Studies have shown that on average black men do have larger penises than men of other races...
....The reasoning for such is related to the promiscuity of the female members of the race. The higher the rate of promiscuity, the larger the penis size. Asian women are far less likely to have multiple partners, so the men are not required to have large penises to please their women and keep them faithful. African women, on the other hand, are much more likely to have multiple partners so the men require larger penises to please their women and keep them faithful, as well as delivering their semen deeper into the vagina, increasing the chances that it will be them to fertilize the egg.
Basically, African women are bigger whores so the men had to adapt to please them. nigro;
Also, this is why Jerry Springer is full of women who don't know who their baby daddy is.
lol racism
Did you know that you can only get 6inches of dick in a girl? So longer than 6inches is more than is required. LOL
False. My dad cheated on my mom with an Asian woman. :|
Quote from: Blaj48 on October 16, 2007, 07:59:02 PM
Did you know that you can only get 6inches of dick in a girl? So longer than 6inches is more than is required. LOL
LOL vaginal depths vary between women
Quote from: Precious on October 16, 2007, 07:59:21 PM
False. My dad cheated on my mom with an Asian woman. :|
your dad did the right thing
Quote from: Rei Kazanami on October 16, 2007, 08:00:31 PM
LOL vaginal depths vary between women
i have some videos to prove this
Quote from: Blaj48 on October 16, 2007, 07:59:02 PM
Did you know that you can only get 6inches of dick in a girl? So longer than 6inches is more than is required. LOL
Explain fisting.
Quote from: steal on October 16, 2007, 08:17:46 PM
source or bullshit
Seriously. It sounds like a loud of steaming crap to me.
Doesn't sound "scientific" at all. psyduck;
Quote from: Guava on October 16, 2007, 08:22:32 PM
Seriously. It sounds like a loud of steaming crap to me.
I can't find it. I read it a few months ago.
It was in some thing comparing the penis size of different primates and then it got into races.
Quote from: JMV290 on October 16, 2007, 07:55:36 PM
Also, this is why Jerry Springer is full of women who don't know who their baby daddy is.
lol racism
lol powerofone;
Quote from: Bassir C. on October 16, 2007, 08:36:35 PM
Doesn't sound "scientific" at all. psyduck;
That's why I ended it with "lol racism".
Some one applied the principal of penis size amongst mammals, specifically primates and applied it to different human races.
That explains alot. myface;
o well mine is bigger than yours ahhaha
Did it say anywhere in the thing you read about gorillas having the largest penises?
Quote from: MVP0079 on October 17, 2007, 04:14:43 PM
Did it say anywhere in the thing you read about gorillas having the largest penises?
Ha. They are about as big as a peapod.
Quote from: KT on October 17, 2007, 04:20:01 PM
Ha. They are about as big as a peapod. ERECT.
Nothing makes sense anymore. ;_;
"The vagina of a woman who hasn't had a child is only 7.5cm (3 inches) long when she's not sexually excited. The figures for women who have had babies are only slightly different. Even when aroused, a woman's vagina usually extends only to a length of about 10cm (4 inches)."
I doesn't take that long of a penis to please a woman.
Quote from: Dante on October 17, 2007, 04:41:52 PM
"The vagina of a woman who hasn't had a child is only 7.5cm (3 inches) long when she's not sexually excited. The figures for women who have had babies are only slightly different. Even when aroused, a woman's vagina usually extends only to a length of about 10cm (4 inches)."
I doesn't take that long of a penis to please a woman.
I don't understand the measurements they're taking. 4 in to make them cum faster.
Quote from: KT on October 17, 2007, 04:44:02 PM
I don't understand the measurements they're taking. 4 in to make them cum faster.
On average, a vagina is about 3-4 inches deep, so if you're one of those cases when your penis doesn't extend pass 3-4 while erect, you'll have a hard time pleasuring women. powerofone;
Quote from: Dante on October 17, 2007, 04:46:39 PM
On average, a vagina is about 3-4 inches deep, so if you're one of those cases when your penis doesn't extend pass 3-4 while erect, you'll have a hard time pleasuring women. powerofone;
I thought we were gonna go to like width or diameter there. Then I would have been fucked. Otherwise, yeah, I'm good.
Quote from: Dante on October 17, 2007, 04:46:39 PM
On average, a vagina is about 3-4 inches deep
Quote from: Dante on October 17, 2007, 04:46:39 PM
so if you're one of those cases when your penis doesn't extend pass 3-4 while erect, you'll have a hard time pleasuring women. powerofone;
i hear they like chocolate and flowers
oral's good too, if not better, in terms of raw pleasure, but possibly less emotionally fulfilling but whatever
Quote from: Commodore Guff on October 17, 2007, 04:53:18 PM
i hear they like chocolate and flowers
oral's good too, if not better, in terms of raw pleasure, but possibly less emotionally fulfilling but whatever
Shut up. I'm talking about sexually pleasing them.
Quoteoral's good too, if not better, in terms of raw pleasure
um wut you have a vagina? psyduck;
Quote from: Dante on October 17, 2007, 04:57:56 PM
Shut up. I'm talking about sexually pleasing them.
um wut you have a vagina? psyduck;
you didn't specify >:0
um no but it's not exactly a secret that direct stimulation of the clitoris and whatnot leads to more intense pleasure than vaginal stimulation
however this is not to downplay the significance of the vagina, we cannot forget that
Does that explain why I don't like black girls usually? (Not being racist)
Quote from: Blaziken Prince on October 17, 2007, 05:10:30 PM
Does that explain why I don't like black girls usually? (Not being racist)
Because they're promiscuous?
Quote from: Blaziken Prince on October 17, 2007, 05:10:30 PM
Does that explain why I don't like black girls usually? (Not being racist)
No. psyduck;
Quote from: MVP0079 on October 17, 2007, 05:12:42 PM
Because they're promiscuous?
all girls are promiscuous to some point.
Quote from: Dante on October 17, 2007, 05:12:57 PM
No. psyduck;
all girls are promiscuous to some point.
From ZKDGs to whores