Do you have any movies you watch not because they're good, not because they're deep and meaningful, but because you have good memories about them or they're just plain cute and fun?
Case in point: Better than Chocolate.
Yes when I watch David Lynch movies it's usually for comfort
They're also really good though
When I need comfort, long-ass movies tend to help me a lot, because I am able to get lost in them and eventually forget about why I am in discomfort.
Movies like Titanic and Peter Jackson's King Kong
I use any spaghetti western as a sort of stress melter or happy refiller.
Minnesotta clay
For a few dollars more
The brute and the beast
(insert) etc.
1970s vintage disney films akudood;
dazed and confused = good times, man
What's eating Gilbert Grape. giggle;
I'm not exactly sure what this thread means but I take it to mean terrible movies that I know are terrible but I still enjoy them. If that's the case, I'm going with Encino Man.
Buffalo 66, Happiness or The Lord of the Rings trilogy