[spoiler=TOO LONG/BORING DIDN'T WATCH] Boyager most likely to run Boyah into the ground if made an Admin
--Winner: Lacey
--Runner up: Slim
Best Admin:
--Winner: JMV
--Runner up: Snorkel
Best at Geography
--Winner: Me86
--Runner up: YPR
Best Avatar
--Winner: Man of Popsicle
--Runner up: YPR
Best Boyager:
--Winner: YPR
--Runner up: PQQU
Best Boyager Outside of the US:
--Winner: Thyme
--Runner up: Volvagia
Best Boyah Board:
--Winner: The Lobby
--Runner up: Tie between Video Games and The Arts
Best Boyah Friends:
--Winner: Thyme and Me86
--Runner up: Tie between Kaz & Hensa and Man of Popsicle & his ego
Best College that a Boyager Attends:
--Winner: WPI
--Runner up: U of Wisconsin-Madison
Best Defender of Doodthing
--Winner: Wrench
--Runner up: Thyme (honourably)
Best Defining Feature:
--Winner: Clucky's 'Mind'
--Runner up: Tie between JMV's eyebrows and C.Mongler's cheeks
Best emote user:
--Winner: Thyme
--Runner up: Tectron
Best Female Boyager:
--Winner: Tie between PQQU and Rae
--Runner up: Clucky
Best Homoexual:
--Winner: Me86
--Runner up: Tyler
Best intern:
--Winner: Tie between Zidone and Steal
--Runner up: Tie btween Houdini and Tectron
Best Media Prowess:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Snorkel
Best midwesterner:
--Winner: YPR
--Runner up: ME86
Best Mod:
--Winner: Me86
--Runner up: YPR
Best Musical Taste:
--Winner: Snorkel
--Runner up: Hiro
Best new Member:
--Winner: Man of Popsicle
--Runner up: Echo
Best Quote:
--Winner: "Geno- I remember at my 16th birthday all my friends threw silly putty at me and I cried"
--Runner up: "Socks-needles to say, these individuals are not near the mark, both in terms of realization and in course of action."
Best Screen Name:
--Winner: Man of Popsicle
--Runner up: Dead is Dr. Suess
Best Straight Male:
--Winner: YPR
--Runner up: Famy
Best Taste in Video Games:
--Winner: Lawlz
--Runner up: Zidone
Best Thread:
--Winner: Manly Man Thread
--Runner up: Load of bullshi!!!
Best Typo:
--Tie between Needles to say and Ask Doodthing for Frogiveness
--Runner up: Christman
Best Video Game Collection:
--Winner: Reaper
--Runner up: Kaz
Best Looking Female Boyager:
--Winner: Hensa
--Runner up: Velvet
Best Looking Male Boyager:
--Winner: Tie between: Snorkel and YPR
--Runner up: JMV
Biggest Liar:
--Winner: Hime
--Runner up: Tie between JMV and Geno
Biggest OS Geek:
--Winner: JMV
--Runner up: Lozal
Biggest Weeaboo
--Winner: Kono
--Runner up: Kaz
Boyager changing the Most Rapidly:
--Winner: PQQU
--Runner up: Sam
Boyager Least Likely to Succeed:
--Winner: Lawlz
--Runner up: Lacey
Boyager: Least Likely to vote for oneself in everything they're running for:
--Winner: Rae
--Runner up: Joeinc
Boyager Least Likely to win a superlative IRL:
--Winner: JMV
--Runner up: Mippo
Boyager Most likely to avoid people:
--Winner: Lawlz
--Runner up: JMV
Boyager Most likely to be a drama queen:
--Winner: ClassicTyler
--Runner up: Sam
Most likely to be a hipster:
--Winner: Snorkel
--Runner up: Bushybrow
Boyager Most likely to be high whilst voting in the boyah awards:
--Winner: Snorkel:
--Runner up: Socks
Boyager Most likely to become a mass-murdering sociopath:
--Winner: Clucky
--Runner up: Slim
Most likely to become famous:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Tie between ME86 and Clucky
Boyager Most likely to become president:
--Winner: Bassir
--Runner up: ME86
Boyager Most likely to brag about their drug consumption:
--Winner: Mippo
--Runner up: Snorkel
Boyager Most likely to break the law:
--Winner: JMV's Car
--Runner up: ClassicTyler when he marries
Boyager most likelyt o commit suicide:
--Winner: Cameron
--Runner up: Clucky
Boyager most likely to die at a young age:
--Winner: Rustoneal
--Runner up: Clucky
Boyager most likely to get into a relationship and stop coming to boyah:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Joeinc
Boyager most likely to get trolled:
--Winner: Kaz
--Runner up: Sam
Boyager most likely to hate everybody/Be Slimâ,,,s reincarnation:
--Winner: Nyerp
--Runner up: BlackDS
Boyager most likely to have a pessimistic outlook on their life:
--Winner: Cameron
--Runner up: Tie between ME86 and JMV
Boyager most likely to have a pregnancy scare
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Kaki
Boyager most likely to invite a new Boyager:
--Winner: Strongbad
--Runner up: Geno
Boyager most likely to join Texas' secession from the Union:
--Winner: Tie between ClassicTyler and Socks
--Runner up: Zach
Boyager most likely to leave:
--Winner: Hiro
--Runner up: Slim
Boyager most likely to move to Canada:
--Winner: ClassicTyler
--Runner up: Snorkel
Boyager most likely to not win any other awards:
--Winner: Bluaki
--Runner up: Tie between Zidone and Mario583
Boyager most likely to overthrow JMV:
--Winner: Tie between Snorkel and Guff
--Runner up: Tie between JMV and Lacey
Boyager most likely to own 50% of the anonymous board:
--Winner: Nyerp
--Runner up: Clucky
Boyager Most Likely to Post a Thread No One Cares About:
--Winner: Hiro
--Runner up: Snorkel
Boyager Most Likely to Post Nudes of Self:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Tie between Kaz and Rustoneal
