Since when are kids able to send nudepics over a video game for "video game points" ? The whole article never lists a single fact. And it lists Halo and Call of Duty as one of the most popular. goonish
Jesus, do people really try to get parents worried for no reason?
That article is so vauge its stupid. They could have been talking about playing chess in a bagel shop for all I knew.
Those damn sex perverts didn't give me my Final Fantasy points
The article is idiotic, but any kid who seriously did that is a damn fool. goonish
i wish they told me what game it was
Quote from: Lawlz on July 28, 2008, 04:42:56 PM
i wish they told me what game it was
it wasnt any, its jsut a really shitty article about a police officer who speculates that has happened before.