Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? Yes I'm Certain That It Happens All The T

Started by Socks, October 13, 2011, 11:39:19 PM

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There hasn't been much happening in my life recently. Sunday I had a party
at work, it was a christening--which I never had. The grandfather is a regular
and deals with import export stuff, so who really knows how he makes his money,
but he gave me and the other server $160 apiece as he shook our hands, in
addition to the regular bill tip. So yeah, it was a crazy amount, I made over
$300 that day and left pretty early. But I was tired and I knew we had off
tomorrow (State University) and fell asleep quickly. I was dissatisfied. Yesterday
there were people over our house visiting on account of my mother's injury and
back. Just relatives or friends of hers, most were Albanian and people whom
I know well. Nevertheless I dislike it when a bunch of other people are in my
house, be they strangers or not, I can't feel at ease or relax.

After hiding upstairs for most of that time and doing some school work, reading,
or going on the computer, I decided that I needed to go outside. I went for a
drive. No particular plan or action. Mostly to collect my thoughts, observe the
world and listen to the radio as I drift along the dark streets and feel the air
under pools of light. We have many hospitals in this area, and of course, how
could I not notice them? Each window that is lit is lit all night and all day
long. The hospital never sleeps. I imagine all of the doctors at work, the
nurses so busy and the administrators shuffling about, and even the work staff,
learning about physiology and performing their tasks. Each window led to a room,
each room held a patient, each patient had a story, and the life that lives
there is not known to all. It amazed me the immediacy and intertwined nature of
our detached and separate existence.

Just as I was slipping into insanity, and mesmerized by the puzzle of reality
all around me. As I reached my moment of profound loneliness and felt hopeless.
I saw a girl staring directly at me. I guess something must have told her of my
state of mind, because it seemed like she was trying to figure out a mystery,
and I could feel her in my soul. It was the most unexpected encounter. Here I
was trying to make a turn on the boulevard and there she was trying to perform
the same. So we were coincidentally stuck across from one another, no more than
two or three feet apart, cars abreast, I could reach out and touch her. Our
windows were both slightly open, and music was gently playing and forming a
combined melody.

Her unapologetic and non bashful stare startled me a bit, because it was so
obvious, and I quickly look away. But where was I going to go? I could feel her
piercing gaze still beaming at me. And in the peripheral of my vision I saw her
hand move out of the window. I had to look back. I was compelled to. I viewed
her just as I know how to look at a woman, and her honest reaction of interest
and politeness instantly won me over. Plus she was doing something sophisticated
and simple with her hand near her chin, like resting her hand or thinking. I
smiled with her and chuckled.

I said, (for I had to say something in what seemed like eternity but was really
no more than 30 seconds) 'You're going that way and I'm going this way, huh?'
Gesturing to the traffic. 'Which is a shame because you have beautiful eyes.' At
which she smiled this instant and gorgeous smile. And seemed like she had become
alive. It was true, her eyes were beautiful and big and so very blue, and she
was lovely. She might have wanted to say something but could not and did not
have time too. I thought it was great she could enjoy the moment and not talk it
away. As the traffic began to move I could see her smile fade and I had to belt
out what her name was, and craning out of my window as I reluctantly made the
turn, I hear 'Victoria' from a distace away, an accent clearly noticeable among
the cars and noise. It was pretty sad then. We looked at each other one last time
and the distance grew.

It dawned on me that she did not know who I was, nor was I even looking my best
at that juncture last night. But she saw and thought and imagined, and it struck
me, how no matter what she could conjure up about me, the truth was far more
interesting and deep. The allure was not merely a surface thing, but one of
those cases where it gets better the more you know and see. I contemplated
breaking all sorts of laws to make an illegal U turn and follow her. That was
irrational, I concluded, and just went home. If it was meant to be, I'll see her
again, and I will know exactly what to do then.

Ah, all done and in for the night! I just keep wondering why I should meet all of
the women I am interested in in such baffling and impossible ways? Is fate teasing me?
I am that guy turning over rocks looking for one to say made by God. And that is
how I live my life, you know?



I know. With my head down and my eyes pealed I have searched and searched in vain for her ever since. I have driven to the exact spot we met, turned at the precise time we happened upon the chance. Night after night. Nothing. I have lost what should have been found. And I feel like the bullet in the GUN of Robert Ford. I'm low as a paid assassin is, you know I'm higher than the coldest sword. I'm so shamed.


there's only one place to go...

[spoiler]craigslist missed connections [/spoiler]


You know what, Socks? After all your crazy incoherent ramblings, you finally wrote something good. Damn good.
Really, a well thought-out and even slightly moving story. Sounds like something out of a cheesy feel-good romcom.
Good luck in your search.


agreed if we had deardiary boyah columns (which I totally think we should) socks's would actually be worth reading most of the time.

The Hand That Fisted Everyone

Just once I would like to feel this.
a feeling of mutual admiration
even for just one second,
instead I get
18 year old girls
who weigh as much as the tractor they were pulled in on
telling me that I'm beautiful
telling me that they would attempt to deep throat my cock
across 6 states
every woman near me is a lesbian
or judgemental leftwinger
or is Slagathor
fresh off the mountain.

yep. snap snap snap.




Boogus Epirus Aurelius

Socks, I'd invite you over for drinks and shit if you lived anywhere near me.

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