Boyager most likely to repost the first page of Reddit:
--Winner: Hiro
--Runner up: Man of Popsicle
Boyager most likely to represent their State in Congress:
--Winner: Tie between Guff and Me86
--Runner up: N/A (only two options)
Boyager most likely to say they will leave forever and return:
--Winner: ClassicTyler
--Runner up: Hiro
Boyager most likely to switch to a Mac:
--Winner: Tectron
--Runner up: Strongbad
Boyager most likely to use Doothing:
--Winner: JMV
--Runner up: Kaz
Boyager most likely to use the word 'hipster':
--Winner: Tie between Nyerp and JMV
--Runner up: Tectron
Boyager most likely to use the word 'hipster' incorrectly:
--Winner: BushyBrow
--Runner up: Fluxus
Boyager most likely to vote for oneself in everything theyâ,,,re running for:
--Winner: Thyme
--Runner up: Tie between Joeinc and Houdini
Boyager most likely to watch sports:
--Winner: YPR
--Runner up: Tie between Wrench and Title
Boyager most likely to win a superlative in real life:
--Winner: Man of Popsicle
--Runner up: JMV
Boyager no one likes but everybody tolerates:
--Winner: Lacey
--Runner up: Mippo
Boyager who would make the best pin-up model:
--Winner: Kaki
--Runner up: Guff
Boyager with the best signature:
--Winner: Thyme
--Runner up: Kaz
Boyager with the coolest friends:
--Winner: Steal
--Runner up: Strongbad
Boyager with the most interesting Twitter feed:
--Winner: Doodthing
--Runner up: C.Mongler
Boyager you most want to meet in person:
--Winner: Tie between Famy and YPR
--Runner up: Tie between JMV and Kaz
Cheapest Boyager:
--Winner: JMV
--Runner up: Tie between Lacey and Snorkel
Closet Alcoholic:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Tie between ClassicTyler and Me86 after dealing with this shit twice
Closet Homosexual:
--Winner: Socks
--Runner up: JMV
Dirtiest Boyager:
--Winner: ClassicTyler
--Runner up: Lacey
Doesn't Give a Shit About the Awards:
--Winner: Kid Rock
--Runner up: Rustoneal
Facial Expression Most Similar to that of Doodthing:
--Winner: Kaz's Avatar
--Runner up: Socks
Film of the year:
--Winner: Toy Story 3
--Runner up: Inglorious Basterds
Game of the Year:
--Winner: Super Mario Galaxy 2
--Runner up: Uncharted 2
Giant Poser:
--Winner: Mippo
--Runner up: Slim
Hits on Females Too Much:
--Winner: Hiro
--Runner up: Socks
Hits on Males Too Much:
--Winner: ClassicTyler
--Runner up: Clucky
Least Intelligent:
--Winner: Mippo
--Runner up: Lacey
Least-missed Absent Boyager
--Winner: LexLuthor
--Runner up: Tie between Slim and Lawlz
Member Who Inspires the Most Activity:
--Winner: Just Jack
--Runner up: JMV
Member with the Biggest E-Penis:
--Winner: Tie between Sam and Slim
--Runner up: Lawlz
Most Abused Emote:
--Winner: akudood;
--Runner up: giggle;
Most Annoying Avatar:
--Winner: Geno
--Runner up: Tie between Man of Popsicle and Rae
Most Annoying Meme:
--Winner: >%date since Boyah Awards were supposed to be posted%
--Runner up: Vuvuzela BZZZZZZZZZ
Most Annoying Signature:
--Winner: Reaper
--Runner up: Bushybrow
Most Artistic:
--Winner: Hensa
--Runner up: Snorkel
Most Deluded:
--Winner: Socks
--Runner up: Clodius
Most Insightful:
--Winner: Pqqu
--Runner up: Snorkel
Most Intelligent:
--Winner: Guff
--Runner up: Tie between JMV and Tectron
Most likely to tell everyone about a game/movie/artist/website everyone knows:
--Winner: Hiro
--Runner up: Mippo
Most Missed Absent Boyager:
--Winner: Joeinc
--Runner up: Tie between Hiro and Lawlz
Most neurotic:
--Winner: Clucky
--Runner up: JMV
Most overrated Boyager:
--Winner: JMV
--Runner up: Slim
Most Pretentious Boyager:
--Winner: Socks
--Runner up: Kaz
Most Skilled Boyager:
--Winner: Snorkel
--Runner up: JMV
Most Typical:
--Winner: Kaz
--Runner up: Tectron
Most unintentionally hilarious Boyager:
--Winner: Lacey
--Runner up: Mippo, Neupuane, and Socks. 3 way tie
Most unrecognised active Boyager:
--Winner: Tie between Fluxus and Travis
--Runner up: Zidone
Most Warranted Ban:
--Winner: That creepy dude stalking Sam
--Runner up: Title
Neediest Boyager:
--Winner: ClassicTyler
--Runner up: Clucky
Needs to post more:
--Winner: Hensa
--Runner up: Tectron
Needs to return to Boyah:
--Winner: MissPyrate
--Runner up: Lawlz
Next to lose their virginity:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Strongbad
Nicest member:
--Winner: Tie between PQQU and Rae
--Runner up: Tie between Echo and ME86
Nicest smile:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Tie between JMV and Gin
Only Boyager willing to second nominations:
--Winner: YPR
--Runner up: C. Mongler
Post of the year:
--Winner: Tie between Thyme's "why did the boyager cross the road post" and one of Socks's rambling posts that make no bloody sense
--Runner up: Nyerp's "Fuck. You." Thread
--Winner: Thief, Neupane, and ClassicTyler. 3 WAY TIE
--Runner up: Thyme's brother
State/Province with the overall best inhabitant Boyagers:
--Winner: California
--Runner up: Massachusetts
Threat to national security:
--Winner: Bassir
--Runner up: Socks
Unluckiest Boyager:
--Winner: JMV
--Runner up: PQQU
Worst Admin:
--Winner: Bassir
--Runner up: Reaper
Worst Boyager:
--Winner: Tie between BlackDS and anyone with zero posts.
