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Movies - you've seen recently?

Started by The artist formally known, November 27, 2008, 08:46:14 PM

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The artist formally known

Quote from: Veal on May 15, 2009, 12:38:59 AM
The ending to Vanilla Sky SUCKED. It sucked.

If you want to feel better about your twist endings, watch Identity. The movie is built around twists.
I will.

Heavy Metal 2000 - It was pretty silly, the ending was like "okay whatever, don't care." Lots of tits and gore for a little animated movie with the silly crappy 3d effects of a camera turning around just to show off that it's from the year 2000 though it looks more 80s in the long run. The story was just "eh" with some surprising scenes like an almost rap scene. I didn't know this but it's a sequel to the original Heavy Metal.



The artist formally known

Quote from: Crazy Fucking Raccoon on May 16, 2009, 01:46:48 PM
Princess Mononoke
Awesome Movie

Quote from: Crazy Fucking Raccoon on May 16, 2009, 07:47:33 PM
2001: A Space Odyssey
Awesome Movie

I plan on watching The Cell for the first time tonight.

The artist formally known

May 17, 2009, 11:07:19 PM #529 Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 12:00:21 AM by reefer
I decided on compiling all my mini-reviews for all the movies I've seen since I started doing this, since November 27th, 2008. I put the year by the movies that share a title with other movies. Suggestions for movies for me would be awesome, feedback is good too. Enjoy.


145 movies
6 months and 20 days (202 days)
17,452,800 seconds
0.72 movies a day
23.39 movies a month
8.308 x 10-6 movies a second.

2LDK - My friend loves watching low budget Asian movies, he brought it over. The first 40 minutes leads up to a 20 minute fight scene between the two female main characters. It was decent, the special effects were awful but that usually makes it more funny.

28 Weeks Later - What the shit? They're obviously a take on the zombie movie genre. It had some cool scenes, the helicopter. But fuck it was really about how the government would fuck us over if there were zombies. It reminded me of The Blindness but with zombies and not cool.

2001: A Space Odyssey - Great movie, though I can how someone can dislike it. It's a bit slow though the scene of Bowman dismantling HAL was great. The deep red room in which Bowman floats around in while HAL is asking what he is doing. The monkeys as the first one discovers how to use tools and they overcome the others.

Angel-A - Pretty great movie, directed by Luc Besson who also directed The Fifth Element. It's a story of a guy who is in debt and goes to off himself when he finds a woman doing the same. There were some really cool shots of the two just walking, shes supposed to be really really tall though shes is only 5'10', the main character, the male, is just really short (5'5'.) The film is in a black and white without reason besides artistic maybe.

Be Kind, Rewind - I wanted to see it because it was directed by Michel Gondry, he also directed The Science of Sleep and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. I'm kind of disappointed in the movie, I didn't expect too much. I loved the other two movies and have yet to see Human Nature. There were some cool scenes but overall it was a pretty lacking movie.

Bubba Ho-Tep - After seeing Bruce Campell's The Man with the Screaming Brain I dreaded seeing another movie with him in it. Bubba Ho-Tep is a story of a man in a retirement home who thinks he is Elvis Presley and his black friend who thinks he is J.F.K. go to fight a mummy. The special effects are decent and the story is a little wacky. Lots of penis jokes.

A Clockwork Orange - I actually never seen it all the way through so I decided I would. It's a great movie as most say. I had to watch it in three parts because of my sleepiness recently but it was worth it. The vocabulary was so awesome, probably one of the reasons why the movie is held so high.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind - After watching this and 2001: A Space Odyssey I get the feeling that back then in the 60s and 70s movies could be very slow and the scenes could drag on. Both movies are very popular and both have very slow dragging scenes, though in 2001 it sets the isolate feeling while in Close Encounters it doesn't add anything but length to the movie. Watch only for cultural purposes, not for entertainment.

Coraline - Pretty awesome. The 3D was very subtle most of the time and was a nice touch. I enjoyed it very much. I can't wait for the next three movies from Pixar, all three of them are in 3D. Up, then The Bear and the Bow, then Newt. Coraline felt much like another dimension with very dream-like characters and a very dream feeling because of the 3D. No boobs.

Crash (1996) - I don't know what to say, it was quite a odd movie. Pretty sexy too, I was satisfied with it. All the movies I've seen of David Cronenberg always make me forget about the plot and just enjoy the visuals. This movie was quite more of the same, but lots more sex. Lots of cool visuals, enjoyed the camera angles in the first crash. How the camera shows his grip on his belt buckle and such.

