I'm assuming BP means Black Phantom.
I can take about two or three hits from the BP white skeletons before I go down. While in soul form. On NG+. akudood;
Also, what's your build and equipment?
I'm a full-melee build, all my stats shoved into Endurance, Vitality, and Strength. I'm using a Crushing Knight Sword +5 and wearing full Dark Silver armor, with a Ring of Great Strength (so I can run around like it's light armor) and a Ring of Avarice or Cling Ring, depending on what form I'm in. Also, I use the White Bow. giggle;
Also, I've been thinking about getting a bigger sword and combining it with the adjuctator's or whatever shield but I'm too lazy to go make another decent weapon.
It's been a couple of months since I last played, but the last thing I remember doing is getting the Northern Regalia, and man does that thing put out damage. Most of the times when I invaded, I was 2-3 shotting everybody. Unfortunately, not a lot of people play around SL60, and I don't want to go up to 120, because then it's just a bunch of cookie cutter builds.
I also really love my Dragon Longsword.
Oh, I killed BP Satsuki. Basically, I just never let him get away. Attacked him three times, then he would stand still for a second and roll. Then follow him, and attack him again when he's back up. He can't really break your guard, so you don'y need to worry about that. Just don't give him any chance to heal himself.
Also, fuck people who summon you as a blue phantom so their friend can kill you and drain your soul level.
Quote from: Snowy620 on October 25, 2010, 05:50:37 PM
Ugh, I hate them.
Seriously. Me and my friend were playing when out of nowhere this black phantom shows up. Decides to go behind every single obstacle the stage and use poison cloud on us. We almost kill him about 50 times before he runs away and goes behind a group of enemies and heals and uses poison cloud again. This went on for over half an hour. akudood;
Quote from: Snowy620 on October 25, 2010, 06:16:30 PM
Longest BP fight I've ever had was around 20 minutes in 1-3. Me an' my friend were actually winning, and he'd run and heal, and when he ran out of heal items/spices (I'm assuming) He ran, and got killed by the dragon. akudood;
He got what he deserved. akudood;
I don't understand why they would make the BP immune to enemy attacks, it automatically gives him a huge advantage. akudood;
Sorry guys, but I love trolling as a BP. Deleveling to kill SL20 people with overpowered weapons or backstabbing people off cliffs is just too much fun. The only problem is I have to keep killing myself if I want to keep invading.