--Runner up: Mippo
Worst Intern:
--Winner: Zidone
--Runner up: Houdini
Worst Mod:
--Winner: Thief
--Runner up: Kaz[/spoiler]
Oh, and here is Hensa's section, with the audio, as its own video.
I usually dig at least into the second page of reddit before posting stuff I find. :<
EDIT: Oh yeah thanks for best new user I guess.
or not i guess JEEZ you just had to delete posts
thank you friends, for your kind accolades
who is the man in white shirt and multiple hats midway through who is the closest match to my hair and voice I've ever encountered
holy fuck this is long
lmao desynced audio for nyerp
theemay baddood;
i didn't expect the voices of boyagers to be so strage doodthing;
Quote from: wziard on November 11, 2010, 11:29:03 PM
thank you friends, for your kind accolades
who is the man in white shirt and multiple hats midway through who is the closest match to my hair and voice I've ever encountered
apparently not a boyager :|
or at least not anymore, i guess he's that one guy who was lacey's friend and kept changing his name to match other people'sokay i guess it's zyphet
I feel like you guys should know I did a video and I was like JMV I HAVE MY VIDEO and he was like "i was sick of waiting so i gave your section away lol"
i was even eating
EDIT EDIT: None of you can say "Thyme" right. Are you retarded. It's exactly like "time." How hard is that. Have you ever cooked with spices? Have you ever listened to Simon and Garfunkel. ffs
Quote from: Pancake Paraphernalia on November 11, 2010, 11:51:28 PM
i didn't expect the voices of boyagers to be so strage doodthing;
they're pretty bad
also geno's video is so hilarious
"so did you meet YPR yet"
Quote from: Man of Popsicle on November 11, 2010, 11:58:49 PM
I feel like you guys should know I did a video and I was like JMV I HAVE MY VIDEO and he was like "i was sick of waiting so i gave your section away lol"
i was even eating
EDIT EDIT: None of you can say "Thyme" right. Are you retarded. It's exactly like "time." How hard is that. Have you ever cooked with spices? Have you ever listened to Simon and Garfunkel. ffs
cry; jmv is mean
You guys are terrible at pronunciations akudood;
"Christman. I don't know what his typo was but he wins I guess."
I lol'd SO HARD.
But seriously Cookie you have the worst pronunciations of anyone.
Quote from: Pancake Paraphernalia on November 11, 2010, 11:51:28 PM
i didn't expect the voices of boyagers to be so strage doodthing;
Holy shit where have you been?
hensa's audio went missing
video is broken :|
zeldaboy is so awkward
his fake laugh, "haaaa~"
and the christman thing made me lol hard
My video turned really bright baddood; It wasn't like that before
my video kept alternating between light and dark :'(
also i should have cut my hair beforehand but oh well lol
i won so many invisible awards giggle; 12 whole awards
Quote from: Sam on November 12, 2010, 02:01:36 AM
i won so many invisible awards giggle; 12 whole awards
you should feel proud
i only won 2, neither of which are positive at all...and my old Lain avatar won one but that's not really me :(
Quote from: Sam on November 12, 2010, 02:01:36 AM
i won so many invisible awards giggle; 12 whole awards
I won like none
I won both Worst Intern and tied with Steal for Best Intern 5thgrade;
and i'm not sure how i was runner up for best taste in vidya
[spoiler]aside from ypr voting for me for civ4 buw;[/spoiler]
Almost an hour long wth?
i'm not sure why my 'mind' won
Quote from: Analysis Paralysis on November 12, 2010, 02:33:19 AM
i'm not sure why my 'mind' won
would you have preferred it to lose :|
Quote from: ZIDONE on November 12, 2010, 02:35:34 AM
would you rather have had it lost :|
>implying i had one to begin with :|
Quote from: Analysis Paralysis on November 12, 2010, 02:36:09 AM
>implying i had one to begin with :|
>implying you shouldn't let me finish editing my posts
Quote from: Kevin on November 12, 2010, 02:15:52 AM
I won like none
I won just "Boyager most likely to not win any other awards" giggle;
I did awesome this year doodella;
2 wins and a runner up. "Frogiveness" was my typo.
thank you my fellow boyagers <3
how am i so typical :(
you think that was a lot of outtakes? you should have seen it before i cut most of them out. it took a billion tries to really get started.
and yeah the lighting kept fucking up, my dorm room's light is kind of inconveniently not quite bright enough
Thank you, JMV. girl;
I have to say, the best mod[erator] category is probably the biggest surprise. myface;
apparently i'm a bad mod though :(
They are not listed here like they're read in the video Q('_' Q)
Wow, won a whole bunch this year. girl;
also snowy uhhh i am not the guy who was stalking sam
why would you even think that
Can I do a Christman Edition in honor of our fallen friend Christman?
