Whether it be snacking or a hearty meal, post what you're eating and/or drinking.
Mountain Dew and some Cheetos. GO.
Just Dr. Pepper. I'm not eating anything.
Pizza Rolls and Diet Dr. Pepper.
This board sucks. :|
M&M's, grapefruit juice. china;
chewing gum.
Just a Moutain Dew at the moment. :|
A&W and some cold pizza powerofone;
A coke and some taco bell. :|
Eating a delicious Reese cup. wub;
I just got finished with a turkey, ham, roast beef, muenster cheese, and swiss cheese sandwich. It was delectable.
I'm about to make myself some delicious chili. I can't wait.
Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 05, 2007, 03:14:51 PM
I'm about to make myself some delicious chili. I can't wait.
Homemade, or canned shit? caterpie;
I'm eating some little $1 fried chicken TV dinner with clay-like mashed potatoes.
Quote from: Lawlz on November 05, 2007, 03:19:27 PM
Homemade, or canned shit? caterpie;
I'm eating some little $1 fried chicken TV dinner with clay-like mashed potatoes.
Well by "make" I merely mean raise from the dead. My mom made me some yesterday that I haven't gotten to, and it's currently in my refridgeratorororor.
chicken. woop;
Chewing citrus mint gum.
That chili took fucking ages to heat.
Anyway, I'm currently enjoying some delicious chili with some cheese thrown in. I just can't enjoy chili on its own unless I throw some cheese and possibly saltines in there.
Chunky Sirloin Burger and Vegetable soup, apparently.
I had jumbalaya for dinner burned;
I love the spicy stuff caterpie;
A beautifully delicious banana.
A cock.
Oh wait...
No, I'm drinking some Chocolate Strawberry concoction that I made. Two nesquik mixes are FUN. It tastes like fucking smarties, dude.
I just ate some delicious trout and am now polishing off a cookie.
Now snacking on some Triscuits and drinking, as usual, Mountain Dew.
dried cherries yum i wub; dried fruit
burger king. powerofone;
Turkey and Salami sandwich on Sourdough with Salt and Vinegar chips and a Raspberry soda
Agh, fuck, I'm being force fed it, and the guys never cook it properly, so it's soggy piles of mush-shit.
Just finished some scalloped potatoes.
Quote from: Lawlz on November 06, 2007, 02:08:35 PM
Just finished some scalloped potatoes.
Quote from: Lawlz on November 06, 2007, 02:08:35 PM
Just finished some scalloped potatoes.
I don't think there's a person on earth who hates scalloped potatoes. wub;
Eating some delicious hunks of ham and some macaroni and cheeeeeese.
After all, I can't eat a meal with no cheese.
Quote from: NINTENDUDE312 on November 06, 2007, 03:10:43 PM
I don't think there's a person on earth who hates scalloped potatoes. wub;
Hi nice to meet you
Just had some sort of pasta.
I'm going to get a sammich after class.
cheez its ;)
Starawberry-flavored fruit snacks and grapefruit juice. <3
lol bassir
Chunky's Chicken Noodle soup. caterpie;
Taco salad, fuck yea.
The only problem is that I don't have any hot sauce, god dammit.
chocolate chip cookies. woop;
Tuna sandwhich, more grapefruit juice. navi;
Just had pasta again. flower;
flamin cheetos
PIZZA and some coke.
i promise to start eating healthier after the new year. edumacate;
Campbell's Firehouse Chili
Just finished some beef ramen noodles. :|
tacos. taco;
Nice homemade chicken soup. <3
We had chicken cordon bleu.(sp?)
Turkey pot pie with a sunkist. thumbup;
donut. cop;
Doritos. Yippee whippee. Whippee.
Damnit, they should bring back 3D.
Quote from: KT on November 09, 2007, 11:39:43 AM
Doritos. Yippee whippee. Whippee.
Damnit, they should bring back 3D.
Also, how the hell does this resemble a whore?
I just had Burger Baron. BEST FUCKING BURGERS EVER. Mushrooms and onions and mushrooms and mushrooms and actually not soggy buns.
Chips & salsa. The chips are kinda stale, but the salsa's good.
A fresh baked brownie. :|
Deluxe pizza pops. Apparently it's too good for you amerifags.
I just made myself a breakfast burrito out of this morning's leftover eggs. Tasted awesome with extra packets of Taco Bell hot sauce. powerofone;
Just finished eating some Frankenberry and watching an Angry Nintendo Nerd video.
Cold pizza and Grapefruit-tangerine juice
Peach Pomegranate Red Tea
Sesame chicken and Buddha's delight.
Just finished some chocolate cake.
Vanilla Ice Cream.
Gingerbread flavored coffee.
A tombstone and a coke.
Pepporoni and melted colby jack between 2 slices of italian bread.
and a Sierra Mist
Just had 2 Milky Way's, a 3 Musketeers, and a Reese.
a tortilla.
We had spaghetti today. Also had some bread and butter.
Just finished some beef ramen whilst watching the first episode of Gunslinger Girl. I think I'm becoming more and more weeaboo.
Quote from: Kazakhstan on November 13, 2007, 07:14:40 PM
Just finished some beef ramen whilst watching the first episode of Gunslinger Girl. I think I'm becoming more and more weeaboo.
Or gay. One or the other.
jk, ilu kaz
I used to hate it, but now I think it's pretty damn good. caterpie;
Hamburger Helper.
Salisbury stuff is shit. Avoid it at all costs.
Leftover spaghetti. caterpie;
Lawlz needs a good home cooked meal. Sounds like YPR has the best meals. And I am eating a Persian roll with white frosting and toasted coconut. It's so good.
Eating some little ginger biscottis with milk.
orange Fanta
Chips and salsa. wub;
Just had some nice Chinese food. powerofone;
We had hotdogs tonight. Also, I just had some Coke.
carrot cake
And I make guacamole earlier. navi;
I'm about to dig into some felafel.
We had fish and mac & cheese tonight.
Blooming Onion from Outback Steakhouse wub;
Peanut butter Cap'n Crunch. thumbup;
A grapefruit covered in sugar. navi;
hershey's dark chocolate. thumbup;
some beer........
root beer cheers;
Cream cheese with orange juice.
there was plastic in it
yo crunch yogurt.
Quote from: NINTENDUDE312 on November 21, 2007, 07:09:08 PM
there was plastic in it
lol p\/\/nd
Ritz Bitz
The cheese kind powerofone;
Quote from: Speedykaz on November 22, 2007, 02:38:25 AM
Ritz Bitz
The cheese kind powerofone;
I don't think I've eaten those since 1st grade.
Quote from: Sorbet on November 22, 2007, 11:52:24 AM
I don't think I've eaten those since 1st grade.
You need some.
Also, I'm eating spaghettios right now.
Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry sauce
Green Beans
Pumpkin Cheesecake
sum cheez-its
pumpkin pie cook
Quote from: JMV290 on November 22, 2007, 08:19:16 PM
lol, somehow I knew you owned that shirt
Vanilla Ice Cream.
a gummy bear
Quote from: JMV290 on November 22, 2007, 08:19:16 PM
big nigger head, lol.
A home-made milkshake covered in whipped ceam. ^o^
Clam chowder.
I just finished some Bugles and pizza.
Apple pie. wub;
Munchkins from Dunkin' Donuts. wub;
Had some excellent chinese food tonight.
Now drinking Coke.
a Cow tale
I just had pizza and carrot cake. So full... ugly;
Quote from: Miss Freaking Pyrate on November 24, 2007, 07:08:53 PM
I just had pizza and carrot cake. So full... ugly;
If you're willing to regurgitate that carrot cake, I'd love to have it.
I had some rip off apple jacks an hour or so ago.
swedish fish. thumbup;
Anna Kornikova wings
I had Arby's tonight.
Quote from: UnagiPower on November 25, 2007, 05:26:33 PM
what? burned;
Sour Cream and Cheddar Ruffles
That's what they call the hottest sauce at this sports bar I went to motherbrain;
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on November 25, 2007, 05:28:54 PM
That's what they call the hottest sauce at this sports bar I went to motherbrain;
oh i get it. pseudo;
Just drank some Coke.
Eating vanilla ice cream w/ caramel swirls and rolos in it.
and Cheez-its (not in the ice cream lol)
A Coke & some beef jerky.
Coke and some sloppy joes.
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on November 25, 2007, 05:28:54 PM
That's what they call the hottest sauce at this sports bar I went to motherbrain;
oh god i want some wings so bad
Also, I'm eating nachos right now.
I'm drinking some tea at the moment. wub;
Quote from: Lawlz on November 30, 2007, 07:02:56 PM
I want some Pork faggots. :'(
I had some Butternut Squash Lasagna with some Sage and something else in it with some Cherry Kool-Aid
Orange Juice. pseudo; antiflower;
BBQ Chips and cherry pie
Probably my favorite snack ever.
Had a double cheeseburger, medium fry, and bacon cheeseburger from Burger King.
Pizza, pizza
Vanilla ice cream.
Delicious chocolate milk. I made it with Ghirardelli powder instead of standard Swiss Miss-type faire.
I was eating cheetos about 2 hours ago.
Just had rip off Apple Jacks.
fuck yeah
mama got me some donuts, and Halls for my throat. woop;
Coka-Cola with Lays Stax Original
*goes to change sig and icon because I haven't been here in ages*
Gatorade and Ritz Crackers.
Spaghetti and milk.
Triscuits. <3
Quote from: Speedykaz on December 02, 2007, 08:12:58 PM
Triscuits. <3
The less flavorful piece of shit on this godforsaken earth.
Quote from: Lawlz on December 02, 2007, 09:39:30 PM
The less flavorful piece of shit on this godforsaken earth.
I think they're delicious so stfu.
A bit too dry though.
Quote from: steal on December 01, 2007, 11:58:14 PM
I had a mixture of apple cinnamon oatmeal and maple syrup with brown sugar oatmeal about a half hour ago. It was quite tasty.
Yeah, I love those mixed wub;
Also, French Bread pizza
Egg Nog.
I fucking love this. wub;
A sweet, delicious apple. yes;
and some chocolate milk
I RAN OUTTA NOG IN 1.5 DAYS smithicide;
Pumpkin pie and milk.
Campbell's Chunky New England Clam Chowder
Stir Fry...
I just finished some Chicken flavored Ramen.
Quote from: JMV290 on December 04, 2007, 07:25:01 PM
I just finished some Chicken flavored Ramen.
Did you use my recipe pseudo;
I just finished an apple.
Pasta myface;
fried spaghetti
a little cup of peaches and pears
Water. Also, a kit kat.
Pasta with some milk.
A little microwaveable bowl of Hormel chili.
pineapple juice...
my god, i love it.
It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno
I just ate LIFE. You know. The cereal stuff.
I had pasta and mac n cheese for dinner.
I love leftovers. [/sarcasm]
Quote from: WrenchNinja on December 08, 2007, 05:31:14 PM
I had pasta and mac n cheese for dinner.
I love leftovers. [/sarcasm]
lol, my parents can't understand why people don't like them.
Microwaved Chinese food.
I actually do love leftovers. [/not sarcasm]
Chips and Dill Dip. Some Chocolate Milk, too.
Venison steaks, homemade macaroni and cheese, and some delicious bright green peas.
Also a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Quote from: Speedykaz on December 08, 2007, 06:48:45 PM
Venison steaks, homemade macaroni and cheese, and some delicious bright green peas.
Also a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
The mountain dew provided a nice plot twist
A nice hamburger from Checker's, and an eggnog flavored milkshake, also from Checker's. fap;
Quote from: PHANTOM PHANTRON on December 08, 2007, 07:20:05 PM
A nice hamburger from Checker's, and an eggnog flavored milkshake, also from Checker's. fap;
gimme plesh
About to get some orange juice.
Quote from: WrenchNinja on December 08, 2007, 07:20:54 PM
gimme plesh
I WISH I HAD MORE ;_____________;
Some delicious apple sauce.
T2 chipotle grilled stuffed burrito with an extra large baja blast mountain dew and a burrito
My favorite.
Quote from: Doc at the Radar Station on December 08, 2007, 05:36:09 PM
I actually do love leftovers. [/not sarcasm]
Seriously. I love frying up some day old spaghetti in a pan.
Caramel Apple CowTale fap;
Frosted Flakes. caterpie;
Mini O's. wub;
Two corn dogs.
Also a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Quote from: Speedykaz on December 09, 2007, 10:46:06 AM
Two corn dogs.
Also a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Mountain Dew shrinks ure vagina |:
Two big slices of my mom's delicious (and amazingly thick) homemade pizza and a roll of buttery, sugary lefse.
Guess what I'm drinking with it? caterpie;
Oh, and the pizza has pepperoni, mushrooms, and olives. Also a mix of cheddar and mozerella cheese, really thick crust, and the best damn sauce I've ever had on any pizza.
For those of you who don't know, lefse is a Norwegian flatbread that looks like a tortilla. Delicious stuff.
I just had some Roast Beef, Corn, Rice, Potatoes, and Rolls. wub;
Shrimp and sausage
Quote from: PHANTOM PHANTRON on December 09, 2007, 06:29:10 PM
Candy? For breakfast?
Also, I'm enjoying a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Quote from: WrenchNinja on December 09, 2007, 06:56:13 PM
it's almost ten pm nigger
Anyway, I'm eating some ramen now.
Also a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
A freshly baked sugar cookie with homemade frosting.
And a bottle of water that's not pictured. befuddlement
I felt the picture was necessary.
wait we still have templeSAF what the lol
Quote from: JMV290 on December 09, 2007, 09:07:45 PM
wait we still have templeSAF what the lol
I use it. :|
Egg Nog wub;
gum and diet cokes.
Hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows, they're so small and cute wub;
Bacon bits and cranberry almond cereal.
Chicken Fettucine (sp?)
I had CiCi's tonight. Oh god I love that place.
Spaghetti and Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew and more Mountain Dew
Quote from: Speedykaz on December 10, 2007, 09:21:29 PM
Mountain Dew and more Mountain Dew
I fucking love moutain dew
I only have Dr. Pepper, shit sucks
Quote from: reefer on December 10, 2007, 09:31:58 PM
I fucking love moutain dew
I only have Dr. Pepper, shit sucks
Mountain Dew is basically all I ever drink.
Quote from: Speedykaz on December 10, 2007, 09:37:15 PM
Mountain Dew is basically all I ever drink.
But I drink Root Beer if I'm sick of Mountain Dew and everytime at Taco Bell I get Baja Blast
Quote from: reefer on December 10, 2007, 09:52:13 PM
But I drink Root Beer if I'm sick of Mountain Dew and everytime at Taco Bell I get Baja Blast
I don't like Baja Blast much, but I also use root beer as my alternative if I ever feel like drinking something else.
Quote from: Speedykaz on December 10, 2007, 10:05:32 PM
I don't like Baja Blast much, but I also use root beer as my alternative if I ever feel like drinking something else.
Quote from: reefer on December 10, 2007, 10:13:37 PM
Quote from: reefer on December 10, 2007, 11:41:09 PM
too bad so sad
Some of my mom's chocolate chip cookies and, of course, Mountain Dew.
Quote from: Speedykaz on December 10, 2007, 09:37:15 PM
Mountain Dew is basically all I ever drink.
I used to drink it all the time but even thinking about it now makes me sick.
EGG NOG wub;
Buffalo chicken sandwich and a Sierra Mist
I went to Taco Bell just now, ordered the T2 extra large Mountain Dew Baja Blast with steak.
They gave me a T2 large Mountain Dew Baja Blast without syrup with steak.
Jesus Christ I had to settle for regular Mountain Dew in a large cup.
Spaghetti and meatballs with 100% pure apple juice. wub;
Sprite is the best soda ever. befuddlement
Quote from: Kefka on December 11, 2007, 04:50:31 PM
Sprite is the best soda ever. befuddlement
Whenever I buy a bottle of it at like Food Lion or something, it tastes like it's full of carbonation.
Sierra Mist is superior
but right now I'm drinking Kool-Aid.
Quote from: Kefka on December 11, 2007, 04:50:31 PM
Sprite is the best soda ever. befuddlement
Milk and cookies
Quote from: steal on December 11, 2007, 10:56:29 PM
Annie's Mac 'n Cheese thumbup;
I always thought that stuff was just fancy food for rabbits. caterpie;
Quote from: steal on December 11, 2007, 10:56:29 PM
Annie's Mac 'n Cheese thumbup;
eww rabbit food
Quote from: NotSid on December 11, 2007, 05:54:16 PM
Whenever I buy a bottle of it at like Food Lion or something, it tastes like it's full of carbonation.
Sierra Mist is superior
but right now I'm drinking Kool-Aid.
Yeah, Sprite doesn't really taste that great to me...
Sierra Mist is amazing though caterpie;
Some flavoured water shit right now. It's raspberry.
HAAAAM chowder
Chicken, corn, and damn good noodle things.
Candy Cane santa;
Damnit, it's like that Chunky Beef Sirloin thing.
School Pretzel ness;
Reese's Cups
3 cookies.
Phad plick king, a Thai dish with pork, green beans, and curry.
Drinking water right now.
All my problems are going away....
Rice, rice, and more rice. I want some riceballs like in the animu, though.
Pork Roast Sandwich and a Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew. powerofone;
popcorn and soda caterpie;
A blueberry waffle covered in syrup and whipped cream, and some milk. powerofone;
Cheese pizza with green peppers from Poppa John's. They're my favorite chain by far, but I still prefer the local places.
I just had some cheesecake and mountain dew pseudo;
Mountain Dew is now the official drink of Boyah.
Either that or hot sauce, because that's probably the best thing ever created. And yes, you can drink it. It's good.
Quote from: Kaz on December 14, 2007, 11:37:48 PM
Mountain Dew is now the official drink of Boyah.
Sunkist, you dumb shit.
Quote from: Lawlz on December 14, 2007, 11:40:08 PM
Sunkist, you dumb shit.
More people here drink Mountain Dew, you cunt.
I'm eating Hard dough bread from New York, that my dad brought back for me from his trip. Better than any damn bread that's made in Florida. caterpie;
Quote from: Lawlz on December 14, 2007, 11:40:08 PM
Sunkist, you dumb shit.
I drink that with the gyros I buy from some brown guy a few blocks from my house. caterpie;
a jolly rancher.
fuck the dentist
Just had those ABC spaghetti things with meatballs.
chunky clam chowda
Coffee, and yogurt.
I tried putting some yogurt in my coffee before. Fuck no.
I just had some brownies and a mountain dew
Some delicious cantaloupe.
I just started defrosting some hamburger to make some kick ass cheeseburgers. Along with that, I'll be eating some cantaloupe.
oh god orgasm
Oh god the cheeseburgers are delicious.
I spread some butter on the buns, and toasted them a bit. Put some ranch on each bottom bun, then some ketchup and mustard. I would've loved some mushrooms, but we don't have any.
Either way, it's delicious.
And so is the cantaloupe. I can't get enough of it.
Vegetables in Alfredo sauce. Mmmm.
A gingerbread man ice cream sandwich
A local grocery store's delicacy wub;
Quote from: steal on December 16, 2007, 07:35:28 PM
shortbread lathered in honey
am i high or am i high
Not really.
I mean the food choice doesn't reflect it at least
Egg nog wub;
Quote from: WrenchNinja on December 17, 2007, 10:10:06 AM
Egg nog wub;
damn it, I left my egg nog at the refridgerator at school gonk;
anyways I'm eating some brownies
an awesome tasting lolipop
itd better taste good i paid $.50 for this shit orks;
Bean and beef burritos taco;
Cream cheese and chives flavored wheat thins.
Celery with Cheez Whiz. Thanks, ProtectedMember32.
Mocha Capuccino-flavored hot chocolate with Eggnog-flavored coffee creamer and a nice spoonful of whipped cream to finish it off. Tastes pretty awesome. powerofone;
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on December 16, 2007, 07:42:18 PM
Not really.
I mean the food choice doesn't reflect it at least
Don't be so sure. My brother did that kind of thing sometimes back when he was a stoner.
Quote from: Doc at the Radar Station on December 17, 2007, 06:06:23 PM
Don't be so sure. My brother did that kind of thing sometimes back when he was a stoner.
I heard weed really makes you like waffles, but I dunno.
I had Meatloaf with Honey Garlic BBQ sauce.
ily Tectron and NotSid wub;
Pepsi right now
Quote from: WrenchNinja on December 17, 2007, 06:09:42 PM
ily Tectron and NotSid wub;
Pepsi right now
wii love you too wub;
A Frappacinuo from starbucks
Grilled cheese.
My Bean/Frank/Rice/Spice mix. It's awesome. I found some spices to put in this time, to try out. I found out some things.
the rubber bands in my braces, fuck they're fun to play with
Ramen macaroni and cheese. caterpie;
apple cook
Some Reese's pieces.
Quote from: Doc at the Radar Station on December 19, 2007, 09:39:44 PM
You're not really supposed to drink that.
Yeah, I accidently swallowed whilst gargling.
Also, toast w/ butter.
auh auh auh mango
Gingerbread Cookies with some Dark Chocolate Peppermint Frappicuno coffee drink from Starbucks.
For breakfast I was lazy and heated up one of those Aunt Jemimamaiamaiama frozen breakfasts.
I slept past lunch and had Chicken fingers and fries for supper.
also wuts difference between supper and dinner
Powerade and oreos.
Quote from: JMV290 on December 21, 2007, 04:38:19 PM
For breakfast I was lazy and heated up one of those Aunt Jemimamaiamaiama frozen breakfasts.
I slept past lunch and had Chicken fingers and fries for supper.
also wuts difference between supper and dinner
Dinner is what you eat if you're a normal person, whereas supper is what you eat if you're a lame-o douchebag.
Quote from: JMV290 on December 21, 2007, 04:38:19 PM
For breakfast I was lazy and heated up one of those Aunt Jemimamaiamaiama frozen breakfasts.
I slept past lunch and had Chicken fingers and fries for supper.
also wuts difference between supper and dinner
Old ladies and southerners call it supper.
People with brains say dinner.
Quote from: Lawlz on December 22, 2007, 12:56:40 AM
Old ladies and southerners call it supper.
People with brains say dinner.
Don't forget those crazy British. goonish
Mountain dew and oreos. I'm not affected by MD's caffeine, which I think is unusual.
Target is having price drops on the 2 liter bottles of Sierra Mist, I bought two one for tonight and the other for Christmas eve when I pull the all nighter navi;
Quote from: Lawlz on December 22, 2007, 12:56:40 AM
Old ladies and southerners call it supper.
People with brains say dinner.
what about the last supper
normally i call it supper if it's something that isn't big, usually something bought at a wendys or something. if it's something made at home i call it dinner.
apparently that also coincides with the definition. I just looked it up on Google on supper is a light meal, while dinner is the largest meal of the day.
so ur an idiot southerner :|
Quote from: JMV290 on December 23, 2007, 07:51:40 AM
what about the last supper
normally i call it supper if it's something that isn't big, usually something bought at a wendys or something. if it's something made at home i call it dinner.
apparently that also coincides with the definition. I just looked it up on Google on supper is a light meal, while dinner is the largest meal of the day.
so ur an idiot southerner :|
It doesn't matter what it's called it's what you eat that' important doom;
Just had ham, salad, fries, and beans.
I just had some Burger King.
I think I have food poisoning now.
Pizza and some Bitch Beer.
Cheese puffs AWESOME
Mug Root Beer.
My second favorite Root Beer, right below Dad's and right above Barq's
A Cornish hen and a Fresca
Quote from: steal on December 25, 2007, 04:53:56 PM
Shit sucks. A&W is the only worthy root beer, which I just had a can of a few minutes ago.
A&W is up there but fuck Dad's Root Beer is delicious.
Quote from: steal on December 25, 2007, 04:53:56 PM
Shit sucks. A&W is the only worthy root beer, which I just had a can of a few minutes ago.
Mug is alright, but yeah, Barq's (however it's spelled) tastes like crap
Ham, Turkey and stuffing.
Yummy Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting.
Slim Jim
I have this big bottle of Apple Cider I'm drinking right now. Non-alcoholic.
I fucking love this shit.
Quote from: Jesus on December 25, 2007, 11:23:43 PM
I have this big bottle of Apple Cider I'm drinking right now. Non-alcoholic.
I fucking love this shit.
I don't recall apple cider ever being alcoholic.
Quote from: Lawlz on December 26, 2007, 12:09:43 AM
I don't recall apple cider ever being alcoholic.
I think they may make an alcoholic type.
The bottle said "contains no alcohol" in big letters on the front so I just assumed there's an alcoholic version. befuddlement
Quote from: Jesus on December 26, 2007, 01:00:32 AM
I think they may make an alcoholic type.
The bottle said "contains no alcohol" in big letters on the front so I just assumed there's an alcoholic version. befuddlement
There's not. I'm sure there's something like that hard lemonade shit that wasn't invented until recently, but it's not eggnog.
Ramen Noodles
Some delicious trail mix.
A can of coke.
I miss my cider. ;_;
Quote from: Lawlz on December 26, 2007, 04:05:43 AM
There's not.
Actually, there is (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cider).
a nice burrito covered in hot sauce and sour cream and sum coke
Hot sauce and soda taste kinda cool together. navi;
Some random leftover slices of ham from the one we had on Christmas.
Mashed potatoes and corn
Quote from: Godot on December 27, 2007, 02:00:10 PM
a nice burrito covered in hot sauce and sour cream and sum coke
Hot sauce and soda taste kinda cool together. navi;
who the hell puts cocaine on burritoes :|
Quote from: Lawlz on December 27, 2007, 04:08:18 PM
who the hell puts cocaine on burritoes :|
that was a good joke :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL good one!!!1!!!!!!11111111111111:):D :D :D
cherry candy cane
Sweet Tarts
Eating some canned tuna in roasted garlic extra virgin olive oil. :|
Banana Crumb Cake and beer.
Cabbage rolls.
Quote from: JMV290 on December 31, 2007, 07:30:31 PM
what kind
I forgot what my dad put it them but Im going with cheddar.
also fuck yeah Tomato sauce
Quote from: Lawlz on December 31, 2007, 08:52:45 PM
filthy shit i hope you die
im eating pussy
Just had an ice breaker mint.
Coke Zero and cottage cheese.
A Chocolate eclaire.
Jesus they're delicious.
Quote from: reefer on January 02, 2008, 04:06:40 AM
Jesus they're delicious.
I hate those things so much. gonk;
Quote from: Jesus on January 02, 2008, 04:08:16 AM
I hate those things so much. gonk;
Those look gross but the ones I'm eating are orgasm
Delicious instant potatoes and honey chicken stuff.
Quote from: reefer on January 02, 2008, 04:11:39 AM
Those look gross but the ones I'm eating are orgasm
i like sweet and salty stuff.
Quote from: UnagiPower on January 02, 2008, 03:41:36 PM
i like sweet and salty stuff.
and i thought i loved you
Quote from: Lawlz on January 02, 2008, 03:58:18 PM
and i thought i loved you
Not my fault I eat a lot of stuff. :'(
Ginger Ale.
Cheese and Coke Zero.
Quote from: reefer on January 02, 2008, 04:06:40 AM
Jesus they're delicious.
These again
Some Frappicuno thing.
Some fruit punch.
Ritz crackers. yes;
A half-pound Hershey's with almonds bar. wub;
I just finished some toast with peanutbutter.
Tastes pretty awesome. navi;
Some kind of berry pie thing. It's okay, besides the fact that it's full of seeds. myface;
also sum milk
A nice, greasy Slim Jim. <3
Bacon mango
Blueberry pancakes. <3
Blueberry pancakes. fap;
Dr. Pepper and vanilla wafers.
Ate pizza with Jalape?o's on them, lots and lots of them.
Hot caterpie;
Skittles. <3
i had some ravioli in a light tomato sauce and some crescent rolls.
Bacon egg and cheese biscuit from Bojangles.
It's so sloppily put together, but it's so delicious wub;
Perhaps they were in a rush because they fleet of old people were starting to herd in magician;
Yoplait Vanilla Yogurt. wub;
Taco, from ground beef, cheese, tortilla, and lots and lots of cheese.
Muffin Tops.
I bought it at the dollar store yesterday, and oh god is it good.
Chicken and rice and some meat. caterpie;
wtf You guys always manage to eat something that's out there for me, on a daily basis. All I eat normally are Ritz Crackers, rolls, some other random things, and the meals my mom cook. And it's not like she cooks everyday. gonk;
Just got done eating some of my mom's homemade cheeseburgers. They're so tiny. caterpie;
Quote from: Lawlz on January 10, 2008, 03:49:01 AM
Muffin Tops.
I bought it at the dollar store yesterday, and oh god is it good.
The cereal? I love that.
I just got done eating a genuine hostess cupcake.
moar yogurt
A nice, cold Mountain Dew. powerofone;
Quote from: Kaz on January 11, 2008, 12:14:23 PM
A nice, cold Mountain Dew. powerofone;
Do you know how bad that is for your teeth? powerofone;
i shouldnt be talking though im eating a donut+pepsi l0l
Kielbasa *drool*
Such an awesome sausage. Best part of Polish culture right here wub;
Quote from: Luke Atmey on January 11, 2008, 12:34:39 PM
Do you know how bad that is for your teeth? powerofone;
i shouldnt be talking though im eating a donut+pepsi l0l
It's not like I don't brush my teeth. My dentist said I do a very good job of keeping my teeth clean, thank you very much. :|
I just finished a sandwich, chips, and some milk.
Some delicious pasta lasagna canned stuff.
RED TEA wub;
Crayfish. It was delicious.
pepperoni pizza and pepsi <3
I just got done with some chili. For some reason, I couldn't eat very much of it. I feel a little sick to my stomach.
Some nasty dried pineapple thing. It tastes pretty shitty, yet somehow a second piece ended up in my hand. baddood
tuna noodle casseroll
A thing of Butterschotch pudding baddood
Mandarin Tangerine Red Tea
Chocolate Chip cookies.
Go ahead, take a guess. caterpie;
Quote from: Kaz on January 13, 2008, 03:25:56 PM
Go ahead, take a guess. caterpie;
A nice, cold Mountain Dew. powero
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on January 13, 2008, 03:33:47 PM
A nice, cold Mountain Dew. powerofone;
Yes, but...why did you bypass that smiley? psyduck;
Quote from: Kaz on January 13, 2008, 04:00:32 PM
Yes, but...why did you bypass that smiley? psyduck;
To make it look like how it would be in your reply box.
Water. edumacate;
Frozen Hot Fudge Sundae PopTarts and some milk.
These are my favorite kind. wub;
Canned mandarin oranges.
I could eat these things all day. badass
[glow=brown,2,300]Ham[/glow] and [glow=yellow,2,300]Cheese[/glow] [glow=white,2,300]sandwich[/glow], with a glass of [glow=red,2,300]cranberry juice[/glow] and [glow=red,2,300]strawberry yogurt[/glow].
a urinal cake
A cinnamon bun and some milk.
Quote from: Luke Atmey on January 14, 2008, 04:32:26 PM
milk niggers
i meant strawberry ice cream. caterpie;
Strawberry Pancakes
Quote from: Luke Atmey on January 14, 2008, 04:32:26 PM
milk niggers
I read that as "silk niggers."
And nothing.
urinal cake again
god so delicious
Just finished a grilled cheese sandwich and some green apple slices.
I feel so young when I eat stuff like that for lunch.
i just had a bag of white rice and some orange soda
A Strawbery Cheese Danish Pop-Tart and some lemonade.
The Pop-Tart's okay, but I'd prefer a frozen Hot Fudge Sundae one. wub;
and as always lemonade is fantastic thumbup;
curly fries and sum cheese idort
i dont wanna eat the really big one edumacate;
Just finished some more mandarin oranges, and now I'm eating some kind of chewy vanilla yogurt granola bar. They both taste(d) amazing. baddood;
some meat with potatoes and rice. ese; taco;
(fux u guys)
i eat it RAW baddood;
Quote from: Nyerp on January 18, 2008, 11:07:31 AM
i eat it RAW baddood;
i do that also sometimes
Quote from: V on January 18, 2008, 12:02:08 PM
how can you eat it raw
just chew on hard noodles befuddlement
Chips and salsa
a toe nail
Quote from: Luke Atmey on January 18, 2008, 12:16:33 PM
how can you eat it raw
just chew on hard noodles befuddlement
have you never been a child before
didn't you ever eat hard spaghetti noodles when you were a kid
Quote from: Kaz on January 18, 2008, 01:52:05 PM
have you never been a child before
didn't you ever eat hard spaghetti noodles when you were a kid
Yes, but it wasn't because it tasted good.
Quote from: Kaz on January 18, 2008, 01:52:05 PM
have you never been a child before
didn't you ever eat hard spaghetti noodles when you were a kid
yes i have but its like bleh
y would you eat it raw all the time
Quote from: Luke Atmey on January 18, 2008, 01:56:33 PM
yes i have but its like bleh
y would you eat it raw all the time
i dunno
i'm just saying it's not all that weird to do it in the first place though
Had some fish and mac n cheese.
Powerade and pizza.
A nice, cold Mountain Dew
Quote from: Kaz on January 18, 2008, 04:49:07 PM
hey me too
Is that all you drink?
Sodas are bad for you kazzie! wry
Quote from: Aitor on January 18, 2008, 04:55:06 PM
Is that all you drink?
Sodas are bad for you kazzie! wry
Yeah, it pretty much is all I ever drink, aside from milk during meals.
Quote from: Kaz on January 18, 2008, 04:56:40 PM
Yeah, it pretty much is all I ever drink, aside from milk during meals.
I wish i could drink sodas everyday. gonk;
I hate milk though, i can only drink it as chocolate milk or another thing mixed with it.
A bowl of golden grams.
An apple, but it's pink on the inside. psyduck;
I had 2 Ham and Cheese sandwiches with Mountain Dew
I'm currently reliving my childhood with Bubble Tape.
Some kind of apple pie thing and some milk. doodthing;
Quote from: Kaz on January 19, 2008, 02:51:14 PM
I'm currently reliving my childhood with Bubble Tape.
They still make that stuff?
Quote from: Houdini on January 19, 2008, 04:46:22 PM
They still make that stuff?
Yeah, but it's not just normal Bubble Tape anymore. It's now branded with the Hubba Bubba logo and stuff, and apparently they're now the company that makes the gum for Bubble Tape.
Angel hair and clam sauce with chesy mashed potatoes.
The meal of the gods.
Their chicken is always slimy...
Hershey's bar
with ice
Mountain Dew Livewire
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on January 20, 2008, 01:57:27 PM
Mountain Dew Livewire
what? psyduck;
Where did you acquire this rare artifact? befuddlement
Quote from: NotSid on January 20, 2008, 01:59:12 PM
what? psyduck;
Where did you acquire this rare artifact? befuddlement
At Turkey Hill (local convenience store)
They're actually not that rare by me. Most places have a row of them
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on January 20, 2008, 02:04:50 PM
At Turkey Hill (local convenience store)
They're actually not that rare by me. Most places have a row of them
I hate you ;__________;
I can't find them anywhere in NC.
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on January 20, 2008, 02:04:50 PM
At Turkey Hill (local convenience store)
They're actually not that rare by me. Most places have a row of them
Send me some blueberry oolong tea.
Pretzels and a Vanilla Coke ;)
Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers
oh my god so good
tortillas with cheese inside. theyre called pupusas. wub;
baddood; Creamy Potato soup with ham sammiches
I'm about to take the last few bites of my only Hot Fudge Sunda Pop-Tart. emo;
also sum milk <3
Quote from: Luke Atmey on January 21, 2008, 12:14:56 PM
I'm about to take the last few bites of my only Hot Fudge Sunda Pop-Tart. emo;
also sum milk <3
Also, I just got back from Denny's; I had a lumberjack slam and a chocolate milkshake.
Quote from: JMV290 on January 21, 2008, 03:28:40 PM
[glow=red,2,300]STRAW BERRY MILK NIGGERS[/glow] baddood;
Also, I just got back from Denny's; I had a lumberjack slam and a chocolate milkshake.
i laughed badass
Currently munching on some Frosted Flakes.
...Wait a minute, where did the flying-purple-people-eater go? :(
Quote from: Jesus on January 21, 2008, 08:56:56 PM
Currently munching on some Frosted Flakes.
...Wait a minute, where did the flying-purple-people-eater go? :(
niggers today :l
Some kinda crazy cake or something. doodthing;
I added whipped cream.
also milkl <3
just finished some fruit punch baddood;
Quote from: Bassir C. on January 22, 2008, 10:12:49 AM
mmm mm mm gotta love that good ol' milkl
I actually saw that there before, but was too lazy to change it. baddood;
Microwave popcorn
With cheese of course.
fuck yeah
What did you do for that Klondike bar? befuddlement
Also, I'm eating ravioli and drinking a nice, cold Mountain Dew at the moment.
i opened the freezer and giggled.
Quote from: JMV290 on January 24, 2008, 09:26:16 AM
i opened the freezer and giggled.
wow you're so badass
a yummy sammich i made myself <3
and some shitty hawaiian punch
Quote from: JMV290 on January 24, 2008, 09:26:16 AM
i opened the freezer and giggled.
You...giggled? baddood;
cheesus that would be a hilarious sight
Quote from: Luke Atmey on January 24, 2008, 12:33:10 PM
You...giggled? baddood;
cheesus that would be a hilarious sight
i didnt gigle i was juse saying
Quote from: JMV290 on January 24, 2008, 12:54:26 PM
i didnt gigle i was juse saying
no i don't have any baddood;
a brown, turd-like cookie doodella;
Snickers Ice Cream Cake
Apple Pie
Ravioli and a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Oma's delicious oatmeal.
fuck yes.
chips and salsa
Nerds. I downed the whole box at once. holy shit
Salt N' Vinegar flavor Mmmmm. wub;
I just got back from some placed called "The Upper Crust" where I ate some pizza and drank a Sprite.
Quote from: Balto on February 02, 2008, 02:28:16 PM
I just got back from some placed called "The Upper Crust" where I ate some pizza and drank a Sprite.
Because if so, I may consider going over to this fine pizza place just 500 feet from my house. Only thing is I fear going in alone would give me some awkward feeling.
Quote from: Lawlz on February 02, 2008, 04:42:12 PM
Because if so, I may consider going over to this fine pizza place just 500 feet from my house. Only thing is I fear going in alone would give me some awkward feeling.
Not this time.
I've gone alone before, no biggie.
Quote from: Balto on February 02, 2008, 05:00:28 PM
Not this time.
I've gone alone before, no biggie.
did you go with your mommy
I could probably get a friend or two to go, but they'd bring their other friends that I utterly despise. :'(
Quote from: Lawlz on February 02, 2008, 05:01:39 PM
did you go with your mommy
I could probably get a friend or two to go, but they'd bring their other friends that I utterly despise. :'(
yes i needed money for a final road lesson
I hate when friends bring along people that you hate.
Quote from: Balto on February 02, 2008, 05:03:48 PM
yes i needed money for a final road lesson
I hate when friends bring along people that you hate.
Then I think I could conjure up the courage to go ALL ALONE.
Also, we should carry this conversation to every board.
Quote from: Lawlz on February 02, 2008, 05:04:58 PM
Then I think I could conjure up the courage to go ALL ALONE.
Also, we should carry this conversation to every board.
oh god there was a beautiful blonde female at the register and I could not hit on her because my mother was right there. :(
admin board y/n
Quote from: Balto on February 02, 2008, 05:08:15 PM
oh god there was a beautiful blonde female at the register and I could not hit on her because my mother was right there. :(
admin board y/n
Damn... I wanted to eavesdrop
Anyways, some pepperoni pizza
Pringles and some fruit punch. baddood;
Cake batter
I just had two bowls of homemade wonton soup.
My mother got a claw and tore half of them apart when they were cooking...
Quote from: Lawlz on February 03, 2008, 12:39:07 PM
I just had two bowls of homemade wonton soup.
My mother got a claw and tore half of them apart when they were cooking...
Crab claw, lobster claw?
i had some turkey and corn
Cheeseburger pie (a strange thing my mom makes that's actually very good) and asparagus. And milk.
a pear
i wish edumacate;
I just had some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.
Quote from: steal on February 06, 2008, 05:53:15 PM
I haven't seen a bag of them since I was like 5.
Frosted Flakes. wub;
Two corndogs and some delicious green grapes. doodella;
had some spiral cheetos
Ritz Bitz (the cheese kind of course) and a nice, cold Mountain Dew doodella;
Popcorn (just salted) and a Pepsi
A nice cup of hot green tea with a little bit of honey to soothe my throat. baddood;
D.W. Mikesell's Kettle Cooked Bold Bahama Barbecue Potatoes chips. baddood;
Water and a nice, cold Mountain Dew
Quote from: steal on February 13, 2008, 12:45:46 AM
Is there ever a time when you don't have a nice, cold Mountain Dew?
When I'm sleeping, or usually when I'm in class. That's about it.
Oh, also, I never have it with breakfast, but I don't eat breakfast very often.
Quote from: Kaz on February 13, 2008, 12:55:10 AM
When I'm sleeping, or usually when I'm in class. That's about it.
Oh, also, I never have it with breakfast, but I don't eat breakfast very often.
This is why you need sensodine baddood;
Red snapper with some rice and beans.
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on February 13, 2008, 05:37:48 AM
This is why you need sensodine baddood;
The trade-off is something I'm willing to accept. doodella;
Also, I'm currently reliving my elementary school days by eating some Lunchables Cracker Stackers.
A nice, cold Sierra Mist
Red Jello
muthafuckin green apple Jones soda
A king-size Kit-Kat bar. doodella;
Vitamin Water, because I'm thirsty. It's actually not that bad.
I'm currently drinking a can of Sunkist Orange Soda, which is quite possibly the greatest soda to exist. baddood;
Quote from: Jesus on February 17, 2008, 04:34:48 PM
I'm currently drinking a can of Sunkist Orange Soda, which is quite possibly the greatest soda to exist. baddood;
Orange rules above all. baddood;
Quote from: Jesus on February 17, 2008, 04:34:48 PM
I'm currently drinking a can of Sunkist Orange Soda, which is quite possibly the greatest soda to exist. baddood;
Orange Crush is better, but orange soda just rocks overall
Nacho Cheese Doritos
Some fantastic grapes. powerofone;
I just had a whole pizza
orange soda is gay btw
tomboh is gay btw
feasting on the last of my precious little M&Ms ;-;
I'm about to go make nachos.
pathmark party mix baddood;
Quote from: JMV290 on February 20, 2008, 06:48:22 PM
I'm about to go make nachos.
i did that earlier :3
now i'm eating nutter butters
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on February 20, 2008, 08:56:53 PM
they're delicious
but i'm done with them now and crave something else
i think i'll eat some pickles
Quote from: Kazarus on February 20, 2008, 08:57:36 PM
they're delicious
but i'm done with them now and crave something else
i think i'll eat some pickles
pssssst mountain dew
Quote from: Kazarus on February 20, 2008, 08:57:36 PM
they're delicious
but i'm done with them now and crave something else
i think i'll eat some pickles
fuck yeah thumbup;
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on February 20, 2008, 08:58:45 PM
pssssst mountain dew
uh yeah that's on the side of course as always
pixie sticks ^o^
tiny, tangy, crunchy edibles
actually the valentines day kind but doodella;
im eatin a chicken cutlet sandwich that i bought from the deli
and pepsi
KFC, and now I feel nasty
Chips Ahoy
chicken pot pie and some grape juice doodella;
Homemade macaroni & cheese, green beans, and buttered toast.
And milk.
Quote from: Kazarus on February 22, 2008, 04:22:03 PM
Homemade macaroni & cheese, green beens, and buttered toast.
And milk.
What's wrong with this post? goonish
Actually, it wasn't the "beens" (lol) I was talking about, I hadn't noticed that. BUT THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH KAZ'S POST
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on February 22, 2008, 04:34:52 PM
Actually, it wasn't the "beens" (lol) I was talking about, I hadn't noticed that. BUT THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH KAZ'S POST
I know what you were talking about. And I've got one of those too, but I won't be drinking it until my milk is gone.
Quote from: Kazarus on February 22, 2008, 04:41:53 PM
I know what you were talking about. And I've got one of those too, but I won't be drinking it until my milk is gone.
I thought you were sick for a second. myface;
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on February 22, 2008, 04:42:38 PM
I thought you were sick for a second. myface;
Nah, I still drink Mountain Dew when I'm sick. doodella;
Quote from: Kazarus on February 22, 2008, 04:44:15 PM
Nah, I still drink Mountain Dew when I'm sick. doodella;
badass thumbup;
Stouffer's French Bread Pizza
Boston Market.
A kiwi and some Mug
Grilled cheese, but with mozzarella. doodella;
Two delicious gyros.
Apple Pie and an Ice cream bar.
Kraft Easy Mac
Wheat Thins and a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Rice w/ milk and sugar.
I had some golden Frosted Flakes.
Texas Toast.
Quote from: Kazarus on February 26, 2008, 01:28:08 AM
Wheat Thins and a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
try to not eat them so hard this time
A delicious gyro and a hot dog.
I'm eating this weird bagel with cinnamin sugar baked into it.
Its good. baddood;
Monster energy drink
Frosted animal cookies with little sprinkles on them. :3
Boiled chicken fetuses and some chocolate milk. :3
A nice homemade milkshake. baddood;
nothing :(
Dr Pepper. n_u
Tropicana Orange Ade
Cheetos puffs and lemonade baddood;
Wheat Thins and a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Cotton made from candy
Quote from: JMV290 on March 06, 2008, 10:22:45 AM
Is that black thing a plate? doodthing;
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on March 06, 2008, 11:50:00 AM
Is that black thing a plate? doodthing;
It was the thing the cake came in.
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on March 06, 2008, 11:54:28 AM
Oh. girl;
yeah if you look on the bottom the sticker is still there.
Quote from: JMV290 on March 06, 2008, 11:55:47 AM
yeah if you look on the bottom the sticker is still there.
i know i saw it i thought it was a record or something doodthing;
I prefer not to eat at the computer but I'll be eating some chicken pot pie in a few minutes.
Iced Brisk baddood;
Twix Java
Spring oreos RUB IT
Quote from: reefer on March 06, 2008, 11:53:08 PM
Great stuff
Bread and butter
and most likely fish tonight
I just had some fries and gatorade.
A ham and chicken sandwich and a nice, cold Mountain Dew. doodella;
Quote from: steal on March 07, 2008, 10:59:53 AM
You probably have more Mountain Dew in a week than I've had in my entire life.
I have yet to eat anything today. befuddlement
I have at least 14 a week. Usually more like 19.
Quote from: Kazanova on March 07, 2008, 11:01:49 AM
I have at least 14 a week. Usually more like 19.
Ugh, that's nasty. You're going to build up a dependency on caffeine and rot your teeth.
Not that it's any of my business
generic orange soda myface;
dark chocolate ice cream bar baddood;
Quote from: Tondis on March 07, 2008, 11:32:34 AM
generic orange soda myface;
what happened to Crush? :(
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on March 07, 2008, 12:26:43 PM
what happened to Crush? :(
I drank them all >.<
I need to buy some more. This generic dollar store crap is horrible
Quote from: Kazanova on March 07, 2008, 11:01:49 AM
I have at least 14 a week. Usually more like 19.
Holy crap you're going to get diabetes.
milk <3
kaz if u want to live this is what you should be drinking nigger
milk gives you kidney stones and is nasty and i don't like it nigger
Quote from: Nyerp on March 08, 2008, 06:28:38 AM
milk gives you kidney stones and is nasty and i don't like it nigger
quit complainin ya big fat baby madood;
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on March 08, 2008, 06:55:22 AM
quit complainin ya big fat baby madood;
enjoy sucking off your mother's boiled teat, you wanna-be calf baddood;
Vitamin Water Power-C.
best shit ever
Chips Ahoy! and milk. :3
Brownie with peanut butter spread on top
Beef flavor.
cheese doodles and punch :3
Spring oreos
Quote from: UnagiPower on March 07, 2008, 04:11:33 PM
Holy crap you're going to get diabetes.
I'm eating Cheez-Its right now.
chips ahoy+milk
Ordering a calzone
I make some home made nachos that are so chron.
My mom gets this huge bucket of cheese from Costco, and a huge back of chips. I think you guys ought to look into it.
How the frank do you spell ought... aught ou'ghta oaughF
nachoes and cheese and some shitty lowfat lemonade (HOW CAN ONE RUIN SUCH A PERFECT DRINK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) mixed wit fruit punch
Actually just a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Some kind of ice cream bar. I think it's eclair flavored or something. doodthing;
An Iced coffee from McDonalds. Hazelnut wub;
a pizza
Quote from: Kazanova on March 13, 2008, 06:39:21 PM
Actually just a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Strawberry milk is terricle.
A bunch of green grapes.
Making chicken ramen.
Will be eating it in 2 minutes.
A sucker. baddood;
k i also got some crackers and orange soda with my ramen.
it was yummy
chinese food+milk
Those peppers you get from Papa John's.
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on March 16, 2008, 04:59:05 PM
chinese food+milk
Chinese food is too salty to drink with milk. :(
Quote from: UnagiPower on March 16, 2008, 05:28:50 PM
Those peppers you get from Papa John's.
Chinese food is too salty greasy to drink with milk. :(
If you add ice to the milk, it pretty much loses its flavor. doodella;
I was pleasantly surprised to find one of my favorite drinks, Nestea, in my fridge. My parents almost never buy canned drinks. wub;
so ya drinking some nestea and eating cheese doodles
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on March 17, 2008, 11:51:02 AM
I was pleasantly surprised to find one of my favorite drinks, Nestea, in my fridge. My parents almost never buy canned drinks. wub;
so ya drinking some nestea and eating cheese doodles
Drinking non-homemade tea is disgusting.
Grape-Nuts. thumbup;
Fish tacos
Jack Links beef jerky.
Hickory smoked. doodella;
King size Crunch bar. <3
Pizza and water
the best snack in the world:
hot fucking cheetos
Quote from: Tomboh on March 21, 2008, 09:00:09 PM
the best snack in the world:
hot fucking cheetos
Hot cheetos are shit. I prefer the plain crunchy ones.
Anyway, I went to IHOP this morning and tried that new special. The one with pancakes with a fruit topping and whip cream. Sided by hash browns, bacon, and eggs. Yummy :3
Quote from: Trini on March 22, 2008, 09:32:49 AM
Hot cheetos are shit.
Salty, crunchy, spicy.
It's everything I want in a snack.
Yeah. edumacate;
I'm not eating it, rather just chewing.
Turkey sandwich on rye with salami, lettuce, jalepenos, and mustard
LAMB. yes;
Delicious crescent roll made by my mom. yes;
Easter foods. baddood;
Quote from: steal on March 21, 2008, 05:52:34 PM
I choked on one of those and nearly died when I was 7. befuddlement
I poured a bottle of starbucks mocha frappachino in a glass and then plopped a few scoops of vanilla ice cream in it. Delicious.
I once choked on a grape. befuddlement
Quote from: Kazanova on March 24, 2008, 08:40:13 AM
I didn't get any this year. :(
Quote from: JMV on March 24, 2008, 08:50:11 AM
I didn't get any this year. :(
I got a bunch. I also have some Caramel Eggs.
warm cookies!! ^______^
Quote from: Not Sid on March 24, 2008, 04:15:59 PM
who has O_0
Orange Crush for the first time in years doodella;
Best soda ever
Quote from: FullmetalGanon on March 24, 2008, 05:08:34 PM
warm cookies!! ^______^who has O_0
It's at wal-mart. Hillside I think the name is.
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on March 24, 2008, 05:52:25 PM
Orange Crush for the first time in years doodella;
Best soda ever
Hey I just got two six packs of that today doodella;
Orbit gum. baddood;
Easter chocolate. baddood;
Three soft tacos
I had some bean, egg, and cheese breakfast tacos earlier today. Not the best I've had, but they were still pretty good.
a yumtastic turkey sandwich doodella;
a 12oz Sprite
a strawberry poptart
Zebra Cakes
355ml can of coke.
Peanut Butter M&Ms
Quote from: Houdini on March 27, 2008, 08:21:26 PM
I had some bean, egg, and cheese breakfast tacos earlier today. Not the best I've had, but they were still pretty good.
At Taco Cabana?
Chocolate left over from Easter. baddood;
A big, fat, warm, buttered slice of my mom's delicious home-made bread.
A cinnamon raisin bagel with whipped cream cheese and some iced tea. I normally dislike raisins but they taste good in bagels. baddood;
Quote from: Title on March 31, 2008, 12:53:52 PM
At Taco Cabana?
No, some greasy-ass local taco joint. I try to avoid Taco Cabana when I can.
I took too long in the shower and didn't eat breakfast. :(
A nice, cold Mountain Dew Sierra Mist
Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos
Quote from: WrenchNinja on April 05, 2008, 06:23:30 AM
A nice, cold Mountain Dew Sierra Mist
I've actually been drinking those too, because there was no Mountain Dew left at the little store in my college where I buy stuff.
Quote from: WrenchNinja on April 05, 2008, 06:23:30 AM
A nice, cold Mountain Dew Sierra Mist
So much better anyways
sliced up sugar coated strawberries
Chocolate skittles
just had an orange some juice and a sandwich
Quote from: WrenchNinja on April 06, 2008, 07:40:16 PM
Chocolate skittles
ew what the (http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/1025/seeforeverhk9.png) that sounds disgusting
Cheez-Its and a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Quote from: Kazarus on April 06, 2008, 09:06:21 PM
Cheez-Its and a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Just had a mountain dew, also.
And a butterscotch krimpet, but I really don't like them;I only ate it because i really needed something in my stomach.
dark chocolate ice cream bar <333333333333333333333333
Instant Noodles
jeez they taste disgusting but I'm hungry. :(
The blood of a thousand virgins.
A Spam and Egg sandwich
homemade fries
i burned like 1/2 of them :(
the rest taste awsum tho
Soup badass
Chicken, potatoes, and orange gatorade
Pizza rolls with mac n cheese.
And a nice, cold Sierra Mist.
Van De Kamps pork n beans
Quote from: Lawlz on April 10, 2008, 02:24:21 PM
Van De Kamps pork n beans
Also peanut butter M&M
a Choclaty Chip Frappucino from star bucks.
I just had some leftover pizza.
A Jamaican beef patty.
I'm drinking grape Kool-Aid. :3
I'm feasting on some confusianity and jaffa cakes [/stupid young people making up new words]
Strawberry Pop Tatrs and some milk.
Some delicious macaroni salad and baby carrots with French dressing. I prefer Ranch but we don't have any. baddood;
the remains of breakfast off the back of my teeth...oh, i'm famished
lemonade-coated wild cherry nerds :3
Delicious M&M's. giggle;
Strawberry Cheese Cake
Quote from: Kefka et al. on April 16, 2008, 05:39:16 PM
Strawberry Cheese Cake
i just had some spaghetti and shit yum
Homemade chocolate milk shake
onion bagel with cream cheese badass
Some of the nastiest gum ever. It's supposed to be "energizing". doodthing;
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on April 17, 2008, 12:40:16 PM
Some of the nastiest gum ever. It's supposed to be "energizing". doodthing;
Is it that croc gum or whatever it's called?
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on April 17, 2008, 06:35:55 PM
Is it that croc gum or whatever it's called?
I have no idea. doodthing;
A delicious ham sandwich and a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Blood... I think I busted one of the stitches in my mouth a bit
a delicious snapple apple
chef boyarde cheesy burger macaroni
I had tuna and I wanted to cry because it sucks
Apple turnovers.
A nice, tasty breakfast of Grape-Nuts and coffee. jghklas
Quote from: Zidone Abramov on April 19, 2008, 02:50:25 PM
A nice, tasty breakfast of Grape-Nuts and coffee. jghklas
Grape-Nuts are freaking awesome thumbup;
Drinking can of green Monster.
Frosted Flakes.
Jack Link's teriyaki beef jerky. baddood;
A nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Popcorn and Dr. Pepper. fukken
I'm eating an apple. doodella;
Apple Jacks
A bagel
Goldfish colors.
Chef boyardee and Orange-Mango soda
Quote from: Lawlz on April 27, 2008, 10:49:14 AM
A sandwich that consists of:
~Toasted cottage bread
~Just the right amount of Miracle Whip
~A slice of American cheese
~3 pieces of thinly cut honey roasted turkey breast
~And a heaping portion of hot sauce to finish it off
Quote from: Trevor et al. on April 27, 2008, 01:08:25 PM
A sandwich that consists of:
~Toasted cottage bread
~Just the right amount of Miracle Whip
~A slice of American cheese
~3 pieces of thinly cut honey roasted turkey breast
~And a heaping portion of hot sauce to finish it off
I'm going to make a sandwich right now.
Quote from: Lawlz on April 27, 2008, 01:23:27 PM
I'm going to make a sandwich right now.
I'm glad I could inspire.
Also, I'm drinking a nice, cold, glass of water.
Sandwich composed of:
-Habanero sauce
-Chili powder
-Dijon mustard
-Salad (on the sandwich)
-Pepper Jack cheese
There's also dill
ritz bitz
Easy Mac with some parmesan and pepper added.
My after school snack
Ravioli, a turkey sandwich, cheez its, and an orange-mango soda
Orange capri sun
cherry coke.
A chocolate-strawberry milkshake. I made it myself.
2 Hot Pockets.
Damn, these things are soooo good.
Some nice, cold water in a red plastic cup.
Sunkist Orange Soda
Ravioli, two turkey sandwiches, and a strawberry-kiwi soda
Chicken ramen and a raspberry soda
A sandwich with lettuce, hot sauce, and Miracle Whip.
I've got nothing else. :(
A sandwich.
Also, a nice, cold [spoiler]Mug root beer[/spoiler]
Cheeze-it crumbs and water. baddood;
Chicken flavored Ramen
A bag of chips and a Dr. Pepper.
Pico de Gallo w/ tortilla chips. In accordance to cinco de mayo. It's pretty damn good. I make a mean pico de gallo.
Leftover pizza, Barbecue Lays, and a Dr. Pepper.
Chicken sandwich. baddood;
Ritz crackers and sunny D.
Tyson Buffalo tenders and Ruffles
Life cereal. I'm so boring. :(
A nice, cold
Chicken, turkey, ham and cheese sandwich with plenty of delicious mayonnaise. doodella;
Some chocolate with caramel, also tea.
I just finished a cheese steak.
french bread pizza (just another pre-cooked frozen meal, but delicious. )
and a warm can of coke
in the next hour, water
possibly for tomorrow, water and a piece of fruit
JMV's delicious cock
Cheez it duos
oh god i am jizzing everywhere
Now drinking Tropicana Orangeade to down that orgasm in my mouth from those cheez its.
liquid nitrogen
with ice cubes
monster cheese wub;
kaz stop deleting my posts. >:O
The most delicious chocolate candies known to man:
Quote from: HUNTER TECTRON on May 22, 2008, 01:24:36 PM
The most delicious chocolate candies known to man:
Snickers are better. But Mars in general rocks doodella;
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on May 22, 2008, 01:26:49 PM
Snickers are better. [glow=red,2,300]But Mars in general rocks doodella;[/glow]
Agreed. baddood;
a scrumptious turkey hero and a nice, cold
[spoiler]mountain pepsi[/spoiler]
some random bag of skittles I found lying around
lightly salted peanuts <3
A nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Rice and milk.
Anything else besides Sprite (soda wise) makes my stomach upset.
Carrots. Without ranch of course.
Special K Protein Plus.
shit is so bland
Quote from: JMV on May 26, 2008, 07:36:40 AM
Special K Protein Plus.
shit is so bland
omg wth why are you eating diet food you manorexic |:
Quote from: Clucky et al. on May 26, 2008, 09:30:24 AM
omg wth why are you eating diet food you manorexic |:
protein builds mass y/n
Quote from: JMV on May 26, 2008, 09:47:07 AM
protein builds mass y/n
mass for what rakewn <3
Undercover Orange, which is a new Sierra Mist flavor.
It's Sierra Mist with Mandarin Orange
Toast with peanut butter
Milk with that powdered instant breakfast.
i need to gain weight
Quote from: JMV on May 26, 2008, 08:42:45 PM
Toast with peanut butter
Milk with that powdered instant breakfast.
i need to gain weight
you nigger that's what i eat except the milk
peanut butter and bananas are really bad for weight loss but i'm addicted to them ;_;
I only ate like, one sandwich today.
Quote from: Clucky et al. on May 26, 2008, 08:54:24 PM
you nigger that's what i eat except the milk
peanut butter and bananas are really bad for weight loss but i'm addicted to them ;_;
I only ate like, one sandwich today.
i remember when i first tried that because on nick jr face said it was good giggle;
i have bananas in my fridge but they're still green and i want one :(
Quote from: JMV on May 26, 2008, 08:59:21 PM
i have bananas in my fridge but they're still green and i want one :(
Wow, I'm in the same situation. :'(
Quote from: Derren T. Sebring on May 26, 2008, 08:56:14 PM
i remember when i first tried that because on nick jr face said it was good giggle;
holy shit
that's where i got the idea from
Quote from: Clucky et al. on May 26, 2008, 09:28:56 PM
holy shit
that's where i got the idea from
oh my goodness O_0
i don't even like peanut butter but with bananas it's amazing giggle;
Quote from: Derren T. Sebring on May 26, 2008, 09:32:08 PM
oh my goodness O_0
i don't even like peanut butter but with bananas it's amazing giggle;
face put 9 banana pieces on his bread giggle;
Quote from: Clucky et al. on May 26, 2008, 10:16:52 PM
face put 9 banana pieces on his bread giggle;
i remember that bassir;
i have trouble fitting nine pieces on though :'(
Quote from: Derren T. Sebring on May 26, 2008, 10:31:37 PM
i remember that bassir;
i have trouble fitting nine pieces on though :'(
i got pissed because mines wasn't like faces ;_;
Quote from: Clucky et al. on May 26, 2008, 10:38:03 PM
i got pissed because mines wasn't like faces ;_;
oh my god me too
i still remember my first peanut butter and banana sandwhich, i was so sad that it didn't look right but it tasted amazing giggle;
Quote from: Clucky et al. on May 26, 2008, 10:38:03 PM
i got pissed because mines wasn't like faces ;_;
I remember I always used to eat peanut butter and bananas, then face told me to make it a sammich so I did and it was disgusting. ;-;
Quote from: JMV on May 26, 2008, 08:59:21 PM
i have bananas in my fridge but they're still green and i want one :(
So take them out of the fridge, they'll age faster
Quote from: JMV on May 27, 2008, 12:42:10 PM
Because if it's in the fridge it won't ripen as fast. Bananas are only supposed to be refridgerated once they are yellow, or ripe. So put them on a dish on the counter or something
and milk
oreo milkshake <3
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on May 27, 2008, 12:56:22 PM
Because if it's in the fridge it won't ripen as fast. Bananas are only supposed to be refridgerated once they are yellow, or ripe. So put them on a dish on the counter or something
om gulp gulp gulp
Chicken Top Ramen
Cranberry Juice and
Also I bought some chili top ramen anyone think that will be good?
