oh shit
I don't get the 'Under Ã,Â¥20,000' note as the DS Lite is already Ã,Â¥16,800. And another thing, just making the screen larger is a terrible idea as it'd still be the same resolution as the current one. But I guess this rumour will continue until TGS and then it'll die down until the next big game convention, whenever that is.
why couldn't they just save all this crap for a DS two or something. Sucks for the people who bought a DS and a DS lite already.
i'm still using the fat DS.
I wouldn't trust gonintendo, but if it's true, whatever. I'm happy with my black DS Lite.
Quote from: Davie on September 27, 2008, 06:20:17 PM
I wouldn't trust gonintendo, but if it's true, whatever. I'm happy with my black DS Lite.
The source itself isn't from GoNintendo. I simply posted the link to GoNintendo because the info is all there in one spot.
I highly doubt it's true. That would mean that everyone would have to buy this new DS in order to play the newer games.
DS is too boring for me to care
Quote from: TECTRON on September 27, 2008, 06:32:48 PM
I highly doubt it's true. That would mean that everyone would have to buy this new DS in order to play the newer games.
That's where they get you.
i guess i was wrong suicide;
i hope this one has three screens baddood;
I hope it supports touch-screen porn. RUB IT
Quote from: Commodore Guff on September 28, 2008, 09:32:34 AM
i hope this one has three screens baddood;
how many of those would be touch screens
Quote from: ME86 on September 28, 2008, 11:54:17 AM
how many of those would be touch screens
all four please
Quote from: ME86 on September 28, 2008, 11:54:17 AM
how many of those would be touch screens
Quote from: Rhyme on September 28, 2008, 11:50:17 AM
I hope it supports touch-screen porn. RUB IT
There already is some baddood;
Quote from: UnagiPower on September 27, 2008, 05:32:10 PM
why couldn't they just save all this crap for a DS two or something. Sucks for the people who bought a DS and a DS lite already.
i'm still using the fat DS.
why would you feel sorry for them? Nintendo does this bullshit every generation, it's not anyone's fault but their own for buying the first gen DS phat when they should have known by previous experience (Original GB, pocket GB, color, advance, sp, micro, Ds, ds lite, and now a third edition if this is proven true). Nintendo always does this because they have much more money because of it. It's just like Blizzard, they intentionally leave content out of their games just so they can sell it to you at $50 when they damn well know they could have waited a month and released the game with that bullshit in it.
On another note, this revision seems pointless. Just seems as though Nintendo is trying to catch up with the PSP in terms of multimedia offerings (DS games are much more diverse. Chances are the camera will not be that great in terms of resolution and will probably only be utilized in one first party game a year while the rest of the time you will recieve a shit ton of third party games like Imagine: Fashion designer where you input a picture of yourself into the game and decorate yourself. The music player will suck and those of you that use an R4 you will undoubtedly get your shit bricked automatically when inserted, (on an unrelated note:The same thing will begin to happen with the Wii and the twilight hack as Nintendo has already begun cracking down on that mess, but that's for another thread).
Having said all of these negative things about the rumors of this new design, I probably will end up buying one. Not because I need it (I have a working digital camera and an iPod) but because I will want it, this will have been my third time buying a DS when nothing has actually changed about it besides it's outer shell and light output (which I have been ignoring as i get MUCH more playtime when the light is at the lowest setting).
Quote from: ME86 on September 27, 2008, 04:47:08 PM
I don't get the 'Under Ã,Â¥20,000' note as the DS Lite is already Ã,Â¥16,800. And another thing, just making the screen larger is a terrible idea as it'd still be the same resolution as the current one. But I guess this rumour will continue until TGS and then it'll die down until the next big game convention, whenever that is.
I thing the pricing note was added because the PSP is about that 20,000 pricing(at least I think so, not too familiar with the current currency exchange rate esspecially since the big stock market crash) and since this is Nintendo playing catch-up they could have upped the price seeing as there are all of these new editions.
And yes, this is a rumor, and one I am going to be keeping watch on. I cannot say whether or not I think it's true, but the PSP is currently about to hit it's third revision so this is not that far out of the ball park, not to mention Nintendo did this with the GBA and it's GameBoy Micro release which shocked a few people as not too many new games were being released with the GBA at the time, but it did pull in some cash and did revive the GBA for a short time(not to say that the GBA ever died).
Man, i kinda want that a lot. New mario and luigi i hear. If so, yes please. The camera, downloads, bigger screens, all that, good god, i think i know what to do with my money now, maybe. I could get one on launch. I WANT SOME PICTURES GOD DAMNIT argh;
Pretty sure I'll get one. Oh, and nice way to make Guitar Hero On Tour unplayable, as well as the yet to be released sequel.
No DS slot? Wuuuuuut baddood;
I'll stick with my new DS pls
I will probably pass on this one. baddood;
I was hoping for downloadable content on the DS for a while, but they went about it all wrong. They could've just created an add-on for the Lite that fir into the GBA slot and worked like a memory card. That way you could get online and buy whatever it is you want. But no, a whole new DS would make more cash. :'(
i think i'll pass this one i already have two
what the fuck, 180 bucks?
I don't like paying over 120$ for a handheld.
Quote from: Glass, Concrete, and Stone on October 02, 2008, 02:54:16 PM
what the fuck, 180 bucks?
I don't like paying over 120$ for a handheld.
PSP owners did this and I believe the PSP is $199, so $180 is not that much considering it's huge library of games.
Quote from: Kefka on October 02, 2008, 12:59:47 PM
No DS slot? Wuuuuuut baddood;
I'll stick with my new DS pls
What are you talking about, why wouldn't it have a DS slot baddood;
Quote from: Glass, Concrete, and Stone on October 02, 2008, 02:54:16 PM
what the fuck, 180 bucks?
I don't like paying over 120$ for a handheld.
So do you only have a GBA?
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on October 02, 2008, 03:35:59 PM
PSP owners did this and I believe the PSP is $199, so $180 is not that much considering it's huge library of games.
A PSP costs 170.
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on October 02, 2008, 03:35:59 PM
PSP owners did this and I believe the PSP is $199, so $180 is not that much considering it's huge library of games.
Kono you suck so much
I'm not going to bother with this. I'm fine with my current Lite.
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on September 29, 2008, 04:31:49 AM
why would you feel sorry for them? Nintendo does this bullshit every generation, it's not anyone's fault but their own for buying the first gen DS phat when they should have known by previous experience (Original GB, pocket GB, color, advance, sp, micro, Ds, ds lite, and now a third edition if this is proven true). Nintendo always does this because they have much more money because of it. It's just like Blizzard, they intentionally leave content out of their games just so they can sell it to you at $50 when they damn well know they could have waited a month and released the game with that bullshit in it.
ok lol
I really see no point in buying this inferior version. A crappy camera that adds another 80 bucks to the WHATS THIS 2 CRAPPY CAMERAS? COUNT ME IN!
Quote from: H i R O on October 02, 2008, 04:13:22 PM
What are you talking about, why wouldn't it have a DS slot baddood;
So do you only have a GBA?
no i've got a Ds lite and I payed 120 for it
i still have my phat ds because im not an idiot
Why is this pinned when everyone already knows?
This sounds like a job for a moderator. baddood;