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Pokémon Sun and Moon

Started by bluaki, May 10, 2016, 05:11:25 AM

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go with the one that matches your beddy times


You can always just change the 3ds clock


no that's cheating don't listen to this cheater


yeah sun had better exclusives lol but i still chose moon b/c i am edgy and i like dark

exclusives are not too big a deal anyway since trading is so easy now

Samus Aran

finished catching/obtaining the legendaries. well except the free cosmog, i still gotta pick him up.

also i really like that for cosmog and ultra beasts you get more than one of the ones that are version-exclusive so you have extras to trade with people that have the ones not in your game. kinda kills the feeling of exclusivity, but i certainly don't mind ease of access.

Mando Pandango

almost read kaz's post there, but i'm still managing to avoid SOME spoilers

anyway, gonna start a fanblog for decidueye's abs who's with me
Quote from: Magyarorszag on August 22, 2018, 10:27:46 PMjesus absolute shitdicking christ, nu-boyah


tfw almost died to totem mimikyu

im bad at pokemon


Quote from: Nyerp on January 23, 2017, 09:54:15 AM
tfw almost died to totem mimikyu

im bad at pokemon
No shame! He/she's probably one of the 3 best totems imo


January 24, 2017, 10:00:22 PM #353 Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 10:05:40 PM by bluaki
Pokémon Bank finally got the Gen7 update today.

New changes in Bank:
* Able to transfer Pokémon to/from Sun/Moon while still maintaining compatibility with XYORAS
[spoiler=tldr]* If a Pokémon has ever been in Alola (whether caught there or transferred from Kalos), you can still deposit it and organize it together with your Gen6 Pokémon, but you cannot withdraw that specific Pokémon ever again to Gen6.
* Any Pokémon that has never been withdrawn to Sun/Moon can still be withdrawn to Gen6, even if it's sharing a Bank box with newer stuff[/spoiler]
* Bank now has a Pokédex: it gets automatically synced with every 3DS Pokémon game you use with Bank.
[spoiler=tldr]* The Pokédex shows you all the Pokédex entries you've gathered across all versions, forms, and languages and it tells you which games each Pokémon can be found in. It's a national dex.
* There is still no national dex available within Sun/Moon, you can only access one by using Bank. However, it seems Sun/Moon still keeps track internally of seen/caught data for non-Alola Pokémon, since for example after I synced my Moon version's Pokédex to Bank I saw seen entries for stuff like Kanto starters (from fighting Red) and owned entries for Island Scan stuff like Togepi and Cyndaquil.
* Bank also syncs some basic stats with each game, like how many eggs you've hatched or trades you've completed, and lets you see and compare those numbers between every game version you've synced
* When looking at the Pokédex, you can see a picture of each Pokémon's 3D model as a pre-rendered static image. It's uglier than in the actual games, but at least it's better than the Box sprite that Bank uses everywhere else.[/spoiler]

And PokéTransporter:
* Added compatibility with the Gen1 VC games (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow)
[spoiler=tldr]* Works mostly the same as it does with Gen5 games: The only thing it does is let you transfer the entirety of Box 1 one-way from that game to your Bank boxes. You still can't actually pick what you want to deposit like any kind of sane Box interface should.
* Mew cannot be transferred from English Gen1 games. It's allowed for Japanese copies only.
* Missingno is ignored and will not transfer, but its presence won't affect your ability to transfer other stuff
* Underleveled level-evolutions are blocked; my lv7 Blastoise can't be transferred (until I level it up).
* I haven't tested yet, but they probably block impossible movesets and broken nicknames
* They don't check much else; both my lv7 Gengar and my own-OT Mr. Mime can transfer without issues.
* All Pokémon transferred from Gen1 will have their hidden ability if one exists. In particular, this means you can't get something like a No Guard Machamp with Fissure because Gen1 Machamps will always have the Steadfast ability.
* All Pokémon transferred from Gen1 will have at least 3 maxed IVs
* Abilities and other attributes seem to be deterministic and based on factors like the Pokémon's level at the time of transfer
* Once transferred, Gen1 Pokémon are marked as Gen7-ified and cannot be withdrawn to Gen6 games[/spoiler]


January 30, 2017, 02:27:16 PM #354 Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 02:35:15 PM by the MIB the
alright so i made competitive pokes (ok so smogon-wise, they're uu at most lol but w/e I like experimenting with new pokemon)

Mimikyu w/ Figy Berry (may replace with Focus Sash, but Figy Berry has been pretty useful so far)
Adamant, 5IV, EV Spread: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Sp. Def
- Shadow Claw
- Play Rough
- Facade (idk may replace)
- Swords Dance

Pretty basic and standard set for Mimikyu.  Set up Swords Dance, get hit, have 2x Atk while having full HP- it's no wonder why this Pokemon is sought out.  

