Quote2011-11-03 30 1050 0 45
if every day is like this it should be extremely easy
i reluctantly delivered the the goods, i now expect you all to happily deliver posts all month (and year and millennium) madood;
We should make tec join the google+ hangouts with webcam with whatever posting goal bet he makes next y/n
How have we made 1050 posts today where are they
Quote from: Molotov Emir 1986 on November 03, 2011, 09:57:02 PM
it was good yes;(http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a384/roopu/emot-fh.gif)
Im posting again so that should help i guess
Quote from: vziard on November 03, 2011, 10:07:16 PM
How have we made 1050 posts today where are they
28 pages in the chat thread are from thursday = 420 posts
we need more gurls has 7 pages = 100 more
itt favorite things ever is mostly from thursday; ~4 pages = 60 more
and I guess the scattered posts across smaller threads add up to the remaining 400ish
Quote from: bluaki on November 03, 2011, 10:16:21 PM
28 pages in the chat thread are from thursday = 420 posts
fuck the chat thread man
we should make an official tec quota thread y/n
Quote from: bluebirdofhappiness on November 03, 2011, 11:13:47 PM
we should make an official tec quota thread y/n
I would actually appreciate this. Also he should give us new goals every day and update us on progress as the day goes on. giggle;
Quote from: Molotov Emir 1986 on November 03, 2011, 11:24:01 PM
I would actually appreciate this. Also he should give us new goals every day and update us on progress as the day goes on. giggle;
>implying he doesn't already. goowan
Quote from: Hippopo on November 03, 2011, 11:27:26 PM
>implying he doesn't already. goowan
once or twice a week is crap. I want it like every 45 minutes. :3
Posting ability is directly related to beard growth. Every time you shave you lose posting ability and post more slowly.
Quote from: Molotov Emir 1986 on November 03, 2011, 11:28:17 PM
once or twice a week is crap. I want it like every 45 minutes. :3
Is it really only once or twice a week? I swear it's at least
implied daily (if not hourly) confuseddood;
Quote from: Banned on November 03, 2011, 11:29:16 PM
Posting ability is directly related to beard growth. Every time you shave you lose posting ability and post more slowly.
well so far I am participating in no-shave november. not sure if I am going to keep it up. ooh, I should make a thread
so far i've been pretty inactive lol
Quote from: Molotov Emir 1986 on November 03, 2011, 11:28:17 PM
once or twice a week is crap. I want it like every 45 minutes. :3
i usually update at least daily cry;
Quote22 Guests, 22 Users (1 Hidden)
Users active in past 20 minutes:
Tectrika, steal, Kefka, Dullahan, Snowy, silvertone, MattC13, C.Mongler, Echo, Boognish-Redux-, Sakamoto, bluaki, The spy who loves you, NPR, Space Left Intentionally Blank, bluebirdofhappiness, Thyme, Molotov Emir 1986, yoseph, Trevor, Clucky
Quote2011-11-06 11 426 0 50
explain yourselves
we'll never make it at this rate :(
Quote from: Tectrika on November 06, 2011, 06:27:30 PM
explain yourselves
we'll never make it at this rate :(
i was playing vidya games :(
I mAdE My ThIRty POsTsS
I made my 50+ posts :(
we'll never rate tec at this rate :(
i'll try to post a few times everyday
i like it here
Quote from: Sakamoto on November 06, 2011, 08:08:48 PM
we'll never rate tec at this rate :(
my dream is to be rated by posts awdood;
lol, goals
Quote from: Snowy on November 04, 2011, 10:04:48 AM
Doesn't David have to post a picture of his face too? confuseddood;
but i did????