Quote from: Thyme on November 12, 2010, 05:20:24 AM
Wow, won a whole bunch this year. girl;
But I thought those awards went to thighmee.
Quote from: ZIDONE on November 12, 2010, 05:28:01 AM
But I thought those awards went to thighmee.
Well, I haven't watched the video yet, just read through the list.
i probably won't watch the video
lol sillydood;
Quote from: Man of Popcikle on November 11, 2010, 11:28:01 PM
I usually dig at least into the second page of reddit before posting stuff I find. :<
EDIT: Oh yeah thanks for best new user I guess.
I hate you faggot
i haven't watched it yet, but my audio is desynced?????????
Quote from: Echo on November 12, 2010, 05:39:29 AM
I hate you faggot
I voted for you. giggle;
I think I was first to nominate you to begin with. befuddlement
Quote from: Panty on November 12, 2010, 05:49:22 AM
i haven't watched it yet, but my audio is desynced?????????
it did but then i had to change the format
but no people dont listen to me when i request a damn format.
hensa's video was a .mov though but for some reason she had some really weird audio codec. i guess that is why the sound doesn't work, i hadn't watched the final result
Quote from: Khadafi on November 12, 2010, 05:49:15 AM
I am like Buffy and he is like Edward baddood; the winner is obviousss
Quote from: Thyme on November 12, 2010, 05:51:10 AM
I voted for you. giggle;
I think I was first to nominate you to begin with. befuddlement
I know n_n ily thyme
Lol Nyerp
Quote from: Kevin on November 12, 2010, 12:43:21 AM
Because he's a faggot
shut the fuck up
Quote from: XLR on November 12, 2010, 03:09:04 AM
nyerp scared the shit out of me.
Quote from: Snowy620 on November 12, 2010, 05:14:10 AM
i'm not a ginger psyduck;
Quote from: WTFRAWL on November 12, 2010, 07:07:24 AM
Lol Nyerp
the fuck do you want Q('_' Q)
also lol @ cmongler thinking "thyme" is a foreign word
10 minutes in and I can't believe WPI won best college akudood;
Why didn't we have a: Boyahger most likely to suck eggs? baddood;
why did kaz and jmv present the same award
Who is the guy with the hats and takes forever to do any awards?
How did you misspell YPR sillydood;
Also why does Lozal insult me each year >_<'
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 08:04:50 AM
How did you misspell YPR sillydood;
Also why does Lozal insult me each year >_<'
At least you get mentioned. cry;
some of the awards contradict each other |:
also lol
Best Female Boyager:
--Runner up: Clucky
I don't know how I won best looking male without smile... I think that's my one good feature girl;
Quote from: Not Famy on November 12, 2010, 08:26:08 AM
some of the awards contradict each other |:
Best user: YPR
Best Mod: ME##
Good thing this isn't a playoff system n_u
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 08:29:27 AM
I don't know how I won best looking male without smile... I think that's my one good feature girl;Best user: YPR
Best Mod: ME##
Good thing this isn't a playoff system n_u
Best Avatar
--Winner: Man of Popsicle
Most Annoying Avatar:
--Runner up: Tie between Man of Popsicle and Rae
one of the few i noticed idk
Quote from: Not Famy on November 12, 2010, 08:37:13 AM
Best Avatar
--Winner: Man of Popsicle
Most Annoying Avatar:
--Runner up: Tie between Man of Popsicle and Rae
one of the few i noticed idk
Yes, I'd find more but I don't have time to scour the hour long video at the moment n_u
holy god
I have the same shirt Sam is wearing in the video. goowan
I loved all of them. You guys are all great. n_n
zyphet's "man of popcicle" made me laugh maniacally awdood;
if there is another hipster award i am voting for zyphet doodthing;
QuoteThyme's brother
jesus christ you guys are stupid
its proncounced c MOUHNGleeeeer
also geno kelsie looks like my ex girlfriend when she is in motion it scared me so i didnt watch your section
i want to hear hensa's
QuoteBoyager most likely to own 50% of the anonymous board:
--Winner: Nyerp
--Runner up: Clucky
was this even presented doodthing;
i give the awards a 5/10 akudood;
i lol'd at mongler's pronunciation of thyme giggle;
Quote from: Snowy620 on November 12, 2010, 10:54:24 AM
Ok, what's the order of who presented?
I know it was Wrench, and then I forget most of them, then Kaz, I think Sam was next, then someone else, then Lozal, Me, Geno, and then someone else I think.
