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e3 consolation/skyward sword disappointment thread

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, June 05, 2011, 10:50:43 PM

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e3 2011

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but he rolled in the video... didn't he  doodhuh; doodhuh; doodhuh;


dat music dear god RUB IT

also for a "voiceless" character link sure does grunt a lot in ss lol goonish

Kalahari Inkantation

oh god

>director of oracle of ages/seasons, minish cap, and alttp remake (along with four swords) hidemaro fujibayashi is also the director of skyward sword
>sound producer of star fox 64 hajime wakai is a sound producer of sukaiwodo sodo
>sound producer of super mario galaxy 1 and 2 (oh my god @_@) mahito yokota is also a sound producer sukaiwodo sodomy

If this doesn't turn out to be at least as good as OoT, I will never purchase another Zelda game. dittodood;


It will be amazing or I will cry :'(


Quote- In this game, Zelda starts out as a childhood friend of Link's -- and not royalty. "She's not a princess this time," Aonuma said, "which is something I'll pretty much have to put forth right now in order to talk about this title. She's a childhood friend, but she goes away in the midst of the game and it's Link's job to search for her."

- The starting plot unfolds quite a bit differently from other Zeldas. "This game's plot is something like a school drama, you could say," Aonuma noted with a laugh. "The flying sequence at the E3 demo is Link competing against his classmates. One of them looks kind of a like a bad guy, as you saw, and he shows up in other ways in the game too, since he has a major thing for Zelda."

- Despite this, though, the game progresses in a somewhat similar fashion to a previous Zelda title. "The game starts in Skyloft, this city that's floating in the air, and you'll come back to this town multiple times," Aonuma said. "Things are always proceeding along in town, and in that respect it's very much like Majora's Mask. Like with Majora, there are a lot of game events involving the townspeople that get intertwined with the main story. Link, Zelda and their other friends all go to the same boarding school, and you've got teachers and a principal as well. It's a bit of a different setting from previous Zeldas."

- Aonuma's team is making a deliberate effort to give Link new items -- like the boomerang-beetle in the E3 demo -- early on in Skyward Sword. "With previous Zeldas," he said, "the common pattern was that the really neat items wouldn't show up until later on in the game. You need to have the basic item set or it wouldn't be Zelda, so the new items tended to get shunted to the latter part of the game. [Shigeru] Miyamoto said that had to change, like 'This is neat, let's bring it out from the start.' So a lot of neat new items will show up pretty early on."

- Is Skyloft the entire 'world' in this game? "Yes, it's only the people in Skyloft," Aonuma responded. "Nobody on there thinks anything of it, though, because living in Skyloft and flying around on birds is normal to them. They don't have any awareness of there being a mainland beneath the clouds and so forth -- that gets expanded upon once Zelda goes missing, and you get access to the areas under the clouds."

- Does everyone in Skyloft have their own personal avian transport? "It's the custom for each person to have one bird. Link has a red one, and it's actually a special and very rare breed of bird -- which is something that makes him get picked on, like 'Why do you get this fancy bird and we don't?!' But it turns out that you need that red bird in order to access the mainland. So the hand of fate gets involved here, like it always does in Zelda games sooner or later."

- Ghiraham, the enemy Link fought in the E3 demo's boss battle, is definitely going to be an important character in Skyward Sword. "The demo shows when you first meet him, and plainly he's looking down at Link, stopping his sword with his fingers and so forth," Aonuma noted. "In terms of story image he's kind of like Dark Link [from Ocarina of Time]; he sees right through Link's moves in battle. You can sort of swing your sword wildly and still hold your own against a lot of foes, but there's no way you can beat Ghiraham like that. You need to keep your distance and watch his moves, and it's something you'll need to change your strategy for. I think he's a pretty good change of pace as bosses go, and he'll change gradually throughout the game."

- Will Ganon show up? "This game talks about the birth of the Master Sword, and it touches on why Ganondorf showed up. If you play it, I think you'll get some understanding on that. It connects to Ocarina, so if you play Ocarina of Time 3D and move on to this game, I think you'll catch on to a lot of things."