Strawberry Fig Newtons
I have those Ego Muffin Tops in the toaster right now. baddood;
i just ordered chinese
Breakfast Pizza.
In the AFTERNOON badass
Pink lemonade snapple.
Needs to be watered down a bit. doodthing;
and a tunafish sandwich my brother made so it tastes like poo :(
slim jim
Ice cold watermelon. keke;
A cookie.
Orange juice.
One of those mixed Pop Tarts. Strawberry on one half, blueberry on the other. :3
and milk <3
A bowl of kid tested, mother approved, Kix.
Quote from: Trevor on June 04, 2008, 07:25:04 PM
A bowl of kid tested, mother approved, Kix.
I also approve thumbup;
Herr's baked cheese curls
Hot Chocolate.
buttery popcorns
Strawberry jello and whipped cream.
I'm making waffles.
does gum count? i mean since i'm not really eating it, am i?
Quote from: Lovefoxxx on June 07, 2008, 10:15:39 AM
does gum count? i mean since i'm not really eating it, am i?
well its in your mouth and your chewing it
sure it counts.
Garlic bread sticks.
Two turkey sandwiches
Bay gulls.
Reese's Pieces.
i might eat burger king soon
Quote from: FullmetalGanon on June 06, 2008, 04:42:39 PM
fuck I haven't had gummy bears in forever. ;_;
Goat roti yes;
Cheetos crunchy
Just had a tuna sammich and some cheese curls.
Quote from: JMV on June 08, 2008, 09:53:36 AM
Just had a tuna sammich and some cheese curls.
Eat 5 of them faggot.
Spaghettios with meatballs
Quote from: Major Wrench on June 08, 2008, 10:41:25 AM
Spaghettios with meatballs
fucking cornerstone of any nutritious diet
Quote from: Trevor on June 08, 2008, 09:16:46 AM
oh god yes
I hate the puffy cheetos :(
Really? I like the puffy ones, but dislike the crunchy baddood;
Just ate 4 soft tacos and am now eating nachos and cheese from Taco Bell. wub;
Just had a homemade hamburger full of mushrooms and broccoli. I have a slice of pizza in the oven as we speak. baddood;
Quote from: Derren T. Sebring on June 08, 2008, 02:55:19 PM
Just had a homemade hamburger full of mushrooms and broccoli. I have a slice of pizza in the oven as we speak. baddood;
... doodthing;
Broccoli? On a burger?
Quote from: Trevor on June 08, 2008, 03:14:43 PM
... doodthing;
Broccoli? On a burger?
It tasted amazing. doodella;
Sour blue raspberry baby bottle pop
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on June 08, 2008, 02:49:15 PM
Really? I like the puffy ones, but dislike the crunchy baddood;
puffy is terrible
Voltage Mountain Dew.
There's not much difference between this and Revolution. baddood;
this panini thing my roomy just made
A delicious sandwich consisting of:
-Toasted wheat bread
-Potato Chips
-And some awesome hot sauce that I use on everything
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/315ENFVJCNL._SL500_AA280_.jpg) <3
Quote from: Trevor on June 09, 2008, 01:33:26 PM
A delicious sandwich consisting of:
-Toasted wheat bread
-Potato Chips
-And some awesome hot sauce that I use on everything
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/315ENFVJCNL._SL500_AA280_.jpg) <3
I use that too meaty cocks
But only on Asian food...
Mustard on toast. Mmmmmmmm
Quote from: FullmetalGanon on June 06, 2008, 04:42:39 PM
How can you eat that tasteless sugary slop?
Quote from: KonohaShinobi on June 09, 2008, 05:12:34 PM
How can you eat that tasteless sugary slop?
i should strangle you :|
Quote from: Your Posting Rival on June 09, 2008, 04:19:51 PM
I use that too meaty cocks
But only on Asian food...
i use it on everything
Famous Amos cookies. Mmm.
Homemade French Toast. It's delicious.
Waffles badass
Coffee, and some Subway.
Steak burger with ketchup, lettuce, tomatoes, and shredded cheese.
Freshly made rice crispy bar topped with some chocolate.
grilled turkey pastrama and cheese sandwhich
Ruby Red Squirt.
Nothing. :(
nacho cheese doritos
a toasted turkey and white american cheese sandwich on a wheat roll with lettuce and a cold mountain dew
arby's's (baddood;) curly fries
I tried some stuff from some chinese place
Scrambled Eggs, White Rice, and Shrimp. baddood;
Quote from: WZI on June 20, 2008, 09:29:43 PM
I tried some stuff from some chinese place
Scrambled Eggs, White Rice, and Shrimp. baddood;
That's fucking gross.
some vege shit
An oatmeal cream pie, because it's delicious.
Quote from: Kaz on June 22, 2008, 01:29:14 AM
An oatmeal cream pie, because it's delicious.
you mean these
my favorite little debbie snack <3
beagle bites
Strawberry pop tarts
Quote from: Trini on June 22, 2008, 06:42:19 PM
Can I have some?
Of course.
Also, Brisk Lemon Iced Tea
Quote from: Wrenchnigger on June 22, 2008, 06:50:56 PM
Of course.
Also, Brisk Lemon Iced Tea
I'm drinkling that too!
diet dr pepper
it's okay
Quote from: Sammie on June 22, 2008, 06:55:09 PM
I'm drinkling that too!
Cheers, Sam! *holds up can*
Quote from: Wrenchnigger on June 22, 2008, 06:57:07 PM
Cheers, Sam! *holds up can*
Mines's a cup, I had a 2 Liter bottle :(
I wish I was eating Sam right now :(
Quote from: I am Hiro on June 22, 2008, 08:23:03 PM
I wish I was eating Sam right now :(
Some peanuts.
Quote from: Nathan on June 22, 2008, 08:25:23 PM
Some pe(//)nus.
we were gonna make love, so I would be eating her lady parts {:
Anyways, eating salad
Quote from: Wrenchnigger on June 22, 2008, 06:50:56 PM
Of course.
Also, Brisk Lemon Iced Tea
Wny thank you. n_u
way too much cheese! >.<
a really crappy sandwhich
lemon-lime tootsie pop <3
Ewww Tootsie pops. gonk;
orange soda
mountain dew
Tropicana Orangeade
Just had some chicken and tater tots.
Caesar salad and a Diet Coke.
Quote from: Yoseph on June 26, 2008, 06:40:13 AM
you eat salad? in the morning?
I don't eat meat in general, so a salad for breakfast is good enough for me. :3
Quote from: Nathan on June 26, 2008, 06:42:09 AM
I don't eat meat in general, so a salad for breakfast is good enough for me. :3
couldn't you just eat cereal?
Quote from: Nathan on June 26, 2008, 06:59:31 AM
dude, I could have cereal at every meal. It's so fucking good.
unless you're talking about all of those kiddy cereals, like lucky charms and shit. Those are gross.
I like honey bunches of oats and honey nut cheerios.
I fucking hate cereal.
Breakfast pizza and a glazed doughnut.
Peanuts and diet Coke.
Diarrhea and some nacho cheese
Tropicana Orangeade
Frosty Float. From Wendy's.
One Thoooouuuuuusaaaaaand toot;
I'm eating waffles, Which are better than pancakes and French Toast.
Strawberry ice cream in a cone. giggle;
Airforce Nutrisoda Radiant
Got 6 of these for free at the baseball game I went to last night.
some crazy foreign gum
came with a free dragon ball tattoo badass
more delicious healthy soda
Nothing lol
Jones Soda.
Mashed potatoes with garlic, and some brownies.
Pasta Salad which I love so very very much
graham crackers
so delicious, yet so simple
M&M's. bassir;
now nachos and cheese doodella;
oriental ramen noodles baddood;
I just had a ham sadwich
I'm drinking a mint chocolate chip misto from Rita's. doodella;
Tropicana Orangeade
I actually just had a couple slices of turkey (like ten) with one slice of provolone cheese in the middle.
Quote from: Silent Rob on July 04, 2008, 09:18:51 PM
I actually just had a couple slices of turkey (like ten) with one slice of provolone cheese in the middle.
I fucking love turkey. Especially boar's head ovengold turkey. It's orgasmic. :|
Chips with salsa. UNLEASH THE BEAST
$6.66 worth of Tacobell
Extra large Baja Blast
2 Bean and cheese burritos
Nachos Supreme
Cinnamon Twist
Six Oreos and some milk. RUB IT
Both the Oreos and the milk are low fat, but they still taste delicious. <3
Quote from: Not Sid on November 24, 2007, 09:13:27 AM
How to turn your ramen into cheesy goodness
Step 1:
Follow specified directions on back of ramen package
Step 2:
Grab a slice of cheese and place into bowl
Step 3:
Drain Ramen so that at least 90% of the water is gone
Step 4:
Place drained Ramen into bowl with cheese
Step 5:
Stir until cheese is fully mixed into the noodles
Step 6:
Results may vary depending on flavor choosen
I used Oriental flavored Ramen. badass
A cold piece of chicken breast I cooked earlier today. There was like half of it left, so I just took it out of the fridge and started eating.
Tastes delicious.
ice cream sandwich
Yoplait Whips Key Lime Pie flavored
Chicken flavored Ramen Noodles
By far, the planet's best snack. baddood;
Beef ramen
Quote from: Yprie on July 10, 2008, 08:46:08 AM
Beef ramen
meaty cocks
I just finished a chicken ramen
Quote from: Hammurai on July 10, 2008, 08:49:21 AM
meaty cocks
I just finished a chicken ramen
I just got a 12 pack, so I'll be eating it for weeks giggle;
gosh im hungry
cereal straws
oatmeal cookies my mom made
Just had a MinuteMaid Orangeade
la ensalada de taco baddood;
Doritos. (:
A meatball sub. powerofone;
I went to IHOP for breakfast and got a breakfast sampler and ate all of my delicious food products. befuddlement
No one bought me lunch and I was out all day so I didn't eat :(
I then went out for Asian food and got some chicken in lemon sauce with some vegetables and a bowl of jasmine rice. thumbup;
las uvas
holy shit what is wrong with me? I grabbed a MinuteMaid Lemonade by accident instead of an Orangeade and didn't realize until now. It's almost empty now. :(
tl;dr Minute Maid Lemonade
Sun Chips and chocolate milk.
Starburst doodthing;
Cheez its
crackers and cheese yes;
Ramen Noodles chicken flavor
I just ate some form of hotdogs and drank a can of Pepsi.
Wild cherry Pepsi.
Quote from: Clair on July 18, 2008, 02:58:46 PM
Wild cherry Pepsi.
I love that stuff.
Quote from: Clair on July 18, 2008, 02:58:46 PM
Wild cherry Pepsi.
Wild Cherry Pepsi just tastes like regular Pepsi to me. There's just a little bit of a cherry aftertaste, but I barely taste the cherry at all.
A nice, simple, grilled cheese dipped in ketchup.
Chick-fil-A, #1, value sized with coke and barbecue sauce.
Quote from: Space Left Intentionally Blank on July 19, 2008, 06:40:11 PM
Chick-fil-A, #1, value sized with coke and barbecue sauce.
I wish there were "Chick-fil-A thingies here. baddood; I never even heard of them ontil C Monglie did some review on McDonalds and mentioned one.
Quote from: Sammie on July 19, 2008, 10:28:08 PM
I wish there were "Chick-fil-A thingies here. baddood; I never even heard of them ontil C Monglie did some review on McDonalds and mentioned one.
They're nothing special
Westwood pizza
Quaker Oats, garlic bread sticks, and Ritz crackers. badass
Quote from: Trini on July 21, 2008, 10:29:14 AM
Quaker Oats, garlic bread sticks, and Ritz crackers. badass
All at the same time? badass
I just had a hot pocket for lunch.
On a side note, Hello Trini.
Pizza dipped in blue cheese dressing.
Iced Tea.
Quote from: JMV on July 21, 2008, 11:51:36 AM
Pizza dipped in blue cheese dressing.
Iced Tea.
Oh my god why did you ruin it? gonk;
Pilaf and fried chicken. Sided once again by Ritz crackers. Hey mush.
Carrots and iced red tea
Quote from: Yprie on July 21, 2008, 01:57:30 PM
Carrots and iced red tea
i read that as 'riced read tree'
just had an ice cream bar
Barbecue Pringles and IBC Root Beer
I just finished some delicious stew in little biscuit bowls.
garlic bread and orange juice baddood;
Quote from: Lawlz on July 21, 2008, 02:50:14 PM
i read that as 'riced read tree'
would you like a scooby snack?
just had some spaghetti
chips and salsa
Quote from: Samwise Gamgee on July 21, 2008, 10:22:40 PM
I used to eat those by the pound. Eventually I ate so many that I got bored of them.
I'm drinking apple juice. baddood;
Not that cheap shit that 90% water and sugar, this is real apple juice, and its delicious.
Quote from: Houdini on July 21, 2008, 10:50:55 PM
I used to eat those by the pound. Eventually I ate so many that I got bored of them.
They're good but you get so few in a package
Rice, potatoes, and curry chicken.
Some sort of anchovy soup.
Tastes good, but the noodles have the texture of escargot and are even more difficult to chew.
Arizona Black and White Iced Tea.
I can't stop eating Pringles... Original flavor of course
Three meat Little Cesar's Pizza, sweet tea, and crazy bread.
a piece of fried chicken i just found in the fridge
Yan Yan - Vanilla flavored.
About to eat some oriental ramen.
Probably the best flavor. baddood;
Tater Tots
i'm eating a crunch ice cream bar at 2:30 in the morning badass
Quote from: Psycho Mantis on July 25, 2008, 09:24:05 PM
About to eat some oriental ramen.
Probably the best flavor. baddood;
that's not a flavor
I think it is, and why would he make it up?
Quote from: Hiro on July 26, 2008, 02:48:07 AM
I think it is, and why would he make it up?
true oriental ramen comes in thousands of flavors
Yeah but the ramen brand ramen has an oriental flavor i think
Quote from: Hiro on July 26, 2008, 02:57:41 AM
Yeah but the ramen brand ramen has an oriental flavor i think
if he wanted real oriental ramen, he'd get something with kimchi, dehydrated mushrooms, and fishcakes
A bowl of generic brand honeycombs :|
Well, it's really not right now, but I made some eggs and toast for breakfast. Oh and I have some tea.
So I'm drinkin drinkin drinkin drinkin coca coca cola
I can feel it rollin right on down, Oh right on down my throat
Jamaican Beef patty with some sunny d.
I had a chicken bacon bomber wrap for lunch today. caterpie;
I'm drinking Kool-Aid
Scrambled eggs with salsa.
Quote from: Nathan on July 30, 2008, 08:29:04 PM
goddamn delicious
You have some really strange tastes in food.
Chicken apple sausage and some toasted bread. :|
Hot Dogs; condiment of choice: mustard
scrambled eggs with salsa is delicious guys doodthing;
Quote from: TECTRON on July 31, 2008, 11:43:40 AM
scrambled eggs with salsa is delicious guys doodthing;
also eating fried egg sandwiches
Mini Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream cup thingy. It was delicious.
Cabbage Soup. Just for Nathan.
GO DIEGO GO fruit snacks baddood;
pineapple salsa and tortilla chips
Chocolate Pudding
Large Wendy's Baconator combo with Coke
Quote from: Flying Circus on July 31, 2008, 11:40:37 AM
Hot Dogs; condiment of choice: mustard
Mustard would never be my condiment of choice. It just tastes weird.
So anyway, nothing.
Quote from: Space Left Intentionally Blank on August 03, 2008, 07:21:07 PM
Large Wendy's Baconator combo with Coke
that thing is insane
i stole a bit of my little brother's last week, and I think I could feel my arteries being clogged.
the blood of an englishman
sun chips baddood;
reese's puffs
A pastrami/swiss/lettuce/tomato/mayonnaise/pepper/salt hero, a bag of Doritos, and a Corona. Or three.
5 gum: Elixir
a turkey and cheese sammich
orange pineapple cake and orange juice befuddlement
I had some cinnamon raisin bread a little while ago. doodthing;
Lemon cake that I made for my mommy cause it's her birthday. buw;
salsa and tortilla chips
also some queso salsa
Ramen Noodles: The Basic Survival Kit for the American College Student
Chicken flavor.
Quote from: abeautifulhaze on August 08, 2008, 12:13:29 PM
Ramen Noodles: The Basic Survival Kit for the American College Student
fuck yes it is
i eat so much of that shit in my dorm
also i'm just having a nice, cold mountain dew
Smores Pop tarts and cookies and cream ice cream.
I ate a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch before I came to the library
2 PB&J sandwiches.
Poor man's dinner.
Macaroni salad.
At 12:45 AM. powerofone;
a bagel and some sprite
some disgusting brown thing floated to the top and i almost cried, but i drank it anyway
Quote from: TECTRON on August 10, 2008, 10:11:53 PM
a bagel and some sprite
some disgusting brown thing floated to the top and i almost cried, but i drank it anyway
Dear god why
Quote from: Houdini on August 10, 2008, 11:24:26 PM
Dear god why
because the bagel was in my other hand and i thought "oh it must be a bread crumb powerofone;"
chef boyardee ravioli and orange kool-aid
Cinnamon graham crackers with a topping of crunchy peanut butter.
I just sniffed the cnnamon accidentally, and I felt so fucking good.
A cookie shaped like a tuxedo with some tuxedo frosting and it's good.
Quote from: abeautifulhaze on August 09, 2008, 09:23:20 PM
2 PB&J sandwiches.
Poor man's dinner.
That's what I just ate, 'cept only one. :(
I could easily live off these thugh. baddood; Which I guess is good cause I kinda do. giggle;
PANCAKES giggle;
I ate a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch before I came to the library
An apple
I've got some Jenkem in my Jack Daniel's bottle.
I don't like peanut butter and jelly. baddood;
Pizza bagels. Bagels I topped with pizza ingredients I mean, not the store-bought kind
The last smores poptart. :'(
harvest cheddar sun chips baddood;
Quote from: Trini on August 11, 2008, 04:37:59 PM
The last smores poptart. :'(
you should be celebrating doodella;
Quote from: TECTRON on August 11, 2008, 04:42:58 PM
harvest cheddar sun chips baddood;
how do you harvest cheddar
Quote from: TECTRON on August 11, 2008, 04:43:20 PM
you should be celebrating doodella;
Have you gone mad Tectron?
Quote from: Trini on August 11, 2008, 04:45:50 PM
Have you gone mad Tectron?
you should be celebrating doodella;
smores poptarts are horrible baddood;[/spoiler]
Quote from: TECTRON on August 11, 2008, 04:48:39 PM
you should be celebrating doodella;
[spoiler]smores poptarts are horrible baddood;[/spoiler]
Wrong. You obviously didn't toast them correctly.
Quote from: Trini on August 11, 2008, 04:51:07 PM
Wrong. You obviously didn't toast them correctly.
toasting them doesn't make them taste any better baddood;
the only good pop tarts are
1. hot fudge sundae (especially when frozen)
2. most (if not all) of the fruit flavored ones taste good
all the other chocolate or brown sugar ones or whatever taste pretty bad baddood;
Quote from: TECTRON on August 11, 2008, 06:15:21 PM
toasting them doesn't make them taste any better baddood;
the only good pop tarts are
1. hot fudge sundae (especially when frozen)
2. most (if not all) of the fruit flavored ones taste good
all the other chocolate or brown sugar ones or whatever taste pretty bad baddood;
wtf? Yes it does. Who told you this nonsense?
I agree with 1 and 2. But smores are still delicious. badass
Quote from: Trini on August 11, 2008, 06:19:49 PM
wtf? Yes it does. Who told you this nonsense?
I agree with 1 and 2. But smores are still delicious. badass
i'll eat them toasted or not, doesn't really matter to me badass
and smores poptarts are mediocre at best
Quote from: TECTRON on August 11, 2008, 06:34:17 PM
i'll eat them toasted or not, doesn't really matter to me badass
and smores poptarts are mediocre at best
Well at least I can enjoy my treats without getting all bitchy about the flavor.
You picky bastard. :|
Quote from: Trini on August 11, 2008, 06:42:52 PM
Well at least I can enjoy my treats without getting all bitchy about the flavor.
You picky bastard. :|
Flavor is important to me. baddood;
Homemade cinnamon roll. doodella;
Pancakes. idort
Waffles. idort
Pepperoni pizza.
just had a strawberry yogurt
now eating a meatball hero baddood;
Quote from: TECTRON on August 13, 2008, 01:48:45 PM
just had a strawberry yogurt
now eating a meatball hero baddood;
straw berry yogurt niggers
Quote from: Khadafi on August 13, 2008, 02:00:14 PM
straw berry yogurt niggers
i thought about saying that but it didn't flow as well as milk niggers ;____________;
I ate a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch before I came to the library
Quote from: Not Sid on August 14, 2008, 01:21:49 PM
I ate a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch before I came to the library
deja vu :0
Just had some life cereal and now im busy chewing on my retainer
I had steak last night and it was good.
A bagel right now.
nothing because we're very low and dishes and ran out of food again n______n
Quote from: Clucky on August 15, 2008, 08:24:07 AM
nothing because we're very low and dishes and ran out of food again n______n
n_______n I'm eating a light portifelo fish with a side of olive oil covered green beans, from lean cuisine.
I made oatmeal! and now I am eating it.
my stupid friends ate all my cheez-its so now im starving
i just crafted a sandwich out of leftover ground beef and mashed potatoes
yes, potatoes in a sandwich
it was really something special
best sandwich under the sea befuddlement
Club & Cheddar sandwich crackers made with real cheddar cheese
I had some pimento cheese from work
cookies and milk :|
Transformers gummies
I'm eating everything in the fucking house.
cookie crisp baddood;
some kind of tropical fruit punch befuddlement
Quaker Oats.
A bowl of brown rice. baddood;
Ice cream sandwich from the ice cream man. baddood;
I love waking up at 2 in the afternoon to ice cream. Oh summer, how I shall miss you. ;-;
I was bored and hungry so I decided to craft together some random food from the fridge into a sandwhich.
Pastrami, Salami, Sliced cheese, shredded chedder, and leftover spaghetti sauce.
oh my god yum
Soup. Not the wannabe user.
The REAL soup. :|
an absolutely delicious choco-peanut milkshake thing
definitely one of the best frozen treats of all time cjlubdoods;
I DON'T WANT IT TO END smithicide;
it ended saddood;
The last Strawberry poptart :'(
[spoiler]ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY TEC?!?[/spoiler]
Quote from: Trini on August 20, 2008, 05:14:50 PM
The last Strawberry poptart :'(
[spoiler]ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY TEC?!?[/spoiler]
You're a good man. thumbup;
Quote from: Trini on August 19, 2008, 10:14:27 AM
Quaker Oats.
holy shit you're a total badass
also i'm having a nice, cold mountain dew
cookies and milk
Quote from: TECTRON on August 21, 2008, 12:57:35 PM
cookies and milk
I'm sorry, that just doesn't cut it.
Macaroni Pie and chicken. baddood;
Garlic Bread and Iced tea. wub;
And a slice of pizza but it's too hot to eat right now. :(
Quote from: BUILF MR UP on August 21, 2008, 02:41:43 PM
It can range from completely AWESOME to tastes like shit. Depending on who makes it. :|
macaroni pie is ok befuddlement
also for dinner i had two hamburgers and some clam chowder ^_______________^
Quote from: TECTRON on August 21, 2008, 05:05:30 PM
macaroni pie is ok befuddlement
also for dinner i had two hamburgers and some clam chowder ^_______________^
Yeah most of the time but my Aunt in St. Lucia uses cheese that is supposedly from New Zealand, and I can't get enough. It's not too eggy or too cheesy.
I had two cups of apple sauce for dinner. ^_______________^
Quote from: Trini on August 21, 2008, 05:49:03 PM
Yeah most of the time but my Aunt in St. Lucia uses cheese that is supposedly from New Zealand, and I can't get enough. It's not too eggy or too cheesy.
I had two cups of apple sauce for dinner. ^_______________^
i love apple sauce ^_____________^
strawberries are better though badass
Sunflower Seeds.
Quote from: TECTRON on August 21, 2008, 05:50:26 PM
i love apple sauce ^_____________^
strawberries are better though badass
... You double crossing son of a bitch.
Quote from: Khadafi on August 21, 2008, 05:55:22 PM
Sunflower Seeds.
Haven't had those in a while. thumbup;
Pork Chops, tomatoes, cucumbers, and water
Eating Slim Jims and drinking A&W Root Beer.
And pretty soon I'll be eating some KFC.
Quote from: Trini on August 21, 2008, 06:10:00 PM
... You double crossing son of a bitch.
you're just mad because you can't accept the truth baddood;
turkey and cheese sandwich on multigrain bread
Pizza from Pizza hut. A hell of a lot better than Dominoes. :|
Quote from: Trini on August 22, 2008, 05:53:51 PM
Pizza from Pizza hut. A hell of a lot better than Dominoes. :|
Domino's is crap
Quote from: Flying Circus on August 22, 2008, 05:58:21 PM
Domino's is crap
They're everywhere man. And people here have to settle for them because they deliver everywhere to us.... Till the new Pizza hut opened up right next to dominoes and took all of their business. They're open till 1 in the morning. :|
Quote from: Trini on August 22, 2008, 06:33:26 PM
They're everywhere man. And people here have to settle for them because they deliver everywhere to us.... Till the new Pizza hut opened up right next to dominoes and took all of their business. They're open till 1 in the morning. :|
My friends and I practically live off their pizza mias caterpie;
A toasted English muffin with honey on it.
I'm also drinking water
More sunflower seeds.
fun dip baddood;
Quote from: Flying Circus on August 22, 2008, 05:58:21 PM
Domino's is crap
I remember back when I played baseball in an organized league in the 5th grade. Our team was sponsored by Domino's. We always lost, but then our coach brought all of us to Domino's to eat pizza to tease us with. And wouldn't you know it, we won every game after that. Including the championship.
Quote from: Ezlo on August 22, 2008, 08:02:06 PM
I remember back when I played baseball in an organized league in the 5th grade. Our team was sponsored by Domino's. We always lost, but then our coach brought all of us to Domino's to eat pizza to tease us with. And wouldn't you know it, we won every game after that. Including the championship.
Domino's, lunch of champions
Hot fudge sundae pop tarts.
I had a ham sandwich and chocolate milk
Quote from: Trini on August 23, 2008, 09:51:18 AM
Hot fudge sundae pop tarts.
My respect for you (among other things) shot straight up. thumbup;
i hate all pop tarts
one of those pull n' peel twizzlers O_0
Nothing,because I don't want to get chittle in my keyboard. caterpie;
I drank a XXX vitamin water
I'm about to finish oatmeal with blueberries
quaker chocolate chip granola bar bassir;
Two turkey and cheese sandwiches on english muffins.
Kraft Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese Stick
Carnation Instant Breakfast Chocolate Milk.
I'll probably make oatmeal after.
I had chocolate pudding
shitty parmesan goldfish
they taste like garbage compared to the regular ones but it's the only kind we have :'(
Eclipse pepperment gum and some water
Quote from: Flying Circus on August 25, 2008, 09:34:48 PM
Eclipse pepperment gum and some water
The only gum I like is Trident's apple mixed with watermelon. 0:
Quote from: Clucky on August 26, 2008, 03:55:20 AM
The only gum I like is Trident's apple mixed with watermelon. 0:
That is pretty good... my favorite is Stride's Sweet Berry though
Baked Apple Oatmeal
Quote from: Khadafi on August 26, 2008, 07:22:08 AM
Baked Apple Oatmeal
i wanted oatmeal yesterday
but i ran out because my mom would use them for therapeutic raisins
Garlic and butter Pasta Roni. :|
i am making biscuits with eggs and cheese inside. n________n
Carrots and ranch dressing
I am cooking some pasta.
Seafood Gumbo. ^-^
some peanut butter-chocolate edge bar. it's kinda bad, but it has protein
fucking cheetos
and a nice, cold mountain dew
a bowl of honey nut cheerios
I am making pasta again.
I just made some limeade because there was nothing to drink. giggle;
Swedish fish which satisfy me sexually
Hazelnut coffee. Yum.
some chick flavor ramen noodles
some milk and a granola bar
then i'll be taking some pain killers for this tooth badass
Granola bar.
I haven't eaten a real meal in 2 days.
Just granola... :(
frozen hot fudge sundae pop tart
some water in nutrisoda glass bottles
Quote from: TECTRON on August 31, 2008, 06:59:18 AM
frozen hot fudge sundae pop tart
Good choice sir. thumbup;
My mom bought gingerbread pop tarts and they're terrible. gonk;
Quote from: Trini on August 31, 2008, 08:20:52 AM
Good choice sir. thumbup;
My mom bought gingerbread pop tarts and they're terrible. gonk;
Regular gingerbread is terrible, I can't imagine how bad a gingerbread Pop Tart would taste. myface;
anyway, i'm eating some leftover chinese food
peach yogurt
i am making rotini
XXX Vitamin Water.
some kind of orange pineapple cake made with 7up befuddlement
it's pretty good
also milk
superpowerpills lots o' tehm
also nothing
jmv said i'm drinking his cum :(
Quote from: Clucky on September 02, 2008, 09:28:35 PM
jmv said i'm drinking his cum :(
fucking ew, thats nasty
some kind of sausage hero
it's rather delicious befuddlement
Just had a lunch of salisbury steak, fries, grapes, kiwi, and cake.
beef ramen
and a nice, cold mountain dew
Quote from: Kazmuffin on September 04, 2008, 02:30:05 PM
beef ramen
and a nice, cold mountain dew
Have you tried my recipe?
A snickers O_0
it's fun-size like me. :3
a lemonade/blue raspberry italian ice
ty jmv baddood;
Quote from: There is a truck parked outside of a grocery store on September 04, 2008, 02:34:30 PM
Have you tried my recipe?
I always want to. But I'm too afraid I'll mess it up and will hate it. >.<
a bagel and cream cheese with lemonade
Quote from: Trini on September 06, 2008, 05:35:46 PM
I always want to. But I'm too afraid I'll mess it up and will hate it. >.<
It's rather simple to do.
hot pocket
Quote from: Trini on September 06, 2008, 05:35:46 PM
I always want to. But I'm too afraid I'll mess it up and will hate it. >.<
just drain the broth and throw a slice of cheese in there baddood;
Quote from: TECTRON on September 07, 2008, 11:17:49 AM
just drain the broth and throw a slice of cheese in there baddood;
Quote from: Nathan on September 07, 2008, 10:52:17 AM
It's rather simple to do.
I know, but it's more like, I'm afraid I'll hate it. I was never into really cheesy things. :|
EAS AdvantEDGE Carb Control 17g protein peanut butter chocolate bar.
Eating it for the protein
Quote from: Trini on September 07, 2008, 11:51:13 AM
I know, but it's more like, I'm afraid I'll hate it. I was never into really cheesy things. :|
don't use that shitty processed cheese that cost $1.25.
My favorite is Sargento Natural Colby Jack cheese. Though I did buy some provolone yesterday and I try that out.
Some orange gum
I had scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, and milk for breakfast.
For lunch I went to the food court and got fries and chicken from Burger King, and got doritos, a take5 bar, and some gatorade elsewhere.
i maed new friends
Quote from: Khadafi on September 09, 2008, 11:08:25 AM
I had scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, and milk for breakfast.
For lunch I went to the food court and got fries and chicken from Burger King, and got doritos, a take5 bar, and some gatorade elsewhere.
i maed new friends
i hasses not made any fwends
one person tried but i didn't feel like talking and i felt bad because i've probably hurt his feelings
Quote from: Clucky on September 09, 2008, 12:06:42 PM
i hasses not made any fwends
one person tried but i didn't feel like talking and i felt bad because i've probably hurt his feelings
tehy were like do you have iphone and i was like yes 0:
and we talked baddood;
they then added me on facebook and asked for screenname
blowpop my psychology teacher gave us
yesterday she got everything in her car stolen but the car itself was left alone befuddlement
Quote from: TECTRON on September 09, 2008, 12:20:08 PM
blowpop my psychology teacher gave us
yesterday she got everything in her car stolen but the car itself was left alone befuddlement
my psychology is hott enough for me to go lesbian, plus her personality is like happy bunny which i fucking adoooooore
she hates me <3
Quote from: Clucky on September 09, 2008, 12:29:27 PM
my psychology is hott enough for me to go lesbian, plus her personality is like happy bunny which i fucking adoooooore
she hates me <3
my psychology teacher is a little on the old side (maybe like early 40s) so while i don't think she looks too great i do think she's rather awesome
She was talking about the nigger who stole her stuff and said "I swear, I think I'm gonna fucking-- GASP I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT"
she's so cool caterpie;
my math teacher's the hot one and she's so sweet cjlubdoods;
Quote from: TECTRON on September 09, 2008, 12:33:03 PM
my psychology teacher is a little on the old side (maybe like early 40s) so while i don't think she looks too great i do think she's rather awesome
She was talking about the nigger who stole her stuff and said "I swear, I think I'm gonna fucking-- GASP I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT"
she's so cool caterpie;
my math teacher's the hot one and she's so sweet cjlubdoods;
my psychology teacher cusses at me and goes "what the fuck sit down and shut the hell up"
my math teacher is old and likes to watch robot chicken and aqua teen hunger force
i sleep in her class
Quote from: Clucky on September 09, 2008, 01:13:36 PM
my psychology teacher cusses at me and goes "what the fuck sit down and shut the hell up"
my math teacher is old and likes to watch robot chicken and aqua teen hunger force
i sleep in her class
my teachers only say "fuck" when they're really pissed, but they always use stuff like "shit" and "ass" etc
my math teacher is so adorable i just wanna hug her <3
Quote from: Khadafi on September 09, 2008, 11:08:25 AM
I had scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, and milk for breakfast.
For lunch I went to the food court and got fries and chicken from Burger King, and got doritos, a take5 bar, and some gatorade elsewhere.
i maed new friends
I sometimes really miss having breakfast every morning like I did when I was a kid. I want some fucking pancakes or an omelette tomorrow morning AND THEY'RE NOT GOING TO BE THERE. :'(
Quote from: Kaz on September 09, 2008, 01:30:36 PM
I sometimes really miss having breakfast every morning like I did when I was a kid. I want some fucking pancakes or an omelette tomorrow morning AND THEY'RE NOT GOING TO BE THERE. :'(
then get up early and make them yourself fatass
Quote from: Clucky on September 09, 2008, 01:36:10 PM
then get up early and make them yourself fatass
the lack of eggs and pancake batter, not to mention the required kitchen tools, is somewhat of a problem
Quote from: Kaz on September 09, 2008, 02:12:48 PM
the lack of eggs and pancake batter, not to mention the required kitchen tools, is somewhat of a problem
I made my breakfast with a fork, a bowl, and a microwave.
Quote from: Khadafi on September 09, 2008, 02:45:50 PM
I made my breakfast with a fork, a bowl, and a microwave.
you can't make pancakes in a microwave
i don't see the appeal in mountain dew
Quote from: PurgatorySurge on September 09, 2008, 07:20:28 PM
i don't see the appeal in mountain dew
uh gee maybe only those that like the taste might see the appeal, as is the case in any food or drink
Anyway, Pringles.
Quote from: Kaz on September 09, 2008, 01:30:36 PM
I sometimes really miss having breakfast every morning like I did when I was a kid. I want some fucking pancakes or an omelette tomorrow morning AND THEY'RE NOT GOING TO BE THERE. :'(
Your mom made you a hot breakfast every morning?
Quote from: Kaz on September 09, 2008, 02:51:11 PM
you can't make pancakes in a microwave
Frozen pancakes + microwave
Quote from: Flying Circus on September 10, 2008, 11:00:38 AM
Frozen pancakes + microwave
ew no frozen pancakes suck
Quote from: Flying Circus on September 10, 2008, 10:59:45 AM
Your mom made you a hot breakfast every morning?
She used to in the summers and on school days when I didn't feel like having cereal, but that stopped sometime around my sophomore year of high school when I started having pretty much only cereal or just didn't eat breakfast at all.
Quote from: Kaz on September 10, 2008, 11:54:24 AM
ew no frozen pancakes suck
Quote from: Kaz on September 10, 2008, 11:54:24 AM
She used to in the summers and on school days when I didn't feel like having cereal, but that stopped sometime around my sophomore year of high school when I started having pretty much only cereal or just didn't eat breakfast at all.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah
i'm eating a bagel and cream cheese
there was an opened bag of cheetos on the table and i threw some of those in there too befuddlement
also apple juice
Sunflower seeds and an Arizona Black and White Iced Tea.
Quote from: Kaz on September 09, 2008, 07:53:49 PM
Anyway, Pringles.
I bought that cheeseburger flavor and it tasted like pickles.
just had some leftover tacos, not eating an italian ice baddood;
hershey bar milk chocolate with almonds
Quote from: Kaz on September 10, 2008, 09:49:31 PM
here im sending u one thru the moniter
I just had some MILK, pasta, and sunflower seeds for lunch.
Quote from: Khadafi on September 12, 2008, 12:09:57 PM
US just had some MILK, pasta, and sunflower seeds for lunch.
that's it.
no more sour milk for jmv.
I had a turkey sandwich with provolone cheese and this special mayonaisse I made by mixing it with barbecue sauce, on some sort of special bread that I bought. Forgot what the bread was called though.
Also, I had Root bear to drink.
i got my wisdom teeth pulled so for the last 3 days i had:
chicken broth
bread (only once because it hurt)
fish sticks
Quote from: Tomboh on September 14, 2008, 02:16:23 PM
i got my wisdom teeth pulled so for the last 3 days i had:
chicken broth
bread (only once because it hurt)
No applesauce?!
At the moment I am drinking a Dr. Pepper and eating a sandwich.
peach yougurt
i just ate a delicious ham sammich
Quote from: TECTRON on September 17, 2008, 02:25:21 PM
hmm i was going to buy that at the store but i restricted myself to it :0
Quote from: Clucky on September 17, 2008, 02:47:46 PM
hmm i was going to buy that at the store but i restricted myself to it :0
why, you don't eat enough :'(
Quote from: Clucky on September 17, 2008, 02:47:46 PM
hmm i was going to buy that at the store but i restricted myself to it :0
sometimes i swear you're anorexic or something
nacho cheese doritos
gardettos baddood;
Quote from: Kaz on September 17, 2008, 03:16:44 PM
sometimes i swear you're anorexic or something
im already am
i just eat pass the 1000 calorie mark so i wouldn't kill my body at a faster pace
Quote from: Clucky on September 18, 2008, 02:37:56 AM
im already am
i just eat pass the 1000 calorie mark so i wouldn't kill my body at a faster pace
i really hope you're joking :'(
Quote from: TECTRON on September 18, 2008, 12:56:58 PM
i really hope you're joking :'(
my psychology teacher called me fat because she refuses to feed into my delusion
i luv her
Quote from: Clucky on September 18, 2008, 02:55:53 PM
my psychology teacher called me fat because she refuses to feed into my delusion
i luv her
today we did an experiment where we watched where people's eyes went when they were asked a certain question
i love psychology
Quote from: TECTRON on September 18, 2008, 03:18:54 PM
today we did an experiment where we watched where people's eyes went when they were asked a certain question
i love psychology
wouldn't that tell if a person is lying/retracing memories etc.?
if the person is self trained he can stop and switch up the movement of his eyes to confuse you
Quote from: Clucky on September 18, 2008, 03:26:01 PM
wouldn't that tell if a person is lying/retracing memories etc.?
if the person is self trained he can stop and switch up the movement of his eyes to confuse you
the people we questioned didn't know what we were doing
they all thought it was an intelligence test so i'd say we got pretty accurate results
Quote from: Clucky on September 18, 2008, 02:37:56 AM
im already am
i just eat pass the 1000 calorie mark so i wouldn't kill my body at a faster pace
get help
I had some cotton candy
a chicken, turkey, and ham sandwich and nacho cheese doritos and a nice, cold mountain dew
just had some tomato soup
everything cuz im just so fat goowan
Sweet Mint gum
Java Monster:Russian and Mike and Ike's.
an apple :)
ice water
Pepperoni and Canadian Bacon pizza
it's whole grain befuddlement
Cheez-Its and Mountain Dew baddood;
strawberry poptart
I don't eat anymore. :'(
Quote from: They Call Me Classic on September 22, 2008, 09:49:46 AM
I don't eat anymore. :'(
The only thing that can break my anorexia is italian water ice. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
air is all i consume. :0
Quote from: Clucky on September 22, 2008, 11:57:41 AM
The only thing that can break my anorexia is italian water ice. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
Try celery, you burn more calories by chewing it than you gain from eating it
Quote from: Flying Circus on September 22, 2008, 01:22:44 PM
Try celery, you burn more calories by chewing it than you gain from eating it
why is celery the only vegetable famous for negative calories
no one notices grapefruit and oranges ;-;
Quote from: Clucky on September 22, 2008, 03:40:08 PM
why is celery the only vegetable famous for negative calories
no one notices grapefruit and oranges ;-;
uh considering they're not vegetables i'd say people are right to not notice
also i'm eating peanut steak, potatoes, and cabbage
Quote from: Clucky on September 22, 2008, 03:40:08 PM
why is celery the only vegetable famous for negative calories
no one notices grapefruit and oranges ;-;
Because they're not vegetables and actually have nutritional value.
I love grapefruits
I just had some shitty pasta, it was like spaghetti except they were really wide, so you couldn't twirl them or thread them around your fork, because they'd break
wtf baddood;
Quote from: Pqqu on September 22, 2008, 05:27:06 PM
I just had some shitty pasta, it was like spaghetti except they were really wide, so you couldn't twirl them or thread them around your fork, because they'd break
wtf baddood;
Fettuccine or Tagliatelle?
chex mix and water
Quote from: Kaz on September 22, 2008, 04:35:52 PM
uh considering they're not vegetables i'd say people are right to not notice
also i'm eating peanut steak, potatoes, and cabbage
what about green beans cucumbers 0:
Quote from: Clucky on September 22, 2008, 03:40:08 PM
why is celery the only vegetable famous for negative calories
no one notices grapefruit and oranges ;-;
because they are fruits.
I'm about to eat some peanut steak again. I can't wait. <3
just had a bagel and cream cheese with gatorade
what a dinner baddood;
Pizza rolls and ramen noodles
parents left and I had to make myself some food. second straight day they've done this
Quote from: Wrench on September 23, 2008, 03:52:05 PM
Pizza rolls and ramen noodles
parents left and I had to make myself some food. second straight day they've done this
pizza rolls are strangely delicious even though they look like they'd be terrible
same with ramen
also i finished my steak and cabbage so now i'm eating nacho cheese doritos because i'm still starving
i have an addiction problem with pizza rolls and ramen :'(
i ran out of chocolate powder while i was right in the middle of making chocolate milk so i added some strawberry powder and now it tastes like penus
however these crakers and cheese past-like substance make up for it <3
Quote from: Gin on September 21, 2008, 03:10:42 PM
Java Monster:Russian and Mike and Ike's.
ive tried the mocha and irish cream java monsters. theyre pretty cook
cheese ritz bitz baddood;
jmv's vagina
also one packet of oatmeal with water
clucky's penis
Also waffles
Haribo Gold-Bears
I love them so
hot pockets
jolly ranchers
Delicious moist vanilla cake with chocolate icing. giggle;
...what? I made the damn cake. I'm allowed to have a share. :(
a nice, cold mountain dew baddood;
I had a toaster strudel for breakfast
Brunch is served.
Scrambled eggs with sliced sausage, covered in cheese with a little bit of salt, pepper, & yellow pepper hot sauce.
peanut butter chocolate chip granola bar and some milk befuddlement
just finished a sliced apple with caramel dipping sauce. wub;
Chicken, rice, and sliced potatoes and carrots, all covered in a light cheese sauce. thumbup;
monster java NUT UP MMMMM
Oatmeal with light honey.
Now that I can eat, a milkshake. I took some chocolate and vanilla ice cream and mixed them together with milk.
i had a pop-tart at 6:30 am and have not eaten since :(
chili and corn bread
Quote from: TECTRON on September 30, 2008, 12:14:03 PM
Now that I can eat, a milkshake. I took some chocolate and vanilla ice cream and mixed them together with milk.
Ice cream sandwich baddood;
White Grape Smirnoff
original sun chips
they are yum
Oh, and some orange juice. baddood;
Pan Thai Noodles
teddy grahams
i'm addicted
frosted animal cookies oh god yes
Glazed doughnut. baddood;
green grapes
Five Guys burger and fries
Mozzarella and Marinara pringles and Orange Crush
I need more Orange Crush >.<
Quote from: Glass, Concrete, and Stone on October 04, 2008, 12:58:52 PM
Mozzarella and Marinara pringles and Orange Crush
I need more Orange Crush >.<
Quote from: Flying Circus on October 04, 2008, 12:05:13 PM
Five Guys burger and fries
I've never heard of that. befuddlement
i just had some pancakes baddood;
minute maid soft lemonade ice cream
Quote from: Clucky on October 04, 2008, 03:09:23 PM
minute maid soft lemonade ice cream
that sounds delicious :'(
Quote from: TECTRON on October 04, 2008, 03:15:32 PM
that sounds delicious :'(
do you envy my low cal snacks ;_;
Quote from: Clucky on October 04, 2008, 03:24:46 PM
do you envy my low cal snacks ;_;
yes ;_;
i've never even seen those for sale here
homemade macaroni and cheese and peas and toast and milk
Quote from: Clucky on October 04, 2008, 03:24:46 PM
do you envy my low cal snacks ;_;
hahaha, no fucking way babe, i have those same things in my freezer:]. i ate all the cherry ones, though. :O
Buffalo Chicken Sub and Bacon-Cheddar Fries
I'm eating disgustingly to drown my sorrows in fat
Quote from: ME86 on October 04, 2008, 02:57:12 PM
I've never heard of that. befuddlement
Shame, because it's the best burger chain in the nation
some delicious apple pie musica.cards
Quote from: ThunderKaz on October 04, 2008, 10:14:45 PM
some delicious apple pie musica.cards
That thing looks like a circus peanut
i hate circus peanuts
Quote from: ThunderKaz on October 04, 2008, 10:14:45 PM
some delicious apple pie musica.cards
You. come. to. me.
You fill me wit da pie!
Chipped beef in gravy over biscuits, and I'm drinking milk.
vegetarian corn dogs
soup: i had soup
hot fries
i need more cream to make some alfredo
A boston creme doughnut and a coffee coolata from dunkin donuts
vanilla yogurt
Italian Ice Mike and Ikes
Large Wendy's Baconator combo with root beer.
[spoiler]it sucks :|[/spoiler]
A nice, cold, Mountain Dew.
Also, just a minute ago, I had some chocolate chip cookies.
Chocolate cake and some milk. baddood;
quaker oatmeal squares cereal
it's really good, much better than i expected befuddlement
This Mountain Dew isn't very cold anymore :(
gum gum
i had a strawberry pop tart and some grapefruit soda
I am the 10001 viewer. :o
Quote from: Sam on October 07, 2008, 12:37:23 PM
I am the 10001 viewer. :o
i just cut up an apple and covered the slides in honey and cinnamon/sugar and heated it up for 30 seconds. :3
i had some delicious stew and also biscuits with butter and honey on them
apple juice
if i cant eat tectron's nipple and i cant eat stuff thats not tectron's nipple then what do i eat
Quote from: Tomboh on October 08, 2008, 04:57:32 PM
if i cant eat tectron's nipple and i cant eat stuff thats not tectron's nipple then what do i eat
food and stuff
also i'm eating stew
Quote from: ThunderKaz on October 08, 2008, 04:58:19 PM
food and stuff
also i'm eating stew
a nipple has nutrition therefore its a food
Quote from: Tomboh on October 08, 2008, 05:00:26 PM
a nipple has nutrition therefore its a food
god damn it tomboh quit being retarded and just post on-topic
stupid shit like "tectrons nipple" is always going to be deleted
A bottle of FuFu berry Jones soda ^_^
Quote from: Tomboh on October 08, 2008, 04:57:32 PM
if i cant eat tectron's nipple and i cant eat stuff thats not tectron's nipple then what do i eat
what fuck
nothing until friday n____n
Quote from: Clucky on October 08, 2008, 07:41:34 PM
nothing until friday n____n
i really hope you're not serious :'(
3 musketeers
Quote from: TECTRON on October 08, 2008, 08:22:03 PM
3 musketeers
Too much nougat edumacate;
Fun size is good, but eating an entire bar is just nasty to me
Quote from: Flying Circus on October 08, 2008, 08:25:29 PM
Too much nougat edumacate;
Fun size is good, but eating an entire bar is just nasty to me
i completely agree, and believe it or not i had the fun sized one
butterfinger goowan
a delicious ham sandwich
strawberry poptart
delicious apple pie
my favorite pie <3
Quote from: Kefka on October 08, 2008, 06:18:55 PM
A bottle of FuFu berry Jones soda ^_^
best soda ever
tomboh's nipple
[spoiler]no but really a crunch bar baddood;[/spoiler]
a crunch bar
[spoiler]wait its a hersey's bar[/spoiler]
chili cheese dogs baddood;
do you guys figure out something to eat and then go "OH IM GOING TO POST IT ON BOYAH NOW", because i seriously never look at this thread unless im really bored.
Quote from: Maggie and the Ferocious Beast on October 11, 2008, 05:01:32 PM
do you guys figure out something to eat and then go "OH IM GOING TO POST IT ON BOYAH NOW", because i seriously never look at this thread unless im really bored.
it's more of whenever i'm eating something at the computer desk while I'm on boyah.
which is like every meal.
Gobstoppers and diet Coke.
Had some mac n cheese 40 minutes ago. One of the few things I can actually eat. :(
a fucking delicious oatmeal cream pie
Burrito from Qdoba
sunflower seeds
frosted animal cookies
a piece of pie that my sister made
it's basically a vanilla pudding pie with cool whip and raspberries
it's quite delicious
I just fried a piece of chicken breast seasoned with some hot chili powder and some plain old poultry seasoning. I sliced it up and made a delicious sandwich consisting of warm chicken, cheese, mayo, lettuce, and ranch.
i love chicken breast
i was eating hot fries BUT THEN I FOUND AN ANT IN THE BAG SO I THREW IT OUT smithicide;
they were so good ;-;
a peanut butter cookie
I had a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch
gummi worms
An Oh Henry bar
Quote from: ThunderKaz on October 13, 2008, 03:11:02 PM
i'm jealous :(
i'd send you some but i only have like two left :(
original pringles
I've had an egg today guys. ~_^
Quote from: Clucky on October 13, 2008, 07:53:53 PM
I've had an egg today guys. ~_^
anorexia is extremely unattractive
I'm currently chewing on a toothpick
actually ritz bits
Quote from: ThunderKaz on October 14, 2008, 01:24:25 AM
anorexia is extremely unattractive
jmv loves it a lot
it gets him hard
also i only realized that once baddood;
chocolate donut
milk baddood;
The last of my gummi worms. :'(
Chicken Pizziola sandwich from subway
i heard jmv and hard in this thread.
also i am eating a sub and chips.
cheeseburger pie :O
just had some cheddar cheese pringles
beef ramen
apple pie baddood;
bay gull
*I had a Pumpkin Roll
Quote from: Sidney A. Stubbs on October 16, 2008, 05:14:27 AM
*I had a Pumpkin Roll
that and slushies/italian ice are irresistible to me ;_;
also i'm excluding everything except kiwi, blueberries, peaches, leafy greens, broccoli and spinach because sugar found in other fruits increase aging. :3
But I does not have any antioxidant creams, just a vitamin C cream ;_;
Hardough bread my dad brought back from New York. :|
just had cookie
I had a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch
rice krispies
chocolate muffin baddood;
I ate a cheesesteak to prove that I'm not anorexic. :'(
Also 2 bottles of V8.
fucking pizza rolls
Steak and Eggs
fucking pizza
and grapefruit juice
some disgusting yogurt
it's all sticky and thick and it's like fucking glue i think i'm gonna throw it out
Quote from: ThunderKaz on October 18, 2008, 11:46:07 AM
fucking pizza rolls
fucking lucky
also chicken tenders and fries
Sicilian Cheesesteak from Charlie's
rice krispies
Grilled Cheeessee with fried mushrooms, lettuce, ham, and turkey.
I fried the mushrooms and seasoned them with garlic powder and hot chili powder and oh god it's delicious.
Apple cinnamon oatmeal.
cranberry apple juice
I'm like a typical little kid right now
oreo ice cream for dinner and I'm eating from the carton
fucking poptarts
An apple.
a bag of doritos I think I might have stolen from a party last night.
Some bread with cheese spread. baddood;
Quote from: Headless Horseman on October 19, 2008, 02:24:49 PM
I'm like a typical little kid right now
oreo ice cream for dinner and I'm eating from the carton
I've never eaten ice cream from the carton. Always have put it into a bowl
Two omelets.
I regret adding extra cheese. :(
Quote from: Flying Circus on October 20, 2008, 11:59:36 AM
I've never eaten ice cream from the carton. Always have put it into a bowl
Pop tarts
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 20, 2008, 12:22:36 PM
Two omelets.
I regret adding extra cheese. :(
shut up and eat :(
Quote from: TECTRON on October 20, 2008, 12:41:26 PM
shut up and eat :(
Extra cheese ruins the taste. |:
Also I just ate 2 peanut butter bananer sammiches and a cup of butterfinger ice cream.
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 20, 2008, 02:08:03 PM
Extra cheese ruins the taste. |:
Also I just ate 2 peanut butter bananer sammiches and a cup of butterfinger ice cream.
thank you ^_________^
Quote from: TECTRON on October 20, 2008, 02:12:21 PM
thank you ^_________^
excess sugars are once a week :3
a banana idort
chocolate cake w/ vanilla frosting
I feel like a fatass now because I had two cupcakes earlier today in Math. caterpie;
chicken sandwich
grapefruit juice
and now i have heartburn thanks to this damn juice :(
I have no idea what to eat today.
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 21, 2008, 01:06:29 PM
I have no idea what to eat today.
Just grab everything and stuff it into your mouth
You're bound to hit the thing you were
supposed to eat today.
Quote from: Sidney A. Stubbs on October 21, 2008, 01:10:04 PM
Just grab everything and stuff it into your mouth
You're bound to hit the thing you were supposed to eat today.
I didn't do any planning. ;_;
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 21, 2008, 01:15:50 PM
I didn't do any planning. ;_;
Your destiny was to eat
something today.
Anyway I'm eating zucchini bread.
Faygo Moon Mist
I ate some avacados with string cheese and some italian ice. :3
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 22, 2008, 11:44:38 AM
I ate some avacados with string cheese and some italian ice. :3
chewey peanut butter granoler bar badass
oh and milk befuddlement
Quote from: TECTRINKET on October 22, 2008, 05:36:10 PM
chewey peanut butter granoler bar badass
400 calories a day keeps the calcium away y/n
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 22, 2008, 06:00:17 PM
400 calories a day keeps the calcium away y/n
i hate you :'(
A bowl of cinnamon toast crunch.
two nanners
fukken poptarts
A bowl of mini-wheats with skim milk
3 oatmeal cookies with extra flax and raisin
I probably wouldn't of made it to 4 PM if I didn't eat them. I was close to losing all of my energy again fukken;
Damn you mom :'(
She's making me fucking potatoes and eggs.
Pumpkin seeds
A baked potato with butter, mozzarella, and bacon bits inside. With some corn on the cob and jerk chicken badass
flax cookies :3
french onion sun chips :3
motherfucking wheat thins
motherfucking pizza rolls
3 inch cheesesteak with extra lettuce
2 v8 vegetable juice
At the moment I am eating some cheese, and for dinner I'm probably going to have a hamburger with some of the left over corn [bah].
I like them with just dough. no chicken, no spice, just dough and sugar baddood;
fries goowan
Mountain Blast Powerade befuddlement
chips ahoy cookies and milk powerofone;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on October 26, 2008, 11:56:43 AM
chips ahoy cookies and milk powerofone;
That just made me want to go out and buy some Oreos and dip them in milk.
Crunch bar
Quote from: ME86 on October 26, 2008, 12:54:33 PM
That just made me want to go out and buy some Oreos and dip them in milk.
i had a pork chop
home made popcorn is AWESOME
Quote from: Thyme on October 26, 2008, 04:33:12 PM
looks great
just had a nice hamburger from wendy's and a frosty baddood;
mountain dew
water :(
Quote from: noodle_976 on October 26, 2008, 08:41:45 PM
water :(
I mix mines with some powder that creates 3 vegetable servings. <3
Really huge bowl of rice mixed with etc. which right now is making me shake because I'm being forced to eat this.
This is creating an intense urge to just vomit this all up.
Plus I'm going to get overly fed in the next 6 months. :(
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 27, 2008, 11:59:15 AM
Really huge bowl of rice mixed with etc. which right now is making me shake because I'm being forced to eat this.
This is creating an intense urge to just vomit this all up.
Plus I'm going to get overly fed in the next 6 months. :(
It's your fault for not eating.
Quote from: Khadafi on October 27, 2008, 12:10:56 PM
It's your fault for not eating.
I want it that way. srsly
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 27, 2008, 11:59:15 AM
Plus I'm going to get overly fed in the next 6 months. :(
oh em gee a healthy diet myface;
Quote from: Nyerp on October 27, 2008, 12:49:35 PM
oh em gee a healthy diet myface;
HOLY SHIT JMV <33333333333333333333333333333333333333
also clucky you shouldn't have starved yourself :'(
Quote from: C-Note the Dog on October 27, 2008, 12:21:10 PM
I want it that way. srsly
also i just ate a rice crispie treat
I'm eating cold Couscous.
a delicious brownie with vanilla frosting and milk cjlubdoods;
i just had a sprite, a mcrib, and some fries
Quote from: Sidney A. Stubbs on October 30, 2008, 03:56:42 PM
i just had a sprite, a mcrib, and some fries
They still make Mcribs?
Quote from: Sidney A. Stubbs on October 30, 2008, 03:56:42 PM
i just had a sprite, a mcrib, and some fries
Fuck you.
McRibs remind me of the marvelous chicken sammiches at burger king.
I stopped liking them after they changed something with the meat. :(
Quote from: Flying Circus on October 30, 2008, 03:59:16 PM
They still make Mcribs?
I was going to get some sort of chicken sandwich, but then I noticed the McRib and said the exact same thing.
Quote from: Flying Circus on October 30, 2008, 03:59:16 PM
They still make Mcribs?
Most of the time it's just a special promotional item here, I've never had one though.
ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli
Swedish Fish
just had a plum
baby ruth whilst i wallow in my sorrows :'(
oreo cakester >:o
Quote from: Ezlo on October 31, 2008, 03:12:20 PM
oreo cakester >:o
George has got an oreo cakester?!?!!?
tootsie pop
I'm eating a big ol' bag of M&Ms. sillydood;
kit-kat bar n_u
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on October 31, 2008, 11:51:48 PM
kit-kat bar n_u
jolly rancher hocuspocus;
vile ravioli
fucking Starburst
For some reason I can't remember what this meal is called but I'm eating cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and some sort of meat. And I'm drinking water with it.
Ok corn beef and cabbage
Quote from: Veritas on November 01, 2008, 01:57:34 PM
For some reason I can't remember what this meal is called but I'm eating cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and some sort of meat. And I'm drinking water with it.
Ok corn beef and cabbage
that's what I eat on St Patrick's Day doodthing;
Anyways, Jalapeno Poppers and Dino Nuggets :3
Quote from: Hiro on November 01, 2008, 02:07:15 PM
that's what I eat on St Patrick's Day doodthing;
Anyways, Jalapeno Poppers and Dino Nuggets :3
Yeah that's when my mom usually fixes it.
some chinese shit
Chocolate Tootsie Pop.
I am addicted to pomegranates.
sweet tarts
A Wreck
It's a sandwich from Potbelly
i'm about to eat a gummy eyeball
but i don't want to it's so cool smithicide;
i didn't get any candy so i stole my sister's candy
a kit kat
pork chops, some weird delicious rice, and green beans
fucking oreo cakesters
Breyers all natural chocolate ice cream, with Hershey's chocolate syrup, and milk.
Candy was 50% off so I bought a bunch. giggle;
Quote from: Kewn on November 02, 2008, 05:29:16 PM
Candy was 50% off so I bought a bunch. giggle;
You're disgusting. giggle;
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 02, 2008, 06:12:30 PM
You're disgusting. giggle;
um candy is amazing, shut the fuck up
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on November 02, 2008, 06:34:24 PM
um candy is amazing, shut the fuck up
I like gummy stuff like lifesavers
pizza :3
alfredo noodles or something
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on November 02, 2008, 06:34:24 PM
um candy is amazing, shut the fuck up
Almost as Lawlz.
glazed donut
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 03, 2008, 01:39:02 PM
Almost as Lawlz.
Almost as your kindergarden grammar hocuspocus;
Quote from: Flying Circus on November 03, 2008, 02:04:11 PM
Almost as your kindergarden grammar hocuspocus;
Almost as your kindergarten spelling hocuspocus;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 03, 2008, 02:15:52 PM
Almost as your kindergarten spelling hocuspocus;
you always catch me at the worst times :3
Quote from: Flying Circus on November 03, 2008, 02:16:52 PM
you always catch me at the worst times :3
you know i love you ypr :3
YPR missed a chance to make a black joke. bassir;
Quote from: Kewn on November 03, 2008, 02:25:13 PM
YPR missed a chance to make a black joke. bassir;
I try to avoid them O_0
Quote from: Flying Circus on November 03, 2008, 02:26:24 PM
I try to avoid them O_0
[spoiler]Also, I don't see how he could've made a black joke.
someone explain befuddlement[/spoiler]
also i'm eating a raspberry dumdum
Right now I'm drinking water. I've considerably bumped up my water intake recently.
mr goodbar cjlubdoods;
Hamburger and some coke.
nestle chocolate bar
better than hershey's imo madood;
kit-kat bar baddood;
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on November 03, 2008, 05:42:47 PM
kit-kat bar baddood;
........('(...Ã,´...Ã,´.... Ã,¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.Ã,·Ã,´
me too
holy shits i have one too AWESOME
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 03, 2008, 05:41:14 PM
nestle chocolate bar
better than hershey's imo madood;
Quote from: Flying Circus on November 03, 2008, 06:10:02 PM
hershey's dark chocolate is amazing, but hershey's regular chocolate bar has NOTHING on nestle madood;
Herr's potato chips
microwavable white castle burgers. they were meh. in-n-out > white castle
Quote from: noodle_976 on November 03, 2008, 07:43:08 PM
microwavable white castle burgers. they were meh. in-n-out > white castle
Well yeah, White Castle sucks...
