Started by ncba93ivyase, May 21, 2013, 12:39:00 AM

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The Hand That Fisted Everyone

Quote from: Sir Popsicle the Sesquipedalian on May 23, 2013, 01:35:37 AM
I think about time a lot and it makes me uneasy

the concept of time really scares the bejeezus out of me, tbh
i know the idea of a french canadian into fat broads is an intense idea to wrap your head around do your best not to think about it



Quote from: N o t S i d on May 23, 2013, 01:33:55 AM
i havent had a set perception of life/reality in five years
nothing is true....everything is permitted....


between grade 6 and grade 11 i slowly shifted from very conservative evangelical christian to a pretty left leaning agnostic atheist. that was fun


this is pretty cliché but after reading brave new world i would say that my perception on our society changed pretty drastically 


When I first opened up the Metamorphosis, I had nothing in mind except quickly reading it before the test date came. I recall scanning the first line and proceeding to read the rest, while I had these small and immediate thoughts washing over me. Trivial stuff, like thinking of next period, the class I was in, noticing the cover, other students and so on... And although I had been reading continuously during these moments, all of a sudden I had to stop. I was confused, the story was not making sense. I could read the words plainly and understand what was being said, but it did not seem right, and it was very strange. I felt that I might have missed something significant as I was told the book was about a man, living with his family. Yet I was reading about a talking cockroach, unsure if it was supposed to be reality or a dream. I think I flipped ahead to see if I could pick up on what was going on but that was no help. I still could not sort out what I was reading. I went back and carefully read and re-read the first paragraph again. I began to grasp at what was causing my confusion. I concluded there was no mistake by the author, that the story had said indeed what I initially thought it had, and that it is was as real as any story can be real, regardless of the content. This was an awakening. I recognized that I was confused because I had not accepted the premise of what I read. I was not ready or prepared to encounter and understand such a way of thought and writing. I saw how simply and unaware I had approached the story, as if it was any story, and as if I would learn it without much effort. Very much like the countless other books I had been assigned and read in the past. I did not question that the nature of literature, as I knew it, could be anything but settled and established. We learn from example and so from that experience came that mindset, which believed that it must be unacceptable, and therefore not possible, to create and narrate a story in that fashion. Because I had never seen anything like it before, I did not know that it existed, or could existed, or even that it should exist. I would have never appreciated and attempted to express myself or write a story the way Kafka did. The reason is that although I was not conscious of how I communicated, I was really acting and seeing things with an established notion of what literature is and ought to be. I was certain then and I am even more certain now, that had I not run into that story when I did, the way I imagine and perceive life at present, would be very different. I remember this moment well and always will, because it is a tangible experience that I carry, and which showed me how much meaning and intent can be missed or misinterpreted  if one does not approach what they encounter with the proper mindset and a willingness to reason and also question what they know and what is held as absolute.
So here is to Gregor and his troubled dreams, and of course the Man behind it all.


Quote from: Fuck on May 22, 2013, 12:44:46 PM
"eval" breaks posts for some reason
it's PHP's configuration with cloudflare or something

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