A comprehensive list of things that Breath of the Wild does well:

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, June 23, 2018, 11:48:03 AM

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Kalahari Inkantation


this was an entirely predictable tec thread, D-

i expected better smdh

Kalahari Inkantation

well forgive me for disappointing but i was in desperate need of a place to vent about this immensely overrated game and challenge some of its innumerable fanbois and defenders directly

i'm sure even you have your own comprehensive list of things botw does well :|


almost everyone thinks BoTW is overrated except for plebs at this point, it's basically popular opinion. it's also 1000% typical zelda cycle shit lol i'm too lazy to go back in my post history and quote myself a month before this game came out

i think exploring for explorings' sake is relaxing time waster, and i enjoy climbing mountains and then gliding off of them. that about encompasses my list thank you tip your waitress.


i lied i dug it out of the trash

Quote from: C.Mongler on March 01, 2017, 10:57:38 AM
like every single zelda game/high rated game in general i'm sure it will also follow the same cycle of: day 1 "holy fuck does anyone else feel like this is the BEST FUCKING GAME YOU'VE EVER PLAYED???", to a week later of non-stop "hmmm well i know everyone likes it but i'm gonna go against the grain and say it wasn't that great", to two more weeks later where it will hit the honestly, most overated zelda IMO status where it will sit in limbo until the next zelda game comes out, when everyone will start saying "you know, Zelda XYZ didn't really deserve the hate it got; I think it's a real gem in the rough of the series!!!". you can look forward to people liking skyward sword again in like two weeks like the same folks who have a weird fondness for TP now

Kalahari Inkantation

I'm well aware of what the Zelda cycle is, thank you very much. :|

i'm different and special because i thought it was overrated within a few hours of first playing it, unlike the predictable masses of insincere zelda soyboys who are only now saying it's overrated in retrospect because having a dissenting opinion makes them cool and unique :|

so don't you dare dismiss me as just another insecure disingenuous bandwagoner, it may only seem like i am because i started playing it after the ridiculous hype levels had finally had a chance to cool off akudood;

it's not like i initially thought it was absolutely flawless and perfect, and then changed my mind to trick suckers into thinking i'm hot sh@ with a bold and brave opinion that just so happened to be diametrically against the grain (you know, the tactic every basic e-"""celeb""" nu-male uses to artificially manufacture views)

dissenting opinions were simply nowhere to be found within the first few months of launch, despite the fact that the game has extremely severe, blatantly obvious problems that """fans""" and critics alike had just happily been ignoring and excusing away

probably because we as a community have such low expectations for zelda these days, but simply want to like it because muh nostalgia

or maybe some (by which i mean virtually all) zelda """fans""" are afraid to be critical of it because they unconsciously think it to be a part of their identity, and therefore perceive an 'attack' on zelda to be an 'attack' on themselves (how pathetic)

and that completely absurd reaction to botw, along with that intense sensitivity that poisons zelda discussion in general, perhaps epitomizes the reason why i have unironically taken to calling zelda "the sonic of video games", beginning at least as far back as 2014:



Quote from: Magyarorszag on May 27, 2016, 11:32:26 PM
Quote from: antmaster5000 on May 27, 2016, 10:35:08 PM
Quote from: Tectron on May 27, 2016, 09:25:57 PM

yeah there's a reason i used the word "arguably" lol

sonic probably has ~three good games: 2, 3, & knuckles

mega man may be the superior series overall but it's still capcom's sonic[/spoiler]

yeah but that's like saying that mario is nintendo's sonic just because it's the mascot


zelda is nintendo's sonic[/spoiler]

there's even one featuring your totally new and unique take here:

Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 08, 2017, 10:31:37 AM
Quote from: C.Mongler on August 07, 2017, 06:23:22 AM
Quote from: C.Mongler on March 01, 2017, 10:57:38 AM
like every single zelda game/high rated game in general i'm sure it will also follow the same cycle of: day 1 "holy fuck does anyone else feel like this is the BEST FUCKING GAME YOU'VE EVER PLAYED???", to a week later of non-stop "hmmm well i know everyone likes it but i'm gonna go against the grain and say it wasn't that great", to two more weeks later where it will hit the honestly, most overated zelda IMO status where it will sit in limbo until the next zelda game comes out, when everyone will start saying "you know, Zelda XYZ didn't really deserve the hate it got; I think it's a real gem in the rough of the series!!!".

