Part 1:U just moved from New Jersey to Stanford Canada U use to be pretty but ur

Started by burzumfan420, January 27, 2011, 05:50:52 PM

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ur mom changed u to a nerd what happens when Justin and his crew bully u but one of them finds out ur secret

Ok ur scene(yeah ur asking"why does almost every quiz of urs I gotta be scene!?"well I'm scene-.- so deal with it-.-)ur name is amber ur 16 and u were popular at jersey but ur mom had to move for work and she changed u and u look like this: but with glasses.{STORY}mom:amber wake up it's ur first day of school! U:school is for losers! Mom:come on!don't make me get the bucket! U sat up:I'm awake! U go take a quick shower and do u hair(how ya look is how u did it)and put ur glasses on skinny jeans black convers and a black and white checkers shirt and a purple jacket(btw ur shirt had gir on it)and a purple bow in ur hair and u did ur makeup btw.SCHOOL. Btw u skateboarded to school u enter and everyone looks at u and whispers to their friends and giggles u ignore them and take ur paper thingy for ur classes. U:english not suprised... MG(mystery girl):hi my names Christy! U:amber*smiles*hey umm do u know where mrs.Johnsons class is?(English techers name) Christy:oh yeah here hand it to me! U hand it to her. Christy:u have every class with me exeput(spelling?)gym! U:cool! Christy and u started chatting and getting along till u saw them. U:hey who are they? U saw one boy kissing a girl and the other talking and flirting with girls who passed by.Christy:ugh! The dude kissin the girl is- MG(mystery guy):Justin;). Christy:yeah-.- MG2:Chaz cutie;). MG3:Ryan sweet thang;). MG4:and I'm always last-.-christain. U:hey?my names- Christy:well bye! She grabs ur arm and pulls u to the girls bathroom(she is scene to) u:what was that all about!? Christy:they are players u don't wanna be friends with them trust me!! U:uhh ok. U guys walk out and see the guys. Justin:what was ur name cutie;). U:walk away before I kill u:). Justin:fisty(spelling?)I like that;). U:perv..*rolls eyes* Ryan:hey don't be like that;). U:u guys are just pervs who play with girls hearts and go for someone new! Justin:well that's true but we can keep em for awhile;). U:ugh ur such a perv! U and Christy go to class. CLASS. Mrs.J:ok today we are going to have a project and go to a trip in 3 weeks!so remember ur partners! Blah blah blah blah Christy and Ryan Chaz and Christain and Justin anddddd amber! U:say what!? Justin:*says quietly*I'm get her in my pants!(He wouldn't say that for realxD) mrs.j:is there a problem? U:no... Ok I'm gonna skip to gym! Dogeball day! U:shit I'm bad at this... U had Justin Chaz and other girls and guys on ur teamn(caption was Maggie) Maggie:*kisses Justin*goodluck babe;). Justin:u to;). U guys play and it was only u Justin Maggie and other team was Lilly(popular girl)and her group(Maggie is in it to but Chaz chose her on his team for Justin and Lillys friends are holly and Taylor) u were about to get hit in the face but Justin blocked it with another ball. Justin:u aiight;). U:thx.... Justin:no prob shawty;). Maggie gives Lilly the look of"throw it hard at her!" she did and Justin blocked u again...this time he got hit in the face. Lilly:oh shit.. Maggie:damnit lilly! Everyone rushes to Justin so do u(duh u were by himxD) Justin:huh what happened!? Coach:alright someone call the nurse! Maggie calls the nurse. OFFICE WHATEVERxD. U enter:u ok Justin? Justin had an ice pack on his right cheek:*smiles*yeah! U:if u didn't block it u wouldn't be here! Justin:i wanted to save that pretty face;). U:bye! U go back to class. LUNCH. U were walking to Christy when someone smashes ur tray at u so food is all over u. Justin:that's what u get nerd! U:ok a few hours ago u were nice and flirty now ur a jerk! Justin:whatever nerd! He turns back to his crew and puts his arm around maggies shoulder. U grab someone milk carten(spelling?)and u pour it all over Justin. Justin:it's on! U:what do u mean!? Justin:ull see*smiles evily* u go to Christy. Christy:ur screwed! U:what? Christy:Justin doesn't give up easily!! U:yeah sure! U start eating.AFTER SCHOOL.u see Justin walking in a house(u just moved it:P) u:Justin is that u?(shouted) Justin:*smiles evily*let the game begin! He walks in his house u:fuck! U have a balconey. U run upstaris(ur mom works alot so she Is gone alot) u see nothing wrong so u grab a book and something just flings and oatmeal goes all over u. U:JUSTIN! Justin comes out of ur closet laughing with a camera. U:asshole!u were nice like hours ago now ur acting like a dick! Justin:look after u left I thought about!u are a nerd!I hate gay ass emo nerds!