Crash (2004) - I've seen it before. The movie had a piece of excellence butfell short for me because it seemed like a bunch of movies piled into one. If all the characters interacted with each other a lot more it would have been better, and of course the less of a focus on racism and stereotypes. A little sad.

Dawn of the Dead (1978) - Very respectable movie but I feel that it could have been so much better. The zombies are
just blue faced people. It seems like the last 30 minutes were thrown in there as a way for them to escape from the mall. It's a good movie and mostly just fun to watch with a friend just so you can make fun of it.

Day of the Dead (1985) - I watched it a long time ago, but not all the way through. Bubs is awesome. Special effects were so fucking awesome in this movie compared to the previous three (Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead.) I'd have to say it's my favorite of the three.
Dead Alive - That was one of the most disgusting gory movies I've ever seen. It's somewhat of a zombie movie, I guess it received the award from Guinness for the most fake blood ever in a movie. The ending monster was great. You'll feel dirty after seeing this movie.

Deception - I got it in the mail, I didn't remember putting it on my list. It was good, a little 'duh.' I don't recommended trying to watch it but if it comes upon you it's worth the time.
Dracula (1992) - aka Bram Stroker's Dracula - It was good, more of a love story then a horror film. Based most closely on the book than any other movie of the Dracula sort.

Drugstore Cowboy - The music was that of a 1950's detector movie. It felt like a less stylized version of Spun though it showed a little bit more drug use. It showed the most detailed steps to how to shoot up. It was alright. I enjoyed the shenanigans he pulled with the detective and the neighbor with the gun.

Eagle Eye - What a ridiculous movie, though I didn't pay attention towards the latter half of the movie I didn't like it. Jesus Christ it's one of the most ridiculous movies I've seen. I probably didn't like it because Arnold wasn't in it.

The Eraser - What a great movie, it was the most cliche action movie but was still good. The story was well thought out. Not as cool as Total Recall but it might be better than The Terminator (not T2.)

Eraserhead - Me and my friend put symbolism on everything and it made the movie, I guess you could say "less painful." It's not a horrible movie, it's just a David Lynch movie. It'll make sense if you watch it, my explanation that is, not the movie.

The Fifth Element - I watched half of it so far, it's not as good as people say it is and not as good as I remembered. Has some cool things and the visuals are just fun to view. The lady is pretty hot too and you do see a little bit of her itty bitty titties. Planning on watching the second half soon.

First Blood (aka Rambo 1) - Just so you don't get confused this is the oldest Rambo movie, not the 2008 movie. It was quite a bit different than that I had imagined. Rambo, a Vietnam veteran, is hassled by cops (who are fucking assholes by the way) when he runs away from them and gets in a little war of his own, literary. It's my favorite out of the first two movies and the fourth (named Rambo.)

First Blood: Part II (aka Rambo 2) - I didn't like it as much as the first because Rambo seemed invincible in this one while the first he was just fighting cops, this one he takes on Russia and Vietnam. The first movie showed how misunderstood he was as a war hero while this one shows how much of a hero he is.

Ghost World - What a lovely movie, I loved it. The characters are very defined and all of them are just awesome. The guy at the bus stop, the red neck at the convenient store, the main character as well.

Halloween (1978) - Why is this such a hit? Only reason I respected the movie is because it was made by people who don't usually make movies. The opening is done great, tits and all but after that it's like an hour of Michael Myers appearing and disappearing. I still want to look into the rest of the movies, especially Rob Zombie's.

Hannibal - This is the sequel to Silence of the Lambs, it continues the story of serial killer Hannibal Lecter who has escaped from imprisonment. Though Hannibal isn't as awesome as he was in the first movie Hannibal is still a great sequel. One thing I just have to get out of the way is Clarice Starling's character's appearance is very noticeably different. What the fuck happened? Anyways as like the first movie there are parts that just don't make sense. How did the human eating boars get all the way to the US? The final scene in the movie is awesome and just shows how truly twisted Hannibal is. A great film with some blemishes that are easy to ignore.

The Happening (2008) - My parents rented it, I didn't expect much and wasn't disappointed only because I knew it wouldn't contain much. There were a couple of cool scenes, such as the two grandmothers kitting with gas masks.