Quote from: Kaz on November 07, 2011, 04:34:41 AM
lol, goals
vuvudood; [/spoiler]
i saw that coming the moment i saw that you posted after me
Quote from: Kaz on November 07, 2011, 04:44:02 AM
i saw that coming the moment i saw that you posted after me
so rude :'(
Quote2011-11-07 11 768 0 47
believe it or not, despite the two days of inactivity we're right on schedule wrench;
today's quota: 666 posts jackodood;
good to hear sarge
hail my favorite satan
we will kick ass with g+ organization and the power of gods THE POWER OF GOD
no one saw all that, right? n_u
today's quota: 660 posts dittodood;
Skyrim comes out this weekend
We are doomed
Quote from: NPR on November 09, 2011, 11:07:38 AM
Skyrim comes out this weekend
We are doomed
i'm one of the few people here interested by it and i won't be getting it until next month 5thgrade;
I think now that I can't UE and while I am still single, there's a pretty solid chance of me getting to 100%.
i should mention that i won't be posting at all from the 20th onward awdood;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 09, 2011, 11:10:30 AM
i should mention that i won't be posting at all from the 20th onward awdood;
whet WHAT whyt WHOT
Quote from: Sakamoto on November 09, 2011, 11:13:12 AM
whet WHAT whyt WHOT
I'm not a huge Zelda fan, but that box art is stellar.
Quote from: Snowy on November 09, 2011, 11:14:24 AM
I don't think I'll be leaving my house after Skyrim comes out
Wait wait, is this that commercial I saw with a church bell and some village people, then a dragon and some horned man, which unfortunately turned out to be a video game promo? I thought it was strange and wandered what possible appeal it had, but I didn't know people would actually desire it.
Quote from: Socks on November 09, 2011, 11:25:48 AM
Wait wait, is this that commercial I saw with a church bell and some village people, then a dragon and some horned man, which unfortunately turned out to be a video game promo? I thought it was strange and wandered what possible appeal it had, but I didn't know people would actually desire it.
It's actually probably the most anticipated game this year lol
Quote from: Echo on November 09, 2011, 11:27:00 AM
It's actually probably the most anticipated game this year lol
Oh. . . I don't play games.
Quote from: Socks on November 09, 2011, 11:25:48 AM
Wait wait, is this that commercial I saw with a church bell and some village people, then a dragon and some horned man, which unfortunately turned out to be a video game promo? I thought it was strange and wandered what possible appeal it had, but I didn't know people would actually desire it.
So it was unfortunate that it turned out to be a video game...
but then you wonder why people would like it?
Quote from: NPR on November 09, 2011, 11:33:35 AM
So it was unfortunate that it turned out to be a video game...
but then you wonder why people would like it?
Yes. I have not had a chance to live in the Medevil Age, where the towers rang and told the time of day, and the echoes were eerie through the streets and stones, as the peasants sold their stay. That video was very well done. But, I surely would have enjoyed a much more vivid recreation of this history lesson, then it be some marketing scheme.
Quote from: Socks on November 09, 2011, 11:41:50 AM
Yes. I have not had a chance to live in the Medevil Age, where the towers rang and told the time of day, and the echoes were eerie through the streets and stones, as the peasants sold their stay. That video was very well done. But, I surely would have enjoyed a much more vivid recreation of this history lesson, then it be some marketing scheme.
it's not a marketing scheme though, it's the game goonish
Quote from: Hiroglyph on November 09, 2011, 12:04:26 PM
it's not a marketing scheme though, it's the game goonish
Why do you comment absurdities? As if I have not carefully thought out what I said.
Are you saying you would prefer it be a movie over a game?
Quote from: Molotov Emir 1986 on November 09, 2011, 12:24:13 PM
Are you saying you would prefer it be a movie over a game?
No I am saying the focus of it out of the context of a game or a movie, ie. the story and world, would be much better represented through to the general public not merely as a form of entertainment. For that part it does not interest me, where as other aspects do.
Quote2011-11-09 13 650 0 45
MORE cry;
i got more right here tomatoes;
today's quota: 659 posts dittodood;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 09, 2011, 09:01:47 PM
today's quota: 659 posts dittodood;
confirmed for unattainable
"less is mo re "? ? ?
Quote from: N o t S i d on November 10, 2011, 11:30:41 AM
confirmed for unattainable
You're right.
Quote2011-11-10 9 348 0 47
I lose. awdood;
Guys, if we let activity bloom naturally instead of trying to force it we could easily beat it :|
I did not post much today.
today's quota is 670 by the way sillydood;
I want to get fucked by a robot
Quote from: Dovydas on November 10, 2011, 03:04:52 PM
Guys, if we let activity bloom naturally instead of trying to force it we could easily beat it :|
Bloom... naturally? confuseddood;
tobay quoat: four. that's it.
