whether they might be physically or mentally/emotionally <3
I'M MENTALLY/EMOTIONALLY IMMATURE (Stopped maturing around the early 2000's), and I just found about a day ago that it's a severe problem. :(
I'm socially retarded. weewee;
Ever since a terrible incident happened with my best friend in early 2005 I have become an extreme introvert and fear letting anyone become close to me again so I shut everybody out of my life, even though the thing I would like most would be to have a new best friend. >.<
What isn't wrong with me emotionally? baddood;
I don't know how to have fun with humans.
I'm an incredibly boring person and seem to undergo strange mood shifts for weeks at a time. Generally one shift per month. It's almost as if I have periods.
also I think I might have Avoidant Personality Disorder. I have almost all of the symptoms but self diagnosis isn't really having a disease. doodthing;
I r hav no friends.
Quote from: JMV290 on January 28, 2008, 10:54:16 AM
also I think I might have Avoidant Personality Disorder. I have almost all of the symptoms but self diagnosis isn't really having a disease. doodthing;
Considering it's very common, I'm sure there's a lot of us that could be diagnosed with it. As with any personality disorder, however, it certainly doesn't need to stay permanent.
i say sorry too much.
im too friendly at times.
my laugh is annoying. (can be heard in my churchcamp vid >.<)
and my self esteem is really low.
i dont watch my words most of the time. :(
I'm painfully shy. I may have ADD. I don't care about most things.
i like this one woman but im scared to talk to her :(
Quote from: Kaz on January 28, 2008, 11:32:51 AM
Considering it's very common, I'm sure there's a lot of us that could be diagnosed with it. As with any personality disorder, however, it certainly doesn't need to stay permanent.
i just dont want to go to group therapy so its a problem for me. :(
I also doubt I could afford it. Maybe my health insurance will cover it.
Quote from: JMV290 on January 28, 2008, 11:40:24 AM
i just dont want to go to group therapy so its a problem for me. :(
I also doubt I could afford it. Maybe my health insurance will cover it.
My parents sent me to a psychaitrist once. It was because I used to cry when I failed a test...lol
I only went twice and then I told my mom not to take me back. Stupidest shit ever.
I read that as stopped masturbating around the early 2000s and i was like wut
I suck with the ladies.
Quote from: Ronald Rollins on January 28, 2008, 11:39:35 AM
I'm painfully shy. I may have ADD. I don't care about most things.
i like this one woman but im scared to talk to her :(
talk to her u fagit
Quote from: Gin on January 28, 2008, 12:26:51 PM
talk to her u fagit
It's harder than it sounds :(
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on January 28, 2008, 12:27:41 PM
It's harder than it sounds :(
not really, just treat her like you would treat one of your friends.
I'm really, really shy, and pretty scatterbrained. Believe it or not, I went to school with my shirt on backwards and didn't notice it until an hour later. Thankfully no one noticed, but still...:'(
Quote from: ProtectedMember32 on January 28, 2008, 11:38:54 AM
i say sorry too much.
[glow=red,2,300]im too friendly at times.[/glow]
my laugh is annoying. (can be heard in my churchcamp vid >.<)
and my self esteem is really low.
i dont watch my words most of the time. :(
Same here. edumacate;
Quote from: Lawlz on January 28, 2008, 03:26:50 AM
I'm socially retarded. weewee;
Not just socially. :(
Quote from: ME86 on January 28, 2008, 03:58:43 AM
Ever since a terrible incident happened with my best friend in early 2005 I have become an extreme introvert and fear letting anyone become close to me again so I shut everybody out of my life, even though the thing I would like most would be to have a new best friend. >.<
im obese
I have 3 Testicles.
When I talk about myself to people I don't know. I tell them more then they are suppose to know >_>
I'm kinda depressed. I don't like going to school right now due to my lack of friends and out of pure disgust over my Christian school. I hate going to school and not having that many friends. The friends I have are great but theres not a lot of them so I barely have classes or anything with them. Also, I like this girl, FMG...we're having the same problem gonk;
im listening to chris brown
I have many friends, but I don't interact with them outside of school.
Quote from: W4W1 on January 28, 2008, 04:39:39 PM
I'm kinda depressed. I don't like going to school right now due to my lack of friends and out of pure disgust over my Christian school. I hate going to school and not having that many friends. The friends I have are great but theres not a lot of them so I barely have classes or anything with them. Also, I like this girl, FMG...we're having the same problem gonk;
God you guys are such pussies, it's a fucking conversation, it's not that hard.
