She keeps whining at my sister for her grades and my sister keeps saying, other than her finals she did good.
My mom is like "LOOK IM TAKLING ABOUT FOURTH QUARTER GRADES. NOT FINAL GRADE" and she can't grasp that final grades and final exams are different. I've repeatedly explained to her that the final grade is the average of the four quarters and the final exam is a test that is averaged into the fourth quarter grade.
She doesn't get it. doodthing;
My mom is a stubborn bitch.
She could say the sky is yellow and she won't EVER admit she's wrong. :|
I know, my mom didn't get it either. She kept bitching about my final test grade in French, even though I still ended passing French with the required grade to continue on to French III :|
Quote from: Lalie on June 30, 2008, 02:06:08 PM
My mom is a stubborn bitch.
She could say the sky is yellow and she won't EVER admit she's wrong. :|
Exactly how mine is. She also has my step dad to kiss her feet in arguments.
Quote from: Trunks on June 30, 2008, 02:09:32 PM
Exactly how mine is. She also has my step dad to kiss her feet in arguments.
If I finally corner her she'll go on to my attitude and say it's wrong. baddood;
Quote from: Lalie on June 30, 2008, 02:11:36 PM
If I finally corner her she'll go on to my attitude and say it's wrong. baddood;
Holy shit. Hime, you must be my half sister. We have the same mother.
Quote from: Vostroya on June 30, 2008, 02:17:50 PM
She probably just needs some dick.
I was not expecting this.
Quote from: Trunks on June 30, 2008, 02:13:59 PM
Holy shit. Hime, you must be my half sister. We have the same mother.
Make that 1/3. My mother screams at stuff and whenever she makes a mistake or is just wrong, and she'll never admit she's wrong. When I was younger, I remembered my dad was winning an argument with her while she was driving and she changed the subject and said she was going to crash the car and we could die together. She was actually going to do it because she changed directions and went faster until my dad got scared and sucked up and apologized. I share your mother also.
My mom is pretty understanding...
My dad is horribly stubborn though... I guess that comes from being an officer in the army
Quote from: JMV on June 30, 2008, 02:38:08 PM
I guess she is a third of hime's third...
I really don't know how my parents react towards bad grades, I've always had grades above 90. My mom doesn't care about grades as she does about discipline, and my dad isn't an idiot and understands the grading system.
Let's all fuse and make Ultimate Power Hime.
my mom is stubborn, short tempered yet understanding. caterpie;
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on June 30, 2008, 02:39:20 PM
I guess she is a third of hime's third...
I always wanted to have a third of someone. baddood;
My parents don't care about my grades. Even if I fail (Sometimes I'll have an F for a week but I bring it up to a B the next week), they're just like "oh you should maybe try a bit harder."
Quote from: Lawlz on June 30, 2008, 03:10:57 PM
My parents don't care about my grades. Even if I fail (Sometimes I'll have an F for a week but I bring it up to a B the next week), they're just like "oh you should maybe try a bit harder."
My mom does that sometimes but my dad will just stare at the report card for hours. caterpie;
Quote from: ME86 on June 30, 2008, 02:07:29 PM
I know, my mom didn't get it either. She kept bitching about my final test grade in French, even though I still ended passing French with the required grade to continue on to French III :|
You speak a lot of french to be barely passing :|
My parents expect me to pass with 90+ and I almost always do. I doubt they'd know what to do if I failed a class. doodthing;
Like, I made a C one time (in my hardest class)
My mom bitched to no end. When it turned out that my teacher had accidentally not put an important grade, all my mother could say was "oh."
Same but I don't care, I'm not a child anymore so they watch what they say or I'll just get up and leave.
I'm really happy about the 96 I got. It's a beautiful grade and gives me access to the grounds of making fun of others until next term.
That post confused me, it didn't make much sense psyduck;
My Mom is ok, just a bit stubborn.
I just tell my mom to shut up.