Bewear w/ Leftovers
Adamant, 5IV, EV Spread: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def.
- Hammer Arm
- Return
- Ice Punch
- Shadow Claw

Ok, to explain why I didn't focus on Speed, it's just shit with that stat and with trying make a competitive Bewear, you will most likely go second all the time in most formats.  So, to actually get at minimum two moves in (more if facing a Pokemon with Atk based moves), I maxed out HP.  Its ability honestly makes it so bulky that it makes up for the lack of Speed, Fluffy makes it so direct contact moves are halved in damage.  But Fire-Type moves do double damage.  So it basically has three weaknesses, Fighting, Psychic, and Fire, and Sp. Atk moves fuck it over.  But that's where the HP comes in.  With less concern about Speed, it makes using Hammer Arm not a bitch to use, because now you can use it with minimal consequences (unable to outspeed niche pokemon, nothing much tbh).  Shadow Claw is most definitely needed, you don't want to be locked with a Ghost-type.  This absolutely wrecks Battle Tree (even in Super Singles it can handle itself for a bit).  And in competitive settings, it's actually decent Pokemon. since most are still reliant on Phy. Atk.  444 HP, and 383 Atk, holy shit man, and the 197 Def is sound with Fluffy.  This thing is absolutely the shit.  

Bruxish w/ Aguav Berry (yeah I really like self-healing items, but it's a placeholder for now)
Jolly, 5IV, EV Spread: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def.
- Aqua Tail
- Psychic Fangs
- Ice Fang (Egg Move)
- Crunch

Although there are better alternatives, it's a cool looking glass cannon at the very least (imo anyway).  Has great coverage.  Most likely you're going to be using this as a sweeper more than anything with its stat distribution.  With its decent Attack, you may want to go with an Adamant one and use a Choice Scarf.   Though I thought that I'd like to use the item slot for something different so I kept up with the Speed and went with its normal Attack stat since it's decent enough.  Dazzling is a cool ability, no priority attacks, so it fucks over Sucker Punch.

Drampa w/ Wiki Berry
Quiet, 5IV, EV Spread: 126 HP, 126 Def. (honestly forgot how much I put in for those two specifically, but they add up to 252), 252 Sp. Atk
- Hyper Voice
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower

Last two moves are placeholders until I decide some decent attacks.  But yeah, 405 Special Attack after factoring nature, EV's and IV's, but lmao shit speed fuck.  Yeah prob. not working out in the end, does not have much bulk either.  But that's where the Berry comes in.  Though, I may just give it a Focus Sash, its ability raises its Special Attack if it's less than half, and the Berry defeats the purpose, but uhh well, it's just a placeholder and wasn't thinking right.  Not even a Choice Scarf will save this guy's ass.  But I liked its design and wanted to make something of it.  But I guess it's just a glass cannon, a really slow one at that...

Will cover a few other Pokemon soon.

Quote from: bluaki on January 24, 2017, 10:00:22 PM
Pokémon Bank finally got the Gen7 update today.

New changes in Bank:
* Able to transfer Pokémon to/from Sun/Moon while still maintaining compatibility with XYORAS
[spoiler=tldr]* If a Pokémon has ever been in Alola (whether caught there or transferred from Kalos), you can still deposit it and organize it together with your Gen6 Pokémon, but you cannot withdraw that specific Pokémon ever again to Gen6.
* Any Pokémon that has never been withdrawn to Sun/Moon can still be withdrawn to Gen6, even if it's sharing a Bank box with newer stuff[/spoiler]
* Bank now has a Pokédex: it gets automatically synced with every 3DS Pokémon game you use with Bank.
[spoiler=tldr]* The Pokédex shows you all the Pokédex entries you've gathered across all versions, forms, and languages and it tells you which games each Pokémon can be found in. It's a national dex.
* There is still no national dex available within Sun/Moon, you can only access one by using Bank. However, it seems Sun/Moon still keeps track internally of seen/caught data for non-Alola Pokémon, since for example after I synced my Moon version's Pokédex to Bank I saw seen entries for stuff like Kanto starters (from fighting Red) and owned entries for Island Scan stuff like Togepi and Cyndaquil.
* Bank also syncs some basic stats with each game, like how many eggs you've hatched or trades you've completed, and lets you see and compare those numbers between every game version you've synced
* When looking at the Pokédex, you can see a picture of each Pokémon's 3D model as a pre-rendered static image. It's uglier than in the actual games, but at least it's better than the Box sprite that Bank uses everywhere else.[/spoiler]

And PokéTransporter:
* Added compatibility with the Gen1 VC games (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow)
[spoiler=tldr]* Works mostly the same as it does with Gen5 games: The only thing it does is let you transfer the entirety of Box 1 one-way from that game to your Bank boxes. You still can't actually pick what you want to deposit like any kind of sane Box interface should.
* Mew cannot be transferred from English Gen1 games. It's allowed for Japanese copies only.
* Missingno is ignored and will not transfer, but its presence won't affect your ability to transfer other stuff
* Underleveled level-evolutions are blocked; my lv7 Blastoise can't be transferred (until I level it up).
* I haven't tested yet, but they probably block impossible movesets and broken nicknames
* They don't check much else; both my lv7 Gengar and my own-OT Mr. Mime can transfer without issues.
* All Pokémon transferred from Gen1 will have their hidden ability if one exists. In particular, this means you can't get something like a No Guard Machamp with Fissure because Gen1 Machamps will always have the Steadfast ability.
* All Pokémon transferred from Gen1 will have at least 3 maxed IVs
* Abilities and other attributes seem to be deterministic and based on factors like the Pokémon's level at the time of transfer
* Once transferred, Gen1 Pokémon are marked as Gen7-ified and cannot be withdrawn to Gen6 games[/spoiler]