Quote from: Gin on January 28, 2008, 04:45:32 PM
God you guys a re such pussies, it's a fucking conversation, it's not that hard.
I am a pussy, and I'm proud.
Say it louder.
Quote from: Gin on January 28, 2008, 04:45:32 PM
God you guys are such pussies, it's a fucking conversation, it's not that hard.
I can talk to her its just I'm not in with the "cool crowd" OuO
Also, people go through many things that may prohibit them from talking to someone. If you been teased or anything that really affects you and other emotional problems
Quote from: W4W1 on January 28, 2008, 04:48:33 PM
I can talk to her its just I'm not in with the "cool crowd" OuO
Also, people go through many things that may prohibit them from talking to someone. If you been teased or anything that really affects you and other emotional problems
Onoez they said bad things about me I can't talk to anyone anymore. That thinking is the reason most people will continue to piss you off. If you actually stand up to them they will most likely stop, just don't do it like a bitch or it will just get worse.
Quote from: Gin on January 28, 2008, 04:52:34 PM
Onoez they said bad things about me I can't talk to anyone anymore. That thinking is the reason most people will continue to piss you off. If you actually stand up to them they will most likely stop, just don't do it like a bitch or it will just get worse.
No, I only used to get teased along time ago, I'm just saying that there could be other problemz with the kid if they don't talk to someone.
Quote from: W4W1 on January 28, 2008, 04:54:33 PM
No, I only used to get teased along time ago, I'm just saying that there could be other problemz with the kid if they don't talk to someone.
wtf, i'm trying to help you and your going into hypothetical situations. If thats still not happening then whats your problem, just talk, jesus it's not that hard.
I'm too lazy to pee.
I have a headache. :(
I'm too drunck to fuck.
I have school tommorrow
im probably going to get banned
I am socially withdrawn, not retarded...
I have a communication disability.
Especially with girls.
so liek i magically dropped pe and magically got chemistry instead
and calculus and english
i am english major
The hell if I know actually, I think i'm fine besides the lack of being able to talk to people for some damn reason.
Oh, I'm also extremely shy and I fear talking to people who I don't know, like if somebody says something to me and I have no clue who they are I'm thinking 'What the fuck?! WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?! GET AWAY!!!'. >.<
Quote from: Blaziken Prince on January 28, 2008, 05:56:06 PM
The hell if I know actually, I think i'm fine besides the lack of being able to talk to people for some damn reason.
Dude, before i became socially withdrawn, i had a lot of friends. Just talk, it helps alot.
Quote from: ME86 on January 28, 2008, 05:56:46 PM
Oh, I'm also extremely shy and I fear talking to people who I don't know, like if somebody says something to me and I have no clue who they are I'm thinking 'What the fuck?! WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?! GET AWAY!!!'. >.<
You talk to random people you don't know all the time on the internet though.
Quote from: TONY THE FUCKING TIGER on January 28, 2008, 06:06:07 PM
Dude, before i became socially withdrawn, i had a lot of friends. Just talk, it helps alot.
I already am. Talking to people seems boring actually, no one talks to me for very long.
Quote from: ME86 on January 28, 2008, 05:56:46 PM
Oh, I'm also extremely shy and I fear talking to people who I don't know, like if somebody says something to me and I have no clue who they are I'm thinking 'What the fuck?! WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?! GET AWAY!!!'. >.<
Hey you're just like me.
Quote from: Blaziken Prince on January 28, 2008, 06:18:28 PM
I already am. Talking to people seems boring actually, no one talks to me for very long.
Stay in chat longer. And talk back.
Quote from: Blaziken Prince on January 28, 2008, 06:18:28 PM
I already am. Talking to people seems boring actually, no one talks to me for very long.
That sucks, the reason i don't talk to anyone is because they're total assholes.
Try to keep a conversation going, talk about something that interests them.
I've been withdrawn so long, I just don't care for friends like i used to.
Well, I like this girl that's like 2 years younger than me, but at the same time, I'm pretty sure that my speech teacher thinks that I'm gay.
Quote from: darkmariov2 on January 28, 2008, 07:12:11 PM
Well, I like this girl that's like 2 years younger than me, but at the same time, I'm pretty sure that my speech teacher thinks that I'm gay.
