I managed to both uninstall and reinstall my Nintendo Wi-Fi connector. I also downloaded and played the original Super Mario Bros. for the first time.
Then I bought a shitload of snacks. badass
i got a hair cut and talked to clucky
I got some spirit gems in Phantom Hourglass.
That's about it. psyduck;
Did my homework
Did my hair
Being an idiot
Quote from: JMV290 on January 13, 2008, 09:23:29 PM
i got a hair cut and talked to clucky
Your head looks weird now.
You should've trimmed or done something with your hair.
I finished my community service.
I fell asleep at like 4 something I think, and I played a little Assasin's Creed.
I drove home from a friend's house after a merry night of Warhammering, replied to some emails that ended up getting one of my saxes sold at long last, sat around reading for a bit and went to the Wild vs. Coyotes game.
Absolutely nothing. baddood;
I got a massage and slept.
Bought the coolest shirt ever, not even joking, best shirt ever.
I did my AP English midterm, which sucked. I ended up writing 6 pages worth of crap for my essays.
I also finished laying out my page for the newspaper, so we should be handing that out on Friday
I accomplished being a faggot.
I remembered how to say ordinateur in French class today.
I did about a hundred chemistry equations in under half an hour with no trouble, did a French project in 30 minutes, and nothing else.
Did all my Chem homework right before class started and need to finish my lab now.
Got alot of Challenges done on COD4.
I made a thread here! doodthing;
I went to school, went bowling for Phy. Ed, went home, then went bowling again, got home, finished a Grad. Standards math project, and now I'm here.
Fuck all.
I made an 8 page thread! caterpie;
Wait back up...
You only played SMB for the first time TODAY?
Jesus you are later than fuck psyduck;
Absolutely nothing. baddood;
Quote from: Selkie on January 14, 2008, 06:58:12 PM
Wait back up...
You only played SMB for the first time TODAY?
Jesus you are later than fuck psyduck;
Yeah... powerofone;
i went to class and missed clucky and came home.
I'm actually putting a little bit of work into my guitar practice today. doodthing;
shit loads of it.
A WHOLE LOT. jesus
You've never played Super Mario Bros.?