Southwestern marinated chicken, bacon, and pepper jack cheese on toasted whole wheat bread, with a chocolate milk.
Ramen with egg and cheese.
Tastes better than it sounds.
nerds cjlubdoods;
[spoiler]in before black watermelon jokes :|[/spoiler]
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 04, 2008, 01:08:25 PM
nerds cjlubdoods;
[spoiler]in before black watermelon jokes :|[/spoiler]
I like how they taste after they lose their color.
Almost like, uh, I dunno. ;_;
Oh, rock candy. :3
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 04, 2008, 01:15:46 PM
I like how they taste after they lose their color.
Almost like, uh, I dunno. ;_;
Oh, rock candy. :3
Without the colored coating, they just taste like sugar cubes. madood;
the coating is what makes them great <3
I've never had rock candy. :'(
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 04, 2008, 01:15:46 PM
I like how they taste after they lose their color.
Almost like, uh, I dunno. ;_;
Oh, rock candy. :3
My neighbor works in a rock candy factory. I have more rock candy than I know what to do with.
Quote from: Razor Ramon on November 04, 2008, 01:46:26 PM
My neighbor works in a rock candy factory. I have more rock candy than I know what to do with.
Lucky. madood;
My chicken.
m&m's minis bassir;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 04, 2008, 02:03:36 PM
Lucky. madood;
Meh. The only flavor I realy like is cotton candy. And I don't like biting the stuff, so I just suck the flavor off and spit it out outside. >.>
it gets really gross really fast.
Quote from: Razor Ramon on November 04, 2008, 04:27:07 PM
Meh. The only flavor I realy like is cotton candy. And I don't like biting the stuff, so I just suck the flavor off and spit it out outside. >.>
it gets really gross really fast.
so it's like one giant suckable nerd myface;
you should send me some anyway baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 04, 2008, 04:28:57 PM
so it's like one giant suckable nerd myface;
yes just like you baby ;)
[spoiler]nooo no no no no wash my mouth gonk; gonk;[/spoiler]
Quote from: he on November 04, 2008, 04:33:02 PM
yes just like you baby ;)
[spoiler]nooo no no no no wash my mouth gonk; gonk;[/spoiler]
I laughed. akudood;
ilu nerp Q('_' Q)
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 04, 2008, 04:37:53 PM
I laughed. akudood;
ilu nerp Q('_' Q)
brb washing the gay off
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 04, 2008, 01:21:25 PM
Without the colored coating, they just taste like sugar cubes. madood;
the coating is what makes them great <3
I've never had rock candy. :'(
They're like sugar in a crystal form.
fucking cheetos and mountain dew and dicks
Coke and water, but not mixed together.
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on November 05, 2008, 05:10:15 PM
fucking cheetos and mountain dew and dicks
fucking hershey bar and chips and semen and skittles
I just had chocolate chip waffles with milk.
Quote from: Veritas on November 06, 2008, 06:34:05 AM
I just had chocolate chip waffles with milk.
you son of a bitch >.<
Quote from: Sidney A. Stubbs on November 06, 2008, 12:54:24 PM
you son of a bitch >.<
I also used syrup on them and they were Eggo brand.
Right now I'm eating pizza from Little Caesars and drinking coke.
cherry jolly rancher lollypop giggle;
give me the formuoli
fucking Milky Way with more caramel and added vaginal fluids
wrench you're killing it
also pixie stix
Waffles again
Hamburger corn cob potato
just had a bagel with cream cheese
now i'm eating a butterfinger crisp
yes, at 12:30 pm
what the hell did i eat today
animal crackers and warm skim milk all day :O
yay iron and calcium
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 08, 2008, 09:33:03 PM
what the hell did i eat today
animal crackers and warm skim milk all day :O
yay iron and calcium
should i even bother this time :'(
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 08, 2008, 09:34:48 PM
should i even bother this time :'(
i did have some crackers
and 2 popsicles
I am currently enjoying some iced coffee.
Quote from: ME86 on November 09, 2008, 09:25:37 AM
I am currently enjoying some iced coffee.
Sonofabitch madood;
Orange Gatorade
A small cheesesteak and a calzone
now 2 pomegranates
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 09, 2008, 11:36:13 AM
A small cheesesteak and a calzone
now 2 pomegranates
Quote from: he on November 09, 2008, 12:03:50 PM
for you probably ;)
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 09, 2008, 11:36:13 AM
A small cheesesteak and a calzone
now 2 pomegranates
Give me some of that cheesesteak.
teriyaki beef jerky ;)
Quote from: ME86 on November 09, 2008, 04:41:59 PM
Give me some of that cheesesteak.
Det first. y/n
Also the shit wasn't even good tasting anymore. :(
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 09, 2008, 02:42:25 PM
for you probably ;)
yeah i don't need energy it's for chumps
Boston cream Pie
and ate that 3 times.
And then some deer thing that tasted oh god, so fucking AWFUL. (Burnt tires, the texture was :X)
Then I ate warm cereal but I added too much salt :X
Then some yummy fruit
Tomorrow I'm only eating veggies. >:(
an orange
almond m&m's
i hate almonds and these suck
i'm really only eating them because it's the first time i've tried them
cheesus those m&m's were disgusting
anyway i'm eating some egg salid sammiches and cool-flavored jiuce
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 10, 2008, 05:31:34 PM
almond m&m's
i hate almonds and these suck
i'm really only eating them because it's the first time i've tried them
i didn't know they made those
i love m&ms and i love almonds so i should try to find them sometime
anyway ritz bitz and a nice, cold mountain dew
Hennessey & Coke.
I think I'm drunk.
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on November 10, 2008, 10:20:04 PM
i didn't know they made those
i love m&ms and i love almonds so i should try to find them sometime
anyway ritz bitz and a nice, cold mountain dew
trust me
they suck brawls
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 11, 2008, 07:59:44 AM
trust me
they suck brawls
I put the bag in the fridge and snack on them all December long... One of my favorite candies for sure
Quote from: Flying Circus on November 11, 2008, 12:55:30 PM
I put the bag in the fridge and snack on them all December long... One of my favorite candies for sure
i almost puked myface;
The best M&M's are plain, then peanut or dark which are also pretty good, then every other kind, then dicks, then almond. baddood;
Almonds are disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. ugly;
And right now I'm having some orange juice and I'm in the mood for Quizno's tonight... hmmmm
Quote from: ME86 on November 11, 2008, 02:42:00 PM
Almonds are disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. ugly;
Ah, a sensible person. powerofone;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 11, 2008, 02:41:49 PM
i almost puked myface;
The best M&M's are plain, then peanut or dark which are also pretty good, then every other kind, then dicks, then almond. baddood;
Dark sucks goonish
Quote from: ME86 on November 11, 2008, 02:42:00 PM
Almonds are disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. ugly;
And right now I'm having some orange juice and I'm in the mood for Quizno's tonight... hmmmm
And so does Quizno's. So many better places to get a sub.
Quote from: Flying Circus on November 11, 2008, 03:11:40 PM
And so does Quizno's. So many better places to get a sub.
Yes, there's only Subway or Quizno's on this side of town.
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 11, 2008, 03:25:45 PM
Almond sucks goonish
Almonds are amazing... Slightly sweet nuts that go great in chocolate or cinnamon
Almonds are yum, yum, yum, YUM.
I agree with Nyerp and YPR. Almonds are fucking great.
And dark chocolate sucks, Tec.
anyway i'm eating some starburst
i don't get how you guys think almonds suck |:
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 11, 2008, 04:19:25 PM
i don't get how you guys think almonds suck |:
they're whores
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 11, 2008, 04:41:50 PM
you're all crazy madood;
maybe you're just really feminine, since dark chocolate appeals mostly to women
Quote from: Kazmopolitan on November 11, 2008, 04:42:45 PM
maybe you're just really feminine, since dark chocolate appeals mostly to women
Maybe. girl;
Quote from: he on November 09, 2008, 12:03:50 PM
If it happens it happens
Sour punch straws blue razamatazz flavor
Quote from: Wrenchninja on November 11, 2008, 07:31:10 PM
Sour punch straws blue razamatazz flavor
starburst again
Gravy biscuits bacon eggs water
I just had a piece of toast and a apple at break.
Lipton Noodle Soup with potatoes and an egg added
Quote from: Kewn on November 12, 2008, 10:02:32 AM
Lipton Noodle Soup with potatoes and an egg added
Sounds nasty. I love it on it's own though.
Taco Bell quesodilla and taco with baja blast mountain dew.
Quote from: Sidney A. Stubbs on November 12, 2008, 10:52:18 AM
Taco Bell quesodilla and taco with baja blast mountain dew.
I loved Taco Bell but all the stores in my city closed down. Now all we have is Taco Time and Taco Del Mar.
I'm now drinking a nice hot cup of green tea.
I am going to eat crackers maybe.
Or warm cereal mixed in with honey and milk.
I added too much salt last time. :'(
i just had some chocolate cake with vanilla frosting (which i baked by the way cjlubdoods;) and milk baddood;
My moms taking me for ice cream before my doctors appointment. doodella;
harry potter-flavored lollipop
Quote from: Detonator on November 12, 2008, 02:52:45 PM
lol wut
it's from halloween lol n_u
it's delicious
Just had a snickers ice cream bar giggle;
I can't wait until I get home and I can have a steak sandwich.
cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese
iced tea
i just tried to eat some swedish fish, but they tasted like garbage so i threw them out
now i'm eating lemonade nerds
my last mountain dew smithicide;
Chick-fil-A #1 value sized with coke and barbecue sauce
Just had a glass of iced tea. Man it was good.
just ate my steak sandwich. delicious.
Some pea soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. A light, yet MANLY meal. THE POWER OF GOD
more iced tea
Quote from: Thyme on November 13, 2008, 02:22:57 PM
Some pea soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. A light, yet MANLY meal. THE POWER OF GOD
i had that for lunch but the soup was vegetable
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 12, 2008, 02:54:34 PM
it's from halloween lol n_u
it's delicious
lul i dont get why those were ever made
Drinking some DR Pepper.
my very last pack of smarties saddood;
16.9 FL OZ (1.06 PT) 500 ML
Just had a Dr. Pepper before school.
peanut m&m's
ramen baddood;
Eating Chocolate Chip Pop Tarts.
bit o' chocolatte
Chick-fil-A again
grilled cheese sammich
lemonade which i made myself from REAL LEMONS
also it's in a girl scouts bottle akudood;
nutty bars
Nothing. I can't taste right now so I may as well lose some weight and not eat. >.<
Cocoa Pebbles
A runza.
I had a bowl of sugar crisp for breakfast. Man was it tasty.
round tortilla chips bassir;
hot fudge sundae pop tart
it isn't frozen smithicide;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 15, 2008, 07:30:13 PM
hot fudge sundae pop tart
it isn't frozen smithicide;
Shit sounds disgusting.
Also for the whole day I had giant fruit salad and a parfait (Which was fucking gooooooood)
Then a turkey sub with lettuce with two V8's.
Somehow I'm starting to love V8 than 100% fruitjuice.
dove chocolate <3
this casserole that has pieces of ham and cheese amongst a sea of noodles and some sort of spice or herb
it kind of looks like thyme or something like that
also cornbread (oh god yes) and asparagus
Chewing on some Juicy Fruit right now. It's tasty.
vanilla wafers baddood;
Plain chocolate M&M's. By far, the best kind. giggle;
Pepper made from doctors. Est.1885
just had some cheese raviolis and lemon iced tea baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 17, 2008, 03:06:30 PM
just had some cheese raviolis and lemon iced tea baddood;
ravioli is also the plural form baddood;
Quote from: Flying Circus on November 17, 2008, 03:12:06 PM
ravioli is also the plural form baddood;
i know nigga i just wanted to add the s baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 15, 2008, 07:30:13 PM
hot fudge sundae pop tart
it isn't frozen smithicide;
except it is frozen and i has milk
the last of my glorious iced tea smithicide;
and garlic bread badass
Drinking a coke.
A mountain dew to keep my eyes open
Caffeine free coke.
I drank normal coke by accident (yes, I noticed on the first taste but it was really good giggle; ) and now I can't sleep.
Edit: Sorry Aubrey. giggle;
Quote from: TylerJetterz on November 18, 2008, 01:24:04 AM
Caffeine free coke.
I drank normal coke by accident (yes, I noticed on the first taste but it was really good giggle; ) and now I can't sleep.
Edit: Sorry Aubrey. giggle;
I wished I had caffeine sensitivity. giggle;
Also I just ate a bowl of oats and pomegranates.
unflavored nonfat icemilk
a pogo would be dandy right now.
Sippin' on a pepsi.
why was this defloated befuddlement
A sandwich with avocados and pomegranates.
i'm so cold that i'm drinking coffee
We were out of creme, so I used a small amount of vanilla frosting instead. wariodood;
Once again sippin' on a pepsi.
Twinkie bassir;
Quote from: Colonel Sanders on November 18, 2008, 08:09:14 PM
Once again sippin' on a pepsi.
yah thats because pepsi tastes like gods vagina.
Quote from: bojangelsrocks on November 19, 2008, 06:45:26 AM
yah thats because pepsi tastes like gods vagina.
I know it's great. Sometime I drink coke though for a change.
Quote from: Wrenchninja on November 19, 2008, 06:24:02 AM
Twinkie bassir;
Get Out.
Also I had a bowl of grains mixed in with some brown sugar and honey with some crunchy oat clusters.
I wanted to vomit it out halfway through because I somehow got extremely full to the point where I can't finish the rest. (It's a small bowl, wth.)
But I can't stand it when people waste food so I ate it all. ;_;
But the first 3 spoonfuls were delicious. giggle;
Plus it had a large banana in it with some cinnamon. :3
Eating a chocolate chip muffin. But I'm thinking of making a pitcher of iced tea.
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 18, 2008, 06:08:54 PM
i'm so cold that i'm drinking coffee
We were out of creme, so I used a small amount of vanilla frosting instead. wariodood;
I use vanilla ice cream :3
I'm drinking hot chocolate (it's not hot anymore though) Does anyone have instructions for the perfect hot chocolate?
I lost my feeling of hunger.
My mom brought me home a pack of pepsi. She's making pizza now so I'll be having that for supper.
Milky Way
A few dicks, peanut M&Ms, hershey bar, and a crunch bar.
cherry jolly rancher baddood;
some fries and broccoli cheese soup
Quote from: Nathan on November 20, 2008, 06:59:19 PM
some fries and broccoli cheese soup
that sounds absolutely delicious
Christmas M&Ms.
I wish there were more colors though.
Original M&M's, from my adorable Math teacher. giggle;
pizza pizza
Garlic bread, and some lemonade which I just made. bassir;
Dr. Pepper
I ate a bagel with berry cream and a 4 inch turkey sub.
Both toasted.
gummi eyeball from halloween n_u
homemade burrito with steak, bacon, cheese, onions, and sour cream giggle;
baby goldfish crackers
Earlier I had leftover Little Caesars and right now I'm drinking a Dr. Pepper
Quote from: Mini Disastro on November 22, 2008, 10:20:13 AM
I ate a bagel with berry cream and a 4 inch turkey sub.
Both toasted.
I had this again for dinner.
But with 1 V8 drink rather than 2.
Tectron's adorable Math teacher.
Quote from: Nyerd on November 23, 2008, 06:47:00 AM
Tectron's adorable Math teacher.
don't you dare baddood;
Quote from: Nyerd on November 23, 2008, 07:05:49 AM
Both eating and drinking. yes;
no stop smithicide;
also i just had a poptart
a super sour gumball in the shape of an eyeball n_u
this was from halloween too baddood;
fucking pizza rolls with extra semen
i just finished subway
m&ms again
i always sort them by color so i'm going to start with red and then go to orange and work my way down to blue and then finish with brown wariodood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 24, 2008, 03:50:28 PM
m&ms again
i always sort them by color so i'm going to start with red and then go to orange and work my way down to blue and then finish with brown wariodood;
I do that sometimes too befuddlement
Quote from: Green Monkeys on November 24, 2008, 03:52:47 PM
I do that sometimes too befuddlement
Yay, I'm not the only weird one. doodella;
hi five o/\o wariodood;
Brown sugar poptarts
Quote from: Green Monkeys on November 24, 2008, 07:28:00 PM
Brown sugar poptarts
those are horrendous :'(
i just had some kellogs corn flakes akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on November 24, 2008, 07:32:24 PM
those are horrendous :'(
i just had some kellogs corn flakes akudood;
They're fucking delicious is what I think you meant to say
Brown sugar... poptarts...
...I've never had one, but how in the pastry hell can that be horrendous? baddood;
Bojangles bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits, and fries.
More brown sugar poptarts.
I love brown sugar so much
jmv's pussy because its moist and he's a pussy
also maybe a jelly donut, but it has preservatives :(
trust me thyme they're gross baddood;
also i'm eating a cherry jolly rancher
sunflower seeds, but probably only out of boredom befuddlement
shrimp marinara
oh god RUB IT
birthday cake :3
happy birthday doodella;
also i'm eating a bagel and cream cheese with milk at 1:00 in the morning baddood;
pink starburst :3
ham and cheese sandwich, green apple, and a nice, cold mountain dew
coke and pringles
a delicious milkshake which i made myself topped with whipped cream bassir;
MILK hocuspocus;
my parents just took me to chili's :x
chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting and some milk
coffee and a pop cicle!
egg nog
Chewing on a toothpick
Chinese food
cocoa puffs
i shudder every time i say that saddood;
Quote from: Nyerd on December 03, 2008, 05:27:22 PM
did you swallow it?
because if not then you didn't technically eat it.
Popcorn with the carcinogenic oils.
blueberry poptart with orange-pineapple juice
Some ramen mixed with some Lipton Soup and an egg.
Quote from: Angry Kewn Fruit on December 04, 2008, 09:36:26 AM
Some ramen mixed with some Lipton Soup and an egg.
Sounds like shit.
I ate 1 yogurt and a cup of cereal for today.
Quote from: Angry Kewn Fruit on December 04, 2008, 09:36:26 AM
Some ramen mixed with some Lipton Soup and an egg.
That sounds sorta gross, at least when you throw the egg in.
I just had some ramen too though, actually.
Now I think I'll have some apple pie.
Two egg salad sandwiches
quesodilla, peanut butter sandwich, and chocolate milk for lunch
BEANS saddood; saddood; saddood; saddood;
Quote from: noodle_976 on December 05, 2008, 03:28:36 PM
BEANS saddood; saddood; saddood; saddood;
They have the most anti-oxidants.
But they're worthless to the aging process of your collagen.
Also I ate a bowl of cereal today.
I don't feel like eating the other food main groups this week.
Egg nog, but I really wanted some frozen custard or ice cream. :[
bought myself a 2 liter mountain dew cjlubdoods;
I can't remember if I ate today.
Let's lie to ourselves and say we did. :3
Quote from: Cigarillo on December 06, 2008, 10:17:22 AM
I can't remember if I ate today.
Let's lie to ourselves and say we did. :3
I'm not even going to bother. saddood;
Anyway, I'm eating a bagel and cream cheese. baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 06, 2008, 02:08:13 PM
I'm not even going to bother. saddood;
Anyway, I'm eating a bagel and cream cheese. baddood;
I ate a bagel with mixed berry cream cheese. n_____n
Quote from: Cigarillo on December 06, 2008, 06:16:35 PM
I ate a bagel with mixed berry cream cheese. n_____n
well at least it's something akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 06, 2008, 06:37:59 PM
well at least it's something akudood;
your mom is something akudood;
blueberry yogurt and strawberry poptarts baddood;
Quote from: Cigarillo on December 06, 2008, 08:33:08 PM
your mom is something akudood;
hey hey hey akudood;
also i'm eating life cereals
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 06, 2008, 08:51:32 PM
hey hey hey akudood;
also i'm eating life cereals
if its not cinnamon then you are a bigger faggot than felt
Quote from: Cigarillo on December 06, 2008, 09:08:59 PM
if its not cinnamon then you are a bigger faggot than felt
i've actually never even had the cinnamon kind akudood;
Bagel w/ cream cheese, cheerios, and a chicken sandwich smothered in hot sauce
pizza pizza
Quote from: YPR on December 07, 2008, 12:47:00 PM
Bagel w/ cream cheese, cheerios, and a chicken sandwich smothered in hot sauce
All at once? baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 07, 2008, 03:55:59 PM
All at once? baddood;
Yep, and I had a glass of Cranberry-Orange juice
cousin willie's popcorn
original oreos and milk giggle;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 07, 2008, 06:41:24 PM
original oreos and milk giggle;
there hasn't been a post since this
and i'm eating the same thing again akudood;
I ate a turkey sandwich and more v8.
vanilla ice cream sandwich :3
Chocolate coins from St. Nicholas day
pumpkin pie with whipped cream
milk wariodood;
an ice cream sandwich
banana nut muffin
blueberry toaster strudel
That's it. Plain old ã¿ãÂÅ¡.
the sauce is so bland that i have to load it with shitloads of parmesan or it'll be gross
white fudge flipz pretzels....
A brat, this is Wisconsin after all
Absolutely nothing, but I would kill for a banana right now. :(
bagle bittes
cool ranch doritos with sour cream
some kind of green juice n_u
an absolutely amazing peppermint sugar cookie thing
i usually hate mint in things like chocolate or pastries and ice cream and other sweets, but this is truly delicious hocuspocus;
fucking pizza rolls bitches
Quote from: Kaz on December 14, 2008, 11:49:29 AM
fucking pizza rolls bitches
fucking actual pizza bitch
an apple and juice doodella;
this is the first apple i've eaten in months baddood;
Quote from: YPR on December 14, 2008, 12:34:51 PM
fucking actual pizza bitch
i fucking had that yesterday you shitnigger
Quote from: Kaz on December 14, 2008, 08:56:03 PM
i fucking had that yesterday you shitnigger
well now I'm having tacos you mud duck
homefreis and homemade potato chips
Quote from: YPR on December 14, 2008, 09:38:55 PM
well now I'm having tacos you mud duck
yeah well i'm having spaghettios you titdick
homemade ice cream sammiches
they were the tastiest thing that involves cocoa i've ever made so far ;)
a blue sucker niggas
Quote from: Kaz on December 15, 2008, 10:52:36 AM
yeah well i'm having spaghettios you titdick
spaghettios suck
also, I'm having Five Guys
Quote from: YPR on December 15, 2008, 08:21:59 PM
spaghettios suck
also, I'm having Five Guys
Spaghettios are delicious.
Our last Oreo. :'(
And milk, of course. baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 16, 2008, 01:42:16 PM
Our last Oreo. :'(
And milk, of course. baddood;
I hope you premature age. baddood;
Also I had ice cream. :'(
Quote from: Det's Placenta on December 18, 2008, 01:08:22 PM
I hope you premature age. baddood;
Also I had ice cream. :'(
why akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 18, 2008, 01:23:17 PM
why akudood;
i had whipped cream
i already ate it straight from the can ;)
Quote from: Det's Placenta on December 18, 2008, 02:13:56 PM
i had whipped cream
i already ate it straight from the can ;)
why do you want me to get old :'(
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 18, 2008, 02:20:43 PM
why do you want me to get old :'(
oh chemical reactions caused by the sugars in yo food
Quote from: Det's Placenta on December 18, 2008, 02:29:00 PM
oh chemical reactions caused by the sugars in yo food
i don't actually eat sugary foods that often, it's just that i always eat them while on boyah so i always post about them here baddood;
pan cakes and strawberries
Quote from: TECTRINKET on December 18, 2008, 03:16:38 PM
i don't actually eat sugary foods that often, it's just that i always eat them while on boyah so i always post about them here baddood;
but you're always on boyah therefore you always eat them
Quote from: Det's Placenta on December 18, 2008, 03:53:04 PM
but you're always on boyah therefore you always eat them
amazing logic
Quote from: Det's Placenta on December 18, 2008, 03:53:04 PM
but you're always on boyah therefore you always eat them
i lol'd
i should have worded it better, what i meant was that whenever i eat them i'm on boyah
i just ate chili cheese dogs even though i'm sick
i could only eat one and a half
i ate a wheat bagel with a glass of v8 and sips of acai juice
i ate split pea soup ;-;
reese's sticks fuck yeah
motherfucking SKITTLES
some pizza with added cocks
I had peanut butter and fluff with milk for breakfast, but now I'm drinking coke.
Coke that Cola
banana nut my muffin
Top Ramen with Beef and Chicken flavors mixed giggle;
Hot chocolate. :3
Just ate 8 pieces of pizza (squares)
god damnit shoot me
Quote from: Wrenchninja on December 23, 2008, 05:48:39 PM
Just ate 8 pieces of pizza (squares)
god damnit shoot me
I eat more. n____n
Potato salad, green olives, and diet Coke.
im chewing some bubble gum.
and i forgot i was chewing it.
so i forgot to blow bubbles and that was the main reason i started chewing it.
I had taken a liking to crackers with double sharp cheddar cheese (in some log shape).
Tofu, lightly pan fried in sesame oil and oyster sauce with a hint of garlic
chickun noodull sup
fucking COKE
home made chocolate shake bassir;
vegetable thins and fucking apple juice and some cocks
Squirt. ;)
BBQ chicken pizza and coke, yummy yummy
I ate two eggs/
Puking my lasagna meal.
No more food for Tyler.
Quote from: Sam on January 03, 2009, 05:16:34 PM
BBQ chicken pizza and coke, yummy yummy
wow ur fat
A stuffed pepper and a Sprite
Tea and Goldfish baddood;
More tea. giggle;
A bunch of Pot of Gold chocolates and Pringles chips.
Silly indulging Thyme. :(
mister noodles that are craptastic..
and tea :)
the last vegetable wheat thins :'(
More tea. giggle; giggle;
Also I ordered a sub.
Quote from: Kefka on January 05, 2009, 05:10:00 PM
A stuffed pepper and a Sprite
I don't love peppers, but i love stuffed peppers. giggle;
Tea baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 07, 2009, 01:35:29 PM
hey me too toothdood;
Samezies. baddood;
One of these:
Quote from: ÃŽÂεάÃâ,¬ÃŽÂ¿ÃŽÂ»ÃŽÂ¹Ã‚ on January 07, 2009, 01:46:03 PM
Samezies. baddood;
One of these:
i'm eating a grilled cheese sandwich with more green tea baddood;
ranch wings
Snyder's of Hanover pretzels
I want some tea.
me and mikal are eating cherry jolly ranchers.
A delicious lean roast beef sandwich.
Wheat bread, low fat mayo, green bell peppers, lettuce, tomato, low fat cheese tenderly toasted with lean roast beef.
i am making more tea
Quote from: Tyler on January 08, 2009, 10:01:45 AM
A delicious lean roast beef sandwich.
Wheat bread, low fat mayo, green bell peppers, lettuce, tomato, low fat cheese tenderly toasted with lean roast beef.
what about the onions and mustard?
Quote from: l a c e y on January 08, 2009, 01:04:54 PM
what about the onions and mustard?
I didn't have any.
Besides, it's part of my new diet. No Mustard. saddood;
if you want a real roast beef sandwich you gotta make it with baby mozzarella and greens
oh and red pepper slices cjlubdoods;
I had a blueberry toaster strudel and orange/pineapple
cheese wiz and onion sandwich
Cajun Chicken Alfredo left over from Red Lobster. Mmmmmm.
Tea with a spot of lemon.
Quote from: Clair on January 10, 2009, 11:27:52 AM
Cajun Chicken Alfredo left over from Red Lobster. Mmmmmm.
you have good taste thumbup;
a ham and cheese hot pocket and some orange/carrot juice bassir;
Quote from: Paranormal Pancake on October 31, 2008, 10:32:09 PM
I'm eating a big ol' bag of M&Ms. sillydood;
big ol' bad of M&Ms is still there
ew sillydood;
Quote from: l a c e y on January 09, 2009, 11:40:53 AM
cheese wiz and onion sandwich
...What? akudood;
Also I had some grapes and a waffle. saddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 11, 2009, 10:02:05 AM
why did i laugh
because that's a fucking disgusting sandwich if you take it as the cheez whiz being on the sandwich
Quote from: Paranoid Pancake on January 11, 2009, 11:50:42 AM
because that's a fucking disgusting sandwich if you take it as the cheez whiz being on the sandwich
the cheese wiz is on the sandwich with the onions on whole wheat bread.
Quote from: l a c e y on January 11, 2009, 12:31:02 PM
the cheese wiz is on the sandwich with the onions on whole wheat bread.
yeah, that's gross
oh lacey n_u
also i'm drinking lemon iced tea hocuspocus;
pop tarts akudood;
I REALLY want nachos
instead I had a piece of cake tjhat I peeled the frosting off of because it was gross. ;-;
wild berry pop tart
Quote from: Sam on January 12, 2009, 03:54:53 PM
I REALLY want nachos
instead I had a piece of cake tjhat I peeled the frosting off of because it was gross. ;-;
I don't think frosting is supposed to peel >.<
Pizza. n_u
delicious motherfucking reese's peanut butter cups
im eating a cherry jolly rancher.
except it's making my throat dry.
I just made some pan-fried chicken breast with mushrooms and various delicious spices, along with some boiled carrots with brown sugar mixed in.
double chocolate muffin, even though i don't need it.
Quote from: l a c e y on January 14, 2009, 05:29:19 PM
double chocolate muffin, even though i don't need it.
who needs a double chocolate muffin?
Quote from: YPR on January 14, 2009, 07:49:46 PM
who needs a double chocolate muffin?
no one, but i especially don't need it, i'm fat enough akudood; akudood;
Quote from: Trevor on January 14, 2009, 03:30:59 PM
I just made some pan-fried chicken breast with mushrooms and various delicious spices, along with some boiled carrots with brown sugar mixed in.
holy christ that sounds delicious ;-;
flamin' hot cheetos thumbup;
Shrimp Ramen and some pepperoni on rye
Quote from: Paranoid Pancake on January 15, 2009, 12:34:34 PM
flamin' hot cheetos thumbup;
i usually love spicy food but for some reason flamin' hot cheetos are unbearable
the regular ones are better
also some kind of crazy artichoke hot pocket and cranberry juice
it's pretty amazing
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 15, 2009, 01:59:45 PM
i usually love spicy food but for some reason flamin' hot cheetos are unbearable
the regular ones are better
i love them and the normal ones
salad with ranch dressing.
milk and a lemon jelly donut from dunkin donuts
it's delicious
Fresh chocolate chip cookies. giggle;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 15, 2009, 01:59:45 PM
i usually love spicy food but for some reason flamin' hot cheetos are unbearable
the regular ones are better
Try the Chedder Jalapeno giggle;
delicious pancakes covered with whipped cream in a plate decorated with hearts giggle;
also milk
Grilled chicken sandwich, an apple and 1% milk.
Stupid diet. :(
Quote from: Mr. Bounce on January 20, 2009, 11:02:37 AM
Grilled chicken sandwich, an apple and 1% milk.
Stupid diet. :(
Wat, chicken is awesome
Quote from: YPR on January 20, 2009, 11:17:13 AM
Wat, chicken is awesome
Chicken is my favorite meat.
It's the milk that's killing me. I love whole milk, but refuse to drink it.
Quote from: Mr. Bounce on January 20, 2009, 11:18:55 AM
Chicken is my favorite meat.
It's the milk that's killing me. I love whole milk, but refuse to drink it.
... why
Quote from: Mr. Bounce on January 20, 2009, 11:23:17 AM
I'm drinking 1% now. :(
Bah, I think milk is healthy enough for you to drink it... Exercise is better than any diet
i remember when my mom made us all switch to 1 or 2% milk
i hated it :'(
But now, on the rare occasion we do get 100% milk, I can taste all of the fat. myface;
i now prefer 1%
i have to drink whole milk lol
I only drink whole milk, but I only drink it once in awhile.
My mom tried to get me to switch over to soy milk, oh god that was disgusting.
Quote from: Parrot Pancake on January 20, 2009, 04:35:22 PM
I only drink whole milk, but I only drink it once in awhile.
My mom tried to get me to switch over to soy milk, oh god that was disgusting.
It's actually pretty good once you get the taste for it.
Quote from: Impish Misdemeanor on January 20, 2009, 04:30:42 PM
i have to drink whole milk lol
See? And look how skinny jmv is. Whole is fine baddood;
Quote from: YPR on January 20, 2009, 04:57:28 PM
See? And look how skinny jmv is. Whole is fine baddood;
But my metabolism is also equivalent to a dead granny's. hocuspocus;
did you no babies drink homo millk?
what the fuck is that lol
mmmm homoginised milk, such a rarity
A sub sandwich.
Wheat bread, oven roasted chicken, low fat cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, bell peppers, onions, and low fat mayo.
French Onion Sunchips.
A bottle of water.
My favorite lunch so far. thumbup;
A turkey sub from Subway... Their lettuce sucks
Quote from: YPR on January 21, 2009, 11:13:47 AM
A turkey sub from Subway... Their lettuce sucks
That's where I got my sub from. Except the lettuce was good and crisp.
Quote from: Mr. Bounce on January 21, 2009, 11:22:30 AM
That's where I got my sub from. Except the lettuce was good and crisp.
It's horrible, way too crunchy... why can't they use actually leaves instead of iceberg... nuggets or whatever the hell they're supposed to be
Quote from: Booker T on January 21, 2009, 12:01:40 PM
It's horrible, way too crunchy... why can't they use actually leaves instead of iceberg... nuggets or whatever the hell they're supposed to be
I like lettuce like that. akudood;
Quote from: Mr. Bounce on January 21, 2009, 12:04:31 PM
I like lettuce like that. akudood;
Well you're just weird then akudood;
Quote from: Booker T on January 21, 2009, 12:06:21 PM
Well you're just weird then akudood;
I won't disagree with that. n_u
candied penis
peach yougurt
I really don't like lettuce at all.
but then i like spinach n_u and right now i just have more tea
Quote from: Parrot Pancake on January 21, 2009, 02:33:53 PM
I really don't like lettuce at all.
but then i like spinach n_u and right now i just have more tea
I like spinach as long as it's not cooked.
I use it with lettuce.
A tablespoon of homemade caramel. thumbup;
A nice cold Mountain Dew
A nice, cold Mountain Dew.
I just ate a taco.
it was nice
Scrambled eggs, smoked beans and bacon. :3
Broccoli and Beef.
Nothing. I'm limiting myself to two meals a day.
Pizza rolls
delicious home made muffins and delicious home made limeade because we're out of lemons
Stride Sweet Berry gum... it truly is amazing
Chocolate cake. It's covered in some kind of nut. baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 25, 2009, 12:36:00 PM
Chocolate cake. It's covered in some kind of nut. baddood;
Almond baddood;
Quote from: YPR on January 25, 2009, 12:39:15 PM
Almond baddood;
actually i think they're walnuts baddood;
i don't even like walnuts but this cake is amazing
some kind of blueberry cake thing
also delicious but i liked the chocolate one more
Quote from: PUDDING on January 24, 2009, 10:21:28 AM
Nothing. I'm limiting myself to two meals a day.
You should try five little meals.
Quote from: Brooks on January 26, 2009, 10:12:49 AM
You should try five little meals.
Well, according to Weight Watchers, that's what I'm supposed to do. I have a 35 point limit for the day.
My meal, which was Salisbury steak, mac 'n' cheese, and toast (part of their meal system you can buy) was 5 points.
It's working well I must say. I've been eating with the point system, and haven't had any hunger pains.
Just occasional munchies where I'm used to eating fatty snacks.
Ramen :(
Quote from: PUDDING on January 26, 2009, 10:20:36 AM
Well, according to Weight Watchers, that's what I'm supposed to do. I have a 35 point limit for the day.
My meal, which was Salisbury steak, mac 'n' cheese, and toast (part of their meal system you can buy) was 5 points.
It's working well I must say. I've been eating with the point system, and haven't had any hunger pains.
Just occasional munchies where I'm used to eating fatty snacks.
How many calories is 35 points?
Quote from: JMV on January 26, 2009, 10:58:36 AM
How many calories is 35 points?
I honestly have no idea. I could dig the box out of the garbage for the 5 points I had.
There is a way to eat meals without having to buy Weight Watchers merchandise. You add up all the calories, fat, etc...
But I'm not sure how. I just stick to the meals. goonish
Sloppy Joe, fries, carrots, grapes, an oatmeal raisin cookie, and some Pepsi
Quote from: YPR on January 26, 2009, 12:05:47 PM
Sloppy Joe, fries, carrots, grapes, an oatmeal raisin cookie, and some Pepsi
It sounds delicious. >.<
Quote from: PUDDING on January 26, 2009, 12:31:11 PM
It sounds delicious. >.<
It was ok... as good as dorm cafeteria food gets I suppose
Weight Watchers meal #2.
Mexican rice, pinto beans, beef, and corn covered in low-fat sour cream and shredded cheese. hocuspocus;
i'm eating an apple
let's see how long it takes before i get heartburn
ok i have heartburn
about five minutes bassir;
For lunch, I'm eating scrambled eggs lightly covered in shredded cheese and Toast with less than 45 calories.
For the eggs, I lightly crack the egg shells, drop it in the bowl, add a pinch of salt and pepper, a splash of 1% milk (Whole milk is better, but this whole diet thing restricts me) and mix it all together.
The milk gives the eggs a moist feeling, so they'll never feel dry and rubbery.
Then, with a small pan, I lightly glaze it with margarine, both for flavor and to keep the eggs from sticking. It adds a guilt-free butter taste while I eat. giggle;
The margarine serves as an alternative to butter, and it gives the eggs a creamy feel.
I may be on a diet, but I still get to eat good. giggle;
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 27, 2009, 10:21:04 AM
For lunch, I'm eating scrambled eggs lightly covered in shredded cheese and Toast with less than 45 calories.
How is that possible? psyduck;
An egg alone is 70 calories. Also, a slice of wheat is 80.
Quote from: JMV on January 27, 2009, 10:25:23 AM
How is that possible? psyduck;
An egg alone is 70 calories.
I'm talking about the toast.
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 27, 2009, 10:26:31 AM
I'm talking about the toast.
what kind of bread do you have lol
delicious homemade chicken soup
what the lol
I just ate two twinkies and a pack of nutty bars. giggle;
Quote from: JMV on January 27, 2009, 10:27:57 AM
what kind of bread do you have lol
I admit, I should have worded that better.
Sara Lee 45 Calories and Delightful. giggle;
Edit: I don't know why I said less than 45. It's 45 per slice. goonish
Oh well. I'm happy they make bread for me. cjlubdoods;
Exercise and you can have some nice 80 calorie bread
frozen yogurt baddood;
Quote from: YPR on January 27, 2009, 10:44:11 AM
Exercise and you can have some nice 80 calorie bread
Actually, I like this bread a lot. I may stick to it.
Oh, and it's freezing outside and rainy so I'm pretty much stuck in my house. :O
I guess I could play Wii Boxing.
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 27, 2009, 10:47:08 AM
Actually, I like this bread a lot. I may stick to it.
Oh, and it's freezing outside and rainy so I'm pretty much stuck in my house. :O
I guess I could play Wii Boxing.
Sit ups and push ups baddood;
eating another twinkie and package of nutty abrs.
My mom should ahve known better than to leave these where I can find them. giggle;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 27, 2009, 07:46:49 PM
ew grapefruit juice is only good for breakfast
Quote from: Sam on January 27, 2009, 08:14:19 PM
ew grapefruit juice is only good for breakfast
i added sugar so it's drinkable at all times
plus there's nothing else to drink
they're probably extremely unhealthy but sure help yourself n_u
cranberry juice and smoking
strawberry frosted donut from dunkin donuts
and some milk
chocolate cake
and, of course, milk
6th twinkie since yesterday.
Tec, how is it you can eat all those sweets and still be a pencil? gonk;
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 28, 2009, 12:26:12 PM
Tec, how is it you can eat all those sweets and still be a pencil? gonk;
magic wariodood;
[spoiler]all this magic will probably be gone by the time i'm 30 though :'([/spoiler]
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 28, 2009, 12:28:51 PM
magic wariodood;
[spoiler]all this magic will probably be gone by the time i'm 30 though :'([/spoiler]
It makes me jealous.... smithicide;
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 28, 2009, 12:31:29 PM
It makes me jealous.... smithicide;
You can still eat pretty well even if your diet's restricted.
I mean, just look at what you had for lunch yesterday. baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 28, 2009, 12:33:13 PM
You can still eat pretty well even if your diet's restricted.
I mean, just look at what you had for lunch yesterday. baddood;
I know.
BUT I'M OUT OF FOOD. smithicide;
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 28, 2009, 12:34:54 PM
I know.
BUT I'M OUT OF FOOD. smithicide;
i think i would cry :'(
Quote from: Sam on January 28, 2009, 12:25:41 PM
6th twinkie since yesterday.
I would jokingly say you're fat, but you'd probably take me seriously n_u
Iced tea with Splenda. n_u
tuna noodle casserole
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 28, 2009, 04:36:57 PM
oh god, you're probably better off using regular sugar
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 28, 2009, 04:56:17 PM
oh god, you're probably better off using regular sugar
I know Sweet'n'Low is cancer in a pinkpack...
So why is Splenda bad?
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 28, 2009, 05:09:36 PM
I know Sweet'n'Low is cancer in a pinkpack...
So why is Splenda bad?
Any of that fake stuff tends to be bad for you... stick to natural ingredients.
Also, Splenda has chlorine in it...
I guess I should stick to unsweetened tea.
Quote from: Mr. Mustachio on January 28, 2009, 06:04:45 PM
I guess I should stick to unsweetened tea.
Tastes better than the sweet stuff anyway hocuspocus;
Quote from: YPR on January 28, 2009, 06:13:04 PM
Tastes better than the sweet stuff anyway hocuspocus;
yeah, and don't put cream in it like the brits either
Quote from: Brooks on January 29, 2009, 07:19:53 AM
yeah, and don't put cream in it like the brits either
I only put cream in it if it's Chai tea. And since the diet, I use soy milk instead of cream.
lemon jelly donut
7 up
poppy seed bagel
cream cheese baddood;
Quote from: Geno on January 29, 2009, 06:50:38 PM
that's what beat on maggie and the ferocious beast wears.
or is that not the same thing.
Quote from: Liopleurodon on January 29, 2009, 09:00:19 PM
that's what beat on maggie and the ferocious beast wears.
or is that not the same thing.
galoshes are boots
goulash is food
jelly donut
tea motha fucka.
an empanada full of cheese
god i love spanish food baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 30, 2009, 09:55:47 PM
an empanada full of cheese
god i love spanish food baddood;
me encanta comida espanola tambien
Quote from: Trevor on January 31, 2009, 08:37:18 AM
me encanta comida espanola tambien
tu tienes gran gusto thumbup;
y estoy comiendo yogur de arándano
currently sucking a banana
Drinking Mountain Dew Voltage
apple raspberry juice.
a starburst.
granola bar.
Quote from: TECTRINKET on January 31, 2009, 10:28:21 PM
tu tienes gran gusto thumbup;
y estoy comiendo yogur de arándano
Quote from: Trevor on January 31, 2009, 08:37:18 AM
me encanta comida espanola tambien
omg people on the internet who aren't spanish who actually use decent spanish grammar. O_0
anyway comere nutter bars en diez minutos mas o menos, pero necesito trabajar un poco antes de ganare mi comida deliciosa. ;-;
clam chowdah
Quote from: Geno on February 03, 2009, 07:31:38 PM
clam chowdah
I wish we had that vomit emote. Cause I need it right now.
Quote from: KING OF ALL COSMOS on February 03, 2009, 08:57:38 PM
I wish we had that vomit emote. Cause I need it right now.
Homemade clam chowder it's delicious
Quote from: Sam on February 03, 2009, 06:08:09 PM
omg people on the internet who aren't spanish who actually use decent spanish grammar. O_0
anyway comere nutter bars en diez minutos mas o menos, pero necesito trabajar un poco antes de ganare mi comida deliciosa. ;-;
if you met me in real life you'd probably think i was half mexican from all the spanish i speak
pasta and shrimps
apple jolly rancher
The Natural pizza from Pizza Hut. It's good. giggle;
Quote from: Trevor on February 04, 2009, 05:39:16 AM
if you met me in real life you'd probably think i was half mexican from all the spanish i speak
i suck at spanish so i never use it in real life girl;
Delivery pizza. :3
Carryout pizza
It was kind of burnt though
appy sauces and moutain dew.
Quote from: Thyme on February 04, 2009, 02:21:07 PM
Delivery pizza. :3
It's not delivery, it's
DiGiorno Delissio. maps;
Quote from: Parrot Pancake on February 07, 2009, 02:03:14 PM
It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno Delissio. maps;
I didn't even know Americans had that commercial too. maps;
Anyway, nah, it was actually delivery. For muh burthday. hocuspocus;
Pizza for your birthday?
Quote from: ClassicTyler on February 07, 2009, 09:11:29 PM
Pizza for your birthday?
I know it's not too glamorous, but I wasn't supposed to get any kind of special dinner to begin with. We were supposed to eat some boring stew, but then I half-jokingly brought up the idea of getting pizza delivered instead since it was my birthday.
I got the pizza. hocuspocus;
Well, it certainly worked out for you. giggle;
Quote from: ClassicTyler on February 07, 2009, 09:11:29 PM
Pizza for your birthday?
I almost always have pizza for my birthday baddood;
sponge cake and milk
I just ate a delicious banana nut muffin.
oh god yes
an apple
i'm going to get heartburn again, but i'm manly enough to handle it badass
Anyway, a tuna sandwich and some fruit punch. baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on February 09, 2009, 06:35:52 PM
sorry i just don't eat
Chicken Sandwich. akudood;
Jalapeno Poppers. giggle;
pasta salad and hawaiian punch baddood;
a donut
Mountain Dew. happydood;
i made a slushie out of iced tea
it tastes alright i guess
i'm also eating some fries, they're okay
Peach tea. cjlubdoods;
Macaroni salad that's a few days old.
Papa John's Pizza
Quote from: YPR on February 15, 2009, 06:47:15 PM
Best delivery chain thumbup;
Oh you and your sarcasm. thumbup;
Quote from: Probably Felt on February 16, 2009, 09:43:58 AM
Oh you and your sarcasm. thumbup;
Well it's better than Little Caeser's, Domino's, or Pizza Hut... I don't remember any other huge corporate pizza delivery places outside of those 4
Quote from: YPR on February 16, 2009, 11:25:20 AM
Well it's better than Little Caeser's, Domino's, or Pizza Hut... I don't remember any other huge corporate pizza delivery places outside of those 4
Our Little Ceaser's got butt raped by Domino's and Pizza Hut and our Domino's got shut down for unknown reasons. ;_;
celery with ranch dip.
Quote from: YPR on February 16, 2009, 12:00:33 PM
Did you eat the yolk too
are you glad for my consumption of ovoalbumin, ovoglobulin, and ovomucin
Quote from: Probably Felt on February 16, 2009, 12:09:49 PM
are you glad for my consumption of ovoalbumin, ovoglobulin, and ovomucin
it has the most nutrients of any part of the egg
I'm currently eating taquitos with ranch. I'm craving Ameretto Sour. I don't know how to spell that. But I need one. Or five.
Quote from: YPR on February 16, 2009, 12:15:46 PM
it has the most nutrients of any part of the egg
and three times the calories baddood;
Quote from: Brooks on February 17, 2009, 12:15:20 PM
and three times the calories baddood;
Which is still a very small number of calories
Quote from: YPR on February 17, 2009, 12:23:37 PM
Which is still a very small number of calories
That's what thin people always say before they become fat. baddood;
Quote from: Brooks on February 17, 2009, 03:18:37 PM
That's what thin people always say before they become fat. baddood;
I'll let you know when my cankles kick in
Quote from: YPR on February 17, 2009, 03:49:42 PM
Enjoying my consonance eh?
I'm just savoring the moment and enjoying the pun is all.
papa johns again thumbup;
Breyer's chocolate ice cream.
Baked eggplant covered with Parmesan cheese and angel hair pasta in a Mediterranean blend with chicken.
Eggplant is such a funny word. Tastes odd too, but I kind of like it.
gummi bears
Coors Light... why the fuck am I drinking with these lazy fuckers
Quote from: YPR on February 20, 2009, 08:09:48 PM
Coors Light... why the fuck am I drinking with these lazy fuckers
Go drink with real party animals.
Just had my first Gyro... it was good, not something I'd eat every week, but pretty tasy all in all
I just had a really great bean and cheese burrito with pico de gallo and guacamole :)
now I am drinking horchata.
I am eating shrimp and for some raisin it tastes like iron. ;___-;
Eating a lollipop. Literally, a lollipop. Not a sucker.
A homemade hamburger and some pink lemonade. hocuspocus;
Quote from: Wrenchninja on February 22, 2009, 05:39:23 PM
Eating a lollipop. Literally, a lollipop. Not a sucker.
What's the difference between the two? huhdoodame;
i thought they were the same thing
Quote from: TECTRINKET on February 22, 2009, 06:08:08 PM
What's the difference between the two? huhdoodame;
i thought they were the same thing
There's no official definition, but I tend to think of the spherical pops as suckers and the flat, round ones as lollipops
i just call them all lollipops befuddlement
Quote from: YPR on February 22, 2009, 06:10:06 PM
There's no official definition, but I tend to think of the spherical pops as suckers and the flat, round ones as lollipops
YPR is correct.
hershey's chocolate bar
Just had my first California roll (aka sushi). It was really tasty, and I could really taste the crab. Didn't use any of the wasabi though.
Quote from: TECTRINKET on February 22, 2009, 06:08:08 PM
What's the difference between the two? huhdoodame;
i thought they were the same thing
They are the same thing. They're complete synonyms.
utterly amazing chocolate hearts
i'm down to my last one :'(
Quote from: TECTRINKET on February 24, 2009, 06:35:44 PM
utterly amazing chocolate hearts
i'm down to my last one :'(
I sold mines or gave them away.
In the recent hour I've consumed two eggs mixed in with some fat free milk and some black pepper, oregano, and spices with some romano and mozzarella while being between two pieces of garlic bread and white american. <3
Lemon pepper chicken, broccoli, and string beans. giggle;
Some Chinese food.
A slice of mushroom pizza, a slice of cheese pizza, and some iced tea.
i hate pizza hut and domino's and all those other huge pizza companies but we got it for free so i can't complain befuddlement
the very last cherry toaster strudel :'(
and some milk
Quote from: Raekewn on February 28, 2009, 10:49:25 AM
"Is it Any Wonder?" - Keane
I always thought that I knew
I'd always have the right to
be living in the kingdom of the good and true and so on
But now I think I was wrong
and you were laughing along
And now I look a fool for thinking you were on...
My side,
Is it any wonder I'm tired?
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight?
Is it any wonder I don't know what's right?
You dumbfuck you posted in the fucking wrong thread.
Quote from: Probably Felt on February 28, 2009, 10:52:53 AM
You dumbfuck you posted in the fucking wrong thread.
oh god lol
grilled cheese and mushrooms made with french bread
and some cottage cheese
pineapple pizza baddood;
fruit loops badass
some delicious, orgasmic pizza
beautiful strawberry yogurt
every time i look in this thread tec always has posted at least two things on the page lol.
Quote from: lacette on March 01, 2009, 12:40:30 PM
every time i look in this thread tec always has posted at least two things on the page lol.
what can i say, i love this thread spam;
well, I just finished a glass of rice milk giggle;
Quote from: Skylark on March 01, 2009, 05:07:25 PM
well, I just finished a glass of rice milk giggle;
To be completely honest, that just made me have a horrible daydream of rice with nipples
Quote from: YPR on March 01, 2009, 06:11:53 PM
To be completely honest, that just made me have a horrible daydream of rice with nipples
Also, baby carrots and ranch dressing. giggle;
Mint hot chocolate and poptarts.
it's nearly 1:00 AM and yet i'm eating a homemade chocolate milkshake covered in whipped cream hocuspocus;
now i'm cold :'(
chick filet
Homemade Chili and Coke Zero. akudood; It's hot.
baby carrots and ranch dressing.
Quote from: lacette on March 03, 2009, 04:39:32 PM
baby carrots and ranch dressing.
copycat baddood;
I just had pasta salad for dinner. bassir;
how am i a copy cat akudood;
lol nevermind i never read the above post.
swedish fish :3
cheez doodles, obviously
banana bread my mom made me while i was at school.
what a lovely woman.
cheeerios and black berries
No eggs today.
Homemade burritos.
and some thin mints
Beer... wish I had something to eat
raspberry yogurt
Red fruits are the best. n_u
i ated a butter
2 bean burritos and mashed potatoes... no meat today
ramen noodles akudood;
the whole box?
Quote from: YPR on March 01, 2009, 06:11:53 PM
To be completely honest, that just made me have a horrible daydream of rice with nipples
I have no idea what rice with nipples is
but I am eating a piece of veggie pizza and it's really tasty
my 5th piece of bbq chicken pizza in the past two days and some macaroni salad with arizona sweet green tea.
Quote from: Skylark on March 08, 2009, 11:43:14 AM
I have no idea what rice with nipples is
idk why I took the time to draw this but.
Quote from: Raekewn on March 08, 2009, 11:59:49 AM
idk why I took the time to draw this but.
i think i'm going to cry
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 08, 2009, 12:00:29 PM
i think i'm going to cry
do you know how hard it is to draw breasts on a grain of rice? :|
Quote from: Raekewn on March 08, 2009, 11:59:49 AM
idk why I took the time to draw this but.
LOL that was awesome.
Quote from: Raekewn on March 08, 2009, 11:59:49 AM
idk why I took the time to draw this but.
i don't like it :(
Quote from: Skylark on March 08, 2009, 12:05:31 PM
i don't like it :(
damn rice is a whore. akudood;
also i had a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread earlier
AND CLUCKY IT WAS REAL WHEAT NOT DYED. It had no HFCS or anything. giggle;
Quote from: Raekewn on March 08, 2009, 11:59:49 AM
idk why I took the time to draw this but.
Quote from: Hooded Justice on March 08, 2009, 03:01:42 PM
tinypic hates my rice tits.
apple donut from dunkin donuts baddood;
macaroni and cheese
An Oh Henry. Damn, I hadn't had a chocolate bar in a really long time. O_0
Quote from: Thyme on March 09, 2009, 05:17:25 PM
An Oh Henry. Damn, I hadn't had a chocolate bar in a really long time. O_0
Those things are awesome
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 06, 2009, 07:59:11 PM
pizza and some MILK
Nothing because I'm sad because of someone. giggle;
Quote from: Probably Felt on March 10, 2009, 02:18:43 PM
Nothing because I'm sad because of someone. giggle;
oh cool.
i'm ecstatic with what you did and how you are making me feel so much better.
pizza and snapple
trail mix
who's bright idea was it to make trail mix without m&ms
chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and milk bassir;
Today I ate half a cup of pudding and half a gatorade.
ramen and i just finished a dr. pepper
baked doritos and grapefruit juice wariodood;
a piece of whole grain toast with butter on it.
rice crispies cereal akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 10, 2009, 02:15:09 PM
pizza and some MILK
I just had that :)
amazing veggie pizza and some SOY milk
Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. giggle;
A hamburger and a milkshake from Checkers.
It's been quite a while since I've last had fast food. befuddlement
Gobstoppers. Thanks to Nate. baddood;
barbecue pringles and a chocoloate frosted donut
it's a really gross combination
iced tea befuddlement
toast and fried eggs whoop whoop.
st. patrick's day sugar cookies and milk wariodood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 15, 2009, 11:34:43 AM
st. patrick's day sugar cookies and milk wariodood;
you shouldn't be eating those.
it's not st. patricks day.
Quote from: lacette on March 15, 2009, 11:36:57 AM
you shouldn't be eating those.
it's not st. patricks day.
I know. I feel like one of those kids who secretly open their presents before Christmas. smithicide;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 15, 2009, 11:42:15 AM
I know. I feel like one of those kids who secretly open their presents before Christmas. smithicide;
totino's beautiful pizza rolls
they were $1.00 for a box of 15 i couldn't resist bassir;
oh and nesquick double chocolate milk, $0.50 a bottle baddood;
delicious apple pie from checkers and a milk shake
more iced tea akudood; goowan
delicious blueberry pomegranate yogurt cjlubdoods;
chicken tenders.
which are much better than Nips by the way
you guys broke my posting streak madood;
Anyway, pizza rolls and fruit punch. cjlubdoods;
Quote from: YPR on March 18, 2009, 10:53:55 AM
which are much better than Nips by the way
shut the fuck up
Quote from: YPR on March 18, 2009, 10:53:55 AM
which are much better than Nips by the way
This is true.
I'm eating some Starburst.
Home-grown pizza bagels and iced tea. scarecrowdood;
Cheez-Its baddood;
a sprite
i hate sprite doodthing;
Quote from: ROCK LOBSTER on March 19, 2009, 06:36:52 PM
a sprite
i hate sprite doodthing;
you piece of shit thats what im drinking
Home made applesauce cookies with chocolate chips. happydood;
Quote from: FAMY2 on March 20, 2009, 10:12:17 AM
Home made applesauce cookies with chocolate chips. happydood;
Never heard of those before. n_u
Banana bread. Which is cake. baddood;
i tried making a smoothie but the blender exploded before i could add much ice akudood;
so the blender's dead and there's mess everywhere and the smoothie's way too sweet wry
Some popcorn, mmmm.
Quote from: Thyme on March 20, 2009, 11:19:19 AM
Banana bread. Which is cake. baddood;
are you retarded
post a picture of this "cake"
Quote from: Emperor LXXXVI on March 20, 2009, 11:01:32 AM
Never heard of those before. n_u
Some recipe from a really old cook book. happydood;
Quote from: FAMY2 on March 20, 2009, 01:19:41 PM
Some recipe from a really old cook book. happydood;
Mind sharing? happydood;
green tea and a veggie wrap :)
Quote from: Emperor LXXXVI on March 20, 2009, 01:28:29 PM
Mind sharing? happydood;
Help yourself. Plenty to go around. n_u
pizza rolls with marinara sauce
iced tea scarecrowdood;
chips ahoy cookies cmongler;
Quote from: lacette on March 21, 2009, 12:27:09 PM
that boy is cute.
also i am eating ice cream with fructose from its anal canal
Quote from: lacette on March 21, 2009, 12:27:09 PM
that boy is cute.
Well he goes here, maybe someday you'll meet him n_u
Quote from: WISCONSIN FUCKING WINS!!!! on March 21, 2009, 12:29:03 PM
Well he goes here, maybe someday you'll meet him n_u
i know he goes here.
i'm pretty sure i commented on his picture onetime and told him he was cute.
Some ice tea with lemon.
Peach lemon iced tea and a giant soft pretzel. baddood;
frosted flakes toothdood;
eggs and cheese inside some pita bread
Quote from: â‚€₩₦ on March 22, 2009, 08:02:57 AM
eggs and cheese inside some pita bread
omg i love pita bread.
mostly just by it's self.
Quote from: lacette on March 22, 2009, 08:06:03 AM
omg i love pita bread.
mostly just by it's self.
also i don't feel like eating today
kraft cheese crackers, they were $1.00 a box
they're not bad i guess befuddlement
and some kind of fruit punch
Quote from: Nymphet on March 22, 2009, 08:40:26 AM
also i don't feel like eating today
don't then akudood;
Quote from: lacette on March 22, 2009, 08:47:45 AM
don't then akudood;
don't encourage her scarecrowdood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 22, 2009, 08:51:36 AM
don't encourage her scarecrowdood;
you guys are bad influences akudood;
lol. my bad.
kraft dinner.
oatmeal with apples. :3
Quote from: FAMY2 on March 22, 2009, 09:38:53 AM
oatmeal with apples. :3
oatmeal with blueberries :3
Just had butter pecan ice cream. Not my favorite at all, but I had an ice cream craving and it's all we had.
Quote from: Wrenchninja on March 22, 2009, 06:27:10 PM
Just had butter pecan ice cream. Not my favorite at all, but I had an ice cream craving and it's all we had.
Oh, yucky.
Some brownies and a glass of milk.
Bagel w/ cream cheese, carrots, hot dog, french fries, fish sticks, and a pepsi
Quote from: YPR on March 23, 2009, 12:21:46 PM
Bagel w/ cream cheese, carrots, hot dog, french fries, fish sticks, and a pepsi
that's a lot
i'm eating cheese nipples
a slice of cheese n a coffee
ham and cheese sammich on wheat bread
it's not dyed clucky, it's actual wheat without hfcs, artificial shit, etc.
tuna on wheat and chocolate milk cjlubdoods;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 23, 2009, 05:21:34 PM
Tuna is disgusting. I seriously cannot stand the smell of it.
Quote from: Emperor LXXXVI on March 23, 2009, 05:38:27 PM
Tuna is disgusting. I seriously cannot stand the smell of it.
i like tuna, but i agree about the foul stench
i'm not so sure i'm fond of ingesting mercury either akudood;
Quote from: Emperor LXXXVI on March 23, 2009, 05:38:27 PM
Tuna is disgusting. I seriously cannot stand the smell of it.
guess what
faggots lube theirselves with tuna before fucking akudood;
Quote from: Nymphet on March 23, 2009, 05:58:27 PM
guess what
faggots lube theirselves with tuna before fucking akudood;
ask;dlfhjn;alkbnvik;ujaolnergfjunb qioguhnsdfknja;ksbioauqergjn'lksdafnbiabigu;hnosadlfknl;jkasdguitgbohna
Quote from: Emperor LXXXVI on March 23, 2009, 05:38:27 PM
Tuna is disgusting. I seriously cannot stand the smell of it.
yeah this.
or salmon.
