How many of you are going to post your Brawl friend codes and add everyone else from the list?
I'm willing to, I need all the people I can have to play off against.
I might add a few select people who I really want to play against or like, but not really that many people.
Once I get wi-fi I'll do it.
I'm willing whenever I get internet access
I'll add anyone. doodella;
I'll add anyone. doodella;
I will also add basically anyone, unless you're a real ass to me.
I'll add anyone.
But I have questions. There are Brawl friendcodes? So, You don't need to give them your Wii Number?
Quote from: W4W1 on March 07, 2008, 04:22:59 PM
I'll add anyone.
But I have questions. There are Brawl friendcodes? So, You don't need to give them your Wii Number?
Yes, there are FC's. And it was stupid of Nintendo, AGAIN, to do it.
I am
I don't really see why anyone wouldn't be... huhdoodame;
I am once I have my own Wii. I don't think my Mom wants me to give you guys access to my sisters via their Wii.
I don't really care.
I'll add anyone once I get a Wii.
Quote from: Kazanova on March 07, 2008, 05:00:17 PM
I am once I have my own Wii. I don't think my Mom wants me to give you guys access to my sisters via their Wii.
yeah we might press the d-pad at a 32 degree angle and it might ask for nudes
I'll add anyone once I get my Wii Internet connection fixed. goonish
Quote from: Bassir C. on March 07, 2008, 07:01:31 PM
yeah we might press the d-pad at a 32 degree angle and it might ask for nudes
won't the game just use your wii code
Because then you could send them e-mails requesting nudes.
Quote from: Lawlz on March 08, 2008, 07:44:42 AM
won't the game just use your wii code
Because then you could send them e-mails requesting nudes.
The game has its own friend code.
I'd be willing to kick your ass anytime Bassir. doodella;
And yes, I'll give my FC and add everyone else.
I'm only sharing with Wrench and Thief. :3
By the way, Wrench and Thief, I need your Wii codes so we can share the Brawl codes, rather than me posting them here. (Just PM/MySpace/AIM/MSN me and we'll trade.)
Quote from: Silent Memory on March 08, 2008, 08:50:03 AM
I'm only sharing with Wrench and Thief. :3
By the way, Wrench and Thief, I need your Wii codes so we can share the Brawl codes, rather than me posting them here. (Just PM/MySpace/AIM/MSN me and we'll trade.)
But I wanted to play you. gonk;
...ok, maybe I'll add Kaz, too. wub;
Quote from: Silent Memory on March 08, 2008, 09:43:27 AM
...ok, maybe I'll add Kaz, too. wub;
But I love you far more then Kaz ever could. :(
Does my smashfagness intimidate you?
Quote from: Cameron the Smash Fag on March 08, 2008, 09:52:17 AM
But I love you far more then Kaz ever could. :(
Does my smashfagness intimidate you?
That's where your conversation is invalid and I refuse to listen to it.
And no, the smashfagness makes me think you need to get out more and get some god damn sunshine.
I will add anyone. doodella; But I won't get brawl for a long time.
Meh, I only want to add a couple of people.
Bassir, each other is two words.
I already have everyone that has an xbox 360 on my XBL friends so hell yes.
And doesn't Brawl use your Wii number? baddood;
Quote from: Genocyde on March 08, 2008, 10:53:52 AM
And doesn't Brawl use your Wii number? baddood;
No. It uses its own friend code. The Wii number will never be used for anything besides sending shitty mail and Miis.
I will.
Quote from: Bassir C. on March 08, 2008, 11:16:43 AM
No. It uses its own friend code. The Wii number will never be used for anything besides sending shitty mail and Miis.
They could of made nintendo's online service slightly less shitty if they just made the wii code a universal friend code.