Heavy Metal 2000 - It was pretty silly, the ending was like "okay whatever, don't care." Lots of tits and gore for a little animated movie with the silly crappy 3d effects of a camera turning around just to show off that it's from the year 2000 though it looks more 80s in the long run. The story was just "eh" with some surprising scenes like an almost rap scene. I didn't know this but it's a sequel to the original Heavy Metal. Overall it felt like Titan AE but more adult.

Hellraiser - That was so fucking awesome. So much gore and an awesome story to boot.

Horton Hears a Who! - It had its moments, some of the characters just pissed me off, the gothic kid was a bit lame. The monkeys were fucking awesome, jesus. Horton had some great scenes but most everyone in Who-ville were just bad characters. Of course this is a kids movie, I liked it overall.
The Host - What ever you do, watch the English dub because the dubbing is awful. It's like Godzilla but with better special effects.

Into the Wild - Such a sad movie. Based on a true story too, I can't say it's an amazing movie, but the story is (only because it's true.) Being able to throw everything away and start a life discovering nature. The end note made my hair stand up, it showed a picture of the actual Chris. Chris was a ittle too sure of himself though.
Jurassic Park - Beautiful though cheesy. Special effects are some of the best, even today.

Kung Fu Panda - The "fight" scene was good and the story had a little moral to it, decent kids movie. I find it a little shallow and didn't show that much creativeness to it like other movies that are for kids. Coraline for example.
The Life of David Gale - I love Kevin Spacey, the movie was great while the ending was brilliant, why couldn't they get a better title to the movie though?

Lolita (1962) - It was pretty okay. Sue Lyon, the 14 year old (who is really 16) was a great character but I don't see how it compares to any of his other works; maybe it's because of the subject matter is quite adult for the 60s. The ending made the movie better.

The Man with the Screaming Brain - Directed by Bruce Campbell. I love Army of Darkness as much as anyone but this movie was terrible. One of the worst movies ever. About a guy who has a brain transplant and wants to kill the girl who killed him in the first place. Steaming pile of crap, The Happening was better than this pile.

Marley & Me - I saw it with my girlfriend, mom, and dad. My mom wanted to see a happy uplifting movie for x-mas. As the movie was ending my girlfriend and mom were crying because it was so sad. I admit it was quite sad though. There were scatters of funny parts but mostly it was just a movie about people being angry and sad.
Me and You and Everyone we Know - Some great ass scenes. A little out of place bits but those bits are great.

Obsessed (2009) - Very Hollywood movie. It was pretty typical and the ending was pretty predictable. It's a fun movie to watch with friends that enjoy a simple movie with some decently sexy women.

Old Boy - Great movie, watched it in Korean with English subs then in English dubs. The scene where he cuts out his tongue is so fucking hilarious in English. I can't say it's one of my favorite movies but seeing it made me a better person. Watch it in Korean if you want to take it serious, watch it in English if you want a comedy.

Palindromes - A great movie, though it's a bit confusing because of what the ending reveals. I love that there is a armless singer in the movie.

Party Monster - Need to rewatch it but it was pretty neat. Pretty crazy story that is actually a true story.

Pineapple Express - What a fucking weird movie. I'm surprised I haven't seen more movies like it, over the top action movie with every last thing going wrong. I'm sure the movie would have been better if the actors were better but overall it's a good movie. Lots and lots of weed. No boobs.

Planet Terror - What the shit this was awesome. One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. So many well done zombie-like monsters with great make-up. One of the best zombie-like movies I've ever seen.

Primer - Though the story is confusing, this is true for most all time traveling movies. I found it very awesome, especially because it's an independent film, done for about $7,000. I like the movie because the director, Shane Carruth, has a little different explanation of time travel. It's well thought out and Shane Carruth is the starring role, director, producer, writer, cinematographer, and about ten other things. A great sci-fi movie thats not too weird. Towards the end the movie gets pretty confusing and parts of the movie you might have a hard time hearing the characters because of the poor job on sound but it's forgivable since it's such a low budget movie. Still a great movie. Carruth chose not to dumb down the movie and I'm very happy for it.

Purple Rain - This is one of Prince's movies. One of the songs can be seen in the end of Clerks 2. The music in between the scenes were a band plays on stage are just awful, it's like a movie about music but some of it is just so awfully cheesy. I do like the movie but maybe only because of the 80s feeling it gives off.

Rambo III - I enjoyed it but it's not even close to memorable like the first two. Some scenes almost mirror the earlier movies and feel reused.