1. So what, I've done that.
2. What did you do to cause her to think you were gay.
Quote from: Doctor Octoganapus on January 28, 2008, 07:14:59 PM
1. So what, I've done that.
2. What did you do to cause her to think you were gay.
I didn't really do anything to make him think I was, but he was asking people questions in front of the class, and two of the questions he asked me were "Do clothes make the man" to which I replied, assuming he was talking about me and not my opinion of other men, "no." Then he asked "What makes the man?" and I said "Personality..." right around the time he said "You girls need to pay attention to this."
and i wuz liek wut
Quote from: darkmariov2 on January 28, 2008, 07:12:11 PM
Well, I like this girl that's like 2 years younger than me, but at the same time, I'm pretty sure that my speech teacher thinks that I'm gay.
Your life must be so hard.
Quote from: Houdini on January 28, 2008, 07:29:59 PM
Your life must be so hard.
Also this dickwit keeps flaming me every time he sees a post of mine
Quote from: darkmariov2 on January 28, 2008, 07:19:43 PM
I didn't really do anything to make him think I was, but he was asking people questions in front of the class, and two of the questions he asked me were "Do clothes make the man" to which I replied, assuming he was talking about me and not my opinion of other men, "no." Then he asked "What makes the man?" and I said "Personality..." right around the time he said "You girls need to pay attention to this."
and i wuz liek wut
You should have answered "manliness" to both.
Quote from: Doctor Octoganapus on January 28, 2008, 07:31:25 PM
You should have answered "manliness" to both.
Or "large schlong"
Quote from: Houdini on January 28, 2008, 07:29:59 PM
Your life must be so hard.
O gawd like theres dis girl but liek shes younger than me so liek omgz also people think i b gay lolz.
Quote from: ME86 on January 28, 2008, 07:34:56 PM
O gawd like theres dis girl but liek shes younger than me so liek omgz also people think i b gay lolz.
No one said they have to be life changing.
Also, slightly off topic, you people would have a lot easier time getting new active members if you'd stop being complete dicks to everyone new who pops up.
Quote from: darkmariov2 on January 28, 2008, 07:38:41 PM
No one said they have to be life changing.
Also, slightly off topic, you people would have a lot easier time getting new active members if you'd stop being complete dicks to everyone new who pops up.
I can't help it; I'm a misanthrope.
Sometimes I'll just space out when I'm talking to someone, and lose all memory of what we were just talking about.
Quote from: Houdini on January 28, 2008, 07:57:41 PM
I can't help it; I'm a misanthrope.
Being a misanthrope doesn't make you have to act like a jerk.
Quote from: Elep on January 29, 2008, 02:15:25 PM
Sometimes I'll just space out when I'm talking to someone, and lose all memory of what we were just talking about.
I'm bipolar.
Quote from: ME86 on January 29, 2008, 02:16:15 PM
I just get easily distracted when doing something that isn't a menial task.
For example, if I'm walking with someone, and we're talking about something I may get distracted by say, a guy falling off a bicycle, and their voice will get softer as if I'm turning their "volume" down, and I just forget about them until they tap me or something.
Quote from: Lonely Rolling Star on January 29, 2008, 02:23:36 PM
Maybe that's the problem? >.<
you're also not here enough baddood;
I'm ugly. :(
Quote from: ME86 on January 29, 2008, 04:23:18 PM
No, it's not enough. :'(
I still think too much. spam;
Hyper. Oh wait.. I thought it said post your problem hoes.
Some say I'm mean and intimidating and it makes them feel worse for some reason. Also I'm very shy and I ALWAYS make fun of people even though I'm already insecure. :(
Also I tend to hold onto my anger until it bubbles up, then I unleash it in a horrible fit of beastly rage.
Quote from: Dahlia on January 29, 2008, 07:57:18 PM
Some say I'm mean and intimidating and it makes them feel worse for some reason. Also I'm very shy and I ALWAYS make fun of people even though I'm already insecure. :(
Also I tend to hold onto my anger until it bubbles up, then I unleash it in a horrible fit of beastly rage.
sounds sexi
I tend not to care about school work. I blow things off to the last day/minute/whatever and rarely give anything my all. I don't trust many people at all since people suck. I keep a lot of things to myself.
Quote from: WrenchNinja on January 29, 2008, 08:24:11 PM
I tend not to care about school work. I blow things off to the last day/minute/whatever and rarely give anything my all. I don't trust many people at all since people suck. I keep a lot of things to myself.
I feel ya. I also feel Steal. And also Me86's first post. I drive off of social interaction, but a lot of the times I drive it away, at least with chicks. They start to get close to me, then I push away. And sometimes I just like to be left the fuck alone.
Also I like Incubus. >.<