Quote from: Nymphet on March 23, 2009, 05:58:27 PM
guess what
faggots lube theirselves with tuna before fucking akudood;
I laughed so hard
and tuna is disgusting, yes
original m&m's cjlubdoods;
Quote from: Nymphet on March 23, 2009, 05:58:27 PM
guess what
faggots lube theirselves with tuna before fucking akudood;
i laughed
a piece of pita bread with cream cheese and a coffee
apple jacks akudood;
this is what i ate today:
4 slices of white american
grape and strawberry puree
how do you eat your eggs?
and i mean like how do you cook them or whatever,
strawberry danish niggers
Quote from: lacette on March 25, 2009, 07:28:52 PM
how do you eat your eggs?
and i mean like how do you cook them or whatever,
yes i cook them with a mist of PAM
no external fats <3
also i ate a small croissant with no oil/sugar added
i relied on substitutes because i'm severely retarded
i will go on a no sugar and small amount of fat diet so i can get proteins and look like i'm healthy n__n
lmfao, so are they fried..
or like scrambled..
Quote from: lacette on March 25, 2009, 08:46:08 PM
lmfao, so are they fried..
or like scrambled..
i don't use oil so they're not fried
i guess they're scrambled
it's like an omelet but in a really deformed way
oh okay.
well when i make fried eggs i put a little bit of butter on the bottom of the stupid pan.
rice crispies and lemon iced tea baddood;
An ice cream bar. goowan
pizza goldfish
which I'm allergic to but i don't care they're SO DELICIOUS
i just finished my tacos and now i'm finishing off a snapple
A nice bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
egg and cheese casserole
egg sammich
3 cups of veggies
Quote from: Emperor LXXXVI on March 26, 2009, 06:45:58 PM
A nice bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
do want ;_;
A donut and milk. hocuspocus;
Quote from: Nymphet on March 26, 2009, 06:57:11 PM
egg and cheese casserole
egg sammich
3 cups of veggies
Don't you get bored of so many eggs?
Quote from: Thyme on March 26, 2009, 06:57:24 PM
do want ;_;
It's one of those small containers though so there isn't much left. :[
Quote from: Emperor LXXXVI on March 26, 2009, 08:52:43 PM
Don't you get bored of so many eggs?
It's one of those small containers though so there isn't much left. :[
dont you get bored from so much shit :|
a caramel pretzel klondike bar cjlubdoods;
Quote from: Nymphet on March 27, 2009, 03:00:26 AM
dont you get bored from so much shit :|
no not really
everything because im just so fat goowan
I'm drinking about my fifth Pepsi on the day.
just finished bagelsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 28, 2009, 07:56:04 AM
what the hell are those.
why don't you just eat cheerios.
Coffee with a bit of soy milk.
My dad joined this thing where they send you all sorts of types of coffee (also a two nice cups and two thermoses) and we have... so much coffee now so I am trying to help him out by drinking a lot of it.
He even said I should have a coffee party.
I've had this piece of gum in my mouth for over 12 hours now
i'm not hungry now though
This is what I had today:
A flatbread with cuban seasoning and chicken and some provolone cheese
4 sticks of string cheese
a yogurt
two glasses of wine
3 eggs
and uuh i think thats it
Quote from: lacette on March 28, 2009, 08:47:58 AM
what the hell are those.
why don't you just eat cheerios.
because they are so much better cjlubdoods;
currently eating another klondike bar wariodood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on March 28, 2009, 11:16:58 AM
because they are so much better cjlubdoods;
currently eating another klondike bar wariodood;
well, they look the exact same as cheerios.
plus i hate those commericals that were all like "what would you do for a klondike bar la la la"
but i was always like "well i'd go to a fucking store and buy one, that's what i would do, assholes"
now i hate them cause there commericals sucked.
Quote from: lacette on March 28, 2009, 11:24:03 AM
well, they look the exact same as cheerios.
plus i hate those commericals that were all like "what would you do for a klondike bar la la la"
but i was always like "well i'd go to a fucking store and buy one, that's what i would do, assholes"
now i hate them cause there commericals sucked.
the only klondike bar i've ever liked is the caramel pretzel one which is the one i was eating
all the other kinds suck
cheese crackas
a banana baddood;
homemade meatball hero and iced tea cjlubdoods;
flavor blasted pizza goldfis + mountain dew
lol goldfis
Quote from: im on a boat on March 28, 2009, 09:46:17 PM
flavor blasted pizza goldfis + mountain dew
but they make my mouth and lips itchy ;-; I think that makes me like them more
I want some of Corky's BBQ nachos. ;____;
Pancakes, eggs and orange juice. ;__;
a giant soft pretzel and iced tea
Two double stacks from Wendy's.
jelly beans that produce tons of energy
baby carrots and ranch dressing with a coffee.
i could swear i was eating twisted cheetos but now they are pineapple chunks
Cup noodles! ^_^
pierogies and porn
i mean corn
ice cream cones bar cjlubdoods;
I just had some pizza and some awesome jalapenos.
homemade chocolate milkshake cjlubdoods;
we have no vanilla akudood;
I've got your vanilla right here, Tec. yes;
I got a cherry limeade.
macaroni & cheese and ceviche hocuspocus;
I must say, ceviche is quite good hocuspocus;
mac and cheese
Quote from: lacette on April 04, 2009, 09:35:36 AM
mac and cheese
but i thought you hated it scarecrowdood;
or is that just homemade macaroni and cheese
Quote from: TECTRINKET on April 04, 2009, 09:40:25 AM
but i thought you hated it scarecrowdood;
or is that just homemade macaroni and cheese
just home made.
i'm all about the box kinds.
homemade pizza
Quote from: Skylark on April 04, 2009, 10:18:52 AM
one day I want to make pizza.
oatmeal biscuit.
oh it is really easy to do
remember to add baking soda since most recipes do not call for it
it makes the dough fluffy instead of crunchy <3
JMV, i'm drinkin tea.
that totally rhymed.
also chewing trident
I just had soda for the first time in months. akudood;
a salad cjlubdoods;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on April 04, 2009, 01:59:39 PM
I just had soda for the first time in months. akudood;
Feels good, man. hocuspocus;
olive garden
it's like eating in the private kitchen of a delightful italian stereotype
ginger ale :)
Quote from: Nyerp on April 04, 2009, 03:31:30 PM
olive garden
it's like eating in the private kitchen of a delightful italian stereotype
what exactly is stereotyped again
i'm eating a campbells tomato soup at hand
it's really good when you dip a cheese stick in
A bowl of cereal whilst I'm waiting for my pizza to cook.
The pizza and iced tea.
Silly David. giggle;
Lemonade. happydood;
i just had a great dinner of chicken, spanish rice, and mashed potatos
now i'm chewing gum
taco bell niggerssssssssss
mac n cheessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Eating Doritos, and out of Mt. Dew so I am drinking Pepsi.
A muffin made from apple sauce. <3
black cherry kool-aid
Quote from: UnSid on April 08, 2009, 12:56:42 PM
black cherry kool-aid
black cherry is the worst flavor of anything ever
wafer stix.
peanut butter ones.
Some juice thing with those weird ass, pharoah-like tops that you have to tear off. I love these.
Frosted Flakes. baddood;
vanilla milkshake bassir;
Some cheeps and tea.
A breakfast burrito and cranberry limeade.
I love my work place. giggle;
crackers, almond cheese dip and juice
cole slaw cjlubdoods;
Milky Way and Twix Bar yes;
some sort of chocolate.
a&w root beer
pizza rolls and iced tea cjlubdoods;
and coke
pez giggle;
sandwhich and coffee
a nice soft pretzel and more delicious iced tea cjlubdoods;
coconut hershey kisses ^_____^
salad cjlubdoods;
cheese and onion quesadilla
strawberry yogurt baddood;
baggles wariodood;
An apple and... peanut butter? huhdoodame;
i don't even like peanut butter but it's actually edible when applied to apples akudood;
and apples give me heartburn akudood; akudood;
Quote from: Nyerp on April 19, 2009, 06:51:36 AM
baggles wariodood;
I have a friend who calls them "beggles" and it always makes me giggle. giggle;
Quote from: Sam on April 19, 2009, 05:05:36 PM
I have a friend who calls them "beggles" and it always makes me giggle. giggle;
Sounds like a Sconnie
banana bread
peach yogurt baddood;
Quote from: lacette on April 18, 2009, 08:32:18 PM
cheese and onion quesadilla
this again, with blue/green juice.
strawberries and lemon iced tea snapple cnotedood;
Blueberry yogurt. wariodood;
Iced tea.
A salad and coke
Tec is the main user of this board.
Quote from: ClassicTyler on April 21, 2009, 08:18:57 AM
Tec is the main user of this board.
Not anymore, I ate him
more yogurt
It's peach this time. akudood;
Quote from: ClassicTyler on April 21, 2009, 08:18:57 AM
Tec is the main user of this board.
Over 11% of it is mine. giggle;
Quote from: YPR on April 21, 2009, 10:25:19 AM
Not anymore, I ate him
so you're into that kinky stuff huh toothdood;
i'm gunna eat mr. noodles in like five minutes.
but i wish it was the weekend so i could eat macaroni and cheese.
curly fries nummy nummy
Lemon iced tea Snapple. giggle;
Quote from: lacette on April 22, 2009, 10:58:35 AM
those things are so fucking good.\
Ew. baddood;
Cherry 7-Up
blueberry yogurt akudood;
Quote from: lacette on April 22, 2009, 01:10:33 PM
fuck you, <3
I just had some ramen.
Chocolate bunny... This thing is heavy as hell and I can't even bite into it... just sort of gnaw
A banana and more iced tea. madood;
Quote from: YPR on April 22, 2009, 01:58:04 PM
Chocolate bunny... This thing is heavy as hell and I can't even bite into it... just sort of gnaw
for some reason, reading this made me smile cjlubdoods;
chef boyardee cheese raviolis baddood;
frosted flakes madood;
i was just eating the most delicious pear ever and it fell
saddood; i almost cried
apple jacks giggle;
macaroni and cheese.
lemon iced tea snapple baddood;
Ice cream from the dairy n_u
pizza, garlic knots, and a coke
salad, fish and chips
Peperoni pizza from Sam's Club and frozen coke also from there.
toast with butter and grape jelly.
fuvk yeah.
blueberry yogurt
i was trying to be cool and eat it without a spoon and now there's white stuff all over my face akudood;
I'm not eating anything.
But I really wish I was because I'm starving ;-;
a cheese sandwich and tea gimpdood;
apple jacks
in a bowl shaped like a butterfly giggle;
nice baddood;
chocolate milk scarecrowdood;
Quote from: ClassicTyler on April 26, 2009, 07:19:33 AM
Tastes so weird to me
Anyway, I am eating nothing... now chocolate
A cheeseburger.
grilled cheese.
chocolate cake
My older sister made it, I think she's trying to butter me up so I forgive her silliness. akudood;
oh and milk hocuspocus;
pizza pizza
carrot cake
it's so gross ew akudood;
But my piece is shaped like Utah. giggle;
i had a piece shaped like colorado once
Quote from: Bolivian Army on April 26, 2009, 08:29:56 PM
i had a piece shaped like colorado once
how did you even manage to carve such a complex shape saddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on April 26, 2009, 08:35:15 PM
how did you even manage to carve such a complex shape saddood;
i didn't find the piece tec, the piece found
me baddood;
Quote from: Bolivian Army on April 27, 2009, 06:32:03 AM
i didn't find the piece tec, the piece found me baddood;
you must be magical badass
tunafish salad sandwich and some kind of juice akudood;
everytime i eat tuna i will always be reminded of this
Quote from: Stupid Whore/Slut and a Nymphet
guess what
faggots lube theirselves with tuna before fucking akudood;
Quote from: Bolivian Army on April 27, 2009, 07:38:17 AM
i get that a lot
i'm not surprised baddood;
coffee man.
frosted butts FLAKES hocuspocus;
$30 Steak with a portabello mushroom sauce and smashed potatoes with a bbq layer and parksly on top, drinking it with iced tea with peach slices. Life is good. giggle;
taco bell
fucking chocolate milk
Quote from: stacey on April 27, 2009, 03:15:38 PM
$30 Steak with a portabello mushroom sauce and smashed potatoes with a bbq layer and parksly on top, drinking it with iced tea with peach slices. Life is good. giggle;
dick akudood;
um i had some grapefruit juice cjlubdoods;
A breakfast burrito with eggs, cheese and sausage. Tator tots and a sweet peach tea. hocuspocus;
ice cream sandwich giggle;
slice of bread with cheese wiz and onions.
as well as a coffee.
Finished my Reester Bunny
Silly rabbit Trix are for kids.
orange starburst
the strawberry one is next giggle;
cheese nipples
i lied i didn't end up eating the strawberry starburst akudood;
i'm eating strawberry yogurt instead giggle;
Warheads QBZ
now i'm eating that second starburst n_u
i should not be eating so much candy akudood;
pizza and orange juice
this pizza sauce is frozen is so plain and boring akudood;
apples and peanut butter
yay more heartburn cjlubdoods;
amazing how i usually don't like peanut butter but it's just fine with an apple akudood;
goldfish crackers cjlubdoods;
orange juice :'(
p o p c o r n
Quote from: TECTRINKET on April 29, 2009, 03:21:32 PM
pizza and orange juice
this pizza sauce is frozen is so plain and boring akudood;
bro im so high
im drinking orange juice actually lol
Quote from: Not Famy on April 29, 2009, 06:42:08 PM
bro im so high
im drinking orange juice actually lol
oh famy giggle;
Also, I'm eating plain M&M's which have been frozen in color order. I'll eat the most common colors first, then get all the way down to greens and blues which there are only two each of. girl;
Peach yogurt. scarecrowdood;
chips ahoy cookies and milk wry
lemon-cherry nerds akudood;
Quote from: XVI- The Tower on April 30, 2009, 07:28:31 PM
my incessant snacking will probably be more of a curse once i hit my late 20's wry
Quote from: TECTRINKET on April 30, 2009, 07:33:06 PM
my incessant snacking will probably be more of a curse once i hit my late 20's wry
That will be then. This is now. :'(
jelly toast
dulce de leche yogurt
kfc chicken strips with some fries and mac and cheese
so good
I'm eating some corn on the cob.
Quote from: divaD on May 01, 2009, 07:16:58 PM
I'm eating some corn on the cob.
I'm eating some cheese
Quote from: divaD on May 01, 2009, 07:44:04 PM
Can I have some? n_u
Only if you give me some corn n_u
Quote from: YPR on May 01, 2009, 08:00:11 PM
Only if you give me some corn n_u
But of course. n_u
and your cow would like some field corn perhaps? sillydood;
hey you two i'm eating some... um... hydroelectricity sillydood;
Quote from: Thyme on May 01, 2009, 08:39:32 PM
hey you two i'm eating some... um... hydroelectricity sillydood;
better than nuclear energy sillydood;
Silly rabbit
peach yogurt giggle;
more nerds oh no akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 02, 2009, 01:34:08 PM
peach yogurt giggle;
You sure are fond of that yoghurt. n_u
Quote from: divaD on May 02, 2009, 03:16:25 PM
You sure are fond of that yoghurt. n_u
It helps him poop.
Mmmmm. giggle;
Quote from: Thyme on May 02, 2009, 07:19:01 PM
Mmmmm. giggle;
Those are so good. ;-;
a pear cjlubdoods;
Some left over pizza, the best snack known to man. giggle;
Strawberry yogurt. I threw a packet of M&M's in. giggle;
cottage cheese. healthy and delicious. giggle;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 03, 2009, 02:21:40 PM
a pear cjlubdoods;
my favorite fruit everrrr except my mom hates them so she pretty much refuses to buy them ;___;
peach/lemon iced tea directly out of the freezer cjlubdoods;
Quote from: Sam on May 03, 2009, 06:42:26 PM
cottage cheese. healthy and delicious. giggle;
and believe it or not, this is my favorite cheese everrrr except my mom hates it so she pretty much refuses to buy it ;___;
a banana hocuspocus;
Pizza and Hawaiian Punch
more peach yogurt and an apple
i'm so fat gimpdood;
what is this
another banana
and more iced tea akudood;
jumbo rice crispies giggle;
Quote from: XVI- The Tower on May 04, 2009, 12:50:07 PM
I'm sorry. awdood;
Quote from: XVI- The Tower on May 04, 2009, 12:50:07 PM
Tyler are you on a diet <3
A Coke.
Quote from: Stupid Whore/Slut and a Nymphet on May 04, 2009, 01:39:44 PM
Tyler are you on a diet <3
No, I just vomit everything I eat in hopes of looking like Tec. n_n
Quote from: XVI- The Tower on May 04, 2009, 01:46:48 PM
No, I just vomit everything I eat in hopes of looking like Tec. n_n
I'm the last thing you want to look like. akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 04, 2009, 01:48:29 PM
I'm the last thing you want to look like. akudood;
I would kill a very sexy man in cold blood to be as thin as you. <3
Macanac Island Fudge milkshake
bonus points if you can pronounce Macanac right
Quote from: YPR on May 04, 2009, 01:52:18 PM
Macanac Island Fudge milkshake
bonus points if you can pronounce Macanac right
twix giggle;
Quote from: divaD on May 04, 2009, 02:04:03 PM
No, it's more like Mackinaw
I mispelled it actually in my first post... it's Mackinac saddood;
wedding cake from a wedding i was supposed to be at during an SAT exam akudood;
Quote from: XVI- The Tower on May 04, 2009, 01:46:48 PM
No, I just vomit everything I eat in hopes of looking like Tec. n_n
Vomiting destroys yo teeth n___n
Quote from: Stupid Whore/Slut and a Nymphet on May 04, 2009, 05:40:31 PM
Vomiting destroys yo teeth n___n
and yo esophagus n_u
Although, Tyler, if you want to be more like me, you will have to destroy your teeth eventually anyway. n_u
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 04, 2009, 05:49:43 PM
and yo esophagus n_u
Although, Tyler, if you want to be more like me, you will have to destroy your teeth eventually anyway. n_u
Or cut out some meals. n_u
Speaking of which, I've reverted back to eating eggs per day instead of eating full blown meals.
Quote from: Stupid Whore/Slut and a Nymphet on May 04, 2009, 05:51:10 PM
Or cut out some meals. n_u
Speaking of which, I've reverted back to eating eggs per day instead of eating full blown meals.
Go back to making lasagna. ;_;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 04, 2009, 05:52:30 PM
Go back to making lasagna. ;_;
Sir, I'm too depressed to prepare food. akudood;
Also my fucking friend is scared of making food with his bullshit excuses, "WHAT IF IT TURNS OUT WRONG I'VE JUST WASTED YOUR MEAT AND EVERYTHING!" akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 04, 2009, 05:49:43 PM
and yo esophagus n_u
Although, Tyler, if you want to be more like me, you will have to destroy your teeth eventually anyway. n_u
And spend
a lot of time under the sun. (http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4194/otcohctiw.png)
Quote from: Thyme on May 05, 2009, 10:00:08 AM
And spend a lot of time under the sun. (http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4194/otcohctiw.png)
and buy some glasses cjlubdoods;
Also, I'm eating an apple and more yogurt. I'M BECOMING MORE FRUITY akudood;
homemade citrus punch
and through a straw giggle;
coffee and egg salad sandwich
cream of mushroom soup badass
i don't really like this cereal but whatever giggle;
Quote from: YPR on May 05, 2009, 06:20:36 PM
i thought i was the only one weird enough to do that n_u
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 05, 2009, 07:31:31 PM
i thought i was the only one weird enough to do that n_u
they taste good man
Quote from: YPR on May 05, 2009, 07:37:21 PM
they taste good man
you have fantastic taste thumbup;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 05, 2009, 07:31:31 PM
i thought i was the only one weird enough to do that n_u
Weird enough to
eat pickles? O_0
Quote from: Thyme on May 05, 2009, 10:28:08 PM
Weird enough to eat pickles? O_0
by themselves i mean saddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 06, 2009, 06:05:04 AM
by themselves i mean saddood;
Weirdness is not required, young sir. hocuspocus;
egg salad sandwich and chocolate milk baddood;
Quote from: Bolivian Army on May 06, 2009, 12:55:06 PM
in the dark saddood;
now that's not strange at all n_u
an apple
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 06, 2009, 08:05:03 PM
now that's not strange at all n_u
wearing a corset saddood;
Strawberry banana smoothie
Quote from: Bolivian Army on May 07, 2009, 08:16:57 AM
wearing a corset saddood;
this is getting hot
pizza that's at least a few days old and citrus punch n_u
blueberry yogurt
ew it's low fat akudood;
and before this i had more ancient pizza n_u
ham and cheddar sandwich with a propel baddood;
Quote from: Trav on May 08, 2009, 12:46:03 PM
ham and cheddar sandwich with a propel baddood;
That sounds awesome, I wish I had some cheddar. n_u
orange juice in a pouch
a giant green cookie and milk giggle;
After getting 2 hours of sleep, a coke to keep me moving.
raspberry yogurt gimpdood;
Arizona sweet tea
a coffee and fried eggs on toast.
Chick-fil-A #1 value sized with coke and barbecue sauce.
reese's klondike bar giggle;
Salami and swiss on sourdough bread with a Pepsi Throwback to drink. I think this soda is better than regular coke or pepsi
A dark chocolate ice cream bar. Dark chocolate is the best kind. cjlubdoods;
Folded roasted turkey with injection of cheese made from baabaa milk and basil leaves. n____n
a corn muffin and eggs and fruit punch baddood;
a halls candy thinger.
a homemade hamburger baddood;
and fruit punch hocuspocus;
peanut m&m's
I prefer the regular ones, but I suppose these will do. cnotedood;
I had a bratwurst and some tea not too long ago.
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 10, 2009, 02:17:46 PM
peanut m&m's
I can't stand those ones.
Quote from: divaD on May 10, 2009, 02:33:12 PM
I had a bratwurst and some tea not too long ago.
I can't stand those ones.
those ones are the best.
Some water
Chicken sandwich.
An oatmeal cookie. Reichdood;
Delicious chicken parm and a roll
strawberry yogurt cjlubdoods;
a banana
i think i may have swallowed a fly when i took the initial bite akudood;
another banana and fruit punch cjlubdoods;
dark chocolate ice cream bar giggle;
Dr. Pepper and uh goldfish crackers :3
fruit salad
Lacey's flappy labias.
I'm chewing them like gum. n____n
Little Pigs Bar-BQ
Pizza, spicy chicken sandwich, and Pepsi Throwback
An apple. baddood;
pretty much an entire box of double chocolate milanos
another apple
and yogurt
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 13, 2009, 02:11:10 PM
another apple
and yogurt
holy shit how do you eat 24/7 and not gain weight :'(
5 Guys burger, fries, and root beer
Quote from: Trav on May 13, 2009, 02:29:58 PM
holy shit how do you eat 24/7 and not gain weight :'(
That's a great question... scarecrowdood;
i just finished some chicken nuggets and now i'm having white rice with a root beer baddood;
A nasty, fatty soda. akudood;
But it has Splenda. hocuspocus;
Quote from: XVI- The Tower on May 13, 2009, 03:27:59 PM
A nasty, fatty soda. akudood;
But it has Splenda. hocuspocus;
Splenda never leaves. n___n
Quote from: Stupid Fucking Slut on May 13, 2009, 03:29:00 PM
Splenda never leaves. n___n
That could be said for multiple items. n______u
A banana
Leftover pizza and delicious all-natural lemonade. hocuspocus;
Grilled chicken salad. giggle;
pear yogurt
It's absolutely heavenly. akudood;
natural lemon/limeade giggle;
I had to use the last lemon. :'(
also peanuts scarecrowdood;
Quote from: Stupid Fucking Slut on May 12, 2009, 06:37:41 PM
Lacey's flappy labias.
I'm chewing them like gum. n____n
you don't know where those things have been
a large cookie and milk scarecrowdood;
Peanut butter and crackers
4 eggs, FOUR EGGS.
I fried them this time. n___n
[spoiler]The weird thing is that I don't feel guilty anymore eating local-raised farm eggs, but somehow I cannot eat a pop tart.[/spoiler]
limeade baddood;
chocolate ice cream bar VDood;
oh it's gone akudood;
strawberry yogurt cjlubdoods;
Salted Nut Roll
I picked up a strawberry cheesecake yoghurt, didn't like it so I went back and got a bagel with some cream cheese.
Quote from: Stupid Fucking Slut on May 12, 2009, 06:37:41 PM
Lacey's flappy labias.
I'm chewing them like gum. n____n
you are a fucking weirdo.
Quote from: Trevor on May 14, 2009, 01:55:15 PM
you don't know where those things have been
in my mouth of course
Salad. giggle;
Salad and quiche. hocuspocus;
A nice, cold Mountain Dew.
A strawberry cheesequake blizzard.
popcorn baddood;
orville redenbacher baddood;
an orange italian ice cjlubdoods;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 18, 2009, 12:15:19 PM
an orange italian ice cjlubdoods;
another one of these but lemon hocuspocus;
Buttered crackers. I use to survive on these delicious things.
chocolate milkshake
made it myself baddood;
macaroni salad cjlubdoods;
ICED TEA badass
Cheez-its. n_u
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 18, 2009, 01:09:31 PM
another one of these but lemon hocuspocus;
Pizza baddood;
macaroni salad SocksDood;
ancient pez from like valentine's day akudood;
Iced tea.
a superbanana cnotedood;
A lemon Italian ice. hocuspocus;
bananer akudood;
lays original potato chips, they were donated by someone giggle;
warm cookies and cold water
I like the title change. giggle;
cherry italian ice baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 20, 2009, 09:21:10 PM
I like the title change. giggle;
I changed it yesterday you dumb nigger
no, i'm glad you approve giggle;
another banana cnotedood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 21, 2009, 03:21:17 PM
another banana cnotedood;
You've been eating a lot of bananas. cnotedood;
Quote from: Canard Diapason Funambule on May 21, 2009, 03:37:16 PM
You've been eating a lot of bananas. cnotedood;
there is nothing else cnotedood;
An apple. hocuspocus;
water with one of those mini packets of propel
i copied jmv and made a supersandwich
it's like grilled cheese BUT WITH BUILT-IN SCRAMBLED EGGS giggle;
oh and iced tea cjlubdoods;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 21, 2009, 07:33:40 PM
i copied jmv and made a supersandwich
it's like grilled cheese BUT WITH BUILT-IN SCRAMBLED EGGS giggle;
oh and iced tea cjlubdoods;
Best food idea I've had all month. THE POWER OF GOD
gummy's worms
I ate sushi for lunch, and I'll have what I brought home for dinner later. giggle;
Hamburger steak, macaroni and cheese, some sort of vegetable mix, and Cherry Dr Pepper
Quote from: Crazy Fucking Raccoon on May 21, 2009, 08:13:22 PM
Best food idea I've had all month. THE POWER OF GOD
That's pretty sad. n____n
My pillowcase
Quote from: LiveOnTheEdge on May 22, 2009, 04:21:37 PM
Hamburger steak, macaroni and cheese, some sort of vegetable mix, and Cherry Dr Pepper
isnt that a little redundant baddood;
Some weird stuff my stepdad made
It's like mashed potatoes mixed with tomato sauce and then it's got onions, green beans, and ground beef in it akudood;
The last Italian ice in my freezer.
It's cherry. ;_;
mighty mango naked juice
i'm eating peanut butter out of the JAR because i am VERY FAT
Quote from: Trav on May 24, 2009, 08:59:12 PM
i'm eating peanut butter out of the JAR because i am VERY FAT
Crackers and orange juice, omg giggle;
strawberry yogurt scarecrowdood;
apple pie
and milk baddood;
Fudgsicle hocuspocus;
Cheesy hash browns with ketchup. hocuspocus;
Veggies and ranch dip.
cookie cake and a nice sweet tea chilled of course giggle;
Chamomile mint tea. <3
Quote from: Crazy Fucking Raccoon on May 25, 2009, 07:29:20 PM
Chamomile mint tea. <3
That sounds like shit.
Also chamomile flowers. n_________________n
Kiwis :3
Oolong tea :3
Some cheeseburgers, lol I feel fat. sillydood;
a poppy seed bagel with cream cheese and iced tea :'(
a brownie and milk akudood;
corn, courtesy of me86 sillydood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 30, 2009, 10:47:09 PM
a brownie and milk akudood;
That is not a time for akudood. akudood;
Quote from: Thyme on May 31, 2009, 01:13:18 PM
That is not a time for akudood. akudood;
But it was nearly 2:00 AM. akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 31, 2009, 01:15:09 PM
But it was nearly 2:00 AM. akudood;
Unless you're eating peanut butter
right off the jar at 2 AM like I do a lot it is not a time for akudood. akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 31, 2009, 01:02:19 PM
corn, courtesy of me86 sillydood;
I hope it wasn't canned. |:
Quote from: Canard Diapason Funambule on May 31, 2009, 02:10:47 PM
I hope it wasn't canned. |:
what do you think i am, some kind of lunatic akudood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on May 31, 2009, 02:14:45 PM
what do you think i am, some kind of lunatic akudood;
Okay good. n_u
I like canned corn. :'(
Quote from: Thyme on May 31, 2009, 05:06:29 PM
I like canned corn. :'(
but, but, but con on the cob is AWESOME ;_;
Quote from: Canard Diapason Funambule on May 31, 2009, 05:52:28 PM
but, but, but con on the cob is AWESOME ;_;
Of course it is. I didn't say I prefered it to corn cobs. But canned corn is good for pâté chinois. hocuspocus;
Quote from: Thyme on May 31, 2009, 05:54:25 PM
Of course it is. I didn't say I prefered it to corn cobs. But canned corn is good for pâté chinois. hocuspocus;
Hm, it doesn't look too bad.
I just had some strawberries. Delicious strawberries.
Fritos flavor twists honey bbq flavor
everybody should eat these all the time forever
hershey's milk chocolate bar baddood;
A cricket lollipop.
A chicken sandwich with a small block of sharp cheddar. giggle;
What's with all the pussy foods.
Orange juice, I'd like to get something to eat but I don't think that's happening.
Pizza hut.
a little wad of bread
garlic knots
lemon iced tea
Blueberry yogurt. scarecrowdood;
Curry rice.
Delicious Curry rice.
Teddy Grahams...Chocolate chip ones giggle;
tea akudood;
I have a mug of red raspberry black tea which is DELICIOUS as well as a cup of Nestea iced tea which is also delicious but not quite as much.
Stuffed Pepper THE POWER OF GOD
buttered crackers badass
shrimp ramen
Quote from: YPR on June 04, 2009, 09:58:19 AM
shrimp ramen
chicken ramen
(you got me in a ramen mood.)
Quote from: Wrench on June 04, 2009, 10:56:15 AM
chicken ramen
(you got me in a ramen mood.)
you got me in a mood too n_u
Quote from: YPR on June 04, 2009, 10:56:58 AM
you got me in a mood too n_u
in that case, might be eating a hot dog soon n_u
..I want another cricket lollipop.
hot chocolate
yes i know it is early June
Quote from: Wrench on June 04, 2009, 11:51:59 AM
hot chocolate
yes i know it is early June
You have to get your chocolate intake somehow wariodood;
iced tea scarecrowdood;
My mom ordered supper and I had..
a chicken wing
a couple french fries
a onion ring
part of a buffalo chicken wrap
and some veggies and dip
a brownie akudood;
Sweet Tea happydood;
food worst then what rats eat, food worst then they have at a prison food so bad you would want to throw up i had.........Burger King!!!
uh burger king is good.
I had Burger King yesterday baddood;
chicken ramen then probably getting a sammich
Quote from: Wrench on June 04, 2009, 11:51:59 AM
yes i know it is early June
Fuck this.
You can have hot chocolate when you damn well want. akudood;
I had some yesterday. giggle;
Anyway, right now I'm eating corn dogs.
For breakfast I had a hamburger. goonish Oh and now I have some tea.
and uh milk akudood;
I finished off a bag of chipz.
They tend to make me smell like a candy.
Chick-fil-A #1 value sized with coke and barbecue sauce
a tuna fish sandwich and a turkey wrap and iced tea akudood;
Special K. saddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on June 06, 2009, 08:47:58 AM
a tuna fish sandwich
How can people eat those? :'(
Quote from: Canard Diapason Funambule on June 06, 2009, 10:42:22 AM
Special K. saddood;
How can people eat those? :'(
i stopped eating those when i was like 4 because i got a bone in mine :|
An orange Italian ice. cjlubdoods;
Quote from: Trav on June 06, 2009, 03:30:04 PM
i stopped eating those when i was like 4 because i got a bone in mine :|
Ew that's disgusting, but then again, I think tuna is nasty to begin with.
Quote from: Canard Diapason Funambule on June 06, 2009, 10:42:22 AM
How can people eat those? :'(
I eat them but I'm
really picy about it. There can be absolutely no dark meat or skin or anything in it. Always albacore solid white in water. Not oil. And I mash it to a pulp. and then I add mayo (a lot) and mash it even more.
And then I eat it on toast or italian bread and it's delicious. giggle;
tuna is the only kind of seafood I will eat at all. n_u
a hamburger and green tea akudood;
Sweet tea madood;
hershey's chocolate and milk akudood;
full bag of popcorn all to myself
strawberry yogurt :|
Stuffed Pepper doodella;
Double Chocolaty Chip Frap from starbucks giggle;
Quote from: Kefka on June 09, 2009, 02:53:30 PM
Double Chocolaty Chip Frap from starbucks giggle;
cinnamon chex akudood;
Summer Oreos and a glass of milk happydood;
i just made a fresh strawberry banana smoothie
Quote from: Trevor on June 11, 2009, 09:41:17 AM
i just made a fresh strawberry banana smoothie
I have a lot of ice cream and some old bananas. how can I make a banana smoothie?
Quote from: Pqqu on June 11, 2009, 09:43:06 AM
I have a lot of ice cream and some old bananas. how can I make a banana smoothie?
i prefer just ice and the fruit
but i'm sure a few scoops of ice cream, some milk, and chopped up bananas in a blender would be fine
Red Bull and a Monster with Fruity Pebbles.
i had some ancient pizza and iced tea hocuspocus;
peanut butter fiber bar thing
i wish it wasn't peanut butter but whatever akudood;
Quote from: Kevin on June 11, 2009, 11:25:02 AM
Red Bull and a Monster with Fruity Pebbles.
jesus fucking christ, bro
Quote from: Trav on June 11, 2009, 01:44:51 PM
jesus fucking christ, bro
seriously akudood;
also coleslaw cjlubdoods;
peanut butter cup ice cream akudood;
root beer float
with diet coke and vanilla ice cream giggle;
Quote from: Pqqu on June 11, 2009, 09:43:06 AM
I have a lot of ice cream and some old bananas. how can I make a banana smoothie?
i make them by freezing the bananas and having heavy whipped cream n_____n
I just had a gyro wrap.
I hate how they're so good yet so goddamn small.
captain crunch, also known as the cereal of the gods THE POWER OF GOD
Chocolatechip cookie dough ice cream. THE POWER OF GOD
leftover spaghetti
I had ham salad.
I nearly puked.
Frostie vanilla root beer
Pizza rolls, a mix of strawberries and cantaloupe pieces, and a nice, cold Mountain Dew.
Quote from: Trav on June 11, 2009, 05:26:37 PM
captain crunch, also known as the cereal of the gods THE POWER OF GOD
omg I ate soooooooooooooooo much today
rigth now a package of yodels and orange soda. I don't even like orange soda. giggle;
Withing 30 minutes of waking up, I had consumed 70% of my recommended saturated fat intake for the day. woops. giggle;
chips ahoy cookies and milk cjlubdoods;
Special K and some water.
Tuna salad sandvich.
Ranch flavored sunflower seeds and cherries
p o p c o r n
strawberry yogurt baddood;
Quote from: TECTRINKET on June 15, 2009, 05:00:23 PM
strawberry yogurt baddood;
with or without strawberry chunks?
Quote from: Sam on June 16, 2009, 09:33:53 AM
with or without strawberry chunks?
with cjlubdoods;
a donut and iced tea akudood;
I'm sipping on some delicious pink lemonade.
vegan burrito
Corn and some milk.
Quote from: Famy on June 17, 2009, 05:09:53 PM
from your own field and cow yes
but of course
i'm making some cheese too
fun dip :3
DQ chili cheese dog fries root beer
Chicken salad sandwich, watermelon, strawberries, and an arnold palmer.
Fuck yeah lambert's giggle; giggle; giggle;
Quote from: Pqqu on June 18, 2009, 12:39:25 PM
Chicken salad sandwich, watermelon, strawberries, and an arnold palmer.
Fuck yeah lambert's giggle; giggle; giggle;
that place where they throw rolls at you?
where do you live akudood;
Quote from: Hïro on June 18, 2009, 12:48:02 PM
that place where they throw rolls at you?
where do you live akudood;
Quote from: Pqqu on June 18, 2009, 12:58:03 PM
ok lol
Swedish Fish. They taste SO GOOD but gah they get in your teeth and down your throat akudood;
Quote from: Trav on June 18, 2009, 05:40:00 PM
Swedish Fish. They taste SO GOOD but gah they get in your teeth and down your throat akudood;
I've been eating them all day
I want some sour patch kids.
uh i had some pizza
And I think Swedish Fish are boring. madood;
I love swedish fish
i just had a vegan burrito like most days
Today I had a chicken cutlet sandwich with lettuce cheese and may and omg it was SOOOO delicious
a chocolate milkshake cjlubdoods;
And I just finished a baked potato. baddood;
peanuts and iced tea akudood;
Large Jack in the Box bacon ultimate cheeseburger combo with curly fries and root beer
i made vegan blueberry pancakes this morning
later i'll probably have a vegan burrito
Quote from: Skylark on June 21, 2009, 01:47:59 PM
i made vegan blueberry pancakes this morning
later i'll probably have a vegan burrito
what ingredients did you use skylark :)
Quote from: Stupid Fucking Slut on June 21, 2009, 01:58:32 PM
what ingredients did you use skylark :)
wheat flower
cane sugar
soy margarine
baking powder
it was simple :D
Quote from: Skylark on June 21, 2009, 02:14:32 PM
wheat flower
cane sugar
soy margarine
baking powder
it was simple :D
I use
almond oil
wheat flour
baking powder
and nutmeg
sometimes I use apple sauce if its available :3
that's a good idea
I think I will try that next time
Quote from: Skylark on June 21, 2009, 01:47:59 PM
i made vegan blueberry pancakes this morning
later i'll probably have a vegan burrito
aren't most pancakes "vegan"?
Quote from: YPR on June 21, 2009, 07:21:20 PM
aren't most pancakes "vegan"?
I put ham in mine. badass
Quote from: YPR on June 21, 2009, 07:21:20 PM
aren't most pancakes "vegan"?
no considering most people use eggs and milk
Quote from: YPR on June 21, 2009, 07:21:20 PM
aren't most pancakes "vegan"?
not at all
as clucky said
eggs & milk
Quote from: Skylark on June 21, 2009, 09:12:46 PM
not at all
as clucky said
eggs & milk
mine are powder and water. >.>
I don't like pancakes anyway
Quote from: Sam on June 22, 2009, 11:34:15 AM
I don't like pancakes anyway
Maybe because they're made with powder and water. n_u
chocolate cake and whipped cream akudood;
a milkshake covered in whipped cream akudood;
pasta salad
pepsi and pizza pizza
some peanut butter fiber bar thing
It tastes terrible, but I'm bored and will continue to eat it anyway. :|
Salted whole cashews
Tec I'm envious of the fact that you ALWAYS have awesome stuff to eat. We run out of food about 3 days after my mom goes shopping
Quote from: Trav on June 23, 2009, 10:06:09 PM
Salted whole cashews
Tec I'm envious of the fact that you ALWAYS have awesome stuff to eat. We run out of food about 3 days after my mom goes shopping
that peanut butter bar was the last interesting thing :'(
...we didn't have crackers sao my dad is eating soup with cheerios mixed in.
And I have an apple. With no peanut butter. ;___;
fruit salad
Hot dogs and sweet tea
I haven't eaten in two days. n______n
Corndogs with Mustard and Ketchup as the dips, I mixed in Tapito
What the fuck is tapito
Quote from: Hïro on June 27, 2009, 04:31:25 AM
What the fuck is tapito
the closest thing I can think of is tapatio, which is a hot sauce:
Peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Quote from: ENDIVE! on June 27, 2009, 02:36:07 PM
I've wanted one for so long. :[
I just happened to find a banana in the kitchen so I made one lol.
Did you eat today though? hocuspocus;
Quote from: Canard Diapason Funambule on June 27, 2009, 02:40:19 PM
I just happened to find a banana in the kitchen so I made one lol.
Did you eat today though? hocuspocus;
Yes. I just had a burger and an orange. Then I threw it up. giggle;
Quote from: ENDIVE! on June 27, 2009, 03:32:59 PM
Yes. I just had a burger and an orange. Then I threw it up. giggle;
vanilla yogurt
it's not bad, but not really marvelous either akudood;
Ham and cheese sandwich and a Coke
I ate the rest of the corn last night. cry;
I also found some sharp cheddar, but I'm not sure if it was okay for me to eat some of it. girl;
I just ate a Red Vine and a marshmallow at the same time. doodthing;
It wasn't good. doodthing;
Quote from: ENDIVE! on June 27, 2009, 03:32:59 PM
Yes. I just had a burger and an orange. Then I threw it up. giggle;
are you sickly, or just bulimic?
corn chips and dip akudood;
I can't keep my food down...good or bad? giggle;
honey nut cheerios and fruit punch akudood;
Quote from: ENDIVE! on June 28, 2009, 09:14:54 PM
I can't keep my food down...good or bad? giggle;
enjoy problems with your sphincters giggle;
snack cake and ripoff brand oreos akudood;
Cheeseburger with Emmentaler.
Strawberry yogurt with granola
an apple and iced tea scarecrowdood;
Ham and cheese sammich sillydood; :) philip; :O jackodood; frankendood; gimpdood; VDood; cry; philip; philip; cluckjmvdoods; happydood; doodella; >.< giggle; wariodood; cjlubdoods; akudood;
Free pizza. giggle;
Our supervisor's moving to day shift so we threw him a pizza party of some sort. goonish
an omelette
i added spinach to the batter goowan
Quote from: TECTRINKET on July 01, 2009, 10:55:20 AM
an omelette
i added spinach to the batter goowan
you put flour in your eggs?
sam says:
oh my god
sam says:
it was so fucking worth it
sam says:
this was
sam says:
sam says:
sam says:
i'm not done yet
sam says:
oh my god
sam says:
i love peanut butter and jelly
sam says:
together they are like
sam says:
oh my god
sam says:
...i ate that too fast
sam says:
now I'm just upset it's gone
Quote from: Sam on July 01, 2009, 06:42:26 PM
sam says:
oh my god
sam says:
it was so fucking worth it
sam says:
this was
sam says:
sam says:
sam says:
i'm not done yet
sam says:
oh my god
sam says:
i love peanut butter and jelly
sam says:
together they are like
sam says:
oh my god
sam says:
...i ate that too fast
sam says:
now I'm just upset it's gone
so make another one
broccoli rice and corn akudood;
I wonder where that corn came from. THE POWER OF GOD
Taco bell
this thread discriminates against those who do not salivate causing their taste buds to not taste akudood;
also blueberry cake or whatever it is giggle;
salt teens
Iced tea.
Corn chips sillydood;
Apple pie. baddood;
Chocolate ice cream. akudood;
why was the title changed awdood;
A butterfinger delicious bar
Quote from: Canard Diapason Funambule on July 02, 2009, 11:20:04 AM
I wonder where that corn came from. THE POWER OF GOD
also i made another strawberry banana smoothie
Vanilla ice cream.
Quote from: Trevor on July 03, 2009, 08:23:45 AM
blasphemy :(
disgusting chicken nuggest with disgusting ketchup. BUT I'M SO HUNGRY
maybe I'll have some cheerios with sugar
Tostitos Scoops and iced tea
This thread makes me sick. akudood;
chocolate and peanut butter. giggle;
I tried an all-cereal diet, but that didn't last long. :(
Peanut Buttercup ice cream :)
ice cream cones awdood;
Chicken marsala, I scraped the mushrooms off. giggle;
A burrito
Steak. awdood;
Organic dark chocolate (70%), with mint infused. giggle;
I've been eating a lot of organic products.
Quote from: ENDIVE! on July 07, 2009, 09:05:03 PM
Organic dark chocolate (70%), with mint infused. giggle;
I've been eating a lot of organic products.
Dark chocolate is the best kind. goowan
but then there's the added mint... awdood;
I'm thirsty
Peach yogurt. goowan
I had chocolate and coffee at 9:0 in the morning. giggle;
no wonder my tummy is chubby ;___;
Red Vines with strawberry yoplait yogurt
its good to dip the vines yo
Ruby Red Squirt. ;)
Vanilla milkshake from McDonalds SO DELICIOUSSSSSSSSSSS
Oven grilled chicken breast from subway womg with banana peppers
Wild Cherry Pepsi
a twinkie and black ceylon red raspberry tea. giggle;
a veggie burger akudood;
a peach akudood;
the number 5.
corn pops cereal
coffee ice cream akudood;
Ten pound pizza.
Macaroni and cheese.
Quote from: Trav on July 14, 2009, 01:25:14 PM
YUMMY happydood;
Very much so. baddood;
Now, tea.
A hot pocket
Fiji water.
Quote from: Dr. Hystakes Casino on July 16, 2009, 08:42:47 PM
Fiji water.
I don't taste any difference between any other water
Chef boyardee ravioli n_u
a twix bar
it used to be two twix bars, but they melted and formed one large one
best. chips. ever.
Funnel Cake
cheetos doodella;
corn chips and salsa
Vanilla ice cream RUB IT
Quote from: Trav on July 19, 2009, 04:12:29 PM
Vanilla ice cream RUB IT
I wish I had ice cream ;_;
fucking noodles with some fucking meat and sauce on top of them
Quote from: Wrench on July 19, 2009, 07:29:59 PM
fucking noodles
Quote from: Sam on July 19, 2009, 07:58:02 PM
barbecue chicken pizza that's burned black. ;_;
It's gross but I can't waste my favorite kind of pizza ;____;
Quote from: Sam on July 20, 2009, 08:58:41 AM
barbecue chicken pizza that's burned black. ;_;
It's gross but I can't waste my favorite kind of pizza ;____;
I still don't see how barbecue sauce mixes with pizza doodhuh;
Quote from: Ãâ€Ã°Ã²Ã¸ÌÂô on July 18, 2009, 12:20:27 PM
best. chips. ever.
you are so right about that
rice milk
a grilled cheese and ruffle type chipz
Quote from: Wrench on July 19, 2009, 07:29:59 PM
fucking noodles with some fucking meat and sauce on top of them
some more of this akudood;
Banana sandwich.
Quote from: YPR on July 20, 2009, 09:02:11 AM
I still don't see how barbecue sauce mixes with pizza doodhuh;
I don't like tomato sauce very much so this is a very very very very good alternative for me <3
barbeque pizza as always really grossed me out
you should try white sauce pizza! that's super good
but I love the red sauce... just not too much of it. actually ideally they would just put a little
Peanut M&M's mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Des fraises. n_u
Quote from: Skylark on July 20, 2009, 12:56:21 PM
barbeque pizza as always really grossed me out
you should try white sauce pizza! that's super good
but I love the red sauce... just not too much of it. actually ideally they would just put a little
what's on white sauce pizza?
Stale beer and cheez-it party mix
A doughnut from Krispy Kreme
a shake/malt/whatever you guys call it
Peanut M&M's RUB IT
gRaHaM cRaCkErS LoL
Quote from: Nate on July 23, 2009, 04:52:27 PM
a shake/malt/whatever you guys call it
Shakes and malts are different.
Cherry flavored taffy
Quote from: YPR on July 24, 2009, 06:14:38 AM
Shakes and malts are different.
They are referred to as the same thing here.
Quote from: Nate on July 24, 2009, 11:07:33 PM
They are referred to as the same thing here.
Malts have malt in them akudood;
Chocolate malts are delicious. cjlubdoods;
Organic milk and a fresh baked piece of bread. giggle;
cheese sun chips and lemonade akudood;
dried cranberries
they should discontinue the production of raisins and replace them with these giggle;
Lay's classic potato chips. They're pretty damn good
Blueberry Bagel
Corn chips and a nice tall glass of milk mmmmmmmmm
Mountain Dew Wildberry Gamefuel thing
Pizza rolls and a fucking delicious whole peach.
Crazy bread from Little caesars. giggle;
delicious popcorn and some milk
cheez-its :|
Scrambled eggs, sausage, and a bagel. giggle;
Quote from: Prowling Kewn on July 31, 2009, 08:45:52 AM
Scrambled eggs, sausage, and a bagel. giggle;
That made me hungry lol. :(
Motherfucking corn dogs
rice and beans and iced tea and ribs and omg giggle;
I'm eating an all natural organic wheat crusted pizza topped with cheese and tomatoes. giggle;
french fries, a hamburger, and a milkshake from checkers giggle;
popcorn because it is literally the only damned thing in this god damn house
every time my mom goes shopping everythings gone in 2 days and then she doesn't go back for two weeks it's retarded
chocolate cake and fruit punch baddood;
VANILLA ice cream
Bagels and cream cheese.
Oreo milkshake from Purple cow
ritz bits cheese crackers and a go-gurt giggle;
peanut m&m's because i'm fat
Chocolate Cherry Milkshake giggle;
taco bell
a hamburger, french fries, and iced tea
...all from stony brook university :'(
nilla wafers with a nice, tall glass of milk wub;
nachos and an orange soda
...from stony brook university :'(
Wishing we had some orange juice. awdood;
apple sauce
guess where it came from awdood;
Quote from: Tc on August 08, 2009, 09:00:58 AM
apple sauce
guess where it came from awdood;
You're not going to get over them if you continue to get food from there. awdood;
Quote from: Дави́д on August 08, 2009, 10:37:42 AM
You're not going to get over them if you continue to get food from there. awdood;
Why would I want to get over them? befuddlement
m&m's... awdood;
a raspberry italian ice akudood;
I just ate some chicken tacos.
They were good but one of the tacos had a bone inside it :(
a corn muffin from a certain school awdood;
and lemonade awdood;
cookies and cream ice cream
i crushed a cone and threw it into the mix
Bagel Bites nigga
a twinkie
you can guess where it's from awdood;
dried cranberries baddood;
Amish Friendship Bread ik
cheese its
or nips
i can't remember even though i saw the box mere seconds ago n_u
oh and orange juice baddood;
Potato chips :'(
grapes :'(
Ham and cheese sandwich and strawberries. baddood;
a "cookie bar"
also from stony brook :'(
Chocolate Soy Milk. cjlubdoods;
Soy milk is amazing. goowan
an italian ice it's rainbow flavored yay THE POWER OF GOD
Quote from: Tc on August 12, 2009, 09:59:47 AM
an italian ice it's rainbow flavored yay THE POWER OF GOD
lol gay
idk water with ice
More Chocolate Soy Milk. cjlubdoods;
macaroni and cheese and a hot dog OMG happydood;
home grown corn on the cob giggle;
well i tried to eat a fudgesicle but it's so soft that the stick came out and the ice cream stayed in the thing akudood;
so i'm dipping it out with a spoon i beat the system baddood;
a cookie bar or something :(
Natural Brew Cream Soda
I'm out of Chocolate Soy Milk. awdood;
orange juice or something awdood;
Just made some cherry chocolate milk. spam;
Quote from: Rawl on August 18, 2009, 09:31:51 AM
Just made some cherry chocolate milk. spam;
That's disgusting. :|
cinnamon toast crunch
Quote from: Tc on August 18, 2009, 09:38:01 AM
That's disgusting. :|
cinnamon toast crunch
Look at your elbows, now those are disgusting. :|
idk apples with cottage cheese :|
Corn on the cob. n_u
chocolate cake with almonds i think ew akudood;
popping corn
popping corn
I just got done eating a #1 combo from Wendy's.
fritos honey bbq flavor twists
Mountain dew livewire... i should really have gotten a healthier drink
chocolate milk :|
Firehouse chili
pita hummus, avocado and tomato
a corn muffin and iced tea giggle;
ice cream cones :|
MORE chocolate soy milk. cjlubdoods;
the snack that smiles back
Quote from: YPR on August 21, 2009, 10:51:37 PM
the snack that smiles back
Only atheists are allowed to eat babies.
Quote from: JMV on August 22, 2009, 06:57:36 AM
Only atheists are allowed to eat babies.
Babies just cry and poop, you're entitled to them. I'm sticking with my goldfish baddood;
Pringles in the pizza and cheese varieties
disney princess fruit snacks lol
Corn on the cob. n_u
Nap spit
I hate waking up with that taste, I need some tea akudood;
Goldfish Grahams
I had some shitty cafeteria pizza in the student union for lunch, and I had some shitty burritos for supper.
Zach, it's dinner. Not supper.
Please, never say "supper" again.
Now then,
Sprite. cjlubdoods;
vienna mocha chunk ice cream for supper cjlubdoods;
I'll kill you Tec. cjlubdoods;
Quote from: King Shishkebaboo on August 25, 2009, 03:16:53 PM
I'll kill you Tec. cjlubdoods;
i added milk and now it's a milkshake cjlubdoods;
yummy milkshake
Dinner is like when you haven't eaten lunch that day and you aren't eating supper but you are eating a meal right between when you would be eating lunch and supper. Supper is your last meal of the day.
fake oreos n_u
usually oreo knockoffs taste pretty horrendous, but these are pretty decent
they almost taste like what they're imitating akudood;
Ok did anyone understand lacey's post just now
a banana baddood;
my taste buds currently aren't tasting anything right now, but I did have greek food for dinner. chicken soulvaki, hummus, and stuffed grape leaves. Yum. doodella;
Scrambled eggs.
chicken pot pie akudood;
Just went to the Fat Sandwich Company and all I can say is... wow... This is the most unhealthy place ever. I got one of the tamest sandwiches, the Fat Luigi, which is a sandwich consisting of meatballs, mozzerella sticks, and french fries. It was very tasty and filling... but now I feel fat
pizza and fruit punch akudood;
Spaghetti with chicken instead of ground beef.
Now i know why jmv likes it like that.giggle;
Quote from: YPR on August 29, 2009, 06:40:11 PM
Just went to the Fat Sandwich Company and all I can say is... wow... This is the most unhealthy place ever. I got one of the tamest sandwiches, the Fat Luigi, which is a sandwich consisting of meatballs, mozzerella sticks, and french fries. It was very tasty and filling... but now I feel fat
At least the name is accurate. n_u
popping corn :|
thanks me86 :|
I just had spicy nacho doritos
frosted flakes akudood;
vanilla ice cream with hot fudge
well, it was hot, but now it's cold akudood;
a banana akudood;
You eat a lot tec n_u
I am chewing a piece of five solstice gum
Quote from: Echo on August 31, 2009, 08:21:01 PM
You eat a lot tec n_u
I am chewing a piece of five solstice gum
12.3% of this board belongs to me. spam;
Lucky Charms ^_^
a chicken pot pie and orange juice :|
Some friggen frosted flakes and coffee. I hate being awake this early.
grapes and water SocksDood;
More gum :( I chew so much gum its not funny
i just ate spaghetti-o's omfg
Quote from: Ted on August 31, 2009, 07:13:14 PM
vanilla ice cream with hot fudge
well, it was hot, but now it's cold akudood;
this again akudood;
i just finished ice cream with oreo bits in it now im eating pizza goldfish
kind of an odd taste
I have Half Baked ben and jerry's
a banana gimpdood;
Why does that nigger have a purple banana
Quote from: Hïro on September 01, 2009, 10:52:31 PM
Why does that nigger have a purple banana
it's purple haze nigga
i'm eating a salad with ranch dressing akudood;
Fried chicken, green beans, baked potato, chocolate cupcakes, iced tea
yet another chicken pot pie akudood;
I was in my school's food court getting Burger King like a total fatass when I saw it.
The place next to BK had a grilled chicken sandwich with brie and tomatoes.
It was amazing. baddood;
So I'm having chinese food from Panda Express. Yay. baddood;
On an unrelated note, does anyone else dip their bread into tomato sauce after they're done eating their main course (such as spaghetti, gnocci, tortelinni, etc.)? Anyone who is Italian would know what I'm talking about.
It's fuckin' delicious. badass
I've only eaten there once, but I LOVE it.
Quote from: King Shishkebaboo on September 03, 2009, 03:37:50 PM
I've only eaten there once, but I LOVE it.
Good to hear, because this is my first time ever having it. doodella;
Quote from: Papa K on September 03, 2009, 03:42:57 PM
Good to hear, because this is my first time ever having it. doodella;
Let's go together someday. giggle;
Quote from: King Shishkebaboo on September 03, 2009, 03:37:50 PM
I've only eaten there once, but I LOVE it.
It's good in the sense that sometimes really shitty food is amazing akudood;
Also, good time to post this:
Quote from: Hïro on September 03, 2009, 03:45:28 PM
It's good in the sense that sometimes really shitty food is amazing
Even I can eat terrible now and then. akudood;
Quote from: King Shishkebaboo on September 03, 2009, 03:46:11 PM
Even I can eat terrible now and then. akudood;
Yep, nothin wrong with that
Dr. Pepper
and pizza goldfish
pizza and water awdood;
Stride Sweet Berry
red twizzlers
Cold Pizza
Friggen... Pretzels and mustard.
cheddar flipsides
theyre these crackers that are half cracker half pretzel lol
Jack in the crack
Sun chips and arizona iced tea.
I've been living off of sun chips and cottage cheese for the past two weeks. :(
Smores cuz im home for the labur dae weekund
chips and salsa
strawberry milkshake hand crafted by yours truly giggle;
Mixed berry oatmeal
I have some fresh out of the garden all natural watermelon giggle;
strawberry shortcake and milk :'(
Can tec get anymore gay?
Double stuff golden oreos ^_^
Quote from: Kefka on September 07, 2009, 11:22:12 AM
Can tec get anymore gay?
yes, because i'm eating the very same thing again maps;
I have a peach that was picked from a real live all natural orchard giggle;
Quote from: Echo on September 07, 2009, 07:06:40 PM
I have a peach that was picked from a real live all natural orchard giggle;
omg do u feel speshul
Just had penne alla vodka and a salad with raspberry vinigrette dressing.
Spicy shrimp roll and strawberry banana drink.
sunnfflloooweerrr seeds
a corn muffin and orange juice hocuspocus;
I wish I was tasting orange juice, but I drank all of it. saddood;
I just had a Grilled cheese with ham and sliced apple on it then I fried the rest of the apple and seasoned it with cinnamon and sugar giggle; I am such a chef
Quote from: Echo on September 13, 2009, 10:02:27 AM
I just had a Grilled cheese with ham and sliced apple on it then I fried the rest of the apple and seasoned it with cinnamon and sugar giggle; I am such a chef
That sounds amazing AWESOME
A fried bologna biscuit from hardees :D
water. I have a Monster hangover. Worse than real hangovers.
Bologna and cheese omolette :D
Homemade donuts giggle;
I am gonna get fat lol
pizza goldfish and a root beer cjlubdoods;
Iced tea with a slice of lemon.
I was eating a couple of grandma-style pizza slices about an hour ago. Mmmmmmm, my favorite kind of pizza. happydood;
raisin bran akudood;
Golden double stuff oreo :D
A hot chai tea
Beef ramen noodles
cheese nipples
Sharp cheddar. giggle;
homemade pizza bagels gimpdood;
French toast I made this morning. giggle;
gigantic purple grapes
um mcdonalds quarter pounder with cheese and chicken selects and a coke because i haven't eaten since like 1:50
2:1 oatmeal protein bar doodella;
ancient beef ramen
Buffalo wings and cheese bread
chicken soup that i made myself and it didn't turn out too bad akudood;
and some kind of cornbread n_u
apple pie and a scoop of vanilla ice cream OMG
Water, what interesting flavor
Grapefruit soda.
caramel apple. :3
digiorno pizza and a glass of coke giggle;
grapes akudood;
a nice warm cinnamon bun and some milk ]:
Some tea with lemon. :(
Funnel cake. n_u
banana bread happydood;
Tectron said he was eating pizza. hocuspocus;
I endulged in some candy and soda tonight, so I have a nice sugar buzz going. Normally I think it's gross, but it's nice sometimes. Same as coffee. I think I'll make myself some cocoa.
pear yogurt akudood;
Sprite :D
a milkshake with whipped cream sillydood;
cookies and cream ice cream :(
veggies and dip. hocuspocus;
pizza and juice akudood;
A cheeseburger and fries, at eleven in the morning. n_u
Strawberry Kiwi Capri Sun
Quote from: Ãâ€Ã°Ã²Ã¸ÌÂô on October 10, 2009, 05:00:47 PM
A cheeseburger and fries, at eleven in the morning. n_u
11 is lunch time n_u
Chili and some chips
pretzel "logs"
they are rock solid akudood;
Honey and oats granola bar.
a bagel and cream cheese (1/3 less fat baddood;)
I added black pepper to the cream cheese. goowan
Orange-vaniller swirl ice cream. akudood;
a burger. like the one in the food icon.
carrots and ranch dressing akudood;
Watermelon flavor n_u
Quote from: Ted on October 12, 2009, 09:11:06 PM
Orange-vaniller swirl ice cream. akudood;
this again, it's really good myface;
I made hot chocolate and it's too hot. :(
Cereal lol
French Vanilla Coffee
a corn muffin and milk akudood;
the last of the orange-vaniller ice cream cry;
Quote from: Not Famy on October 16, 2009, 12:35:29 AM
special k?
i lol'dwhat's so funny about special k cnotedood;
rice krispies and fruit punch myface;
Pumpkin pie. RUB IT
vanilla creme cookies :( it is basically all I have to eat lol
Hot links and a Tab soda
2 PBJ's
4 Halloween oreos
a chocolate fiber bar thing baddood;
a banana akudood;
2 PBJ's
m&m cookies
cottage cheese
2 Pop Tart Smores
1 bottle of Dasani
1 small bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos
chocolate cake and milk akudood;
a hamburger
when i saw we were out of both cheese and pickles i nearly killed myself akudood;
Quote from: Ted on October 22, 2009, 01:20:22 PM
chocolate cake and milk akudood;
this again but replace milk with some kind of juice akudood;
an apple akudood;
Oatmeal because I'm tired of being hungry in the mornings. akudood;
Quote from: Julius on October 22, 2009, 07:01:05 PM
It was for my birthday lol :(
Chocolate. :3
a cheese empanada
why is spanish food so great akudood;
oh and iced tea baddood;
mac & cheese and fish
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
halloween oreos doodella;
blueberry yogurt saddood;
Quote from: Ted on October 25, 2009, 10:39:28 AM
blueberry yogurt saddood;
Quote from: Thyme on October 25, 2009, 11:16:16 AM
shh, don't blow my cover wariodood;
got dat blue berry yum yum and its dat fiya
HOT SAUSE!! It BURNS! myface;!!