called em like i sees em

it's why i like to say that zelda is nintendo's sonic

as if we haven't all been aware of the zelda cycle since at least skyward sword, lol

and finally:

Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 18, 2017, 08:17:08 PM
the influence flow is the other way around

there's a reason that zelda is commonly considered to be the sonic of video games


tbf almost every sony game is ass too and yet have the same golden-boy response so

whatever they're all just video games lol play what you like my dude


I originally thought TP was amazing, and still do.
I was also with Tec in realizing how overrated botw was within a few hours

As for Sony games.... you're on your own there.


my bad, GoW is a breathe of fresh air in an other stagnant and tried industry

it's certainly not an uncharted-like with god of war weapons/enemies and a bit more choice in which hallway you go down


Quote from: C.Mongler on June 27, 2018, 11:02:04 AM
my bad, GoW is a breathe of fresh air in an other stagnant and tried industry

it's certainly not an uncharted-like with god of war weapons/enemies and a bit more choice in which hallway you go down
i never said gow was a revolution.
But it's a damn great game.

All you said was, most sony games are ass.


they're ass in the sense that ya play one you've played em all

much like zoldo or gears of war

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: C.Mongler on June 27, 2018, 03:58:18 AM
tbf almost every sony game is ass too and yet have the same golden-boy response so

whatever they're all just video games lol play what you like my dude

i think you may truly have mastered the art of triggering me lol

okay frist of all

we're not even talking about $ony, and even if we were, the fact that their games might sometimes be overrated doesn't excuse zelda in the least

and in any case, that effect is much, MUCH more pronounced in zelda, specifically; i don't agree with your perception of $ony games being equally vastly overrated at all lol

sony's last of us clones may be a little derivative, but they all still tend to be p. great

i would MUCH more readily trust a $ony last of us sim's metacritic score of 94 than a zelda's score of 97, especially botw's

even if both those scores are higher than they ought to be, the disparity between metascore granted and metascore actually deserved in zelda games is simply outrageous compared to just about any other popular game/franchise

zelda reviews just aren't credible in the least (reminder: phantom hourglass currently sits at a 90 on metacritic :))

and in my opinion, it's:

Quote from: Magyarorszag on June 27, 2018, 12:51:19 AM
probably because we as a community have such low expectations for zelda these days, but simply want to like it because muh nostalgia

or maybe some (by which i mean virtually all) zelda """fans""" are afraid to be critical of it because they unconsciously think it to be a part of their identity, and therefore perceive an 'attack' on zelda to be an 'attack' on themselves (how pathetic)

whereas nobody's afraid of being critical of sony games lol, at least certainly not nearly to that extent

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: C.Mongler on June 27, 2018, 12:36:29 PM
they're ass in the sense that ya play one you've played em all

much like zoldo or gears of war

also even i wouldn't say this about zelda, especially in light of botw


although that may just be because, much as i might try to distance myself from them, i too am still a delusional zelda fancuck[/spoiler]

in any case, imo a game being derivative doesn't automatically make it "ass", although if it's a weak derivative (ie. botw vs skyrim), then it's another story lol


lol visit my favorite video game forum (lol, it's not) resetera if you really think there's not a stan-paradise for sonygames out there

Quote from: Magyarorszag on June 27, 2018, 06:57:30 PM
whereas nobody's afraid of being critical of sony games lol, at least certainly not nearly to that extent

because this is literally not true on the internet's biggest gaming forum. i made the bold claim that GoW2018 is maybe a soft 8/10 at best and definitely my least favorite of the mainline games and i got dogpiled almost as severely as someone popping in and saying "lol trump is fine!"

i only bring this up because i find the dichotomy to be silly and the notion that sonygames are far more micro-examined and criticized than zoldo/nintendogames is a laughable premise at best. they really aren't.

but you are correct, this is completely a whataboutism and not really relevant when you get down to the brass of it all, i just find it goofy personally.

but probably because this is like the 6th 'BOTW IS OVERRATED, WHO'S WITH ME' thread making the exact same 6 points i've read on the internet in the past 2-weeks and i find this all very blasé at this point

anyway who else thinks mario odyssey is dog shit???


i found the earth-shattering hype and praise for months and months after botw's release to be pretty blasé personally so i'm glad people are actually critiquing the game now instead of deifying it as a revolutionary masterpiece and ignoring any of its flaws

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