Quote from: vziard on November 13, 2011, 08:34:23 PM
I want to get fucked by a robot
i can make this happen cos
lol burzum where did you even find that
so hey what's the quota for the rest of today, tec
tell us
or just for today in general i guess
654 posts
343 more left to go akudood;
pfft that'll be easy baddood;
I hope you're right. frankendood;
i am right
but uh tec
you do realize you have absolutely no say in any of this right n_u
i don't even have a say...in posting anymore...
ugh nyerp just post more it's not hard madood;
Yeah, Nyerp. Just post more. Geeze.
that number looks much nicer at that font size
it's just much better, aesthetically, than when it's small
it pleases me, somewhat
Quote from: Thyme on November 15, 2011, 11:31:36 AM
but uh tec
you do realize you have absolutely no say in any of this right n_u
i'm a bad example but that doesn't mean any of you should follow me cry;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 12:37:40 PM
i'm a bad example but that doesn't mean any of you should follow me cry;
n't? confuseddood;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 12:37:40 PM
i'm a bad example but that doesn't mean any of you should follow me cry;
how do you have so much trouble posting
look at me i do it effortlessly
you're welcome baddood;
wow when did that happen O_0
lol i've made over 100 posts total today already counting anon board posts n_u
Quote from: Kaz on November 15, 2011, 01:54:17 PM
lol i've made over 100 posts total today already counting anon board posts n_u
oh, so
you're the furfag RUB IT
nah that'd be hensa, and she's certainly not afraid to admit it n_u
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 01:55:29 PM
oh, so you're the furfag RUB IT
i lol'd sillydood;
but srsly did i miss something
Quote from: Thyme on November 15, 2011, 01:53:54 PM
did i miss something O_0
we hit the quota a lot sooner than i'd expected sillydood;
kaz is stealing my posts . he is deleting and then posting what i posted. i lost 40 posts this way
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 01:56:42 PM
we hit the quota a lot sooner than i'd expected sillydood;
oh, good sillydood;
i think i'm close to hitting quota mach 2 for today RUB IT
Quote from: Kaz on November 15, 2011, 01:57:13 PM
th-thank --
Quote from: silvertone on November 15, 2011, 01:57:52 PM
kaz is stealing my posts . he is deleting and then posting what i posted. i lost 40 posts this way
nevermind wow rude kaz ghouldood;
i normally don't "tattle-tale" on trolls but this just made me sick to my stomach. Thank you boyah administration for recognizing this and not ignoring it like our government (united states of fascism) would do.
the great quota heist
i blame my space bar cry;
me, dead. after kaz stole my posts
kaz how could you awdood;
I'm confused/
i am innocent, i swear
Quote from: Kaz on November 15, 2011, 02:37:00 PM
i am innocent, i swear
my dad told me never to swear
"let your yes be yes and your no be no"
lol when did we hit 800
Quote2011-11-15 18 1003 3 45
But don't stop now. cry;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 04:35:01 PM
But don't stop now. cry;
that's what she said
[spoiler]I got my daily quota with that girl;[/spoiler]
so um
do you think we could make another 115 posts before the end of the night girl;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 07:46:13 PM
so um
do you think we could make another 115 posts before the end of the night girl;
working on it
dunno what i think
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 07:46:13 PM
so um
do you think we could make another 115 posts before the end of the night girl;
I think we can do that
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 07:46:13 PM
so um
do you think we could make another 115 posts before the end of the night girl;
I don't know, but I want to get to Mach 3 by midnight.
Will you help me? baddood;
i'll take that as a no 5thgrade;
Quote from: Thyme on November 15, 2011, 07:57:25 PM
i'll take that as a no 5thgrade;
I'll help you 5thgrade;
[spoiler]what must I do[/spoiler]
Quote from: Echo on November 15, 2011, 08:00:40 PM
I'll help you 5thgrade;
[spoiler]what must I do[/spoiler]
make posts that will incite me to reply to them baddood;
Inflammatory posts work best.
Quote from: Thyme on November 15, 2011, 07:50:28 PM
I don't know, but I want to get to Mach 3 by midnight.