Rice + sweet and sour sauce + soy sauce. giggle;
im eetin chipz and dreenkin kool aid happydood;
Just finished my bag of halloween oreos
delicious soft tacos from taco bell
bagel bites :)
reduced fat chips ahoy cookies and milk akudood;
halloweeny pretzels akudood;
a crunch bar akudood;
oh my god stop eating myface;
Quote from: Travis on November 02, 2009, 10:15:45 AM
oh my god stop eating myface;
i'm addicted akudood;
also, bubble gum and a now and later 5thgrade;
mocha chocolate chunk ice cream
and milk akudood;
you eat too much
it makes me hungry
im also eating skittles 5thgrade;
a burrito and apple juice 5thgrade;
Quote from: Echo on November 02, 2009, 02:18:31 PM
you eat too much
it makes me hungry
im also eating skittles 5thgrade;
i know saddood;
a snickers bar akudood;
"frosted bite-sized shredded wheat" cereal akudood;
another crunch bar myface;
rayman noodles and apple juice sillydood;
I wanted to make some oatmeal, but we're out. :(
Tec holy shit you fatass akudood;
Quote from: YPR on November 03, 2009, 06:33:05 AM
Tec holy shit you fatass akudood;
i just had a burrito and orange juice girl;
and now, a snickers bar myface;
a banana 5thgrade;
it's relatively short and extremely girthy and round and heavy and i've never seen anything like it akudood;
Quote from: Ted on November 03, 2009, 07:00:01 AM
a banana 5thgrade;
it's relatively short and extremely girthy and round and i've never seen anything like it akudood;
That's what your mother said last night
Quote from: Travis on November 03, 2009, 07:01:21 AM
That's what your mother said last night
saddood; 5thgrade;
also, smarties myface;
I feel sorry for whoever pays for your groceries 5thgrade;
Quote from: Echo on November 03, 2009, 07:05:44 AM
I feel sorry for whoever pays for your groceries 5thgrade;
the majority of this is just free halloween candy 5thgrade;
twix smithicide;
Mini bean burritos my mom made with some taco bell fire sauce 5thgrade;
Quote from: Travis on November 03, 2009, 07:56:17 AM
Mini bean burritos my mom made with some taco bell fire sauce 5thgrade;
Oh and a Mountain Dew 5thgrade;
oh god
reese's peanut butter cup myface;
Quote from: Ted on November 03, 2009, 08:06:51 AM
oh god
reese's peanut butter cup myface;
those are fucking delicious
a choco-vaniller milkshake i made myself smithicide;
an apple girl;
baby ruth bar
i just realized that it's so much like a snickers bar but it tastes so different 5thgrade;
Lima beans, rice, and some sort of meat. Also Dr Pepper to drink. And this made me realize that it needed a ton more salt.
nerds (grape flavored)
reese cup
jesus christ, so this thread is responsible for the inflated post counts of most long-time members.
a hershey bar akudood;
this should be dark chocolate myface;
i broke myself off a piece of that kit kat bar 5thgrade;
peach yogurt myface;
I still have an urge to eat. :'(
this thread is the only reason ted has a higher quota than me
Quote from: Echo on November 04, 2009, 12:35:34 PM
this thread is the only reason ted has a higher quota than me
in your dreams pal akudood;
also, a turkey sandwich with honey mustard and fruit punch giggle;
Quote from: Title on November 04, 2009, 05:40:09 AM
jesus christ, so this thread is responsible for the inflated post counts of most long-time members.
Just Tectron really
sour smarties
which i didn't know existed until a few days ago akudood;
pizza bagels
holy god these are delicious
regular smarties and a milky way
some gross pizza or something akudood;
ham sandwich + honey mustard giggle;
m&m's giggle;
i didn't get any red ones and there's only one yellow :(
gummy lifesavers myface;
popcorn doodthing;
a burrito smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on November 06, 2009, 11:54:11 AM
a burrito smithicide;
do you constantly just make yourself food doodthing;
a hot pocket myface; myface; myface;
Tec do you just randomly pick an emote to go with your food
Capri-Sun Reichdood;
lingonberry juice gimpdood;
Quote from: YPR on November 07, 2009, 02:02:42 AM
Tec do you just randomly pick an emote to go with your food
Capri-Sun Reichdood;
yes goowan
wtf is a lingoberry O_0
i dropped my hot pocket on the floor just now and im still eating it!!
Quote from: Ted on November 07, 2009, 10:48:05 AM
lingonberry juice gimpdood;
did you go to ikea baddood;
Quote from: Hïro on November 07, 2009, 12:07:28 PM
did you go to ikea baddood;
yes :(
also, a cinnermon bun and milk akudood;
ur mums voogina lololol
Barbecue chicken pizza from CPK. sillydood;
[spoiler]They forgot the cilantro. What a bunch of fuckers.[/spoiler]
a wheat poptart akudood;
and milk myface;
Quote from: Travis on November 08, 2009, 09:51:54 AM
Chocolate chocolate chip muffins
god i love muffins
I want a bagel right now
so. fucking. bad.
m&m's giggle;
i always organize them by color before eating them myface;
reese cup and lifesavers
Slices of baguette spread with garlic hummus happydood;
cheez doodles and a pepsi <3
Wonton egg drop soup and iced tea
just ate tectron
Sandwich and frips
Water. I think I'll be drinking plain water until the competition next week. n_u
lovin me some fig newtons right now <3
Reese Cups with a hershey cherry kiss on top. Very satisfying giggle;
peach yogurt baddood;
[spoiler]i added m&m's minis giggle;[/spoiler]
Some tea drink
chocolate ice cream cone
lingonberry jam on wheat bread and milk akudood;
Quote from: Ted on November 16, 2009, 12:47:14 PM
lingonberry jam on wheat bread and milk akudood;
mmmmmm lingonberries...
just thinking about them makes me want to go to ikea and get some swedish meatballs with that delicious lingonberry jam and godly gravy
Quote from: Joe on November 16, 2009, 01:08:39 PM
mmmmmm lingonberries...
just thinking about them makes me want to go to ikea and get some swedish meatballs with that delicious lingonberry jam and godly gravy
whats a lingonberry
A&W Rootbeer :3
pbj sandwich
Thrown up salad from lunch today. :(
I'm tasting the flesh of a boar.
gummi boars
raisin bran scarecrowdood;
a banana akudood;
jesus christ tec
some noodles I just cooked up
fried cream cheese wonton
latkes Reichdood;
a milkshake akudood;
Quote from: Ted on November 21, 2009, 05:14:02 PM
a milkshake akudood;
At 2:30 in the morning? akudood;
I wish I had a milkshake at 2:30 in the morning baddood;
I just had like an entire pot of coffee
Quote from: Echo on November 21, 2009, 05:19:12 PM
I wish I had a milkshake at 2:30 in the morning baddood;
well, i don't anymore :'(
leftover take-out waffle fries that have been sitting on my desk for the past 10 hours, drinking flat gingerale directly from the 2-liter bottle.
I'm more repulsive than a college boy.
cheetoz nigga
pizza rolls bitches
pizza rolls niggas
subway sammich thumbup;
holy dicks
next time any of you eat at taco bell, get the cheesy gordita crunch
thanksgiving leftovers
the stuffing is good akudood;
I just had cherry cheesecake giggle; with extra crust on top
cherry pie
that's three days old myface;
but i added whipped cream so it's fine akudood;
Banana and tums
turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy
all in a sandwich akudood;
Quote from: Ted on November 29, 2009, 01:38:58 PM
turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy
all in a sandwich akudood;
oh god i thought i was the only person who did this
but i also slather it in hot sauce
Quote from: Trevor on November 29, 2009, 01:40:07 PM
oh god i thought i was the only person who did this
but i also slather it in hot sauce
i spread the potatoes on like mayonnaise giggle;
i wanted to add cranberry sauce too but we are out :'(
Quote from: Ted on November 29, 2009, 01:40:59 PM
i spread the potatoes on like mayonnaise giggle;
Quote from: Ted on November 29, 2009, 01:40:59 PM
i spread the potatoes on like mayonnaise giggle;
Never compare mashed potatoes to mayonnaise akudood;
cooked up a pastaroni
hell yeah
ritz crackers
a reese's cup wry
fucking peanut butter and pickle sandwich
a brownie and milk myface;
a cranberry bagel akudood;
High fructose corn syrup. >.<
raisin bran akudood;
2 PBJ's
ripoff oreos
M&M cookies
Shredded Wheat. Wishing I had some ice cream.
Soon to be tasting some cheap ramen bought from a popular Super Market called Tesco here in the UK.
This thread will be Boyah's redemption the way Tec eats n_u
Also a fufu berry jones soda
slim jim and hershey kisses
eating off stress
Quote from: Wrench on April 10, 2010, 07:51:09 PM
slim jim and hershey kisses
eating off stress
that sounds absolutely terrible
a turkey hot pocket and apple juice awdood;
Milk. awdood;
Quote from: DAVID DOWNER on April 11, 2010, 11:49:13 AM
Milk. awdood;
i thought you would've been weened by now.
a "lean" pocket :'(
an apple awdood;
Today I learned that their seeds are poisonous. cjlubdoods;
drinking water even though i hate water
a muffin and iced tea saddood;
holy shit i had one of those huge 99 cent cans of arizona arnold palmer
Quote from: Travis on April 12, 2010, 09:25:25 PM
holy shit i had one of those huge 99 cent cans of arizona arnold palmer
why are those so amazing, something that good should be illegal myface;
ripoff lucky charms AWESOME
I just ate an apple pie, but I still taste the double down.
spaghetti, 2 cheese-pickle-mustard sandwiches (out of lunchmeat :( ), and some cheese puffs doodthing;
coke classic
pizza and orange soda
an apple myface;
french-fried potaters :'(
a muffin and apple juice smithicide;
hershey kisses bitch
chips and salsa from chipotle
Some shitty cheap brand of Cola and salted Crisps/Chips.
egg and cheese on a bagel w/ DR PEPPER
a chocolate chip "muffin" and milk :(
jelly beans
Quote from: YPR on April 19, 2010, 08:05:06 AM
That looks delicious
it's sugarfilled and probably horribly bad for you, but its sooooo good.
some gum
caramel chocolate easter bunny myface;
a baggle and cream cheese with orange juice :'(
cinnamon toast crunch
Quote from: Volvagia on April 20, 2010, 01:47:32 AM
thats a lot of sandwiches
2 cheese dogs and pasta salad
anyone else prefer cheese dogs to hot dogs?
mmmmm, cheese dogs <3
Quote from: Wrench on April 22, 2010, 09:55:22 AM
I knew someone had good taste ;)
We rarely eat them (or chili dogs, for that matter)...but when we do sometimes we'll have the cheese dogs and they are amazing. giggle;
Dihydrogen monoxide.
which i've turned into a solution containing glucopyranoside and hydrogen citrate and small amounts of other mildly toxic chemicals n_n
also pizza y/n
Hot and spicy bbq chips
Quote from: Ted on April 22, 2010, 02:24:24 PM
which i've turned into a solution containing glucopyranoside and hydrogen citrate and small amounts of other mildly toxic chemicals n_n
stop it you sound like clucky
a milkshake and fries and a hamburger :'(
lemon iced tea :'(
grapes and water :'(
ripoff fruit loops :'(
an apple and water :'(
a cheese, mustard, and ham sandwich :'(
I'm eating Peanut Butter M&M's. yes;
frozen, plain m&m's :'(
plain are the best kind smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on April 26, 2010, 03:47:58 PM
frozen, plain m&m's :'(
plain are the best kind smithicide;
Peanut is the best kind you dirty nigger
ily cjlubdoods;
Peanut butter is the best, you're both nigger s
Quote from: YPR on April 26, 2010, 06:05:06 PM
Peanut butter is the best, you're both nigger s
no :'(
plain is and will always be the best :'(
also a
pizza and
apple juice :'(
chips and [glow=red,2,300]salsa[/glow]
Wishing I had some more STRAWBERRIES.
Hardee's RUB IT
a cheeseburger and french fries. and a pickle.
harvest cheddar sun chips and iced tea :'(
I just learned the skin contains the poisonous substance found in poison ivy :O
an apple and pineapple juice :'(
apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanide cjlubdoods;
burned pizza (because siblings suck at cooking) and iced tea akudood;
Quote from: YPR on May 03, 2010, 05:05:40 PM
I just learned the skin contains the poisonous substance found in poison ivy :O
Yes, YES
I know some people that are sensitive enough to be affected by their oils. giggle;
sobe smooth, strawberry banana flavored
it's not all that great
a fudge bar smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on May 08, 2010, 03:22:54 PM
this again myface;
Well give us some and stop hogging them. baddood;
Quote from: DAVID DOWNER on May 08, 2010, 08:44:16 PM
This is going to make me fat. myface;
vanilla soymilk
Meatloaf with Mashed potatoes and Grizzavy
life seerials akudood;
Cheesy potatoes. RUB IT
some cheap popsicles
they don't even have jokes on their sticks :'(
Quote from: Ted on May 13, 2010, 10:42:27 PM
some cheap popsicles
they don't even have jokes on their sticks :'(
baddood; what is the point in eating them then
Quote from: Techo 1/2 on May 13, 2010, 10:44:37 PM
baddood; what is the point in eating them then
know smithicide;
ripoff lucky charms
Quote from: Techo 1/2 on May 13, 2010, 10:44:37 PM
baddood; what is the point in eating them then
because they are popsicles
^that question and answer could have been on the popsicle and just might have been funnier than the jokes they would have had
nothing i dont eat anymore lol
i lost weight yay
Quote from: Not Famy on May 15, 2010, 12:10:15 AM
because they are popsicles
^that question and answer could have been on the popsicle and just might have been funnier than the jokes they would have had
nothing i dont eat anymore lol
i lost weight yay
the most hilarious part is
i laughed[/spoiler]
corn on the
cob, i think i can feel the
diabeetus creeping on akudood;
Quote from: Ted on May 16, 2010, 07:13:31 PM
also corn on the cob, i think i can feel the diabeetus creeping on akudood;
Do not insult my state's major export like that. akudood;
Quote from: DAVID DOWNER on May 16, 2010, 07:37:00 PM
Do not insult my state's major export like that. akudood;
but it's so sugary :'(
a chiggin sandwich with home-brewed honey mustard akudood;
They brew honey-mustard nowadays? n_u
Quote from: YPR on May 18, 2010, 07:44:19 PM
They brew honey-mustard nowadays? n_u
They don't.
I do. baddood;
Tea. n_u
Blueberry strusel muffins. I made them a few days ago, deeeeeelicious.
...I don't think that's how you spell strusel.
Quote from: Target on May 19, 2010, 08:00:29 AM
Blueberry strusel muffins. I made them a few days ago, deeeeeelicious.
...I don't think that's how you spell strusel.
Streusel Reichdood;
just chugged a water bottle
Chick-fil-A #1 value sized
pineapple ramune
Four ears of corn on the cob. myface;
I want some corn on the cob
I will trade you one ear for a piece of cold papa johns pizza
some sort of fancy meat pizza sillydood;
Some tomato soup and a sandwich. There's nothing better when you're sick. RUB IT
Strawberry Delight Frosted Mini Wheats.
Pizza. myface;
Corn. myface;
Two wraps: a Greek eggplant paste dish over grilled vegetables with crunchy snap peas, and a bread/arugala thing.
Quote from: Sheets are Swaying on May 28, 2010, 03:32:05 PM
Two wraps: a Greek eggplant paste dish over grilled vegetables with crunchy snap peas, and a bread/arugala thing.
That sounds utterly delicious
I am tasting dark chocolate raisinets and orange juice
some sort of taco salad myface;
Chocolate soymilk giggle;
cheeto's and mountain dew. i'm such a teenager
a blue raspberry italian ice myface;
one of those fancy spongebob push pop ice cream things goowan
Strawberries. RUB IT
Quote from: DAVID DOWNER on June 01, 2010, 03:59:43 PM
Strawberries. RUB IT
this in italian ice form smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on June 01, 2010, 04:18:35 PM
this in italian ice form smithicide;
Send me some. y/n
More corn. myface;
a mix of cinnamon toast crunch and cocoa puffs with vanilla soy milk giggle;
arizona arnold palmer half green tea half lemonade. i originally thought i would hate this because i fucking hate arizona green tea but it's actually pretty good, mostly taste the lemonade.
also cheez doodles
dark chocolate hearts from valentine's day and 1% milk akudood;
a cheeseburger and fries and a motherfucking PICKLE
chili cheese dip and some tortilla chips
and A&W root beer
Some brownies that I had to mutilate in order to remove their cake icing. :'(
Quote from: David Banner on June 08, 2010, 11:45:05 AM
Some brownies that I had to mutilate in order to remove their cake icing. :'(
That's just crazy akudood;
Quote from: YPR on June 08, 2010, 11:54:01 AM
That's just crazy akudood;
It is. akudood;
Cake icing is horrible on cake itself, why would you taint anything else with it? wry
Blueberry pie. Hey, at least it's not cherry pie. n_u
raspbery-lemon italian ice myface;
Quote from: David Banner on June 08, 2010, 11:45:05 AM
Some brownies that I had to mutilate in order to remove their cake icing. :'(
A tortilla
I'm eating a plain tortilla
Quote from: Techo 1/2 on June 09, 2010, 03:28:44 PM
A tortilla
I'm eating a plain tortilla
How exciting!!!!!! :)
All natural chicken pad thai :3
Sarsaparilla and combos.
Toothpaste. awdood;
David why are you eating toothpaste?
And french fries
Quote from: Techo 1/2 on June 12, 2010, 04:40:01 PM
David why are you eating toothpaste?
And french fries
I wasn't I swear.
A Three Musketeers I found in the fridge, I hope it isn't anybody's.
Just got back from a graduation party
Beef sandwich, colby cheese, salami, tomatoes, potato chips, and carrots
Quote from: YPR on June 13, 2010, 06:15:04 PM
Just got back from a graduation party
Beef sandwich, colby cheese, salami, tomatoes, potato chips, and carrots
I'll take some cheese and chips. n_u
just ate a turkey sandwich and now i'm enjoying a dr. pepper cherry which is AWESOME
Would you share? n_u
Quote from: seuss on June 27, 2010, 11:34:41 AM
Of course I would, but that's a little late now. goowan
Well, make some more pie. wariodood;
Quote from: seuss on June 27, 2010, 12:21:59 PM
I don't know how. :(
I can give you a hershey bar if that makes you fee better?
Very much so. giggle;
Quote from: seuss on June 27, 2010, 12:36:40 PM
I just realized I forgot to put a L at the end of feel. saddood;
Probably cause I had chocolate all over my fingers when I was typing that. AWESOME
I hope your keyboard isn't covered in chocolate now. baddood;
strawberries myface;
corn on the cob smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on June 27, 2010, 04:52:32 PM
strawberries myface;
Quote from: Ted on June 27, 2010, 06:36:47 PM
corn on the cob smithicide;
This is the food thread I know and love baddood;
I'm drinking some delicious cold chocolate soy milk
Very minty ice cream. myface;
I think everyone should start taking pictures of their food like I do. n_u
I had some shrimp wontons last.
fried pickles <3 wariodood;
chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream RUB IT
vanilla ice crame
a fish sandwich and water awdood;
Cinnamon Toast Crunch with very vanilla Soymilk baddood; shits good
pizza, garlic knots, and dr. pepper <3
Quote from: Travis on June 30, 2010, 03:35:30 PM
pizza, garlic knots, and dr. pepper <3
pizza sounds good right now
Wishing I had some pizza.
cashews cjlubdoods;
Still wishing I had some pizza. :'(
Just made breakfast/brunch
Hash browns
Grilled pineapple
I wish I had some bacon and eggs to make some extremely late breakfast :'(
A leftover cheese burger.
a corndog
Gum. saddood;
Popcorn and a peach. confuseddood;
hot dogs lol <3
I finally got some pizza, it was not as delicious as I had hoped.
Corn myface;
"I'll see you tomorrow! 5thgrade; "
Water and an apple.
Wishing I had something other than corn. :'(
I had some pizza and now I'm drinking chocolate milk. Oh god.
I've replaced Tec.
yum bagel bites
Quote from: Nyerp on July 08, 2010, 10:21:35 PM
yum bagel bites
I had some of those yesterday. smithicide;
I wanted to make some scrambled eggs, but we only have one egg. awdood;
Arizona green tea.
More tea with a peach.
I'm really wishing Tec would come back from Florida.
Cheddar cheese. myface;
Corn that came quite literally from our backyard. Also, milk.
David has replaced Tec.
Quote from: ClassicTyler on July 12, 2010, 05:34:46 PM
David has replaced Tec.
He needs to come back. I hope he didn't suddenly get a life in Florida. awdood;
He'd be the lucky one. awdood;
a double cheeseburger, fries, and a blue slush from sonic >_<'
A volcano burrito from taco bell
a cinnamon roll and milk smithicide;
vaniller ice cream in a cone myface;
pizza rolls smithicide;
now a bowl of captain crunch... doodthing;
spaghetti and meat sauce awdood;
also, water akudood;
Some sort of chocolate chip cereal bar and milk. smithicide;
Toast with Nutella and milk.
lemon yogurt. :(
nigga made a pizza
i made a hamburger and iced tea :'(
[spoiler]with blue cheese smithicide;[/spoiler]
Quote from: Ted on July 29, 2010, 02:35:06 PM
i made a hamburger and iced tea :'(
[spoiler]with blue cheese smithicide;[/spoiler]
Do you have any cheese left over? y/n
Brownies and milk.
David. 5thgrade;
i had lots of garlic bread
Give me a kiss Nyerp.
how has this thread not had a post in 4 days smithicide;
Raman noodles in a cup, chicken flavored
Some cold, smooth, delicious Silk Chocolate Soy Milk
Pizza. 5thgrade;
Some sort of cherry-filled pastry and milk. akudood;
Tyler. goodjob;
Bratwurst. giggle;
some strawberry lemonade befuddlement
homemade strawberry ice cream myface;
i'm usually not even a fan of strawberry ice cream but jesus this is amazing akudood;
Also, I would like some more strawberry lemonade. :(
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on August 19, 2010, 01:26:56 PM
Also, I would like some more strawberry lemonade. :(
and you thought I was crazy for drinking it the other day :3
A turkey sandwhich with cheese and lettuce and Thousand Island dressing. myface;
also strawberry lemonade is beautiful cjlubdoods;
Earlier I had a Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich combo with coke
It was a #3 there
Quote from: revelry on August 21, 2010, 09:35:10 PM
Earlier I had a Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich combo with coke
It was a #3 there
Homemade pizza. n_n
water awdood;
Quote from: ClassicTyler on August 23, 2010, 11:15:53 PM
that reminded me of orangina for some reason n_u
Froot loops
turkey ham and cheese sandwich on a bagel with a rasberry snapple
slim jim akudood;
arroz con pollo giggle;
Grapes with cream cheese.
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on August 25, 2010, 04:25:15 PM
Grapes with cream cheese.
What the heck? no one eats grapes with cream cheese akudood;
Quote from: Techo 1/2 on August 25, 2010, 04:27:31 PM
What the heck? no one eats grapes with cream cheese akudood;
I do. huhdoodame;
Quote from: Khadafi on August 22, 2010, 10:23:09 AM
This kinda makes me happy
Gummy Bears
"Lo-Cal" Monster Energy drink. It's like a lollipop.
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese/Kraft Dinner
Ham and cheese sammich on rye giggle;
popcorn girl;
tomato soup >_<'
i just burned my lip >_<'
Tropicana Orange Juice with pulp n_n
I ate some Chinese noodles with orange chicken thumbup;
chicken boobs
silly, chickens are mammals, they're reptiles
Granola bar 5thgrade;
and milk
a hot chocolate.
because "free" internet is only free with a purchase.
a chocolate eclair and milk akudood;
reese's?! for breakfast midnight snack?!
a peach and coconut juice (??) myface;
with bean dip baddood;
mashed potaters and chickens and spinach akudood;
the chef put lemon flavored fish sauce on the potatoes instead of gravy goonish
combos smithicide;
welch's "fruit" "snacks" goonish
Tec quit spamming akudood;
Also Haribo Gummy Bears
Quote from: Ted on September 10, 2010, 06:58:27 PM
combos smithicide;
hey i like those
anyway i'm eating triscuits baddood;
Two slices of pizza, water, peaches, and apple sauce. cluckjmvdoods;
a subway sandwich made entire out of veget-o-bills akudood;
and arizoner iced tea myface;
i had a twinkie and water awdood;
i had tec's twinkie yes;
Quote from: Nyerp on September 12, 2010, 06:35:09 PM
i had tec's twinkie yes;
...You said you would keep that private. smithicide;
also, more subway, except this time it's chicken teriyaki and it's cold akudood;
water myface;
Quote from: Ted on September 12, 2010, 06:47:55 PM
...You said you would keep that private. smithicide;
also, more subway, except this time it's chicken teriyaki and it's cold akudood;
and water myface;
Do you hate water or something akudood;
[spoiler]I KNOW YOU HATE TO SWIM IN IT [/spoiler]
some sort of giant mexicanian salad thing in a bowl made of corn akudood;
and soder smithicide;
nesquick chocolate milk myface;
this should be renamed "the official tectron-sanctioned opposite day food thread"
Quote from: Lain on September 14, 2010, 12:25:00 AM
this should be renamed "the official tectron-sanctioned opposite day food thread"
peanut butter/caramel sandwich omfg kill me gonk;
Quote from: Thyme on September 14, 2010, 06:32:33 AM
peanut butter/caramel sandwich omfg kill me gonk;
ew gonk;
also water awdood;
guys i drank water and i want to die
Quote from: Nyerp on September 14, 2010, 06:41:53 AM
guys i drank water and i want to die
me too :'(
also a ham/egg/cheese sandwich and some horrid coffee
thing goowan
Hard boiled egg and a bagel with cream cheese insultdood;
i just had a delicious sandwich with ham, cheese, and lettuce on it (http://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/gonk.gif)
mashed potaters with gravy and bufferlo chicken and a soder smithicide;
Tec please don't have a heart attack O_0
I WANT SOME SCRAMBLED EGGS. (http://i32.tinypic.com/2yln4mq.jpg)
a reuben sandwich and mashed potaters with gravy goonish
and a soda awdood;
egg roll
I just had some shrimp and broccoli
Quote from: Ted on September 17, 2010, 01:26:35 PM
a reuben sandwich and mashed potaters with gravy goonish
and a soda awdood;
give me some of those taters (http://i32.tinypic.com/2yln4mq.jpg)
a hamburger and grapefruit juice smithicide;
peach yoghurt akudood;
pizza and water akudood;
one of those cream-filled chocolate cake-roll things myface;
macaroni and cheese and coca cola
Quote from: Travis on September 20, 2010, 01:11:47 PM
macaroni and cheese and coca cola
this but with sunkist
a hamburglar and fries and water akudood;
orange chicken and noodles with a bacon pizza and orange soda/mt dew/sierra mist akudood;
a motherfucking ZINGER
scrambled eggs and a whole grain bagel with cream cheese
chee toes
an ice cold mountain dew
Not at this exact moment but I had sushi for dinner. Some california rolls which aren't my favorite but they came with shrimp, salmon, eel, and tuna nigrizushi (the rectangles of rice with raw fish on top) which I love.
some sort of "salad" and raspberry tea smithicide;
a slice of pizza myface;
I'd like some pizza. smithicide;
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 23, 2010, 09:45:11 AM
I'd like some pizza. smithicide;
i'd like some of your adipose tissues cjlubdoods;
water awdood;
Chocolate syrup, ice, a banana, and milk blended up into a drink.
pizzer and some amazing cheese ravioli and water smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on September 23, 2010, 07:13:02 PM
pizzer and some amazing cheese ravioli and water smithicide;
water's an improvement >.<
david's cock
Turkey sandwich. 5thgrade;
A poutine with a coke. girl;
un coca, s'il vous plaît goodjob;
raw men noodles myface;
Quote from: Ted on September 24, 2010, 03:13:25 PM
raw men noodles myface;
you eat so much myface;
spinach smithicide;
miniature appleit's
red on the outside and
green on the inside
and it's incredibly sweet
i have never seen anything like this akudood;
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on September 24, 2010, 03:51:44 PM
you eat so much myface;
spinach smithicide;
Spinach alone? awdood;
i had another apple
they're so adorable akudood;
Quote from: Thyme on September 24, 2010, 04:08:29 PM
Spinach alone? awdood;
yeah even though i will generally tell people i like spinach a lot, it's really bland by itself
i love it in my mom's lasagna thumbup;
cheese nips @_@
and tea wry
Spapeggy smithicide;
more spapeggy, i'll tell you hwat myface;
macaroni and cheese smithicide;
and chocolate milk
peanut butter + crackers
an apple >_<'
pizzer and soder awdood;
tea awdood;
some sort of vegetable pasta, pizzer, and soder smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on September 28, 2010, 10:22:21 PM
why on earth would you drink water with chocolate
chocolate demands the accompaniment of milk, or nothing at all
Quote from: Lain on September 29, 2010, 05:14:28 AM
why on earth would you drink water with chocolate
chocolate demands the accompaniment of milk, or nothing at all
uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh hell no
i'm with kaz on this
i would have preferred milk but it's expensive goowan
also, vaniller yogurt with blueberries and granoler saddood;
pizzer and sierra mist goonish
All of Aaron's pizza eating makes me wish the nice Italians still ran their restaurant. cry;
Pizza and water. n_u
taco bell akudood;
Quote from: Travis on September 29, 2010, 06:16:24 PM
taco bell akudood;
I don't think I've ever eaten this much of one food in one week. (http://boyah.net/forums/index.php?action=dlattach;attach=2195;type=avatar)
also water akudood;
i've been eating a lot of pizza lately too
everything else at the dining hall fucking sucks >.<
Quote from: Nyerp on September 29, 2010, 06:37:29 PM
i've been eating a lot of pizza lately too
everything else at the dining hall fucking sucks >.<
everything else at mine is too expensive cry;
pretzel combos awdood;
Quote from: Classique on September 29, 2010, 06:24:35 PM
Glass of OJ and a Granola bar
Quote from: Ted on September 29, 2010, 06:38:40 PM
everything else at mine is too expensive cry;
what kind of shitty meal plan is that; BUYING food?!
all i have to do is have some lady swipe my card and then go get whatever food i want cjlubdoods;
Quote from: Nyerp on September 29, 2010, 08:23:14 PM
what kind of shitty meal plan is that; BUYING food?!
all i have to do is have some lady swipe my card and then go get whatever food i want cjlubdoods;
we get a set amount of "points" to use on foods
if i spend more than $15 a day i won't have enough to last the whole semester cry;
Quote from: Ted on September 29, 2010, 08:25:28 PM
we get a set amount of "points" to use on foods
if i spend more than $15 a day i won't have enough to last the whole semester cry;
that's retarded you should come to my school we could be study buddies goowan
i have an unlimited meal plan bassir;
Quote from: Nyerp on September 29, 2010, 08:26:51 PM
that's retarded you should come to my school we could be study buddies goowan
i have an unlimited meal plan bassir;
where do you go cry;
Quote from: Ted on September 29, 2010, 08:30:06 PM
where do you go cry;
somewhere far, far away vuvudood;
[spoiler]ncsu :/
which is far away myface;[/spoiler]
apple myface;Quote from: Nyerp on September 29, 2010, 08:32:29 PM
somewhere far, far away vuvudood;
[spoiler]ncsu :/
which is far away myface;[/spoiler]
take me with you (http://boyah.net/forums/index.php?action=dlattach;attach=2195;type=avatar)
i don't think low-grade bank clerks are allowed to enroll :(
can losers enrol? O_0
losers who are currently tasting can n_n
Quote from: Nyerp on September 30, 2010, 11:33:24 AM
losers who are currently tasting can n_n
i think i shall enrol baddood;
pizza cry;
soda cry;
Quote from: Nyerp on September 30, 2010, 05:45:59 AM
i don't think low-grade bank clerks are allowed to enroll :(
an egg and cheese sandwich awdood;
and some sort of coffee thing goonish
yogurt that expired on the 28th
i will die [y/n]
also it's pomegranate blackberry flavored myface;
Taquitos and dark chocolate Almond milk.
water awdood;
cheese nips and water awdood;
pizza and dog hair
Pizza and Arnold Palmer
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on October 02, 2010, 01:14:25 PM
i lol'd
also raw men noodles and water akudood;
which is like eating salt water with water akudood;
I just had a piece of leftover spinach alfredo chicken tomato pizza with light sauce from papa john's
i had an apple akudood;
a taco "salad" myface;
and tea cry;
Turkey sandwich on wheat Italian herbs and cheese bread, with spinach leaves, tomatoes, cheddar and ranch.
Monterey Jack and Sundried Tomato Sun Chips
Sprite <3
a burrito, a taquito, rice, and mango lemonade myface;
Quote from: Ted on October 02, 2010, 09:19:24 PM
a burrito, a taquito, rice, and mango lemonade myface;
Mango lemonade sounds good
also please don't have a heart attack with all your food :(
Quote from: Echo on October 02, 2010, 09:41:11 PM
Mango lemonade sounds good
also please don't have a heart attack with all your food :(
it's okay i had an apple cry;
how does a skinny little negro have such an appetite
Cap'n Crunch psyduck;
mashed potatoes, corn, and some kind of cheap steak thing akudood;
also gravy akudood;
also chocolate milk myface;
Quote from: Ted on October 03, 2010, 07:16:54 PM
also chocolate milk myface;
this again, and a chocolate "granola" bar goonish
the souls of american children goonish
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on October 04, 2010, 05:10:08 AM
the souls of american children goonish
you're so evil
Also mint hot chocolate made with soymilk
Quote from: Echo on October 04, 2010, 10:23:27 AM
you're so evil
Also mint hot chocolate made with soymilk
I want :(
Quote from: Classique on October 04, 2010, 11:16:16 AM
I want :(
I have two more packets n_n
It was pretty good stuff
vaniller yogurt with blueberries and granoler cry;
combos akudood;
mandarin orange slices akudood;
gummi frogs (http://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/doodakuao0.png)
starburst (http://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/doodakuao0.png)
pizza and lemonade (http://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/doodakuao0.png)
gunna eat some cookies (http://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/doodakuao0.png)
give me some
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on October 05, 2010, 06:17:36 PM
give me some
*gives ME86 delicious fresh baked cookies* ^_________________^
Quote from: Nyerp on October 05, 2010, 06:20:02 PM
*gives ME86 delicious fresh baked cookies* ^_________________^
yay myface;
half of a dark chocolate bar myface;
Tec's other half dark chocolate bar. yes;
Quote from: Classique on October 05, 2010, 08:17:49 PM
Tec's other half dark chocolate bar. yes;
i needed those antioxidants awdood;
milk (http://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/doodakuao0.png)
bean burrito
Quote from: RTF on September 28, 2010, 09:45:27 PM
BEST RICE EVER. I buy it in 10 pound bags. hocuspocus;
hot wings madood;
Quote from: FAMY2 on October 06, 2010, 12:33:57 PM
BEST RICE EVER. I buy it in 10 pound bags. hocuspocus;
let's eat some purple rice and pretend the antioxidants are working 5thgrade;
Quote from: Analysis Paralysis on October 06, 2010, 12:40:03 PM
let's eat some purple rice and pretend the antioxidants are working 5thgrade;
Purple is my favorite color.
Quote from: FAMY2 on October 06, 2010, 12:41:12 PM
Purple is my favorite color.
sausage and mustard sandwich
Quote from: FAMY2 on October 06, 2010, 02:30:45 PM
oh the memories. cjlubdoods;
why did you ignore me rae
i'm going to tell famy cry;
oh speaking of him i haven't seen him a while
Ziti with Marinara sauce n_n
lifesavers gummies cry;
cinnamon toast crunch THE POWER OF GOD
Quote from: Analysis Paralysis on October 06, 2010, 02:34:09 PM
why did you ignore me rae
i'm going to tell famy cry;
oh speaking of him i haven't seen him a while
That looked awful. myface; Almost like it was going to start crawling.
This is good.
People are mean to Famy so he is laying low. He thinks our relationship isn't complicated. n_u
pizza and chocolate milk akudood;
My arteries hate me.
Quote from: FAMY2 on October 07, 2010, 01:07:42 PM
He keeps telling me my girlfriend is going to die from the tumors she has in her throat so he can stop crying that I got pissed akudood;
Quote from: YPR on October 07, 2010, 01:23:09 PM
He keeps telling me my girlfriend is going to die from the tumors she has in her throat so he can stop crying that I got pissed akudood;
but ypr, you should think about him. his girlfriend beats him up cry;
Quote from: Ãâ,¬mbørthümbsee on October 07, 2010, 01:27:29 PM
but ypr, you should think about him. his girlfriend beats him up cry;
but he insists they get along so well even though all he does is complain about what a stupid bitch she is :O
then if I agree with him, I'm the one being an asshole goonish
Quote from: YPR on October 07, 2010, 01:31:49 PM
but he insists they get along so well even though all he does is complain about what a stupid bitch she is :O
then if I agree with him, I'm the fuck being an asshole goonish
boohoo she kicked me out and called the cops on me, but i won't do anything to fix this situation cry;
isn't it lovely? n_n
Quote from: YPR on October 07, 2010, 01:23:09 PM
He keeps telling me my girlfriend is going to die from the tumors she has in her throat so he can stop crying that I got pissed akudood;
also famy is a very sensitive and caring individual he loves me n_n
Quote from: Analysis Paralysis on October 07, 2010, 01:41:46 PM
also famy is a very sensitive and caring individual he loves me n_n
he's sensitive but he doesn't love you n_u
Quote from: YPR on October 07, 2010, 01:45:34 PM
he's sensitive but he doesn't love you n_u
but he tells me that every day cry;
Quote from: Analysis Paralysis on October 07, 2010, 01:59:05 PM
nope. you can have his 'love' for all i care sillydood;
i never knew you guys were so cold-hearted to someone like famy cry;
Quote from: Analysis Paralysis on October 07, 2010, 02:06:28 PM
i never knew you guys were so cold-hearted to someone like famy cry;
he brought it on himself
I'm never going to hear the end of this from Famy. n_u
kaz is enjoying famy's pickle
Or Pickle's Famy. giggle;
Sorry YPR. I hope everything is alright with your girl. saddood;
Quote from: Lain on October 07, 2010, 05:08:44 PM
you missed some
famy there, it's on your chin.
famy's crazy
also, pasta salad and a smoked salmon sandwich akudood;
and sierra mist akudood;
chef boiardi ravioli
Quote from: Ted on October 08, 2010, 08:02:07 AM
famy's crazy
also, pasta salad and a smoked salmon sandwich akudood;
and sierra mist akudood;
Why you always eat so good? O_0
Quote from: FAMY2 on October 08, 2010, 10:49:02 AM
Why you always eat so good? O_0
Because he's an
Quote from: FAMY2 on October 08, 2010, 10:49:02 AM
Why you always eat so good? O_0
they have a wide variety of things to choose from here :'(
also, fried rice and general tso's chicken with apple juice wry
DORITOS philip;
and milk doodthing;
Quote from: Ted on October 08, 2010, 12:04:59 PM
they have a wide variety of things to choose from here :'(
also, fried rice and general tso's chicken with apple juice wry
more of this, but with lemonade replacing the apple juice cry;
i have been eaten
some sort of
mexican frozen
passion fruit thing
and passion fruit is horrid but this tastes amazing cry;
Quote from: Not Famy on October 09, 2010, 10:33:58 AM
i have been eaten
gross akudood;
a bananer :'(
a sandwich and chocolate milk and a couple cereal bars akudood;
plus lemon italian soda
Meatloaf is turrible. myface;
coffee ice cream milkshake smithicide;
life :'(
Red Twizzlers. The extra long ones. hocuspocus;
scrambled eggs and grits
some sort of vegetable pasta, pizzer, and soder myface;
Pizza and Sierra Mist Natural.
GINGER ALE myface;
a kit kat bar awdood;
Pumpkin Pie Blizzard. awdood;
more water
Potato chips and ORANGE JUICE (no pulp.)
pizzer and "pepsi throwback" myface;
'Chicken' flavoured rawmen.
tacos spam;
Sierra Mist Natural and Nyerp's poo.
i had "fruit snacks"
lemon cheesecake
a "salaad" :'(
miso soup and fried rice (which i have added to the soup) :'(
also, a hipster frozen coffee product :'(
I love coming here just to see what you eat everyday. :3
some sort of lemon
pizza and soder and cheddar/sour cream chips akudood;
Country fried steak
a lifesaver
which is funny because i have no life girl;
fruit by the foot akudood;
a chicken salad sandwich and really hot chocolate :'(
water and a sugar cookie myface;
a cookie
dexter's a cookie
so i'm eating dexter
a sandwich :'(
and apple juice :'(
macaroni and piiiiiiickles
tortiller chips and salsa awdood;
peanut butter/banan/honey sandwich @_@
milk goonish
Quote from: Khadafi on October 17, 2010, 02:37:34 PM
i fucking knew it
"Wait, wait, let me guess. The sweet taste of victory?"
Close enough. giggle;
some strange vegetable pasta, pizza, and a carbonated beverage awdood;
a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich with orange juice saddood;
a nice, cold mountain dew
Pumpkin Pie Blizzard.
sierra mist and pizza akudood;
nothing :'(
Quote from: Ted on October 17, 2010, 07:46:09 PM
some strange vegetable pasta, pizza, and a carbonated beverage awdood;
I lol'd at this since it came after a string of VICTORY related posts. baddood;
i always color coordinate them :'(
a veggie burger with cheese on multigrain roll
beef, watermelon, then cream soda. That is all. doodhuh;
Quote from: IKANAIDE on October 19, 2010, 10:45:37 AM
beef, watermelon, then cream soda. That is all. doodhuh;
was it a square watermelon
miso soup, fried rice, tea, and an egg roll akudood;
a reese's peanut butter cup :'(
Cold Spaghetti-O's straigh from the can, spicy beef ramen, cran-grape juice, and chocolate cake.
Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Chicken sandwich from work. cjlubdoods;
'Garden' 'tomato' and 'basil' potato chips confuseddood;
mashed potatoes with gravy, buffalo wangs, and macaroni and cheese myface;
and sierra mist smithicide;
Quote from: Ted on October 21, 2010, 10:18:19 PM
mashed potatoes with gravy, buffalo wangs, and macaroni and cheese myface;
and sierra mist smithicide;
Earlier today, I hope. confuseddood;
Quote from: Thyme on October 21, 2010, 10:18:59 PM
Earlier today, I hope. confuseddood;
No. :'(
I only eat twice a day, and this is generally when I eat the second time. myface;
Quote from: Ted on October 21, 2010, 10:21:57 PM
No. :'(
I only eat twice a day, and this is generally when I eat the second time. myface;
whoreible myface;
Quote from: Ted on October 21, 2010, 10:18:19 PM
mashed potatoes with gravy, buffalo wangs
I have never been so jealous in my life O_0
Soda! happydood;
an apple akudood;
lasgna spam;
Apple Oatmeal n_n
Syrup sandwich akudood;
Quote from: Nyerp on October 25, 2010, 11:42:47 AM
please explain before i puke
No explain. Sandwich+syrup=syrup sandwich.
Quote from: IKANAIDE on October 25, 2010, 11:29:18 AM
Syrup sandwich akudood;
what on earth why would you do that
also i'm eating m&ms
Quote from: Asuka on October 25, 2010, 04:09:39 PM
what on earth why would you do that
also i'm eating m&ms
I do not know.
Twix thumbup;
Red beans and rice
cheese balls
fresh steamed gyoza baddood;
A rather boring sandwich.
Ramen and coke
Raw men and cock
Fish and chips.
English food <3
a pretty good fish sandwich. part of me wishes i had green peppers so then i wouldn't have to use jalapenos and thus burn my entire oral region, but what can you do
Bitterness and defeat. :'(
Peanut butter and waffles.
milk and pretzels mofugga
an apple akudood;
For breakfast I had pancakes, hashbrowns, bacon, and eggs.
I am cook bassir;
Quote from: FAMY2 on November 06, 2010, 01:15:08 PM
I bought some. Are they good?
the fuck they are
they're in harvest now so i have a bunch
Quote from: FAMY2 on November 06, 2010, 01:15:08 PM
I bought some. Are they good?
I think I am gonna go back to kroger and buy like 6 of them since they are 3 for 5 dollars hocuspocus;
The Spicy Chicken Sandwich combo from Chic-fil-A
Quote from: Live Is Dead on November 06, 2010, 05:27:31 PM
The Spicy Chicken Sandwich combo from Chic-fil-A
Fuck you.
I will want to try one now but tomorrow is Sunday akudood;
pepperoni pizza and orange juice cry;
Quote from: Ted on November 06, 2010, 06:41:04 PM
pepperoni pizza and orange juice cry;
Everybody have pizza but me :(
i had pizza friday. im ordering an xl pizza monday for lunch.
Quote from: XLR on November 06, 2010, 06:49:47 PM
i had pizza friday. im ordering an xl pizza monday for lunch.
Quote from: Khadafi on November 06, 2010, 06:31:50 PM
Fuck you.
I will want to try fuck now but tomorrow is Sunday akudood;
and it was tasty
a sausage/egg/cheese sandwich and various forms of grapefruit :'(
Quote from: Live Is Dead on November 06, 2010, 06:59:36 PM
and it was tasty
Chic-fil-A's disgusting as fuck
i wonder why you and Felt like it
I would like some non-country waffles.
Quote from: Analysis Paralysis on November 07, 2010, 09:10:40 AM
Chic-fil-A's disgusting as fuck
i wonder why you and Felt like it
Hey, you do not exist anymore.
Quote from: Live Is Dead on November 07, 2010, 09:23:25 AM
Hey, you do not exist anymore.
i'm me86's projected image akudood;
dark chocolate almond milk
plain m&m's :'(
a soft pretzel :'(
KFC grilled chicken and corn bread hocuspocus;
Quote from: FAMY2 on November 07, 2010, 02:50:59 PM
KFC grilled chicken and corn bread hocuspocus;
Quote from: Nyerp on November 07, 2010, 03:03:33 PM
So much better than the other kinds. om nom nom
I just had a cinnamon raisin bagel and i put chocolate pudding on it since there was no good cream cheese
it turned out better than expected
cheddar and sour cream ruffles and iced tea :'(
some sort of vegetable pasta :'(
a "stuffed" mushroom with macaroni and cheese and rice :'(
I just finished eating a shitty ass apple.
Country fried steak
Hamburglar Helper.
an ice cream sandwich :'(
Quote from: Jim on November 11, 2010, 04:35:38 AM
Replace that with apple juice and this is perfect.
Apple cinnamon bagel with cream cheese. giggle;
mashed potatoes with gravy and beef :'(
Chicken, taters, mac and cheese and sweet tea. smithicide;
Quote from: Pam on November 11, 2010, 10:07:54 AM
mashed potatoes with gravy and beef :'(
I want to live where you do. saddood;
garlic knots myface;
vanilla yogurt with blueberries and granola awdood;
and cranberry lemonade :'(
strawberries :'(
Some 3 meat pizza from Sam's Club
i blended eggnog and vaniller ice cream :'(
I'm eating cheddar cheese from our old neighbour's farm. myface;
Tacos y la leche
american soda omg giggle;
Quote from: Panty on November 14, 2010, 03:57:59 PM
what brand
Mountain Dew
Dr. Pepper
orange soda I forget brand
Also, how to pronounce Irn Bru?
iron brew
i think
Quote from: iCandy on November 14, 2010, 05:50:03 PM
thanks your reply happydood;
no problem you little Japanese badass
very very hot, hot cocoa made with vanilla soymilk
peach slices cry;
blue moon and sorrow cry;
A candy cane flavored cookie
Quote from: iCandy on November 12, 2010, 02:07:17 PM
strawberries :'(
I'm jealous
Quote from: Pam on November 13, 2010, 10:30:12 PM
i blended eggnog and vaniller ice cream :'(
sounds tasty
Quote from: Jim on November 14, 2010, 01:45:40 PM
I'm eating cheddar cheese from our old neighbour's farm. myface;
that's actually pretty cool
is it gross or something?
Quote from: Travis on November 16, 2010, 08:20:13 PM
how are those
Chocolate chip waffles
Quote from: Admin on November 18, 2010, 02:14:59 AM
how are those
well they were good. too bad i spilled half the bag
pomegranate juice
Long John Silvers
a "roasted vegetable wrap" and hot chocolate :'(
mandarin oranges myface;
mandarin oranges are disgusting
you're disgusting madood;
Apple juice...
gum. orbit. we go back.
i need to start experimenting more with vegetables and various concoctions. i've yet to eat a proper burrito.
a chocolate cupcake with vaniller frosting and milk :'(
french bread pizza
raw men noodles and cranberry juice cry;
Hot chocolate.
my mom made burritos with like beef, beans, cheese, and sour cream in them
some sort of chocolate brownie "frozen yogurt" myface;
Quote from: Pam on November 20, 2010, 10:24:18 PM
some sort of chocolate brownie "frozen yogurt" myface;
ok chocolate brownie ice cream is good, but "frozen yogurt"? ew
Quote from: Echo on November 21, 2010, 07:48:17 AM
ok chocolate brownie ice cream is good, but "frozen yogurt"? ew
i expected it to be repulsive like most frozen yogurt but it was exactly like ice cream befuddlement
Also, orange juice. goowan
Burnt Jet's pizza. akudood;
Sleep tablet.
Hot chocolate with whipped cream.
a melt sandwhich with chicken, bacon, ham, lettuce, cheese, tomato, and honey mustard, a melt with turkey, bacon, ham, lettuce, cheese, tomato, and mayo, a blueberry muffin, a "cookie dough" muffin, a banana-nut muffin, a peanut butter cup, and raspberry ice tea akudood;
chocolate milk and wheat thins :'(
[spoiler]i don't think i'm eating them hard enough wry[/spoiler]
Quote from: Admin on November 21, 2010, 08:33:18 PM
a melt sandwhich with chicken, bacon, ham, lettuce, cheese, tomato, and honey mustard, a melt with turkey, bacon, ham, lettuce, cheese, tomato, and mayo, a blueberry muffin, a "cookie dough" muffin, a banana-nut muffin, a peanut butter cup, and raspberry ice tea akudood;
How do you eat so much. :'(
Key Lime Pie hocuspocus;
Quote from: Classique on November 21, 2010, 09:39:36 PM
How do you eat so much. :'(
I'm a growing boy akudood;
[spoiler]I didn't end up eating all of it baddood;[/spoiler]
tyler was a growing boy too once
look what happened
Quote from: Classique on November 21, 2010, 09:39:36 PM
How do you eat so much. :'(
i'd ask that but after seeing how much Tec eats I can't be surprised anymore n_u
am i just an anorexic faggot or is it really hard to eat a whole apple?
Quote from: Classique on November 21, 2010, 09:39:36 PM
How do you eat so much. :'(
Quote from: XLR on November 22, 2010, 11:55:17 AM
am i just an anorexic faggot or is it really hard to eat a whole apple?
Quote from: XLR on November 22, 2010, 11:55:17 AM
am i just an anorexic faggot or is it really hard to eat a whole apple?
i'm a fatass and i agree
they're just really filling for some reason
welch's fruit snacks cry;
i eat apples all the time, but i never find fruits filling :'(
more sleep tablets :'(
vegetable pasta and "green tea" :'(
Quote from: Commander Shepard on November 22, 2010, 05:49:49 PM
garlic knots cry;
a nice, cold mountain dew
Quote from: Hitoshi-san on November 23, 2010, 10:43:50 AM
a nice, cold mountain dew
ew why would you want mountain dew
i'm drinking a vault and eating cheez it
water and peaches :'(
Quote from: Echo on November 23, 2010, 11:50:16 AM
ew why would you want mountain dew
i'm drinking a vault and eating cheez it
because i like it duh
also i am now eating a kit-kat
an ice cream sandwich :'(
vaniller yogurt, blueberries, and "granola" :'(
and water :'(
Current tasting: Nothing.
Next tasting: Waffles, I hope. myface;
a quesadilla :'(
I can smell the pumpkin pies. cry;
an apple :'(
Lots of dessert. yes;
vaniller ice cream milkshake :'(
leftover thanksgiving foods (corn/mashed potatoes/stuffing/turkey/green beans/gravy)
and cranberry pomegranate pineapple juice with real pineapple chunks :'(
Quote from: Pam on November 26, 2010, 11:59:53 PM
leftover thanksgiving foods (corn/mashed potatoes/stuffing/turkey/green beans/gravy)
and cranberry pomegranate pineapple juice with real pineapple chunks :'(
that sounds rather sour O_0
Leftover mashed taters with cheese.
left over black beans with cheese RUB IT
American soda with sleep tablet. doodhuh;
an apple and water :'(
Quote from: iCandy on November 27, 2010, 04:06:50 PM
American soda with sleep tablet. doodhuh;
maybe you should see a doctor instead of taking a billion sleep tablets akudood;
a chicken sandwich, fries, apple pie, and orange juice :'(
Quote from: Echo on November 27, 2010, 06:56:12 PM
maybe you should see a doctor instead of taking a billion sleep tablets akudood;
why? result is same akudood;
Quote from: iCandy on November 27, 2010, 08:02:56 PM
why? result is same akudood;
Not if there is something major wrong with you akudood;
CHERRY COKE ghouldood;
Quote from: Travis on November 27, 2010, 08:50:38 PM
CHERRY COKE ghouldood;
I prefer Cherry Pepsi, but Cherry Coke is good too.
another apple and more water :'(
oreos and milk cjlubdoods;
Syrup sandwich
With sleep tablet
a pear myface;
some gummy candy shaped like various body parts lol
cheap halloween candy
Quote from: Yin on November 29, 2010, 10:11:46 AM
I haven't had one of those in forever. They are pretty good
also, Pomegranate Juice
i just had a sammich from the cafeteria
and some macaroni and cheese
a nice, cold mountain dew
Girf from Erbs & Gerbs giggle;
Some milk cry;
One of the best snacks in the world.
chocolate soymilk myface;
and a roasted "vegetable" wrap smithicide;
Nothing. I am starving.
spapeggy and meatballs
Also, I want some vodka. :(
Prawn t-t-teriyaki n_u
a turkey "burger" and chocolate soy "milk" cry;
organic blue corn chip+roasted pine nut hummus
a turkey salad sandwich, blueberry juice, and grapes smithicide;
sushi ><>
almond milk
mixed "fruit" myface;
ice cream
g-g- giggle;
a burrito and tortilla chips con queso smithicide;
Also, pink "lemonade". :(
oreos and milk awdood;
a tamarind jarritos
onigiri akudood;
a hamburger and fries and an eggnog milkshake smithicide;
ramen :'(
olange dog smithicide;
Chrismtas cookie and a glass of Eggnog giggle;
butterfinger baddood;
grapefruit juice akudood;
pot stickers <3333
hot chocolate myface;
raspberry "tea" 5thgrade;
orange juice
organic saltine crackers
turkey sandwich and kool aid huhdoodame;
Quote from: Panty on December 07, 2010, 12:04:50 PM
organic food is bullshit
I like the concept of unmolested and unengineered food but for some reason the terms 'organic' and 'fresh' when applied to food annoy me befuddlement
Quote from: YPR on December 07, 2010, 12:41:14 PM
I like the concept of unmolested and unengineered food but for some reason the terms 'organic' and 'fresh' when applied to food annoy me befuddlement
Hey aub would you like some fresh cut green beans ;)
Quote from: EGGNOG on December 07, 2010, 12:53:51 PM
Hey aub would you like some fresh cut green beans ;)
It's more my roommate from last year's fault... he would list off ingredients to what he was making and string together the use of fresh as an adjective about 10 times a sentence n_u
Quote from: YPR on December 07, 2010, 12:41:14 PM
I like the concept of unmolested and unengineered food but for some reason the terms 'organic' and 'fresh' when applied to food annoy me befuddlement
they annoy me too simply because a great deal of things call themselves organic without actually being certified as such
I agree with you guys
I was simply reading it off the package.
Peppermint hot cocoa n_n
an ice cream sandwich awdood;
mountain dew and ibuprofen
mint chocolate soymilk
a bowl of the taco blend cheese you get in a bag at shop rite gimpdood;
water akudood;
venison roast
Rice :(
cool ranch doritos. smithicide;
some tea. madood;
pizza and soder awdood;
tHE tears of HUNgerr
an apple
swallow the seeds [y/n]
Quote from: Pam on December 10, 2010, 09:15:59 PM
an apple
swallow the seeds [y/n]
no then a tree will grow inside ya :O
Quote from: Panty on December 10, 2010, 09:55:15 PM
no then a tree will grow inside ya :O
a tree of
cyanide :O
Quote from: Panty on December 10, 2010, 09:57:40 PM
oh shit
Yea man I knew at least 3 people who died from apple seeds
Quote from: Echo on December 10, 2010, 09:57:13 PM
a tree of cyanide :O
that's what i'm hoping for girl;
Quote from: Pam on December 11, 2010, 10:57:18 AM
that's what i'm hoping for girl;
Since you want it to happen it won't kill you. Just turn you into an immortal cyanide based life-form.
A taco and V8. myface;
Quote from: Echo on December 11, 2010, 10:58:56 AM
Since you want it to happen it won't kill you. Just turn you into an immortal cyanide based life-form.
pizza and apple juice awdood;
Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich combo
my favorite christmas candy
peanut butter balls
they are absolutely amazing
Finishing up a bag of CHEESEBURGER DORITOS.
Can't beat it.
Coca-Cola Vanilla. myface; smithicide;
Quote from: Tyler on December 16, 2010, 12:01:44 PM
Cherry is better.
I don't like cherry flavoured things, nor the actual fruit either. n_u
It has a very unpleasant taste. befuddlement
cherries are disgusting awdood;
Quote from: You86 on December 16, 2010, 02:14:32 PM
cherries are disgusting awdood;
i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks so giggle;
Quote from: Spécialiste des écharpes on December 16, 2010, 02:39:36 PM
i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks so giggle;
Yes, I don't really like cherries. :P
Why do you people hate things like this? :(
i just finished 2 hot dogs wrapped in slices of bread
corn, mashed potatoes, chicken and water
my last meal at this horrid "school" akudood;
What the hell, cherries are awesome akudood;
Now the ones put on top of sundaes suck hocuspocus;
Quote from: YPR on December 16, 2010, 08:58:06 PM
What the hell, cherries are awesome akudood;
Now the ones put on top of sundaes suck hocuspocus;
Maraschino cherries make me want to die.
I don't even like calling them cherries.
Quote from: Echo on December 16, 2010, 09:08:40 PM
Maraschino cherries make me want to die.
I don't even like calling them cherries.
Yes, I'm surprised they even grew from a plant
i don't like cherries at all awdood;
cherries are bad
I love cherry baddood;
not currently but like 5 minutes ago I had
a breakfast burrito with scrambled egg, fresh diced tomato, ham, bacon bits, and cheese on a whole wheat tortilla
A soft pretzel and honey "mustard". :'(
chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream :(
mama's rigatoni and tooth blood
Chocolate and melk. smithicide;
candy stocking candy candy stocking oh
Mashed potatoessssssssssssssssss
An apple. cry;
a subway sandwich :'(
Cheesy mashed potatoes and melk.
Quote from: Tyler on December 26, 2010, 09:47:46 PM
WHAT. WAS. IN. IT. akudood;
turkey and swiss cheese and lots of vegetables :(
Quote from: Pam on December 26, 2010, 09:55:32 PM
turkey and swiss cheese and lots of vegetables :(
pineapple slices and fruit punch saddood;
Quote from: Tyler on December 27, 2010, 12:40:37 AM
leftover ham, mashed potatoes and melk
Quote from: Spécialiste des écharpes on December 27, 2010, 03:16:25 PM
Rush's what?
That's the name of some burger place in Columbia. I had a burger and fries http://rushs.net
mac in cheese
pistachios !!!!
Macaroni and cheese, a slice each of turkey, chicken and steak, spinach, croissants, spinach, beans, and a Sprite. akudood;
Quote from: Pam on December 27, 2010, 09:26:34 PM
Macaroni and cheese, a slice each of turkey, chicken and steak, spinach, croissants, spinach, beans, and a Sprite. akudood;
what the hell
Sandwich consisting of leftover stuffing and turkey and a slice of american cheese
green apple
granny fucking SMITH
a halved, salted and sugared grapefruit akudood;
milk and cookies awdood;
A personal pizza and gatorade.
Hangover breakfast baddood;
Reese's peanut butter cup. Best combo.
Quote from: FAMY2 on December 31, 2010, 01:41:34 PM
Reese's peanut butter cup. Best combo.
those things are amazing. I have a bag of leftover ones from christmas sitting beside me
I am eating chick filet fries and shortly a sandwich
Country fried steak, rice, and corn
also with white gravy
a bowl of grape nuts
orange juice
Hot chocolate and I'm making rawmen noodles. cry;
ugh stupid rawmen noodles again cry;
Quote from: Tyler on January 05, 2011, 01:46:53 PM
what does awesomeness taste like cry;
David. yes;
But seriously, it's just Apple Soda. n_u
Quote from: Tyler on January 05, 2011, 01:52:19 PM
David. yes;
But seriously, it's just Apple Soda. n_u
oh toi ;)
And I've never heard of such a thing before. befuddlement
Quote from: Double Doppelkreuz on January 05, 2011, 01:53:59 PM
oh toi ;)
And I've never heard of such a thing before. befuddlement
I don't believe I've ever seen that brand up here. :(
Fanta also makes an apple soda, as well. giggle;
Maybe I should try some y/n
also a pizza and sprite
hershey's cookies n creme
peanut butts
Ice cream <3 giggle;
an ice cream sandwich akudood;
the barrel of a gun
I just had some fries and chicken from Raising Canes
Quote from: Panty on January 06, 2011, 11:55:16 PM
the barrel of a gun
What does that taste like?
