why diss in gamin?..
Cause I wanna use it for skype, while playin mah games edumacate;
If I'm gonna buy a headset.. I want it to be pwnsome..
(like the MGS4 headset, but less crappy.. "heard lotta bad things bout it")
So if ya got any headsets worth mentioning, share em w/ me..
oh and I'm looking for something in white, to match mah Wii keke;
Buy Warhawk
Just buy a logitech headset. Also what the hell are you doing here HMS? baddood;
Quote from: greg400 on July 05, 2008, 08:50:36 AM
Just buy a logitech headset. Also what the hell are you doing here HMS? baddood;
This forum was lacking awesome-ness..
So I decided to join.. bish befuddlement