It's my favorite subject. Biology, chemistry, astronomy, I love it all. girl;
What's your favorite branch of science?
I think mine is either astronomy/astrology or biology. I love space and living organisms are so interesting. doodella;
Chemistry. It seems to come... natural to me for most topics.
Biology is what I'm best at, astronomy is what I'm most interested in, chemistry is what I can do but don't have such a great interest in.
astrobiology toot;
Quote from: Lawlz on February 29, 2008, 07:47:21 PM
Biology is what I'm best at, astronomy is what I'm most interested in, chemistry is what I can do but don't have such a great interest in.
astrobiology toot;
fuck yeah
Biology is my best subject, too. I've never gotten anything under a 90 for any tests in that class and I had an average of 101% last quarter. doodella;
I'm quite fond of endocrinology.
Biology and Geology.
I guess chemistry, though all I've experieced of it was a little bit during Introductory Physical Science class.
I like all kinds of science, but I'm mostly interested in math and physics.
I had all my science courses last semester at school, though, so now I just have a bunch of maths. I'm planning to continue on with physics as a minor at university if I'm able to.
I'm not sure if this counts, but Computer Science.
Quote from: CHAOS66 on March 03, 2008, 09:29:02 PM
I'm not sure if this counts, but Computer Science.
Biology. It is easy for me to comprehend, but I don't have a huge interest in any branch of science.
Oh come on...where's the love for Geology? :(
Quote from: Kazanova on March 05, 2008, 09:16:53 PM
Oh come on...where's the love for Geology? :(
I'm fair at it but I find it to be utterly boring.
Quote from: Lawlz on March 05, 2008, 09:17:43 PM
I'm fair at it but I find it to be utterly boring.
I can't get enough of it. I get a rush out of being able to look at a diagram with sedimentary deposits, layer folds, igneous intrusions, faulting, and erosion and being able to lay out the history of everything in it.
I also can't get enough of just sitting down with a bunch of rocks and identifying them all. <3
I like Astronomy and Physics. baddood;
Quote from: Kazanova on March 05, 2008, 09:22:18 PM
I can't get enough of it. I get a rush out of being able to look at a diagram with sedimentary deposits, layer folds, igneous intrusions, faulting, and erosion and being able to lay out the history of everything in it.
I also can't get enough of just sitting down with a bunch of rocks and identifying them all. <3
oh good god.
the most boring 4 weeks of my life in eighth grade
I have to say I'm fairly interested in Biology.
Quote from: Kazanova on March 05, 2008, 09:16:53 PM
Oh come on...where's the love for Geology? :(
Geology is... an okay subject at best. There are only a few things I find interesting about it, like Earth's development and such, but for the most part, rocks are really boring. befuddlement
Biology and life, as well as astronomy and everything outside of Earth are far more interesting to me.
I was really good at Geo, though. I got a 98 in it when I took it a few years ago. Heck, I'm good at every branch of science. powerofone;
Quote from: JMV290 on March 06, 2008, 06:57:57 AM
I like Astronomy and Physics. baddood;
Maybe astronomy in college if I ever go.
Quote from: Lawlz on March 06, 2008, 03:00:35 PM
omg me too
vector based physics :x
Astronomy is the shit. I'm taking it next year woop
fuck all the rest. They are all god damn boring.