My Mom has been diagnosed with cancer and I really can't stand seeing her home all day after getting out from chemo all drugged up and such.
I sometimes cry whenever I think about her dying from it. My mom is the only one in my family that I feel actually loves me.
Damn. I almost had that situation. My dad was almost diagnosed with cancer. I don't know what I would've done. I really can't say anything to help you so I'll just stop typi
I've had that situation; except with the outcome that's least wanted, my father died instead of being cured.
He was the only one in my family who really loved me unconditionally.
Quote from: Laurami on June 28, 2008, 12:14:07 AM
I've had that situation; except with the outcome that's least wanted, my father died instead of being cured.
He was the only one in my family who really loved me unconditionally.
That's awful :(
You be supportive and reassuring to her. Let you know you love her. Concentrate more on her being happy and taken care of. Make the most of the situation.
Life is a precious thing, so cherish it while it's there. I only overcame the whole "I'm scared of my family dying*sniff*" phase just like a few weeks ago. My grandpa is old, has Alzheimer's, and probably doesn't have much longer, even as mean and as forgetting as he is, he's still my grandpa, and if he leaves the face of this earth and rots in the soil, and even if I can't bring myself to say good-bye, nobody can take memories away from me(like when he gave me a can of beer when I was 3). Although I have had times where I actually thought so hard and was so sad and depressed I believed my parents were dead and I cried like they were. As stupid, as annoying, as bitching as parents may be, nobody can change the fact that they're yours. My own mother's been sick for at least 8 years and I used to be worried sick, but if you worry, you feel like death already arrived and she's going to die the next day. You're mother is here now, so use the time wisely. Show her how appreciative you are of her, and make her happy. And Lingzhi may help cure some sort cancer, it is said. Works well, and keeps your immune system strong. Try to get your hands on some.
I've already dealt with it.
In my opinion, you can't explain how to deal with something like this. You just do.
I'm just going to be upset for a few days, then continue on with life. It's a depressing thing, but crying and bitching about it just isn't going to magically revive her from death.
Unless she dies now before I can move out (or in to her basement), I think I'll get over it.
Ask that one black guy, whats his name.
Same thing happened to his mother, she died.
Quote from: reefer on July 03, 2008, 04:19:08 PM
Ask that one black guy, whats his name.
Same thing happened to his mother, she died.
Blaziken or V?
Errr. Hope I die before she does?
My mom smokes at least seven cigarettes a day. :(
Quote from: JMV on July 03, 2008, 04:45:28 PM
Blaziken or V?
I was talking about Blaziken, I don't know much about V's family.
My mom died from cancer in 2001 when i was 10. She had told me she had cancer and that she was going to die. but being so young, i didn't really understand. I used to wish i could be there when she died, but i don't anymore. I knew she loved me, and she knew i loved her. I only wish i would have spent more time with her instead of watching TV and and stuff. I still wish she hadn't of died. And even though i do get depressed sometimes, and it wasn't fair, I've accepted it as part of that worldly order that isn't going to stop just because you shed a few tears. Make the absolute best out of the time you have with your mother. Even if she doesn't die now, she will eventually, and regret is a horrible thing to live with.
When it seems hopeless, my mom can say the words that can get me back in focus. Like, whenever I have such a shitty day, she gives me words of advise and makes me feel better about myself. Sure, there are still some things we don't agree on, but that's normal.
The first time I really broke down into tears was when my grandpa died three years ago. And I will definitely do the same when my mom passes away. I just hope I don't die before her. That would be awful.
I'd probably be crying. But I'd be depressed for a few weeks. That's life though, birth, live, die. Nothing anyone can do about it. But I'd miss my mother terribly.
Well just try to make the best of the time she has left. gtfo of Boyah and go with your mom seriously.