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General => Philosophy & Scholarly Debate => Topic started by: Daddy on October 04, 2009, 07:47:26 AM

Title: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: Daddy on October 04, 2009, 07:47:26 AM
Quote from: Post on another forum I go toBill Sparkman, a US Census worker, was found dead hanging from a tree with a noose around his neck and the word "Fed" carved into his chest for all to see on 9/12 (coincidence?). An investigation is pending, but I do not think it is too off-base to suspect this was a political lynching considering the amount of anti-Census Bureau rantings by Republican Michele Bachmann -- she has been implying lately that the Census could be a method for rounding up citizens into concentration camps and for "re-education."

Is this the direction that the US is headed into? Have the Glenn Beck/Birther/Palin/Tea-baggers/"Obama is a fascist communist" lunatic fringe drawn their first blood?

I predict another Timothey McVeigh within the next 3 years.

Exhibit A:   

9/12 is the day the right had their "lol tea bag we hat taxes, now will the police please protect our right to protest" protests.

The blog is by a fundie christian conservative.

The right is fucking insane.

Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: sans culottes on October 04, 2009, 07:55:03 AM
The republican party continues to kill itself every day. It's not even close to a real American conservative party anymore.
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: Boogus Epirus Aurelius on October 04, 2009, 04:22:39 PM
Yeah, but that's the far right.
There's radical fuckers flying around in the left field, but they dont use God as a motivator.
And then there's the radicals that are radicals for the sake of being radicals.

Regardless of the circumstances, a lynching? Has unease and debate gone so far as to descend that far?
Fucking savages.
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: Zach on October 04, 2009, 09:22:36 PM
yay for sweeping generalizations

I'm conservative and I'm largely a pacifist. The so-called "conservatives" that you see today are anything but conservative. They've strayed from their principles and their morals.

Of course, there are crazy motherfuckers in the liberal camp, as well.
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: the shortest route to the sea on October 04, 2009, 09:31:29 PM
Quote from: Zach on October 04, 2009, 09:22:36 PM
yay for sweeping generalizations

I'm conservative and I'm largely a pacifist. The so-called "conservatives" that you see today are anything but conservative. They've strayed from their principles and their morals.

Of course, there are crazy motherfuckers in the liberal camp, as well.

Most of the crazy liberal motherfuckers are jerking off and shooting up with their friends, and talking about their grand dreams which won't go anywhere. But you have a good point. The conservative movement itself is getting lost in the rise of fanatic Republicanism...makes me wonder if a third party will develop or not. Probably not, eventually a few key Rep senators kick the bucket and the party realizes they need to unite if they want to take down the Obama-rama...which will naturally lead to a center-shift in the Republican camp...and probably a left-shift in the Democratic camp.

I like conservatives a bunch and I respect their viewpoint and share some common ground (small government / community focus, etc.), and I'm a big fan of liberals, but the Republicans, and to some extent the Democrats, have really gotten to me these past 3 elections.
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: Daddy on October 04, 2009, 11:26:05 PM
Quote from: Zach on October 04, 2009, 09:22:36 PM
yay for sweeping generalizations

I'm conservative and I'm largely a pacifist. The so-called "conservatives" that you see today are anything but conservative. They've strayed from their principles and their morals.

Of course, there are crazy motherfuckers in the liberal camp, as well.
"modern conservative movement"

Traditional conservatism, I can respect but I disagree with it. However, the current conservative base: those who watch fox news, vote with their bibles, bring their guns to protests, and such are disgusting beings.
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: the shortest route to the sea on October 04, 2009, 11:42:42 PM
A bit harsh, jim  >.<

Quote from: Ensign Halibar on October 04, 2009, 11:26:05 PM
those who watch fox news

Not all of Fox News media coverage is the same, not all Fox News newscasters are on the same level of idiocy, not everyone who watches it is unaware of the severe bias they have (hell, the Bush administration was near-controlling it, and that's not private knowledge).

Quotevote with their bibles

Voting based on a certain system of belief is nothing new. There are stereotpyical Christian bible-thumpers, but there's also a large number of people who read the bible, take it with a grain of salt, and think about what they believe in their vote. The bible when taken literally is an incredibly destructive tool, and on certain key issues the bible is used inappropriately even by non-literalists; but for the general day-to-day important legislation, godliness doesn't come up. It's media issues which inspire stereotypical "unthinkable" bible thumping.

