Anyone play?
What system, prestige, favorite gun, etc.
I play on 360, 5th prestige, MP44.
Gamertag is RelishDevil. I jacked my brothers 360.
I'm still debating if it is worth buying.
360, prestige is 4 gays, m60
360. Just got it. Brokened disk.
I have been playing it since Christmas. I only prestiged once, since I wanted to get all of the golden guns, something I finally achieved a few weeks ago.
shit, you might as well wait for cod5 now.
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on June 22, 2008, 05:41:14 PM
shit, you might as well wait for cod5 now.
but its going to suck lol
Quote from: C. Mongler on June 22, 2008, 05:44:02 PM
but its going to suck lol
actually, I think it might be much better than CoD3. I'm willing to give Treyarch one more chance.
Plus, it's supposed to be set in the Pacific theatre of WWII. doodella;
Quote from: Kiss Kiss on June 22, 2008, 08:34:05 PM
actually, I think it might be much better than CoD3. I'm willing to give Treyarch one more chance.
Plus, it's supposed to be set in the Pacific theatre of WWII. doodella;
Which is the worst theatre.
Quote from: C. Mongler on June 22, 2008, 09:34:04 PM
every pacific ww2 game sukz
I'm not even going to dignify that with a real reply.
Lvl55, 360, not prestiging.
Depends on the map. My custom classes are
G36C (Red Dot) - Desert Eagle
----Special Grenade x3
----Dead Silence
M16 (Red Dot) - Desert Eagle
----Special Grenade x3
----Steady Aim
MP5 (Silenced) - USP (silenced)
----C4 x2
----Dead Silence
Barrett 50 Cal. - USP
----Claymore x2
----Stopping Power
----Iron Lungs
R700 - USP
----Claymore x2
----Stopping Power
----Iron Lungs
Sadly, my CoD4 disc is broken. Got to send it in :(
I had it, but then sold it for $10 more after I realized I did not need another game.
For Headquarters:
UAV Jammer
Extreme Conditioning
For everything else:
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
Quote from: Silent Rob on June 26, 2008, 02:24:17 PM
Lvl55, 360, not prestiging.
Depends on the map. My custom classes are
G36C (Red Dot) - Desert Eagle
----Special Grenade x3
----Stopping Power
----Dead Silence
M16 (Red Dot) - Desert Eagle
----Special Grenade x3
----Stopping Power
----Steady Aim
M4 Carbine - USP
---Flash x3
---Stopping Power
---Steady Aim
MP5 (Silenced) - USP (silenced)
----C4 x2
----UAV Jammer
----Dead Silence
Barrett 50 Cal. - USP
----Claymore x2
----Stopping Power
----Iron Lungs
I rented CoD4, and have been playing it again.
Got some changes to make.
Level 41, 360, not prestiging.
Custom class- ASSault
Special Grenade x3
Grenade drop rage