Will you help me? baddood;
Quote from: Thyme on November 15, 2011, 08:02:20 PM
make posts that will incite me to reply to them baddood;
Let me think of something. I will probably post it in the chat thread
more posts today than any day since july 9
Quote from: applesauce on November 15, 2011, 08:05:51 PM
more posts today than any day since july 9
That's the goal. RUB IT
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 08:07:34 PM
That's the goal. RUB IT
I read that as goat for some reason
omglol vuvudood;
oh wow i just looked at what would be the next day to beat
it's exactly two years ago sillydood;
but anyway there's no way we're beating that one n_u
two years ago was my brithday.
Quote from: silvertone on November 15, 2011, 08:45:15 PM
two years ago was my brithday.
now you are two years wiser.
*and circumcised.
Quote from: Thyme on November 15, 2011, 08:44:29 PM
oh wow i just looked at what would be the next day to beat
it's exactly two years ago sillydood;
but anyway there's no way we're beating that one n_u
lol what are the odds
Quote from: bluebirdofhappiness on November 15, 2011, 08:46:06 PM
now you are two years wiser.
*and circumcised.
circumcized Since Birth
i also have had penis surgery As Baby so my dick is fucking butchered
Quote from: silvertone on November 15, 2011, 08:53:06 PM
circumcized Since Birth
i also have had penis surgery As Baby so my dick is fucking butchered
post it in the anonymous nudes thread
we can do it guiys
Success. jackodood;
Quote2011-11-15 31 1418 3 48
lol 217% of yesterday's quota nyandood;
Anyway, today's quota is a mere 623 posts. Reichdood;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 15, 2011, 09:01:10 PM
lol 217% of yesterday's quota nyandood;
we would have known what you meant lol 5thgrade;
i think i burned myself out on posting
i had over 150 by the end of the day
i wish i could do that :'(
232 posts as of 11:26:40 AM EST
we'll hit quota for today just fine, i think
we just won't have an insane amount of posts like yesterday
anyway good luck with this guys i'm never posting again goodbye forever goodjob;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 16, 2011, 02:56:58 PM
anyway good luck with this guys i'm never posting again goodbye forever goodjob;
Quota of the Day: 615 posts goodjob;
i didn't meet my personal quota today :'(
we haven't hit the quota in three days lol, but i've come to expect as much on weekends
Anyway, today's is 643 posts. :|
shut up :|
lol i knew that was coming wry
Quote from: Yui on November 20, 2011, 10:00:53 AM
or, alternatively, post more
yeah okay but not in this thread :|
Quote from: Thyme on November 20, 2011, 10:01:40 AM
yeah okay but not in this thread :|
tec is not allowed to be quota master unless he actually starts posting more
goddamn hypocrite :||||
this month goal is to become a master of yeye and be like felt but not gay.
this month's goal is to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF TEC (https://boyah.net/forums/Themes/TempleSAF/images/post/angry.gif)
i-i'll get the posts, i swear wry
Quote from: Tectrika on November 20, 2011, 10:04:58 AM
i-i'll get the posts, i swear wry
thats what u said last time, im fed up with ur lies!
just like john goodman, we can't get rid of hiro
boyah is now dying of severe hypoquotia
donate a post
save a life cry;
today's goal is 678 posts :'(
Quote from: Tectrika on November 22, 2011, 02:29:31 PM
boyah is now dying of severe hypoquotia
donate a post
save a life cry;
today's goal is 678 posts :'(
i'm still waiting for thyme syndrome to manifest itself on me
i haven't even made halfquota yet today 5thgrade;
Quote from: Thyme on November 22, 2011, 02:30:44 PM
i'm still waiting for thyme syndrome to manifest itself on me
i haven't even made halfquota yet today 5thgrade;
have you seen what thyme syndrome is doing to nyerp cry;
post donated
tec is my best bro because his IRL name is a misspelling of beth gibbons
Quote2011-11-22 16 573 0 43
this is really bad
we're not going to beat last month smithicide;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 22, 2011, 08:43:14 PM
this is really bad
we're not going to beat last month smithicide;
Honestly we're less than 200 off pace. We can go this.