Quotebring their guns to protests

No possible defense  akudood;
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: Daddy on October 05, 2009, 12:14:38 AM
Quote from: Alyssa the Glowing Sole on October 04, 2009, 11:42:42 PM
A bit harsh, jim  >.<
He said I lumped all conservatives together when I specifically mentioned the modern conservatives (ie. post reagan)

QuoteNot all of Fox News media coverage is the same, not all Fox News newscasters are on the same level of idiocy, not everyone who watches it is unaware of the severe bias they have (hell, the Bush administration was near-controlling it, and that's not private knowledge).
Have you heard Glenn Beck's statements? Or those by O'Reilly? The average fox viewer thinks it's straight up fact, unfotunately.

QuoteVoting based on a certain system of belief is nothing new. There are stereotpyical Christian bible-thumpers, but there's also a large number of people who read the bible, take it with a grain of salt, and think about what they believe in their vote. The bible when taken literally is an incredibly destructive tool, and on certain key issues the bible is used inappropriately even by non-literalists; but for the general day-to-day important legislation, godliness doesn't come up. It's media issues which inspire stereotypical "unthinkable" bible thumping.
It's an issue when it comes to, again, the modern conservative movement when patriotism, conservatism, and religion, were tied together during the cold war.

QuoteNo possible defense  akudood;

The old conservative movement, is what the current--non ron paulesque-- libertarian movement now is.
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: the shortest route to the sea on October 05, 2009, 12:27:36 AM
Quote from: Ensign Halibar on October 05, 2009, 12:14:38 AM
He said I lumped all conservatives together when I specifically mentioned the modern conservatives (ie. post reagan)

Doesn't make it any less harsh.

QuoteHave you heard Glenn Beck's statements? Or those by O'Reilly? The average fox viewer thinks it's straight up fact, unfotunately.

Of course! But not every newscaster has the same rag, they're different levels of awful (Glenn Beck being the Final Boss, surprisingly). On the other half, you're half right:

QuoteA new report by the Sacred Heart University Polling Institute in Fairfield found that only one quarter of Americans believe "all" or "most of news media reporting.

Nearly two-fifths of the respondents said they are reading newspapers less often than they did five years ago. And 77  disagreed with the notion of providing tax dollars to prop up failing newspapers. Indeed, 67 percent agreed with a statement that read "old-style, traditionally objective and fair journalism is dead."

In an indication of how split Americans are, Fox News was named both the most trusted TV news organization (by 30 percent) as well as the least trusted (26.2 percent).

The national survey of 800 Americans was fielded from Sept. 8 to 11 and follows similar polls taken in 2003 and 2007.

QuoteIt's an issue when it comes to, again, the modern conservative movement when patriotism, conservatism, and religion, were tied together during the cold war.

So much else was playing into the cold-war period that freaked americans the fuck out, and caused strange voting habits, than just those three things: legitimate and non-legitimate (but just as frightening) threats to national security; America's inability to remain isolated in its prosperity, and the globalization which made things so much less black and white; a cultural mirroring of a cult of paranoia (science fiction and horror); fear of subversion of our "purity," blamed on communists; social unrest in poverty; a feeling of entrapment for the middle class. All of these things drove a rise of evangelicalism, "togetherness" doctrine and family values, and reactionisitic politics and culuture. The magnitude of this was clear in both how much paranoia was given to the Red Scare, and how strong the countercultural reaction was in the 60s.

In short, that lumpiness was a result of so many other things in post-WWII America.

QuoteThe old conservative movement, is what the current--non ron paulesque-- libertarian movement now is.
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: Zach on October 05, 2009, 01:46:42 AM
Just because you watch Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly doesn't mean that you agree with everything they say, just as I'd wager that many people who watch Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow don't agree with everything that they say.

Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: Daddy on October 05, 2009, 02:52:34 AM
Quote from: Zach on October 05, 2009, 01:46:42 AM
Just because you watch Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly doesn't mean that you agree with everything they say, just as I'd wager that many people who watch Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow don't agree with everything that they say.

Olbermann or Maddow also don't incite racism or violence in their statements.

I know a scene from a movie that has a similar dialog:
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: YPrrrr on October 06, 2009, 02:23:49 AM
Quote from: Ensign Halibar on October 05, 2009, 02:52:34 AM
Olbermann or Maddow also don't incite racism or violence in their statements.

I really don't see how he made any of those connections... Quite a stretch really. This is why the news is so terrible to watch, it's just a bunch of clips meant to get you riled up and listen to whichever anchor and the finger they're pointing.
Title: Re: The product of the modern conservative movement: Violence?
Post by: hotlikesauce. on October 31, 2009, 03:18:05 AM
Quote from: Zach on October 05, 2009, 01:46:42 AM
Just because you watch Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly doesn't mean that you agree with everything they say, just as I'd wager that many people who watch Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow don't agree with everything that they say.

Whenever I'm in the car with my dad we listen to Sean Hannity, but it's just a ton of babbling about how he doesn't have a reason for hating Obama. Even I'd be stupid to believe all that shit he says =/