I think it was
Wrench -> JMV -> Nyerp -> Cmongoloid -> Kaz -> Sam -> Zyphet -> Strongbutt -> Lozal -> You -> Geno -> Hensa -> Highrow -> Cookie
Quote from: ZIDONE on November 12, 2010, 11:13:57 AM
I think it was
Wrench -> JMV -> Nyerp -> Cmongoloid -> Kaz -> Sam -> Zyphet -> Strongbutt -> Lozal -> You -> Geno -> Hensa -> Highrow -> Cookie
Lol Strongbutt, I'm gonna call him that now.
i was before jmv
Quote from: Panty on November 12, 2010, 10:07:57 AM
jesus christ you guys are stupid
Seriously goonish
Also thigh-me, really? At least one of you said this non-ironically akudood;
QuoteBest College that a Boyager Attends:
--Winner: WPI
--Runner up: U of Wisconsin-Madison
Best Media Prowess:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Snorkel
Boyager changing the Most Rapidly:
--Winner: PQQU
--Runner up: Sam
Boyager Most likely to be a drama queen:
--Winner: ClassicTyler
--Runner up: Sam
Most likely to become famous:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Tie between ME86 and Clucky
Boyager most likely to get into a relationship and stop coming to boyah:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Joeinc
Boyager most likely to get trolled:
--Winner: Kaz
--Runner up: Sam
Boyager most likely to have a pregnancy scare
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Kaki
Boyager Most Likely to Post Nudes of Self:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Tie between Kaz and Rustoneal
Closet Alcoholic:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Tie between ClassicTyler and Me86 after dealing with this shit twice
Member with the Biggest E-Penis:
--Winner: Tie between Sam and Slim
--Runner up: Lawlz
Next to lose their virginity:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Strongbad
Nicest smile:
--Winner: Sam
--Runner up: Tie between JMV and Gin
I made this so I could jack off to it later. giggle;
Quote from: Sam on November 12, 2010, 11:43:16 AM
I made this so I could jack off to it later. giggle;
gross. samantha put your penis back in your pants
Quote from: Sam on November 12, 2010, 11:43:16 AM
I made this so I could jack off to it later. giggle;
WPI SUCKS madood;
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 11:47:19 AM
WPI SUCKS madood;
yeah my school definitely has 500% more drunks and 20x more cocaine
QuoteBoyager most likely to switch to a Mac:
--Winner: Tectron
--Runner up: Strongbad
was this even presented :'(
Also, Zyphet's video was amazing. ><>
Quote from: Си. Ð"он''гл'‹', on November 12, 2010, 11:55:37 AM
yeah my school definitely has 500% more drunks and 20x more cocaine
No one can beat Madison for drunks... maybe cocaine but that'd be tough n_u
once i go to mcgill/eyeohwa that school will beat madison baddood;
Why are all the boyagers going to mcgill suddenly
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 12:10:26 PM
Why are all the boyagers going to mcgill suddenly
to see their good friend thighme giggle;
but really it's only me86 and he's only considering it
Quote from: Thyme on November 12, 2010, 12:11:12 PM
to see their good friend thighme giggle;
but really it's only me86 and he's only considering it
Well pqqu was considering too and I'm tired of knowing of this school that sounds small and uncompetitive in
sports akudood;
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 12:12:00 PM
Well pqqu was considering too and I'm tired of knowing of this school that sounds small and uncompetitive in sports akudood;
I wouldn't say it's small, but yeah, it's true we don't hear much about the Redmen.
David should go to Université Laval if that's what he's looking for. sillydood;
mascot's cook though
Yo how'd you guys like my video
Quote from: Thyme on November 12, 2010, 12:15:21 PM
David should go to Université Laval if that's what he's looking for. sillydood;
Quote from: Thyme on November 12, 2010, 12:16:56 PM
mascot's cook though
lol he reminds me of cy, though their heads are completely different n_u
Quote from: Thyme on November 12, 2010, 12:16:56 PM
mascot's cook though
It's not racist enough to be a redman baddood;
Quote from: Jim on November 12, 2010, 12:19:23 PM
lol he reminds me of cy, though their heads are completely different n_u
that's what i thought girl;
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 12:20:22 PM
It's not racist enough to be a redman baddood;
It's named after the women's sports teams: the Martlets. n_u
Quote from: Jim on November 12, 2010, 12:19:23 PM
It's a French-language institution, though. n_u
Quote from: Thyme on November 12, 2010, 12:27:26 PM
It's a French-language institution, though. n_u
I figured as much. n_u
Quote from: Runner Up: Strongbutt on November 12, 2010, 12:17:23 PM
Yo how'd you guys like my video
2 Things: I WANT YOUR NCR SHIRT and Bree was hot. baddood;
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 11:47:19 AM
WPI SUCKS madood;
Of the colleges I'm applying to, WPI is probably my second choice n_u
(behind RPI/Rensselaer)
Both of them probably suck in your opinion because the students in things like engineering tend to not be as interested in sports.
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 12:00:55 PM
No one can beat Madison for drunks... maybe cocaine but that'd be tough n_u
Yeah your right, now one can beat JAMES Madison LOLOLOL
Quote from: Си. Ð"он''гл'‹', on November 12, 2010, 10:02:07 AM
what is so funny about it :(
Quote from: Stocking on November 12, 2010, 04:55:36 PM
what is so funny about it :(
You are a sad strange little man.
Quote from: WTFRAWL on November 12, 2010, 05:51:09 PM
You are a sad strange little man.
stfu buzz light
Quote from: Stocking on November 12, 2010, 05:53:16 PM
stfu buzz lightbeer
better to be buzzlightbeer than buzz lightQUEER :|
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 08:04:50 AM
How did you misspell YPR sillydood;
Also why does Lozal insult me each year >_<'
because ilu
Quote from: bluaki on November 12, 2010, 12:45:44 PM
Of the colleges I'm applying to, WPI is probably my second choice n_u
(behind RPI/Rensselaer)
Both of them probably suck in your opinion because the students in things like engineering tend to not be as interested in sports.