this song is for the rats
that hurled themselves into the ocean
when they saw that the explosives in the cargo hold
were just about to blow
this is becoming more and more impossible with each day we fail to meet the quota
today's goal is 690 posts smithicide;
boyah has fallen into a vegetative state smithicide;
hey i put more than enough into this place every day
hey why aren't you losers almost at sixty thousand? of that's right, you have no excuse.
my post counts combined make almost 500
Quote from: Dovydas on November 23, 2011, 01:49:14 PM
hey why aren't you losers almost at sixty thousand? of that's right, you have no excuse.
i thought you don't like being at almost sixty thousand
Quote from: Yui on November 23, 2011, 01:52:19 PM
i thought you don't like being at almost sixty thousand
i don't. just like tec is allergic to posting but constantly pushes us to do so. smithicide;
Quote from: Dovydas on November 23, 2011, 01:49:14 PM
hey why aren't you losers almost at sixty thousand? of that's right, you have no excuse.
speaking of posts
Quote2011-11-23 5 227 0 40
i'm revolted ghouldood;
tec do you like cupid car club. they are a band of high schoolers who all commit suicide and sang about grape juice and the 4 horsemen of the apocalypses
appeasement; for tec
we were doing so well earlier in the month
why are we falling behind wry
because the threat of clucky needs to be eliminated from boyah Reichdood;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 23, 2011, 02:19:17 PM
we were doing so well earlier in the month
why are we falling behind wry
I blame Kaz and his constant streaming
Quote2011-11-23 5 473 0 44
I guess this isn't happening. awdood;
At this rate, we'll only get to about 19.6 thousand. saddood;
just wait til we all have bellies full of yams n gravy, then we'll shit posts
Quote from: Tectrika on November 23, 2011, 02:19:17 PM
we were doing so well earlier in the month
why are we falling behind wry
well there's your lack of posts, for one thing
Quote from: Yui on November 23, 2011, 09:10:57 PM
well there's your lack of posts, for one thing
my quota is still 120.78% tyvm :|
Quote from: Tectrika on November 23, 2011, 09:13:24 PM
my quota is still 120.78% tyvm :|
how was that calculated again, the "real quota"
i don't want to find the old thread about it
Quote from: Yui on November 23, 2011, 09:14:49 PM
how was that calculated again, the "real quota"
i don't want to find the old thread about it
i just calculated yours
148.33% smithicide;
anyway go into your post tracker and go back 30 days from today's date (october 25th)
multiply the number of pages you had to go back to get to that date by 15, divide by 9
aw i was hoping mine would be higher
mine's pretty terrible too it seems lol
you are dangerously close to catching thyme syndrome :|
Quote from: Tectrika on November 23, 2011, 09:51:37 PM
you are dangerously close to catching thyme syndrome :|
do you really think the best quota-filler on boyah will let that happen
i certainly hope that kaz wouldn't let that happen :|
Quote from: Tectrika on November 23, 2011, 09:53:25 PM
i certainly hope that kaz wouldn't let that happen :|
kaz doesn't even come close to me :|
it seems we all need to work on raising our quotas
and, in the process, help to beat last month's post count :|
Quote from: Tectrika on November 23, 2011, 09:56:02 PM
it seems we all need to work on raising our quotas
and, in the process, help to beat last month's post count :|
last month will stand forever as boyah's most active month.
i can't let that happen cry;
although at this rate it probably will
today's quota is 721 posts goonish
the quota should never exceed the average yet we're 50 posts above it awdood;
tec, for us to beat october, you must invite your old room mate to boyah. scarecrowdood;
And with that, Boyah's fate as a slowly dwindling forum was forever sealed. THE POWER OF GOD
Quote from: Tectrika on November 23, 2011, 10:03:03 PM
And with that, Boyah's fate as a slowly dwindling forum was forever sealed. THE POWER OF GOD
honestly if you compare us to truly dwindling forums, we have as much activity in a day as they do in a week. :|
stop propagating this myth that boyah is dying.
