i'm honestly not following
Instead of having IRL Land, where people only post about photos, clothes, and health; and Serious Discussion, where people only post clichéd "serious" topics, we could have a slightly more general board, still with a serious connotation, inviting all sorts of general 'real life' topics (topics that aren't quite blithe enough to fit in the throwdown showdown to disappear after a few days).
Alternatively, we could merge Sleep/Dreams and IRL Land and keep Serious, but only if Serious can be reborn into a board with real rules that's actually serious... which I'm skeptical about because no one would use it. But if we would use it, then it'd be great.
Quote from: bluebirdofhappiness on November 23, 2011, 02:46:05 AM
put up a poll asking boyagers what five core boards they would like to keep
I'm doing this, not to decide this but just for knowledge.
https://boyah.net/forums/index.php/topic,2681.0.html no one reads the rules in serious discussion because lawlz wrote them rofl
the rules must be revised
Ok, I have considered this more deeply and formed a new plan. I will propose it later today. Meanwhile please vote
Quote from: bluebirdofhappiness on November 23, 2011, 03:04:23 AM
https://boyah.net/forums/index.php/topic,2681.0.html no one reads the rules in serious discussion because lawlz wrote them rofl
the rules must be revised
To be fair, no rules on Boyah are actually enforced anymore, except maybe the member impersonation rule. But everything else is pretty much violated on a daily basis by everybody.
I have this strange feeling that if you were to merge the two, there would cease to be "serious discussion."
I wouldn't be heartbroken since I don't post there anyways. BUT I'm guessing there won't be an increase in activity, so I'm not sure if this will accomplish anything.
Quote from: Hippopo on November 23, 2011, 07:20:20 AM
I have this strange feeling that if you were to merge the two, there would cease to be "serious discussion."
I wouldn't be heartbroken since I don't post there anyways. BUT I'm guessing there won't be an increase in activity, so I'm not sure if this will accomplish anything.
Yeah, I'm now thinking it would be better to revamp Serious Discussion into something slightly
more serious, in addition to broadening IRL Land and tweaking a few other boards. the New Plan is forthcoming
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