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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Started by Commander Fuckass, December 05, 2014, 09:15:30 PM

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how cool

5 wow, such zelda
4 (30.8%)
4 omg omg omg
4 (30.8%)
3 meh, this is the exciting zelda?
3 (23.1%)
2 looks bland, do not want
1 (7.7%)
1 poopy poop
1 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

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Edge Magazine
Feb 27, 2017
The result, for all the longevity of its series and the familiarity of the open-world genre, is a game that evokes feelings we haven’t known for 20 years. Not since Ocarina Of Time have we set foot in a world that seems so mind-bogglingly vast, that feels so unerringly magical, that proves so relentlessly intriguing. Plenty of games promise to let us go anywhere and do anything; few, if any, ever deliver on it so irresistibly. Nineteen years on, Ocarina is still held up as the high-water mark of one of gaming’s best-loved â€" and greatest â€" series. Now it may have to settle for second place.

[spoiler]Which game are we talking about TP or SS or BoTW? Every Zelda review says the same thing lol[/spoiler]


for someone who likes skyward sword you sure do seem to hate it a lot lol

like every single zelda game/high rated game in general i'm sure it will also follow the same cycle of: day 1 "holy fuck does anyone else feel like this is the BEST FUCKING GAME YOU'VE EVER PLAYED???", to a week later of non-stop "hmmm well i know everyone likes it but i'm gonna go against the grain and say it wasn't that great", to two more weeks later where it will hit the honestly, most overated zelda IMO status where it will sit in limbo until the next zelda game comes out, when everyone will start saying "you know, Zelda XYZ didn't really deserve the hate it got; I think it's a real gem in the rough of the series!!!". you can look forward to people liking skyward sword again in like two weeks like the same folks who have a weird fondness for TP now


tbh skyward sword wasnt thaaaaaat bad

dae remember the boss who looked like mike wazowski from monsters inc that was honestly really cool


i never got past the first temple in skyward sword lol hence my hesitance to really take a stance on it one way or another.

don't let's

I always liked TP but I got to the end on a couple days after getting it and didn't want to beat it that fast, so I took a break to play other stuff and finally came back to beat it after I think 2 years.

SS was alright to me too except the battery drain. And, as almost always, the transportation method gets old.


SS's biggest flaw was retarded Wiimote controls


Quote from: C.Mongler on March 01, 2017, 11:28:54 AM
i never got past the first temple in skyward sword lol hence my hesitance to really take a stance on it one way or another.
i was being facetious lamao

the best part of ss was the wiimote controls it was my dream come true. idk wtf kind of problems everyone else had.


I think wiimote controls in general are lame aside from basic party style games that are meant to be stupid and imprecise

Samus Aran

Quote from: ADX on March 01, 2017, 11:21:57 AM
dae remember the boss who looked like mike wazowski from monsters inc that was honestly really cool

no that was fucking dumb

Quote from: Khadafi on March 01, 2017, 01:32:07 PM
SS's biggest flaw was retarded Wiimote controls

no that's the only thing that sets it apart and was honestly done really well.

buuuut the game does over-rely on them, and yet doesn't vary its use of them enough. like, so many enemies just boil down to "cut vertically or horizontally" depending on how the enemy is oriented. while it's cool that enemies are like that to begin with, it's not cool that the game relies on this so heavily that nearly every fight is exactly the same and the developers were scared to put in any "normal enemies" that you just slash at however you want and they die (save for bats and slimes now and then).

the controls themselves are fine. admittedly a bit unwieldy at times, but remarkably intuitive and accurate enough for a game that isn't just a tech demo or a bunch of minigames, but an actual fuckin game.

Samus Aran

Quote from: YPargh on March 01, 2017, 02:02:01 PM
I think wiimote controls in general are lame aside from basic party style games that are meant to be stupid and imprecise

ur lame


nintendo: ok so for this one i want to make a kraken for the boss. and you shoot it in the eye. make it really cool ok guys?
team: got you fam
nintendo: great work team.


heh u got a good chuckle out of me on that one m8

Samus Aran

Quote from: steal on March 01, 2017, 04:15:25 PM
SS was pretty much the only (full, console experience) wii game that totally realized the motion controls in a good way imo. My only major gripe with that game was with the sky - flying was boring and there was nothing to really explore outside a handful of islands.

yeah the sky "overworld" is the most boring, empty thing. it took one of ww's only flaws and made it 100x worse

The spy who loves you

SS still had more to do in it than TP. It's actually my favorite entry to the series.

Majora's Mask shit's on any of them as far as sidequests but I think SS is overall the most fluide and complete 3d Zelda experience.

But with that said guys I am so stoked for this god damn game, I'm getting it on friday night and I haven't gone to a midnight launch since my teens so I can't wait. SS laid the groundwork for this and I am so glad Nintendo finally wised up and gave us the rejuvenation we need as far as gameplay mechanics go.

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