3 meat pizza from Sam's Club and Pepsi
I'll be eating some spaghettio's soon.
Self-loathing with a side of milk.
milk and cookiiiiiiies
Some Arizona Green Tea.
I keep wanting pizza, but whenever I get some it tastes bland. cry;
potato soup RUB IT RUB IT
je bois de l'eau avec gaz
Quote from: Echo on January 07, 2011, 09:44:54 AM
I just had some fries and chicken from Raising Canes
cheese cry;
Quote from: You86 on January 11, 2011, 11:55:04 PM
Their food is so good isn't it cjlubdoods;
I wasn't a fan of the sauce the first time I tried it but god I can't get enough now. I DIP MY FRIES AND CHICKEN INTO IT
Quote from: Echo on January 12, 2011, 12:16:42 PM
Their food is so good isn't it cjlubdoods;
I wasn't a fan of the sauce the first time I tried it but god I can't get enough now. I DIP MY FRIES AND CHICKEN INTO IT
i love the sauce so much
ritz vegetable crackers and swiss cheese with iced tea :'(
water :'(
Clementines. giggle;
tomato soups
Apple and granola flavoured yoghurt. It's weird without the actual bits of granola. cry;
raw men noodles :'(
Turkey sandwich :'(
Generic root beer :(
Quote from: Thyme on January 13, 2011, 09:24:27 PM
Clementines. giggle;
Had some of those the other day
home made strawberry banana kiwi smoothie and chicken lipton noodles
French Toast :'(
raw men and pepsi :'(
broccoli and cauliflower
with no dressing. just plain.
brownies :'(
A sandwich with sharp cheddar, deli sliced buffalo style chicken, roast beef, and turkey on honey wheat bread.
Quote from: Echo on January 16, 2011, 12:14:27 AM
A sandwich with sharp cheddar, deli sliced buffalo style chicken, roast beef, and turkey on honey wheat bread.
hold on there bud i think you forgot the mayo
otherwise that sounds delicious
Quote from: Presea on January 16, 2011, 03:26:50 AM
hold on there bud i think you forgot the mayo
otherwise that sounds delicious
I would agree if I liked mayo, which I don't. It was delicious though
town house crackers :'(
melk befuddlement
Spaghetti :'(
a theraflu drink mixture
chocolate cake and milk :'(
Leftover brownies. huhdoodame;
mountain dew
Some oatmeal with orange juice. scarecrowdood;
Fruity Pebbles and orange juice jackodood;
pasta and meat sauce cry;
a Glass of Berry Bonkers Hawaiian Punch <3
Arizona Green Tea. >_<'
Butterfinger Crisp RUB IT
milk and cake smithicide;
eggnog milkshake doodthing;
Popcorn corndude;
cauliflower and water
Quote from: Pam on January 18, 2011, 12:55:28 AM
eggnog milkshake doodthing;
this sounds promising
also Chicken nuggets
soy milk giggle;
meatloaf with gravy, macaroni and cheese, green peas, and some sot rt of "fruit" punch awdood;
Quote from: Pam on January 20, 2011, 07:26:03 PM
meatloaf with gravy, macaroni and cheese, green peas, and some sot rt of "fruit" punch awdood;
Oh my god that's disgusting
Hot chocolate made with melk. baddood;
Bowl of Cheerios
Hot chocolate with marshmellows
strawberries sillydood;
Popcorn with caramel seasoning. The seasoning actually reminds me more of a McGriddle than caramel.
That reminds me, I should go get one in the morning with a side of diabetes to compare the two flavours. giggle;
an underripe banana confuseddood;
Yesterday I had some Pomegranate frozen yogurt from Pinkberry and some pizza while in Boston. giggle;
ruffles and flat coke
chips and chili con queso (:
Blueberry Oatmeal
a cinnamon bun and milk akudood;
an arnold palmer.
my friend said they were amazing but I don't really like them. It tastes like lemon ice tea (yes i should expect that) and I just don't like the combo
my room mate has a big bucket of animal crackers and i ate some
Cinnamon bun
a brownie and milk befuddlement
yogurt, no granola included :'(
leia's double cinnamon buns
sushi giggle;
Pineapple Paradise smoothie from Freshens and chicken tenders from Coyote Jacks
oh the wonderful selection here awdood;
had some arby's curly fries
a toasted cherry pop tart and milk appeasement;
apple pie
a banan and apple juice sillydood;
cinnamon toast motherfucking crunch
toast chee crackers
grilled cheese with turkey and bacon bits
and a cucumber
Stuffed shells
goldfish and dr. pepper
an apple~
a cherry pop tart and milk myface;
pizza rolls and chocolate milk goodjob;
fritos honey bbq flavor twists
Cookie dough ice cream RUB IT
Drinking some Coke
terrible fucking time to have some, but i don't even care
i just had a boca chicken patty
chips ahoy cookies and milk akudood;
Twix myface;
popcorn and water smithicide;
tea myface;
I just had a boca chicken patty with soy sauce, cheese i sliced myself, on a mult-igrain roll.
Oh and ice tea
apple juice
peetsa rolls
this board makes me so hungry
why is there no food in this house
i think i'm dying
don't drown if you go in search of food, pls
oatmeal gimpdood;
an apple cnotedood;
Lemonade Vitamin Water cnotedood;
my own piss cnotedood;
popcorn and water cry;
Fuzzy Navel.
Lemonade Vitamin Water again
Glass of water.
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 03, 2011, 01:51:22 PM
>implying oatmeal isn't one of god's greatest gifts to humanity
i had oatmeal for breakfast goodjob;
also currently tasting chinese food and pink lemonade myface;
with mashtaters and stuffing
It looks good. O_0
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 03, 2011, 03:34:55 PM
I can run a train on this shit. doodella;
oh god, that yogurt is horrid myface;
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 03, 2011, 03:34:55 PM
I can run a train on this shit. doodella;
'Run a train'
what a bizarre idiom befuddlement
Quote from: Hurluberlu on February 03, 2011, 04:22:22 PM
what a bizarre idiom befuddlement
what does that even mean
Smoked Turkey Wrap with roasted peppers, some sort of jalapeno sauce, and pepper jack cheese.
and a lemonade goowan
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 03, 2011, 03:34:55 PM
I can run a train on this shit. doodella;
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 03, 2011, 02:17:09 PM
No way it is.
Fried Matzos is. giggle; giggle; giggle;
Are you from northern Pennsylvania or what akudood;
Only people I know that say 'run train' are from New York and Matzos is definitely the state snack up there
I had a made from scratch white cupcake with a chocolate banana butter cream. Shit was awesome
leftover pizza for breakfast lol i need to learn to cook
apple juice goodjob;
Quote from: Boysenberry on February 03, 2011, 08:15:59 PM
leftover pizza for breakfast lol i need to learn to cook
um, that's the most amazing breakfast one can have
Quote from: Hurluberlu on February 03, 2011, 08:19:40 PM
um, that's the most amazing breakfast one can have
no no no
french toast is obviously
Hot Cocoa
an apple myface;
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 03, 2011, 08:07:28 PM
Pennsylvania happydood;Matzos is Jew snack of the year. baddood;
I'm by KoP. I hate this mall. akudood;
You have one of the best malls in the entire country, hush you akudood;
oatmeal akudood;
A muffin. myface;
A parmesan bagel. befuddlement
i had chef boiardi raveeolee
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 04, 2011, 08:11:41 AM
Then why do I hate everyone there and all the stores? madood;
Spoiled I guess baddood;
a muffin and melk. >_<'
an apple and lemonade >.<
pepperoni pizza and almond "milk" smithicide;
Quote from: Hurluberlu on February 05, 2011, 01:58:58 PM
some more milk :(
thx giggle;
A dark chocolate ice cream bar. goodjob;
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 05, 2011, 08:58:14 PM
I love almond milk. giggle;
I thought it was decent. 5thgrade;
snowy's mom is pretty decent at making sandwiches
Toast with peanut butter. Reichdood;
beagle bites
spaghetti and meatballs
a steelers cookie (mom is a steelers fan)
chocolate cake and milk 5thgrade;
penne vodka O_0
Or maybe snowy is just fat baddood;
tuna and crackers :)
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 07, 2011, 08:28:56 AM
Well yes, but 2 pieces of thin sliced meat is not enough. baddood;
I eat my sandwiches with one slice of deli cut meat baddood;
i like mine cut and thick
Sweet Onion chicken teriyaki subway sub
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 07, 2011, 11:53:03 AM
You're such a woman. badass
Once slice is simply not enough.
WAIT. Cut thick or thin? confuseddood;
So? badass
and thin
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 07, 2011, 03:44:01 PM
It's like eating bread, with a chance of flavor. badass
Ew. badass
Bread is nice baddood;
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 07, 2011, 04:01:58 PM
Just bread alone for lunch? baddood;
just general bread baddood;
the bread is just too dry and tasteless. you need a good amount of meat on the sandwich
Drinking Berry Bonkers
pizza pizza pie every minute every second pie pie pie pie pie
Waffle Fries
broccoli, turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy, and a biscuit akudood;
Quote from: Pam on February 07, 2011, 09:32:11 PM
broccoli, turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy, and a biscuit akudood;
thanksgiving's this way
Egg Omelette cjlubdoods;
"spicy" beef raw men awdood;
toast chee crackers i guess 300
oatmeal sillydood;
raw men awdood;
banana and honey sammich = i am the slut goddess of taste buds
Quote from: Boysenberry on February 11, 2011, 01:24:59 AM
banana and honey sammich = i am the slut goddess of taste buds
Those are amazing. cry;
peanut butter and banana and honey is pretty excellent y/n
Quote from: Pam on February 11, 2011, 08:20:29 PM
peanut butter and banana and honey is pretty excellent y/n
Yes, yes it is. As is peanut butter and honey when you're out of bananas
well i thought i was being all macgyver with my lunch but apparently banana and honey is an actual thing
Fruit Salad
Cinnamon Bun
Earl Grey Tea
grapefruit juice and a banana Reichdood;
oatmeal myface;
Celestian True Blueberry tea baddood;
oreos and milk
Jell-O. myface;
grapefruit juice UNLEASH THE BEAST
popcorn :(
Strawberry with granola and sleepytime tea baddood;
a granola bar and chocolate almond "milk" myface;
Peach yougurt goowan
40 minutes ago i had a banana nut pancake with honey and sliced banana
a Dr. Enuf
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 17, 2011, 12:25:06 PM
A what? akudood;
It's a local drink
Quote from: Snowy620 on February 17, 2011, 12:59:44 PM
So it is like Dr. Pepper? O_0
no, its lemon-lime soda, but it doesn't taste like sprite, 7up etc because of the water soluble vitamins in it
bbq fritos and cheerwine
a salad and grapefruit juice myface;
leftover mac 'n' cheese awdood;
some sort of peanut butter "granola" bar awdood;
wavy lays.
Quote from: Hurluberlu on February 19, 2011, 01:38:03 AM
leftover mac 'n' cheese awdood;
oh my god what is wrong with you
a hamburg and fries and a soder myface;
On Monday I had dim sum. I gotted rice noodle rolls, shrimp dumplings, clams, and fried octorpos.
i also had tofu
A strawberry Poptart THE POWER OF GOD
Chicken Alfredo giggle;
a apple :)
Quote from: iCandy on February 23, 2011, 08:41:19 PM
a apple :)
when the next word starts with a vowel use an instead of a :3 which you probably know but as I know you are trying to get better english I would mention that.
Quote from: Soycho on February 23, 2011, 08:50:29 PM
when the next word starts with a vowel use an instead of a :3 which you probably know but as I know you are trying to get better english I would mention that.
thank you help me ^_^
not like people saying they help me but not. cjlubdoods;
chips ahoy cookies and milk sillydood;
cookies and water
Hot dogs
chili and apple juice Reichdood;
chicken biscuit
Golden Grahams
Pocari Sweat and Ramen happydood;
an apple :)
an orange :)
i'm tasting a paperclip for some reason
also this thread is almost 4 years old O_0
Tostino's Party Pizza
Kurczak happydood;
An Apple :)
a cherry italian ice sillydood;
chocolate cake and milk befuddlement
Wildberry Toaster Strudel
ravioli :'(
baked chicken breast on a multigrain roll with cheese and a sunny side up egg
a stale cookie
Kettle Korn
Dr Pepper
cheez its and vault
this is my lunch akudood;
boca chickn on 16 grain bread, with lettuce, sriracha, tomato, cucumber, and cheese flavoured vegetable shreds
fucking godly
stuffed pepper
Cheese and milk. :(
I cooked some cinnamon apple walnut oatmeal
Spicy Chicken Sandwich that didn't have bacon on it. I ordered bacon you sixteen year old slut.
a grilled cheese that i replaced the bread with tortilla
a pepper jack and turkey sandwich
Chocolate Milk RUB IT
white pizza and orange juice sillydood;
some eminems
Quote from: Pam on March 12, 2011, 01:03:24 AM
white pizza and orange juice sillydood;
wtf is white pizza
Quote from: Nyerp on March 12, 2011, 01:12:25 AM
some eminems
wtf is white pizza
Basically, the tomato sauce is replaced with ricotta cheese. sillydood;
another (and the last) slice awdood;
chocolate snack pack pudding baddood;
Quote from: Pam on March 12, 2011, 01:16:10 AM
Basically, the tomato sauce is replaced with ricotta cheese. sillydood;
i'd rather have tomato based pizza
I can't have pizza :'(
Sweetcorn. happydood;
vaniller ice cream awdood;
Quote from: Hurluberlu on March 12, 2011, 10:02:11 AM
i'd rather have tomato based pizza
i like both myface;
also, ravioli smithicide;
Quote from: Pam on March 12, 2011, 06:42:17 PM
i like both myface;
also, ravioli smithicide;
i prefer non-tomato based pizza.
and I am eating roast pinenut hummus with alfalfa and clover sprouts on a bagel with some almond milk
Shamrock Shake
a black (actually green) and white cookie and milk goodjob;
homemade vegetable fried rice I made myself with cucumber, legume sprouts, carrot, and celery.
Quote from: Soycho on March 17, 2011, 12:21:40 PM
homemade vegetable fried rice I made myself with cucumber, legume sprouts, carrot, and celery.
that sounds delicious toothdood;
Quote from: Kefka on March 17, 2011, 12:24:51 PM
that sounds delicious toothdood;
It was. I gave it a slight kick with some cayenne pepper that was mixed into the oil I fried it in.
It would have been even better had I been able to use already cooked day old rice but sadly I only had just cooked rice. Either way it was good
Quote from: jCandy on March 12, 2011, 10:22:50 AM
I can't have pizza :'(
Oh god, why not?!
A world without pizza is a world not worth living.
mozzarella sticks and marinara sauce myface;
an apple myface;
just milk myface;
Home made lasagna
dp's mom's lasagna
Pork Ramen
Waffles with peanut butter.
i'd have to agree with â,¯ here goonish
what why :(
tofu burger with bleu cheese melted into it baddood; on a multigrain roll with veggies
Quote from: Soycho on March 21, 2011, 02:12:15 PM
tofu burger with bleu cheese melted into it baddood; on a multigrain roll with veggies
Quote from: Kefka on March 21, 2011, 12:23:43 PM
Peanut Butter Granola Bar
Quote from: Hurluberlu on March 21, 2011, 07:54:06 PM
why is everybody hating on it :(
I don't hate on it. It is really good actually.
lemonade :'(
Naked fruit Green Machine
Quote from: Kefka on March 22, 2011, 02:21:08 AM
Naked fruit Green Machine
I APPROVE. That shit is so good and I would drink it every day if it weren't for it being expensive
bob's red mill 10 grain hot cereal with a touch of vanilla and agave
Quote from: Soycho on March 22, 2011, 09:05:52 AM
I APPROVE. That shit is so good and I would drink it every day if it weren't for it being expensive
I only wish Blue machine was as good cry;
Quote from: Kefka on March 22, 2011, 09:49:18 AM
I only wish Blue machine was as good cry;
Mighty Mango is the best
Quote from: Soycho on March 22, 2011, 09:05:52 AM
I APPROVE. That shit is so good and I would drink it every day if it weren't for it being expensive
Yeah seriously, it's also a fun conversation topic since most people think you're crazy while drinking the green slop n_u
Quote from: YPR on March 22, 2011, 07:06:34 PM
Yeah seriously, it's also a fun conversation topic since most people think you're crazy while drinking the green slop n_u
if they would only man up and drink it, they will find out how amazing it tastes giggle;
pizzer and nesquik
tuna noodle casserole <3
A lovely french pressed medium roasted fair trade coffee from the mountains of southern mexico
I wish. I have work in the morn. :(
turkey ham and deli mozzarella on rye
strawberries sillydood;
mozzarella sticks and marinara soss :'(
vaniller pudding awdood;
dirty chai and a pumpkin raisin muffin
fries :'(
lemonade smithidice;
my roommate's cheez its
shhh don't tell akudood;
vanilla ice cream :(
a tuner sandwich and "limeade" myface;
2 apple pies
cheddar cheese
Hot Fudge Sundae and David's balls.
Quote from: Tyler on April 01, 2011, 03:29:06 PM
Hot Fudge Sundae and David's balls.
SHHHHHHH giggle;
ruffles & arnold palmer
cadbury creme eggs yes;
an apple myface;
pepperoni pizza and lemonade awdood;
jus d'orange myface;
an omelette smithicide;
more orange juice gonk;
straburry lemonade confuseddood;
the last of my cheese nipples :(
Meatball sammy and David's balls.
a hamburg, fries, and a milkshake :'(
Quote from: Tyler on April 03, 2011, 02:43:14 PM
Meatball sammy and David's balls.
Wow Lewd
twizzler's nibs fuck yeah
cockies and milk awdood;
KFC chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy akudood;
P.S. KFC makes the best chicken giggle;
cinnamon muffins made with Bob's Red Mill ten grain hot cereal baddood;
that I cooked
Iceberg salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing
je bois du jus d'orange
A&W Root Beer
Sweettarts Jelly beans
apple akudood;
a powdered donut and 0% "milk" wry
Mandarin Oranges giggle;
Quote from: Pam on April 05, 2011, 06:59:51 PM
a powdered donut and 0% "milk" wry
you mean cloudy water? :'(
Quote from: Jykehy on April 06, 2011, 01:05:21 PM
you mean cloudy water? :'(
yes smithicide;
one percent is best percent awdood;
Pepsi. thumbdown;:)
Potato Soup
Quote from: Pam on April 06, 2011, 04:00:09 PM
yes smithicide;
one percent is best percent awdood;
i prefer 2% but 1 is good too
anyway i'm eating strawberries baddood;
Quote from: Pam on April 06, 2011, 04:00:09 PM
yes smithicide;
one percent is best percent awdood;
soy% is the best percent awdood;
A roasted "vegetable" wrap and mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce. myface;
Quote from: Soycho on April 06, 2011, 06:07:43 PM
soy% is the best percent awdood;
b& :|
a nice, cold mountain dew baddood;
Afghan Kush
A nice glass of Blue Machine giggle;
a tuna sandwich and chocolate milk saddood;
"Stuffed chicken" (myface;), cauliflower, mashed potatoes, and Sierra Mist. myface;
soup 5thgrade;
chocolate melk
chili and lemonade cry;
cinnamon sugar 10 grain cereal and a glass of cinnamon black tea
Krispy Kreme donut
bagel bites
a hot dorg and apple juice awdood;
Quote from: Pam on April 08, 2011, 08:04:15 PM
a hot dorg and apple juice awdood;
this exact garbage again awdood;
Chicago dog RUB IT
coffee ice cream :(
Quote from: Jykehy on April 09, 2011, 06:20:38 PM
that sounds gross myface;
From someone who loves coffee even I think it sounds gross.
the funny thing is i don't even like coffee sillydood;
Quote from: Pam on April 09, 2011, 06:26:44 PM
the funny thing is i don't even like coffee sillydood;
was it the starbucks kind of ice cream confuseddood;
Quote from: Kefka on April 09, 2011, 03:53:55 PM
Chicago dog RUB IT
Is it from Sonic? Cause those things are amazing. RUB IT
Quote from: Pam on April 09, 2011, 06:05:39 PM
coffee ice cream :(
My favorite. giggle;
Quote from: Tyler on April 10, 2011, 07:28:41 AM
Is it from Sonic? Cause those things are amazing. RUB IT
It was yes RUB IT
frosties frosted flakes myface;
all of the sonics around here closed down. n_u
an apple :(
apple mid peanut butter
melk and oatmeal
the melk is horribly bland awdood;
chips ahoy cookies and apple juice cry;
Chicken Pot Stickers and Blue Machine
strawburry shortcake and pomegranate blueberry juice Reichdood;
green machine naked juice, green and blacks organic 85% dark chocolate, and a boca hamburger
Oh god I would have such a headache if I ate 85% dark chocolate
Quote from: YPR on April 12, 2011, 02:57:01 PM
Oh god I would have such a headache if I ate 85% dark chocolate
this weekend I am going find a 99% dark chocolate
Quote from: Soycho on April 12, 2011, 11:59:25 AM
green machine naked juice, green and blacks organic 85% dark chocolate, and a boca hamburger
wrench; I also approve
Quote from: Soycho on April 12, 2011, 02:59:24 PM
this weekend I am going find a 99% dark chocolate
Blehhh I'll stick to the southern side of the pH scale thanks girl;
'Wedding cake' flavoured ice cream. All it does is reconfirm that cake is horrible. girl;
or maybe just that whatever the hell you ate is horrible goonish
maybe. but most actual cakes aren't good either
Quote from: Jykehy on April 13, 2011, 08:35:25 AM
maybe. but most actual cakes aren't good either
it really depends on the cake
like a normal white cake with white frosting like most wedding cakes are rather gross
Red velvet cake 4 best cake
i went looking for food, the only thing i found that i even mildly wanted was a small can of tomato soup cry;
Kava kava, a black refried bean empanada with fresh made jalapeno sauce, and a vegetarian taco with a mango habanero sauce
pineapple chunks and apple juice myface;
Quote from: Kefka on April 13, 2011, 06:05:02 PM
It was sooooooooooooooo good. giggle;
Turkey sandwich on a kaiser roll, Red Delicious apple (meh), and Colby Jack cheese. And some cleaning solution from my hands I'm sure
arizona green tea myface;
a delicious strawberry daiquiri sobe smooth drink. i drink one of these almost every day now. n_u
cheese and melk from the great state of wisconsin
Quote from: Jykehy on April 14, 2011, 10:45:43 AM
cheese and melk from the great state of wisconsin
chocolate covered coffee beans
Quote from: Soycho on April 14, 2011, 07:38:08 PM
chocolate covered coffee beans
people eat coffee beans doodhuh;
Quote from: Travis on April 14, 2011, 07:57:18 PM
people eat coffee beans doodhuh;
Yes. Chocolate covered coffee beans is fairly common :3
szechuan scallops w/ white rice, an egg roll, and hot and sour soup
Cranberry Orange Scones
Quote from: Travis on April 14, 2011, 07:57:18 PM
people eat coffee beans doodhuh;
You've never had them before? They're awesome.
Quote from: Tyler on April 15, 2011, 07:50:09 PM
You've never had them before? They're awesome.
oh god no i've barely ever even had coffee
I love them.
a buttered bagel and water awdood;
fried potaters and water cry;
IBC Cream Soda
chocolat noir extra fin. I got called a conisseur
Quote from: Soycho on April 16, 2011, 03:25:45 PM
chocolat noir extra fin. I got called a conisseur
Quote from: Soycho on April 16, 2011, 03:25:45 PM
chocolat noir extra fin. I got called a conisseur
it's beautiful cry;
papa john's big juicy penis
a hot dog, fries, and chocolate milk :(
Quote from: Yusuke on April 16, 2011, 05:42:39 PM
papa john's big juicy penis
wow Lewd,
Diet Mountain Dew Supernova
I just made a steak seasoned with just salt, black pepper, crushed red pepper, and oregano.
That and jasmine rice.
some sort of eclair "pie" and 0% "milk" goonish
A Cup of Hazelnut coffee
Some white rice cooked with thyme, bay leaf, garlic, celery seed, and a couple other herbs that I am blanking on now with some chicken on top.
Le lait au chocolat
Grape Judaism
water baddood;
bbq chipz
POM blueberry baddood;
A nice cup of Sumatra roast coffee
I wish I liked coffee
a god damn chocolate easter bunny
all sorts of europe and maps
Quote from: Ashitaka on April 20, 2011, 11:44:52 AM
I wish I liked coffee
coffee is amazing.
a cup of french pressed coffee in the morning is fucking amazing
Breakfast Blend + Blueberry Bagel= is amazing
pistachios and a snapple
strawberry ice cream with chocolate sprinkles :(
I had Camarón Del Diablo for dinner
milk and oreos baddood;
popped corn myface;
pretzel 'bread'
A hamburger and cranberry/apple juice. awdood;
Bacon myface;
Rémy Martin
Ice Cream
^Lunch myface;
Pretzel hot dog and coke icee form Sam's Club
a black blue and white cookie and milk wry
A bundaberg ginger beer
Red Bull
Some girl gave it to me for free last week, and I stayed up all night studying for my exam this morning so... 2nd energy drink ever :O
Quote from: YPR on April 29, 2011, 08:47:57 AM
Red Bull
Some girl gave it to me for free last week, and I stayed up all night studying for my exam this morning so... 2nd energy drink ever :O
energy drinks are awful myface;
Yes, but it was necessary girl;
I don't count Four Loko as an energy drink though n_u
Quote from: Kotomaru on April 29, 2011, 09:07:20 AM
energy drinks are awful myface;
Monster girl;
also, rice
candy raspberries/blackberries smithicide;
a pair of large, soft [glow=black,2,300]cookies[/glow] and [glow=black,2,300]milk[/glow] saddood;
shrimp raw men :(
Country fried steak with gravy, rice, and some corn.
tomato feta pesto pizza
'em and emmes
Pesto pasta
orange juice and tortiller chips with bean dip awdood;
Sumatra coffee baddood;
the best kind of coffee
All I ever eat is ramen anymore myface;
honey greek yogurt and cheddar pesto pizza baddood;
Quote from: Snowy on May 04, 2011, 12:31:38 PM
You really like Pesto, don't you?
It is awesome and I have some so might as wells use it baddood;
Quote from: Snowy on May 04, 2011, 12:41:46 PM
I agree. giggle;
And who is in your avatar? confuseddood;
A girl from f(x) a kpop band
She is the sister of a snsd member
[Insults not welcome]
Celery and mini carrots with bleu cheese dressing. :(
pickle potato chips
Cherry yogurt. RUB IT
a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup and soder awdood;
Gum ball
Mount and Dew Me
Chicken rawmen noodles. cry;
italian herb flatbread crisps with some cheesy italian herb dip YUMMM
While boiling cubed potatoes, I melted some butter and sauteed some garlic in it with some herbs, then used it to cover the potatoes
a burrito and a strawberry lemonade slushie smithicide;
Cracker Barrel
sugar cookies with an oreo baked into them
Quote from: Chandelure on May 14, 2011, 10:12:16 AM
sugar cookies with an oreo baked into them
what the what
Quote from: YPR on May 14, 2011, 10:46:29 AM
what the what
sorta like that but with rainbow coloured sugar cookie
Quote from: Chandelure on May 14, 2011, 10:12:16 AM
sugar cookies with an oreo baked into them
is it organic sugar with soy based oreo
Quote from: Chandelure on May 14, 2011, 10:50:25 AM
sorta like that but with rainbow coloured sugar cookie
I want
Soya Milk
Quote from: Insani on May 15, 2011, 08:03:13 AM
Soya Milk
that isn't begging for trouble
Quote from: Chandelure on May 15, 2011, 08:42:57 AM
that isn't begging for trouble
Since when do people not hate us Vegans?
we tease echo about his high soy intake and addiction to FAKE GODDAMN FOODS but we still love him regardless
we're not going to tease you any less if you stick around but it doesn't mean we hate you
ice cream cake
made of soy of course goowan
Quote from: Swirly Glasses on May 15, 2011, 12:16:14 PM
ice cream cake
made of soy of course goowan
n_n the best kinda ice cream cake
I just thought of something, is human breast milk off limits?
For vegans
also, I'm eating country fried steak right now
Um I don't know? I wouldn't guess it would be, but then again I can't imagine many people vegan or not are rushing to drink a cold cup of breast milk
Quote from: Banned on May 15, 2011, 08:08:03 PM
For vegans
also, I'm eating country fried steak right now
the fuck?
mashed potatoes and corn myface;
a nice, cold mountain dew
[spoiler]laced with diva drugs[/spoiler]
Quote from: Tomoyo on May 15, 2011, 08:34:28 PM
a nice, cold mountain dew
[spoiler]laced with diva drugs[/spoiler]
does it give you internal style wrench;
some sort of raspberry cake and milk myface;
Quote from: Swirly Glasses on May 15, 2011, 08:35:53 PM
does it give you internal style wrench;
yes it does and also i just ate some string cheese fuck yeah
a herb salad with herbs and sunflower seeds and feta cheese and oil/vinegar
tuna noodle casserole (my birthday dinner)
Quote from: Yusuke on May 18, 2011, 08:06:47 AM
tuna noodle casserole (my birthday dinner)
i love tuna casserole
Quote from: Tomoyo on May 18, 2011, 08:08:30 AM
i love tuna casserole
ew the kind you eat is probably GROSS
Quote from: Yusuke on May 18, 2011, 11:38:07 AM
ew the kind you eat is probably GROSS
why would you assume that befuddlement
Quote from: Tomoyo on May 18, 2011, 11:39:16 AM
why would you assume that befuddlement
because my mom didn't make it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't like tuner casserole :'(
Quote from: Swirly Glasses on May 18, 2011, 11:44:17 AM
i don't like tuner casserole :'(
but you are the food vacuum how dare you
an italian ice of unknown flavor saddood;
pepperoni pizza and grapefruit juice :(
a not-so-nice, lukewarm mountain dew :'(
Quote from: Tomoyo on May 19, 2011, 01:13:00 PM
a not-so-nice, lukewarm mountain dew :'(
that sounds disgusting giggle;
pork chop myface;
i had new york cheesecake pancakes from ihop
it wasn't bad but now i feel kinda gross
Hot dogs form Sam's Club and a pretzel
some kind of "soup" myface;
a hamburg and an eggnog milkshake awdood;
lukewarm water awdood;
a blueberry/lemon/cherry italian ice smithicide;
i had a mint chocolate chip italian ice last night it was gross
pepperoni pizza
apple juice
Quote from: Yusuke on May 23, 2011, 01:07:38 PM
i had a mint chocolate chip italian ice last night it was gross
that sounds revolting myface;
Quote from: Yusuke on May 23, 2011, 01:07:38 PM
i had a mint chocolate chip italian ice last night it was gross
Quote from: Yusuke on May 23, 2011, 03:58:35 PM
nope it def. wasn't that
mac and cheese with a kick
the cheeses are cheddar and muenster, the water was boiled with a fair amount of cayenne pepper and white pepper.
Shrimp Scampi
Quote from: Yusuke on May 23, 2011, 04:16:00 PM
nope it def. wasn't that
actually turns out it was that lol..................
Quote from: Yusuke on May 24, 2011, 03:15:45 AM
actually turns out it was that lol..................
ownt. I was about to say who else is dumb enoughto have a mint chocolate chip flavor?
Chex Mixture
Chocolate cake and earl grey tea, both of which I made myself. giggle;
apple juice
Quote from: Hiro on May 24, 2011, 03:40:27 PM
Chocolate cake and earl grey tea, both of which I made myself. giggle;
that cake looks amazing cry;
Quote from: Yusuke on May 23, 2011, 01:07:38 PM
i had a mint chocolate chip italian ice last night it was gross
this but minus the mint smithicide;
Quote from: Swirly Glasses on May 25, 2011, 05:58:41 AM
that cake looks amazing cry;
it's light and delicious giggle;
supercooled apple juice that actually froze upon pouring it into a glass befuddlement
Quote from: Hiro on May 25, 2011, 02:51:02 PM
it's light and delicious giggle;
i want :'(
Quote from: Swirly Glasses on May 25, 2011, 05:24:02 PM
supercooled apple juice that actually froze upon pouring it into a glass befuddlement
omg that stuff seems cool
Quote from: Swirly Glasses on May 25, 2011, 05:24:02 PM
supercooled apple juice that actually froze upon pouring it into a glass befuddlement
that seems entertaining at least befuddlement
Quotei want :'(
It kinda reminds me of oreos for some raisin girl;
Quote from: Kotomaru on May 26, 2011, 03:26:31 AM
omg that stuff seems cool
seems supercool befuddlement
"asian '
salad'" from mcdonald's myface;
Quote from: Kotomaru on May 26, 2011, 03:26:31 AM
omg that stuff seems cool
Quote from: Hiro on May 26, 2011, 03:48:51 AM
that seems entertaining at least befuddlement
It kinda reminds me of oreos for some raisin girl;
it was like an instant apple slushie cjlubdoods;
Quote from: Yusuke on May 26, 2011, 03:51:06 AM
seems supercool befuddlement
mini-sandwich things from mcalister's
dark chocolate and raisin timtam
I'm having my first "Green Machine" from Naked.
I'm in love.
Quote from: CrassicTyrer on May 26, 2011, 01:37:16 PM
I'm having my first "Green Machine" from Naked.
I'm in love.
welcome to the naked party
they are delicious
I'm going to try their other juices next time I'm at the market.
i've had that before
it's p. good
Quote from: CrassicTyrer on May 26, 2011, 01:39:27 PM
I'm going to try their other juices next time I'm at the market.
they are all pretty good minus the ones with added protein
Green machine is my naked exclusive for life <3
Would you be my naked exclusive? yes;
Forever and ever cjlubdoods;
Banana pudding
Toast and butter
A light roasted columbian coffee, black
chef boyahrdee raviolin
Mapo Dofou
strawburry yogurt myface;
raw men noodles and cranberry juice smithicide;
unsalted pumpkin seeds
that amazing, life-giving substance known as [glow=black,2,300]boyah[/glow]
ice cream goddamn sandwich
i just accidentally the whole pizza
Steak, green beans, mashed potatoes, texas toast, sweet tea.
started off as an omelette, not sure what i'd call it now
a grilled cheese sandwich and cranberry juice myface;
Quote from: Kotomaru on June 02, 2011, 09:20:33 AM
that amazing, life-giving substance known as [glow=black,2,300]boyah[/glow]
some sort of sandwich stuffed with mashed potatoes/beef/cheese awdood;
and "fruit" punch myface;
Sunflower seeds. smithicide;
Cheez niggers Doodles and milk
A hamburger. :(
a lemon italian ice saddood;
A hot dog taco
a sugar free "popsicle" (http://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/smithicide.gif)
[spoiler]usually sugar/fat-free versions of established products are absolutely inedible but this is surprisingly good confuseddood;[/spoiler]
pepperoni pizza and cranberry soda confuseddood;
Coffee. Really strong coffee.
Holy shit it's eating through my tongue.
Quote from: Windows ME on June 09, 2011, 05:53:35 AM
Coffee. Really strong coffee.
Holy shit it's eating through my tongue.
That is the best kind. Especially when it has all that dreg.
Turkish coffee and its variants are heavenly .
a "salad" smithicide;
ritz "vegetable" crackers and orange juice :'(
orange juice
seedless grapes myface;
water wry
chocolate chip muffins that I made
Quote from: Simisear on June 10, 2011, 05:42:23 AM
u r the fod mastr
no, it's just that nobody else posts :|
also pineapple :'(
Chili cheese fries and watermelon/cherry slush
A turkey "burger" and water. awdood;
chocolate milkshake
fruit stripe "gum"
[spoiler]i'm not really a gum user but i remember there being a few threads here about how amazing it was so when i spotted it for $0.75 i couldn't resist[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i guess it's okay but the flavor was gone in seconds and i was left chewing a giant rubber wad and then i remembered why i hate gum[/spoiler]
you're supposed to blow bubbles with that giant rubber wad :|
Quote from: Nyerp on June 10, 2011, 08:23:38 PM
you're supposed to blow bubbles with that giant rubber wad :|
it's not the kind that's stable enough to blow bubbles with no matter how large the wad is :'(
i love tec's big wads in my mouth yes;
also, a chocolate shake from jack in the box
i want to try chewing on kaz's large rubbery wad
mini chocolate chip muffins
i have eaten like tec today
and honeydew melon
babby carrots and "french" "dressing" smithicide;
[spoiler]i would greatly prefer ranch but franch is the only kind we currently have awdood;[/spoiler]
i've not cooked it quite yet, but i'm about to make okonomiyaki baddood;
turkey bacon/eggs on a roll with peach-cranberry juice wry
Chicken bacon swiss
passion fruit iced tea
Just had IHOP a few hours ago. Breakfast sampler with sweet tea.
hot fudgepacked sundae
chocolate koala
lemon/blue raspberry italian ice
disgusting "Green tea" that is bottled and tastes like lemon water
and i don't mean good lemon water aka lemonaid it is like gross weird lemon
Egg roll
Almond Cake
Hubert's Mango Lemonade
chocolate/vaniller milkshake smithicide;
granny smith apple ghouldood;
Fried Rice.
a nice, cold mountain dew
a can of coke smithidice;
special k lol
i put s'mores goldfish (bag with honey chocolate and mini marshmallow goldfish) in a cup of milk and made goldfish cereal
a beef (i think myface;) empanada and peach/cranberry juice smithicide;
fish sandwich
Strawberry mini wheats :(
a "tie-dye" doughnut from dunkin' donuts, it's so pretty cjlubdoods;
also cawffee goonish
tofu burger with cheese shrimp, and french fries all on the bun
fresh garden picked steamed squash, zucchini, and onion.
Cold but rather bland jello.
waffle awdood;
moffin and worter
cranberry juice
Bojangles' Steak and potatoes
Eggs, tomatoes, cheddar, Fanta
a salad and a peach awdood;
A chicken sandwich happydood;
Echo- sesame cucumber rice and mac and cheese with shredded boca chikn
Thyme - a McRib
It was underwhelming.
Cheese nips and milk
earlier I had cucumber mint and lychee gelato (two flavours in the same cup)
and some Dark Treasure which is musky, aged puerh tea laced with rose-water
Ramen and Sriracha
Quote from: Fran on June 29, 2011, 08:01:46 PM
cucumber mint and lychee gelato (two flavours in the same cup)
Quote from: Fran on June 29, 2011, 08:01:46 PM
tea laced with rose-water
oh god where on earth do you find this
stuff :'(
i want cry;
Quote from: Tectrinket on July 01, 2011, 12:06:11 AM
oh god where on earth do you find this stuff :'(
i want cry;
the gelato place then the tea place just across the outdoor mall giggle;
cranberry soda
corn on cob
Quote from: Fran on July 01, 2011, 12:21:55 AM
the gelato place then the tea place just across the outdoor mall giggle;
I'm moving to Virginia. awdood;
Quote from: Tectrinket on July 01, 2011, 12:55:46 AM
cranberry soda
corn on cob
I'm moving to Virginia. awdood;
I would be happy if you did giggle;
popcorn :(
Quote from: Fran on July 01, 2011, 09:10:07 AM
I would be happy if you did giggle;
baggle and cream cheese
water :'(
babby carrots and ranch dressing wry
chocolademelk cnotedood;
boca burger and water
pizza :'(
I made a banana, strawberry, blueberry smoothie with soy milk and greek yoghurt
corn :(
delicious filtered water
mikes hard cranberry lemonade toothdood;
lemonade/iced tea awdood;
mushroom soup and a grilled cheese
Quote from: Kyou on July 03, 2011, 11:25:12 AM
mushroom soup and a grilled cheese
wow beautiful awdood;
i had pancakes with homemade blueberry syrup
Quote from: Fran on July 03, 2011, 11:38:15 AM
i had pancakes with homemade blueberry syrup
Quote from: Kyou on July 03, 2011, 11:25:12 AM
mushroom soup and a grilled cheese
mushroom soup sounds great
it was great
and now a nice, cold mountain dew
crackers with sharp cheddar
i making refried beans :3
Quote from: Tectrinket on July 03, 2011, 01:32:00 PM
i making refried beans :3
yum :3
I use those to replace beef on tacos and other foods of that sort
refried beans are truly amazing
also i'm drinking a goddamn sprite
a cupcake :(
Quote from: Fran on July 03, 2011, 01:39:14 PM
yum :3
I use those to replace beef on tacos and other foods of that sort
i used them on tacos today giggle;
Quote from: Kyou on July 03, 2011, 06:28:33 PM
refried beans are truly amazing
yes :'(
Quote from: Kyou on July 03, 2011, 06:28:33 PM
also i'm drinking a goddamn sprite
cheez it snack mix
homemade cheeseburger, potato salad, watermelon, olives, and a mountain dew baddood;
[spoiler]and lucky star[/spoiler]
Quote from: Kyou on July 04, 2011, 04:05:13 PM
homemade cheeseburger, potato salad, watermelon, olives, and a mountain dew baddood;
[spoiler]and lucky star[/spoiler]
Quote from: Kyou on July 04, 2011, 04:05:13 PM
[spoiler]and lucky star[/spoiler]
slow down with that, you might choke
boyah, pizza and some [REDACTED]
salad w/ ranch goowan
cake and milk :'(
orange/lemon/raspberry sherbet awdood;
chocolate chip cookie
lemon iced tea
spaghetti and squid ink baddood;
turkey and cheddar sandwich and milk oh my god munchies
Buttered Corn on the Cob
bbq chicken sandwich and iced tea
Butterfinger Snackerz
just got done with some seafood lasagna
Klobasa :O
baked vegetable wheat thins iced tea @_@
salad, apple slices, and lemonade :(
Hot dogs and some RC. happydood;
just ate a microwaved wiener
ice cream :(
oatmeal myface;
homemade Crepes
Red velvet pancakes with cream cheese frosting and chocolate chips myface;
chur ee oz and they are cutting my mouth. O_0
Carrot cake. goonish
>we're out of ketchup
why :'(
a piece of fruit pizza
Fried Rice
turkey sandwich
vegetable wheat thins
pink lemonade
Quote from: Tectrinket on July 13, 2011, 12:08:06 AM
turkey sandwich
vegetable wheat thins
pink lemonade
mmm, pink lemonade sounds good.
i was going to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but we have no bread doodthing;
so now i'm eating straight peanut butter
a capri sun that expired in april
and a shitty cinnamon toast crunch cereal bar
Strawberry starburst
Captain Crunch. cjlubdoods;
cranberry juice and cheese gonk;
baked ziti from an unknown restaurant confuseddood;
a blt :'(
i just ate a microwave vegan burrito with sriacha sauce. not spectacular but i'm so excited about finding food in this house (house sitting) that it's worthy of this post.
lychees myface;
Fruity Pebbles with soy milk. Why did no one ever tell me that soy milk was the best of all things.
i now ship burzum's alter X echo
brb writing hot steamy yaoi fic titled "Soy In You; You're En MÃ"
Quote from: silvertone on July 16, 2011, 11:33:06 AM
Fruity Pebbles with soy milk. Why did no one ever tell me that soy milk was the best of all things.
soy anything is the best of all things giggle;
Quote from: Nyerp on July 16, 2011, 11:56:46 AM
i now ship burzum's alter X echo
brb writing hot steamy yaoi fic titled "Soy In You; You're En MÃ"
first it was folk punk now it is soy
buw; soy wub;
Quote from: Nyerp on July 16, 2011, 11:56:46 AM
i now ship burzum's alter X echo
brb writing hot steamy yaoi fic titled "Soy In You; You're En MÃ"
oh jesus that's a brilliant title
wild strawberry pop tart O_0
Tab cola oh god yes RUB IT
Cheddarwurst. Not as good as I remember it. :(
salt and vinegar chips
dark chocolate ghouldood;
also water
Quote from: Tectrinket on July 17, 2011, 05:19:12 PM
dark chocolate ghouldood;
also water
how dark
also pb&j with grape jelly
i hate grape jelly myface;
Quote from: Squid Girl on July 17, 2011, 05:35:51 PM
how dark
also pb&j with grape jelly
i hate grape jelly myface;
only 70% awdood;
I tried 90% the other day, it was p. cool. jackodood;
Mini-wheats with soy milk.
I am all out of soy milk :(
Quote from: silvertone on July 17, 2011, 06:07:31 PM
Mini-wheats with soy milk.
I am all out of soy milk :(
I have a carton of chocolate soy milk
which I think I am going get some of now
tortiller chips, spinach dip, and orange juice awdood;
'vegetable' wheat thins and iced tea >.<
a banana with some peanut butter
some strawberry cake thing confuseddood;
Iced tea :'(
hot dog
orange juice :(
banana + blue berry + strawberry smoothie... made with soy milk. giggle;
fig disgusting myface;
I just had some sort of vegan sausages and brown rice.
cheese nipples
pineapple, tortiller chips, dip, and some kind of "fruit" punch akudood;
Quote from: Tectrinket on July 19, 2011, 06:41:14 PM
pineapple, tortiller chips, dip, and some kind of "fruit" punch akudood;
Don't you ever eat something you like. saddood;
Quote from: silvertone on July 19, 2011, 07:22:00 PM
Don't you ever eat something you like. saddood;
food is bad&wrong
peanut butter sandwich
general tso chicken and rice and dumplings awdood;
Quote from: Tectrinket on July 20, 2011, 05:33:16 PM
general tso chicken and rice and dumplings awdood;
saddood; gimme some
cranberry-apple yogurt and water :(
Quote from: Kefka on July 20, 2011, 05:35:50 PM
saddood; gimme some
come here y/n
pork sandwich and chips
ravi oli
egg roll myface;
Tortilla chips and salsa verde
a Glass of Green Machine THE POWER OF GOD
a bowl of szechuan scallops extra spicy
there is a crapload of pepper flakes in it
Mocha Iced Coffee
cow's milk and cheese nipples
vanilla frozen custard :'(
a double baconator, chicken nuggets, fries, and a coke from wendy's
rofl i'm skinny
Raspberry Peace Tea
tuna sandwich
"grapefruit" juice cry;
a hamburger and a watermelon-lemon iced tea smoothie goowan
tostitos and chili con queso dip with a mountain dew
cookie dough ice cream on a sugar cone that i coated the inside of with hot fudge
hot fudge that spilled out all voer my hand
Turkey burger with waffle fries and salt and vinegar chips RUB IT
Just got done with a meal of steak, fried shrimp, fried potatoes, watermelon, and a tall glass of cold milk. giggle;
i was expecting 'mtn dew' squid;
nope, i nearly always drink milk with dinner.
a turkey sandwich and grapefruit juice awdood;
Quote from: Suigintou on July 30, 2011, 04:43:18 PM
Just got done with a meal of steak, fried shrimp, fried potatoes, watermelon, and a tall glass of cold milk. giggle;
jelly cry;
a bagel (no idea what kind but i think there's a layer of cheese at the bottom and it's p. good cry;) and cream cheese and more grapefruit juice scarecrowdood;
pizza rolls :'(
Bread, peanut butter, and chOcolate sprinkles, apparently a Dutch staple
but it's not my thread
in fact, it's yours sillydood;
I just make abnormally heavy use of it. THE POWER OF GOD
dat cherry kool aid
better than sex cake RUB IT
Milanos RUB IT
a thalad
chocolate and peanut butter ice cream
Quote from: Suigintou on August 03, 2011, 06:38:38 PM
chocolate and peanut butter ice cream
that sounds disgusting goonish
Quote from: Nyerp on August 03, 2011, 08:32:08 PM
that sounds disgusting goonish
it was quite delicious
it was just chocolate ice cream with little peanut butter chunk thingies here and there
Bananer RUB IT
Strawberry smoothie. giggle;
peanut butter and jelly sandwich
which i only ever eat if there really is nothing else smithicide;
also milk ghouldood;
apples and peanut butter
cranberry/blueberry/pomegranate soda
iced tea
Chile with corn chips on top.
peanut butter cookie
Breakfast Blend Coffee with a English muffin
I put portabello mushrooms and sliced tomato onto a frozen cheese pizza, then covered it all in ample amounts of red pepper flakes.
McRoyal with cheese
just got done with some cookie dough ice cream
Quote from: Suigintou on August 08, 2011, 09:43:20 PM
just got done with some cookie dough ice cream
did you let your emotions get a hold of you
chicken rawmen myface;
sum gud ol franch bred. Q('_' Q)
chicken chili
with a shitload of sriracha i squeezed for like 20 seconds
lol I thought some sausage patties were small burgers so I made them and then realized it but I just put them on buns with lettuce and ketchup anyways and it was still kinda good.
corn dogs :(
pepperoni pizza :(
CHEESE pizza and cocka-cola
Spiced Chocolate (Test Batch) â€" Chocolate ice cream with a hint of Morrocan style spice and loaded with almonds
Turkey Burger RUB IT
baked potato :'(
Quote from: Maester86 on August 15, 2011, 09:44:58 AM
baked potato :'(
It's a bit early in the day for a baked potato, innit? baddood;
grilled cheese sandwich and some green grapes
Quote from: YPR on August 15, 2011, 09:55:48 AM
It's a bit early in the day for a baked potato, innit? baddood;
yes :'(
badhot&wrongsour soup with dumplings and rice :'(
chicken/broccoli/rice/dumplings :'(
Shrimp Gumbo RUB IT
I made rawmen
It has sriracha and peanut butter for the broth and I added some tuna in as well.
Quote from: Squid Girl on August 18, 2011, 11:15:58 AM
I made rawmen
It has sriracha and peanut butter for the broth and I added some tuna in as well.
What the fuck psyduck;
Quote from: YPR on August 18, 2011, 11:48:15 AM
What the fuck psyduck;
Had you never had something like pad thai with peanuts?
pad thai with peanuts rule.
pizza saddood;
lol you really wanted all caps in the title, tec?
anyway, just a mountain dew right now - i'm still pretty stuffed from the meal of blt sandwiches and broccoli seafood soup i had earlier
Quote from: Suigintou on August 19, 2011, 05:19:12 PM
lol you really wanted all caps in the title, tec?
anyway, just a mountain dew right now - i'm still pretty stuffed from the meal of blt sandwiches and broccoli seafood soup i had earlier
All of the recent thread titles in this board are in caps, so I felt this one should match too. girl;
babby carrots and ranch dressing myface;
I went to Chili's earlier. I had a black bean avocado burger with lots of jalapeno peppers on it. That and some mango iced tea
Curried fish and rice. :'(
also iced tea myface;
Pizza rolls doodthing;
grilled mozzarella/cheddar cheese sandwich with cayenne pepper ghouldood;
taylor ham, egg, and cheese on an everything bagel with a chocolate milk
skoal mint pouches. why am i doing this
a bagel and cream cheese :|
Quote from: Travis on August 24, 2011, 10:03:31 PM
skoal mint pouches. why am i doing this
are you doing that psyduck;
Quote from: Tectrika on August 27, 2011, 12:10:25 AM
a bagel and cream cheese :|
why are you doing that psyduck;
i don't know, somebody left a tin of them in my car one day and i've done it a few times. i gave the rest of them to my friend today
Quote from: Travis on August 27, 2011, 12:36:02 AM
i don't know, somebody left a tin of them in my car one day and i've done it a few times. i gave the rest of them to my friend today
Good choice. That stuff is disgusting.
The bobbie. Shaved turkey, cranberry sauce, and stuffing on a sub roll
Quote from: YPR on August 27, 2011, 11:46:28 AM
The bobbie. Shaved turkey, cranberry sauce, and stuffing on a sub roll
hey it is too early for thanksgiving
also, I had two knock off slimjims and a fanta
Snickerdoodle cookie and a diet code red mountain dew
a big, fat, cheesy dick slice of pizza
pizzer myface;
peanut butter cookies n_n
a banan and French Freedom Toast RUB IT
some sort of leftover chinese food myface;
goldfish :3
Buffalo Chicken Wrap from Jersey Mike's
cherry tomatoes and pepper jack cheese goodjob;
Kaz's shorts (and their contents). giggle;
Quote from: Tectrika on September 05, 2011, 09:07:41 PM
Kaz's shorts (and their contents). giggle;
gross and lewd
Quote from: Kefka on September 05, 2011, 09:31:06 PM
gross and lewd
I will do anything for posts. THE POWER OF GOD
and i will do aaaaaanything for posts
but i won't do that
no i won't do that
just ate 4 string cheeses for no reason at all
Reese's Ice Cream
absolutely nothing :'(
chocolate raspberry "cappuccino"
it tastes like complete shit and I am going dump it down the drain hocuspocus;
corn Reichdood;
pickles wrench;
[spoiler]can't forget to take a small swig of the juice now and then when eating them giggle; [/spoiler]
i'd take a swig of kaz's pickle juice VDood;
a barrel of pickles are allotted between three to five dead rats to be found in them before they are deemed unfit for human consumption
"pizza" "rolls" smithicide;
[spoiler]and pink "lemon"ade awdood;[/spoiler]
Quote from: Tectrika on September 09, 2011, 11:12:23 PM
"pizza" "rolls" smithicide;
[spoiler]and pink "lemon"ade awdood;[/spoiler]
why do you eat food that requires quotations around it?
Quote from: N o t S i d on September 10, 2011, 01:54:51 AM
why do you eat food that requires quotations around it?
hipster cred
yes, i am indeed a food hipster awdood;
anyway, ritz crackers and some pasty cheesy mixture 5thgrade;
curried shrimp and some kind of bread (???) confuseddood;
cheez-its 5thgrade;
"supreme" pizza rolls and water goowan
[spoiler]eating for the posts y/n[/spoiler]
orange juice
bread pretzel 5thgrade;
Eating a potato
blueberry maple cupcake because my room mate's birthday was yesterday!
Dr. Enuff Herbal
Pumpkin cake roll RUB IT
Pumpkin cake roll and a pepsi max hocuspocus;
raw men
fish/rice/spinach/cranberry juice myface;
taco bell (https://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/ugly.gif)
Quote from: Sakamoto on September 17, 2011, 03:23:38 PM
taco bell (https://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/ugly.gif)
dear god, i'm sorry (https://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/ugly.gif)
Quote from: Sakamoto on September 17, 2011, 03:23:38 PM
taco bell (https://boyah.net/forums/Smileys/default/ugly.gif)
enjoying the oatmeal tomatoes;
chinese food
cranberry-apple juice smithicide;
Just finished a Summer Honey Wheat Blue Moon.
more raw men awdood;
some bacon and scrambled eggs
chee zits
Cold bacon and Tab RUB IT
Lady friend bought a 50 piece from chicken nuggets for us to split.
I was so hungry myface;
Quote from: Man of Popcikle on September 18, 2011, 05:26:47 PM
I don't understand you people >.<
i don't understand that either lol
anyway, a cereal bar
water :(
pea soup with bread and cheez whiz
a cupcake from who-knows-where and milk smithicide;
Quote from: Tectrika on September 20, 2011, 12:09:22 PM
a cupcake from who-knows-where and milk smithicide;
he-who-must-not-be-named made them
YPR's oreos and a Coke Zero
Quote from: Kanbaru on September 20, 2011, 06:44:30 PM
YPR's oreos and a Coke Zero
They go well with Coke Zero since they are reduced fat oreos n_u
pizza awdood;
Sausage pizza because the pepperoni slices were half the size and a spinach-tomato-cucumber-jalapeno salad
peanut butter waffles
chocolate chip cookies baddood;
bacon and eggs
Chips and Salsa... delicious
Why would anyone ever buy mild salsa, even hot barely registers
homemade banana nut muffins RUB IT
cinnamon-raisin bagel w/ cream cheese and grapefruit juice saddood;
the best fucking snack cake ever that I look forward to the selling of every fall
i could eat a whole box of those babies and still want more giggle;
I had a hoagie with Boursin cheese today
that shit is like the cheese of the gods
most delicious thing ever
pepperoni pizza ugly;
starbursts myface;
blueberry muffin
blueberry muffins are a really good food???
Chicken Parmesan
i am about to partake in some homemade clam chowder and blts baddood;
kaz quit nibblin' my bits
Quote from: Hakase on September 25, 2011, 03:32:55 PM
i am about to partake in some homemade clam chowder and blts baddood;
wow, i had tomato soup and blts awdood;
A bowl of melted mozzarella with some elbow macaroni and tomato sauce mixed in 5thgrade;
i like how you have cheese with pasta, instead of pasta with cheese
Microwaved burritos with cheese and habanero sauce myface;
Quote from: ãƒãƒ--ã,·ã,¯ãƒ«ã®ç"· on September 26, 2011, 08:35:04 PM
i like how you have cheese with pasta, instead of pasta with cheese
Well my sister originally meant for it to be soup, and then I added a little too much cheese...
it seriously was mostly cheese. hocuspocus;
Hershey's chocolate with almonds and milk. The flavors are dancing around in my mouth SocksDood;
bacon smithicide;
i'm not really sure but it's some kind of cinnamony pastry myface;
[spoiler]and milk wry[/spoiler]
Grape Kool-Aid
And a mild sinus infection.
Candy corn flavored M&Ms
Quote from: Kefka on September 28, 2011, 07:49:36 PM
Candy corn flavored M&Ms
that sounds horrible awdood;
Well they're amazing awdood;
I'm sorry you feel that way awdood;
I had them before and they weren't really bad at all.
Spearmint gum
Sweet Potato fries RUB IT
California Whopper RUB IT
mushroom/pineapple pizza awdood;
Pepper Jack cheese stick and green machine
Quote from: Tectrika on September 30, 2011, 11:36:45 AM
mushroom/pineapple pizza awdood;
pig disgusting ugly;
also i had some apple pie but all i can taste are the eggs i cooked this morning
5 of them.
ginger ale <3
a soft pretzel and water :(
chicken quesadilla... The student union is retarded and likes to lie about ingredients... It was supposed to have jalapenos and tortilla chips but it didn't have peppers and came with lays. Lays suck
Quote from: Snowy the Majestic Møøse on October 03, 2011, 07:33:33 AM
Half a bägel with créam chéëse.
I just attempted to pronounce this with the accents. It was entertaining.
an entire box of dots
nathan drake's $5 footlong awdood;
Sauteed Maitake and diet Coke.
really bitter hot cocoa giggle;
cocoa is best when bitter
Twix doodella;
strawburry yogurt >.<
Pumpkin bread. RUB IT
nachos (i mean like made in my microwave with nana's chips & tillamook cheese) and cholula hot sauce
bbq vienna sausage
Quote from: N o t S i d on October 09, 2011, 10:29:13 AM
Orange juice and cereal. myface;
sunflower seeds :|
Pumpkin seeds :|
some cheap hamburger from sonic myface;
Quote from: Tectrika on October 09, 2011, 04:17:03 PM
some cheap hamburger from sonic myface;
thanks sonic for the hamburger love tails
Quote from: silvertone on October 09, 2011, 04:30:35 PM
thanks sonic for the hamburger love tails
*sonic en tails kiss**
Quote from: Sakamoto on October 09, 2011, 07:06:30 PM
*sonic en tails kiss**
yw honey sonic says as he grabs tails around the neck . ' give me kiss sonic" says talis, their lip touched and they kissed
Quote from: silvertone on October 09, 2011, 04:30:35 PM
thanks sonic for the hamburger love tails
Quote from: Sakamoto on October 09, 2011, 07:06:30 PM
*sonic en tails kiss**
Quote from: silvertone on October 09, 2011, 07:07:49 PM
yw honey sonic says as he grabs tails around the neck . ' give me kiss sonic" says talis, their lip touched and they kissed
holy shit i lol'd
anyway, i'm eating pot stickers
mashed taters
Pizza for the fifth meal in a row smithicide
I made a grilled cheese in the toaster oven with white super sharp cheddar
a god damn blueberry parfait
Quote from: Snowy the Majestic Møøse on October 11, 2011, 10:14:25 AM
How is a grilled cheese in the toaster? I've only had it cooked in a pan.
Quote from: Ruka Urushibara on October 11, 2011, 10:00:58 AM
I made a grilled cheese in the toaster oven with white super sharp cheddar
do none of you know how to use a grill
Cheez-its RUB IT
Quote from: Snowy the Majestic Møøse on October 11, 2011, 10:14:25 AM
How is a grilled cheese in the toaster? I've only had it cooked in a pan.
they better be the pizza combos baddood;
Quote from: Kefka of Alkmaar on October 12, 2011, 12:14:35 PM
they better be the pizza combos baddood;
no i just wanted the normal cheese/cracker ones
I don't really like pizza flavored snacks myface;
Quote from: Yip Yipper on October 12, 2011, 12:49:30 PM
I don't really like pizza flavored snacks myface;
me neither
but that probably stems from the fact I am not a fan of the pizza everyone makes snacks flavoured after
Pizza Flavored Gatorade Rules.
apple :|
pumpkin spice latte RUB IT
frosted flakes [glow=black,2,300]of dandruff[/glow]
celery befuddlement
I got laid in gum
Oh god the pain myface;
ypr got paid in tums
bread+lettuce+tomato+onion+ham+turkey+roast beef+provolone cheese+mayo
baked lays
ibc root beer
I can't tell if that is covered in something or is just disgustingly greasy
Quote from: Ruka Urushibara on October 13, 2011, 09:33:55 PM
I can't tell if that is covered in something or is just disgustingly greasy
It wasn't that greasy, being reheated in the microwave with the lid closed kind of makes it look like that but it also had a little ketchup and a1 on it.
coke zero and pizza rolls
Some toast with Nutella. ghouldood;
...nathan drake's salty six-incher awdood;
pizza doodthing;
fried rice
Homemade pizza.
Quote from: silvertone on October 15, 2011, 04:08:34 PM
fried rice
my tummy now hurts because i didn't eat anything all day and ate this 2 fast ;_;
limeade ugly
Quote from: silvertone on October 15, 2011, 04:59:05 PM
my tummy now hurts because i didn't eat anything all day and ate this 2 fast ;_;
poor silvertone saddood;
whoopie pie from a local bakery RUB IT
some sort of "chinese" food cry;
soon it will be chili
I was eatin some bread and olive oil just now.
i made some crummy taco "salad" cry;
ritz crackerz and iced tea wry
why always cry when you eat.
I'm enjoy some 'Natural' Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper Kettle Cooked Potato Chips. I might get some of that Lay's creamy spinach dip out of the fridge in awhile.
