Boyah Forums

General => Internet, Science, & Technology => Topic started by: snorkel on October 21, 2009, 10:44:21 PM

Title: wow
Post by: snorkel on October 21, 2009, 10:44:21 PM
just saw a mention of Apple's estimated value, which is I guess is $183 billion after their stock hit an all-time high today.

Microsoft is $236 billion and in my opinion on the decline in terms of their product concepts and design; I think we mostly agree that Apple has been reliably outdoing itself for the past decade.

I just didn't realize Apple was that close to Microsoft... of course the amount of people using OS X still isn't over 12-15%, but the amount of money they're raking in from different markets (phone, digital media, computer hardware, other hardware) is amazing.
Title: Re: wow
Post by: The artist formally known on October 22, 2009, 04:01:14 PM
Apple does kick ass but they're still overpriced.

Microsoft is slowly getting their shit in gear. I'm guessing that includes Xbox? Very sad.