A whole organ transplant team in route to Detroit Metro Airport was killed when the plane crashed into Lake Michigan.
They estimated the plane hit the water at 190 miles an hour. Do things like this make you sad? I can't imagine the pain the families must be feeling. For someone to be doing such a lifesaving thing and end up dying. It really hits me hard.
It doesn't hit me that hard but it's still sad to me.
That sucks.
I feel bad for them, but I don't really think about it that much.
It's pretty sad, yeah. It could just as easily been me.
btw that was somewhat near where I live.
I feel really bad for the families. It's sort of like when VT happened, it didn't happen to everyone's family, yet everyone felt the pain of it.
That kinda sucks, but you know, everyone has to die sometime.
I honestly don't care. Seriously.
If it didn't happen all the time, I might. But honestly, I'm tired of all the big deals people make out of school massacres, gun shootings, plane crashes, etc, when nobody, absolutley nobody gives a damn about automobiles, despite the fact that petroleum based feul is going to destroy the Earth, and car related deaths are at the top of the list.
It actually pisses me off that you always hear about shootings in the news, when gun related deaths are at the bottom of that list I just mentioned. You'll never see "About 300 people died today from a car related ordeal" as a headline, when that's what's going on, but when someone gets shot, it rapes headlines for weeks.
Though I have to admit, I do slightly care, seeing as yes, they're people who save lives.
That is sad, not only did they die the people they were trying to save probably died to.
Quote from: Phobia'-' on June 06, 2007, 08:56:56 AM
That is sad, not only did they die the people they were trying to save probably died to.
They were listed in critical condition. I know it was lungs they were delivering.
Quote from: Clair on June 06, 2007, 09:13:44 AM
Quote from: Phobia'-' on June 06, 2007, 08:56:56 AM
That is sad, not only did they die the people they were trying to save probably died to.
They were listed in critical condition. I know it was lungs they were delivering.
Hioefully they're okay now.
Yeah those things make me sad beacuse I alway think "what if that was me?...".
Yeah, like I remember a while back my uncle died in a plane crash so whenever I hear things about plane crashes I feel sad.