Okay, not really.
I hope. I just found a lump in my neck and was like oh god oh god oh god. I'll ask my doctor about it next time I see him.. in like a year. I also wanted to talk to him about what I think might be cancer on my hand. But that's another story
spoiler: neck lump
Point is, you wake up one day, and find a weird lump. Within a month you're diagnosed with cancer. You have a pretty decent chance of survival (at least for the time being), but you only have a day before treatment starts and you become super weak and bald and all that stuff.
Omg if you became bald, you can cosplay as Master Roshi.
Quote from: Tedtron on April 19, 2010, 03:25:52 AM
Omg if you became bald, you can cosplay as Master Roshi.
BAHAHAHAHA. God I lol'd hard.
Bumps around your neck and or hands, that look like that are pretty common, well, at least, I'd like to hope they are.
I have one right underneath my left earlobe on the side of my neck, had it since I was like 15, never went away or got smaller, so I guess it's just there... I've got it seen to several times, it's not cancerous. I've got bumps that look like that but are smaller over the right side of my middle finger on my left hand but are lighter than the darkness of that one on your neck, judging from the camera that is. I was forced to get it checked several times as skin cancer is common in my family, but, it's not. I wouldn't really worry about it much, but get it checked like you said if you're paranoid.
People get random bumps on their body that really are just there, and don't have any deadly disease, but are just overall nothing but bumps. I have a few on my back and ankles also, but they've never been looked at, just presumed they're the same as the ones on my neck and hand.
btw when you're diagonsed with cancer, unless you go to some super high paying surgen, they don't give you the op the next day, try a few months later, your muscles and body become weak over a long period of time due to high exportion to radiation, takes months or years for you to become entirly weak to the point where you can't really do much... though, you probably know this, nearly everyone has someone close to them that has had cancer.
I believe the bumps are calcium deposits
If I was diagnosed with cancer I would play off of people's pity and then do Breaking Bad except spend the money on blowjobs and crack
Hoodrat stuff with my friends
Get it looked at. Better to be safe than sorry. saddood;
Get a knife and cut it out. Try to shove it deep.
Quote from: Volvagia on April 19, 2010, 03:41:05 AM
BAHAHAHAHA. God I lol'd hard.
Bumps around your neck and or hands, that look like that are pretty common, well, at least, I'd like to hope they are.
I have one right underneath my left earlobe on the side of my neck, had it since I was like 15, never went away or got smaller, so I guess it's just there... I've got it seen to several times, it's not cancerous. I've got bumps that look like that but are smaller over the right side of my middle finger on my left hand but are lighter than the darkness of that one on your neck, judging from the camera that is. I was forced to get it checked several times as skin cancer is common in my family, but, it's not. I wouldn't really worry about it much, but get it checked like you said if you're paranoid.
People get random bumps on their body that really are just there, and don't have any deadly disease, but are just overall nothing but bumps. I have a few on my back and ankles also, but they've never been looked at, just presumed they're the same as the ones on my neck and hand.
btw when you're diagonsed with cancer, unless you go to some super high paying surgen, they don't give you the op the next day, try a few months later, your muscles and body become weak over a long period of time due to high exportion to radiation, takes months or years for you to become entirly weak to the point where you can't really do much... though, you probably know this, nearly everyone has someone close to them that has had cancer.
Not a lump on my hand. More like a patch of dark pigmentation that appeared a few years ago and has slowly been getting larger. Like I said, I don't actually think I have cancer, but yeah. And I know I exaggerated the process, I did it for the FUN of the topic~~
Quote from: Sam on April 19, 2010, 07:37:30 AM
Not a lump on my hand. More like a patch of dark pigmentation that appeared a few years ago and has slowly been getting larger. Like I said, I don't actually think I have cancer, but yeah. And I know I exaggerated the process, I did it for the FUN of the topic~~
Yeah sorry I didn't meant to come across as "llololol ur stupid" or anything but Cancer is a pretty sensitive subject for me. :l
I'd get that patch checked out if I was you though, sounds fucked up.
I'd probably start going to church more regularly n_u
i basically live a discipline of high indulgence in pleasure, which all but guarantees some form of cancerous phenomena on my physical being in the future--depending, of course. so the news would merely compound the misery of life and serve ends to further my indulgence, alive. however, may you enjoy that abnormal-ish looking lump you have, and fully relish life in its lumpness.
