You guys know the drill. Each member adds three words to our story. gogogoog
As I was
eating a baby
I found out
I made sure
to wash the
blood out of
the kitten I
accidentally ate while
i was washing
my ex girlfriend
what i mean
Then I went
Ok, fag
got interruptions aside...
Quote from: Captain Wrench on May 03, 2008, 08:10:22 PM
Then I went
To the kitchen...
to slap the
nappy headed hoe
because she had
ten children with
The fucking mailman...
I wanted to
punch him in
his big throbbing
Face with my...
nose so hard
and get him
abducted by aliens.
Then bang his
daughter and then
slit her throat
And fuck her...
up the ass
until she bleeds
through her ears
with chocolate sauce
and whipped cream
mixed with some
peanuts. Then suddenly,
I bust out...
ice cream cones
but they melted
and I almost
falled too. However,
got raped again
then i came
trippin on acid
And smoking weed...
listening to pac
rollin down the
felt's boobs which
spherical bike Manitoba
suddenly burst into
ice cream cones
Which I stuffed...
in my pants
but they melted
on my junk
and i cried
but I remembered
to bring a
whale to the
huge lemon party
with my massive
ice cream cones
but they melted
yet fucking again
dominion chordates rainbow
Said the retard...
Yellow pork sapplings
Ate the retard...
owhay ecamebay adsay
this shit sucks.
And buckets enumerate
all over the floor
Lawlz is correct
im da dopeman
In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house you can get yourself to. When you reach the front desk, ask to visit someone who calls himself "The Holder of the Flame". Should a look of child-like fear come over the workers face, you will then be taken to a cell in the building. It will be in a deep hidden section of the building. All you will hear is the sound of heavy breathing echoing through the halls. Your very soul will feel unspeakable fear.
Should the breathing stop at any time, STOP and QUICKLY say aloud "I'm just passing through, I wish to snack." If you still hear silence, flee. Leave, do not stop for anything, do not go home, don't stay at an inn, just keep moving, sleep where your body drops. You will know in the morning if you've escaped.
If the breathing in the hall comes back after you utter those words continue on. Upon reaching the cell all you will see is a windowless room with a king in the corner, his mouth frozen into a insane grin, and cradling something. The person will only respond to one question. "What happens when they flame broil it fresh when you order instead of leaving it under a heat lamp?"
The king will then stare into your eyes and say nothing. Many go mad in that very cell, some disappear soon after the meeting, a few end their lives. But most do the worst thing, and eat the object in the king's hands. You will want to as well. Be warned that if you do, your death will be one of high cholesterol and unrelenting hypertension.
Your death will be in that room, by that BK Breakfast Sandwich.
The BK Breakfast Sandwich is 1 of a 6-part value menu. They must never come together. Never.
Available for a limited time at participating Burger Kings.
Peniscat came in
and got his
thread to end.
i missed it
lock thread plz