Hypothetically, what if you found out your friend was gay?

Started by SBKT, May 18, 2007, 01:17:28 PM

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Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 08:28:24 PM
There is a ot of confusion about what the bible says about homosexuality.
1. It says that practisig homosexuality is a sin
2. it says lustin after your same sex is a sin
3. it says repentence over this will save you from hell.

I personally have nothing against gays if they d it in private. I care but that is because i dont want them to go to hell


yu go to hell for any sin if you don't repent. If they repent and try to change they wont go to hell. They dont go to hell for thier love they go for practising it


Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 08:36:18 PM
yu go to hell for any sin if you don't repent. If they repent and try to change they wont go to hell. They dont go to hell for thier love they go for practising it
yeah because loving thy neighbor is for faggots right


love as in brotherly love. I am simply saying that I believe it is a sin and that unless you repent you go to hel. The same as with any other sin



Because god made sex to be a ultimate sign of love between a husband and wife. When homosexuals do it they are perverting what god meant to be good.


Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 08:55:28 PM
Because god made sex to be a ultimate sign of love between a husband and wife. When homosexuals do it they are perverting what god meant to be good.
But what if those two men or two women truly love each other?

Also, if you wanted to make a good argument, you would've said this god fellow made sex as a way of reproducing, and nothing more.

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig


Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 08:55:28 PM
Because god made sex to be a ultimate sign of love between a husband and wife. When homosexuals do it they are perverting what god meant to be good.
What about Adam and Eve's children?  That was between a brother and a sister since Adam and Eve were the first two people, so their kids had to fuck.


If he wanted to make it only for reproduction he wouldn't have made it plesurable.
love has nothing to do with it


Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 09:00:11 PM
If he wanted to make it only for reproduction he wouldn't have made it plesurable.
love has nothing to do with it
I think anal sex might be pleasurable for homoseuxals.

It stimulates the prostate in a male, which they might find enjoyable. OMG OMG GOD MADE MEN FOR BUTTSEXING!!111.

Also, pleasure during sex is an evolutionary advantage.   


I dont believe in evolution but thats just me.

I never said that it was wrong to marry your sis or cousin. it happened in the bible allthe time


Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 09:00:11 PM
love has nothing to do with it
So then "god" didn't make it as the ultimate sign of love between a man and woman. spam;
Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 09:04:26 PM
I dont believe in evolution but thats just me.

I never said that it was wrong to marry your sis or cousin. it happened in the bible allthe time
ever get a flu shot

ever catch a cold

So then I may have sex with my cousins, and god will approve.

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig


Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 09:04:26 PM
I dont believe in evolution but thats just me.

I never said that it was wrong to marry your sis or cousin. it happened in the bible allthe time
So God would rather have incest which will result in genetic defects (o wait lol dna doesnt exist the devil made it) than two men who love each other?


What? i cant understand you when you type.

I don' know if he would approve

When i said love has nothing to do with it i was refering that even if gays are in love it doent make it lessof a sin

i couldn't understand the rest of your post


Quote from: Gman61 on November 12, 2007, 09:11:30 PM
What? i cant understand you when you type.

If you got past elementary school, you should comprehend this all fairly well.

Quote from: ncba93ivyase on June 18, 2014, 07:58:34 PMthis isa great post i will use it in my sig

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