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itt classes

Started by Kalahari Inkantation, October 14, 2008, 06:15:43 PM

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do you like your schedule this year

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Kalahari Inkantation

First period I have either Chemistry or Phys. Ed. Depends on whether or not it's an Alpha/Beta Day.
Second period, no matter what, I have Chemistry.
Third is Career and Financial Management. the girl sitting across from me is adorable and i love her help me get a date guys
Fourth is History. I think it's an interesting class. baddood;
Fifth is Psychology. It's like a free period because all we do is discuss silly things. cjlubdoods;
Sixth in English. Pretty decent class. befuddlement
seventh is maths I LOVE MATHS
Eights is lunch. I think that's too late for a lunch period, though, I'm always about to die of starvation by then. :'(
And ninth is Health. I love that class because people ask so many strange questions. AWESOME

itt discuss your schedule and whether or not you like it so far


a day


b day

phys ed
world history

on every third b day i have biology lab instead of phys ed


i dropped half my classes.

Tuesdays and Thursdays
Calc II: 8:00-9:15
Data Structures and Algorithms 12:30-3:15

Calc II: 9:00-9:50


We stopped having A/B days after freshmen year, though we do have advisory Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but nothing changes except we loose a few minutes in each class to make room for it.

Business law, it's okay, really easy and we don't do much.  It'd be nice though if my teacher didn't insist on calling me Dave.
Maths, really easy though some of the kids in my class act just like that, little kids.
Chemistry, fun especially since I got the better teacher for it.
English 11, probably the only class that's really different each day, some days it's really fun and some days it's not... Usually it depends on how my teacher is acting.
French, easy and nothing has really changed since more or less have the same teacher and kids from the past two years in my class.
Computer applications, boring but then again it's easy.
Advanced US History, it's not too bad, I just wish my teacher's idea of teaching was just slapping a bunch of notes on the overhead and making us copy them down.


I'm pretty content with my schedule so far. My first semester schedule at least.

World History is first. It's a pretty laid back class. We don't do much besides take notes, work on a few projects, and watch some movies here and there. It's actually pretty interesting and I've got many friends in this class.

Integrated Math 3 is second. The teacher is hopped up on medications that I can't even imagine, but I'm still getting an A so it's all good.

U.S. Citizenship is third. The class started out pretty boring, but it's gradually getting better. There's too many people in the class and it pisses me off.

Welding is fourth. I love this class, and it's easy as hell. Welding is pretty damn fun, I'm especially fond of torch welding and cutting.

Communications 11 is fifth. That would be my English class. It's pretty straight forward and not too bad.

Earth and Space is sixth. I took this in place of chemistry, because the teacher here is absolutely ridiculous. But this class itself is a joke and I'm going to attempt chemistry as a senior.

Study Hall/ Independent English 9 is seventh. Most days I work on making up my credit for ninth grade english, other days it's a normal study hall with plenty of people to talk to.

oh and lunch is between fourth and fifth hour
lunch isn't a class what the hell people you sick fucks


October 14, 2008, 07:08:50 PM #5 Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 07:15:26 PM by Gin
    A day                                  B day                                   C day                                      D day  
study hall                         honors constitutional law           business admin                    mythbusters
mythbusters                     gym                                    honors constitutional law           business admin
business admin                 mythbusters                        study hall                     honors constitutional law
lunch                                 lunch                                     lunch                                      lunch
marketing                          myth and legend                    Advanced guitar                honors calculus
honors calculus                 marketing                            myth and legend                advanced guitar
advanced guitar               Honors calculus                      marketing                          myth and legend

8 day
business admin
honors constitutional law
honors calculus
advanced guitar
myth and legend


Pre Calc
Comp and Research
Study Hall
Senior Art

Pre Calc, Govt, and Chem suck. Everything else is fun.


1st period: english III
3rd period: advanced orchestra
2nd period: American history
4th period: AP computer science
5th period: algebra II/trig
6th period: Digital Media
yes... in my school, 3rd period comes before second... it's weird...
tuesdays and thursdays:
period 1, 3, 5
wednesdays and fridays:
period 2, 4, 6
lol highschool ;(




I like it pretty well.

1st block: Biology DC
2nd block: Calculus
3rd block: English
4th block: A&P

The only one I really dislike is Calc.

j o e i n c

naturale sciencies


First: Communications (graphic design)
Second: Math (College)
Then it's lunch
Third: Chemistry
Fourth: Spare

Pretty easy semester.


First Hour: Beginning Dance. I'm a pretty terrible dancer but I try really hard
Second Hour: APUSH. I'm just a pretty bad student in this class despite how much I love history. I've been trying harder and harder. I have a B though.
Third Hour: Accelerated German 5. I have an amazing teacher, he he can speak six languages and he's so funny and nice but has a twitch. He favors my friend, Zach, and I. I really enjoy learning and speaking German and after years (two, that is) of neglect we're finally learning how to speak in a grammatically proper way.
Fourth Hour: Accelerated English 5. I don't think I would want to go to school if I didn't have this class. I love love love my teacher, she is so amazing. Everything about her... and the way she teaches. She is so great.
Sixth Hour: Math. I don't care so much.
Seventh Hour: Chemistry. I don't really care either, the teacher really loves me. "Carly, sometimes you make my heart happy"
the book of right on

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