There are plenty of good engineering schools that have good athletic programs as well... Georgia Tech, Purdue, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Virginia Tech, Michigan etc.
I hate them because they're small and lack diversity girl;
zyphet's segment was the best
Quote from: WTFRAWL on November 12, 2010, 06:02:43 PM
better to be buzzlightbeer than buzz lightQUEER :|
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 08:04:50 AM
How did you misspell YPR sillydood;
Also why does Lozal insult me each year >_<'
I think he was looking at the runner-up and winner lines at the same time and wrote the M for the first letter of ME## girl;
oh my god, that is nyerp!? i can't stop crying.
Quote from: Socks on November 12, 2010, 08:38:41 PM
oh my god, that is nyerp!? i can't stop crying.
um what why
Quote from: Admin on November 12, 2010, 08:45:10 PM
um what why
socks is very unstable when it comes to new things cry;
Quote from: Socks on November 12, 2010, 08:38:41 PM
oh my god, that is nyerp!? i can't stop crying.
yeah bitch take it like you should
1.my section ruled
2.nyerp's was funny because his mouth moved and nothing was spoken
3.cock mongler's was hilarious since it was bitter
4.sam's hair looks amazing
5.hey this is kaz
6.person after kaz, pretty boring. hats made it bearable
7. david's was so full of energy lol
8.lozal you do not look stupid
9.snowy excellent song. love queens <3
11.wish we could have heard hensa's
12.lol kidrock doesn't give a load of bullshi
13. boYAGGer lol
Also when Snowy came on I thought it was nyerp again
Quote from: YPR on November 12, 2010, 09:08:29 PM
Also when Snowy came on I thought it was nyerp again
Haha yeah. They did have a resemblance.
fuck you guys
I cmnd-f'd my name and I didn't win anything so I don't care
Quote from: Veal on November 13, 2010, 08:26:56 AM
I cmnd-f'd my name and I didn't win anything so I don't care
To be fair I think JMV stole your runner up as a hipster.
This explains eeeeeverything
I like Cockdick's fiercely apathetic anger
Wow. Boring. I'm just going to record my own video.
Quote from: Veal on November 13, 2010, 08:31:24 AM
This explains eeeeeverything
what explains everything you hipster fagshit
oh nothing
Quote from: Panty on November 13, 2010, 11:17:53 AM
what explains everything you hipster fagshit
It explains everything.
Sorry for my bad pronunciation. >.<
Here is Hensa's section, with the audio, as its own video.
Thank you , Kazzy.
Maybe one year...
Quote from: bluaki on November 12, 2010, 12:45:44 PM
Of the colleges I'm applying to, WPI is probably my second choice n_u
(behind RPI/Rensselaer)
Both of them probably suck in your opinion because the students in things like engineering tend to not be as interested in sports.
bingo. I figure the schools were being voted on in terms of smarties anyway. Nobody here gives a shit about our sports teams, except maybe on homecoming. They're all just there for fun, which is the way sports should be. Partying is an option here, but not super prominent. I'd say about half the school is into the party scene and the other half isn't.
Quote from: Sam on November 14, 2010, 10:31:14 AM
bingo. I figure the schools were being voted on in terms of smarties anyway. Nobody here gives a shit about our sports teams, except maybe on homecoming. They're all just there for fun, which is the way sports should be. Partying is an option here, but not super prominent. I'd say about half the school is into the party scene and the other half isn't.
US News and World Report College Rankings:
Wisconsin: 45th
WPI: 64th
[spoiler]Engineering Graduate Program:
Wisconsin 15th
WPI 94th[/spoiler]
Wisconsin should have won. baddood;
Darn tootin' akudood;
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 11:06:10 AM
US News and World Report College Rankings:
Wisconsin: 45th
WPI: 64th
[spoiler]Engineering Graduate Program:
Wisconsin 15th
WPI 94th[/spoiler]
In the Top 400, McGill is 18th. girl;
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 11:06:10 AM
US News and World Report College Rankings:
Wisconsin: 45th
WPI: 64th
[spoiler]Engineering Graduate Program:
Wisconsin 15th
WPI 94th[/spoiler]
WPI still sounds more impressive than Wisconsin baddood;
Quote from: Sam on November 14, 2010, 11:19:16 AM
WPI still sounds more impressive than Wisconsin baddood;
Does not, sounds silly because no one outside of Massachusetts will be able to pronounce it girl;
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 11:23:19 AM
Does not, sounds silly because no one outside of Massachusetts will be able to pronounce it girl;
Double-you-pee-eye. giggle;
Brits can pronounce it. baddood;
Quote from: Thyme on November 14, 2010, 11:25:09 AM
Double-you-pee-eye. giggle;
I'd smack you if I could sillydood;
Quote from: Khadafi on November 14, 2010, 11:34:34 AM
Brits can pronounce it. baddood;
Cheaters baddood;
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:09:10 PM
I'd smack you if I could sillydood;
but seriously i'd be able to pronounce it baddood;
Quote from: Thyme on November 14, 2010, 12:11:14 PM
but seriously i'd be able to pronounce it baddood;
Double-You-Pee-eye yes;