[spoiler]if we really want to attract memebers, we should make boyah seem like its a fan forum for something[/spoiler]
[spoiler]no, we won't be fans of 'da bears', bungles, jest or bills :|[/spoiler]
boyah isn't fun when they keep talking about how they are going to die :<
All we would have to do to get new members is call it an off-topic forum in a few key places then fill regular boyah.net with some static articles (about video games or something) for awhile, then google will take care of the rest
Quote from: Dovydas on November 23, 2011, 10:07:17 PM
honestly if you compare us to truly dwindling forums, we have as much activity in a day as they do in a week. :|
and yeah for realz baddood;
i thought we treated 'boyah is dying' as a running joke :|
of course we're not actually dying, though i don't think that means there's no reason for our activity to increase scarecrowdood;
Quote from: Dovydas on November 23, 2011, 01:49:14 PM
hey why aren't you losers almost at sixty thousand? of that's right, you have no excuse.
I haven't had internet for most of the time I have been registered here :/
Quote from: Tectrika on November 23, 2011, 09:58:32 PM
today's quota is 721 posts goonish
rofl i am so not posting today maps;
Quote from: vziard on November 23, 2011, 10:16:33 PM
All we would have to do to get new members is call it an off-topic forum in a few key places then fill regular boyah.net with some static articles (about video games or something) for awhile, then google will take care of the rest
Google will take care of what? Bringing us stupid weeaboos and bitter zelda players? baddood;
If we want good members, we should have static articles on all the different things we talk about. Like video games, food, sex, drugs, early-20s angst, dropping out of school, anime, bitches, geography, philosophy, music, and shit.
Quote from: Dovydas on November 23, 2011, 10:07:17 PM
honestly if you compare us to truly dwindling forums, we have as much activity in a day as they do in a week. :|
stop propagating this myth that boyah is dying.
[spoiler]if we really want to attract memebers, we should make boyah seem like its a fan forum for something[/spoiler]
[spoiler]no, we won't be fans of 'da bears', bungles, jest or bills :|[/spoiler]
How about we become a kitten fan forum?
or a penis fan forum?
or an anime fan forum?
Quote from: applesauce on November 24, 2011, 05:45:46 AM
Google will take care of what? Bringing us stupid weeaboos and bitter zelda players? baddood;
If we want good members, we should have static articles on all the different things we talk about. Like video games, food, sex, drugs, early-20s angst, dropping out of school, anime, bitches, geography, philosophy, music, and shit.
Agreed, note the "or something." if I was planning it I would just make a 'blog' (for ease of updating) of Best of Boyah posts plus random shit from whoever wanted to post
Quote2011-11-24 19 703 0 47
see, we can do it baddood;
wziards are wise
Thanksgiving 2003 was the day I joined NSider giggle;
honestly that just makes me want to delete felt's post instead
quota: 717 posts Reichdood;
this will not be an emote post y/n
when did nyerp join nsider? i asked.
i am starting the six steps of postinganonymous.
Quote from: Thyme on November 24, 2011, 04:16:01 AM
rofl i am so not posting today maps;
wait a minute, your thanksgiving was well over a month ago argh;
your excuse had better be a good one :|
there really is no excuse for not posting :|
Quote from: Yui on November 25, 2011, 12:41:53 AM
there really is no excuse for not posting :|
I agree. :'(
Post posts Post post posts post Post post.
Quote from: Tectrika on November 25, 2011, 12:33:33 AM
wait a minute, your thanksgiving was well over a month ago argh;
your excuse had better be a good one :|
Uh, yeah. It was a thursday. I never post much on thursdays. :|
rofl oh god
it begins maps;
Quote from: Thyme on November 25, 2011, 04:05:12 AM
Uh, yeah. It was a thursday. I never post much on thursdays. :|
Quote from: Thyme on November 25, 2011, 04:05:39 AM
rofl oh god
it begins maps;
I was hoping you'd been cured. smithicide;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 25, 2011, 12:33:18 PM
I was hoping you'd been cured. smithicide;
rename the chat thread to Thyme Syndrome Containment Zone y/n
Quote from: Thyme on November 25, 2011, 12:37:09 PM
rename the chat thread to Thyme Syndrome Containment Zone y/n
all of boyah is the containment zone
if sufferers are restricted to a single thread, they'll have an even harder time recovering :'(
lol the quota's 806 posts
Well, I guess we could always try again next month. awdood;
To be fair, November is one day shorter than October, and if we'd had that extra day we would have made it. cry;
in fact we would have beaten last month's record by a whole 26.69 posts :'(
...provided we keep up the current rate of posting, that is.
you know, if you would just post as much as you used to, tec, we'd make it pretty easily. those extra 20 or so posts of yours garner additional posts from the rest of us, as well.