- How's development going along? "The whole game is complete, and we're fine-tuning the balance right now. We were going to have it wholly done by around E3, but there's so much volume to it, neither I nor Miyamoto have gotten to fully play out every aspect. The non-English localizations are proceeding along now, and we're trying to make this a simultaneous worldwide release. You have to put Zelda all out at once or else the story's going to get spoiled -- although, really, there's a ton to enjoy here even if you know a little about the story beforehand."

p. cool

Kalahari Inkantation

not reading any of it too many spoils :'(


lol what how is any of that spoilers goowan

spoilers zelda is a girl

Kalahari Inkantation

Quote from: Nyerp on June 30, 2011, 12:54:01 AM
lol what how is any of that spoilers goowan

spoilers zelda is a girl

what i thought zelda was the green guy



Kalahari Inkantation

QuoteNintendo Power: It’s been a year since we last talked, and since I last played The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.  How has development gone?  Have there been any changes or unexpected occurrences during development?

Eiji Aonuma: Skyward Sword, in that year since you last played it, has really come along nicely.  We’re at that point where we’re applying polish and really trying to bring along the Japanese version, so it’s in its final stages.  Over the last two months or so, [Zelda series Creator] Mr. Miyamoto has been working with me and my group to help put the finishing touches on the game.  We want to continue working on it, and refine and polish it even further, so…I intend to be fully involved in that work for awhile.  And also, localization is obviously going to be underway soon.

Additionally, in regards to your question of what’s changed and what sort of things happened in the past year, I think we have succeeded in making a game that uses the Wii MotionPlus to provide some incredibly satisfying sword combat.  I feel that was a great success, but once we achieved that, it became a matter of saying, “How many other ways can we enrich gameplay?  How can we continue to flesh out gameplay experience?”  So a lot of our work has also focused on increasing the variety and richness of the gameplay, especially in this past year.

How would you characterize the game’s story?

As far as the story itself is concerned, one big point that makes it a very different experience is that in most Zelda games, the Master Sword has been something that Link seeks out, finds, and uses to destroy Gannon.  This time around, it’s more centered on the creation of the Master Sword"the way it was born, so to speak.  Link kind of forges it along the way.  It’s more centered on that, which is a different pattern than we have had in a lot of ways.

How would you describe the relationship between Link and Zelda in this game?

The relationship between the two of them is one of being great childhood friends.  They grew up together in Skyloft"this village on the clouds"and they have a great relationship.  Then something happens and Zelda is taken away, and Link must chase after her and dive into this world that he’s never ventured to, and no one’s ever been to before, in order to find her.  One thing that I think has been really distinct about this story is that Zelda is in no way a princess in the traditional sense.

Speaking of Zelda, what were your goals in designing her new look?

One of the things that I said before was that she is supposed to be Link’s childhood friends, so we tried to give her a design that made her feel sort of relatable and have that warmth to her.  But at the same time as you venture deeper into the story, you find a different side to her.  She’s this sweet childhood friend you have in the beginning, but as the story progresses and the gravity of the situation increases, she becomes someone who has a different side to her"someone who’s willing to face the tremendous fate that’s been placed on her shoulders.  So that’s something we tried to incorporate into the design of who she is.

Is there any significance to Zelda’s harp?  Is it the same harp that Sheik has in Ocarina of Time?

This time around, the harp comes into Link’s hands during the course of the game and is used to help the player find something important.  You actually need to play the harp to use it, so to speak.  The design is the same as the harp that Sheik has in Ocarina of Time.

Is it safe to say that the harp is the game’s musical component?

Yes, the harp is sort of the central instrument hat you’ll see this time.  With a lot of previous Zelda games it has been about inputting specific notes to compose things.  Given the nature of what a harp is, and the fact that it’s an instrument that one strums, this time we’re using the Wii MotionPlus to really make it based on the rhythm of strumming to get across the musical element.

Given the orchestral performance of Zelda music at Nintendo’s E3 press conference, can we expect Skyward Sword to have a fully orchestrated soundtrack?

I wouldn’t call it completely orchestrated, because we have decided in certain situations and parts of the game to use music based on what the Wii can synthesize in order to provide more effective music.  But there are quite a few songs during the course of the game that are fully orchestrated and recorded.