I'm seriously about to smack a bitch >_<'
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:13:21 PM
Add bewilder to that list. myface;
That's how I would say it. Is that wrong? huhdoodame;
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:15:05 PM
I'm seriously about to smack a bitch >_<'
lol y you mad though *michelle obama shrugging*
Quote from: Jim on November 14, 2010, 12:15:28 PM
Add bewilder to that list. myface;
Quote from: Raku-Chan on November 14, 2010, 12:15:45 PM
That's how I would say it. Is that wrong? huhdoodame;
Quote from: Thyme on November 14, 2010, 12:16:37 PM
lol y you mad though *michelle obama shrugging*
pick pick pick
aubrey, you're screaming again :'(
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:17:51 PM
I thought that was very clear. goonish
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:17:51 PM
WE KNOW madood;
WOR-CHEST-ER madood;
Quote from: Thyme on November 14, 2010, 12:18:56 PM
WE KNOW madood;
WOR-CHEST-ER madood;
lol that's not how it's supposed to be pronounced girl;
Quote from: Jim on November 14, 2010, 12:19:27 PM
lol that's not how it's supposed to be pronounced girl;
It's not? That's how I'd pronounce it. girl;
Quote from: Raku-Chan on November 14, 2010, 12:18:16 PM
aubrey, you're screaming again :'(
Quote from: Thyme on November 14, 2010, 12:18:56 PM
WE KNOW madood;
WOR-CHEST-ER madood;
Quote from: Raku-Chan on November 14, 2010, 12:20:14 PM
It's not? That's how I'd pronounce it. girl;
I'm going to kill you guys :'(
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:20:27 PM
Let me rub your back. :(
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:20:57 PM
I'm going to kill you guys :'(
It's the Southern boy in me. girl;
Doesn't it sound more like worster? I don't really remember the name though
you sillies girl;
...Wester? What the fuck. goonish
It's pronounced Woo-ster
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:23:58 PM
It's pronounced Woo-ster
I'm not sure I can even say it like that. girl;
Quote from: YPR on November 14, 2010, 12:23:58 PM
It's pronounced Woo-ster
On dictionary.com they say it quickly and it sounds like wester.
I'll keep pronouncing it wester. hocuspocus;
How about some westersheer sauce on your chicken, darling? hocuspocus;
I hope there isn't a significant population in Worcester who mispronounce their own city's name like there is here. My God. myface;
Thyme, you're cruising for a bruising. n_u
Quote from: Jim on November 14, 2010, 12:27:17 PM
I hope there isn't a significant population in Worcester who mispronounce their own city's name like there is here. My God. myface;
day mwanz girl;
Quote from: Raku-Chan on November 14, 2010, 12:27:43 PM
Thyme, you're cruising for a bruising. n_u
it really does sound like wester :'(
Quote from: Thyme on November 14, 2010, 12:28:23 PM
day mwanz girl;
I've heard a couple of people pronounce the S in Des before smithicide;
Quote from: Jim on November 14, 2010, 12:29:29 PM
I've heard a couple of people pronounce the S in Des before smithicide;
We pronounce it "Deh Moyn" here. n_u
Quote from: Jim on November 14, 2010, 12:29:29 PM
I've heard a couple of people pronounce the S in Des before smithicide;
In English is it Day Mwanz or Day Moeenz? I know you've told me before but I can't remember.
Quote from: Raku-Chan on November 14, 2010, 12:30:10 PM
We pronounce it "Deh Moyn" here. n_u
Quote from: Thyme on November 14, 2010, 12:30:46 PM
In English is it Day Mwanz or Day Moeenz? I know you've told me before but I can't remember.
Deh Moyn is how we pronounce it. girl;
Some Monks. girl;
Quote from: Thyme on November 14, 2010, 12:38:26 PM
Royal Mount. badass
badass indeed
I like the French pronunciation of it. giggle;
Quote from: Pam on November 14, 2010, 02:20:33 PM
god mannit
every time i try to fight barioth and it's close to being dead i get disconnected and can't collect the rewards for all my hard work smithicide;
Wooster? are you kidding me?
btw guys Michigan is now pronounced "man"
Quote from: Veal on November 14, 2010, 03:05:09 PM
Wooster? are you kidding me?
btw guys Michigan is now pronounced "man"
duh, everybody knows that
we're ia
YSU is still the best
our mascot is a penguin
cousin says it is 'wuss-ter'. He does not lie. baddood;
Looking at the spelling, I would think it's pronounced war-says-tur. Almost like "war-sister".
Maybe verbally slurring that would sound like "worst-er", which then sounds like "wooster" (almost "rooster") when slurred even further.
Pronouncing "Worcester" as "Wooster" is like completely ignoring the middle three letters doodhuh;
you guys really didn't know about the pronunciation of that until now?
And I live in Aza
I'm going to ask my British friend.
i say it as whister~
Quote from: Veal on November 14, 2010, 03:22:37 PM
I'm going to ask my British friend.
British say wuss-ter baddood;
"because the english are letter fiends, haven't you noticed we add u's to everything?"
"i also seem to not know how to use apostrophes."
Quote from: Veal on November 14, 2010, 03:25:48 PM
"because the english are letter fiends, haven't you noticed we add u's to everything?"
"i also seem to not know how to use apostrophes."