I think we typically have less activity around this time anyway.
Quote from: Yui on November 26, 2011, 09:40:22 PM
...provided we keep up the current rate of posting, that is.
you know, if you would just post as much as you used to, tec, we'd make it pretty easily. those extra 20 or so posts of yours garner additional posts from the rest of us, as well.
we have four days
i'll do it THE POWER OF GOD
posting for the cause to cure inactivity
JMV has posted like 3 times today.
Quote from: Dovydas on November 23, 2011, 09:52:30 PM
do you really think the best quota-filler on boyah will let that happen
lol oh god
i was once afflicted with thyme syndrome, i am no longer Reichdood;
I am contributing to the posting of the posts for the post counts of the month
All of you are traitors in my opinion. I will go down with the ship instead of whoring myself to Somali pirates.
the ship
i'm rocking the boat
don't tip the boat over
i will go down with this ship.
Quote from: Khadafi on November 28, 2011, 05:46:31 AM
I am contributing to the posting of the posts for the post counts of the month
every post counts lubdoods;
i am posting for the betterment of socks
guys I am so sorry school is kicking my ass :(
school bullies children
Quote from: Dovydas on November 29, 2011, 03:12:16 AM
school bullies children
yes. this. :(
I don't even know if I will make G+ tomorrow.
Oh god, ninety. spam;
Quote from: Snowy Bear Killer, Nord of the North on November 29, 2011, 10:18:11 AM
Thyme be careful.
You might get 100% akudood;
At this rate, 75% is more likely. girl;
Quote from: Snowy Bear Killer, Nord of the North on November 29, 2011, 10:19:58 AM
Once you get to 90% it's hard to undo this sin. ghouldood;
he's saying that it's been falling. goonish
check my dubs lol XD!!
moar like failget LOL
lol awdood;
we all failed boyah
[glow=black,2,300]let it propagate [/glow]tomatoes;
we are going to fail.
Oh god <100%
we need to make over 1500 posts tomorrow to reach tec's quota ~_^
rofl awdood;
We can do it if we get another 500 today and 1000 tomorrow.
That's about 100 per hour for today.
but kazstream!
Kaz stream is banned.
rofl we'd need 54 posts an hour for the next 31 hours awdood;
We can do it if we pick up the slack some hours that other hours miss.
Really, with 5-10 members on at a given time, each member only really needs to make 10.8-5.4 posts per hour.
It's not a lot. WE CAN DO IT.
posting for the cause
I am.
We have 28.5 hours to make 1625 posts.
That is 57 posts per hour.
With 5 members on at a given time we need 11.4 posts per hour per member
With 10 members on at a given time it drops to 5.7 posts per hour.
It scales linearly. WE CAN DO IT
we should force inactive users into banned camp where they have to meet their quotas before they are released
i put up a letter from tec mom
thanks mom lubdoods;
So far I have contributed enough for x hours of JMV posts.
Tomorrow I will spend my time at work doing a secret time consuming project which will give me multi tasking time to do approx. y posts in j hours.
the mathematical alphabet
Quote from: Chompskyan Grammar on November 29, 2011, 04:31:33 PM
>1400 today y/n
most active day since november 15th, 2009 (again) bassir;
and some said it couldn't be done THE POWER OF GOD
Final Quota: 755 posts. Reichdood;
Quote from: Tectrika on November 29, 2011, 08:59:37 PM
most active day since november 15th, 2009 (again) bassir;
Is that the day where we had an increasing epidemic of like 48 guests and 19 spiders with one hundred thousand members logged in at once?
Quote from: Socks on November 29, 2011, 09:02:18 PM
Is that the day where we had an increasing epidemic of like 48 guests and 19 spiders with one hundred thousand members logged in at once?
The day we were invaded by 'guests'?
the last time that happened was in november 2010
11/15/09 was a fairly normal day in terms of users online
Quote from: Tectrika on November 29, 2011, 09:09:12 PM
The day we were invaded by 'guests'?
Yeah. . . I think it was an April.