Rushmore - Good movie. Wes Anderson movies all have the same feeling, a very nice feeling of warmth. I can't exactly describe it but I love how his movies all feel like his. He has a very specific style and if you lined all his movies he's directed up, you can tell they're his.

A Scanner Darkly - Such a weird movie, I think it's because of the hard to follow plot and the animation. I love the animation and some of the characters, specifically Charles Freck.

Scanners - I don't know what to think of the movie, parts were awesome and some parts were so lame and very hard to follow. The first 20 minutes and the story were so awesome but the acting was pretty awful, not that over the top acting like Arnold Schwarzenegger's, more like under reactions as well as over reactions. The ending leads into the 2nd movie which isn't even on DVD. What a rip.

Seven Pounds - Overall a really Hollywood movie. It was a decent movie. The jelly fish were so fucking awesome.

The Shining (1990) - I've decided to watch all of Stanley Kubrick's movies from Lolita and above. I've seen it before as a child but it was great to watch it again. Some of the scenes are just so memorable, the child on his big wheel riding down the hotel. The sound of the wheels as they drive on the carpet and on the hard wood. The music is so amazing, it makes you feel the way the scenes only hint at.

The Silence of the Lambs - Awesome movie. Hannibal is such a great character, though the clues he gives no one would be able to guess them as good as the main character Clarence. I'm planning on watching more of the Hannibal movies.

Sin City - Slightly disappointed in the over stylized artwork with lacking special effects. I guess you can say that the special effects, like when that guy slaps the girl so hard that she flies with the chair, are comic book-like. The story is good yet the ending leaves a lot unfinished. Of course there is a sequel coming out and a third too.

Slacker - I like the movie, just a movie about random conversations with people. The director has created some characters many people can relate to. Not as pseudo-intellectual feeling as Waking Life, though I like both.

Spun - Directed by Jonas Ã…kerlund. He's directed lots of music videos and this was his debut film. At parts I got really anxious because of all the scenes switching back and forth. I really liked "Frisbee," because I could relate to his hobbies. Video games and metal, though he also did meth. He also wore some cool hats. It was a good movie, though it wasn't exactly well thought out and didn't really contain an actual story, just some plots that intertwined. Had some funny camera work, like a wrestler (on tv) gave a fully facial expression to a character's quirky statement, as if the wrestler was reacting to that character.

The Squid and the Whale - I wasn't even remotely surprised to see in the credits that it was produced by Wes Anderson. It's a story about two brothers going through a divorce in the 1980's. All of the characters have very distinguishable personalities. I enjoyed the movie though it is a little sad and never lightens up.

Step Brothers - It was alright. Parts were over the top. Lots of penis jokes.

Sukiyaki Western Django - What the shit. It has the wackiness of Kill Bill, but not the cool storyline. The movie is overall just a beautiful looking piece of work with little story. I ultimately watched it because Quentin Tarantino acted in it. It's a good movie.

Taken - I liked the movie but it felt like 007 but not as well thought out. An FBI guy goes out and kills 3,125,215 people for his daughter. Very very very action packed but without thought. Just straight action.

The Terminator - So many people died. The movie opens with two naked dudes running from the cops. Boobs

Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Jesus Christ I thought nothing would kill that guy. Bigger explosives but not as many deaths. Good movie.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - Before watching it I sort of dreaded watching Terminator 3 because I've only heard bad about it. Sure T-X, the terminator sent to kill John Connor lacked a personality unlike that of Terminator 2's T-1000, the terminator sent to kill John Connor as a child. Another thing about this movie that was just crap was that it held the same story as the first two. A terminator goes to kill John Connor (or his mother in the first movie) and someone else is sent back in time to stop this from happening. All I can sum Terminator 3 into is "more of the same." Terminator Salvation will hopefully break the tired mold and show the real thing any Terminator fan has been waiting for. Now with all the great CGI we have today I'll defiantly see Terminator Salvation. Too bad the director also directed Charlie's Angels, but on the bright side there is always Christan Bale.

Titan AE - I saw last night. Had a mix between 2D animation and 3D CGI. Made for a silly mix. Hilariously awful lyrics and soundtrack but overall it was a decent teenager's sci-fi movie.

Trainspotting - I've read Filth by Irvine Welsh, the author of the book Trainspotting. The movie seems to fit the style of Irvine Welsh. Scottish dialogue. Some scenes just always seem to impress me, the toilet scene is just awesome. I always forget about him traveling down into it.