ALSO, if you evolve a Gen 1 Pokemon into a future gen. Pokemon (ex: Porygon to Porygon2/Porygon-Z), the game will see it as an illegal Pokemon.  Yeah, they didn't really think this one through lmao.
Quote from: Travis on April 03, 2015, 10:52:52 PM
gotta eat the booty like groceries

Quote from: Travis on March 01, 2018, 08:44:39 PM
Quote from: reefer on March 01, 2018, 06:15:08 PM
Technology and globalism go hand and hand. If you want to be on the forefront of technology then you gotta be global

the earth is flat you globecuck


Quote from: the MIB the on January 30, 2017, 02:27:16 PM
ALSO, if you evolve a Gen 1 Pokemon into a future gen. Pokemon (ex: Porygon to Porygon2/Porygon-Z), the game will see it as an illegal Pokemon.  Yeah, they didn't really think this one through lmao.
I saw reports recently that a lot of players got banned from online play because of using illegal Pokémon. Will you really get banned for using something totally legit like this?

Detecting a Gen1-origin Porygon-Z as illegal sorta makes sense as a mistake, but why Porygon2? Everything else about the validity checks and even the shiny calculation seems to leave open the possibility of Gen2 VC games coming out later.

Also, I was wrong on a couple points:
* Broken nicknames aren't blocked, they're just translated into empty spaces.
* Mew can be transferred from the English VC games only if the OT/ID matches a specific event Mew that was distributed exclusively in the UK. US never got the event, but I guess the US/UK games are trade-compatible so it's still legal.


January 30, 2017, 03:50:53 PM #356 Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 03:54:55 PM by the MIB the
Quote from: bluaki on January 30, 2017, 03:08:16 PM
Quote from: the MIB the on January 30, 2017, 02:27:16 PM
ALSO, if you evolve a Gen 1 Pokemon into a future gen. Pokemon (ex: Porygon to Porygon2/Porygon-Z), the game will see it as an illegal Pokemon.  Yeah, they didn't really think this one through lmao.
I saw reports recently that a lot of players got banned from online play because of using illegal Pokémon. Will you really get banned for using something totally legit like this?

Detecting a Gen1-origin Porygon-Z as illegal sorta makes sense as a mistake, but why Porygon2? Everything else about the validity checks and even the shiny calculation seems to leave open the possibility of Gen2 VC games coming out later.

It's beyond that.  For it to have the Gameboy icon and still be legal, it needs to be of the original 151 Pokemon.  

Regarding the bans, it's only regarding people who edit their save files.  Illegal Pokemon are checked before battling online, if there's an issue, they deny you participation unless you change your team to get rid of the illegal Pokemon.  Editing save files have been an increasingly popular method to go the quick route.  I'm not entirely sure if it's before or after you register your game for Game Sync though.  But I'm thinking it's after you register for Game Sync since that's when the server actually checks your game for shady shit.  

Edit: Confirmed from another forum that post-Game Sync is when they ban you if you edit the save.  If you do it before you register for Game Sync, you won't get caught seeing how there's no routine check-up. 

Quote from: Travis on April 03, 2015, 10:52:52 PM
gotta eat the booty like groceries

Quote from: Travis on March 01, 2018, 08:44:39 PM
Quote from: reefer on March 01, 2018, 06:15:08 PM
Technology and globalism go hand and hand. If you want to be on the forefront of technology then you gotta be global

the earth is flat you globecuck


fucking POKEMON regionals have prize pots that surpass most smash tourneys wtf

read that a very recent one had $10k in it, and 1st place got 3k

I feel like I should get back into the grind, but VGC mostly focuses on doubles...

I think Frostbite 2017 (smash 4) only had a payout of 1.2k and that tourney was stacked as hell, especially with japanese smashers competing.
Quote from: Travis on April 03, 2015, 10:52:52 PM
gotta eat the booty like groceries

Quote from: Travis on March 01, 2018, 08:44:39 PM
Quote from: reefer on March 01, 2018, 06:15:08 PM
Technology and globalism go hand and hand. If you want to be on the forefront of technology then you gotta be global

the earth is flat you globecuck

Samus Aran

February 28, 2017, 06:12:17 PM #358 Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 06:36:05 PM by Shinobu Oshino
i've barely touched this since finishing up catching all the legendaries and such. mostly just because i've had so much else on my plate, but still, despite how much i love sun/moon, this is the quickest i've put down a pokemon game in a while.


Idk I wanted to put together a team but I don't want to bother with ivs and evs so I kinda said fuck it.

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