*smiles and almost leaves* u:*tackle him*what did u say! Justin:GAY ASS EMO NERDS! U slap him very hard and kicks his balls. Justin:ow fuck!u fucking bitch! U:I'm scene u asshole! Justin:*gets up*this isn't over bitch! U:I'll get revange! Justin:I'll keep going till u lose! U:fine! He leaves. U:what the fuck did I just say!? Next Day. U wake up and do everything and wear black skinny jeans black convers and a neon green bow and a neon green shirt that said"rarw means I love u in dinosaur"with a Dino.and u grab ur backpack and go(it has gir on it) school. Justin:goodluck! U:ur the one who needs it!LUNCH. Ur sitting with Christy and u guys are talking. Justin glares at u and comes over to u:here amber:). Hands u a cupcake(he licked it and the other guys did to so it don't taste goodxD) u:thanks? U lick it and cover ur mouth. Justin:like me and the guyses tounges? U:omfg!! U go to the bathroom and throw up. Christy:ur a asshole Justin! Justin:back at u emo bitch! Christy stops walking and turns to Justin and shouts:least I didn't have sex with every girl in this room! Justin:uhhhh w-w-what are u uhh talkin about!?(nervously he said it) all the girls start going to him and yelling at him and Christy goes to help u. Christy:u ok? U:I hate Justin! Christy:come on let's go! English. Mrs.j:ok class insted of 3 weeks waiting to go to new jersey we're going tommorw! U:YES! Everyone looks at u and the crew laughs. U sit back down. U:sorry... get packing and get ready we are leaving at 8:30! Everyone:ok after school. Justin wasn't there yet so u cooked brownies but put something that makes u uhh go number 2 alotxD(don'tknoa what it's called) u go to justins room and put it on his bed and write:"ur right!I can't win! Love amber" u go get ur camera and hide and record when he comes in(hiding in his closet) Justin:haha I knew it! He takes one and takes a bite and his stomach starts feeling weird u giggle. Justin:omg! He goes to the bathroom really fast. U start laughing. Justin comes out:U! u:hello! Justin:ull-oh crap! He goes to the bathroom againxD u go back to ur room and lock ur balconey just in case he comes and peeks at ur bra and stuff.u started at 4:00 pm and finished at 9:37 u charge ur iPod and go to sleep. Justin opens the door quietly and opens ur suitcase and finds ur thong. Justin:oh my god...*says quietly*she wears a thong... He puts it in his pocket(haha perv well in this story)and closes ur suitcase and lights his flashlight and looks around ur room and finds ur diary! He opens it and reads the middle page. Justins mind: Justin:dear diary, I finally got away from jersey!now I'm going back great the barbies are gonna call me a slut!fucking backstabbers!all I did was do a dare to have sex with a guy!I hate them! Justin puts it back where he found it and was shocked and looked at u sleepying end of his silly cute mindx]. Justin:why would u do that..wait*smiles evily*I got a plan! Next day u grab ur iPod and suitcase and ur mom drives u to school. Mom:bye! U:bye love ya! Mom:love u to! Class. J:ok let's go! Bus. J:sit with urnpartners please no one was listening cause they were talking j:umm class class?CLASS! everyone stares at her. J:sit with ur partners! Everyone does it. U listen to bullet for my valentine room 409(that song is da bomb!)full volume. Justin:amber..amber!AMBER! u:what? U take ur earphones off. Justin:heard u had sex... U:u didn't! Justin:*looks at u*I did!>:). U:don't tell anyone!in new jersey they call me a slut and stuff that's why we moved!well that and my mom got transfered here! Justin:maybe... U:come on! U listen to ur iPod again.JERSEY. U:Christy help! Christy:I'm sorry me and Ryan have a musem to dinosaurs! Btw u wore black convers and skinny jeans and a sky blue bow and a black shirt that said"I am mclovin!" haha Superbad:D. U:fuck me and Justin have a art musem! Musem. U guys start looking and find hr favorite painting Vince vango the swirly thingy of that castle at night(I don't know what it's called!sorry) u:huh. Justin:what? U:i never thought I would be here again seeing my favorite painting:). Justin:oh:). U glance over to see more paintings and u see the girl who started calling u a slut. U:oh shit she's coming! Justin:what? U looked around to hide but she was coming closer to u grabbed justins face and kissed him. She passed u guys without know u were u(what the fuck did I just explain to u?xD)u:*pull away quick*god do every brush ur teeth!ugh! Justin:hey!don't act like u didn't like these lips;). U:I hated them-.-I didn't have any choice!no where to hide! U did kinda like his bieber lipsxD and why the fuck am I saying good stuff smexi stuff about him?xD Justin:lies! U:shut up!ok I stop there:P peace!and I know this sucks butnplease sen it to ur friends!!please!!xoxo carebear follow me plz:]



Die for Dethklok


Beautiful faces, is a big mistery. Why a girl is beautiful or not? Rostros hermosos, es un gran misterio. ¿Por que una mujer es hermosa y otra no lo es?


Quote from: villinman666 on January 28, 2011, 07:17:06 PM
Beautiful faces, is a big mistery. Why a girl is beautiful or not? Rostros hermosos, es un gran misterio. ¿Por que una mujer es hermosa y otra no lo es?

hnnnggg your translation is wrong
The Spanish says:  Why is one woman beautiful, and another isn't?
Die for Dethklok

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