Tropic Thunder - Wow, that was a sub-par movie.

Twenty Bucks - It's a story of a $20 bill, while there are characters, it's just a camera following the life of the bill. The movie's story is good though the feeling of the movie isn't. I liked it.

The Usual Suspects - Jesus Christ I love Kevin Spacey. An awesome movie. I didn't expect too much from it but I was mistaken. The story was great, with awesome awesome dialogue and the ending was great.

Vanilla Sky - I've been meaning to watch it, I have the original movie too (Abre los Ojos directed by the same guy who directed The Others, a better movie,) probably better but decided to watch the Americanized version first. It was okay, the movie is supposed to have a big plot twist at the end, which "sure" it did. The plot twist was very lame in my opinion, it wasn't just thrown out there but it was pretty obvious something was abnormal. I liked it but still felt out of place, it isn't worth watching twice and barely worth watching the first time.

Wall-E - Movie rules.

Welcome to the Dollhouse - I remember seeing pieces of this when I was little. It's a little weird, I have to say I was bored while watching it but not as much as Lolita. Not because the idea was overdone, both movies were quite original. Welcome to the Doll house gave this feeling that I had in Junior High, which was fascinating. I liked it a little bit. I enjoyed the few references it had, such as the girl named Lolita. I'm planning on watching the last two movies of Todd Solondz. Happiness and Storytelling.

The Wrestler (2008) - Why are you so sad? Couldn't he become a meat salesman?

Young Frankenstein - This movie was great... until they created 'the creature.' I've read Frankenstein and though this
movie has so many mistakes within it about the original book (it's based off of the movies of course) it was awesome until 'it' came to life. 'It' wasn't a good character, no personality, not funny, didn't add anything to the movie. Now Frankenstein's assistant Igor was awesome, and Frankenstein himself was great (Gene Wilder who also played Willy Wonka and surprisingly is still alive.)

Youth Without Youth - I didn't like it that much, it was way too weird (but seemingly normal) for my tastes. It started off very very very normal for the first 40 minutes and led into weird as hell. I don't remember it much.


Holy fuck reaper, you watch a lot of movies. oh and you said kung fu panda twice and said you haven't seem Rambo 3 and then proceed to review it

The artist formally known

May 18, 2009, 02:27:04 AM #531 Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 04:18:50 AM by reefer
Quote from: Hïro on May 17, 2009, 11:20:38 PM
Holy fuck reaper, you watch a lot of movies. oh and you said kung fu panda twice and said you haven't seem Rambo 3 and then proceed to review it
I fixed those, yeah it seems like a lot of movies but even now after my movie spree I still don't feel like I've seem too many. I have laundry lists of movies still.

The Cell - The absolute best part of the whole movie is when Jennifer Lopez first enters his dream and the horse gets all split up. I saw it coming... except the part were the pieces pull apart. I've never seen anything more beautiful ever. I always wanted to see this movie but the star was Jennifer Lopez which made me think twice. Her role isn't too hard, when she acts it's still pretty decent, she just has to look pretty for the camera. The story was decently good. I love the chamber that the lady gets locked inside of, genius. Maybe I'm generous but this is a top 50 movie.

Some movies that slipped through

Taxi Driver - It slipped in and out of boring and good. I liked the ending, how it lead into a little action. Taxi Driver is just a slow character developing movie that is pretty good, seem to have a huge cult following.


My Neighbor Totoro baddood;

Hey reaper

it has the imdb top lists and you can mark off what you saw and shit and be ranked.

The artist formally known

Quote from: Crazy Fucking Raccoon on May 18, 2009, 10:42:22 AM
My Neighbor Totoro baddood;

Hey reaper

it has the imdb top lists and you can mark off what you saw and shit and be ranked.
It's an okay website, searching for movies isn't even an option and it doesn't even have like 10% of the movies ever made, just the most popular ones.

I watched a little of Baby's Day Out and a little of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


Quote from: reefer on May 18, 2009, 06:09:36 PM
It's an okay website, searching for movies isn't even an option and it doesn't even have like 10% of the movies ever made, just the most popular ones.

I watched a little of Baby's Day Out and a little of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
I just said it was the IMDB top lists. akudood;



The artist formally known

The Hand That Fisted Everyone

watched monty python and the holy grail for the first time the other day

the rabbit bit was the best part. The movie was great.

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