Quote from: Volvagia on April 19, 2010, 07:39:04 AM
Yeah sorry I didn't meant to come across as "llololol ur stupid" or anything but Cancer is a pretty sensitive subject for me. :l
I'd get that patch checked out if I was you though, sounds fucked up.
It is for me too. Look up Hodgkin's lymphoma . Better yet:
Hodgkin's lymphoma, previously known as Hodgkin's disease, is a type of lymphoma, which is a type of cancer originating from white blood cells called lymphocytes. It was named after Thomas Hodgkin, who first described abnormalities in the lymph system in 1832.[1][2] Hodgkin's lymphoma is characterized by the orderly spread of disease from one lymph node group to another and by the development of systemic symptoms with advanced disease. When Hodgkins cells are examined microscopically, multinucleated Reed-Sternberg cells (RS cells) are the characteristic histopathologic finding. Hodgkin's lymphoma may be treated with radiation therapy or chemotherapy, the choice of treatment depending on the age and sex of the patient and the stage, bulk and histological subtype of the disease.
The disease occurrence shows two peaks: the first in young adulthood (age 15ââ,¬â€œ35) and the second in those over 55 years old.[3]
The survival rate is generally 90% or higher when the disease is detected during early stages, making it one of the more curable forms of cancer.[4] Hodgkin's lymphoma is one of the handful of cancers that, even in its later stages, has a very high cure rate, in the 90s.[5] Most patients who are able to be successfully treated and thus enter remission generally go on to live long lives.
Patients with a history of infectious mononucleosis due to Epstein-Barr virus may have an increased risk of HL.[citation needed]
Many times the first sign is a lump on the neck. akudood;
yeah i dont think you should joke about it when other members may have seriously dealt with such an issue. akudood;
Could Be a lymph node
Quote from: Khadafi on April 19, 2010, 10:58:01 AM
yeah i dont think you should joke about it when other members may have seriously dealt with such an issue. akudood;
I never really joked about it. doodhuh;
I am legitimately worried about my lump and my hand mark. I've had family die from cancer. I'm losing a cousin as we speak. I did Relay this weekend.
Quote from: FAMY2 on April 19, 2010, 10:54:25 AM
It is for me too. Look up Hodgkin's lymphoma . Better yet:
Hodgkin's lymphoma, previously known as Hodgkin's disease, is a type of lymphoma, which is a type of cancer originating from white blood cells called lymphocytes. It was named after Thomas Hodgkin, who first described abnormalities in the lymph system in 1832.[1][2] Hodgkin's lymphoma is characterized by the orderly spread of disease from one lymph node group to another and by the development of systemic symptoms with advanced disease. When Hodgkins cells are examined microscopically, multinucleated Reed-Sternberg cells (RS cells) are the characteristic histopathologic finding. Hodgkin's lymphoma may be treated with radiation therapy or chemotherapy, the choice of treatment depending on the age and sex of the patient and the stage, bulk and histological subtype of the disease.
The disease occurrence shows two peaks: the first in young adulthood (age 15ââ,¬â€œ35) and the second in those over 55 years old.[3]
The survival rate is generally 90% or higher when the disease is detected during early stages, making it one of the more curable forms of cancer.[4] Hodgkin's lymphoma is one of the handful of cancers that, even in its later stages, has a very high cure rate, in the 90s.[5] Most patients who are able to be successfully treated and thus enter remission generally go on to live long lives.
Patients with a history of infectious mononucleosis due to Epstein-Barr virus may have an increased risk of HL.[citation needed]
Many times the first sign is a lump on the neck. akudood;
oh great akudood;
I would makeout with a boy.
Remember not to each your favorite foods during chemo!
The radiation will cause a feeling of incredibly sickness: the clammy, coldness of your skin colliding and mixing with sensations of heat flashes and a heavy, tightening feel that gropes your intestines down to your rectum, giving birth to diarrhea. n_u
cancer is not a fun topic..
my mother has stage I breast cancer and needs a lumpectomy and radiation therapy akudood;
Quote from: Travis on April 19, 2010, 12:27:50 PM
my mother has stage I breast cancer and needs a lumpectomy and radiation therapy akudood;
that happened to one of my friends mom last year. she if fine now though.