I’ve also been wondering about this Lord Ghirahim.  Who is he, and why is he so creepy?

Thinking about Gannon, the prototypical villain in the Legend of Zelda series"he’s a very masculine, powerful, evil character that anyone can look at and realize is your archenemy in the game.  This time around, I thought that if we featured a character similar in presentation to Ganon, it really wouldn’t make that much of a difference and that new character wouldn’t have much impact.  I wanted to make to make a character that contrasted what people think about Ganon"someone who is a little bit mysterious and kind of makes people think, “well, I don’t really know what to make of this somewhat terrifying character.”  That was sort of my goal in making a character like Ghirahm, and that’s basically why I did that.

Is he related to Vaati from The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap and The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures?  He’s also very white and has similar eye makeup.

Well, the director on the project this time around is Mr. Fujibayashi, who also worked on Minish Cap.  Perhaps there’s something about Mr. Fujibayashi’s sensibilities in regards to design that might have influenced both characters.  But beyond that, I don’t think so.

Ghirahim also reminds me a lot of David Bowie.

[laughs] I can certainly see that.  One of the things that relates to what I said about contrasting Ganon is that he does have a sort of unisex-like, genderless feel to him.  I can certainly see the resemblance there.

Where does Skyward Sword fall in the timeline?  Does it come between Minish Cap and Ocarina of Time?

Well, calling it the first Zelda might sort of box me in, but what I would like to say is that it does come before Ocarina of Time.

That probably means we won’t be seeing Ganon then, right?

Yes, that’s right.  Ganon typically appears in a Zelda game when the story is centered around the Triforce.  This time around, the Triforce sort of takes on a different meaning and plays a different role in the story.  So because of that, Ganon will not appear.

Who are the characters with Link at the start of the bird race?  Not just the competitors, but also the older guy.

The people you saw in the opening scene are part of"we don’t have an official name for it yet"a sort of academy, a knight academy, that Link is a part of and [they] oversee the school, and [the people are] also his classmates.  So in that sense, this is a game that really puts Link in a different context and a different environment.

When it comes to the birds, will you be riding them more than just in the race minigame that’s been shown?  Will they be a form of transportation?

No, the birds aren’t just for racing in this game.  In the context of the story, Link lives in this world above the clouds, but eventually has to dip below to the surface world in order to move things forward.  So [the birds] are a key to accessing those areas.  In addition to that, there’s a vast world above the clouds as well"little islands floating in the sky all over the place that you can explore, and there are events and scenarios that play out there as well, which are accessed by riding your bird.  But one thing I’d like to emphasize is, when you think about it"for example, how Spirit Tracks had the train and Wind Waker had the boat you rode around in"there’s a lot of stuff that happens when you’re in transit.   [The Bird is] sort of a new form of that mechanic in that it’s a vehicle that allows you to do other things and takes you to other places.[/spoiler]

why did i read this smithicide;


Quote from: Tectrinket on July 23, 2011, 10:13:15 AM
[spoiler]No, the birds aren’t just for racing in this game.  In the context of the story, Link lives in this world above the clouds, but eventually has to dip below to the surface world in order to move things forward.  So [the birds] are a key to accessing those areas.  In addition to that, there’s a vast world above the clouds as well"little islands floating in the sky all over the place that you can explore, and there are events and scenarios that play out there as well, which are accessed by riding your bird.  But one thing I’d like to emphasize is, when you think about it"for example, how Spirit Tracks had the train and Wind Waker had the boat you rode around in"there’s a lot of stuff that happens when you’re in transit.   [The Bird is] sort of a new form of that mechanic in that it’s a vehicle that allows you to do other things and takes you to other places.[/spoiler]
oh god yes RUB IT

Kalahari Inkantation


dat music AWESOME

dat boss being the single gayest creature in video game history AWESOME


Quote from: Tectrinket on July 24, 2011, 10:17:08 AM

dat music AWESOME

dat boss being the single gayest creature in video game history AWESOME

dat muzak RUB IT

also >implying kirby doesn't exist


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