Quote from: eeeeeee on October 20, 2011, 07:38:53 AM
I think this is what I am gonna eat
I am gonna make some chocolate orange pancakes :3
Quote from: Ruka Urushibara on October 20, 2011, 09:10:12 AM
I think this is what I am gonna eat
I am gonna make some chocolate orange pancakes :3
Holla! Pancake party. Me & my friend went to her cousins at 5 while he was sleeping and made pancakes and put up decorations. They had chocolate chips in them. giggle;
Quote from: eeeeeee on October 20, 2011, 10:47:07 AM
Holla! Bim! Pancake party. Me & my friend went to her cousins at 5 while he was sleeping and made pancakes and put up decorations. They had chocolate chips in them. giggle;
wry I ended up not making pancakes today
but I did make delicious cinnamon hot cooca on the stove top
none of that instant stuff
only thing I could have done better is melted the chocolate myself
for some reason i'm in the mood for a nice fresh from the oven cookie and milk.
if only i knew how to bake. awdood;
Halloween cinnamon rolls
spaghetti and kaz's meat sauce
a big mac, chicken mcnuggets, fries and a dr pepper rofl
cranberry apple yogurt cry;
pomegranate-blueberry yogurt and "tea" :'(
which is a pumpkin porter
[spoiler]i'm not entirely sure what that even means sillydood;[/spoiler]
Quote from: Ruka Urushibara on October 23, 2011, 08:21:08 PM
which is a pumpkin porter
[spoiler]i'm not entirely sure what that even means sillydood;[/spoiler]
brewed with dark malts.
also eating a candy apple
Mighty Mango
it is indeed p. mighty
Chocolate Milk wariodood;
pumpkin pie pancakes with butterscotch chips
Quote from: Ruka Urushibara on October 27, 2011, 09:57:43 AM
pumpkin pie pancakes with butterscotch chips
mail this to me.
Peanut M&M's
Water :'(
Quote from: Dovydas on October 28, 2011, 05:35:32 PM
Water :'(
water is good Bro. not everyone has water. and also water is a Dying Resourcve...aprrecviation water.
not now but earlier i was eating a quinoa stir fry that was p good
pizza ><>
oatmeal BOW WOW WOW
Chocolate cake ifeelbetter;
vodka and dr pepper are disgusting together
brb puking out my guts
Orange juice and a bagel with peanut butter. poochie;
kit-kat bar
pixie stick
sunflower seeds
water :(
reese's peanut butter cups :'(
Quote from: Kaz on November 05, 2011, 06:15:11 PM
reese's peanut butter cups :'(
i just had some too :O
i spent the last 2 hours eating chinese food
Sarsaparilla and pretzels.
pizza, salad, cherry pepsi
I had some delicious green curry and coconut juice today
pumpkin pie
Mac and Cheese
it had mozzarella, the cheese powder, soy milk, bacon bits, paprika, thyme, and a couple other herbs, and a bit of ranch dressing
ravioli and orange juice myface;
Cinnamon M&Ms
shepard's fucking pie
Peppermint Bark RUB IT
pork eggrolls smithicide;
garlic mashed potatoes that are a tiny bit spicy and pumpkin pie
Ialian Herb and Parmasean Chex mix
Quote from: Kefka on November 17, 2011, 01:02:35 PM
this chocolate one isn't all that good
Quote from: Hiroglyph on November 17, 2011, 01:03:50 PM
this chocolate one isn't all that good
White Chocolate Macadamia is the best
pizza rolls cry;
chips n' salsa
Root beer float
Sweet potato fries
a cheeseburger
Broccoli. It tastes like piss when raw
beef raw men
also the game
cinnamon toast crunch in dark chocolate almond milk
m&m's cry;
a cheap Cabernet Sauvignon
banana cream pie cry;
the last piece of banana cream pie smithicide;
taylor ham egg and cheese RUB IT
string cheese bitchezzzzzzz
pizza rolls
a mint mocha canned starbucks frappuccino
I usually don't like these but the mint one is pretty good
Peppermint hot chocolate
just finished some delicious tacos
some jolly ranchers >_<'
macaroni & cheese and a dr pepper that i can barely taste thanks to this COLD
Chips Ahoy and a skinny peppermint mocha from star fux
some left over noodles with butter
I just had three hot dogs, half a Mr. Goodyear, and a Dr. Pepper.
Quote from: applesauce on November 29, 2011, 03:40:45 AM
I just had three hot dogs, half a Mr. Goodyear, and a Dr. Pepper.
a what now confuseddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on November 29, 2011, 03:48:14 AM
a what now confuseddood;
oops lol I mean Mr. Goodbar n_u
curry and cranberry juice
rawmen smithicide;
oatmeal cry;
I had an eggnog milkshake last night from Cookout RUB IT
scrambled eggs, it's the only way i know how to cook them :'(
Quote from: Dovydas on December 02, 2011, 08:35:24 AM
scrambled eggs, it's the only way i know how to cook them :'(
you don't know how to make an omelet? akudood;
Quote from: Kefka on December 02, 2011, 09:39:23 AM
you don't know how to make an omelet? akudood;
i don't
Quote from: Dovydas on December 02, 2011, 08:35:24 AM
scrambled eggs, it's the only way i know how to cook them :'(
1. boil water
2. drop whole egg into water
CONGRATULATIONS! You just hardboiled an egg
1. Crack egg into pan
2. Flip when solid
CONGRATULATIONS! You just made eggs overeasy. Skip step 2 for sunny side up. Add meat, cheese, and bread for delicious sandwich
seriously this shit is easy
baked ziti O_O
Quote from: ãƒãƒ--ã,·ã,¯ãƒ«ã®ç"· on December 05, 2011, 01:28:29 AM
1. boil water
2. drop whole egg into water
CONGRATULATIONS! You just hardboiled an egg
1. Crack egg into pan
2. Flip when solid
CONGRATULATIONS! You just made eggs overeasy. Skip step 2 for sunny side up. Add meat, cheese, and bread for delicious sandwich
seriously this shit is easy
or boil water
crack egg into water
bam a poached egg
poaching is illegal
i am drinking a sobe strawberry daiquiri thingy
Quote from: Khadafi on December 10, 2011, 02:56:00 PM
are you old enough to be enjoying alcohol young man
EGGNOG badass
Yes baddood;
And now:
Also chicken soup my mom made.
oh my god what happened to your chubby youthful cheeks oh my gOD
Quote from: Clucky on December 10, 2011, 03:58:32 PM
oh my god what happened to your chubby youthful cheeks oh my gOD
eating all that snatch
jmv you should try some beer from asheville
asheville is beer city
I melted some cheddar in white rice, them mixed in some jalapeno ranch dressing and some chicken I shredded up a bit
shredded wheat :'(
gummi wormz :(
I'm drinking juice
Quote from: Twilight Echo on December 06, 2011, 03:09:01 PM
or boil water
crack egg into water
bam a poached egg
I was going to say that but doing just that will get you sloppy poached eggs.
Drinking some nice, cold Mountain Dew
butter noodles ifeelbetter;
Quote from: Azunyan on December 13, 2011, 10:24:03 AM
I've been investing in pop lately. 1.5 liter bottles and 2 liter bottles.
Life is better
boiled eggs
Cherry pepsi mixed with regular pepsi, sausage pizza because it had the largest slice and goddamn buttered salad >_<'
this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakshouka)
Quote from: Tectrinket on December 15, 2011, 09:11:32 AM
this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakshouka)
that looks pretty good befuddlement
It was. giggle;
a fucking sandwich
nice cold mountain dew
i got pizzaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chi-fil-A chicken sandwich and waffle fries with barbecue sauce
chicken parm and water
cheese omelet, sausage, toast, orange juice
wow, that makes me want to go out and make breakfast awdood;
pepperoni pizza cry;
ravioli and some kind of milk-based drink
espresso beans yummm
homemade bread and BUTTER RUB IT
for some reason i thought tec didn't post in this thread anymore
but then i realized i just didn't come into this thread anymore
a swig of sparking win [super classy]
and bread
i eat my butter plain RUB IT
christman leftovers
leftover ham
maker's mark bourbon
my throat burns 5thgrade;
one of the largest banans i've ever seen in person
Quote from: Tectrinket on December 26, 2011, 09:42:53 PM
one of the largest banans i've ever seen in person
d-don't look >_<'
Quote from: Twilight Echo on December 26, 2011, 06:59:32 PM
maker's mark bourbon
my throat burns 5thgrade;
Be a man. 5thgrade;
Quote from: Khadafi on December 27, 2011, 09:12:20 AM
Be a man. 5thgrade;
I was 5thgrade;
I drank it straight
I ate some spinach ravioli tossed in olive oil
it was pretty good.
water and a grahamm cracker
more christman leftovers cry;
Quote from: Tectrinket on December 27, 2011, 05:53:04 PM
more christman leftovers cry;
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAMS rule everything around you
Quote from: N o t S i d on December 27, 2011, 05:55:23 PM
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAMS rule everything around you
they really do
i'm currently eating HAAAAMS cry;
Bojangles' Steak Biscuits
pepperoni and mushroom pizza doodthing;
honey roasted tec nuts
Oh my. yes;
Quote from: Tectrinket on December 27, 2011, 05:53:04 PM
more christman leftovers cry;
we only have cranberry sauce leftover :(
Also, Pepsi.
mountain dew
not nice and cold, but still good
Barbecue Ribs
and corned beef happydood;
Sesame chicken and rice from the mall
Rueben sandwich akudood;
blueberry muffin pop tart [move]smithicide;[/move]
the original malted milk balls
on my fourth white russian of the night
damn good stuff
maruchan instant lunch chicken flavor
turkey and mozzarella sandwich with sour cream and onion chips n_n
i decided to try coke zero. i think i'll stick with normal coke, tyvm. awdood;
a bacon cheeseburger and some sort of chili cheese tater tots from sonic
sonic is kind of underwhelming
Quote from: Travis on January 07, 2012, 03:23:25 PM
a bacon cheeseburger and some sort of chili cheese tater tots from sonic
sonic is kind of underwhelming
It is very underwhelming.
But my friend is a manager so that = free food. I can't really complain when I don't pay for 90% of the food there. n_u
Quote from: Travis on January 07, 2012, 03:23:25 PM
a bacon cheeseburger and some sort of chili cheese tater tots from sonic
sonic is kind of underwhelming
the drive thru is dumb. it takes just as long to get your food :/
Quote from: N o t S i d on January 08, 2012, 11:25:08 PM
the drive thru is dumb. it takes just as long to get your food :/
wait, sonics have drive-thrus? why would that exist at a fast food place where you can already sit in your car and wait for them to come out and give you your food, and then drive away if you want to?
Quote from: Kaz on January 09, 2012, 01:34:23 AM
wait, sonics have drive-thrus? why would that exist at a fast food place where you can already sit in your car and wait for them to come out and give you your food, and then drive away if you want to?
because it's an alternative maybe? idk
I like the chili cheese firs and the coney dogs at Sonic. And the slushes.
Quote from: Kaz on January 09, 2012, 01:34:23 AM
wait, sonics have drive-thrus? why would that exist at a fast food place where you can already sit in your car and wait for them to come out and give you your food, and then drive away if you want to?
One (or two of them now I think) by my house has a full drive-thru with a window, and then another one has like a half drive-thru where it has the sign to order at and the line to go through but they still come out of the building to give you your food because there's no actual window. Then the rest of them are only drive up.
Some home made (by me) Dal Makhani with cheese in it and toasted pita bread...mmmm
OH and a Cherry 7Up
(ME)86% dark chocolate. RUB IT
Peanut butter, marshmallows fluff, and chocolate frosting.
Cranberry oatmeal
theodore grahams cry;
I've been drinking a lot of water lately
also I've been eating some granola too
forsted mini donuts
defeat with a side of bitterness and sadness cry;
oatmeal befuddlement
soup befuddlement
mashed potatoes huhdoodame;
tomato soup
Remember when Tec had all the food posts?
Haribo gummy bears
a (hash) brownie
honey nut cheerios. i forgot how delicious they were
uh oh spapeggios
a hamburger
i made some disgusting slop of jalapenos and cream cheese to slather on it
it wasn't terrible saddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on January 18, 2012, 12:56:08 PM
weird without the actual bits of granola
Quote from: Kaz on January 18, 2012, 12:57:10 PM
it's weird without the actual bits of granola
but i'm not eating that kind
Quote from: Kaz on January 18, 2012, 12:57:10 PM
it's weird without the actual bits of granola
granola is best
beef raw men
lay's original kettle chips
almost a whole box of poptarts
Quote from: Edina Monsoon on January 19, 2012, 01:45:44 AM
how do you taste water
it's pretty much bullshit that water has no taste because it does too have a taste
and it is a good taste (usually)
Quote from: Kaz on January 19, 2012, 02:05:08 AM
it's pretty much bullshit that water has no taste because it does too have a taste
and it is a good taste (usually)
it's the minerals and other small particles in the water that you are tasting
Quote from: Edina Monsoon on January 19, 2012, 02:11:42 AM
it's the minerals and other small particles in the water that you are tasting
hey man, it's part of the water, so i say the water has a taste
Curried potatoes and ginger tea
mommy drove 1hour to bring me and my suite mates some home made fried rice giggle;
A giant snickerdoodle cookie that has cayenne pepper on it
apple-cranberry yogurt
it's granola-free cry;
three year old oreos
Quote from: Kefka on January 20, 2012, 11:23:43 PM
aka what real men eat
the seedy gas station/head shop near my house sold them
i am also drinking piss warm mtn dew.
cheese curds
Quote from: Dovydas on January 21, 2012, 02:16:26 PM
cheese curds
were they...deep fried cheese curds? goowan
oh, also, just got done with some shrimp, some potatoes, and a salad
Quote from: Kaz on January 21, 2012, 03:25:21 PM
were they...deep fried cheese curds? goowan
nnn they're fresh, but i could deep fry the other bag of them ;_;
a&w has deep fried cheese curds
they depress me
Bacon Cheese fries with ranch akudood;
Quote from: Kefka on January 22, 2012, 12:26:48 PM
Bacon Cheese fries with ranch akudood;
was this at charley's grilled subs
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on January 22, 2012, 03:32:40 PM
was this at charley's grilled subs
nope it was a local place
it mostly has hipsters that go there, but I usually go there when drunk or high
I made burgers for my housemates and I tonight.
I used some Tony Chachere's, chopped up some jalapenos and garlic and mixed it in with the beef. Then proceeded to grill the buns with cheddar and pepperjack.
lifesaver gummies
orange juice cry;
>mfw I wake up and my suite mates drank all of the orange juice
It was Simply Orange too cry;
dp's orange juice :3
orange juice
buttered bread
chocolate milk
Granola cereal
taylor ham egg and cheese on an everything bagel
Quote from: Snowy on January 25, 2012, 06:22:06 AM
Tec you eat so much
how :'(
open palm slam food into mouth
frosted mini-wheats
Lucky Charms (http://www.beersteak.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/dancing-leprechaun-animated-02.gif)
Quote from: Snowy on January 26, 2012, 09:01:00 AM
I was enjoying cheese fries before I got up to throw something away and someone took them :(
your school is dp rude snowy madood;
a waffle
chocolate milkshake
garden salsa sunchips
David's meaty cock freshly grown corn from the fields.
just got done with some delicious beef stew and biscuits with honey
guineess is delicious
fuck you
no fuck you cnotedood;
I just like Blue Moon or Yuengling better
beer [glow=black,2,300]bread[/glow]
Quote from: Dovydas on January 30, 2012, 03:52:49 PM
beer [glow=black,2,300]bread[/glow]
some sort of muffin
Beer bread is awesome.
Ginger ale
three "homemade" chocolate chip cookies
tec's homemade chocolate bar
Nanner Puddin' Frozen Yogurt with Mochi and Niller Waifers inside. giggle;
nutella with toast ;[
just got done with some chicken that idk the name of but it has some sort of cream sauce and french fried onions on it
and some rice and cucumbers
peanut butter silk pie
I decided to hurt my insides by eating Taco Bell.
Guilty pleasures. smithicide;
taco bell...and oatmeal? are you trying to ingest the closest thing to vomit you can concoct?
Quote from: Kaz on February 02, 2012, 06:36:09 PM
taco bell...and oatmeal? are you trying to ingest the closest thing to vomit you can concoct?
i lol'd
i was making a joke about taco bell products mostly consisting of oatmeal
[spoiler]which means i have indeed eaten taco bell and oatmeal at the same time before RUB IT[/spoiler]
Quote from: Kaz on February 02, 2012, 06:36:09 PM
taco bell...and oatmeal? are you trying to ingest the closest thing to vomit you can concoct?
how can something be "closest to vomit"
literally anything you eat can become vomit n_u
Quote from: Nyerp on February 02, 2012, 07:24:48 PM
how can something be "closest to vomit"
literally anything you eat can become vomit n_u
...not before you eat it, though. the idea is he would mix taco bell and oatmeal together to create something similar to vomit, and then eat it.
Quote from: Tectrinket on February 02, 2012, 06:51:06 PM
i lol'd
i was making a joke about taco bell products mostly consisting of oatmeal
[spoiler]which means i have indeed eaten taco bell and oatmeal at the same time before RUB IT[/spoiler]
apparently not anymore tec
also orange juice
tec piss juice
the last few drops of our orange juice, how i am going to miss it :'(
pizza rolls
strawberries, some sort of chicken wrap, and orange juice
a bit of orange
AA peanut butter cookie
AA slice of vegetarian pizza
AA sugar cookie
sunflower seeds cry;
Mountain Dew.
Dew you love me yet, Kaz? >.<
another orange awdood;
a pancake, eggs, and lemonaids
Quote from: Tectrinket on February 05, 2012, 11:32:21 AM
a pancake, eggs, and lemonaids
that sounds like a good late breakfast cry;
it was, for the most part
But the pancakes were so dry. awdood;
Quote from: Tectrinket on February 05, 2012, 11:39:42 AM
it was, for the most part
But the pancakes were so dry. awdood;
awful :(
homemade nachos wrench;
a hamturkeyburger
...you know, i can't even remember the last time i had a non-turkey hamburger, and i've only ever eaten turkey bacon befuddlement
Quote from: Tectrinket on February 05, 2012, 09:14:57 PM
a hamturkeyburger
...you know, i can't even remember the last time i had a non-turkey hamburger, and i've only ever eaten turkey bacon befuddlement
Quote from: Tectrinket on February 05, 2012, 09:22:52 PM
Seriously. huhdoodame;
are u one of Satan's Puppets or some thing
some sort of salmon sushi
[spoiler]accidental alliteration giggle;[/spoiler]
Quote from: Travis on February 05, 2012, 10:13:51 PM
are u one of Satan's Puppets or some thing
It's possible. :'(
Porky chops
Pizza from the new Papa John's that opened. RUB IT
easy mac to which i've added mozarella, yellow mustard, habanero sauce, salt and pepper.
it's so hot sheesh
soft-boiled eggs
some fritos awdood;
i fixed a sausage egg and cheese sandwich earlier today and sometimes i can still taste it and i might make another one when i get home depending on if i want to wash the frying pan
b&w cookie
Quote from: Tectrinket on February 05, 2012, 09:14:57 PM
a hamturkeyburger
...you know, i can't even remember the last time i had a non-turkey hamburger, and i've only ever eaten turkey bacon befuddlement
pure unadulterated hate.
bitterness and anger
Reese's Klondike bar
fresh milk that i just got from our cow because all iowans are farmers!! thank you east coast elitism for showing me what my real life is!
Fresh milk makes the best everything.
Irish porridge
butter i just churned because we have no electricity with handmade pasta
snickerdoodle cookies
fish ,n, chipz
pizza . also root beer
apple pie
milk (2% myface; myface;)
Pepperjack cheese melted on my fries. RUB IT
a few thin mints myface;
ruffles and milk.
I took selena out last night for dinner.
I got a medium rare steak with a butter sauce and a blue cheese sauce. A baked potato with sour cream, chives, and bacon, and sauteed spinach with garlic.
also a white russian.
this is the TASTE BUDS CURRENTLY TASTING thread :|
Red brat, fries
Burned Lasagna because my housemate's girlfriend fell asleep after she put it in the oven
Quote from: Snowy on February 13, 2012, 10:36:33 AM
You pointed something obvious out, yet failed to follow it.
shut the fuck up
im currently tasteing ur bitch teears
soon to be a large pizza from papa johns
an orange and some water frankendood;
Poppy seed bagel w/ cream cheese, spinach, halved grape tomatoes, and olive oil
Mountain Dew Voltage and tacos
just got done with some rice/broccoli/ham/cheese concoction that was quite good
chicken quesadilla tray with sides of chicken quesadillas from Cook-Out
Quote from: N o t S i d on February 16, 2012, 04:46:25 PM
chicken quesadilla tray with sides of chicken quesadillas from Cook-Out
my nigga
I almost had the same thing
Dr. Pepper and Sweet BBQ Potato Sticks
oatmeal for lunch awdood;
Wheat Thins. giggle;
some sort of cheese pasta
just got done with a couple crescent dogs and some fries
i think they're overripe myface;
some sort of sandwich wrap
chicken parmesan
also quadruplepost
Quote from: Tectrinket on February 21, 2012, 04:43:51 PM
chicken parmesan
also quadruplepost
I had chicken alfredo
cheesy chicken brothas 4 lyfe
i had chicken/shrimp alfredo yesterday giggle;
dinner tonight was a soup that i'm not really fond of...it's this broccoli and crab concoction that my mom has only made a few times, probably because she knows i don't really like it much. it's all right i guess.
but the blt on the side was great.
some awful lasagna
i had some bread with spreadable cheese and also tomato
some concoction that goes by the name of mountain dew
ramen bassir; giggle; giggle;
concoction concoction concoction concoction concoction concoction
Quote from: eeeeeee on February 22, 2012, 11:52:18 AM
ramen bassir; giggle; giggle;
that's what I had for lunch with some hot sauce in it
an omelette with colby jack cheese, soy sauce, ham, lotion, and chives.
pizza fuckin rolslsls
french toast and lotion
a chicken sandwich
your hate
subgay awdood;
lotion and tabasco pizza
cheez-its with lotion
toasted lotion with whipped body cream
spicy lotion sandwich
salt and pepper squid and white rice with soy sauce
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 02, 2012, 02:35:24 PM
salt and pepper squid and white rice with soy sauce
i've never had squid but this sounds good befuddlement
anyway i'm eating cotton candy lol
Quote from: Cirno on March 02, 2012, 03:02:18 PM
i've never had squid but this sounds good befuddlement
anyway i'm eating cotton candy lol
It was okay. They oversalted it a bit so it wasn't the best but still tasty. Mainly because I really really like squid
b&w cookie and milk
Quote from: Cirno on March 02, 2012, 03:02:18 PM
i've never had squid but this sounds good befuddlement
agreed befuddlement
Quote from: Cirno on March 02, 2012, 03:02:18 PM
anyway i'm eating cotton candy lol
why did i lol
i have a strange urge for fried octopus tentacles confuseddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 02, 2012, 03:44:43 PM
i have a strange urge for fried octopus tentacles confuseddood;
they are pretty good
get some squid jerky to go with it
Salmon and lotion
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 02, 2012, 03:48:56 PM
they are pretty good
get some squid jerky to go with it
hnng, i should look for some cry;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 02, 2012, 05:11:30 PM
hnng, i should look for some cry;
if you have any asian markets near you they are pretty likely to have it
Quote from: Echo and Hayley on March 02, 2012, 05:12:52 PM
if you have any asian markets near you they are pretty likely to have it
i think there's a laotian market around here somewhere cry;
lotion and onion pizza
laotian lotion
nachos with salsa, beef, cheese, and lotion
Pumpkin pie and lotion milkshake
snacks, buddy two chocolate chip oatmeal cookies
Peanut butter and nutella sandwich.
It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's ejaculating.
Dark Chocolate oatmeal
Blueberry muffins
terrible pizza and lemonade
Just ate a kabob amaaaaaaaazing :3
original pringles
milk and oreos
Home made Reuben sandwich wrench;
pancakes, sausage, milk
string cheeeeeeeese
one peach
Quote from: Dovydas on March 09, 2012, 05:54:56 PM
one peach
why did you feel the need to specify that it was only one peach which you are consuming
Quote from: Cirno on March 09, 2012, 06:58:39 PM
why did you feel the need to specify that it was only one peach which you are consuming
because i did
355ml of pop
170g of Yoplait original yogurt
strawberry jello
hot pockets :(
a ham, roast beef, and pepperoni sub
Ginger Ale.
asiago bagel from einstein bros.
cup of granola
chicken raw men
Reuben Sammich from Arby's
meatball sandwich
Diet Dew Reichdood;
just ate an outbacker burger at outback
i'm keeping a diary of my diet as recommended by a dietitian
just finished some homemade pizza
sour cream and onion fried potato slices
fake oreos
For some reason, they're not completely inedible. befuddlement
Quote from: Tectrinket on March 14, 2012, 09:49:43 PM
fake oreos
For some reason, they're not completely inedible. befuddlement
are they hydrox
because hydrox actually came first, and oreos are the knockoff
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on March 15, 2012, 02:34:27 AM
are they hydrox
because hydrox actually came first, and oreos are the knockoff
o's ifeelbetter;
water and wishing we didn't run out of peaches :'(
Corn beef sandwich and diet dew
diet pop's for womyn
Quote from: Dovydas on March 16, 2012, 09:59:41 AM
diet pop's for womyn
dont care I like the taste better than regular awdood;
a shamrock shake
i spilled pistachios everywhere and i didn't want to throw them out or contaminate the bag
i've never had them before and i typically dislike nuts, but they're not bad wry
a baked potato awdood;
a 'homosexual pizza '
a 'homosexual blue jello'
a 'homosexual blueberry scone'
french toast [glow=black,2,300]sticks[/glow]
A Granny Smith Apple so bitter, my asshole is puckering.
just made my specialty
bagel and cream cheese with scrambled eggs and sriracha
corned beef and cabbage goowan
cookie 'n cream bites from the maker of cookie dough bites
i like savoring them in my mouth
egg free, too
a peach and water
"fruit" "snacks"
pizza rolls cry;
pizza rolls cry;
virgin boy eggs
i ate 5 dorito tacos earlier
Some cherry m&ms and a caramel-delite
hot dogs ketchup mustard chili
peanut butter snickers
i had a twix and a orange fanta
macaroni and cheese
meat loaf
banana and cheese
macaroni loaf
coffee ice cream
cinnamon life
turkey pot pie
pizza with some garlic and pepper
some jello
it is red with banana slices in it
Quote from: Cirno on April 02, 2012, 04:00:18 PM
some jello
it is red with banana slices in it
with banana slices in it?
Quote from: Haunter on April 02, 2012, 04:50:41 PM
with banana slices in it?
that's exactly what he just said
Quote from: Sudoroodo on April 02, 2012, 04:52:14 PM
that's exactly what he just said
baked potato
Quote from: Haunter on April 02, 2012, 04:50:41 PM
with banana slices in it?
no, blue with blueberries in it
white rice and peach snapple
hamburger hepler
buffalo wings
a delicious granola bar
i'm eating some sort of food? maybe it's bacon, i dunno.
dark chocolate w/ chili #hipster
dark chocolate with lotion
cinnamon black tea
macaroni and cheese with spinach and sriracha
with orange juice and vodka
thirstyyyy thirsdayyyy
Grilled portabella mushroom with cheese, pickle, and tomato, on a bun. Also macaroni and cheese with a gruyere and mozarella white sauce.
a banana and a glass of water awdood;
eggs cooked with onions and bacon
i had popcorn and two hamburgers recently
Chicken tortellini and some tomato sauce.
6oz Reese's egg
fucking skittles that exploded everywhere when i opened the bag
i dreamed i was a bowl of ramen and i slowly ate myself about an hour ago
Quote from: Cirno on April 11, 2012, 02:13:01 PM
i dreamed i was a bowl of ramen and i slowly ate myself about an hour ago
and now i just have a nice, cold mountain dew
sour cream and onion chips and raspberry snapple (glass bottle)
raw radishes and carrots
a sandwich and some delicious green grapes
cinnamon sticks
I prepared grilled chicken breasts, spinach & cheese ravioli, texas toast, and salad for selena and me. n_n
strawberry yogurt
3-egg omelet with cheese, mushrooms and ham
breakfast sausage
Banana pudding
And a can of Arizona southern style sweet tea
Frosted Flakes
spicy chicken sandwich and some cheese fries
Quote from: Cirno on April 24, 2012, 04:10:26 PM
3-egg omelet with cheese, mushrooms and ham
breakfast sausage
so jealous :(
a thick juicy dickturkey burger
some waffles myface;
just got done with some delicious, greasy, homemade tacos a little bit ago
some Keebler Town House crackers with alternated sliced generic brand mild cheddar and Boursin Garlic & Herb, 8/10 great light fare
ROOT BEER lubdoods;
corn soup
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 02, 2012, 05:27:00 PM
corn soup
also spicy sweet chili doritos (READ: THE ONLY DORITO'S THAT MATTER.)
I got some taco pizza from a local pizza place
how ridiculous can the world get
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 04, 2012, 03:54:33 PM
oh god that is so much sugar on that one picture
Quote from: The Doctor on May 04, 2012, 03:57:20 PM
oh god that is so much sugar on that one picture
lol seriously myface;
Guinness Black Lager
i wanted to try it
Still drinking it so i haven't deicided yet
I should pour it into a glass. The small mouth of a bottle or can means it takes me forever to finish a small amount
Oh yeah
nothing special in taste compared to other beers
What an awful snack
you fuckers you have to put like pimento cheese on the cracker
Quote from: Dovydas on May 07, 2012, 08:21:38 AM
corn is amazing
i had some this morning
it was so great on its own that i didn't even need butter or salt cry;
Quote from: N o t S i d on May 06, 2012, 09:11:37 PM
you fuckers you have to put like pimento cheese on the cracker
Why don't I just buy cheese its and save myself the 10 seconds baddood;
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 07, 2012, 09:08:04 AM
it was so great on its own that i didn't even need butter or salt cry;
i always eat my corn plain Reichdood;
Quote from: Dovydas on May 08, 2012, 01:11:38 PM
i always eat my corn plain Reichdood;
Me too baddood;`
i had no idea eating it plain was a common thing
Quote from: NDDR on May 08, 2012, 01:27:57 PM
Me too baddood;`
baddood; baddood; indeed
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 08, 2012, 01:32:36 PM
i had no idea eating it plain was a common thing
plain is how god intended it to be consumed bassir;
Raisin Bran Crunch, the GOD of cereals.
...I'm an old lady. :'(
cream corn is amazing
especially David's yes;
Quote from: Haunter on May 09, 2012, 08:38:37 AM
cream corn is amazing
especially David's yes;
I can verify this to be factual. yes;
Quote from: Dovydas on May 08, 2012, 01:11:38 PM
i always eat my corn plain Reichdood;
that is disgusting
yeah why would you ever eat it plain
I personally find butter to be a poor compliment. Plus corn is pretty sweet so I don't think it needs help.
I don't like extra butter at the movies either though, that fake shit is nasty
Quote from: NDDR on May 09, 2012, 01:15:21 PM
Plus corn is pretty sweet so I don't think it needs help.
and butter is inconvenient and melts and gets everywhere because corn on the cob is terribly inadhesive
beef rawmen
Quote from: Nation McKinley on May 09, 2012, 10:48:08 AM
I can verify this to be factual. yes;
SHH!! giggle;
Quote from: Snowy on May 09, 2012, 12:49:30 PM
that is disgusting
maybe that's because you can't enjoy farm fresh corn grown here in the us of a and have to suffer with tasteless shit from india and china.
vaniller ice cream in a sugar cone
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 09, 2012, 06:11:52 PM
vaniller ice cream in a sugar cone
waffle cones are better
i enjoy corn plain
but i enjoy it with butter, too
anyway, i'm eating string cheese
shit I really want some cream corn
a godang calzone
popcorn and iced tea
a bb&w cookie
Cheese Pizza from Papa John's. lubdoods;
earlier this evening i had some pizza and i accidentally burned my left index finger because my hand strayed onto the edge of the cookie sheet i was using after i took it out of the oven
while i was streaming :(
a peach
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 14, 2012, 09:03:15 PM
i laughed at this in the most obnoxious way
anyways i'm currently making a burrito with black beans, chicken, corn, cheddar cheese, lime juice, and a little hot sauce
that food did not taste very good, smelled awful, and made me smell awful
i blame that fucking corn
Quote from: Makaveli on May 18, 2012, 07:39:57 AM
that food did not taste very good, smelled awful, and made me smell awful
i blame that fucking corn
do never blame corn
Quote from: Dovydas on May 18, 2012, 08:12:20 AM
do never blame corn
fuck corn
anyways i'm going to have a delicious brownie and some milk
Quote from: Makaveli on May 18, 2012, 08:35:51 AM
fuck corn
corn is the food that powers our world akudood;
Quote from: Dovydas on May 18, 2012, 09:01:19 AM
corn is the food that powers our world akudood;
it's good for everything but eating
Quote from: Makaveli on May 18, 2012, 09:28:02 AM
it's good for everything but eating
kill yourself
pizza owns. i been eating pizza nonstop since i been born (last week)
Quote from: silvertone on May 18, 2012, 01:52:12 PM
pizza owns. i been eating pizza nonstop since i been born (last week)
if you eat new york style pizza you will die of Love for it
Quote from: Travis on May 18, 2012, 01:56:05 PM
if you eat new york style pizza you will die of Love for it
wat is ny style pizza.
Quote from: Travis on May 18, 2012, 03:57:09 PM
the best kind of pizza..
best style is freestyle
hello. it is me. andré breton. and welcome to Automated Pizza Making. first sit until you are comfortable and in tuned with your subconscious. have the pizza ingredients brought to you by an other person. then turn off your awareness and create a meal directly from the dark mirrors of the unconscious. when you are finished you will have the automated pizza, be proud and enjoy your inner self.
a turkey burger and chocolate chip cookies
Coconut water
ice cream sandwich
Quote from: Cirno on May 18, 2012, 08:18:17 PM
ice cream sandwich
take that to the technology board :||||
leftoever asada fries
better cheddars cry;
left over corn cry;
Quote from: Cirno on May 19, 2012, 12:58:06 PM
the sloppiest juevos rancheros imaginable
pasta with swedish meatballs
a peach
why am i eating dinner at 5:00am cry;
In 15 minutes, I'm going to the Hippie Food Market to get an all organic smoothie with vegan ingredients. It's my hippie friend and I's date today. :3
Then at lunch, I'm meeting up with my old boss to have Chinese food at a sketchy restaurant. lubdoods;
Cheez Its and Mountain Dew Voltage
Quote from: Makaveli on May 21, 2012, 11:24:43 PM
the sloppiest juevos rancheros imaginable
the sloppiest what now
Quote from: Sudoroodo on May 22, 2012, 02:05:41 AM
pasta with swedish meatballs
a peach
why am i eating dinner at 5:00am cry;
why are you eating breakfast so early? baddood;
Quote from: Dovydas on May 22, 2012, 10:30:00 AM
loneliness doesn't have a taste
Only a bitter aftertaste.
homemade pizza awdood;
My doctor is making me drink Yakult two times a day~
Quote from: Nation McKinley on May 22, 2012, 06:45:56 PM
My doctor is making me drink Yakult two times a day~
That and Calpis are delicious. srsly
Quote from: Dovydas on May 22, 2012, 10:27:28 AM
the sloppiest what now
although the way i've always had it is a corn tortilla with an egg and cheese on top along with ranch style beans and hot sauce
but the sloppy weird one i made was a flour tortilla with two eggs, cheese, refried beans and hot sauce, since I didn't have the proper ingredients
Quote from: Pancake Persona on May 23, 2012, 03:13:39 AM
That and Calpis are delicious. srsly
Yakult is a lot better than I thought it would be.
And I really am feeling a bit better. giggle;
the last slice of pizza cry;
bacon cheese fries
gravy cheese fries
chocolate mint water
protien shake
with 300 grams of protein
coconut water
Hot Dog lol
potato soup
[spoiler]i threw baked tater tots into chicken raw men and added chili perpper[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i myself and quite baked right now[/spoiler]
Toasted everything bread topped with pesto spread, buffalo chicken, salami, pepperoni, cheese and red pepper. Cooked in the oven.
a hamturkeyburger and potato salad
Quote from: mittensHot dog, potato salad, corn salad
I've never had corn salad. befuddlement
ice cream cones
Quote from: Dovydas on June 08, 2012, 11:44:06 AM
I've never had corn salad. befuddlement
neither have i
actually that entire post was an outright lie
[spoiler]i was actually only eating a hot dog and potato salad cry;[/spoiler]
Vanilla frozen custard awdood;
DYMATIZE Elite Fusion 7 Mochaccino Rush Protein Powder mixed with mixed berry seltzer. Mmmmmmmmm
an enormous but terribly flavorless orange awdood;
chocolate pudding
Quote from: Tectite on June 13, 2012, 12:16:21 AM
an enormous but terribly flavorless orange awdood;
Vanilla pudding.
i'm trying a klondike bar befuddlement
apple pie with [glow=black,2,300]coffee[/glow] ice cream (((we're out of vaniller cry;)))
Quote from: Dovydas on June 13, 2012, 06:06:47 PM
i'm trying a klondike bar befuddlement
Quote from: NDDR on June 14, 2012, 02:31:18 PM
it wasn't bad lol
i guess it wasn't cold enough though because it fell apart near the end
Orange pushpop
Quote from: Kefka on June 15, 2012, 11:20:38 AM
Orange pushpop
Don't lie to them.
Quote from: Kefka on June 15, 2012, 11:20:38 AM
Tyler's cock
Anyway, I'm having a club sandwich and some southwest eggrolls.
a new zealander
Bamboo shoots in a red pepper sauce
Reuben Sandwich.
Oh god, yes. RUB IT
Quote from: Echo on June 17, 2012, 08:11:03 AM
Bamboo shoots in a red pepper sauce
Bamboo shoots Vicious does not, as fast as the chili sauce, such as blood pours now ...
Corn on the cob RUB IT
an underripe peach
ginger ale awdood;
sour gummy bears
Egg bagel with some cream cheese
Quote from: Snowy on June 26, 2012, 07:29:44 AM
Egg bagel with some cream cheese
stop eating at dunkin donuts
salt and vinegar potato chips out of pure boredom
djust finished an orandj
an apple and some lemonade myface;
Hawaiian pizza
Blue berry poptart
Quote from: N o t S i d on June 26, 2012, 10:53:48 PM
stop eating at dunkin donuts
It was bagel factory confuseddood;
rather bland oatmeal wry
cheese bagel with some onion and chive cream cheese
I think it was from Panera Bread (ugly;)
apple with peanut butter
a bagel and cream cheese
Old Speckled Hen
dislike aftertaste
Quote from: Khadafi on June 29, 2012, 05:55:24 PM
Old Speckled Hen
dislike aftertaste
send 2 me pls
a peach
peach jello
peach juice
Princess Peach.
grilled cheese
orange juice
Quote from: Tectite on July 04, 2012, 09:34:28 AM
grilled cheese
orange juice
why type of cheese are you using lol
all we have is american awdood;
oh dear awdood;
Quote from: Tectite on July 04, 2012, 09:57:03 AM
all we have is american awdood;
how fitting (http://fi.somethingawful.com/images/smilies/emot-911.gif)
Quote from: Fuck on July 04, 2012, 11:24:09 AM
how fitting (http://fi.somethingawful.com/images/smilies/emot-911.gif)
makethis a message icon
birthday brownies 8)
soon to be eating smoked ribs and smoked pulled pork RUB IT
it hurts so good :(
scrambled Eggs
Raisin bran crunch cry;
blueberry bagel with cream cheese
tec's ass toast
Quote from: Tectite on July 14, 2012, 11:47:49 AM
there's a hamburger in the fridge over which i've been having an internal struggle all day
i don't need it
i don't need it
I gave in. awdood;
An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed.
Please contact Steam Support.
Quote from: Kefka on July 15, 2012, 02:04:52 PM
An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed.
Please contact Steam Support.
sounds delicious
currently eating fried rice
oh my god lmao dp
anyway i just had an ice cream sandwich
oh my god lmao kaz
anyway I had a bowl of french onion soup and a sammich
an apple
apple wedges and peanut butter
baggle and cream cheese
chilled watermelon soup garnished with mint and blueberries
last night i made chicken marinated with soy sauce and johnnie walker red
Quote from: Echo on July 18, 2012, 12:33:14 PM
chilled watermelon soup garnished with mint and blueberries
recipe pls
Quote from: Kefka on July 18, 2012, 05:29:45 PM
recipe pls
I actually bought this from a local soup shop, but I am sure it's similar to
my was without the yoghurt though
tomato soup
Some BBQ Pringles. Might eat some corn dogs next.
eating out of boredom again
this time it's cake awdood;
Quote from: Tectite on July 21, 2012, 07:05:26 PM
eating out of boredom again
this time it's cake awdood;
ew smithicide;
Quote from: Dovydas on July 22, 2012, 05:41:06 PM
ew smithicide;
i can't remember the last time i ate out of actual hunger
this time, it's a turkey burger awdood;
Quote from: Tectite on July 21, 2012, 07:05:26 PM
eating out of boredom again
this time it's cake awdood;
you should get this checked out
and now it's a brownie, which must be one of the worst i've ever eaten
it's like play-doh with grains of sugar embedded within awdood;
Quote from: Kefka on July 22, 2012, 06:03:05 PM
you should get this checked out
nothing is wrong cry;
every american eats out of boredom. we dont need to eat ever. americans actually never get hungry. we just have nothing better to do.
Quote from: silvertone on July 22, 2012, 07:33:16 PM
every american eats out of boredom. we dont need to eat ever. americans actually never get hungry. we just have nothing better to do.
A cherry poptart
I hate them
Quote from: Kefka on July 18, 2012, 06:51:10 PM
damn d00d
I'm gonna go take a shit now
oj and poptarts
klondike bar
roast beef sandwich wry
pussy is good what are you talking about david
cheese :[
Super McMarket with sausage
The farmer's market in Wayne makes some of the best breakfast sandwiches I've ever had.
Quote from: Fuck on July 25, 2012, 03:45:49 PM
About to go get some firehouse subs
Quote from: Tectite on July 10, 2012, 01:17:02 PM
tec's ass toast
although this variety is supposed to represent pizza ugly;
"""swedish""" meatballs and egg noodles
very soggy spapeggy
Mushroom Cheeseburger
It was tasty
the sweat of my mouth
Eating some hot dogs and drinking some Arizona sweet tea
i never ate supper
bagel with garlic cream cheese
big meaty bratwurst
Roast beef
Cheerios n melk
ramen noodles
i made chick fil a knock off
ya i saw it on tumblr
Pizza Pizza
blueberry donut
it was actually p. good.
Had some frozen tv dinner, pork riblet or something like that
Waffle House
blueberry and "cream" oatmeal.
last meal: bagel w/ cream cheese
Teriyaki beef jerky
I ate a sandwhich from Schlotzsky's and yesterday I had a steak burrioto from Chipotle, both of which were good.
some sour ice pop
cold cereal. it's as depressing as it sounds wry
cereal owns
pizza rolls
zatarain's red beans and rice
peanut butter cookies
Club on a Sub firehouse subs
Cottage cheese, applesauce, a nutrigrain bar, and a nice, cold mountain dew
fruit loops, and mountain dew (not in the same bowl, mind you)
plain corn on cob
Quote from: feyd666 on August 21, 2012, 10:49:49 AM
fruit loops, and mountain dew (not in the same bowl, mind you)
that's still disgusting
Blimpie America's Sub Shop
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on August 23, 2012, 07:38:49 PM
Blimpie America's Sub Shop
I've never heard of this place befuddlement
Quote from: Dovydas on August 24, 2012, 06:31:00 PM
I've never heard of this place befuddlement
how have you never heard of blimpie? befuddlement
anyway, i'm having shish kebabs that are left over from last night. they have chicken, shrimp, onions, and pineapple on them
aw yeah
Quote from: Rumia on August 27, 2012, 04:51:03 PM
how have you never heard of blimpie? befuddlement
i don't know. there's apparently one downtown but it must be inside one of the office buildings because i've never seen it. befuddlement
Johnson City Gold Mountain Dew
Salmon and butternut squash
Quote from: feyd666 on August 21, 2012, 10:49:49 AM
fruit loops, and mountain dew (not in the same bowl, mind you)
once in a while, ill eat cereal and drink water
also i had beef flavored ramen with egg
a banana
chocolate milk
Unfortunately very bland corn that is sticking to my teeth. awdood;
And a glass of water.
rice chex thumbup;
grilled chicken and mashed potatoes
Milano cookie
sausage, scrambled eggs and a biscuit
pulled pork sammich and sweet potato fries with homemade dipping sauce
homemade macaroni and cheese
bagel with peanut butter
pizza zz
shredded wheat awdood;
so greasy and horrible (and amazing ;_;)
corn on the cob
chicken sandwich
some left over jumbalaya from last night
homemade pizza baddood;
I had some pasta and meatballs.
Quote from: Kefka on September 14, 2012, 09:21:15 AM
some left over jumbalaya from last night
I love jambalaya. wrench;
Quote from: Snowy on September 20, 2012, 04:38:25 PM
I had some pasta and meatballs.I love jambalaya. wrench;
Cajun is my favorite kind baddood;
Quote from: Kefka on September 20, 2012, 04:50:54 PM
Cajun is my favorite kind baddood;
I made a New Orleans style when I had it. Not sure if there's really a difference, but it was tasty.
the inside of my mouth
chicken ramen with sriracha
Peanut butter toast
homemade pizza
with pepperonis and mushrooms and olives
i just ate like a whole pineapple
i am so hunrgy i am drinking water and eating raw pasta but i might make macoroni with hot dogs ok actually yes now i am thansk for the motivation threadf
Quote from: Rumia on September 24, 2012, 01:29:14 AM
leftover chicken & veggie stir-fry noodles that i made last night hocuspocus; hocuspocus; hocuspocus;
Quote from: Creep Scanner on September 24, 2012, 01:03:41 AM
holy fuck that sounds good man
it was
it was so good
my mom cut it up before she left for the weekend and I ate THE WHOLE THING
Quote from: Creep Scanner on September 24, 2012, 02:39:33 AM
i enjoyed this movie awdood;
Quote from: Colonel Cold on the Cob on September 24, 2012, 10:50:35 PM
i enjoyed this movie awdood;
as a kid i did as well and honestly as dumb as it is it's still a well-made and amusing movie
anyways i'm having a baked chicken sandwich, peas, and raspberry zinger tea wrench;
Vanilla yogurt
my mom brought back pralines from south carolina and they are tasty
Quote from: Creep Scanner on September 25, 2012, 10:57:04 PM
i'm jealous
It had actually been a long while since I've had some
holy fuck these are huge
string cheese
Half of a blue berry bagel with cream cheese
motherfucking doughtnuts.
apple pie
some sort of chocolate muffin
hot dogs
breakfast "sausage"
banana "cream" pie yogurt
pomegranate cranberry "juice"
nutter butters
Quote from: Dovydas on September 29, 2012, 08:54:59 PM
some sort of chocolate muffin
i heard this in yusuke's voice
anyway i'm eating cheez-its
week old pizza crust i found in my room
Quote from: N o t S i d on October 01, 2012, 03:57:29 PM
week old pizza crust i found in my room
a meal fit for a king
currently scraping at the bottom of the nutella jar with a butter knife cry;
had some apple pie moonshine from Gatlinburg last night
it was p.good baddood;
creamed spinach
barbecued chicken
mac 'n' cheez
blueberry poptarts
sobe strawberry daiquiri thingy drink
Quote from: Tectite on October 07, 2012, 06:36:35 PM
creamed spinach
barbecued chicken
mac 'n' cheez
that sounds tasty
anyways I made peanut butter onigiri:
They were actually
much better than I expected thumbup;
[glow=black,2,300]turkey[/glow] ham and cheese sand wedge and lemonade
Quote from: Tectite on October 14, 2012, 07:50:15 PM
no god dammit, you don't need those oreos tec, just let them be awdood;
i gave in
i have no control over myself awdood;
cream cheese and carrot cake muffin
It tasted pretty good but was somewhat greasy.
an apple
3 miniature pumpkin bread loafs.
mashed potatoes
hot ham sandwich
Bojangles' smoked sausage biscuits
corn bread with some butter
ben and jerry's half baked ice cream
toast and peanut butter
drank some honey moonshine last night
mushroom pizzaz
[glow=black,2,300]"""diet"""[/glow] pepsi awdood;
Quote from: Tectite on October 27, 2012, 11:02:54 AM
[glow=black,2,300]"""diet"""[/glow] pepsi awdood;
combining two horrible things must be dreadful awdood;
it is, but unfortunately it was the only thing available awdood;
there is water . dont you have a pond
had bbq ribs tonight and some potato salad and broccoli with this tasty sauce on them and homemade bread
baked potato
Quote from: Tectite on October 27, 2012, 11:02:54 AM
mushroom pizzaz
i should treat myself to one of those
uh oh spaghettios
a nice hamburger
an apple
swedish fish adn root beer
high tide lol get it
my roommate's girlfriend and my girlfriend made all of us pumpkin pancakes this morning
they were p. delicious
Cold fries awdood;
some mediocre ravioli
my own awful attempt at tomato soup
ritz crackers topped with cream cheese and oysters myface;
mushroom soup
Orange Juice
Spicy California Roll sushi
it was delicious
blueberry muffin and orange juice
salt and vinegar potato chips
currently in tears after taking a bite out of what i think is a jalapeno pepper along with my turkey sandwich myface;
a very cold waffle
some oatmeal cookie dough
split pea soup
i had some potato soup a bit ago, the broth was a cheesy broth though so it was a bit different from most potato soup
granola bar
just ate some chicken pot pie
there are no snacks in the house other than these boring cheetos cry;
last night skylark made those peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses on top and I made tanooki onigiri:
it was so delicious cry;
and then we watched all of flcl
and now i am eating blue jello and some of those cookies
Quote from: Snack Dad on November 12, 2012, 06:23:44 AM
last night skylark made those peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses on top and I made tanooki onigiri:
it was so delicious cry;
and then we watched all of flcl
and now i am eating blue jello and some of those cookies
leftover chinese food sillydood;
a salad :(
cream soda dum dum
sour cream and cheddar ruffles
bbq pork rinds and beef jerky
not currently eating, but today for lunch i had a prime rib and swiss cheese sandwich
Pasta salad
had some pot stickers just a bit ago
I made these giant calzone-ish pockets with homemade alfredo sauce, broccoli, chicken and a few other veggies inside.
Turned out bitchin' and delicious.
some sort of fish stew with rice and cranberry juice
pumpkin pie hot chocolate
also 5 winter woodchuck ciders in under 2 hours
Enjoying the last of my pumpkin beer tonight. Bon voyage autumn.
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on November 17, 2012, 05:33:16 PM
Enjoying the last of my pumpkin beer tonight. Bon voyage autumn.
what kind of pumpkin eeer?
Quote from: Andria on November 17, 2012, 05:42:19 PM
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on November 17, 2012, 05:33:16 PM
Enjoying the last of my pumpkin beer tonight. Bon voyage autumn.
what kind of pumpkin eeer?
Whole Hog Pumpkin Ale. Very very good stuff from Steven's Point brewery in Wisconsin.
i'll have to seek that noe out next year
bratwurst and potato salad
Quote from: Aigis on November 17, 2012, 06:56:01 PM
bratwurst and potato salad
Trade the potato salad for sourkraut and you'll be in business.
Quote from: ClassicTyler on November 18, 2012, 10:46:55 PM
Quote from: Aigis on November 17, 2012, 06:56:01 PM
bratwurst and potato salad
Trade the potato salad for sourkraut and you'll be in business.
no, i need a side dish and potato salad is great
and i hate sauerkraut
Well I hate you. akudood;
[spoiler]I could never hate you. lubdoods;[/spoiler]
also right now i am enjoying a nice, cold mount n' do
im enjoying a nice fat reefer doob on page 4 2 0
miniature pancakes and breakfast sausage
Arby's roast beef.
Some Life and almond milk.
chicken alfredo pizza toothdood;
sweet potato casserole
peanut butter toast
turkey and cheese sandwich
Bojangles' bacon egg and cheese biscuits
ham and cheese sandwich
Cracker Barrel, country fried steak, steak fries, green beans, fried apples.
cheese cake >.<
very bland milk awdood;
Some OJ.
Raisin Bran Crunch lubdoods;
lemonade ghouldood;
some pasta salad someone made
Pizza from Sam's Club
[spoiler]so many thorns myface;[/spoiler]
bluebrry POP trts
Quote from: Tectite on November 26, 2012, 02:57:13 PM
[spoiler]so many thorns myface;[/spoiler]
that sounds good
i haven't had any sort of artichoke anything in so long
Quote from: Aigis on November 26, 2012, 04:06:01 PM
Quote from: Tectite on November 26, 2012, 02:57:13 PM
[spoiler]so many thorns myface;[/spoiler]
that sounds good
i haven't had any sort of artichoke anything in so long
it's good, but kind of inconvenient to prepare/eat lol (((well, assuming i even prepared it correctly)))
this is also the first time i've ever eaten artichoke anything so i had no idea what to expect
raspberry cake and pepsi """next"""
it's... it's not terrible for a low-calorie soda[/spoiler]
and this cake would be nearly perfect if it weren't for those godawfully distracting raspberry seeds everywhere awdood;
shrimp ramen + sriracha
pumpkin bread+cream cheese
I had a bacon swiss chicken tender sandwich from hardees
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on November 30, 2012, 07:06:30 PM
I had a bacon swiss chicken tender sandwich from hardees
were you as disappointed as i was
Honey Smacks
about 2 eat some tuna casserole
about to eat some homemade hamburgers
hamburger and fries
my boss has some summer sausage in the fridge here at work that he wants us to eat so we can get rid of it
so i am therefore having some delicious summer sausage
I had some fried chicken and some squash and some potatoes that were like black or purple inside...
some almost stale crackers
some chicken pot stickers
some very doughy croissants
Baked spaghetti
chicken'n'mashed potatoes
turkey'n'mashed potatoes
Mom made homemade stew in the crockpot.
It was lovely. giggle;
Beef, corn, peas, tomatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers, potatoes, and black beans. giggle;
Had some ham, macaroni and cheese, potatoes, and green beans.
Homemade Peppered phrimp alfredo
tomato soup
chicken strips from zaxbys
peppermint tea
Subway cold cut
very bland bagel with cream cheese
french onion soup with too much thyme, normal bread, and too much of the wrong cheese (colby jack) >.<
[glow=black,2,300]imitation[/glow] nutella awdood;
Quote from: Tectite on December 17, 2012, 09:20:09 PM
[glow=black,2,300]imitation[/glow] nutella awdood;
tell your choosy mom to stay away from jif pls
Quote from: Dovydas on December 18, 2012, 08:35:23 AM
Quote from: Tectite on December 17, 2012, 09:20:09 PM
[glow=black,2,300]imitation[/glow] nutella awdood;
tell your choosy mom to stay away from jif pls
you guys know what to do
[spoiler]I should really start writing these things down somewhere to explore later[/spoiler]
grilled cheese using pepper jack cheese
Lemon poppy cookie
a nice, cold mt. dew
a very bland chocolate chip cookie
a very fattening chrimmy cooky
summer sausage
Olive Garden lasagna goonish
do i even want to know what a mcgangbang is awdood;
It's a McDouble with a McChicken patty in the middle.
My store calls the police on whoever orders it.
Quote from: ClassicTyler on January 02, 2013, 06:47:54 PM
It's a McDouble with a McChicken patty in the middle.
My store calls the police on whoever orders it.
ive been eating it as two mcdoubls with mcchicken inside
Hmmm. I wonder if it's a regional thing.
was eating some salt and vinegar chips until i coughed. i think i inhaled a piece of one of the chips
toasted french bread roast beef sandwich with provolone cheese
Quote from: Rain Man on January 06, 2013, 10:29:57 AM
toasted french bread roast beef sandwich with provolone cheese
Egg sandwich for breakfast. It was yummy.
iced tea
chicken pot pie
Quote from: Travis on November 10, 2012, 10:35:24 PM
my 3 favrite things
Cinnabon. giggle;
some very cheesy pizza
Quote from: Dovydas on January 11, 2013, 06:48:43 PM
some very cheesy pizza
i could eat ten cheesy pizzas.
i got .........pizza
I had some fried rice earlier
A gyro and a vanilla coke.
lukewarm water
Grilled cheese and Kool-Aid.
This is living. giggle;
some nice chicken breast bassir;
mom's homemade cinnamon rolls RUB IT
Made some tortellini with a sherry cream sauce tonight.
Quote from: Boognish-Redux- on January 24, 2013, 07:20:43 PM
Made some tortellini with a sherry cream sauce tonight.
Share. :(
i remember when i had taste buds
i just had raw men
sandwich and chicken noodle soup
cold chicken noodle soup (http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/3562/magicedumacatezk1.gif)
"beef" flavored raw men
Quote from: Snowy on January 31, 2013, 12:31:46 PM
"beef" flavored raw men
stop copying tecpost style
also, a granola bar
Just had chicken dumpling soup, a turkey and cheese sandwich, and a banana
with water
Quote from: NDDR on January 31, 2013, 02:44:35 PM
Just had chicken dumpling soup, a turkey and cheese sandwich, and a banana
with water
Share. :(
Gourmet Chicken Garlic pizza from Papa Murphy's
I had a banana
Quote from: May on January 31, 2013, 02:35:05 PM
stop copying tecpost style
also, a granola bar
god damn calm your titties
Strawberry muffins
mac ,n, cheese myface;
thanksgiving pizza
apparently this is a real thing
Quote from: HumuHumu...Tec on February 05, 2013, 10:59:51 AM
thanksgiving pizza
apparently this is a real thing
at first i interpreted it as a pizza you had from thanksgiving myface;
oh god lol goowan
sobe strawberry daiquiri drink
poorly seasoned hashbrowns
pizza rolls and iced tea
I had chili and fritos
Antibiotics and orange drink
This thread is worthless >_<'
soon to be a free papa johns pizza
Quote from: Kefka on February 04, 2013, 09:07:49 AM
Gourmet Chicken Garlic pizza from Papa Murphy's
i love their artichoke chicken bacon pizza mmm
ramin nudles
Quote from: May on February 07, 2013, 01:47:56 PM
ramin nudles
is that the homeless man's ramen noodles
soon to be a burger
ate my last pizza last night ;(
Some salad
Subway steak and cheese
some boring knockoff chex mix
For dinner I had some succotash and shepherds pie
clam chowder
the chopsticks makes it look Really Good
pizza from Papa Murphy's
burrito with leftover steak, melted cheddar cheese, hot sauce, and sour crea,
followed by ben & jerry's late night snack
sour crea,
anyway i'm just eating a boring sugar cookie :(
some sort of potato turnover
did you enjoy your substitute sandwich
i'm just drinking a mountain dew and i'm starving, i want to go home and eat my late dinner already :(
rib meat sandwich
cinnamon toast crunch
I can't see why kids like it. (http://i.imgur.com/T5oY5FJ.png)[/spoiler]
I had chili and cornbread
taco shells fell apart so i'm having taco salad
Quote from: YPR Classic on March 06, 2013, 06:22:37 PM
taco shells fell apart so i'm having taco salad
i just break them apart preemptively, they never hold together :'(
sesame chicken
Quote from: HumuHumu...Tec on March 06, 2013, 06:24:53 PM
i just break them apart preemptively, they never hold together :'(
this is why i only eat soft shell tacos
cinnamon roll crunch
pretty good thumbup;
Some green apple ramune i picked up at HMart.
"ranch dipped hot wings" flavor doritos jacked
probably the best doritos i've ever had
doritos are a bottom tier snack, ruining perfectly good tortilla chips with bland flavoring
i just had a sandwich a bit ago, just a typical ham and cheese sandwich
Quote from: Madotsuki on March 11, 2013, 12:06:51 PM
doritos are a bottom tier snack, ruining perfectly good tortilla chips with bland flavoring
[spoiler]these are doritos JACKED[/spoiler]
but really doritos != tortilla chips
Quote from: Madotsuki on March 11, 2013, 12:06:51 PM
doritos are a bottom tier snack, ruining perfectly good tortilla chips with bland flavoring
i just had a sandwich a bit ago, just a typical ham and cheese sandwich
nah braj.
[spoiler]you're bottom tier useful breh[/spoiler]
Italian meatball sub from Which Wich
Quote from: Madotsuki on March 11, 2013, 12:06:51 PM
doritos are a bottom tier snack, ruining perfectly good tortilla chips with bland flavoring
i just had a sandwich a bit ago, just a typical ham and cheese sandwich
cool ranch, yes, but not the other. And salsa flavored Doritos were pretty good too but I can never find them anymore
Chicken bacon swiss
red velvet cupcake and apple juice
Quote from: HumuHumu...Tec on March 16, 2013, 08:09:48 PM
red velvet cupcake and apple juice
you mean bland cupcake and bland juice?
White Rice
and a Boulevardier to wash it all down
very msgy and very dry ''''chinese'''' food
peanut m&ms
Quote from: Dovydas on March 30, 2013, 05:15:51 PM
people like those? myface;
my mother loves them for some reason myface;
Quote from: HumuHumu...Tec on March 30, 2013, 05:20:04 PM
my mother loves them for some reason myface;
this is so strange. how two people can demand that so many peanut m&ms be produced is crazy >_<'
I LOVE PEANUT M&M'S. akudood;
but the peanut overwhelms the poor little m&m awdood;
Quote from: Dovydas on March 30, 2013, 05:56:32 PM
but the peanut overwhelms the poor little m&m awdood;
seriously :'(
m&ms are just shitty in general
About to have korean bbq pork tacos, with kimchi-fried rice and black beans
for desert we are having a 3-layer chocolate cake, in which the middle layer is cheesecake, topped with a whipped chocolate ganache and peanut butter chips
Quote from: Snack Dad on March 30, 2013, 07:01:45 PM
About to have korean bbq pork tacos, with kimchi-fried rice and black beans
for desert we are having a 3-layer chocolate cake, in which the middle layer is cheesecake, topped with a whipped chocolate ganache and peanut butter chips
it was agreed by almost everyone present that both the dinner and desert were some of the best we've had in a long time wrench;
that sounds amazing :'(
mango flavor mochi~
Quote from: Not Famy on March 31, 2013, 02:47:27 AM
mango flavor mochi~
i don't even know where you'd find this, but i want :(
Quote from: HumuHumu...Tec on March 31, 2013, 03:07:47 AM
i don't even know where you'd find this, but i want :(
he took a trip to japantown and got it from a store there :(
i am tasting...tears...
do they taste like apples
speaking of apples, i'm having a delicious one right now
i had some gummy worms
I had some spiderman fruittecssnacks
a piece of gum
hat dag
banana nut muffin
2% "milk"
Sour jolly rancher "bites"
And see, no one has a problem with anyone else doing it so hop off my dick
bojangles chicken mashed potatoes gravy green beans biscuit Pepsi
Quote from: Snowy on April 05, 2013, 06:48:10 PM
And see, no one has a problem with anyone else doing it so hop off my dick
please quit trolling infrequent members to make a point that no one cares about
i ate some bread tonight.