What do he say? confuseddood;
They say "woosta", basically.
this seems like something that only someone in a certain geographical region would be uppity about
"you can't pronounce our city's name correctly get the fuck out tourist"
meanwhile, no one else in the world gives a shit
wait, you guys didn't know how -cester names are pronounced?
it's all over UK English
leicester = lester
gloucester = gloster
yeah because we all live in the uk right
i know it simply from reading and films and such
certainly doesn't require living in the UK
especially when names like Gloucester are in things as overtly famous as Shakespeare
you can't expect everyone to be as versed in english literature and film as you are n_n
yes i can
I hope to win award for next year akudood;
Quote from: iCandy on November 14, 2010, 06:18:36 PM
I hope to win award for next year akudood;
I nominate iCandy for most likely not to win any other award
Quote from: iCandy on November 14, 2010, 06:18:36 PM
I hope to win award for next year akudood;
Best new member hocuspocus;
yes giggle;
Quote from: iCandy on November 14, 2010, 06:18:36 PM
I hope to win award for next year akudood;
Quote from: Kapitän Deutschland on November 14, 2010, 06:44:27 PM
Didn't you win most missed last year? akudood;
Quote from: Kapitän Deutschland on November 14, 2010, 06:44:27 PM
Same here, and I've been here since Banned Kampf. cry;
omg JMV is cute with the sunglasses giggle;
holy fuck @ geno's voice
Quote from: Zach on November 18, 2010, 04:30:54 PM
holy fuck @ geno's voice
What's wrong with my voice faggot
you have the sound and stature of a man, but the brain and demeanor of a child.
Quote from: Socks on November 18, 2010, 05:07:03 PM
you have the sound and stature of a man, but the brain and demeanor of a child.
in other words, feel lucky to have what can't be changed and to posses that which can.
Guys, I hated Boyah until I watched this video.
Now I love you guys. giggle;
Quote from: applesauce on November 18, 2010, 06:57:35 PM
Guys, I hated Boyah until I watched this video.
Now I love you guys. giggle;
what are you, gay?
No, but some people think I am. Most likely because I sucked a guy's dick a few times. But I'm not gay, nor bi.
Quote from: applesauce on November 18, 2010, 07:08:45 PM
No, but some people think I am. Most likely because I sucked a guy's dick a few times. But I'm not gay, nor bi.
tell me about it man whenever i get within half a mile of sears i get the uncontrollable urge to suck some dicks
Worst mod? :(
I was mentioned in seven awards even though I don't even come here anymore (eight if you count the award that was about me). You guys can't get me out of your heads. <3
Quote from: Slim on November 19, 2010, 11:59:13 PM
I was mentioned in seven awards even though I don't even come here anymore (eight if you count the award that was about me). You guys can't get me out of your heads. <3
I know I can't <3
Quote from: Man of Popcikle on November 19, 2010, 12:32:35 AM
tell me about it man whenever i get within half a mile of sears i get the uncontrollable urge to suck some dicks
you are overqualified
Quote from: Slim on November 19, 2010, 11:59:13 PM
I was mentioned in seven awards even though I don't even come here anymore (eight if you count the award that was about me). You guys can't get me out of your heads. <3
You do realize these are from about 6 months ago, yes? n_u
Quote from: Hitoshi-san on November 20, 2010, 03:47:40 AM
you are overqualified
I lol'd
I am awesome thank you for compliments also whoever said my video was boring fuckyou
you're cool zyphet you just take too long to say what you're going to say :'(
Quote from: wziard on November 11, 2010, 11:29:03 PM
thank you friends, for your kind accolades
who is the man in white shirt and multiple hats midway through who is the closest match to my hair and voice I've ever encountered
I am this man.
Quote from: Hitoshi-san on November 20, 2010, 02:37:56 PM
you're cool zyphet you just take too long to say what you're going to say :'(
Yes but when I say what Im gonna say it is perfect so its ok.
Quote from: YPR on November 20, 2010, 07:03:42 AM
You do realize these are from about 6 months ago, yes? n_u
Still, I've made about 100 posts in total this entire year.
btw it's pronounced woostah, you retards (the 'oo' sounding like it does in 'good' or 'foot').
Quote from: Slim on November 20, 2010, 04:59:32 PM
Still, I've made about 100 posts in total this entire year.
btw it's pronounced woostah, you retards (the 'oo' sounding like it does in 'good' or 'foot').
we've established this, you can get the fuck out now
Quote from: Panty on November 20, 2010, 05:31:20 PM
we've established this, you can get the fuck out now
Quote from: Slim on November 20, 2010, 06:50:32 PM
i lol'd
but seriously go away wariodood;
Nyerp, you look a lot different than I remember. 5thgrade;
Quote from: Slim on November 20, 2010, 06:50:32 PM
i don't think i've ever actually won an award
Quote from: You86 on November 20, 2010, 09:50:36 PM
i don't think i've ever actually won an award
Yes you have.
My heart.
Once again I win nothing. I am nothing special. ;o;
And I wish I could have made a video. Ooooh well.
Hippo has my heart, etc.
All these poor little kids without awards. My heart will be everywhere. :(
did i win anything
yes ezlo you won everything
jokes on u ezlo is my alt account
burzumfan420 is my alt account
Quote from: Cookie on November 21, 2010, 01:05:22 PM
burzumfan420 is my alt account
you wish
heck i wish i was that cool cry;
This was so boring holy shit
Quote from: Pancake Persona on November 25, 2010, 02:22:51 AM
This was so boring holy shit
yeah pretty sure we should have less presenters next time
Quote from: Hitoshi-san on November 25, 2010, 09:39:53 AM
yeah pretty sure we should have less presenters next time
or no presenters
only video i've watched so far is veal's
but i can understand how some of you may like to have videos
Quote from: Pancake Persona on November 25, 2010, 02:22:51 AM
This was so boring holy shit
Except the part where I said I miss you right