/derailed into talking about experiences with cancer
gran (moms side) had skin cancer, survived it
other gran (dads side) had some form of cancer in the bowls, died from it
best friend had a cancerous lump and was lucky to get it out of the way before it spread
great aunt died of cancer, she was fighting it for 3 years, she was ok, but she had to wear a wig then suddenly became frail and weak and eventually passed on
close family friend's daughter had a brain tumour (cancerous) and is lucky to be alive & still have the full capacity of her brain, she just has facial scars now.
step brothers birth mother died of cancer (so talking about cancer in the family always upsets someone.)
dad's had cancerous lumps, nothing that spread though
friend who i travelled a lot with through smash with died of cancer in late 2008.
etc... cancer is never pretty and is really hard to talk about without upsetting someone. akudood;
oh yeah and my younger years of worrying lilke fuck about every lump i find cause' of all that shit and being forced to get it tested on every time i found one.
edit: forgot about my great aunt that passed.
This thread is giving me cancer.
okay not really LOL
Once upon a time JMV loved to tell me stories right before I've drifted on to sleep about cancer patients and kids with cerebral palsy.
Okay, you guys caught me. I'm a crazy insensitive bitch who doesn't care when people die because I just think it's life and it happens. Excuse me for bringing it up. :3
To be honest I have thought about what would happen if I ever had cancer and I don't know that I would ever take the treatment. I don't want to be made miserable and such just to live a year or two more and have cancer come back and go through it all again. Then there is the emotional and financial impact on my family and it isn't something I want to do. I would probably just live till it was unbearable and off myself.
Quote from: Techo 1/2 on April 19, 2010, 01:33:16 PM
To be honest I have thought about what would happen if I ever had cancer and I don't know that I would ever take the treatment. I don't want to be made miserable and such just to live a year or two more and have cancer come back and go through it all again. Then there is the emotional and financial impact on my family and it isn't something I want to do. I would probably just live till it was unbearable and off myself.
It's ran through my head multiple times too, I'd probably fight it if I had kids and shit but because I'm just a student all there really is in life for me, at the moment anyway, is friends, some close family, work and studying. I'm not planning to get married any time soon or settle down and have kids so if I got the damn disease now I'm not sure how I'd feel or what I'd want to do. I think my family would most likely try force it upon me to fight it though by paying for treatments and major ops etc.
Quote from: Volvagia on April 19, 2010, 01:35:36 PM
It's ran through my head multiple times too, I'd probably fight it if I had kids and shit but because I'm just a student all there really is in life for me, at the moment anyway, is friends, some close family, work and studying. I'm not planning to get married any time soon or settle down and have kids so if I got the damn disease now I'm not sure how I'd feel or what I'd want to do. I think my family would most likely try force it upon me to fight it though by paying for treatments and major ops etc.
Yea it might change if I had kids but even then I wouldn't want them to have to deal with seeing that kind of thing. Nor would I want them having to suffer due to financial stuff stemming from a disease like that. The cost of chemotherapy, radiation, and basically any other treatment is utterly ridiculous. I know my family would try to force me to fight it but I just wouldn't let them. They might be pissed and upset about it but in the long run it was for their benefit.
Radiation and Chemo can make the difference between life and death in some forms of cancer. Thing is they can't always tell if it will or not. saddood;
Live life. And then when I survive I'll have a cool story to tell when I'm drinking out of red plastic cups.
"Hey do you like this alcohol?"
"Yeah. I survived cancer btw."
i'd rather die from a heart attack or stroke than cancer
Quote from: Nyerp on April 19, 2010, 07:13:01 PM
i'd rather die from a heart attack or stroke than cancer
Good news Nyerp.
Quote from: Nyerp on April 19, 2010, 07:13:01 PM
i'd rather die from a heart attack or stroke than cancer
if you're the same way in real life as you are here, you'll probably end up with blood pressure off the charts, so you're off to a good start
Quote from: Nyerp on April 19, 2010, 08:14:34 PM
i was thinking of weight but
Quote from: Lain on April 19, 2010, 08:15:26 PM
if you're the same way in real life as you are here, you'll probably end up with blood pressure off the charts, so you're off to a good start
works too
i already knew that
Cosplay as hitman.
Also, it's a cyst.
Quote from: The Book of Flava Flav on April 21, 2010, 01:01:34 AM
Cosplay as hitman.
Also, it's a cyst.
can't you usually feel cysts? This is significantly larger than any cyst I've ever seen (bigger than a marble) and feels like nothing.
I think sometimes a lump can be common. Yolu can get it checked though if you want to be safe.
Doesn't Trueballa's mom have cancer? akudood;
Quote from: Tedtron on April 21, 2010, 12:00:09 PM
Doesn't Trueballa's mom have cancer? akudood;
did you read my post