Quote from: silvertone on April 05, 2013, 08:36:16 PM
please quit trolling infrequent members to make a point that no one cares about
do you even know what trolling is
because that isn't trolling
Quote from: Snowy on April 06, 2013, 12:48:31 AM
do you even know what trolling is
because that isn't trolling
"""bacon""" """pizza"""
waffle fries
root b*er, because it's the only chilled beverage available to me at the moment
[glow=black,2,300]turkey[/glow] burger
[spoiler]actually, a sobe daiquiri strawberry smoothie[/spoiler]
mashed potatoes slathered in corn/gravy/cheddar
lukewarm water
Papa John's
grilled cheese
extremely jealous :'(
some sort of noodle and sauce concoction
half of a raisin bran muffin
(((i'm 80 years old)))
salt and vinegar chips
gamer juice fuelled by mtn dewtm
candy for breakfast
mashed potatoes
i'm eating mac and cheese
Some pudding
Quote from: HumuHumu...Tec on April 28, 2013, 04:44:36 PM
raisin bran muffin
Quote from: Madotsuki on April 22, 2013, 03:27:54 PM
a sobe daiquiri strawberry smoothie
i'm not currently eating it but since i miraculously woke up to take my 7:30 final i am soon after several bowls and depositing a check and am going to get a delicious bagel sandwich
avocado, black olives, tomatoes lettuce other stuff i can't think of and hummus on it and its gonna be a on a toasted poppy seed bagel and I'm really excited ugh so hungry.dea
ramen and cheese doodledongs
I wish I could have some ramen but we only have beef MSG :'(
Girlscout cookie
Quote from: Dovydas on May 12, 2013, 03:28:05 PM
better be a thin mint
>not god tier Samoas
Salmon + rice pilaf + asparagus + sauteed zucchini and yellow squash
coconut is gross tho
coconut is typically unpleasant
coconut shavings are like hay lol
coconut flavoring certainly isn't bad, but the mature fruit is inedible to me
Had a hambuger, chili dog, and fries
Quote from: Far Beyond Repair on May 12, 2013, 08:58:16 PM
chili dog
key lime pie
sierra mist
nutella + toast
Rad lobster poke chops
I had some oj
fish sandwich
a salad with dressing that expired in august 2012
When I said I was eating girlscout cookies I was being misleading.
I actually ate the Keebler copies.
Bojangle's fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and a biscuit. And sweet tea.
Sour Patch kids
I had chicken and waffles earlier w/ mexican pepsi
Quote from: Sir Popsicle the Sesquipedalian on May 24, 2013, 12:19:40 AM
I had chicken and waffles earlier w/ mexican pepsi
chicken n waffles are pretty good
I just finished half of a bagel.
I like negro food you can suck a dick
Quote from: Sir Popsicle the Sesquipedalian on May 24, 2013, 12:35:00 PM
I like negro food you can suck a dick
anyway, i'm having grilled chicken alfredo pizza doodella;
Quote from: Kaz on May 26, 2013, 06:39:15 PM
anyway, i'm having grilled chicken alfredo pizza doodella;
holy shit that sounds delicious srsly
corn on cob
An oatmeal cookie
Quote from: Dovydas on May 27, 2013, 12:56:07 AM
An oatmeal cookie
my mom buys these kashi oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and they're pretty tasty. it's a drier kind of oatmeal but it's still really good
dont derail this thread thanks
Butternut squash soup powerofone; (http://th703.photobucket.com/albums/ww36/Ragnarok3283/Emotes%202/th_FappingRightHand.gif)
Kai-lan (chinese broccoli) and hargow (shrimp dumplings)
toast with peanut butter
Chocolate chip ice cream w/cone
papa johns pizzadick
mtn dew
leftover honey chipotle chicken and fries from chili's
still as delicious as it was three hours ago at the restaurant
i'm fucking hungry woah
caramel pretzel klondike bar or smth
chocolate chip icecream + waffle cone
Just finished off my last box of Thin Mints.
noodle bricks with sodium packs
two mcheckens
the lasting flavor of vanilla iced coffee
strawberry banana pb and almond milk smoothie
the saddest, most limp potato strips masquerading as """fries""" i've ever eaten, and iced tea
[glow=black,2,300]onion[/glow] pizza
Quote from: #rektron on June 15, 2013, 08:16:54 PM
[glow=black,2,300]onion[/glow] pizza
actually one of my faborite individual toppings
Blonde roast coffee
onion pizza sound interesting
i'd never had it before but i thought it was great lol
understandably it's not for everyone, the rest of my family wasn't a huge fan
Quote from: #rektron on June 15, 2013, 08:16:54 PM
[glow=black,2,300]onion[/glow] pizza
That's actually really good with pepperoni or sausage.
what in the world is that
fried pbj i think
Quote from: David on June 18, 2013, 11:56:30 AM
what in the world is that
I made a pb&j and then made french toast with it
Shrimp jambalaya
a banana
Ben & Jerry's Late Night Snack
tortilla chips
Some danish twist thing
possibly the worst apple ever
blue flavor snowcone
a sloppy and juicy [glow=black,2,300]peach[/glow]
Quote from: N o t S i d on June 23, 2013, 09:34:51 PM
how is it
interesting is chocolate covered potato chip clusters.
also now i am eating panera bread
Smokehouse Turkey
Grilled CHicken Caesar salad
and i am drinking tsingtao beer
little caesar cheese pizza with extra sauce
pap jon
a cinnamon raisin bagel
shrimp green curry
Pretzel sticks
Fired rice
chicken patty sandwich
they're tasty!!
imitation nutella on toast and being disappointed with every bite
some really good indian/bangladeshi food mmm.
some sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit from wawa 9/10 very tasty and warm
nutella + english bagel + coffee with chocolate flavored creamer
woa woa chocolate overload this morning woa
I had an italian hoagie for lunch that had some mayo, tomato, and lettuce on it with a little bit of pepper and oregano. It was pretty tasty.
[spoiler=tec food](http://25.media.tumblr.com/74067dc17cfd10ed877dcc5f6ff1295a/tumblr_mp9pcsyOvG1swvd9mo1_500.jpg)[/spoiler]
i have never been more jealous of anything in my life
lb cake and water
currently paying my respects to don mattrick with some dew 'n' doritos :'(
well, minus the dew[/spoiler]
Quote from: #rektron on July 02, 2013, 07:12:24 PM
currently paying my respects to don mattrick with some dew 'n' doritos :'(
well, minus the dew[/spoiler]
how can you game when you don't have your fuel
I'll need to go pick up a case later. cry;
Quote from: #rektron on July 02, 2013, 07:23:24 PM
I'll need to go pick up a case later. cry;
godspeed you cry;
I've got more pretzel twists and some iced tea
Quote from: #rektron on July 02, 2013, 07:12:24 PM
currently paying my respects to don mattrick with some dew 'n' doritos :'(
well, minus the dew[/spoiler]
I want liquor
Freedom poptarts
Cook Out cheeseburger w/ fries and nuggets
Woefully underwhelming, but service is fast
Cheerios with almond milk, a banana and some peach slices
I had some strawberry oatmeal
recently i guess i've been eating more healthier.
i fucking love almond milk- i can probably chug a carton a day if i had to. recently i made a smoothie with my niece and did the following recipe:
very few banana slices (well, my dad can't have a lot of potassium, and the original recipe called for about banana's worth of slices)
1 cup of plain yogurt
2 cups of frozen berries (we did a mix of blueberries, strawberries, redberries, and black berries)
1/4 cup of honey
cup of apple juice
added some ice
and i thought it was...pretty decent actually. except for spitting small seeds.
been eating more lettuce and tomatoes.
making some nutella & almond sandwiches- really great.
how u like apple juice not like apple
i made hummus the other day
Quote from: #rektron on July 11, 2013, 01:20:37 AM
tthank you
Quote from: N o t S i d on July 11, 2013, 01:42:41 AM
how u like apple juice not like apple
well it's because it was mixed in with other fruits so i didn't really notice it...well i did, but still
apple juice is much different than apple?
Had some Mini Oreos and Mini Chocolate Chips with milk.
Freshly popped kettlecorn
I had some peaches and cream oatmeal
iced tea
turkey bratwurt. it's strange, it feels like it's bigger than a typical pork on befuddlement
some sort of tea
chamomile I think??
some delicious saltines
Quote from: Unknown Entity on July 11, 2013, 08:52:05 PM
Had some Mini Oreos and Mini Chocolate Chips with milk.
small appetite for a small man
trying one of subway's avocado sandwiches. it's okay so far, maybe getting flat bread was the wrong choice though.
dew 'n' doritos
and i wish my local subways offered avocado :(
Quote from: #rektron on July 19, 2013, 05:57:16 PM
dew 'n' doritos
and i wish my local subways offered avocado :(
aw, that's crap that yours isn't doing it lol :(
I had a rather disappointing ham sandwich
Quote from: David on July 19, 2013, 05:55:07 PM
trying one of subway's avocado sandwiches. it's okay so far, maybe getting flat bread was the wrong choice though.
I really like flat bread sandwiches giggle;
Quote from: Snowy on July 20, 2013, 10:44:21 AM
I had a rather disappointing ham sandwich
I really like flat bread sandwiches giggle;
yeah, it wasn't bad. it's just the avocado didn't absorb into the bread and all and just sort of slid around
also, cripps pink apple
another cripps pink apple
Quote from: David on July 21, 2013, 04:33:35 PM
another cripps pink apple
eating a blood orange talk shit get hit nigga
I had a sandwich with chicken, bacon, avocado, and tarragon mustard
Quote from: Andria on July 25, 2013, 02:04:16 PM
I had a sandwich with chicken, bacon, avocado, and tarragon mustard
i hope you didn't forget to put the lotion on it~
Oreo Cheesecake milk shake
it's more cheesecake flavored than oreo
Cajun Pasta w/chicken from Chili's
it was da fuckin bomb diddly yo
buttered toast with vegemite, potato salad, and chocolate pudding wrench;
stale water and stale saltines
I made a skillet cookie using not chocolate chip mix
Quote from: N o t S i d on August 16, 2013, 12:27:17 AM
does sid have sand in his vagina
Quote from: Kefka on August 16, 2013, 08:19:24 AM
does sid have sand in his vagina
ya fuckin dimwit, do you think he has one
some very strawberry-y ice cream
Breckenridge vanilla porter. Lot more roast-y than I remember
I made breakfast not too long ago.
Maple sausage, eggs and Texas toast.
Quote from: David on August 17, 2013, 09:27:33 PM
Breckenridge vanilla porter. Lot more roast-y than I remember
leaves a nice vanilla scent on the glass though
Quote from: Kefka on August 16, 2013, 08:19:24 AM
does sid have sand in his vagina
how does it feel being the most buttflustered nerd around. goodbye forever pussy.
glass of 3/4 coconut milk and 1/4 chocolate almond milk delicious~
corn on the cob
currently eating: ranch dressing
eating utensil: carrot strips
Quote from: #rektron on September 08, 2013, 02:55:23 PM
currently eating: ranch dressing
eating utensil: carrot strips
i hope it's more carrot than ranch myface;
i wish i could say the same
blue cheese ftw
candy for breakfast for dinner
a very tasteless apple
Some goldfish.
hat packet
blueberry-flavored beer
there's no blueberry taste either
Ruben sammich
i eated dominos pizza 4 dinner
it wus good.
the crust was nice and loaded with garlic
Ranch flavored goldfish
Quote from: #rektron on September 09, 2013, 07:49:06 PM
isn't whey used to bulk up? lol
a cupcake. its frosting design isn't particularly inspired, and due to its yellow nature, sort of looks as if it is topped with a rather low quality dijon mustard.
pumpkin spice latte
Cold pizza for breakfast
Caramel apple RUB IT
Ovaltine and a turkey sandwich.
just had 'zombie' poutine
some old dutch original potato chips
old dutch is a p. good potato chip brand, really like their dill and salt&vinegar ones
we used to always have their pretzels around here. idk what happened to that
costco pizza w/ turkey bacon and spicy guac on top
ketel corn
Quote from: Naoto Shirogane on October 19, 2013, 03:37:10 PM
some old dutch original potato chips
old dutch is a p. good potato chip brand, really like their dill and salt&vinegar ones
one of the few things i miss from minnesota...
Sea Salt and Vinegar chipz. giggle;
Orange chicken and chow mein. giggle;
miller high life beer & vanilla frosted pumpkin spice cookies w/ almonds that i made today
homemade poutine thumbup;
I had some peanut butter crackers
they were okay
mushroom and beef, noodles, and a spring roll from harris teeter hot bar
Sour patch kids.
bland banana
a can of Strongbow
I put hot cocoa mix in my coffee this morning instead of creamer.
Best idea ever, it's even more mocha tasting.
i went to wendy's for the first time evur 2day
i had a baconator, i r.liked it
the fries were p.good too but i guess i prefer McD's
pumpkin pie w/ whipped cream
fried potatoes, carlalized onions, and fried eggs
also coffee
what a nice lunch
Quote from: udderfailure on December 02, 2013, 12:21:50 PM
fried potatoes, carlalized onions, and fried eggs
that sounds pretty tasty
oven-roasted butternut squash with pecans and mature white cheddar melted over the top, and a banana
Quote from: H/RO on December 03, 2013, 12:21:32 PM
oven-roasted butternut squash with pecans and mature white cheddar melted over the top, and a banana
do you seriously make this for dinner
Quote from: Pancake Persona on December 04, 2013, 07:52:44 AM
do you seriously make this for dinner
omg you guys are going to be the cutest room mates ever
making meals together awwwwww
i will send them a whole bunch of onions as a house-warming gift
Quote from: Naoto Shirogane on December 04, 2013, 05:20:00 PM
i will send them a whole bunch of onions as a house-warming gift
onions and tomatoes
Quote from: Pancake Persona on December 04, 2013, 07:52:44 AM
do you seriously make this for dinner
well considering I posted that at noon, no that was not dinner
I also live with my parents who make dinner every night, why would I make my own dinner
and why would I have a banana for dinner
[spoiler]the butternut squash with pecans was part of dinner the night before, I just heated up the leftovers with some cheese over the top [/spoiler]
[spoiler]but really were you asking because that sounded good or bad[/spoiler]
Quote from: H/RO on December 05, 2013, 11:21:35 AM
well considering I posted that at noon, no that was not dinner
I also live with my parents who make dinner every night, why would I make my own dinner
and why would I have a banana for dinner
[spoiler]the butternut squash with pecans was part of dinner the night before, I just heated up the leftovers with some cheese over the top [/spoiler]
[spoiler]but really were you asking because that sounded good or bad[/spoiler]
it sounded good and i was wondering whether it was something you bought or made
also my family eats dinner at like 2pm so noon is not an unreasonable time for dinner
turkey burger, tasteless fries, canada dry
poutine (southern style??? what?) a raw oyster (gross) a double cheese burger with poutine on top (holy shit this was amazing) and banana pudding
Sausage gravy and biscuits, oatmeal and scrambled eggs.
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on December 07, 2013, 07:03:57 PM
poutine (southern style??? what?) a raw oyster (gross) a double cheese burger with poutine on top (holy shit this was amazing) and banana pudding
is it better than that portland poutine
Quote from: silvertone on December 07, 2013, 07:35:01 PM
is it better than that portland poutine
yeah but we're comparing food from a food cart to food from a james beard nominated chef
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on December 07, 2013, 07:03:57 PM
poutine (southern style??? what?) a raw oyster (gross) a double cheese burger with poutine on top (holy shit this was amazing) and banana pudding
!! 8)
i hope it didn't have any deep fried cheese curds like dp hard or salsa like hiro lol
I had some burger from burger kind and it was pretty good.
buttered rubber in the shape of a bagel
Quote from: David on December 07, 2013, 09:19:17 PM
!! 8)
i hope it didn't have any deep fried cheese curds like dp hard or salsa like hiro lol
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on December 07, 2013, 09:13:20 PM
yeah but we're comparing food from buffalo wild wings to food from a james beard nominated chef
wtf is this troll posting about
Made a monster pot of Tortilla Soup for the next few days.
tonight I had actual Hot Cocoa instead of that shit in the powder packets.
anyway it was great.
Hot Chocolate
cold chocolate
and a s*bway sandwich awdood;[/spoiler]
salt&vinegar chips
I had a PB&J and it was mildly disappointing because I wanted some pasta
Krispy kreme original glazed
i bought egg nog yesterday and had it for the first thyme evur
i like it giggle;
homemade chicken noodle soup
Quote from: Alexithymia on December 15, 2013, 12:44:54 PM
i bought egg nog yesterday and had it for the first thyme evur
i like it giggle;
i hope you got the alcerholic kind
ew no of course not
ive never drank alkie egg nog
Apparently taco bell has a new flavor of mtn dew.
Mtn dew sangrita.
Idk what it is exactly flavorwise, but i like it
A snowman cookie and peppermint mocha from starbuck$
subway, eat fresh!!
dorito.......... tacos.........................
Quote from: A Fatass Penguin Named Tec on December 20, 2013, 07:35:22 PM
dorito.......... tacos.........................
shoulda went to taco john's instead of taco bell
i made some nutella cookies
they're actually not bad, just need to get better at scooping them
Quote from: David on December 25, 2013, 10:21:26 AM
i made some nutella cookies
they're actually not bad, just need to get better at scooping them
im eating sugar cookies i made with toblerone and white chocolate hershey's pieces, i made them w/ red red food coloring, too, and i have a can of white frosting if i want frosting on it.
big slice o' pumpkin pie with 'whipped topping'
To eggnog haters:
Shame on you. SHAME.
the weapon of the bourgeois is shame. ideology is fueled by shame. suffering is the result of being a slave to shame.
unflavored soymilk
it is
ornge soder
I do-ooh to
I had some periogies and they murdered my mouth
junior from veggie tales didnt like periogies.
sesame chicken
I had a waffle and it was delicious.
whatever it is, it's disgusting
all i can taste is the bitterness of caffeine poorly masked by some vaguely fruity flavoring
Quote from: A Fatass Penguin Named Tec on January 05, 2014, 01:43:12 PM
whatever it is, it's disgusting
all i can taste is the bitterness of caffeine poorly masked by some vaguely fruity flavoring
nintendo shoulda asked mtn dewd 2 make some gaymer fuel for it
My parents made a delicious chicken pot pie
Quote from: David on January 05, 2014, 02:45:54 PM
nintendo's always late to the party cry;
With casuals at the helm, it would probably be Diet Coke. n_u
Quote from: CLASSIC on January 05, 2014, 03:47:55 PM
With casuals at the helm, it would probably be Diet Coke. n_u
nintendo won't even know that diet coke's been replaced by coke zero in coolness cry;
I---It has? >.<
Quote from: CLASSIC on January 05, 2014, 03:52:31 PM
I---It has? >.<
well not really
[spoiler]coke zero/pepsi max simply exist to sell diet pops to men[/spoiler]
Quote from: A Fatass Penguin Named Tec on January 05, 2014, 01:43:12 PM
whatever it is, it's disgusting
all i can taste is the bitterness of caffeine poorly masked by some vaguely fruity flavoring
oh god i got one of those when i was like 11
[spoiler]i kept the can for like 5 years goowan[/spoiler]
also I had more spiked eggnog the other day and it was good that time
the empty can is currently sitting on my desk rofl
i plan to replace it with an unopened one, assuming they're still in stock, the next time i leave the house[/spoiler]
Sorry for the #instagram filter.
I made lentils for dinner. giggle;
thank you canada for all of your lentil production
leftover chilly
pop tart and oj
very cold sandwich
a staggering amount of pork and a pb&j
massive amount of b&j
Quote from: CLASSIC on January 17, 2014, 05:45:03 PM
Sorry for the the #instagram filter.
I made lentils for dinner. giggle;
That looks great
Quote from: infinite luxury on February 12, 2014, 04:46:05 PM
Quote from: CLASSIC on January 17, 2014, 05:45:03 PM
Sorry for the the the the #instagram filter.
I made lentils for dinner. giggle;
more like depressing
That looks great
Clucky's butthole
clucky's idea of a good meal
Quote from: infinite luxury on February 13, 2014, 04:07:23 PM
clucky's idea of a good meal
would clucky eat carbs nilly willy like that
Quote from: Pancake Persona on February 14, 2014, 06:01:21 AM
Quote from: infinite luxury on February 13, 2014, 04:07:23 PM
clucky's idea of a good meal
would clucky eat carbs nilly willy like that
good point
The lentils were awesome, thank you very much. akudood;
Quote from: CLASSIC on February 14, 2014, 07:55:51 AM
the the lentils were awesome, thank you very much. akudood;
wow this fatcat eating his lentals
Quote from: Pancake Persona on February 14, 2014, 06:01:21 AM
Quote from: infinite luxury on February 13, 2014, 04:07:23 PM
clucky's idea of a good meal
would clucky eat carbs nilly willy like that
it's funny because it's true
cereal is the banksy of the grains world
the only cereal i only enjoyed was life cereal cinnamon
also i only ate lentils as a last resort if there wasn't anything else to eat in the goddamn house
(it was some mixture of tuna and red lentils and sun dried cherry tomatoes and some mayo and lemon pepper)
i'd usually use them for soups or for stews
ccereal is like banksy, it s anti capitalist and 30 years behind the times
banksy is secretly capitalistic to appeal to the masses unconsciously
in this bourgeois hegemony we live in, it is impossible to be anything but a replica of the elite's ideology or else you are an anachronism being steamrolled into the garbage bin of history.
penis pasta
Braum's. RUB IT
i am tasting defeat
taste goes away with water
cold spapeggy
Chocolate chip ice cream. Braums. <3
tomato soupp
actual blood
but i do like the taste anyway
i spat on my campus sidewalk and all of it was blood. i wiped it with my shoe and i made a bigger mess
Homemade hotwings and a baked potato. baddood;
Very plain bread
Fuckin amazing homemade tacos
Went to Joe's Crabshack tonight and had The Orleans steampot
I got some handmade irish potatoes when I went to the beach and they are v. delicious
boxed wine
bought some nice cookies w/ ghirardelli chocolate
I made a Tres Leches cake last night.
Oh god, it's so good.
Quote from: Classic HD on March 19, 2014, 08:43:20 AM
I made a Tres Leches cake last night.
Oh god, it's so good.
I like ur cooking senses
i was snacking on a few peanut m&m's a few moments ago
i'm so hungry, i can't wait to get off work and eat a real meal cry;
Dry toast.
We ran outta butta..... :(
Quote from: Project Lunchbox F on April 04, 2014, 11:08:57 AM
Dry toast.
We ran outta butta..... :(
grandpa didn't die in vietnam so you can willy-nilly decide to not spell butter correctly
Quote from: David on April 04, 2014, 05:06:45 PM
Quote from: Project Lunchbox F on April 04, 2014, 11:08:57 AM
Dry toast.
We ran outta butta..... :(
grandpa didn't die in vietnam so you can willy-nilly decide to not spell butter correctly
grantnp did though
I had a big block of frozen pork so I threw it in a pan and slow cooked it. I got a lot of good juice and made gravy. I was going to make some mashed potatoes, but I realized I had no milk or butter.
I ended up making a hot pork sandwich slathered in gravy.
Quote from: David on April 04, 2014, 05:06:45 PM
Quote from: Project Lunchbox F on April 04, 2014, 11:08:57 AM
Dry toast.
We ran outta butta..... :(
grandpa didn't die in vietnam so you can willy-nilly decide to not spell butter correctly
betta butta betty botter.....
reasons why it is amazing
1. it's giant
2. it's got like a pound of marshmallow
3. it is topped with toasted coconut with toasted coconut throughout
That. Looks. Amazing.
ur gonna have osme weird shits after eating that one guaranteed
Quote from: Andria on April 08, 2014, 10:56:18 AM
reasons why it is amazing
1. it's giant
2. it's got like a pound of marshmallow
3. it is topped with toasted coconut with toasted coconut throughout
did you get any weird shits
how was it anyway
Quote from: TLL7-MIB-7LLT on April 09, 2014, 08:27:20 PM
Quote from: Andria on April 08, 2014, 10:56:18 AM
reasons why it is amazing
1. it's giant
2. it's got like a pound of marshmallow
3. it is topped with toasted coconut with toasted coconut throughout
did you get any weird shits
how was it anyway
I didn't and ate all of it within a 12 hour period
also it was amazing. utterly amazing. like a triple orgasm
eating wlech's fruit n' yogurt snacks- blueberry.
i am in love with them holy shit how did i not purchase them earlier- im very fond of their other fruit snack products and eat them all the time- but...
this is amazing imo...
Quote from: Andria on April 10, 2014, 08:11:50 AM
Quote from: TLL7-MIB-7LLT on April 09, 2014, 08:27:20 PM
Quote from: Andria on April 08, 2014, 10:56:18 AM
reasons why it is amazing
1. it's giant
2. it's got like a pound of marshmallow
3. it is topped with toasted coconut with toasted coconut throughout
did you get any weird shits
how was it anyway
I didn't and ate all of it within a 12 hour period
also it was amazing. utterly amazing. like a triple orgasm
where did you get it from? or did you make it
Quote from: TLL7-MIB-7LLT on April 10, 2014, 10:29:16 AM
eating wlech's fruit n' yogurt snacks- blueberry.
i am in love with them holy shit how did i not purchase them earlier- im very fond of their other fruit snack products and eat them all the time- but...this is amazing imo...
Quote from: Andria on April 10, 2014, 08:11:50 AM
Quote from: TLL7-MIB-7LLT on April 09, 2014, 08:27:20 PM
Quote from: Andria on April 08, 2014, 10:56:18 AM
reasons why it is amazing
1. it's giant
2. it's got like a pound of marshmallow
3. it is topped with toasted coconut with toasted coconut throughout
did you get any weird shits
how was it anyway
I didn't and ate all of it within a 12 hour period
also it was amazing. utterly amazing. like a triple orgasm
where did you get it from? or did you make it
I bought it from a local candy shop
i have starbucks like a schmo
tacobell dollar tacos
i eat lettuce w/ no problem
: )
pork quesadillas i just made
used flour tortillas ofc
Quote from: TLL7-MIB-7LLT on April 17, 2014, 06:28:39 PM
pork quesadillas i just made
used flour tortillas ofc
now w/ eggs tho
rice krispie treat
it's not any better in april than it is in december
where are you even getting eggnog
idk it was at the grocery store
Is it unsold stock from december
Quote from: ncba93ivyase on April 21, 2014, 12:13:06 AM
Is it unsold stock from december
no it's called easter eggnog whatever that bullshite means
a very faint mint taste from toothpaste
very faint
melted pistachio ice cream
French Toast Eggs
ngredients: 3-4 eggs 2tbsp creamy peanut butter, Cinnamon (I used around 2 tsp but add more/ less for personal preferences)
Preparation: Whisk the eggs until combined. Add cinnamon. Melt the peanut butter in a frying pan, once melted add the eggs. Mix constantly until the peanut butter and eggs are combined. Cook until the eggs are done!
I added more cinnamon after it was done. Along with sugar free syrup (could also use maple extract). I also added some splenda. Do what your taste buds command
Finished product, along with the gf's ugly dog
This Keto thing is p.ight so far
those look goddamn disgusting
Quote from: cybermancer on February 14, 2014, 12:31:25 PM
ccereal is like banksy, it s anti capitalist and 30 years behind the times
Quote from: Classic HD on March 19, 2014, 08:43:20 AM
I made a Tres Leches cake last night.
Oh god, it's so good.
that looks dope as fuck
i am starving here
Pineapple coconut ice cream
apple butter toast
toast sandwich
just made what should be a p. dank burrito
vegetarian refried beans, rice, avocado, carmalized onion, cheese, sour cream, and chipotle hot sauce
oh bby
Just made some baked eggplant w/ tomato (panko and parm/romano on the outside), sauce with sweet Italian sausage, and angel hair pasta.
sauce was made using crushed san marzano tomatoes, some tomato paste, red wine, garlic, pepper, salt, a bit of crushed red peper, and basil.
lemon-strawberry-mint smoothie
my own bo
B.O.??? or is bo like some chinaman drink
nanner bread
wow scorpoin cooked in its own shit. looks great
mikes hard lemonade
me and silvertone made a pizza and put mushrooms and bananas on it
Quote from: YPR Classic on July 27, 2014, 07:42:47 PM
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on July 27, 2014, 01:16:35 PM
me and silvertone made a pizza and put mushrooms and bananas on it
sounds like a pretty mush-y pizza XD
XDDDDDD fuck u. y
ou can joke about many thing but not pizza.
but w
hat if ur pzzia is a joke?
Quote from: YPR Classic on July 28, 2014, 12:18:30 AM
but w
hat if ur pzzia is a joke?
no pizza is a joke you knob gobbler
Quote from: David on July 28, 2014, 12:23:02 AM
Quote from: YPR Classic on July 28, 2014, 12:18:30 AM
but w
hat if ur pzzia is a joke?
no pizza is a joke you knob gobbler
look who's talking you cob gobbler
it was just regular bananas. it was good because it was more of a subtle taste than expected. it was the perfect amount of sweetness that just added rly good flavor to the pizza as a whole
pizza is gay
u made a pizza last week
that same night i sucked a cock
just cos pepperoni taste like dicks doesnt mean u sucked one
in two years i will marry a goddamn pizza
soft prezzle
A good ass burger and some chips
i'll show you a good ass
become the good ass you want to be
candied ginger
ghost pepper myface;
green tea sponge cake
Smoked salmon. I'm still hungry. madood;
Banana nut bread
This thread is dying.
I ate a burger
Meat is murder
I ate murder with fries.
Big, meaty slice of pizza
me and silvertone are cookin' a 'za right now
also, when kaz stepped out of john's truck, a literal river of mountain dew can spewed from the door
crackers ,n' hummus
Yogurt raisins.
vanilla puddink
chocolate milk and pb&j
[spoiler]i'm five-years-old[/spoiler]
bacon and salami pizza with alfredo sauce or smth
banger in the mouth
underripe banana
wendy's pulled pork cheeseburger with sweet sauce
Quote from: Spoopy Thyme on October 11, 2014, 10:39:06 AM
wendy's pulled pork cheeseburger with sweet sauce
I really want to try this. :'(
Quote from: Spoopy Thyme on October 11, 2014, 10:39:06 AM
wendy's pulled pork cheeseburger with sweet sauce
i had that some weeks ago and it was the worst pulled pork sandwich ever. so shitty.
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on October 11, 2014, 05:10:27 PM
Quote from: Spoopy Thyme on October 11, 2014, 10:39:06 AM
wendy's pulled pork cheeseburger with sweet sauce
i had that some weeks ago and it was the worst pulled pork sandwich ever. so shitty.
As a fellow southerner, would my Texas taste be offended by this sandwich when I could go to a BBQ place and get one there?
u haven't had a real loose meat sandwich until u've been to maid rite
surge soda hocuspocus;
i ordered "crispy" gnocchi from a place that i just noticed is like 2 blocks away from me madood;
Quote from: Peggy on October 11, 2014, 11:02:45 PM
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on October 11, 2014, 05:10:27 PM
Quote from: Spoopy Thyme on October 11, 2014, 10:39:06 AM
wendy's pulled pork cheeseburger with sweet sauce
i had that some weeks ago and it was the worst pulled pork sandwich ever. so shitty.
As a fellow southerner, would my Texas taste be offended by this sandwich when I could go to a BBQ place and get one there?
i would say yes but also try 4 yrsrlf even a bad experience is an experience
Quote from: Spoopy Thyme on October 11, 2014, 10:39:06 AM
wendy's pulled pork cheeseburger with sweet sauce
trying this rn
i think it's okay
though i hardly know what a pulled pjörk sandwich is 'supposed' to taste like lol
Last cigarette before quitting instead of worrying about inferior hog products
Quote from: David on October 13, 2014, 02:11:27 PM
Last cigarette before quitting instead of worrying about inferior hog products
til david smokes
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on October 13, 2014, 12:30:30 PM
Quote from: Peggy on October 11, 2014, 11:02:45 PM
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on October 11, 2014, 05:10:27 PM
Quote from: Spoopy Thyme on October 11, 2014, 10:39:06 AM
wendy's pulled pork cheeseburger with sweet sauce
i had that some weeks ago and it was the worst pulled pork sandwich ever. so shitty.
As a fellow southerner, would my Texas taste be offended by this sandwich when I could go to a BBQ place and get one there?
i would say yes but also try 4 yrsrlf even a bad experience is an experience
It was awful.
Fucking. Awful.
I really need to make good BBQ for you guys. :(
I aint ever had texas bbq but its on my list of foods to try. East nc had vinegar based bbq which seems strange now cause i cant find it anywhere. Western nc was more the ketchup based stuff. Though ive had this white sauce that people from arkansas use supposedly and it was bizarre but also enlightening
Which is worse fast food?????? Or ciggys
Also eating:
chocolate/vanilla ice cream with peanut butter cups
Quote from: Peggy on October 15, 2014, 04:52:20 PM
Also eating:
chocolate/vanilla ice cream with peanut butter cups
I'm obese therefore I choose to ignore that article.
coconut mango ice cream
terrible """pizza""" which i attempted to salvage by topping with my own m'zzarella/olives/onions before baking
No such thing as bad pizza
Quote from: David on October 30, 2014, 05:43:54 PM
coconut mango ice cream
cooganoo magoo ice coocoo *sucks thumb*
Maruchan instant yakisoba
turkey pot pie
bad ice cream
a soggy log of a subwhy sandwich and water
"""red velvet""" cupcake
leftover chinese food
corned beef
Disney's Frozen cereal
tastes like shittier lucky charms
there was thjis lady with like 6 boxes of chex and i am like damn why dont u just buy the big Ole bag instead of the stupid ass boxes. dumbas prick
Dortios Jacked Ranch-Dipped Hot Wings
Quote from: Travis on February 19, 2015, 12:46:42 AM
Dortios Jacked Ranch-Dipped Hot Wings
i love those things, they were my snack during my whole viewing of eva
tried tea for the first time
earl grey tea
it's dirt water
Quote from: Nyerp on April 04, 2015, 10:20:08 AM
tried tea for the first time
earl grey tea
it's dirt water
how long did you brew it
did you put sugar or cream in it
idk my brother made it
I hope he didn't put ricin in it myface;
tea is pretty much like dirt water
2 Bojangles' country ham biscuits
Quote from: fuchsmanguste on May 05, 2015, 02:46:29 PM
tea is pretty much like dirt water
but not sweet tea
bk stepped they game up like #dayum
Bought hamburger meat for the first time a few days ago. Forgot gow good spaghetti was
bought stuff to make γÏÏοÏ, 2 nite
last night cindy and i made baked eggplant and some lasagna
Homemade biscuits and gravy with bacon.
Bacon cheeseburger + cajun fries from Five Guys
damn good baddood;
Quote from: Thyme on July 15, 2015, 03:33:24 PM
Bacon cheeseburger + cajun fries from Five Guys
damn good baddood;
j'en veux saddood;
Went to see Brent and we got Chicken Fries from Burger King. giggle;
Quote from: Travis on May 31, 2015, 08:36:50 PM
bk stepped they game up like #dayum
Quote from: Classic on July 18, 2015, 06:11:24 PM
Went to see Brent and we got Chicken Fries from Burger King. giggle;
BK is on the Rise Again
i've been back there like 3-5 times a week to get onion rings, swervin all up on the curb and shit
i kant goto BK cos they got the most ass shakes i ever had
Quote from: fuchsmanguste on July 22, 2015, 04:15:10 PM
i kant goto BK cos they got the most ass shakes i ever had
'go to
BK for the stuff and then Arby;s fort eh sahke
My friends and I went to Del Taco last week. Oh god it was amazing.
candied ginger
We went again today. OH GOD SO GOOD.
are there any other places to eat in texas other than mexican?
Are you implying there's any other need?
If one wants edible food, yes
I don't know what they serve up there but for your own benefit, come to Texas. madood;
Quote from: Classic on August 02, 2015, 02:33:03 PM
I don't know what they serve up there but for your own benefit, come to Texas. madood;
no puedo hablar castellano
they're basically wafer cookies with nutella in them (same company) and they're delicious
i also had some haribo gummy bears, they were ok
hanuta matata
i hope you're going to have some bretzle too
Quote from: Thyme on October 03, 2015, 11:59:03 AM
they're basically wafer cookies with nutella in them (same company) and they're delicious
i also had some haribo gummy bears, they were ok
I have a pen pal from Germany who sends me candy occasionally.
She sent me all sorts of Haribo candy. It tastes so much better than the American versions.
h0w do u get pen pals
We had some programs in school.
Of course now things like Facebook exist but occasionally we still write.
imitation nutella (imitation imitation chocolate) on italian bread
yo a new korean bibimbap place opened behind my office and the line finally calmed the fuck down so i finally tried it
Chili cheese coney dogs and chili cheese fries from Sonic
I had some choice OJ thumbup;
I eat the doughnuts
roast beef sandwich
shrimp and grits
Hamburgers, baked beans.
im poor and forgot to buy groceries so i made home fries, bacon, and some scrambled eggs
and i had a ton of green onions sicne the smallest quantity i could buy was 50 cents and i used like 1/3 of that to make soup[/spoiler]
it's cool when you buy a gay herb and ending up with ahving al ot more than you need. it's a sign of god watching over you
Scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits, sausage gravy, grape jelly.
Quote from: Khadafi on April 11, 2016, 06:05:21 PM
home fries, bacon, and some scrambled eggs
I had this meal for dinner a few days ago.
buffalo chicken pizza musica.cards;
strawberyy milkshake potato chips??? they are about as weird as youd think
Quote from: famy on April 17, 2016, 10:29:46 PM
strawberyy milkshake potato chips??? they are about as weird as youd think
wtf yeah there are some weird snacks here
when i saw you post in this thread i expected you'd say khao pad gai or something
Quote from: antmaster5000 on April 18, 2016, 06:44:24 AM
Quote from: famy on April 17, 2016, 10:29:46 PM
strawberyy milkshake potato chips??? they are about as weird as youd think
wtf yeah there are some weird snacks here
when i saw you post in this thread i expected you'd say khao pad gai or something
i always have a milkshake and think to myself it could use some potato
ive had that a few times lol
had khao pad soi recently and i think it was one of my favorite thai foods so far
basically a creamy curry soup with yummy mushrooms and tofu (it was at some vegetarian place)
damn that looks like some dank southern comfort food
Didn't know that they still made white Pepsi cans
There's this good Mom and Pop place in town that has been open since the 80's.
Golden Moon Thai and Chinese cuisine. giggle;
I recommend:
Chicken 65
i had mcdonalds
it was ok
bacon and a blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese
Frosted flakes with milk
blueberry toaster strudel but no icing
off brand funyuns
ate a big hunk bar and it had an bad after taste but the during and pre taste was excellent but the texture was taffyish which hurts my darling teeth
Quote from: SVT on May 25, 2016, 07:18:11 PM
ate a big hunk bar and it had an bad after taste but the during and pre taste was excellent but the texture was taffyish which hurts my darling teeth
those are risky. if you had braces you'd be fkd
eating some yummy jackfruit and drinking an americano from 711 giggle;
i wanna bite a jack fruit a few times and swallow it RN
they're so dank dude
but it might have given me diarrhea but it was also probably my school's lunch
It's either God's fault or the school's, so either way we must paradigm shift this establishment to work for the jack fruit partakers.
yes. also the states needs to figure out how to cultivate jackfruit ill miss it a lot when i return
and durian soi can eat it fresh
also just ate 7 hard boiled eggs
Quote from: SVT on May 26, 2016, 04:21:16 AM
and durian soi can eat it fresh
i bet it smells even shittier when it isn't fresh lol
Quote from: SVT on May 26, 2016, 04:21:35 AM
also just ate 7 hard boiled eggs
that's disgusting
1. they probably taste better too
2. yea but i got my 'tiens~~!!
but i want to eat a mangostein sometime
oh yea protEIns
ive been thinking about getting into protein powder but it is scary
whey is ok. nothhing scary about it. everyting else seems cancerous or meme.
are you tryna bulk up?
man im all about getting big
damn post some pics
maybe in a year or a few months when i look good lol
Mom made me dinner when I visited Saturday night. giggle;
looks dank as FUCK
currently drinking water on an empty stomach
i marinated some boneless ribs in bbq sauce/soy sauce with onions and garlic. really good.
mmmm that sounds great
eating a tuna pumpkin toasty from 7/11 it is very yummy
went to some Korean BBQ place with after work
was pretty legit
some dude was cookin' corn on charcoal so i bought one for 15 baht and am eating it in my office
some of the best damn corn i've ever had
i am tasting the after taste from tasting m&ms and i want to taste more m&ms but im too lazy to go the the gas chamber across the street
Quote from: the MIB the on July 14, 2016, 08:53:57 PM
i am tasting the after taste from tasting m&ms and i want to taste more m&ms but im too lazy to go the the gas chamber across the street
i-i'm very sorry
Chicken, pasta, fried eggplant and sourdough garlic toast lightly drizzled with mozzarella cheese . giggle;
Roast beef bacon goat cheese and avocado sandwich
orgit wintegresh gum
mmmmmmmm dragon fruit is so dank
Quote from: antmaster5000 on September 21, 2016, 05:22:45 AM
mmmmmmmm dragon fruit is so dank
this is true
are they cheap in thailand? i love them but they're like 4 bucks a fruit here on the east coast which is a bit dang much
Quote from: C.Mongler on September 21, 2016, 06:37:35 AM
Quote from: antmaster5000 on September 21, 2016, 05:22:45 AM
mmmmmmmm dragon fruit is so dank
this is true
are they cheap in thailand? i love them but they're like 4 bucks a fruit here on the east coast which is a bit dang much
super cheap. the fruit is one of the things i will miss the most
outside my condo there are multiple ladies selling precut fruit in bags. dragon fruit is like 60 cents giggle;
I have a BADASS noodle place down the road from where I live. giggle;
can't be too bad ass since those are some hard boiled eggs boy
Quote from: Classic on September 29, 2016, 12:36:33 PM
I have a BADASS noodle place down the road from where I live. giggle;
not currently eating but i thought i'd post some old fo(//http://)od pics considering i haven't been on boyah in like 6 years.
some sick ass ramen i got in sydney's china town
halal snack pack is the most awesome greasy shit you can buy here
not sure if america has dippin dots? it's just little balls of ice cream, really nice
best milk shake of my life
i love this shit
made beef stroganoff
tfw u ask the guy at taco bbell for 7 mini quesadillas and he asks you to confirm
cocoa puffs and milk giggle;
marionberry pie
Quote from: David on December 17, 2016, 06:50:32 PM
tfw u ask the guy at taco bbell for 7 mini quesadillas and he asks you to confirm
these are like fucking crack
Quote from: David on March 07, 2017, 08:48:41 PM
Quote from: David on December 17, 2016, 06:50:32 PM
tfw u ask the guy at taco bbell for 7 mini quesadillas and he asks you to confirm
these are like fucking crack
david pls
bbq chip
Has anyone ever posted on boyah while going down on someone
that's the only time i post on boyah
my husband and i made curry, little spicey with anger
Quote from: YPargh on March 09, 2017, 11:33:29 AM
Has anyone ever posted on boyah while going down on someone
i always say itadakimasu before eatin da pussy
Apple Jacks
Why did they change them to have apples in them wasn't the point that they didnt
Edit: never mind apparently the old commercials just said they didn't taste like apples not that they didn't contain apples
Quote from: Joice on March 26, 2017, 03:17:34 AM
my husband and i made curry, little spicey with anger
Quote from: YPargh on March 09, 2017, 11:33:29 AM
Has anyone ever posted on boyah while going down on someone
i always say itadakimasu before eatin da pussy
I had to look dat up lol
Quote from: YPargh on March 09, 2017, 11:33:29 AM
Has anyone ever posted on boyah while going down on someone
this is absolute filth, i hope the cat pukes on your clothes again
Quote from: David on March 26, 2017, 09:02:34 PM
Quote from: YPargh on March 09, 2017, 11:33:29 AM
Has anyone ever posted on boyah while going down on someone
this is absolute filth, i hope the cat pukes on your clothes again
It was just an innocent question!
homemade fried chicken and finding dory blueberry eggo waffles n_u
i have 1/6 of a tuna sand wedge sitting literally a foot away from me that i keep forgetting to bring to my mouth
oh, hi clucky
Quote from: superclucky on March 23, 2009, 05:58:27 PM
guess what
faggots lube theirselves with tuna before fucking akudood;
i can attest to this, me and the boyf engaged in a lascivious tuna
fuck; just the other day ><>[/spoiler]
about 1/6 of an egg sandwich and water
same situation as yesterday, it's sitting literally about a foot away from me but i keep forgetting to bring it to my mouth
Salsa Verde flavored Doritos
now i am eating these dried salted edamame beans and they're p gud. i mean i like edamame beans anyway but these are good too.
Lamb Vindaloo with basmati rice and a piece of garlic naan, leftovers from earlier tonight hocuspocus;
Onion bagel with salmon cream cheese
Quote from: David on March 07, 2017, 08:48:41 PM
Quote from: David on December 17, 2016, 06:50:32 PM
tfw u ask the guy at taco bbell for 7 mini quesadillas and he asks you to confirm
these are like fucking crack
since when does david like taco bell
he truly has changed lol
a royal reese's brownie blizzard from dairy queen
it's really good but really dumb lol
chicken fuggits
because you know you've given up on life when you're eating slop like this
a true luxury good in my household
just ate an entire can of sardines in mustard smth;
medium salsa, tortilla chips, watermelon arizona
one'a these
with a strawberry-banana smoothie
needles to say it was a good brunch-dessert (brunchert)
Quote from: Thyme on May 14, 2018, 10:02:13 AM
one'a these
with a strawberry-banana smoothie
needles to say it was a good brunch-dessert (brunchert)
wow jelly
the new purple doritos are p. good befuddlement
also, strawburry kiwi lemonde
Porterhouse steak, roasted potatoes and broccoli with cheese. hocuspocus;
Quote from: Magyarorszag on June 28, 2018, 11:05:08 PM
the new purple doritos are p. good befuddlement
also, strawburry kiwi lemonde
speaking of corn-based snacks, i'm in love with takis fuego(s)
a bit too much for my own sake
we've never had takis, they started appearing in grocery stores a couple of months ago
i've had those before, but i think they might be just a little too intennsely flavored for me lol
some sort of pjörk sausage and liberty cabbage
channeling my german roots 2nite
egg sausage mcmuff
don't post that kind of shit
cinnamon bun
i'm not even really a huge fan of these things but i'm eating it because it's available, lol
morning breath
papa john's goowan
Looks like I have to go buy a Big Mac™. smithicide;
Just got back from buying a Big Mac™. awdood;
When did the cost of a medium meal rise to nearly $10? psyduck;
i don't even like mcdonald's that much, especially not these sad drab fries lol >.<
Combo meals are almost always a bad deal imo
https://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/asian-food/beverages/ramune-soda (https://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/asian-food/beverages/ramune-soda)
I have nice friends.
Quote from: FAMY2 on June 30, 2018, 04:25:46 PMPorterhouse steak, roasted potatoes and broccoli with cheese. hocuspocus;
damn nice
Quote from: reefer on August 09, 2018, 08:31:41 PMits okay tec we are all man children at heart.
literally eating lunchables rn LOL
Quote from: FAMY2 on August 07, 2018, 05:25:24 PMhttps://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/asian-food/beverages/ramune-soda (https://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/asian-food/beverages/ramune-soda)
I have nice friends.
i tried this for the first time relatively recently
it's good but way2expensive for such a small serving akudood;
...and yet i wonder why americans are overweight goowan
Quote from: Hiro on August 05, 2018, 01:37:01 AMCombo meals are almost always a bad deal imo
I ate Pocky with it. >.<
sauerkraut pizza
Quote from: FAMY2 on August 10, 2018, 02:40:32 PMI ate Pocky with it. >.<
like a true weeb nyandood;
Actually, I don't think I've ever had Pocky. befuddlement
weird ass chinese instant noodles, and lemon flavor aid
Quote from: Hiro on August 12, 2018, 11:03:39 PMweird ass chinese instant noodles
How did that turn out? sillydood;
Quote from: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo on August 13, 2018, 07:14:01 PM(https://shop.abvendingco.com/wp-content/uploads/product_images/5719.jpg)
Was it as good as it sounds? befuddlement
Hell Yes
Spaghetti leftovers.
Always spaghetti leftovers.
Never ending spaghetti leftovers.
Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 12, 2018, 08:45:08 PMsauerkraut pizza
Quote from: FAMY2 on August 10, 2018, 02:40:32 PMI ate Pocky with it. >.<
like a true weeb nyandood;
Actually, I don't think I've ever had Pocky. befuddlement
That's hard to believe. You're such a man of the world. girl;
Actually, I'm probably the most uncultured person I know. sillydood;
Still spaghetti.
But it's almost gone.
hard boiled eggs
hot dog
double stuff oreos with milk
brocolli, i grilled it with oil salt and pepper
jackfruit chips
Belvita biscuits
Fried spam egg and cheese sandwich
Quote from: YPrrrr on August 21, 2018, 07:17:33 AMBelvita biscuits
the dark chocolate """creme""" ones
i actually decided to try them because i saw this post lol
Central Market Organic Italian Soda - Fall Inspired Apple and Vanilla flavored.
pumpkin spice tw*nkie goodjob;
cold pizza
the shittiest knock off cinnamon toast cruch you can think of
mac n cheez
dry ass blueberry scone ibought from powell's i forgot i had in my bag of souvenirs
w/e it has blueberries
chili hot dog from portillo's
prob the only thing i truly like from them for such an esteemed establishment here
I just ate 4 50 cent corndogs from Sonic like the fat disgusting pig i am
oh and a diet cherry limeade
pizza, nu-york style
tenderloin sandwich
my burnt tongue cause i drank the coffee too fast
guava cheesecake
lime yogurt
just had a vanilla soylent bottle (400 cal) for the 1st time
lol i feel like im full
uhh it just tastes like less sweetened vanilla milk (lol tbh kinda bad @ describing tastes)
as long as i don't feel like i wanna eat im good.
kinda sad that it's $42 for fuckin 12 bottles but I wanted to experience this soyboy shit at least once
Quote from: 6M69I69B9 on February 27, 2019, 01:11:12 PMjust had a vanilla soylent bottle (400 cal) for the 1st time
lol i feel like im full
uhh it just tastes like less sweetened vanilla milk (lol tbh kinda bad @ describing tastes)
as long as i don't feel like i wanna eat im good.
kinda sad that it's $42 for fuckin 12 bottles but I wanted to experience this soyboy shit at least once
well uhh that didn't last long LMAO
lasted for like 2 1/2hrs before i had another craving (not hunger)
maybe it's an issue on my behalf
i have a bad snacking issue
there's a documentary called Inspired to Ride about the people who race bicycles (unsupported) across the US. for reference, the fastest dude does it in 14 days. one guy decides to try to eat only soylent and has a whole bike bag dedicated to it. he is tired of it by like day 2 IIRC lol
beef curry
yesterday, for one full day, i decided to drink 3 soylents for each meal and at least a bottle's worth of water
all just to see how itd be as a diet for a day, and man am i BAD with managing my snacking
but i perservered
tbh if soylent bottles didnt cost so much then maybe id actually consider it lol
maybe i can just settle with the powder since it's cheaper
one containing salmon/spinach/cream cheese/capers (★★★★½)
the other containing the more typical strawberries/banana slices/gnutella/ƕipped cream ensemble (★★★★)
v. good but v. spensy at over $11/ea lol
dinner is served
Tomato sandwich served on sourdough made at work with mayo, salt and pepper and cheddar served with fresh cut watermelon and these fun novelty chips I found that are ketchup, mustard and pickle flavored.
tater tots so bereft of flavor that i was forced to resort to using k*tchup to make them at all palatable awdood;
paired with an almost equally flavorless calzone full of what i have to assume is mozzarella-inspired processed cheese because it's just so mushy and tasteless
p. disappointed to have spent $12 on this
why is food so expensive where you live
and so mediocre apparently lmao
as for the mediocrity, i couldn't be as selective as i prefer to be because i was hella hungry but pressed for time in an unfamiliar town with limited options, and basically wandered into a restaurant i'd never heard of before
at least now i know to avoid that spot in the future lol
As for the expense, it's New York. >.<
also i've been slowly chipping away at a long john silver's order since like 3pm and i'm only now finishing up on the coleslaw
ngl i hate long john silver
Quote from: Magyarorszag on June 13, 2019, 08:17:32 PMtater tots so bereft of flavor that i was forced to resort to using k*tchup to make them at all palatable awdood;
paired with an almost equally flavorless calzone full of what i have to assume is mozzarella-inspired processed cheese because it's just so mushy and tasteless
p. disappointed to have spent $12 on this
Quote from: Magyarorszag on June 14, 2019, 09:44:43 PMas for the mediocrity, i couldn't be as selective as i prefer to be because i was hella hungry but pressed for time in an unfamiliar town with limited options, and basically wandered into a restaurant i'd never heard of before
at least now i know to avoid that spot in the future lol
also worth mentioning:
i has asked for garlic butter which was very clearly listed among the sauce options, and instead i was given some kind of salad dressing
and to top it all off, midway into it i took a bite that i found i simply couldn't chew
spat it into my hand and discovered that it was a huge piece of parchment paper or smth fully baked into the flavorless mozzarella-inspired processed cheese
yeah wow overall a terrible eating experience, certainly the worst in recent memory and perhaps the worst ever
Quote from: Samus Aran on June 15, 2019, 12:24:18 AMngl i hate long john silver
it was
okaymay as well have been a five-star meal compared to that parchment paper and processed cheese calzone slop
idk i'm a bit picky when it comes to fried fish and shrimp, which is primarily what they serve as far as i can recall. i just feel like most places can't fry fish to save their lives, LJS included
seafood is like the one thing i can't do "fast food" for at all, save for like, local fish and chips places (and even most of these end up being kinda meh too if you're not on the coast)
So you people are the ones keeping Ding Dong Slivers alive.
i've always found it kind of amusing that ljs uses the very same batter for all its fried food options lol
ambiguous cuts of ljs fish/shrimp/chicken would all be nearly indistinguishable from each other if you weren't informed beforehand
tfw no good local fish&chips shops :'(
yet another reason to envy the new england lifestyle
Quote from: ClassicTyler on June 15, 2019, 02:54:34 AMSo you people are the ones keeping Ding Dong Slivers alive.
i hadn't actually been to one in years, but i happened to be in the area that day and decided to pay a visit despite my better judgement lol
tbh i feel like fast food in general these days is p. disappointing more often than not, there's no single restaurant i consistently enjoy anymore
anyway some shitarse microwaved chicken alfredo and string beans w/ ranch + chocolate almond milk
made some tonkatsu earlier and it was tasty as always but this time i must have had too much flour or the chops were too wet or smth because i lost a lot of breading in the end cry;
and rn im eatin nachos
was enjoying this beauty earlier RUB IT
Quote from: Magyarorszag on June 15, 2019, 01:23:57 AMQuote from: Samus Aran on June 15, 2019, 12:24:18 AMngl i hate long john silver
it was okay
may as well have been a five-star meal compared to that parchment paper and processed cheese calzone slop
The hush puppies and the crumbs are the best part of ljs. Though you can get better hush puppies elsewhere.
Quote from: Magyarorszag on June 18, 2019, 09:53:44 PMi've always found it kind of amusing that ljs uses the very same batter for all its fried food options lol
ambiguous cuts of ljs fish/shrimp/chicken would all be nearly indistinguishable from each other if you weren't informed beforehand
tfw no good local fish&chips shops :'(
yet another reason to envy the new england lifestyle
Quote from: ClassicTyler on June 15, 2019, 02:54:34 AMSo you people are the ones keeping Ding Dong Slivers alive.
i hadn't actually been to one in years, but i happened to be in the area that day and decided to pay a visit despite my better judgement lol
tbh i feel like fast food in general these days is p. disappointing more often than not, there's no single restaurant i consistently enjoy anymore
Honestly, it seems like you can get a better meal at small/family diner for about the same price these days.
Not current, but a friend and I went for lunch this afternoon.
Quote from: ClassicTyler on July 19, 2019, 03:57:56 PM(https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67160633_10100784001463541_6589731978239541248_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_oc=AQn77wElGOjkVPngnhyAppmoYCW7qqhlcmvtG1sBkiV0chDHduPdD06_5l6HUopi1gs&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=6b09a37143645cb6915379b8ddf970ff&oe=5DA6028E)
Not current, but a friend and I went for lunch this afternoon.
Where's the salsa?
rock rd ice cream
Red velvet Bundt cake
fried up some walleye wrench;
did you fry up that ass? wrench;
Little olive oil n salt
corndogs and edamame lol smth;
#covid19cuisine #soyboysnacking
Mom is temporarily unemployed (Dad and I are still working) so she's loaded the house with snacks.
I ate a piece of cake and some graham crackers with cookie butter.
Quote from: Magyarorszag on April 13, 2020, 06:37:47 PMcorndogs and edamame lol smth;
#covid19cuisine #soyboysnacking
edamame is crazy man
got this baggie of dry roasted edamame, 13g of protein in one serving
low sodium (70g), 120cal, and 10% iron, 4% calcium, and potassium 6% on the side for that one serving????
this TWO DOLLAR bag of dry roasted edamame has FIVE servings
puts all these protein focused bars to SHAME
literally my quarantine food now, and it's alright for snacking, good crunch to them.
i want to say these are what casual senzu beans actually are irl lmao
Made Key Lime Bars and they turned out good as hell
roasted red pepper and tomato soup
ate some chicken noodle soup
i'm glad notsid is the first person to eat in almost two years
idk we were out of eggs and a boy hungers so i did smth with pestomatoes etc
a coldstone memery milkshalk
sweet creamed (i.e. unflavored) ice cream with chocolate sprinkles blended in and ƕipped cream atop
i told the strapping young lad i wanted it "as thicc as possible" (lmao)
9/10 would order again excpet $9 is a lot for a milkshake so probably not anytime soon happydood;
the remnants of a shrimp burrito from yesterday's tecventures
it's breddy gud
Had a maple bar and a chocolate milk :)
an air-fried peanut butter and strawjelly sandwich
air-fried bacon
air-fried ægg
a tortilla air-fried in bacon grease lol
yesterday for lunch i had an unusually dramatic taco bell chaluparito or smth
lol sillydood;
following the popsi model this morning:
hush puppies from nathan's™
they're actually extremely delicious putindisapproves;
grilt air-fried hamcheese
tomayter soup
a bit of banan
7/11 meatballs
following the bobsi model this morning:
На завтрак, я ем яйца. :)
Quote from: Majorana's Incantation on November 08, 2022, 07:55:45 AMfollowing the bobsi model this morning:
Сегодня, у меня три яйца с баклажанами. food;
Sevodnya, u minya tri jaitsa s baklazhanami.)
Key Words:
Яйца = eggs; testicles (male)
Баклажан = eggplant (male)
tater tots
air-fried quesaðийя
с горячим шоколадом (w/ hod choglid) (srry i have a gold :'()
Fun Fact™:
This thread is over fifteen (15) years old. food;
Quote from: Majorana's Incantation on November 13, 2022, 10:29:11 AMFun Fact™:
This thread is over fifteen (15) years old. food;
That's absolutely bonkers.
You know for as old as this forum is, there are users (who are still active) that joined M*nchester U*ited's fan forum in the '90s. smithicide;
lasanga hamburger helper
dark chocolate covered raisins (not as good as milk chocolate covered raisins)
just ate a banana happydood;
an extremely keto dinner:
bobgorn jhigin and an avocado lol
UPDATE: i DEFINITELY overcooked it lol
it shouldn't be this dry (probably)
Quote from: 6M69I69B9 on April 15, 2020, 01:45:17 PMQuote from: Magyarorszag on April 13, 2020, 06:37:47 PMcorndogs and edamame lol smth;
#covid19cuisine #soyboysnacking
edamame is crazy man
got this baggie of dry roasted edamame, 13g of protein in one serving
low sodium (70g), 120cal, and 10% iron, 4% calcium, and potassium 6% on the side for that one serving????
this TWO DOLLAR bag of dry roasted edamame has FIVE servings
puts all these protein focused bars to SHAME
literally my quarantine food now, and it's alright for snacking, good crunch to them.
i want to say these are what casual senzu beans actually are irl lmao
yeah agreed, edamay-may is good stuff my boyo
just ate some quick n dirty tacos i made while watching The Big Boss
love to eat tacos and watch some kung fu
i ate about 14 peanut butter and jelly cookies and they were kind of weird
chicken fried rice but also with beef and shrimp
hot chocolate
also i'm running out of (good) hot chocolate
ate some instant ramen :)
Quote from: Samus Aran on December 05, 2022, 05:32:32 PMate some instant ramen :)
what flavor
bout to make this https://lifehacker.com/this-tuna-mayo-rice-bowl-is-the-best-wfh-lunch-1849847558
Quote from: The Hand That Fisted Everyone on December 05, 2022, 06:45:26 PMQuote from: Samus Aran on December 05, 2022, 05:32:32 PMate some instant ramen :)
what flavor
bout to make this https://lifehacker.com/this-tuna-mayo-rice-bowl-is-the-best-wfh-lunch-1849847558
this was good
-air-fried tuner sandwich w/ celery since we've run out of good leaves
-orange juice fortified with 0 pulp
...but ƕæt exactly is the dif-fer-ence befuddlemnt
just ate some yogurt :)
tasting lemon water :)
eating some ramen real quick before work :)