I'm gunna write a book. So far I've got the first chapter done. It's about these three kids who live two different lives. In the day time they are like normal kids and at night they are like these crazy like partyers and then they end up like getting into trouble and someone dies and someone gets raped and then the main girl telling the story is eventually free and her best friend dies but has a kid and she ends up taking care of her kid. and the kids at school find out about their second life and they get really into drugs etc.. idk im just bored so im writing a fuckin book.
give me some more ideas about what i should add in the book. they all have really unique names too.
its gunna be super sick.
Quote from: laylay on July 22, 2009, 11:22:34 PM
I'm gunna write a book.
I bet I'm not the only one who stopped reading there.
To add some meat to my post, you shouldn't bother. I think pretty much every literate person on the planet wants to write a book at one point or another, but then they realize how good of an author/how cliche you have to be that it's just not plausible.
For example, I was planning on writing a story loosely based on my life in a different setting and all that junk, and while it would be pretty rad it's never gonna happen.
It doesn't mean this book has to get out to anyone really. It's just something to work on and have and show my friends and what not.
Quote from: laylay on July 22, 2009, 11:22:34 PM
I'm gunna write a book. So far I've got the first chapter done. It's about these three kids who live two different lives. In the day time they are like normal kids and at night they are like these crazy like partyers and then they end up like getting into trouble and someone dies and someone gets raped and then the main girl telling the story is eventually free and her best friend dies but has a kid and she ends up taking care of her kid. and the kids at school find out about their second life and they get really into drugs etc.. idk im just bored so im writing a fuckin book.
give me some more ideas about what i should add in the book. they all have really unique names too.
its gunna be super sick.
They're is already a Lifetime movie exactly like this...
Quote from: laylay on July 22, 2009, 11:33:34 PM
and show my friends
yo friendz chek out mai book
Quote from: Cookie on July 23, 2009, 09:12:52 AM
yo friendz chek out mai book
Quote from: xXTheHaunted on July 23, 2009, 09:08:33 AM
They're is already a Lifetime movie exactly like this...
Well my books gunna be better.
If you're so bored, why not purchase some books and study for school?
Quote from: Bassir on July 23, 2009, 11:31:01 AM
If you're so bored, why not purchase some books and study for school?
This is Lacey, the girl who thinks Soulja Boy music is awesome and that racists are disgusting, even though she is racist herself. akudood;
I smell a great piece of luterature right there, you should write seven of them and become the next j.k. Rowling.
Hell i bet Micheal Bay would turn your book into a Movie
Quote from: Kefka on July 23, 2009, 11:54:03 AM
Hell i bet Micheal Bay would turn your book into a Movie
How would the mandatory explosions fit in? huhdoodame;
You're writing a book? Good luck, sounds like an interesting project
Quote from: laylay on July 23, 2009, 10:22:51 AM
Well my books gunna be better.
Am I the only one that finds this statement funny? Oh and it isn't just because it won't happen.
86, she said one of them dies. She didnt say how so maybe the characters car blows up? Then theres a rape scene...maybe shes getting raped in a car and spontaneously combusts at climax and blows the car up?
I write myself.
Except it's more...not so generic of my character.
Try a little harder Lacey.
Quote from: Kefka on July 23, 2009, 12:12:12 PM
86, she said one of them dies. She didnt say how so maybe the characters car blows up? Then theres a rape scene...maybe shes getting raped in a car and spontaneously combusts at climax and blows the car up?
They are injecting heroin when the needle explodes.
Quote from: Bassir on July 23, 2009, 11:31:01 AM
If you're so bored, why not purchase some books and study for school?
Possibly cause I graduated and I don't know what I'm going to take in college yet... So there isn't a point in doing that.
Yes there is, go to the local library check out books about college majors you might like and read them. Hell check out novels to further your vocabulary.
Quote from: laylay on July 23, 2009, 01:30:40 PM
Possibly cause I graduated and I don't know what I'm going to take in college yet... So there isn't a point in doing that.
Watch some Richard Feynman lectures.
that would actually be a cool song if you got creative with the lyrics
just looking on the bright side. bassir;
Quote from: Kefka on July 23, 2009, 06:46:17 PM
Yes there is, go to the local library check out books about college majors you might like and read them. Hell check out novels to further your vocabulary.
I do read novels. I'm reading three right now.
I hope you can actually, you know, write well.